Translations by Patrick McKnight

Translation Clarification


Translations by Patrick McKnight, USA in 2017

Excerpt from Bulletin No. 44 - Reader's Question: What precisely is the Overall-Consciousness-Block? *NEW*

FIGU-Sign of the Times Nr. 67 - Excerpt from 251st Official Contact Report regarding half-human-beings

FIGU-Sign of the Times Nr. 67 - Excerpt from 672nd Official Contact Report regarding HAARP

FIGU-Advisor Nr. 02 - What is Paleo?

FIGU-Sign of the Times Nr. 66 - Excerpt from 512th Official Contact Report concerning television, the computers and the internet

FIGU-Open Letter Nr. 14 - To the adolescents, young persons and adults of this Earth, who have not yet found the right and true purpose in life as well as have not yet found the effective values of life and have not experienced thoughts about the tragedy of your highest conflicting upbringing-education, the imparting of false values, irrational ideologies and questionable-cult-religious world views

FIGU-Open Words of the Truth and Time Nr. 04 - Antisemitism, stranger-enmity (xenophobia), hatred of strangers, hatred of Jews, Jew-enmity, racial hatred, racism, group-enmity, hatred of groups, neighbor-enmity, hatred of neighbors, hatred of family, society-enmity, hatred of society

Excerpt from 662nd Official Contact Report - Antagonists against FIGU, Billy and FIGU-Members

Excerpt from Leserfragen Beantwortung No. 02 - Reader's Question Merkel/Refugees/Immunity/1948 Prediction

Excerpt from Leserfragen Beantwortung No. 01 - Reader Question Concerning Weapons

Excerpt from 666th Official Contact Report - Calumny by Mahesh Karumudi


Translations by Patrick McKnight, USA from 2016

George Adamski, written by Hans-George Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

The untruths and dubious intentions of Kal K. Korff

Racism, written by Christina Gasser, Switzerland

Human-unworthiness and Hatred…, written by Philia Stauber, Switzerland

Peace, Freedom, Humaneness - Xenophobia and Racial Hatred, written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland and Billy Meier

Racism, Neo-Nazism, Extremism, Anti-Semitism, written by Christian Frehner, Switzerland

Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation

Equal Rights, Brochure 3, written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

Equal Rights, written by Elisabeth Moosbrugger, Switzerland

Feminist- / Emancipated- / Female Extremist-Societies …, written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland and Billy Meier

Human Rights are Human Duties, written by Elisabeth Moosbrugger, Switzerland

Humanity and Love for the Next One, written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland

Fight against Child Abuse, written by Elisabeth Moosbrugger, Switzerland

Preprogrammed Misery (Child Abuse during the Development), written by Philia Stauber, Switzerland

Baby Boom, written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland

Environment world pollution as a result of the Overpopulation, written by Madeleine Brügger, Switzerland

A further interesting information: Excerpt from the 250th Contact-discussion, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Important Appeal, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Required Measures of World-wide Form

Fight of the Overpopulation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier


Translations by Patrick McKnight, USA from 2015

Overpopulation and Climate Change, written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland

Shortage and Destruction of the life-source Water, written by Wolfgang Stauber, Switzerland

The Last Tree Will Fall, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Environmental Protection, written by Wolfgang Stauber, Switzerland

A Surreptitious Environmental Catastrophe - The Desert Will Win, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Environmental Protection is a Human Duty, written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland

Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching

What is the Creation?, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Christmas ..., written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland and Stephan A. Rickauer, Switzerland

Predictions of the prophet Jeremia (excerpts), written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

And there is Peace on Earth ..., written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

To the Human Beings of the Earth, written by Atlant Bieri, Switzerland

12 Consciousness-forming sentences from "Meditation from a Clear Visibility"

Prayer - Striving around the Consciousness

Excerpt from Bulletin No. 71 - Reader's Question: To Whom should I address my Prayers

Thoughts of Worries in the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Punishment Must Be ...., written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

The Irrational Earth-human beings' Way, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

What is it actually about, Ralphie?, written by Michael Horn, USA

Michael Horn on Overpopulation, written by Michael Horn, USA

Comments from Michael Horn, written by Michael Horn, USA

The things which one cannot prove - not yet!, written by Michael Horn, USA

Origin of the Case, written by Michael Horn, USA

Easiness of Falsifying, written by Michael Horn, USA

Correction regarding Billy Meier Photo

Our Critics

The Roswell-Film, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Residential Buildings


Contact Statistics

Who is Semjase?

Form of Government

Domestic Animals


Portraits of the Contact-persons

The Plejaren


The Buzzing-sounds

Extraterrestrial Metal Samples

Jesus Christ, written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

Beamships (UFOs)

Video-sequences of Beamship-flight-demonstrations

Human being and being human in the real and true sense, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Human Being of the Earth, Listen ..., written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Sapere Aude - Dare to Exercise Rationality, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Desiderata, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Life in the Spiritual and Physical, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Clarification of 'Goblet of Truth' and its legal distribution, written by Stephan A. Rickauer, Switzerland

Goblet of the Truth

Interview: Spiritual Teaching

Interview: The Mission

Why are Contacts only with Billy?, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Contact Reports

Introduction to Contacts


Translations by Patrick McKnight, USA from 2014

To understand the FIGU Books ...

Translations - Appeal to all Responsibility Conscious Ones

Werner Grundmann


Translations by Patrick McKnight, USA from 2013

Dissemination of the Truth - Lectures ...

What is Religion, What is Relegeon?

FIGU Society

Clarification of the prophets Henok and Henoch (Enoch), written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

Michael Horn

Jim Dilettoso

The Position of 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier in FIGU ... - Article 1, written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

Billy Meier himself about his Mission, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Billy Meier - Neither Guru nor Great Master!, written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

Our (FIGU's) Fulfillment

Talkativeness and Proselytizing

The Position of the Core Group Members in the FIGU - Article 3, written by Natan Brand, Switzerland

The Position of the Core Group Members in FIGU - Article 2, written by Patric Chenaux, Switzerland

The Position of the Core Group Members in the FIGU - Article 1, written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

About the Status of the Woman in the FIGU - Article 5, written by Bernadette Brand, Switzerland

The Position of the Woman in FIGU - Article 4, written by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland, Karin Wallen, Switzerland, Andrea Grässl, Switzerland and Günter Neugebauer, Switzerland

The Position of the Woman in FIGU - Article 3, written by Christina Gasser, Switzerland

The Position of the Woman in the FIGU - Article 2, written by Brigitt Keller, Switzerland

The Position of the Women in the FIGU - Article 1, written by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

About the Position of Billy in the FIGU ... - Article 3, written by Bernadette Brand, Switzerland

Position of Billy in the FIGU ... - Article 2, written by Brigitt Keller, Switzerland

Typing with 'Speed of Light'

Spheres - Dedicated to BEAM

Origin of the name 'Billy'

A Word on Billy and his Work, written by Eva Bieri, Switzerland

Brief Biography

Circulars (Letters) to Governments

Efforts for the Preservation of the Planet ..., written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

No Veneration of Gods and Idols (tin-gods)

Our Manifesto


Translations by Patrick McKnight, USA from 2011

Seven Principles of FIGU Groups


Compilations by Patrick McKnight, USA

Consciousness Spheres

Creational Timeline

Jschwisch-Jschrisch, Srut and Ban-Srut levels of human development

Nokodemion Lineage - Genealogy


To find more translations by Patrick McKnight, USA visit United States Online Interest Group for the FIGU-Mission.


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