All persons aged from 18 years and over (or from 16 years with written permission from a parent or guardian) can apply by request for a membership of FIGU Switzerland, independent of race, religion or culture.
We offer the following memberships:
Passive Membership
As a passive member you support the society at your own discretion actively. You have to take part in association activities and helping shape the commercial activities through the yearly passive group General Assembly.
A passive-membership is associated with the following commitments:
• A one-time registration and identity card fee of CHF 30.-
• Current annual subscription of CHF 30.-
• Subscription to our association brochure
• The sporadic releasing of FIGU-Bulletins and other information brochures are complimentary
• In addition to the annual subscription, according to a resolution of the passive group General Assembly on 9th May 1992, the financial commitment of 7% of one month’s salary per year is in place. (7% of one single month and not 7% of the yearly salary)
• Each passive member is committed to contribute three (3) days per year at the center. For work days not fulfilled an amount of CHF 70.- per work day is to be paid.
• The passive group General Assembly which takes place once a year.
Application form for FIGU Passive Membership available here.
Current FIGU price list (in German) provides information on the valid prices respectively.
There exist three further FIGU Memberships:
1. Spiritual Teaching Study - Passive Membership
The teaching of the spirit for practical study, in order to work for self-recognition, evolution, knowledge and information on a well-directed path. (Please request application forms for the study course in writing c/o FIGU. Lessons are released 3 times per year). Details about this are printed in the current price list.
The spiritual teaching study lessons are available in German only, so suitable ability to read and understand German is required.
2. Benefactor/Sponsor Membership
As a benefactor-member you support our society financially without further commitments and tasks. This membership exists principally only for individual persons. The minimum annual contribution amounts to CHF 250.-. (Benefactor/Sponsor Membership application here.)
3. Core Group Membership
The core group of 49 heads and leads all society commercial activities as a collective group. It determines the statutes and rules and lends advisory support for all questions and information as the highest decision-making body of FIGU. The core group-membership, as a rule, is conditional to a preliminary passive membership of several years. A membership requires commitment at all times and is combined with two-time monthly meetings, membership fees, statuary as well as voluntary collaboration and with necessary rules. A membership is possible upon special request.
Source here.
Original article on They Fly