FIGU Dictionary

For those who are interested in translating articles by Billy please use the FIGU dictionary to find the - more or less - appropriate words.

There are thousands of words entered in each language (German and English), with part of a sentence to show how the word is used.

A file based on the German and English dictionary entries is also available for download, to be used offline and imported into Excel:

figuDictionary.xls (Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls) - last updated on: March 15, 2016)

figuDictionary.csv (Excel Comma Separated Values (*.csv) - last updated on: March 15, 2016)

The FLCA has also developed a translation tool that integrates FIGU Dictionary terms into a Word document of your choice, it is available here (first tab).


This was first published here.


Original article on They Fly


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