U.S. representative for only authenticated, still ongoing UFO contact case questions government-media agenda behind latest press conference; considers Air Force testimony, Roswell, etc. to be “UFOs 101”
Playa Del Rey, CA (Vocus) October 4, 2010
While the recent National Press Club UFO conference by ex-Air Force personnel, which was also covered on CNN, was hailed as a breakthrough by most UFO enthusiasts, one researcher takes a more cautious position on the significance of the event.
“There’s no question that the military witnesses are very sincere,” says Michael Horn. “But while they may be 100% truthful, it’s exactly like the very overworked Roswell story where there is no hard evidence to put on the table, only anecdotal stories. Secondly, they honestly can’t be certain as to just what these objects are, or from where they are coming,” said Horn. “Certainly everything unknown is not extraterrestrial; some of them have very natural explanations.”
“As someone who’s had six separate UFO sightings myself, I’d be held to the same scientific standard, of course. And since the Billy Meier case is the only scientifically proven, still ongoing extraterrestrial UFO contact case – and information about it is actively suppressed in the mainstream media – I have to wonder why the sudden media love affair with these sightings. One possibility is that the powers that be encourage ‘safe’ UFO stories, i.e. ones that have no real, tangible proof. The other possibility is that there’s a false flag event, like a fake ET landing or even attack, in the works. What better way to try to terrify and control the masses – and bolster the weapons industry, which already utilizes fake ‘alien abductions’ and ‘animal mutilations’ to push for more weapons?”
Horn says that his communications with two of the UFO news conference participants was less than satisfactory. “I was surprised that neither of the people I contacted knew anything about the Meier case. But even more surprising was their refusal to be educated about, or comment on, it. It seemed to me that they had some kind of fear, which seemed strange considering that one man is an author promoting a book on…UFOs. ”
“So, as interesting as some of the current news items about UFOs may seem, they really all amount to what you could call ‘UFOs 101’. And maybe people that have made a career speaking about this introductory level feel threatened by the only case with real substance. If people want something of unparalleled credibility and importance to their own lives, then they will look into the Meier case. You could consider it the ‘Graduate Level Course’ for the entire UFO matter.”
Michael Horn presents new information on the Billy Meier UFO Contacts at the Conscious Life Expo on October 15.
This article was first published here.
Original article on They Fly