AIDS: Its Origin and the Guilt of Those Who Act Against Nature, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
An Important Word, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
An Important Word Concerning the Occult Forces and Meditation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (FIGU Shop)
And There Shall Be PEACE on Earth, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Anger and Rage, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Arahat Athersata, transcribed by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Attacking questions from Japan, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (FIGU Shop)
Basic Rules of Man, written by Eduard Albert Meier (at 14 years old)
Being Able to Let Go, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Being Oneself, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
By What a Human Being is Recognisable as a Psychopath, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Circumcision and Genital Mutilation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Concentration - Meditation - Sleep, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Connection of Man and Woman, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Consciously Develop and Use Love, Knowledge, Wisdom and Feeling for Others, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Creation, what it is, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
A Crusade Against Overpopulation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (FIGU Shop)
The Deadly Might of Thoughts and Feelings, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Desiderata (Desirable and Vital Items), written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Destruction of the Environment as the Consequence of Overpopulation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Differences Between Man and Woman, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Each Human Being is a Human Being – and Each One Has Expectations, Hopes and Wishes, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Effecting Good, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Every Life is Precious, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Everyday Meditation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Faith (Belief) and God, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Source here.)
Fortune-Telling, Star-Reading, 'Clairvoyance' and Self-Fulfillment, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
The Good and the Evil, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Giving Meaning to Life, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Happiness, Gewalt and other Behavioural-Patterns of the Human Beings, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Homosexuality - What is its Cause? written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (FIGU Shop)
The Human Being and Destiny, Yesterday and Today, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Human Being of the Earth, Listen, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Human Being of the Earth, it is High Time for You to Change for the Better and for the Good, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Human Beings Without Work or Other Valuable Activity Go to Seed, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Human Being, You are a Creational Wesen written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Source here.)
The Human Must Learn to Live Life All Over Again, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
If the Human Being is Unhappy and Unsatisfied, then he/she has Learnt that which was Hammered into him/her, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier *NEW*
Impatience and Uncontentment Lead to Hate and Anger, and an Enemy is a Very Good Tool for Learning, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Inner Values, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Irreconcilability and Reconciliation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Laws and Recommendations of the Behaviour - Dependency and Neediness, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Laws and Recommendations of the Behaviour - Value of Exchanging Opinions in Relationships, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Life and Death are Inherent to Each Other, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Life in the Spiritual and Physical, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Meditation, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Meditation and Meditating, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Meditation and Work (Spiritual Teaching Lesson), written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
The Might of the Right Words and the Right Behaviour, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Morality and Virtues, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Our Manifesto, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Overpopulation Bomb, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
A Prediction, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Physical Cleanliness, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Progress, written by Eduard Albert Meier (at 11 years old)
Prophecies and Predictions 1951 and 1958, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Punishment Must Be, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
RATIO (Spiritual Teaching Lesson 18), written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
The Reality and its Truth, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Sects: Main Religions and Mother Sects and their "Advisors on Sects", written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
All Seven Forms of Prayer by Nokodemion, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Listen to the Seventh spirit-teaching-prayer by Nokodemion here.)
The Seven Main Factors in the Human Life (Spiritual Teaching Lesson 31), written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Spirit, Instinct, Life, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Stop the Insanity of the Torture and Death Penalty!, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
A Surreptitious Environmental Catastrophe, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Take the Time, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
The Teaching 'Goblet of the Truth' and Spiritual Teaching in General, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Thoughts about Worries of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
To all the Governments and Other Responsible Persons of the World, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
To Be of Equal Value, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
The Universal Material Belt, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Victors and Losers, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Volcano, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Warning to All the Governments of Europe!, written by Eduard Albert Meier (at 21 years old) (Also here.)
Wealth of the Non-Gewalt and Profound Spiritual Teaching Interpretations, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Weighty Words About Death, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
What Creates Satisfaction?, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
What All Human Beings of Earth Should Know!, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
What is Announced Comprehensively for the Third Millennium Prophetically and Predictively, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
What is the Creation?, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
What the Human Being Seeks, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (Also here.)
Where Are You Going Humanity?, written by Eduard Albert Meier (at 27 years old)
A Word to Man and Woman, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
A Word to Mankind, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
A Word to Third World War, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
The wrong way, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
The Year 2000 and Beyond, written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
List of all articles written by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier here.
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Original article on They Fly