Sit and Get Fit

Sit and Get Fit
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$ 15.00

The Sit & Get Fit “Regenerative Movement” program for the upper body is now available on DVD. Regenerative movements are movements that are primarily circular in nature, resulting in increased circulation, joint mobility, flexibility and resilience without any difficult or dangerous linear stretches.

This is the same, doctor recommended program that I’ve taught for over 16 years to participants of all ages, including many who were well into their 80s, 90s…and even over 100! The gentle movements in Sit & Get Fit are also especially helpful for people who sit a lot, who may be recovering from accident, illness or injury, and for people who spend long hours at the computer.

Derived from the best of Eastern and Western techniques that I’ve studied and practiced for over 40 years, Sit & Get Fit also promotes natural deep breathing that completely avoids problems of hyperventilation, overexertion, dizziness, etc. This is accomplished through a very relaxed means of increasing the exhalation, instead of the inhalation. Breath capacity and oxygenation is increased – effortlessly – effectively reducing stress and unnecessary tension.

Quiet pauses in between each set of the Sit & Get Fit movements produce a pleasant, somewhat meditative experience, so the effects and benefits of each movement can be felt and appreciated.