Excerpt from the 378th Contact Report of June 14, 2009


Ptaah: This English translation of the new version of the Copyright is not of great importance, consequently you should make the part already translated available to the human beings of Earth via the internet as quickly as possible. Only that is important, not however the Copyright. It is important that the new book is spread. Concerning the translation, the difficulties are well known to me, so therefore also the completely wrong interpretation of the German term Gštze* Ð pl. Gštzen Ð that is erroneously interpreted as idol which is fundamentally wrong, as our language scientists have explained to me. An idol can never be compared with a Gštze in the same way as a Gštze cannot be compared with an idol. Their explanation is that an idol (note Billy: idol = Greek eid›lon. Latin idolum = the image, the figure) embodies a shadow-image of that which is beyond or separated from the normal, especially in regards to thought-feeling-related inclinations. These inclinations are such that a delusion arises through an abnormal disturbance of the intellect- and rationality-function, by which the person's own estimation is disregarded and is only directed at the delusional construction. This is then the idol, that, like a ghost, is viewed as a special appearance and vehemently swarmed around, raved about and is admired as a very exceptional and special figure, which can always only be a human being. The reasons for the idolisation of a human being can be quite manifold, so, for example, it can be based on his/her appearance, his/her way of speaking, pitch of his/her voice, his/her singing, his/her world of thoughts and feelings, his/her deeds, his/her actions, his/her activities, his/her conduct and behaviour, his/her knowledge and achievements etc.

Standing in contrast to this is the Gštze, which represents the reproduction of a godness or rather a counter-god against a religiously recognised god and god-creator. A Gštze is thereby in each and every case an artificially produced object or a statue etc., which is thought of in a believing-delusional-related way as a creating power and is supposed to have influence on the destiny and on the prosperity and depravity of the human being. A Gštze is in each and every case a term modified from the religious word god and is a god-reproduction that is contrary to a religious godness and as a result is a Gštze. A Gštze is in each and every case viewed as a higher creature in some form or other and indeed in form of a venerated object, a picture or a statue etc. In the original sense of the monotheistic religions, the term Gštze means Òfalse godÓ. Seen in the true sense of this explanation of the term and facts, all the Òholy picturesÓ, cult utensils, statues and objects of rites etc. that are found within all the monotheistic religions as well as within all non- or polytheistic religions are also Gštzen, with and through which Gštzen services are performed.


Billy: A very good explanation Ð I could have also come up with that. Included in this is also Christianity with all of its sects, whereby especially Catholicism stands in the forefront in this regard, which of course, in a crazy and absurd way, also glorifies the pope as a representative of a god-father or rather god-creator. I have written something similar in the God Delusion book. However, even this explanation will not be accepted by the terrestrial language scientists, so they will not attend to and correct their incorrect definitions of the words, consequently there will continue to be misunderstandings regarding the word- and term-values.


*In the book 'Goblet of Truth' the term Gštze is translated as tin god.