This link appears to confirm information regarding Ralph Amigron, aka Ralph Amagran, aka "Alex Collier" and his having served time in federal prison. There is even more to the story, and charges against him of drugging and rape are still under investigation.

The "UFO researchers" who have stood behind and promoted this fraud, con man and criminal, namely Michael Salla and Paola Harris, apparently didn't do their homework. Instead they blindly - and ambitiously - promoted him and his outrageous, unsubstantiated, completely idiotic claims of being a "genuine, lifelong Andromedan contactee". Such is the pathetic level of investigative skills - and integrity - in "exopolitics".

More than 10 years ago I pointed out that this man was an impostor but I was attacked and vilified by Salla and Harris, who thought it wasn't "nice" to "confront other UFO researchers". It's long past the time that serious, concerned people distance themselves from the incompetent, publicity seeking wannabes in the "UFO community" - and "exopolitics" in particular.

You can see Salla give this con man and criminal his own shameless personal endorsement, "I can assure you it's very, very real..." here. And when "Alex Collier" tells the audience, "What I don't want to do today is go into a lot of background...," now you will know why.





Be sure to read the revelations about the fraudulent, disinformation campaign known as "Exopolitics"!



UPDATE: JULY 17, 2009

I understand that people are upset by my often harsh tone regarding the "Alex Collier" hoax. When I first when public with my knowledge about this, in an article published in UFO magazine in 1999, it was in a bit of a more humorous tone, as I figured that once Ralph knew that the word was out he'd have the good sense to stop it.

He didn't. And, starting four years ago, I was being called a liar by the people promoting him. But really, why is any of this important? Well, in some sense, it may not be at all. After all, what we have here is someone making wild and delusional claims - without a shred of ANY evidence to support them. In any legitimate field of study such things would be revealed as nonsense and fraud and would probably be very quickly forgotten.

But the so-called UFO and New Age communities are populated in large numbers by people with very little discernment, logical thinking abilities, experience in research, or even healthy...skepticism. Nor do they like having this pointed out to them.

Having had to take responsibility to evolve the aforementioned skills myself over the past several decades, and having spent a lot of time checking out all sorts of channeled material, claims of "contact", predictions and prophecies, etc., I have a perspective that is not simply a matter of feel-good, wishful thinking.

Naturally in my 30 years of work on the Meier case, which has included meeting with him 11 times in the past 10 years (as well as with his friends, family and fellow FIGU members) and with the original investigators, various experts, scientists, etc., I've put some serious time and critical thinking into the matter. I've also done the work of searching the prophetic information in the English translations of Meier's material to check it for accuracy, as well as to consider the reasons for, and it's value and importance to, us. I took on virtually every top professional skeptic, challenged and defeated them, as can be learned about at my site. And this is really just a brief and partial overview.

Then a long comes a man that I personally know to be a fraud and impostor, without any of his own evidence, who altered Meier's material, added his own hallucinatory nonsense and...we have a bunch of nice, well-intentioned but completely gullible people swallowing the foolishness, hook, line and sinker, and spouting off about "unconditional love" without even a nod to discernment.

Fortunately, another person that I didn't know had independently posted this blog, exactly confirming my own knowledge and experience of Amagran.

Again, one may ask, so what does it matter? Let's say, just for the sake of introducing something that one doesn't need to accept or believe but can take the time to think through if they wish, that in addition to being a verifiably authentic contactee, Meier really is the prophet for this time. And let's also say that by using that term we are not connecting it/him to any specialness, celebrity, guru, master, religious status, etc., whatsoever.

Should it be true, and not simply a matter of opinion, that Meier indeed has this role, and should it be true that there's a weighty reason for the actual contacts connected to them, and should it be true that it does concern our future survival, true and eternally valid spiritual teaching, etc., wouldn't we want to know and wouldn't we want to not - again - have the truth delayed, altered, corrupted, etc., by selfish, power hungry individuals who had no regard for it whatsoever?

I much prefer reasonable discourse to red hot battles. But, unfortunately, in the real world, there often are unrepentant, belligerent, conniving people who will seemingly stop at nothing to corrupt the truth for their own selfish purposes - and mislead many people in the process.

Of course people are free to believe anything they want. But if the truth matters to you, then you will find that things are often quite different, and less pleasant, than you would like. So you will have the choice of either backing away to seemingly more comfortable, less confrontational matters, or finding out where it leads and becoming the hero - in your own life.





Michael Horn


I recently asked Michael Salla and Paola Harris to provide me with credible, substantiated evidence for their claims that "Alex Collier" (Ralph Amagran) is a "genuine lifelong Andromedan contactee". In response to their threats to sue me, I told them that I would immediately apologize for my expressing my opinion that they, along with "Collier", were perpetrating and perpetuating a hoax, upon receipt of said evidence from them. I should add that I have been requesting this evidence for the past four years.


I just received a response, though not from Salla or Harris but from "Collier". That response makes it crystal clear that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever, existing anywhere, to support any of their claims. None. Not one photo or film. Not a single, solitary witness. Not a piece of credible information. Not anything... just a self-serving, embarrassing cop-out from the perpetrator of this nearly 20-year fraud, Ralph Amagran, aka "Alex Collier".


While I have included below the letter that "Collier" published, interspersed with specific comments by me, I will state some of the more obvious revelations here, in briefer form.


"Collier", who is forced to admit that he changed his name from Ralph Amagran, attributes this to fear that coming forward as a "genuine lifelong Andromedan contactee" under his real name would have endangered his family, presumably by government and religious agents. We immediately understand the illogical, preposterousness of such a statement - certainly no "operatives" worth their salt would be fooled by someone changing their name! I'm an ordinary person and I wasn't fooled by it.


He then goes on, unrepentantly, to steal a page, so to speak, from Billy Meier's true life experiences as he still tries to legitimize his claimed "contacts" - naturally without a speck of evidence to substantiate them. He alludes to "information" that he disseminated that his imaginary Andromedan ETs ("A's", as he puts it) "asked" him to. Never mind the beyond idiotic notion that an advanced race of space travelers, from millions of light years away, contacted a former IRS agent, the delusional gibberish that constitutes "Collier's"best evidence as was provided to me by Michael Salla, should be enough for any intelligent person, even one who entertained the possibility of truthfulness here, to immediately see through this shameful hoax.


He then goes on to actually complain about having been challenged to substantiate his evidence and about the stress this has brought his family. Such grandiose nonsense is typical of people who are narcissists, sociopaths and con artists, and who always blame someone else for their troubles - as well as the pain that they themselves cause their own family  members, friends, etc. 


But while "Collier" reveals himself as a shallow, opportunistic huckster, he effectively reveals Michael Salla and Paola Harris as very willing accomplices in this fraud - since the evidence that they themselves claimed to have been aware of for years, simply doesn't I have long suggested.


The only reason that any of them should ever be invited to set foot on any stage, anywhere, should be solely to account for this stupid hoax, and their belligerent, unwavering support and promotion of it. If Michael Salla has any sense, and we've never seen any evidence of that, he would take down his nonsense filled website(s) and also beg forgiveness from all of the people that ever got involved in this "Alex Collier" farce, upon which he has effectively based his own, now totally demolished, credibility and reputation.


While doubtless there exist dopey New Agers, conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts who may prefer to see something else other than "Collier's" own, self-pitying admission, it bears repeating: This has been a cynical, opportunistic hoax, which is now over. And, as I suggest in my expanded response below, the next heap to be cleaned up is what remains of "exopolitics", its equally delusional, unsubstantiated claims...and those who perpetrate them.




Footnotes about a Fraud


Read on, dear readers, and let this be a huge lesson to all about discernment, standards of evidence and proof, integrity and truthfulness, among other things.


An Open Letter from Alex Collier (as was posted on July 12, 2009, at changes may have been made to his original text since then) .


As many of you are aware, I am being bitterly attacked from the Billy Meier /FIGU Cult camp. 


MH: Not at all, especially since there's no "Billy Meier/FIGU Cult camp". But he is  being challenged, by me, to prove his claims of the last nearly 20 years, which certainly shouldn't be too much to ask, especially since, if they are true, they would constitute the most important story in human history, right?


AC: I am being addressed as a liar and a fraud. Apparently because I changed my name. And because at certain times in my life during ongoing contacts I wasn't sharing this reality with people who were acquaintances. I want he to know that I have addressed this issue publicly in earlier lectures years ago. But maybe its necessary to deal with it for the last time.


MH: No, he's being addressed as a liar and a fraud because of the absolutely delusional, inaccurate, unsubstantiated information that he claims was given to him by extraterrestrials. And because people (like Steve, Rose, Ron, Dore and me) who knew him then also know that he used, and altered, the Meier information in order to make himself appear to be someone that he's not. Changing his name was part of that fraud. And he's still trying to get away with it. Case in point: "at certain times in my life during ongoing contacts". Exactly where is the evidence for those "contacts"? Did he share it with Michael Salla and Paola Harris (whose sad situation will be addressed later in this response)?


AC: In the early 90's when I came forward, the talks were very small. More like living room talks . Just a hand full of people. I stopped speaking in 2002. After being addressed in front of my mailbox by 3 well dressed men that were part of a "Program". I was told to "Shut the fuck up". I was then told that friends were going to be hurt if I did not shut up. The names were given to me. They were not kidding and it wasn't a joke. They were going to kill friends and family members.


MH: Anecdotal at best. And should anyone indeed have threatened him it in no way makes his obviously fake story more credible. Frankly, many people tried to tell him to "Shut the fuck up" simply because he's a liar and, as we shall see, it's obvious that people, like his own family, were hurt because he continued with his hoax.


AC: Fast forward the internet. I had no idea that the information would go where it has. I had none at all. 


MH: "No idea", really? Some not so very smart ETs he's got there. Of course Meier had already written about the internet and where it "would go"...back in 1958 (see: Nos. 93 and 127). But he was already so deep into his hoax that he didn't see that information of Meier's and try to make it his own.


AC: In 1990 when Morenay had asked me to speak and share "some of my experiences" I reluctantly said yes. I spoke to my Dad regarding this. My dad had an experience of my contacts when we lived in up state NY. We spoke of it that morning and as my Dad was a strong catholic, his questions were very direct. I felt that if I     was going to speak he needed to know. Dad was afraid of what would not only happen to me but our family. My brothers and sisters, and himself by government and religious harassment etc..... We spoke about using another name to share the info in someway.


MH: So we are to believe that some nefarious "government" agents, who would presumably threaten Ralph Amagran and his family, wouldn't have the faintest idea that "Alex Collier" was actually the same guy? Really? Wow, if they're that stupid, what would he have been afraid of? The problem is that liars tend to get their stories mixed up, since they aren't recalling memories of actual events but are trying to remember the lies they made up in the first place, like Ralph does above. So logic and reason, as well as any evidence to back up their lies, are non-existent.


AC: In times in my life while contacts were occurring it has been very difficult and hard to share it. I had a head full of knowledge, and experiences but could not share it. I was told that at those times there was no one I could truly trust. When I did not listen to them, I would be proven to be wrong. Supposed friends betrayed and stole from me. Enough said about that.


MH: Enough said? Not at all. What still needs to be said is how closely that parallels what Meier wrote - and Ralph read - about some of Meier's own actual experiences. And just what did these "supposed friends" steal from Ralph, his hundreds of still irreproducible, clear, daytime UFO photos, films, video, etc. - like actually happened to...Meier?


AC: I have shared the information that I was asked to. I don't sell anything. I have no copyrights . I was told by the "A's " not to make a business of this in anyway. And so I haven't. 


MH: So some supposed extraterrestrials, from the Andromeda galaxy no less, came zillions of light years all the way to earth to tell him to "share" the absolutely delusional pile of crap that can be found here: And let's remember that this was also the best (and the only) evidence that Michael Salla could refer me to. Anybody still fooled by these hoaxers?


AC: As for wanting 15 minutes of fame, well as I have said many times before, if I had really known it would come to this, I never would have opened my mouth. I am sick of being attacked and even though I have tried very hard to keep a low profile and protect my family from hurt and prejudice, by those who don't give a damn about my family so they can keep there name in lights and beat there chest, by declaring they have the secret and they are the one......


MH: So he's saying that if he knew that people would actually put him in the horrendously unfair and intolerable position of having to substantiate his garbage claims - he'd never have perpetrated this hoax? Hasn't it occurred to him that he's the one who didn't "give a damn about" his own family, that he's bringing shame and hurt to them, because of his lies? A classic case of a delusional narcissist masquerading under an alias to conceal his true identity, and then playing the martyr card yet...delightful. And, while Meier has dodged assassins 21 times, we've never heard one word of complaint or self-pity from him, like this arrogant phony who finds legitimate, critical words too much to bear.


AC: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have given what I can. Its out there and ThatÕs what I agreed to do. You can choose to read it, listen to it, research it or not. The information is the "A's" perspective. ThatÕs it. 


MH: Yes, he's "out there" alright. And can he substantiate that claim of his, about, "The information is the 'A's' perspective."? "A's", what "A's"? Any evidence  for these imaginary "A's" of his, did we miss it somewhere, sometime...over the past 20 years? Any witnesses who've ever come forward, such as Meier has ( Maybe the good "Ladies and Gentlemen" here can now see that he's still trying to play them for fools and suckers.


AC: I would of course always encourage you to research the field. 


MH: I'll bet that I'm one guy that he wishes didn't "research the field", that he wishes he  never met, that he wishes he never gave the original 1,800 pages of Meier's Contact Notes to, the ones from which he stole information, from Meier's life story, to begin to create his hoax.


AC: There is a wealth of information out there by many great dedicated researchers and speakers. NO ONE HAS THE WHOLE STORY. ItÕs for you to discover who you are and your place in this drama of conscious evolution. Be your own savior. Take the pressure off of GOD and help yourself. The worst case is you will be an inspiration and leader to others to invest in themselves. To be themselves as they truly are. 


MH: Yes, "many great dedicated researchers and speakers", like Michael Salla and Paola Harris, perhaps? Did he ever give them "THE WHOLE STORY" ...because they sure need it now! Yes, of course, throw in the imaginary "God" thing too but that isn't going to help him or them either. 


AC: I feel its necessary to add this last clarification for he. I have no vested interest in this information. And as such I really could care less what anyone thinks. My intention was to share the info and give a different perspective. I have had a lot of growth to go through and am now the father of 5. I must put the welfare of my family first and not this horse shit with FIGU. I am done with this........I have moved on.........Think what you will, But please think for yourselves.........              




Alex Collier


MH: So, he has "no vested interest in this information" and he "really could care less what anyone thinks"? What a cowardly, shamelessly selfish,'s about the "vested interest" of Michael Salla and Paola Harris and what they  "think"? He's content to hang them out and let them twist slowly and nakedly in the wind - while he turns tail and runs. They're stuck now without a shred of evidence to substantiate their foolish, unwaveringly stubborn support for his stupid "Andromedan contactee" claims, and thoroughly humiliated for their own incompetence, gullibility

and over-ambition. But they are responsible for their own actions and have done themselves irreparable harm, including forever absolutely destroying their credibility as any kind of researchers.


The only "horse shit" here is contained, from head to toe, inside one Ralph Amagran, posing as "Alex Collier". Don't blame FIGU for your troubles, Ralphie, that's not being very self-responsible. 


He's right about one thing though, he's done alright, finished, over and - good riddance.


And the least he could have done was to sign his real name.


Michael Horn


Note to all concerned: So there you have it. Complete and utter nonsense, a stupid, delusional fraud perpetrated for almost 20 years by a shameless pathological liar...with the help of two willing accomplices in the persons of Michael Salla and Paola Harris, and one Rick Keefe who, despite my pointing this out to him some time ago, persists in peddling videos of this psychopath on the internet. And, while this should forever close the door on this dreadful, imbecilic distraction from the pursuit of the truth about UFOs and actual extraterrestrial contact...we're not quite finished yet.


There still remains the matter of the other completely unsubstantiated, nonsensical, hallucinatory claims by "exopolitics" and people like Alfred Webre, etc., such as "benevolent extraterrestrials walking among us", "Reptilians kidnapping and eating our children", "over 1 billion people have been abducted by negative aliens"...and all of the other gibberish about "alien agreements with our government", "ETs landing in 2012", etc. 


My suggestion to Mr. Webre, and all of the  other (remaining) proponents of this nonsense, is that they immediately put their proof - not anecdotal, channeled information or other hearsay - on the table. While it has taken the last four years to fumigate the infestation of lies, deceit, opportunism, etc. of the Collier/Salla/Harris hoax, I hope that we won't see the same kind of stubborn, intransigent attitudes from the rest of the "exopolitics" group - even though their reason for being is rapidly diminishing with each close examination of their also unsubstantiated claims. 


The truth is necessarily harsh, and all the more so in this matter as people in the largely unscientific, co-called "UFO community" have demonstrated themselves to be far too gullible, uncritical and naive when it comes to using discernment in matters like these. And pardon me if I'm not cutting any slack for people who have accused me of being the liar in this matter, who've threatened me with lawsuits because I've dared to fight to bring out the truth. They only have themselves to blame for the damaging fallout from this fraud, as I warned them - years ago - would surely be the case in the future if they didn't come clean then with the truth. 


Poor Michael Salla, who "found no evidence of fraud" in the "Alex Collier" that "Collier" has provided it to him himself. 


Well, the future has arrived and, for some, it's not looking all that rosy.