The below has been gratefully scanned from pages F-23 & F-24 of Richard P. Crandall's ASTONISHING new book:


 The Antigravity Papers

 Buy this book now before the government bans it! or also, and 

The Masons:

The following is a drawing that appears in most modern Masonic Temples.

This scene is found in most Masonic Lodges. It contains information, in encrypted form, regarding advanced Antigravity Physics.

From my new Unified Field Theory of physics, it is readily seen that certain numbers and ratios are extremely significant.
The numbers 7, 12, 24, 42, 1/3, 3, 4, and the ratio 10 are exactly the significant physical quantities that I've discovered during the lengthy mathematical development of my new theory of matter and antigravity.

The number 24 is the number of "vacuon" clusters in the proton. The number 7 is the number of vacuons in a cluster. Twelve is the number of clusters that behave as negative mass. The number 42 is the square root of the ratio of the proton's mass to the electron's mass (check for yourself!!). Three is the number of quarks in a proton. The charges of quarks in a proton are +/- integer multiples of 1/3. Four is the number of "subquarks" in a typical or generic quark. Also, the electron has 4 subquarks, as does the photon. Finally, 10 is the ratio of the masses of the two types of vacuons (there are only two types).

In the picture you can see the numbers 12, 7, 4 and 3. [there are 3 support columns in front and 4 in the back, totaling 7]. Also, 4 stars are grouped in the top center. Note the abundance of triangle shapes (some with a horizontal line drawn across them) also. The triangle shapes remind one of the inverted metallic triangle used in Bob Lazar's device.

The modern Masons are actually descendants of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar were supposedly organized in order to keep a "Great Secret" (antigravity?).

About the author, Richard P. Crandall, from his website:


I am a physicist who has been working with Einstein's General Relativity and other physics subjects for years now.  I am one of the very few co-developers of what are now called the "Maxwellized Equations Of Gravity".  Only a handful of people have derived and published these equations, starting from the basic Einstein equation.  The equations, once derived, predict the existence of what is now called the "gravitomagnetic" field.  These equations, in MKS units, have so far not appeared in any college physics textbook, either graduate or undergraduate.  As one of the co-developers of the Equations, and as a co-discoverer of the aforementioned field, I am uniquely qualified to design devices and systems that operate based upon antigravity principles.  

 A real, Single-CONE antigravity device.  Note the plasma that is produced, as a side effect.

They All Told The Truth: The Antigravity Papers

(Edited review)

by Richard P. Crandall
(The discoverer of "negative mass" &
the co-discoverer of "gravitomagnetic" fields)


This extremely important new book is truly the "other half" of the book "Disclosure" (available at As a coin has 2 sides, so does the subject of antigravity and free-energy (or overunity) technology. The book "Disclosure" presents all the available evidence, of the existence of secret projects involving antigravity and free-energy, in the form of EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY of people who were actually involved in such government projects. This new book, "They All Told The Truth: The Antigravity Papers", by a different author, presents all the available evidence, of the existence of secret projects involving antigravity and free-energy, in the form of A GROUNDBREAKING & TOTALLY NEW "GRAND UNIFIED FIELD THEORY" OF PHYSICS, which proves beyond doubt (in a scientifically "forensic"-type manner) that the testimonies, of several government witnesses, must be true, accurate, and authentic. So this new book, coupled with the "Disclosure" book, together present the FULL PICTURE of antigravity & other secret technology.

Several of the witness accounts from the book "Disclosure" can be found in the new book "They All Told The Truth", and these particular accounts take on a whole new light & meaning when some of the physics aspects of their testimony is analyzed. Plus, there are witness accounts in this new book which do not appear in "Disclosure", including one witness who is a private citizen, who has no ties with the government.


This new book is now available (for credit card or other type orders) only from the publisher, Trafford Publishing.


A large part of the goals & mission of this new book is the same as the mission of the Disclosure Project, which is as follows. The Disclosure Project is working to fully disclose the facts about UFO's, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. The disclosure of the truth will have far-reaching implications for our society-- new technologies to end pollution and global warming, long-term solution to the energy crisis, and the beginning of an era of peaceful relations with other civilizations in space. And, here's a quote from the book "Disclosure": "That classified, above top-secret projects possess fully operational antigravity propulsion devices and new energy generation systems that, if declassified and put into peaceful uses, would empower a new human civilization without want, poverty, or environmental damage."

I was inspired by Dr. Steven Greer, several years ago, to study the subject of the physics & principles of antigravity propulsion systems. What I discovered is nothing short of phenomenal, and it serves to get some of the information about antigravity out, not by eyewitness testimony means, but by actually figuring out just how these "flying saucers" are actually able to fly. As my website says, "… This question now has an answer." Dr. Greer has graciously allowed me to place this information about my new book on his Disclosure Project website. I thank him infinitely for doing this for me.


A partial list of the book's contents is:



Of course Dr. Ted Loder of the Disclosure Project, really enjoyed reading the book. And, Dr. Hal Puthoff of Earthtech had some good things to say to me about the new physics theory. Now, here is an unsolicited book review which was written and then posted on some of the special interest Internet groups. I found it, and here's what it said. (I do not know this person who wrote the review).

"...a Nobel Prize just wouldn't be good enough!", June 2, 2003 Reviewer: Colin Quinney from Toronto, ON Canada.

Extracted Posting, from group: Message# 9288: "They All Told the Truth: The Antigravity Papers" Book Review C. Quinney 6/2/2003

Subject: "They All Told the Truth: The Antigravity Papers", Book Review

BOOK Title, Author, Publisher, Websites: "They All Told the Truth: The Antigravity Papers" by Richard P. Crandall

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"Are you sitting down? Good, because this is going to blow your mind."

(January 28th, 2003  by Malcolm Street, Canberra)

 Australia, the UK, anti-gravity and the Iraq crisis

Have a look at this American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics ANTIGRAVITY PAPER 

BBC NEWS - Monday, 29 July, 2002,

Boeing tries to defy gravity

The company is examining an experiment by Yevgeny Podkletnov, who claims to have developed a device which can shield objects from the Earth's pull.

The project is being run by the top-secret Phantom Works in Seattle, the part of the company which handles Boeing's most sensitive programmes.


Electrogravitics and the B-2 Stealth Bomber




Your website authors are both former Official Disclosure Project Representatives.

You have a NEED to KNOW!

You have a MISSION to INFORM!

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