Questions To Billy Meier--Answered
A chronological compilation of questions to, and answers from, "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, from the FIGU forum:
Web forms and other extraneous material (status, user name, rating, votes, etc.) have been removed for easier reading. To use this listing effectively, use your internet browser's word-find function.

Extraterrestrial humans began contacting "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier of Switzerland at the age of 5 in 1942 with the Pleiadians/Plejaren man Sfath, and lasted with him until 1953. From 1953-1964 contacts continued with Asket, a woman from the DAL Universe (the twin universe to ours, the DERN Universe). After an 11 year break, the Pleiadians/Plejaren resumed contacts on January 28, 1975 with Sfath's granddaughter Semjase, and continue with others to this day.
Compiled by David E. Chance:


Posted on Saturday, August 04, 2001 - 11:15 am

Was the Apostle Paul/Saul influenced by the Bafath?

ANSWER: No, he wasnt.


Jean Pierre Lagasse
Posted on Saturday, August 04, 2001 - 08:53 pm

Hi Billy,
There is only one question which I have...!
How is Semjase doing?
I don't mean whether she has spoken to you or if she will contact us
soon or whatever... or anything like that...!
I mean her, personally !!
We all owe her our gratitude & thanks (Really big time, eh?)...
I think you know what I'm getting at here !!
Thanx (to FIGU etc. !!) for the opportunity to ask, eh?

ANSWER: She is fine (Billy said "excellent"). She sends her best
regards to all FIGU people all over the world.


Hampton Chiu
Posted on Saturday, August 04, 2001 - 02:31 pm

Is current JHWH governing our planet Earth a yellow race human being?

ANSWER: No, he isn't. Ptaah is the one in charge, and he belongs to a
white race. However, he is not "governing"; he's "responsible"
regarding the spiritual teachings and the various developments on


Thomas Hall
Posted on Saturday, August 04, 2001 - 07:06 pm

Very briefly, could you describe what the average
Earth human experiences between lives...Thanks.

ANSWER: That's not possible because we don't remember and we don't
have the words to describe it. No personality exists anymore, and
therefore no thoughts as we are familiar with in our lifetime.
It's the spirit form and the "comprehensive consciousness block"
(Gesamtbewusstseinsblock) that enter the Beyond. The spirit form and
the comprehensive consciousness block "analyses/reviews" (=
aufarbeiten) what has not been digested/assimilated prior to death.
Love, wisdom etc. are transformed into a fine-matter form. The former
personality is dissolved and transformed into neutral energy. Then a
new personality is "worked out"/developed which incarnates - together
with the spirit form - into an embryo at the 21st day after
conception. The new personality has nothing in common with the former


Posted on Saturday, August 04, 2001 - 08:35 pm

What happens when two persons with the same spirit form get together
in a time trip, like Billy and Jmmanuel? Billy can tell his first hand
experience, I hope.

ANSWER: It is not the "same" spirit form, even if it is of the same
lineage. One spirit form is less developed/evolved than the other, and
there are two entirely different personalities present.
The same is true even when a person visits oneself in the actual life
(through time travel).
The best way to make this understandable is when a person of, say, 50
years looks at an old photograph when he or she was 10 years old. The
child was a different personality than at the age of 50! You will be
aware of this if/when you look at a photograph!


Scott B.
Posted on Tuesday, August 07, 2001 - 09:15 am

Can hypnosis be used to uncover past lives on other planets besides
planet earth?
Scott B.



Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 05:30 am

Hi Billy
As we aware that there is no evil spirits but only ignorant ones.
Is there any explanations that in the TJ there are many places
mentioned "evil spirits".
One significant event was in Chapter 8 "The healing of two possessed
8/32 Then the evil spirits in the possessed asked him, "Master, please
drive us out, so that we may go into
the herd of swine grazig just over there"........ the whole herd
rushed down to the water and drowned.
What was really happened in that event? Is there any scientific
Regards and thank you :)

ANSWER: "Evil spirits" means negative psychic conditions.


Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 07:45 am

It seems to me that the unfathomable mystery is the Void, the great
nothingness "outside" of Creation and presumably its source. I read
that there is some sort of fine energy even in the Void, which is also
confusing because it seems like it must only be the Creation which is
"alive" and is/has energy. I am unable to understand a nothingness
without beginning, end, shape, limits, energy, etc. What is known of
this by Billy, the Plejarans, the Petale level, etc. and "where" in
the Void did the Absolute Absolutum first appear?
Michael Horn

ANSWER: The absolute void or nothingness is an infinite space which
contains no material form but spiritual energy only. We cannot
comprehend or understand all of this with our thinking/brains.


Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 09:10 am

Taking into account what Billy said about the afterlife, how is it
that some beings, like the Dalai Lama, apparently have some knowledge
and/or control regarding their past and future lives (incarnations)?

ANSWER: He doesn't have this knowledge from out of himself. The
knowledge is drummed into him (taught) at a very early age. A search
for a next Dalai Lama serves the fact that the religious system of
Tibetan Buddhism needs a head.


Jean Pierre Lagasse
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 09:24 am

If it is known which portion(s) of the TJ are missing from the
original text, could we possibly get a list of the missing section(s)?



Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 09:30 am

Question for Billy,
Hi Billy, I suffer from a spinal cord injury and paralysis, I received
when I was run over by a car on a bicycle, at age 16, it was a

hit-and-run. I was wondering if there are any Plejaran meditations
etc., for aiding in a physical healing?

ANSWER: No, unfortunately meditation cannot be used for such physical
healing. Spiral cord injuries cannot be healed with actual terrestrial


Linda Williams
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 07:42 pm

Hello Billy,
Was the late Marcel Vogel a "telepathic" contactee?



Mark Campbell
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 08:34 pm

Greetings Billy ;
Is there a new calculation for reincarnating lives in the present time
? I assume that spirits are coming back into new lives sooner than the
standard lifetime plus one half , because of overpopulation .
Many Thanks ~ Mark Campbell

ANSWER: Yes, they are coming back sooner.


Lonnie Morton
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 11:35 pm

Hi Billy,
Concerning the commissioning of the disciples as brought out in the
Talmud chapter 10 and the method in which they carried out their
preaching and teaching work.
TJ 10:5 reads; Jmmanuel sent out the twelve, commanding them and
saying, "...go to the cities of the Samaritans and to the ignorant in
all parts of the world.
TJ 10:7 reads; "Go and preach, saying, "The laws of nature are the
laws of Creation, and the power of the creative human spirit embodies
TJ 10:14 reads; "When you go into a city or village, inquire if
someone is there who is worthy; and stay with him until you depart.
TJ 10:17 reads; If someone will not take you in or listen to your
words, leave that house or that city and shake the dust off your feet.
My question is this; Is the "method" that Jmmanuel and his disciples
used any different than the "non-proselytizing/non-missioning" method
used by the FIGU today in making known the same teachings?
Is seems that the "method" or "manner" in which Jmmanuel told his
disciples to carry out their preaching work at TJ chapter 10 is very
similar to that used by certain religious groups such as Jehovah's
Witnesses and the Mormons.

ANSWER: From many villages of the region, inhabitants were travelling
around and, during those travels, met Jmmanuel and his disciples. Then
they invited them to come to their native villages.
The disciples only went to single persons or families, etc., where
they were invited. They didn't go to foreign people who didn't wish
being approached.
Since there didn't exist any newspapers at that time, the news was
distributed through word-of-mouth. Therefore, the teachings were
distributed by the same method, but only to those who were willing to


Thomas Hall
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 04:13 pm

Thank you for the answers! Why is it necessary that a comprehensive
consciousness exists seperate from the spirit form between lives? I
thought that the spirit alone could digest the info while in the

ANSWER: Because there must be a connection (or relay station) between
the pure material and the pure spiritual.


Scott B.
Posted on Monday, November 26, 2001 - 03:59 pm

Was the man known as Nostradamus ever in contact with any type of ET
intelligence? Is the spirit form of Nostramdamus alive in another
personality today?
Thank you
Scott B.

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Monday, November 26, 2001 - 05:19 pm

Have Nokodemjon or the plejarans had some kind of relation with the
man known in Mexico as Quetzalcoatl or the woman known as
Tonantzin/Virgen de Guadalupe? If so, what kind of relation?
Many thanks

ANSWER: Nokodemjon = no, Plejarans = yes (at least with Queztalcoatl).
Personal relation = face to face.


Posted on Saturday, January 26, 2002 - 11:11 pm

Thank you for your answer regarding the Dalai Lama (DL). Is this then
always the same spirit form reincarnating as the DL because, if not,
how is it that a young child can pass the identification tests of
possessions and persons used to authenticate him as the reincarnated
Thank you,
Michael Horn

ANSWER: Hi Michael,
No, it isn't the same spirit form. Each Dalai Lama is/has a new
Regarding the children: Small children automatically grasp those
things that impress them the most. This can also be connected to
vibrations (fluidal forces) that are stored within objects. Since each
DL is a "new" spirit form there cannot be a direct link to the former
one's material possessions.
At the 261st contact of February 24, 1998, Billy explained the
circumstances in a very simplistic way, like this (abridged version):
The consciousness of those monks who are responsible for the search
for the new Dalai Lama is highly-developed. Therefore they are able to
"receive information" through meditation and vision in order to know
where they should search for the new head/leader. The child is found
by the monks because he is endowed with highly-developed consciousness
vibrations that can be received and traced. A child of this type has a
high consciousness-evolution and is executing strong
consciousness-related activities while still very young. Therefore,
the small boy is able to recognize through meditative influences etc.
objects etc. that did belong to former Buddhist leaders.


Lonnie Morton
Posted on Sunday, January 27, 2002 - 02:28 am

Hi Billy,
Thank you for your answer about the commissioning of the disciples. I
can see clearly now how they carried out their work. They made
themselves available to the people during their travels, and
instructed and informed those who invited them into their homes. So in
carring out the mission today in our modern world, what is the best or
most effective way we can make known the teachings? In other words,
what is the most important thing we can do today to help with the
Best regards,

ANSWER: Hi Lonnie,
The most important thing is that the teachings are distributed in
written (and correct!) form all over the world. In ancient times this
usually happened in non-written form which opened the doors to many
mis-interpretations and mistakes, etc., which was also the case with
many religious books, like the Thora, the New Testament, the Quran,
The people of those times usually were rather uneducated and didn't
understand much of the teachings. Many terms which were necessary to
explain the teachings correctly were non-existent in those times.


Posted on Sunday, January 27, 2002 - 12:26 pm

I've been having a hard time figuring out why a technologically
advanced group like the Giza Intelligences, with their ability to
travel around the universe, would waste their time on Earth, over what
seems like an ancient vendetta. By some of the Stevens translated
Contact Notes, it seems the Giza Intelligences were racists against
non-whites, since they aided Hitler, but were they really just using
Hitler and others to destroy the whole human race?
Thank You, Norm

ANSWER: Hi Norm,
Striving for world domination would be correct, not racists. Their
goal was to rule, not destroy, the human race. Without human beings
you cannot rule.
The Giza Intelligences influenced Hitler through the Thule Society.


Linda Williams
Posted on Monday, January 28, 2002 - 05:46 pm

Hello Billy,
There was some discussion on our forum about whether or not you had a
time travel encounter with Moses. If you did, can you describe the
events taking place in Moses' life at that time and what your general
impressions of him were?
Thank you,

ANSWER: (from Christian F.) Hi Linda,
Oops, I forgot to ask this. I'll do this next month.


Jean Pierre Lagasse
Posted on Monday, January 28, 2002 - 06:48 pm

To Core group... & if necessary or appropriate, Billy.
Is there any information or clues which can be "shared" with us, about
the nature or source of the "authentic type" cattle mutilations as
investigated by Mr. Fernand Belzil, who currently resides near St.
Paul Alberta Canada?
Only a percentage of mutilations which he has investigated &
documented, he considers "authentic"... in that he/we do not
understand how (using our present technologies) these could be
Thanks either way...

ANSWER: Hi Pierre,
Billy doesn't know about the case you mentioned.
He also said that the mutilations are not executed by
extraterrestrials, but rather through terrestrial sources, like secret
services, experiments, predators, etc.


Posted on Monday, January 28, 2002 - 08:49 pm

Hi Billy
We know that the astral body has three immortal parts: they are the
Spirit, Comprehensive Consciousness Block and the Gemut.
Could you explain in simple words
1. What is Gemut and its function?
2. Where will Gemut go after one dies?
3. Would Creation create all these three parts at the same time when
creating an individual astral body?
4. What happen to these three immortal parts when evolution reaches a
stage that a body is no longer needed?

ANSWER: Hi Savio,
I agree with Marc about "one question each time".
Regarding your questions: You can forget the "astral body" because it
has nothing in common with the things you mention in your questions.
The Gemuet belongs to the spirit form, in a similar way as the Psyche
belongs to, or is a part of, the human being's material body.
The Comprehensive Consciousness Block has no personality and doesn't
think. It is an energetic block for creating, in entire neutrality, a
new personality after an incarnation of the spirit form.
As the word "immortal" implies, the "three immortal parts" continue to
exist after death and even when no material body is needed any longer
(in the spirit form).


Posted on Sunday, January 27, 2002 - 05:35 pm

How old was Jmmanuel when you met him?
Thank you so much,

ANSWER: Hi Mario,
About 32 years old.


Posted on Monday, January 28, 2002 - 10:09 am

Hi Mr. Meier,
According to the Guido Moosbrugger book "AND YET THEY FLY", I came
across a name or a Plejaran named MENARA which has been described as a
DARK SKINNED BEAUTY and also a descendant of The Hottentots of Africa
by ancestry. Are there many groups of Dark skinned or African alikes
that would be Plejaran and if so, how many groups would there be and
how advance are they??
Gurujay :)

ANSWER: Hi Gurujay,
Billy used the term "Dark skinned" for a skin color you will see when
a black-haired European person, like e.g. in Spain or Italy, was
exposed to the sun. Billy didn't mean "black", but rather "not white"
like the other Plejarans. However, the shape of her body (face, hair,
etc.) resembled the race that we call (or were calling) Hottentots
here on earth.
The ancestoral relationship goes back hundreds of thousands of years.
Billy has no information about a number of groups and their evolution
level. Since Menara works closely together with the Plejarans she must
be fairly advanced and, therefore, also her people.


Hampton Chiu
Posted on Monday, January 28, 2002 - 12:31 pm

The self-claimed Tibet monk Rampa Lobsang mentioned in his book, The
Third Eye(published in 1956), that he met with Semjase before 1956.
Did he really meet Semjase in person? Or in any telepathic
communication with Semjase?

ANSWER: Hi Hampton,
I didn't find any mention of the name "Semjase" in Rampa's book.
Anyway, Billy doesn't know (about) Lobsang Rampa, but it is certain
that there was no meeting between Rampa and Semjase, or else she would
have told him (Billy).


Steve M.
Posted on Tuesday, January 29, 2002 - 12:27 pm

Hi Billy,
I hope you have been well.
This may seem mundane to you.
There is still much controversy & uncertainty on how the Great Pyramid
was built.
Could you please shed some light on exactly how the Great Pyramid was
built.(i understand it was built aprox 73,000 years ago)
Were other Megaliths constructed using the same methods ?

ANSWER: Hi Steve,
Only a very small part of the work was done with the aid of
telekinetic devices/forces. Most of the work was executed by about
200,000 slaves (plus animals) over a time period of many decades. A
huge number of the slaves died during this process. (Altogether a very
impressive work!)
The Megaliths were also constructed by human being's hand labor.


Thomas Hall
Posted on Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 12:15 pm

How does thought directly affect matter (for example when a spiritual
"miracle" is performed)? Thank you for your time!

ANSWER: Hi Thomas,
Yes, as you indicate with your quotation marks: There doesn't exist
anything like miracles, because everything can be explained and is
ruled by the law of cause and effect.
It is the consciousness forces that bring about effects and results
which the people often call "miracles".


Posted on Thursday, January 31, 2002 - 11:33 am

Hello, Billy,
If Judas Iscariot is the author of the Talmud Jmmanuel, why isn't his
name on the cover?

ANSWER from the other moderator: (The following questions were
discussed with Billy on May 22, 2002. I'll insert the answers after
each question. Christian Frehner)
Hi Mario,
The printed version is not the exact original written down by Judas
Iscariot, but a translation by Isa Rashid that has been revised (not
altered!) by Billy (he added/inserted the code).


Marc Juliano
Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2002 - 06:30 pm

Hi Billy,
My dealing with The Earth History has been a pain of unresolved
mysteries as you may suppose. Since about 22 million years ago,
Lyrians visited Earth occasionally. So it is assumed that they knew of
the Earth before the Moon was captured by it. In Contact 150 says that
Moon was a satellite of Earth some million years ago, but how long ago
exactly? Could you tell us please?
Thank you for your time,

ANSWER: Hi Victor,
First visitors have come to Earth even earlier. Regarding the moon we
don't have an exact date.



Posted on Tuesday, February 05, 2002 - 01:29 pm

Many Greetings Nokodemjon/Billy/Eduard..... :)
This is Edward and I would like to ask one question.
As we are a very very old and Wise Spirit from one of the
Highest parts of Creation...born billions of years ago.
My question is:
Can you please give me/us a discription...of how you
Form(material if in one?)...on your birth world?
Many Many Thanks....
Take Care...and Be Very Healthy :)
Edward...(Alias...Mr.Ed.... :) ...)

ANSWER: Hi Edward,
Each "appearance" onto a planet occurs normally, i.e. through birth
(after having been begotten by a father and a mother before pregnancy


Linda Williams
Posted on Saturday, February 09, 2002 - 11:43 am

Question 1:
Hello Billy,
Modern scientific laboratories have estabished a body of evidence for
precognition and the concept of predetermined events. Can you speak to
the age-old dilemma of free will vs. predetermination?
Thank you and sincerely,

ANSWER: Hi Linda,
Actually there's no dilemma, it just seems to be one. Each human being
is free to decide about his individual future. The human being has a
free will, which means that he (she too, of course) can decide to do
or not do a thing, to think in this or that way, etc. Depending on the
decision the future will be shaped and brought into effect.
The thought is the cause, the action the effect.
Each human being is constantly determining his life.
There is NO predetermination by a God.
That which man considers as a predetermination can be changed anytime
if the correct measures are taken.

Question 2: (unanswered in prior round)
Hello Billy,
There was some discussion on our forum about whether or not you had a
time travel encounter with Moses. If you did, can you describe the
events taking place in Moses' life at that time and what your general
impressions of him were?
Thank you,

ANSWER: Billy's answer is no. He didn't travel back in time to meet
Mr. Moses.


Lonnie Morton
Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 05:49 am

Hi Billy,
The Pleiadians/Plejarans claim a common ancestry with us namely the
Lyra-Vega system. Does this mean that before they migrated to the
Pleiades, and before we came to the Sol system, that we were
generally, on about the same spiritual level or the same age in
spirit? If so, then what primary factors have contributed to their
evolutionary advancements?
Many thanks,

ANSWER: Hi Lonnie,
They made a greater effort than we. Besides they have made peace among
themselves about 50,000 years ago, which means they didn't have wars
since then.
In contrast, we on Earth are still fighting and killing each other,
and more than once civilization had to start from the ashes again.


Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 07:26 am

Hi Billy
Grateful for answering my previous questions :)
In the TJ, chapter 20 talking about marriage: " What has been joined
together in this way, let no human
being separate, because it is against the laws of nature"
Why is it that an act of divorce will go against the laws of nature?
As divorce is very very common nowadays, I need strong logical reasons
in backing up this concept.
Thank you!

ANSWER: Hi Savio,
This relates to true love ("empfindungsmdssige Liebe", in contrast to
"gef|hlsmdssige Liebe"). True love cannot be destroyed, and those who
are dwelling in this deep and highly-evolved form of love shall not be
hampered and be harmed in order to separate the persons. (To do so is
an act against the laws of nature.)
The normal case within marriages is feeling-related love, which is
quite superficial and is in danger to be dissolved anytime if it is
not deep enough. This love form is normally based on and triggered by
thoughts, sexual attractions, etc.


Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 08:26 am

Greetings Mr.Meier,
This refers to the Science and knowledge of reincarnation: was there
any specific Spiritual Science which dealt and showed humans or for
that matter Plejarans the ways of remembering reincarnated past lives
to develop in each new life when becoming physical again, is it a
The reason for the question is because in my outside readings there
has been claim of such Science but through Vatican/Christian laws or
otherwise, they have either destroyed the books for the sake of taking
this power away from humans.
Thank you :)
Kind Regards,

Such Science was never present or taught on Earth. Such claims most
probably are simply based on new-age nonsense.
Of course, the functioning of reincarnation is a part of the spiritual
teachings (and is explained within it).
However, on other planets there certainly may be teachings/science
regarding remembrance of reincarnations.


Scott B.
Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 11:23 am

Hello Billy
Thank you for your previous answers.
As I understand it, once a person dies on a planet, he will then
reincarnate on this same planet.
For beings that have evolved beyond the need for physical bodies are
they also obligated to stay in the region of their homeworlds, or do
they have the choice to move throughout the universe?
Thanks very much
Scott B.

ANSWER: Hi Scott,
The beings you mentioned are pure spirit forms (Reingeistformen).
Their realm is extended throughout the Universe. (Arahat Athersata is
the lowest of those realms.) They are not bound to a system or planet


Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 12:56 pm

Hi Billy, This is a follow up question to one of my previous
questions. In chapter 21 of the TJ, Jmmanuel said,
"And when you are knowledgeable and live in the truth of wisdom, your
spirit and your consciousness will be filled with infinite power. Then
everything you command or ask for in prayer, you will receive if you
trust in it."
How can I use these principles to heal my Spinal Cord Injury?

ANSWER: Hi Norm,
In principle it is possible to use these forces/energies/laws, but in
order to become capable for this you would have to devote your entire
life to this goal (besides possessing the knowledge of "how to do


Steve M.
Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 01:13 pm

Hi Billy,
Thank you for your answer to the previous question regarding the Great
If I may follow up.
For what purpose or purposes was the Great Pyramid built for and who
actually created the design & wanted it built ?
Wishing you all the best.
Thank you for all you've done & all you're doing.
Steve Mironovich

ANSWER: Hi Steve,
The pyramids were built for protection reasons (to give shelter from a
prophesied catastrophe). Beside this, astronomical information was
interwoven into the construction.


Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 07:18 pm

Dear Billy,
Semjase said that the damage from the Christian religion had spread to
other systems and galaxies and even caused their destruction. How is
this possible when, as crazy as things are here, we haven't yet
destroyed our own world over this, at least not to the extent she
Michael Horn

ANSWER: Hi Michael,
The other ones had more sophisticated weapons and technology to
destroy themselves. --- We are still bound to our planet (luckily, in
this respect). We are still in our baby shoes compared to them (in
technical aspects).


Jean Pierre Lagasse
Posted on Friday, March 01, 2002 - 04:16 pm

If a slow moving (primitive) space ship takes several generations to
reach it's destination planet, and during this journey babies are born
in this ship (therefor increasing it's population), where would the
spirit forms come from?
If information on this has already been given, please disregard this
Pierre Lagasse

ANSWER: Hi Jean Pierre,
The spirit forms would come from the nearest planet that is inhabited
by human beings (where the people are at least as highly
developed/evolved as the people in the space ship).


Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 12:07 pm

Hi Mr. Meier:
Do Plejaran change their teeth more than one time? Or they just like
earth human beings changing the teeth only once when they are young?
Thank you for your precious time on earth.
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: Hi Hampton Chiu,
A funny, but very "close" question. :-)
They only change once, like here on Earth. However they would
[utilize] the means (technically) to let grow a third generation if
the need arises. But since their teeth are in good health ...
Btw: Billy once tasted their teeth-cleaning means, something like a
chewing-gum. It tasted deliciously, somewhat sour, and you could get
addicted to the flavor of it, he said.


James the truthseeker
Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 02:11 pm

Greetings Billy,
Can you tell us what will happen, or if anything will happen to the
Earth, time itself and all of humanity in the year 2012, at the end of
the Mayan Calender. A lot of people talk of a great change which will
take place, yet I often wonder if this is so, or if it's just a time
when the Mayan calender simply expires.
James the truthseeker

ANSWER: Hi James,
Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 12:41 am

I have a question regarding the beamship designs, I guess the dynamics

of the flight is similar to how frisbees fly in the air, but, with an
advanced propulsion systems at Plejarans' disposal, aerodynamics would
be hardly relevant, especially in space travel. So, my question is,
why such designs? Because I'm simply not impressed at all of the
"toy-like" shapes of beamships.

The beamship's form existed even before the first idea for
manufacturing a frisbee was glimmering in the head of a person in the
last century.
According to the Plejarans this form is the most suitable for
travelling through space which is not empty, by the way. There are
dust particles, gases, etc.
And the disk-shaped form is very suitable to fix/install their
propulsion system.


Posted on Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 03:00 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
Could you tell me did Semjase contact any people in Tibet during her
stay on Earth in the past few centuries? If yes, could you tell us the
year and name of the contactees?
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: Hi Hamton Chiu,
No, she didn't.


Charlie Sager
Posted on Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 12:03 pm

Guten Tag Billy,
Would you consider being a guest on the Art Bell radio show here in
the United States? (no relationship to Dr. Fred Bell!) If you want to
get the message of the Plejaran's out to a large number of people,
this would be an excellent way to do it! Millions of people listen to
Art every night (his show is broadcast mostly in the U.S., but also
worldwide by satellite). Art has earned a reputation for having a
fair, unedited, unbiased format where guests have up to 4 hours of
casual discussion with Art, and listeners can call in and ask
questions. Radio is still a main source of many peoples connection to
news and information (not everyone has the money to purchase your
contact notes, or the money to buy a computer to be able to read this
website Billy!)
You could do the show on your telephone from your home, with or
without an interpreter. Art recently devoted an entire show to
discussing your case/experiences with a gentleman named Michael Horn
(Feb 28, 2002). Im sure Art would love to have you as a guest to go
into further details about your ongoing experiences.
Please consider it.
Art can be contacted by email-
You can view Arts webpage at
Charlie Sager

ANSWER: Hi Charlie,
No, he won't. And since Michael Horn made such a good job he doesn't
need to. :-)


Marc Juliano
Posted on Monday, March 11, 2002 - 09:57 pm

Moderator: This question is from Rita Keoughan. She asked that this
replace her previous question which was removed at her request.
I would like to know what are the most healthy foods to eat on the
planet right now. Seaweeds?

ANSWER: Hi Rita,
What about sauerkraut? --- The most healthy foods are those that have
the best effect on you, and that's an individual thing. Everything
that does not diminish your health (and hopefully still tastes fine)
is healthy.
Diversity could be a motto.
Perhaps you could start with avoiding those food types that contain a
lot of artificial colors and ...
Btw: You will not find anything to eat without any traces of poison,
because the Earth's atmosphere and the environment ... but that's
another story ...
And that's the end of this round of answers.
Salome, Christian


Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 - 02:01 pm

Hi Billy, I was wondering if you are familiar with the theories behind
the so-called New World Order? Part of the theory is as follows.
Secret and not so secret groups and organizations are united in trying
to create a One World Government, that will be secretly governed by
them, while at the same time making it seem Democratic to the rest of
the world. Is There anything you can say about these groups. Thank
You, Norm

ANSWER: Hi Norm,
This is nonsense. It is the imaginary work of people who are trying to
make money by writing fantastic books about something that is not
true. They are claims and theories only.


Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 - 07:21 pm

Greetings Billy
Do you know if "Judas Ishcarioth" like Jmmanuel is
is reincarnated now on earth and what country he
may be reincarnated in???
If Judas may be reincarnated as a new person , do you think he has
access to rewrite any of the lost parts of the Talmud that perished by
fire in lebanon in 1974??? and may he have secret contact with Arahat
Athersata and Plejarens?
Salaam, Lars

ANSWER: Hi Lars,
We don't give information about any person's past (or future)
incarnations anymore. The person Judas Iscarioth was not able to get
in contact with spirit forms and had no contacts with


Marc Juliano
Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 - 10:21 pm

Hi Billy,
I'm trying to understand the nature of prophecies and how they are
given in your texts.
In the prophecies/predictions portion of Contact 251, you mention a
prophecy regarding the Destroyer Comet and how it would collide with
not only the Martian moons, but with our Moon as well. And you
describe in some detail, for instance, how the earth oceans and lakes
would be torn from their beds and evaporate, etc.
Since we know that the Destroyer has been recently stopped by the
Plejarans, how is it possible that this prophecy can be explained in
such dramatic and precise detail when it seems now that it will never
come to pass? Is this simply due to the high accuracy of the
Plejarans' probability calculations?
Thank you,

ANSWER: Hi Marc,
When the prophecy was made it was not known that the Plejarans would
decide to re-direct the Destroyer Comet back to where it originally
came from.
Regarding the accuracy: Even our scientists are capable of calculating
the orbit of comets etc. If you know how to calculate you can bring
forth good results. And if the result shows that a certain huge object
is coming close to earth you can know or imagine the results it will
have on the water, wind, volcanos, etc.


Anthea Cossette
Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 12:45 am

Greetings dear Billy,
When I die this life, and my bodily remains are buried intact instead
of cremated, can my fluidal forces from this life (or previous lives)
be of aid to me in finding the FIGU/Mission again in my next
Thank you :)
Kind regards and Salome,

ANSWER: Hi Anthea,
No, the fluidal forces have nothing to do with this matter.


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 07:24 am

Hi Billy
Thanks for your explanation on marriage, divorce. true love and laws
of nature :)
While humans are still cannot comprehend what is true love, and
marriages are mostly based on and triggered by thoughts, sexual
attractions, etc., it seems that what Jmmanuel has said about divorce
"is against the laws of nature" cannot be applied to human at this
evolution stage (knows only monkey love).
Can we say that the "Church" forbade all devoices for thousand of
years was a misunderstanding on
the words of Jmmanuel?

ANSWER: Hi Savio,
Yes, you're right, and you could say that about the "Church".


Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 - 11:29 pm

Hi Billy,
I am curious to know the difference, if any, in physical
characteristics between the yellow race ETs and our asian race.
Thank you for your reply,

We don't have special information about this.


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 07:14 am

Greetings Mr.Meier
Few days ago ,American Mars probe "Oddysey" discovered water (frozen)
on Mars.My question :
is there any life on Mars, and if so, please describe it's nature (is
it just bacterias or maybe some animal life form?)
Thank you

ANSWER: Hi Rick,
There are only bacteria and viruses, no animals or human beings.


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 09:00 am

Hello Billy,
Regarding the concept of kundalini, can you explain what this actually
is, if it indeed actually exists?
Michael Horn

ANSWER: Hi Michael,
That's something that does not exist. It's certain people's
imagination only, as it is the case with the chakras.


Scott B.
Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 10:11 am

Hello Billy
Thanks very much for your help.
As I understand it, the Plejaren male may have more then one wife at a
Do you know how this is arranged on a daily basis?
Does each female maintain a seperate residence on a seperate parcel of
land and the male comes to visit each female at different times?
Thanks very much
Scott Baxter

ANSWER: Hi Scott,
Of course there are also Plejaran males who are not married, and there
are men who are married to just one woman.
Each family (of a maximum of 5 persons: husband, wife, three children)
and, therefore, each wife has her own house and parcel of land (about
100 x 100 m). In the case of Quetzal who has four wives, all of them
live on adjoining parcels of land. And Quetzal himself has his own
house too (somewhere out in the wilderness he built a cabin where he
has a vegetable garden, many animals, including cows that he is
milking himself when he is there. Funny, isn't it?! --- And in case
you are planning to ask what the cows are doing with their milk when
he's not there: Then the androids have some work to do.)
There are other families, however, where the women/wives live in
different places. And there are families where the women and children
live together, but where each wife/family still has her own residence
where she can go to if she wishes.
The man is visiting his several families (if there are several) on a
regular basis. But, of course, he is always willing and ready to visit
all his families anytime if there is a problem, and the wives are
there for him too if he has a problem. etc.


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 01:02 pm

Many Greetings Nokodemjon/Billy/Eduard..... :)
I would like to thank you for answering my question concerning the
"Appearance" when begotten by a father and mother.
So that is very Common Throughout Creation.
As Beginning it a Low-State of Evolution.
My new question is:
" When one is existing on the Higher Level(s) without the use of a
Physical-Material-Body..and is "Pure Spirit", how does their
Reincarnation manifest? "
As I take it....that the Mother and Father not accountable
for procreation.
Many Many Thanks Billy... :)
Take Very Very Good Care...and Be Very Very Healthy.. :)
Edward... :)

ANSWER: Hi Edward,
Billy said "thank you, the same to you".
In the spiritual levels there is no incarnation anymore (there is no
flesh, and therefore no "carnation").
The spirit form, the pure spirit form, is always changing and
developing, evenly and without steps. The spirit form becomes lighter
and lighter and develops towards higher levels, and on and on
You could compare it with some colored water: when you slowly but
steadily add a lot of water, the color slowly fades away and the fluid
becomes clear.


Jean Pierre Lagasse
Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 06:47 pm

Hi Billy,
Thank you for everything !!
Regarding "Human inbreeding" or Consanguinity:
Should marriages between related persons be avoided and, if so, to
what extent?
Also, for what reasons?
Pierre Lagasse

ANSWER: Hi Pierre,
Basically, to avoid inbreeding has nothing to do with a creative law,
but it is a recommendation only. To marry a cousin, for example,
doesn't necessary mean that the children who stem from this marriage
will be handicapped physically or mentally. The same is true if a
mother sleeps with her son and gets pregnant from him, etc. However,
the nearer the relation grade is the higher the risk that defects of
any sort may occur.
To see to it that there are no marriages between relatives, or rather
children coming from such marriages, is very advisable. There is not
only a higher risk of physical defects, but also a weakening of
immunity, and an overall weakening of psychic strength, etc.
When you talk with a person who is breeding rabbits, cows, horses,
sheep, etc. you will learn that it is cared for that the male animal
is frequently exchanged/replaced, and they have good reason! Just ask
that person why he is doing this.
I (CF) would say that another good reason for avoiding and not
permitting inbreeding (in the case of human beings) is that this ban
is some form of protection against incest! A protection for the
children to grow up without sexual advances by adults, etc. etc.


Lonnie Morton
Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 08:35 pm

Hi Billy,
What is the average age of the Pleiadian/Plejaran spirits and the
average age of the Earth spirits? If you can tell us the age of the
Lyrian spirits on Earth, and the other human races on Earth too, in
relation to the Pleiadians/Plejarans, this would help us to see how
much more effort we need to put forth to achieve peace, if we are
generally, of the same age.
Regards and Salome,

ANSWER: Hi Lonnie,
It's (nearly) impossible to detect the real age of a spirit form. We
do not know when a spirit form has been created by Creation (and how
long it has been inactively waiting for its first incarnation.)
Besides, we should not depend our efforts to a difference of age only.
Efforts for peace are necessary at all times.


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 12:18 pm

Hi Mr. Meier:
Will Jerusalem, the city claimed to be capital by both Israel and
Palestine, be governed by 3 political entities by the year of 2060?
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: Hi Hampton Chiu,
We don't know.


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 01:12 pm

Hello Mr. Meier,
Do certain spirits look each other up over several lifetimes or in
another format are they somehow bonded together?

ANSWER: Hello TerraX,
No. However, from time to time (and that could be centuries or
millennia) spirit forms may meet again (in the material plane or in
the Beyond as a "we-form"), but not in a way as the human beings


James the truthseeker
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 09:39 am

Greetings Billy,
If you can, please find out for us from the Plejarans, information
about the Mayans, their calender, the year 2012, and their acient
stone pyramids of Mexico(North America). Can you then confirm for
me/us if Gabrial took his son Jmmanuel to the Americas durring his
time(Possibly even to see the Mayans themselves!)and what you may know
concerning the Mormon religion?, as you're prabably aware of yet
another possible PROPHET in the "old mid-west", bringing forth
information of Jmmanuel visiting the Americas, who had possible
contacts with an ET named MORONI. Unfortunitly it would appear that
much of this info was "again" turned into yet another religion focused
on Joseph Smith, thus becoming the MORMONS.
Jim Deardorff then had these comparable photos to share concering me
bringing this all up with him.
Unfortunitly images are not loading up here.
Enjoy all,
James the truthseeker

ANSWER: Hi James,
We don't have special information about the Mayans and the Mormons.


Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 11:26 am

Greeting Mr.Meier,
In the Future predictions section of the book; "AND YET...THEY FLY",
there is mention of a technology that will anable man or woman to use
special suits designed with Antigravitational technology to levitate
themselves anywhere they wish without having to walk long distances
and is this a technology in which the PLEJARANS in the home world of
ERRA are using at this time? or will this be a unique Earth Human
Thank you Mr.Meier and BE WELL :)

The Plejarans don't use such suits. They travel with the use of
"beaming" (besides travelling with beamships, of course).


Linda Williams
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 08:25 pm

Dear Billy,
Recently, a certain rhetoric has been consistently appearing on our
forum that has me somewhat unclear. Can you compare and contrast the
concepts of "New Age NONSENSE" with "New Age SENSE?
Thank you so much!

ANSWER: Hi Linda,
"New Age nonsense" really means nonsense or rubbish, like e.g.
channeling, "esoteric", parapsychology, spirits and demons, photon
belts, conspiracy theories, etc.
"New Age sense" includes or means that what is real, like
technological and medical progress, consciousness-related development,
wisdom, knowledge, in other words: everything that can be proven or


Posted on Sunday, June 02, 2002 - 10:56 am

Dear Billy,
I am wondering if you and/or our Plejaren friends could shed some
light on the topic of genetic engineered food. I realize that the
Plejarens do this and that it is successful, but in Canada now 50% of
our foods are genetically engineered and while this is still in the
experimental process, it makes me uncomfortable that the government
has allowed these experimenters to put this food on the market without
labelling so that the consumer cannot choose whether to eat it or not.
We don't know yet what the effect of these genetically altered foods
will be on the health of the population, or whether there is a danger
of losing our natural vegetables, fruits, etc. from cross-breeding
that will happen while these foods are planted next to each other.
What do you think about this?
Thank you and all the best,
Rita Keoughan

ANSWER: Hi Rita,
Since the seventies the people are eating more and more (heaps of!)
genetically engineered food (grain, vegetables, fruit), without
knowing, and without suffering any damage.
And to all of those who ever ate avocados:
That's a vegetable (or does it belong to the fruit category?) which
originally was used for feeding pigs only and which was genetically
engineered thousands of years ago by extraterrestrials.


Claes Elmberg
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 08:13 am

Hello Billy,
Your teachings are amazing and make a lot of sense to me.
Thank you for taking time to answer our questions.
I would like some clarification on the subject of "Spiritual
Enlightenment", "Selfrealisation". Some teachings refer to this as
"The end of suffering". Some have a near death experience, others
experience an energy change in meditation,that changes their
perspective of life.
In your 10th contact with Semjase, she talks about a spiritual
awakening (recognizing the spiritual truth) that can be achieved by
Is Spiritual "Enlightenment" in an instant possible, or is it always a
gradual process? What really happenes in a true Spiritual
"Enlightenment" (changes in the body, psyche, gemut, consciousness) ?
Thank you very much,
LOVE and Light //Claes

ANSWER: Hi Claes,
"The end of suffering" is a silly, erroneous Buddhist teaching.
"Spiritual Enlightenment" does not exist.
However, there is "consciousness-related enlightenment", which means
the same as "to acquire knowledge, wisdom and love".
In the 10th contact Semjase was talking about consciousness-related
In the early contacts she often used the word "spiritual" for
"consciousness-related", because the people then
did not yet understand "spiritual" correctly. (Actually, even to this
day "spiritual" is often misused and misunderstood on Earth.)
Consciousness-related enlightenment is a process and influences body,
psyche, gemuet and consciousness, among other things.


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 08:16 pm

Hello Billy
It was said by Jmmanuel in the TJ, that "if two women bed down or
sleep with each other it is not against Creation, because they are
Are Plejaren women bi-sexual then?

Some Plejaran women are bi-sexual, others not, just as it is the case
here on Earth.
Regading the information of women as being "conceivers...": What is
mentioned in the TJ about this means that, under certain situations, a
woman is able to conceive a baby from within herself (which is not
possible for men). However, this is such a rare occurrence that it
nearly never exists. But nevertheless the possibilities still lies
within women. (In case that someone wants to ask: No, this did not
happen to/with Mary, the mother of Jmmanuel.)


Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 10:58 am

Greetings Mr.Meier
If i remember correctly,plejarans mentioned that very few
civilizations are capable of hyperspace and time travel.
1) I'm wandering ,if such advanced technology could be in any way
dangerous for universe (i.e. for creation itself? )
2) I'm also wandering ,if plejarans perform time travel only after
consulting with arahat athersata or high council?
Thank you

ANSWER: Hi Rick,
Regarding question 1): No
Regarding question 2): No. Btw: Time travel is not a common way of
traveling for the Plejarans. They only do this for important reasons,
e.g. for investigations/exploration. And they do it on their own


Posted on Sunday, August 25, 2002 - 11:35 pm

Hi Billy,
About 30 years ago a voice popped into my head and told me some
specific things that would occur in the future, some of which already
have. Was this, as it said my "future self" or is there a more
accurate explanation for who/what this was?
Thank you,

ANSWER: Hi Michael,
People who hear voices in their head are suffering from a form of
schizophrenia (there are many different forms, etc.). No, this was not
your "future self".


Lonnie Morton
Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 12:25 am

Hi Billy,
Thank you for answering my questions, even though deep down inside I
seem to know the answer before it is re-affirmed here.
Since the Plerarans are in a different time configuration/dimension to
ours, how can their vibrations reach the Earth in our dimension during
the Peace meditation? And, is this similar to spiritual telepathy?

ANSWER: Hi Lonnie,
Yes, it is spiritual telepathy. They are using special devices to
focus the energies which then are directed towards our planet.


Hampton Hsien-Ting Chiu
Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 12:28 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
In contact note 235, Ptaah mentioned that the next high level spirit
contact will happen 761 years later, and he said that in the year of
1990, so next high level spirit contact will occur in 2751, would your
spirit form involved with that contact with Plejarans and lead to
unifying different religion holidays in the year of 2791?
Vielen dank.
Hampton H. Chiu

ANSWER: Hi Hampton H. Chiu,
There are no answers about Billy's spirit form. Regarding the
religions: This process (plague!) will last even longer,


James the truthseeker
Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 03:09 am

Greetings Billy,
Even though Extra Terrestrial Intelligences may not be in personal
contact with us for many more years to come. Is there any chance at
all that Plejarans and/or other ETs may be in contact with us on line
on the internet from their home worlds or even beam ships and perhaps
they can have conversations with us in the FIGU discussion forum?
Imagine what their emails would be like, example:
Cheer fore your efforts,
Thanks, with a salome, :)
James the truthseeker

ANSWER: Hi James,
Everything is possible, but much, much less will become a reality. :-)


Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 03:41 am

Hi Billy
According to professor Fida Hassnain in his book "A search for the
historical Jesus"
One of Jmmanuel/Jesus 's earlier names was Joshua.
Where in other languages:
Aramaic - Jesu
Urdu - Yusu
Persian - Yuzu
Arabic - Issa
In Kashmir Jmmanuel/Jesus was known as Yuzu Asaph which derives from
Jesu, Yusu & Joshua.
Yuzu Asaph is a Hebrew name - Yusu (Jesu / Joshua) Asaph (gatherer).
Any truth in this?

ANSWER: Hi Savio,
Regarding Joshua: No.
Regarding the rest: Maybe.


Shannon Gaul *pureharmony*
Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 04:41 am

Billy, do you know- if a civilizations existance deviates from our
space-time configuration by a fraction of a second, as the Plejarans
does, is it possible for a different civilization from ours to exist
on Earth now in a deviation from our space-time ?
Thank You,
Shannon Gaul (pureharmony)

ANSWER: Hi Shannon Gaul,
There exist "different civilizations of ours" in the past dimensions
and future dimensions only. If there exist civilizations "in a
deviation from our space-time" (which is possible, but of which Billy
has no knowledge), the planet would look different than our Earth.


Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 06:25 am

Hi Billy, In a follow-up question to my last question on the New World
Order, I need to ask you what the following meant, as it relates to a
secret and not so secret World Government? If there is no New World
Order then what were these statements about?
During the 232nd contact of November 17th 1989:
Ptaah: "we have refrained from contacts with Americans, and will do so
forever, unless it should happen that this nation and its government
and secret government". Later in that same contact its states "those
who are guided by religious sects or governments with plans aiming at
world dominance, as is the case also with certain terrestrial
organizations that strive for world dominance."
In the book AN OPEN WORD verse 1369 it states the following. "During
the New Age of the future 20th and 21st centuries the destructive
beast bearing the number 666 would become active, that is, religious
cults, unequal sects as well as secret organizations, would flood the
entire mankind with their sectarian madness in delusional beliefs."
Contact 241:
Ptaah: They can generally be found in religious sectarian or
world-reformist circles and circles of liars and frauds in matters
pertaining to so-called contacts to alien beings, etc. The same
applies to circles of channelers, mediums, Illuminati, among others.

ANSWER: Hi Norm,
"Secret Government" means organizations like the CIA,
NSA, etc. etc. "Certain terrestrial organizations" means certain
governmental organizations/parts.
In Contact 241: UFO sects, etc. etc.


Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 09:34 am

Greeting to you Mr.Meier,
My question refers more to the different PHYSICAL RACES from the time
of the Enoch races nearly 12 billion years ago and have mixed
througout the milleniums, having read carefully the 251st Contact
notes in which it gives us a greatly detailed glimpse of the CREATOR
OVERLORDS and the ENOCH races.
Is there a possibility that the PLEJARANS through the records they may
obtain, send us a drawn Diagram such as that similar to the one in
"AND YET...THEY FLY" of the planets, of the (Physical)races (FAMILY
TREE format)down to the last detail to how we came to be and how we
exist today since we have so many different races in which conflict
with each other here on earth.??
Thank you and BE WELL BILLY :)

This would be interesting, indeed, but it would need too many books!


Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 07:59 pm

My question is about the spirit. I feel that I have a certain
understanding of the things that I study and ponder about the spirit.
Namely, "What it is", but how it works, learns, and how it process's
knowledge and wisdoms that I, though my own initiative have created?
Is somewhat a lot harder for me to comprehend. I feel that maybe If I
can understand how my brains works, learns and how it process's
knowledge and wisdoms maybe a link would be found in that, that will
lead me to my anwser, even though I understand that the spirit has
nothing to do with the consiousness or intellect...I hope my question
makes sense....thank you...michaeld

ANSWER: Hi Michael,
The spirit is purely creative energy. Spirit does not learn, but
store/gather/save only. Spirit gathers the positive/helpful
"points/results" from the consciousness. Learning is being done with
the consciousness, through/by the person's own initiative.


Joseph Royack
Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 - 01:02 pm

Hi Billy, Before impacting Jupiter the so called Shoemaker-Levy comet
broke up. Can you tell me how a comet can break up and the pieces line
up in a straight line? Namaste' Joseph

ANSWER: Hi Joseph,
Through gravitational force(s) in outer space.


Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 - 08:52 pm

Dear Billy,
I didn't think I was going to ask you this question, but since Lars
has opened the door to "Plejaran women bi-sexuality," I decided to
follow up. There was a rather lively discussion on our board abour
sexuality, bi-sexuality, homosexuality, etc., and what Immanuel had to
say about it, and what you had to say about it.
It appears to me that you and Immanuel differently interpret
"Creational Laws", especially with regard to homosexuality. This, of
course, raises the obvious issue of the immutability and/or
changeability of creational laws. Immanuel says of homosexuality,
"punish for the violation of creational laws." You say this aberration
(or "I was born this way") choice is naturally un-natural and should
not be condemned or punished.
How do you explain the difference between Immanuel's and your stance
regarding creational laws and homosexualtiy?
Sincerely, Linda

ANSWER: Hi Linda,
Jmmanuel had to adjust his teachings to the circumstances around him.
He had to present his teachings in a form that could be understood by
the very ignorant people of those days. And he had to hide certain
information in order to protect himself and his disciples from
persecution. Much of the meaning within the TJ texts is hidden (or
possible is not even included).
How would you describe to natives of Papua New Guinea genetic
engineering, like e.g. genetically engineering a man so he would grow
a womb and then could become pregnant? (This is the "homosexually"
that is obviously against Creational laws.)
Today it is easier to explain these things, because there is more
understanding and more tolerance, etc. (at least in some places on


E. Visser
Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2002 - 12:30 pm

Hello Mr Meier.
My question is about the Adamski and Menger contact case.Many people
have testified in support off Adamski and Menger, that they have seen
not only the ships but even the extra-terrestials themselves.
Why is it that in the contact-notes those cases are considered to be a
fraud while there is so much supporting evidence?

ANSWER: Hi TerraX (are you a robot?),
These cases are called a hoax because they really are a hoax, and
since the "witnesses" testified things which they thought to be real,
but which were only a figment of their imagination, implanted by very
strong suggestive powers (especially in the case of the late Mr.


Thomas Hall
Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 02:35 pm

Hello Billy,
I would like to ask what types of information carry over into future
incarnations (for example; spiritual only or maybe also apptitudes
such as for art or science)? Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Thomas,
Nothing is carried over to the next "incarnation" (= personality). The
only thing that is inherited is genetic information by/from the


Posted on Friday, December 13, 2002 - 08:25 am

Hi Billy,
I want to know if Semjase either was, or could have been, forewarned
about her accident at the Center in the same way that you were told,
years in advance, that you would lose your arm. Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Michael,
If she would have made a "Zukunftsschau" (looking into the future) she
could have known. However, the Plejarans usually dont' "look" into
their own personal future, because knowing one's future is a burden
and restricts and influences one's freedom of choice.


Posted on Friday, December 13, 2002 - 10:04 am

Billy, How the heck are we going to stop Overpopulation? When
Economists keep telling everybody this?
"Economists say that by 2015, Europe will face a declining population.
It will need more immigrants, not fewer, if states are going to pay
for the pensions and health-care systems of a graying population."

ANSWER: Hi Norm,
That's silly, stupid and near-sighted thinking. It's no solution at
all! According to those unreasonable "economists" (= in this case
"egoists") there must be a steady increase of people on an piece of
land that is finite. Very silly. After me the flood. The only effective
way to stop overpopulation is by exercising a birthrate check.


Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 - 12:15 pm

From my understanding...
There are three human lineages from one source mentioned in the Talmud
of Jmmanuel. These lineages developed in
1) middle-east region
2) Nordic region
3) India region.
- Are there other sources for other lineages on the Earth?
If yes,
- How many lineages exist and in what regions did/are they
- What/Who are the sources for each of those lineages?

ANSWER: Hi Patm,
The three human lineages are of extraterrestrial origin (the
Hyperboreans in the Nordic region, the Arus people in the India
region). There have been other lineages on Earth, in part of
extraterrestrial, and the rest of terrestrial origin. Billy doesn't
know an exact number of lineages.


Posted on Friday, December 13, 2002 - 07:46 pm

Hi Billy
I have a question on spiritual evolution.
We know our spirits can evolve or progress only by taking a material
lifetime and through making mistakes.
How would an entity at higher level who is without a body could
achieve progress or evolve? Do they have to make mistakes just the

ANSWER: Hi Savio,
No, they don't make mistakes anymore. --- They evolve through being
creative, on a purely spiritual level.


Posted on Friday, December 13, 2002 - 08:13 pm

Greeting Mr. Meier,
Since most of the PLEJARAN contacts are very limited these days for
you if that is the case, my question to you is this:
Are you any time in the near future making another trip to any of the
home worlds of the Plejarans?

Billy doesn't know. Perhaps he will, perhaps not. There is no precise


James the truthseeker
Posted on Friday, December 13, 2002 - 10:43 pm

Greetings Billy,
Is there any chance that you can go back in time with the Plejarans
for us to get pictures of Atlantis, Mu, and Hyperborea?, and while
you're at it, perhaps rescue the real TJ before it was destroyed by
Just something to think about,

ANSWER: Hi James,
The answer is no. Regarding the TJ: If an object has been destroyed it
is absolutely impossible to travel back into the past to "rescue" the
object prior to its destruction. The only possible thing would be to go
back into the past and making photographs etc. of it.


Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 - 11:32 am

Hi Billy, all...
(I'm not sure I'll word this effectively... but I have to try in spite
of this!!)
I have "grown up" in a society which has "conditioned" parts of my
mind into erroneous ways of thinking/feeling (as we all!).
An example:
Although I KNOW that all Human races are equal to me/us, and I/We
should not "judge" anybody based only on "skin colour"... and I try to
(with some success) rid myself of thoughts contrary to this, I still
cannot totally eliminate all my erroneous thoughts/feelings on this.
When I actually do meet some of these races (or "identifiable groups")
I still feel (& experience) some of these "erroneous mental/emotional
effects", from my previous "social conditionings".
The same seems to apply when I meet (face to face) homosexual males,
as yet another example... etc.
The question is this:
Are there any insights/methods/thoughts/suggestions or existing FIGU
publications (etc.) which might help me/us in our efforts towards
"eliminating within ourselves" (evolving past?) any such erroneous
Any information/"redirections" whatsoever will be most greatly
appreciated, even if only a clue or two to point me/us in a more
"productive/effective" direction!!
Thanks lots for everything...!!

ANSWER: Hi JeanPierre,
The only way to overcome such "erroneous ways of thinking and feeling"
is through trying to be aware of one's thinking and feelings. It means
to neutralize one's emotions, to work with one's thoughts and
feelings. False education, and religions of course, are a very
important source of prejudices and unreasonable thinking. The process
of getting rid of prejudice and erroneous thinking, etc., can last for
years, even for a lifetime. It's hard work to neutralize everything.
You should constantly try to see things as they are, and not as they
should be.
(Regarding a publication: I recommend that you read "Macht der
Gedanken". CF)


Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 - 02:11 pm

A kind of philosophical question:
My way of thinking is that I'm sort of a prisoner of myself, because I
can only be certain of my own existence, not of anyone else's or
anything outside my mind and pure logic. So I'm obviously intrigued by
these teachings about spiritual evolution and would like to know if
you can say that, at some point of evolution, one can overcome these
barriers of self and really become one with everything else, thus
being able to be absolutely certain about everything. And if so, does
one's subject still keep on existing? Or is this kind of thinking
actually useless and flawed?
Many thank-yous, Mr. Meier.

ANSWER: Hi Ilkka,
What you can do is as follows:1) Exercising self-realization and
recognize yourself as (like) you really are.2) Starting to explore
within yourself what is the essence of knowledge. The effectiveness of
truth can only be found within oneself.(PS: The "barriers of self" can
be overcome, will be overcome, when you have evolved to a state of
being where you don't need a physical body any longer. However, this
will need a couple of million years. :-) CF)


Inger Wikstrom
Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 - 04:48 pm

Greetings Mr. Meier,
If so, where in our Universe are there people who have about the same
defects on their genes as we Earthlings have and how long is an
average real human life in the Universe?
Kind regards,

ANSWER: Hi Inger,
Billy doesn't know. --- Btw: There are also great differences
regarding the human beings' life span here on Earth.


Scott Whitney
Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 - 06:54 pm

Dear Billy,
If I understand correctly, it is normal for a sufficiently developed
planet to foster its own lineage of the human life form directly from
the Ur slime. (assuming no outside intervention from
traveling/migrating human races) Is it possible to describe the
physical form of an early stage of human lifeform? In other words,
what does an early stage of human life look like when it is in the
beginning stages of development?

ANSWER: Hi Scott,
It looks like a wobbling mass; or before that as bacteria, as chains
of molecules, etc.(Btw: There are also extraterrestrial influences
involved in this process, because amino acids, bacteria etc. are also
transported by meteorites, etc.
Just today (January 21, 2003) I read in the "Tages-Anzeiger" an
article about this topic (persons named: Milton Wainwright and Chandra
Wickramasinghe of Sheffield University / FEMS Letters; Gerda Horneck
of Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum; Keiko Nakamura Kobe
University Japan; Michael Zolensky of NASA's Johnson Space Center;
Helmut Rosenbauer of Max-Planck-Institut f|r Aeronomie at
Katlenburg-Lindau. CF)


Antony Edge
Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 - 03:37 pm

Hello Billy,
There has been a lot of debate recently on whether life might exist on
a moon in our solar system called Europa.
Could you confirm or deny this suggestion? If the answer is a denial
then do you know of the nearest planet or moon to the Earth that
supports animal or human lifeforms?
Many Thanks,

ANSWER: Hi Antony,
If you mean non-human life, then the answer is yes. You will find
micro-organic life on many moons/planets, like e.g. thermobacteria,


Posted on Sunday, December 15, 2002 - 06:01 am

Many Greetings Billy/Eduard.
Since I was small and saw Buddha in a book with long ear-lobs...the
question that still arises to me then and today is...'Was his ear-lobs
really that long and did this have relation to the Plejarans (knowing
that the Plejarans also have Long ear-lobs)...or exaggerted made on
his images by past followers..or by others?
In other words: 'Was he in some way or another of Plejaran
Many Many Thanks.
Take Care.

ANSWER: Hi Edward,
The answer is "No".


Posted on Sunday, December 15, 2002 - 05:16 pm

Hello Billy
One person asked You before, about possibility of exchanging
informations with plejarans via internet. I know it's sounds funny but
i find this idea very interesting. As we know, personal contact with
Plejarans are impossible due to different spirtual levels, but does it
also include contact via letters or emails? Do You think it would be
possible in the future ,to receive plejaran's advices by FIGU core
group by internet? Please treat this question seriously.
Best regards

ANSWER: Hi Rick,
Nearly everything is possible, but not in this case. J This would be
against their directives.


Posted on Monday, December 16, 2002 - 12:08 am

Dear Mr. Meier:
When you visited Ptaah first time in the space station, he told you
that he knows ancient Greek, do you know why he learn ancient Greek
language? Has he been to Greek using time travel? Has he done
something that changed the earth history? (like spreading the concept
of democracy?)
Thank you for your time on this planet.
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: Hi Hampton,
All Plejarans that live or have lived on Earth have learned several
terrestrial languages. Ptaah learned ancient Greek in Greece (a couple
hundred years ago).
Ptaah has a great interest in the Minoan history. He owns many books
that are written in ancient Greek.


George Madeyski
Posted on Monday, December 16, 2002 - 10:49 am

Hello Billy,
Is the impending 'Red Meteor' event still on?
(it will rip a gush in Europe from Baltic Sea to Black Sea).
Is it fair to ask you this. When you say 'IMPENDING' does that mean:
within next 20 years, 50 years or what does that word realy imply?
Will this event stop the growth of the food crops for few years and
consequently cause famine leading to war for food sources by nations
who have nothing to loose(desperate)?
George Madeyski

ANSWER: Hi George,
It is still on its way. It has not yet been discovered.
Well, "officially" Billy doesn't know. :-)
Regarding the end question: No, and the Earth will not explode.


Posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 - 05:15 pm

Hi Billy,
In your latest writing translated into English, "Human being of the
Earth listen," you wrote:
"The human being has to learn to create peace and freedom and take the
rudder out of the hands of the tyrants, despots, fanatics, anarchists
and terrorists and break their bloody might but this should not take
place with more or other tyranny and terror, fanaticism and
There have been many peaceful demonstrations in protest of a possible
coming war, but these rarely do any good. What is the best and most
practical way of "taking the rudder" out of the hands of these people
and "breaking their bloody might?" The FIGU and those who respect the
teachings are striving to "create peace and freedom among ourselves."
Is there something more we can do individually or as a community? This
is indeed a difficult task. I am of the certainty that it starts with
us individually, with our own spiritual development first and foremost
in carrying out the mission.
Regards and Salome,
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: Hi Lonnie,
First the peoples must create a good voting system (without any
political parties/factions). And the people/peoples must elect the
right persons, i.e. only persons who are striving/working for selfless
aims --- who are living and acting in a decent and just way ---, and
no persons who are aiming/striving at/for power and destruction like
Mr. Bush, Saddam Hussein etc. etc. The people must appear as a unit
and should not let the government(s) rule alone.
However, there is a long way to go, because the people must first
learn to think and act correctly. It must look out for persons who are
sincere, good, intelligent, selfless and decent people.
Demonstrations are a form of war.
The voting system of the Plejarans is as follows: If there is an issue
that must be voted by the population, the facts are presented to
everybody in a neutral way (pro and contra), and three hours later the
entire population of a planet will vote about the issue. There is NO
discussion of the issue in advance.


David Everett Chance
Posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 - 10:48 pm

Hello Mr. Meier,
Concerning the Talmud of Jmmanuel,
were the scrolls preserved in a block of resin
or a fabricated "box" composed of resin?
In other words, were the scrolls themselves covered in resin,
or were the scrolls placed into a box fabricated from resin?
Thank you,

ANSWER: Hi David,
The scrolls were wrapped in animal skin, and everything was covered in


Claes Elmberg
Posted on Friday, January 24, 2003 - 04:50 pm

Hello Billy,
I read in "And Yet They Fly" about teleportation and the different
ways this can occur.
I wonder if Shapeshifting (changing the physical appearance of the
physical body) is possible, through an individuals willpower,
consciousness or with the help of technology.
If Yes, is any human beings on this planet capable of doing this?
Thankyou very much,
//Claes Elmberg

ANSWER: Hi Claes,
Even if it's a very very rare thing "Shapeshifting" is possible. These
human beings (Billy knows of such people), who are a special human
form or variety, are very far evolved. They must be placed between
very highly-evolved human beings and the level of the "High Council").
We people here on Earth are not able to change our "shapes" or bodies,


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 07:11 am

What's the real story behind John, who wrote the Book of Revelation in
the Bible?

ANSWER: Hi Norm,
Billy does not know the story behind the Book of Revelation, except
that it is about the visions of a human being. However, this "book"
was not written by a John, but by some scribes, which, by the way, has
also happened regarding all other biblical books.


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 01:12 am

Many Greetings Billy/Eduard.
Viel Dank for answering my last question concerning Buddha's ear-lobs.
Knowing he had "No" Plejaran connection.
But I would still like to know..Why he has long ear-lobs in his
images. Can you please give me an answer if possible?
Viel Dank Nochmals.

ANSWER: Hi Edward,
Billy does not know. As far as he knows "Buddha" had ear-lobes that
were of "normal" length. On the other hand: What is normal? There are
people here on Earth who have longer ear-lobes than others. (Btw:
Billy's ear-lobes are not the shortest ones, too.  )


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 01:14 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
You mentioned that Ptaah is interested in Minoan history, and own many
books that are written in ancient Greek. I assume those books are
related to Minoan history.
If I am correct in my history knowledge, Minoan civilization existed
from 2600 BC to 1000 BC, and Ptaah, our JHWH, is only around 800 years
old, so if no time travel involved, he would be possibly lived on this
planet from 1200 A.D, to 2000 A.D., and I remember Plejaran only have
bases on this planet in last 300 years or so.
Do you know did Ptaah time travel to the past time point in Greece?
Could you please reply 'I am not sure' if Ptaah told you not to say
anything about this?
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: Hi Hampton,
Billy really does not know (regarding the time travel). And when he
says "he does not know" he means "he does not know".


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 08:20 am

Hi Billy
I refer to "And Yet...They Fly" page 14 where Quetzal was talking
about the vibration of earth human...
"...... As a rule, vibrations of Earth human reach a distance of 90
meters, which is why it is imperative that this distance be maintained
and Earth humans do not get closer to us than this exact distance."
I have a question regarding the severe injury of Semjase:- As the
vibration of Earth human can reach 90 meters, that is quite a long
distance. Why was it that Semjase did not sense or affect by the
proximity of that FIGU member but only got shocked when he was right
at the door?
Thanks :-)

ANSWER: Hi Savio,
The reason was that Semjase did not wear her protection device because
she felt safe in that room where she met with Billy. Due to the
structure of that room a certain kind of protection screen or shield
was given.


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 09:21 am

Hello Billy
In 251'st contact you have written that "man will appear and will be
teaching about reincarnation and spirit" and that after 40 years
reincarnation will be accepted by existing religions. Does it mean that
in this 21 st century christianity will collapse? (because
christianity would never accept reincarnation)


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 12:58 pm

Greetings Billy,
Is the Extraterrestrial of long ago who instructed Jmmanuel and the
Prophet Muhammad (GABRIEL) in all the missions of the past still in the
same spiritual level of Human form from long ago or has he passed on
to the PETALE levels??.

The spirit form that was in Gabriel at that time presently is in
Btw: Quetzal must still evolve for billions of years until he (or
rather his spirit form) will reach the Petale level, because the
latter is the highest spirit level before Creation itself. The lowest
pure spirit level is the Arahat Athersata level, and the level just
prior to it is the level where the so-called "High Council" exists
(named High Council by the Plejarans). CF


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 05:48 pm

Please share any information which can be given to us on Melchizedek,
or the original person mentioned in Genesis 14:18-20.

ANSWER: Hi JeanPierre,
Billy does not know about him


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 06:22 pm

Hi Billy,
Concerning marriage, the Errans practice sexual abstinence until about
70 years of age in order to give undivided attention to their
spiritual development. With so much promiscuity and immorality
prevalent in the world today as well as peer pressure to conform, what
things should young people be thinking about until they reach the
recommended age, 30 for men and 25 for women, to enter a responsible
commitment? And what are the advantages in this day and time for
maintaining singleness like Semjase and other good examples?
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: Hi Lonnie,
There are advantages of being single as well as of being married. This
depends on each person's individual needs and goals etc. etc. If
Semjase, who is a widow, does not want to marry again she will have
her private reasons.
The Plejarans do not know divorce anymore for/since thousands of
years. They do marry only if they are really sure that there is real
love between each other (husband and wife/wives). It is possible that
two persons are engaged with each other for 50 years, as an example,
and then come to the conclusion that they will separate again and not
marry. Each couple that wants to marry will first separate for a time
span of two years. They travel to separate distant worlds in order to
live and work there, and they don't see each other during that time.
This is their own test of whether or not they "feel" true love for
each other. Regarding the "abstinence":
Plejarans may have intercourse with each other even if the two persons
are not yet married. The only condition is that no child is begotten
and that both have good and positive feelings etc. for each other
(prostitution has not place in this, obviously). They don't lead a
life of promiscuity where they jump from one bed to the other, and
most probably they don't have one-night stands.
Btw: The 30 and 25 year recommendation (as part of FIGU's
overpopulation measures) is an average number only, because the
suitable age for marriage depends individually on the signs of the
zodiac (as can be read in the Contact Notes). The average number (age)
makes ensures that a couple (especially a woman) can still have
children. Young people should focus rather on their education, learning
(a profession) and working than direct their main focus on going to
bed with each other as often with as many different partners as
possible. And above all, they should strive to become independent,
mature (consciousness-related), reliable, self-responsible and
self-sustaining, decent and critical citizens before they marry and
beget a child. This is quite a long list, and it could even be longer.
But for a start it should be enough.


Scott B.
Posted on Monday, January 27, 2003 - 03:27 pm

Hello Billy,
This may seem an odd question, but I was curious does the Plejaren
male experience hair loss as many males here on earth do?
The images of Sfath, Ptaah and Quetzal seem to show them with a full
head of hair.
I don't know whether hair loss here on earth is considered normal
throughout the universe, or is it something due to the many
environmental problems here on this planet.
Scott Baxter

ANSWER: Hi Scott,
Billy cannot remember having seen bald-headed men during his visit on
Erra or his travels in Ptaah's Giant Ship. Of course hair loss does
occur on other worlds, too (at least the chance of a "yes" is much
greater than a "no"). Since we are not the only human beings in the
entire universe, we terrestrial men are not the only ones suffering of
this kind of loss.  CF


Posted on Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 07:40 pm

Hello Billy,
There has been some discussion about near death experiences, and my
question addresses these.
Having been a hospice worker for a number of years, I can tell you
that many dying people and their surviving loved ones, cling to the
hope of reuniting with their departed loved ones.
In near death experience research, there are a number of reports of
someone "coming back" having been told, quite specifically by a
recognizable loved one, "It is not your time. You must go back."
How do you explain this kind of near death experience?
Very sincerely,

ANSWER: Hi Linda,
This has to do with a loss of oxygene in the brain during the agony
(which produces the "light tunnel" through the nerve cells in the
eyes), combined with the belief, the wishes and the fantasy of the
persons who returned from the threshold of death (but who hadn't been
dead, of course).
In the Beyond you will not find any figures (persons) or shapes etc.
because there are none there.}}


Dan Frederiksen
Posted on Sunday, January 26, 2003 - 12:14 am

Hi Billy
Do you know of the Illuminati?
are they "good" or "bad"?
If you don't know of this and other groups on earth that has had
advanced knowledge of ET existance for many years, how do you then
feel about the Pleiadeans keeping this information even from you?

This is a religious European sect, a very small minority, no world
organization. There is much hearsay about this group, and much
fantasy/fiction about it.


Posted on Sunday, January 26, 2003 - 05:12 am

Greetings, Billy.
It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, which is
commonly regarded as obvious. But is there a link between a person's
sense of aesthetics and his level of spiritual evolution? Is there
such a thing as "absolute beauty", as in that all spiritually advanced
people have an identical conception of beauty? Or is it always purely
a matter of personality (and thus, the environment that has shaped

ANSWER: Hi Ilkka,
Yes, the higher the level of spiritual evolution, the higher the
person's sense of aesthetics and beauty. One's personality also plays
a role in this.
No, there is no "absolute beauty". The higher one's evolution, the
more beauty is or may be seen in things that other people regard as
ugly, etc.


Posted on Sunday, January 26, 2003 - 08:05 am

How can I know more about the life of Jmmanuel and his teachings? Is
it possible to experience his time of existence in spirit form, such
as when I am no longer in the world? I understand you, Eduard, met him
by travelling through time. Can this be achieved at both ends of


Posted on Sunday, January 26, 2003 - 08:09 am

Hello Mr Meier.
In the 249th contact note the case of Dr Dan Fry is discussed. Could
you tell us what kind of information was distorted from that case and
who was responsible for the alterations?


Thomas Hall
Posted on Sunday, January 26, 2003 - 10:01 am

Hello there Billy,
You said it is impossible to bring back a destroyed object via time
travel. What would happened if one time travelled and tried to bring
an object forward in time that would later be destroyed? In other
words, would the object just dissappear as the time traveller time
tavelled back to his/her time?
Thanks, Thomas

Posted on Monday, January 27, 2003 - 02:57 am

Good day Mr Meier
Thank you for all the hard work that you have done for all of us human
My question is this,
Do you know what caused the collapse of the Maya Culture in Central
America and the Inca culture in South America? Where did these people
go? ie. plauge, famine,
or self extiction.
Thank you,


James the truthseeker
Posted on Monday, January 27, 2003 - 10:27 am

Greetings Billy,
If "soul-mates" do not exist, yet "we-forms" do exist, can you share
with us then why there may be "very few" people out there that we may
feel an "affinity" for in terms of potential mates?, and what is the
secret of "affinity" which seems to far exceed beyond just sexual
Thanks with a Salome,
James the truthseeker

ANSWER: Hi James,
Basically all spirit forms are connected with each other as a
"we-form", as you correctly stated. What you call "affinity" may be
felt when you meet a person whose personality/consciousness is of a
nearly conform level as yours. The closer the evolutionary level of a
person is to the one of another human being, the more they are similar
in character/nature (wesensverwandt/Wesenverwandtschaft in German).
Each person has a personality that may be well received by (have an
effect on) certain other persons. In other words: We could talk here
of a relationship/affinity of consciousness.


Stan Del Carlo
Posted on Monday, January 27, 2003 - 08:55 pm

Dear Billy,
25.5 years ago I experienced an event that has resulted in the
constant and effortless perception of a spinning light at the mid
point region between the eyebrows(this is how I perceive it in front
of a mirror). So now my question is: What changes occurred in my brain
and what was the source of the loud cracking sound I heard during the
course that unforgetable experience?
Stan Del Carlo,D.C.


Jan B.
Posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 10:48 pm

Dear Billy,
I understand that according to the Creational directives there should
be established a limit of 3 children per one family (or union
respectively) on our planet. But from time to time we can hear that
quadruplets (quintuplets and morelets) were born. Is it a form of a
natural unnaturalness caused by Creational laws due to overpopulation
and certain degeneration?
Is it correct to assume that on other worlds, where humans live
according to Creational laws, then quadruplets (etc.) cannot be born?
Can it happen to Plejarens?
Thank you for your time and answer.
Jan Bayer

This is an entirely natural thing that occurs among human beings,
animals, birds, etc., and even among universes. And of course this
can, and does, occur on other worlds too. It's an act of nature, even
if it can also be artificially achieved with medical means.


Posted on Friday, March 28, 2003 - 09:36 pm

mein lieb Freund Herr Billy Meier
wie geht es Ihnen?
Dear Mr. Billy Meier.
Have you seen/read my work on Antilogos und Open Letter to... GWB?
I sent it to BK to show to you. I hope you liked it. I wrote the sole
truth there nothing else. I can print it sign it and send it by normal
dass sein ein Geschenk für Sie ich schreiben es mich
Bitte schlie_en ihr Vffnung mit die Dokumenten ich senden zu Sie mein
lieb Freund! mein Verantwortlichkeit! mein Herz glauben Sie!
Wahrheit sollen vorherschen mein lieb Freund und Prophet in
Truth shall prevail dear Herr Billy Meier und Liebe Frau BK
From Brazil to you mit vielen Liebe
Hi J.,
Yes, Billy did receive your information, and I will translate it, but
this needs some time (you will know why).
Best regards,

ANSWER: No additional answer.


Posted on Saturday, March 29, 2003 - 12:02 am

Have you ever made wedding cake beamship footage which
fits the following description:
A wedding cake beamship hovers above a green hill.
However, contrary to the wedding cake beamship footage on the
"Ausschnitte/Reportagen" one of the middle layers of the beamship
shows movement. In this layer because of the movement each four/five
seconds a line of rectangular openings is revealed. This movement
looks a bit like the movement of the gills of a fish which open and
The layer showing the movement might be the layer beneath the layer
with the spheres or the layer with the spheres.
I think I've seen something like this on TV about six years back
and want to check in this way whether I'm mistaken about this or not.
Jeroen Jansen

ANSWER: Hi Jeroen,
Billy really made a second video of the wedding cake ship (about 10 -
12 minutes). He filmed Quetzal flying around a tree and up the slope
of a hill (with the 7-meter ship). Unfortunately the video was stolen
even before Billy could make a copy of it (at the Center!). Billy
suspects who it was, but even a search done by Ptaah and/or Quetzal
brought no result.
We would be VERY interested to know where you saw that video!


Posted on Saturday, March 29, 2003 - 05:16 am

Dear Billy,
Does any of the unknown races (Hyperboreans & the blue skinned race &
others) participate in the Peacemeditation or do they do their own
Meditation or work towards the same goal in some other ways. They must
also be concerned about the madness of the surfacehumans.
Thankyou for your excellent written material, in particular
Einführung in die Meditation which at the present time is helping
and encouraging me alot on my path.

ANSWER: Hi Claes,
Hyperboreans don't live on Earth anymore. They have emigrated to the
Plejaran Federation. The blue skinned race will not participate in the
Peace Meditation, most probably.
It's fine to hear that the book "Einf|hrung in die Meditation" is of
help for you.


Posted on Saturday, March 29, 2003 - 05:09 pm

Hello Billy,
Thanks very much for answering my previous questions.
During these times on this planet there is much stress, and trauma
which humans are exposed to on an increasing basis.
If a person is exposed to a traumatic event or is exposed to a very
stressful event which results in the person being effected in many
ways such as anxieties, fears and many other related symptoms what can
a person do to recover and can these symptoms be overcome? I
understand this is a general question, but my main concern is the
stress placed upon a persons Psyche during out of the ordinary
Thanks again very much
Scott Baxter

ANSWER: Hi Scott,
A person can (should) do the following:
 * Find calmness
 * Free oneself (break away, loosen) from the problem
 * Direct oneself to something else
 * Confront oneself with reality as it really is
 * Unite with reality, in thoughts and feelings.


Posted on Saturday, March 29, 2003 - 02:18 pm

Why were the ancient ET's obsessed with the Hebrews & Israel? It seems
they were always making contact with them over the past centuries,
more so than any other earth human group.

ANSWER: This only seems/appears to be so, probably because the
Pentateuch/Thora (Most of it being completely fictitious) is so
world-famous (at least in The Western world). In almost all cases the
contacts of the ET's were with an individual only, And never with
groups and entire peoples. These individuals were the
Besides, there were ET contacts all-over the world, in Greece,
Egypt, Italy, North, Central and South America, Mesopotamia, India,
China, etc. And today there is also one in Switzerland.


Posted on Saturday, March 29, 2003 - 04:38 pm

Hi Billy,
I was wondering if Bigfoot will be proven to the world (or main stream
scientists) at some point in the near future?

: Hi MG,
Billy doesn't know (as well as in the case of the Yeti, the Sasquatch,
And the reptiles in the heart of Africa.)


Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2003 - 08:13 am

Greetings Mr. Meier,
I understand that you regard astrology as a useful discipline for
assessing personality/character and for predicting future events when
properly applied. I further understand that it possible to determine
the time and manner of death through astrology.
In the event of mass death, like during the second world war with the
dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, when
tens-of-thousands died at virtually the same instant, did the victims
have common astrological factors in their chart indicating this manner
and time of death? With the prophesized/predicted world war 3, is
there a distinguishable astrological signature in the zodiac that
portends the beginning and ending of this catastrophic event?
It is a privilege communicating with you, Mr. Meier. Thank you for
allowing this opportunity.
Michael D.

ANSWER: Hi Michael,
Astrology (the real one) is useful for knowing one's character, or to
frm one's character, etc. But for predicting the future other means are
necessary: probability calculations, preview of the future
(Zukunftsschau), etc.
Note by CF: If the death date would be determined by astrology, all
Dead persons in Hiroshima would have had the absolutely same astrological
birth data or horoscope.


Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2003 - 05:08 pm

Greetings Billy,
Your answer to my last question concerning "the secret to affinity"
was the best ever!
I wish to leave Earth on a UFO and continue my spiritual evolution in
a more peaceful existence elsewhere in the universe where there is no
war, desease, overpopulation, religions, money, new age nonesense,
altered genes, crime, substance addictions, poverty, abuse, emotional
instability, etc. Not live with plejarans who are so far beyond my own
evolution, but rather be with those other ETs who were going to make
contact with Earth at the turn of the millennium, but did not for
obvious reasons. A world of cars, bars and beer was just never my
interest. I feel aware the responsibiliteis of this decision and the
requirement of reasonable thinking. Perhaps we can arrange something
here. :-)
Salome from Canada,
James the truthseeker

Hi James,
With the emphasis on "perhaps".


Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2003 - 09:52 pm

Dear Mr.Meier,
Thank you for that great response to who GABRIEL is in the spirit form
now, that came as a strong surprise to me.
In part to that question, being that QUETZAL is aware that his
spiritform is that of GABRIEL and if so by what means was used to
identify and trace the spirit energy to him?
Best regards

The Arahat Athersata (and even the Petale level) were involved. (If
That is what you are asking.)


Posted on Monday, March 31, 2003 - 06:01 am

Hi Billy
Further to my recent question regarding the vibration of Earth human
having impact on more evolved ETs.
I would like to ask: would animals/insects/plants have vibrations as
well? Is it necessary for the Pleiadians to protect themselves from
the vibrations of our/their pets?

ANSWER: Hi Savio,
Yes, animals, insects and plants have vibrations as well.
No, the Plejarans don't have to protect themselves from their
vibrations, because they (animals, etc.) have an instinctive and urging
consciousness (Instinkt- und Triebbewusstsein), in contrast with human beings who own a conscious consciousness.


Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2003 - 03:46 am

Hi Christian...Yes, I have noticed Billy had somewhat longer
ear-lobes..than the average person... :-)
I have no question at this time, but would like to thank Billy for
answering my question.
Viel Dank Billy!
Mit Gut Gesundheit...

ANSWER: Hi Edward,
Thank you, too. Billy uses the opportunity to present his thanks to
all those of you who are also striving for truth.


Posted on Monday, March 31, 2003 - 04:28 pm

Greetings Mr. Meier. I am posing this question to you. Did some
hollywood Producers or Directors of film create movies which entail a
lot of the information in Contact 251. This question intrigues me to
no end since a lot of movies these days have a very similar plot lines
as your 251st contact. Thank you hope this is not too long.

Billy only knows of one project from Canada that is still in its
pre-natal state. :-)


Posted on Monday, March 31, 2003 - 11:12 pm

Hi, Billy.
I would love to ask how much will power can affect our lives.
This has been the most important issue for me and I have even tried to
test it myself through trials and failures.
We find so many books regarding this issue and authors of those books,
ranging from new-age channellers to normal self-development preachers,
all assert that our will power has a highly complex, powerful energy to
shape our own lives and even determine every single event happening
around us.
I have been so fascinated with that idea, which I believe is so true,
that I have tried very hard to maintain my positive thoughts and done
my best to bring better things into my life for the last a few years,
but things didnt go well so far.
There are some phrases referring to will power in Talmud of Jmmanuel
or FIGU writings but, as far as I remember, I couldnt find any detailed
explanation in them about how it plays a role in our lives.
1.Does it really play an important role in our lives? If so, how much?
2. If there are some exceptions to the effects of will power, such as
destiny, what should we do?
( I just met a very famous fortuneteller who told me that I couldnt
achieve my goals no matter how much I tried for that last several
years because it was pre-determined that way and it devastated my
heart. All my trials and endeavors couldnt change my destiny?
When will power doesnt seem to work out, it really hurts and I
sometimes think Id better not believe I can change my life)
Now I strongly believe that our destinies are much more powerful than
our will power because, for example, normal Americans who were just
born in America can enjoy an above-average standard of living without
much effort while those poor Iraqis cant avoid hunger, poverty, and
even bloody war no matter how much they try to exert ( on an
individual level) their own will power.
Please fix me if I am wrong with your own full logical explanation. I
believe this would also help a lot of people in the same situation.

ANSWER: Hi Torrent,
The more powerfully a human being looks after his thoughts and
the more he influences himself. This is a process that needs (or can
a very long time, especially with adults (contrary to children).
What you call will power is a process that consists of at least 3
idea, imagination (Vorstellung), motivation. If these factors are
missing, you will not achieve a goal.
Your "famous fortuneteller" is in fact a charlatan and dangerous for
the sanity of people. What he said is absolutely unreal and untrue. There
is never a predetermination that somebody or someone does NOT achieve
anything. That's really nonsense.
Each human being has the same chances as long as he has the right
motivation. A determination (Bestimmung) is constantly effected by the
person through what he thinks and how he acts. If a person is in line
with the correct motivation he will be successful. Each human being has to
lead his life through his own initiative, without transfering
responsibility to any church or god(s), etc.
keep a wide distance between you and any fortuneteller.


Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 05:28 am

Hi Billy,
I am an American unsupportive of the actions of my President and
country in Iraq and in other parts of the world where we seek to
impose our will through political, military, and economic intrigues to
further our own self-interests. I am also more than a bit apprehensive
after reading your prophecy of the annihilation of America in the
upcoming WWIII as the rest of the world extracts its' revenge on
America for instigating this war. I am apprehensive because I don't
have my own "house-in-order" and I live only 35 miles
"as-the-crow-flies" from New York City - certain to be carbonized.
My question to you is two-fold:
As an American unsupportive of the activities that will ultimately
lead to the destruction of my country, will it make any difference to
my spiritual evolution and next incarnation whether I accept the fate
of my fellow countrymen and die in America or if I follow my instincts
for self-survival and seek refuge in a country that will be less
affected by WWIII than America? In the first scenario I will live the
next three or more years knowing I am doomed to die, helpless to do
anything to prevent it, and in the second scenario I will be doing
something active to extend my life, potentially giving myself
opportunity for further spiritual development in this lifetime.
Of the English-speaking countries that might be willing to accept me,
New Zealand seems to have the most logical position towards war, that
they will only engage in war for purposes of self-defense and they
neither have nor will accept nuclear arms. In your prophecy of the
upcoming WWIII, almost all life is said to be extinguished in the
northern hemisphere, but there is no specific mention of the war's
effects in the southern hemisphere. My question is this: Will the
people and country of New Zealand survive the upcoming WWIII?
Your American friend,
Jo Jo

ANSWER: Hi Jo_jo,
It's not important where a person lives compared to what one makes out
of one's life, how one thinks and acts. If WWIII really becomes a
reality, nobody will be safe anywhere. No country will be spared from the


Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 12:48 pm

Greetings Billy,
What is the main difference between a human spirit form, and an animal
spirit form?
I wish you all the best!
Gabriel Doru.

ANSWER: Hi Gabriel,
A human spirit form is aware of itself, but it is not active in order
to be consciously acting. There is an evolving consciousness
(Evolutivbewusstsein). With the human spirit form you are able to say:
"I know, therefore I am." The human being has a conscious consciousness
(ein bewusstes Bewusstsein), and the animal has an instinctive and urging
consciousness (Instinkt- und Triebbewusstsein). The animal is not
conscious/aware of itself. The animal spirit form only suits/adapts
itself to the life and location where the animal is living. There is no
"higher" evolution.


Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 01:09 pm

Is there a triangular Power Piramid emmitting force field set up on
Earth(dimentionaly shifted) with it's base points being: Giza, Bermuda
and Japan? Reason I'm asking is because my friend(inventor - no
college degree) built a triangular base piramid( metal-height of 7
inches with some secret aparatus inside of it based on this assumption
and this piramid(when pointed with one side flush to North) emits a
field in the radius of 40 meters that successfuly neutralizes/cancels
all of the underground water radiation cross points. We checked that
with dowsing copper wire rods. When small piramid is not flush North
on one side I can detect again with dowsing rods all 18 underground
water radiation points that are present under my house.

ANSWER: Hi George,
The answer is "no". And the second answer is: "That's hardly


Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 05:34 pm

Hi Mr. Meier:
I am trying to locate Mr. Anthony Shine mentioned in FIGU Bulletin #
5, is he still alive? If yes, what would be the best way to locate
this person?
I sent out dozens of post cards, but no luck.
Thank you.
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: Hi Hampton,
According to Quetzal he died while being a prisoner (in North
Vietnam). He was tortured and maltreated.


Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 03:01 pm

Dear Mr. Meier,
Being that some people in the creative arts, such as writing and
movie-making, receive "impulse contact" inspiration that leads them to
write books or make television programs and movies about life in the future,
are you aware of any such works that accurately portray the events of the
coming WWIII and life on earth in its' aftermath?

The answer is "no".


Posted on Friday, April 11, 2003 - 12:50 pm

Knowing what you do about the prophecies and predictions of the
upcoming "end-of-days", what do you recommend to people who ask your
advice on how they can survive? What, if anything special, are you
doing to enhance your chances of survival?

The people must see that they find themselves in the first place (from
within themselves), and to lead a just and correct life; to make the
best of their lives. Flight makes no sense. You can be hit everywhere when
the big "blow" really occurs.


Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 08:19 am

What can you tell us about the Crystal Skulls found in Central

ANSWER: Nothing, i.e. Billy has no special information about that skull.


Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 08:54 am

Dear Billy,
Regarding the humans created to protect the Sirians eons ago, how is
possible that their spirit forms were developed enough that the humans
could be functional as soldiers? In other words, doesn't it take
millions of years of evolution to attain the necessary level of
evolution, abilities, intelligence, etc.? (It would seem that a lot of
evolution was skipped over.)
And, if the average indigenous Earth human's spirit form is tens of
millions of years old, how is that possible if human life on Earth is
far more recent? Also in other words, how/where could these spirit
forms have evolved if indeed they are so much older than when human
life actually first appeared and developed on Earth?

ANSWER: The Sirians did create those fighting/aggressive people from human
beings of old peoples of the Henok lineage. They did not use "new"
spirit forms for their genetic project. They did manipulate normal
human beings who already had had many prior incarnations, reaching
farther back than the point of time when human life emerged on Earth.


Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:37 pm

Dear Billy,
Thanks again for your question about QUETZAL's spirit form being that
of "GABRIEL" and please forgive me for being so persistent on this
same installment of questions. I guess PLEJARANS are closest to PETALE
level for QUETZAL to know who he was in his past.
My next installment to this same topic of the spiritform formerly that
of GABRIEL, does QUETZAL need permission from the Federation Council
to know his last reincarnation as GABRIEL or is it a law amongst all
or some PLEJARANS to know who they were in the past to continue on
developing their Spiritforms??
Best Regards,

ANSWER: Of course the Plejarans don't need a permission to know about a past
incarnation. And most of them are not yet capable to achieve the
necessary back-memories through meditation etc. It needs the abilities
and evolutionary level of a spirit leader (Quetzal is an IHWH and,
therefore, a spirit leader) to be able to explore one's own past


Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 12:12 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
Can a person with higher spiritual development emit higher frequency
energy waves around the him/herself than a person with lower spiritual
Mr. Edgar Cayce used to operate X-ray machine in a hospital, though he
was a professional photographer, but the x-ray pictures he took always
has double exposure, the same machine did not have that same problem
if operated by other person. Is that related to his spiritual
Thank you.
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: It's not exactly clear what you mean. -- What can be said is that
these things don't have to do with spirit but with the consciousness.
All such phenomena are created by the consciousness, which, of course,
uses spiritual force/power. This also matters in the case of Edgar
Cayce who was very gifted in using/applying his consciousness-related


Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 08:37 pm

Hi Billy,
Concerning reincarnation, after the death and the time we spend in the
beyond, do we come back in the next life within a 1000 mile radius of
where we died? Or, can we come back anywhere on the planet?
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: It is not we who come back into a new incarnation, but it's an
entirely new personality who has nothing in common with the former
"user" of the spirit form.
As a rule, people are reincarnated into the same culture, race or
nation etc. where they died. This means, that e.g. an Afro-American
person in the USA will incarnate as an Afro-American person again, in
the USA and not in Africa. And if a German speaking Swiss person dies,
he will incarnate again somewhere in Switzerland, Austria, Germany or
Liechtenstein, etc. In other words: A spirit form will not incarnate
in France, then in Tibet, in Nigeria, and in Greenland, etc. etc.
Incarnations occur within the group of people and cultures where one
lived (and thought!) in one's former life.


Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 11:35 pm

Hi Billy
I have a question regarding the half human and half spirit entities as
those in the high council.
1. Are they given birth by pure human life form?
2. Or do they change/evolve into half human/spirit life form during a
pure human life time?
3. Would these entities give birth to another half human half spirit
Thanks :-)

ANSWER: The existence within the half human/spirit life of the High Council
(which can be looked at as some wobbly form) begins after the last
death as a coarse-matter human being. The "birth" here is death, and
not birth from out of a human mother.
The High Council does not give birth to anybody.


Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 10:37 am

Hi Billy
What is the precise function of the Pineal Gland?
Any relation to psychic ability?

ANSWER: Physical functions (please read in a medicinal book). It certainly
doesn't have anything to do with the non-existing "third eye".


Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 01:09 pm

Hi Billy,
Greetings as Z|rich!
I have few questions:
...what can you tell us about ancient Illyrians,/ancient Pellasgians
or Divine pelasgs how Homer used to say.or Thracians.or Alexander the
are the first old lyrians 22 million years ago as emmigrants in the
ancient greek landed or where, and what modern languages spreed from
the ancient lyrians
thanking in advance

Hello Beli,
Could you be more specific about what is your question to Billy.
Thanks Scott


Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 02:48 pm

Hello, Billy
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand, certain positive
goings-on in the mind, such as love, help the spirit form evolve. I
was just wondering if it matters what or who one loves or what that
love is based upon. Is, for example, the love of a religious Christian
equal - in this matter - to the love of an equally evolved human being
who follows your teachings?
Thank you for your answers.

ANSWER: True love makes no difference between persons and cannot be destroyed
or dissolved. Only the lower forms of love which are created through
thoughts and feelings are unstable and are making differences between
people. True love "sees" the human being's interior rather than his
material actions and behavior or religion, etc.


Posted on Friday, May 23, 2003 - 12:55 am

Hi Billy,
I was wondering, when your in a Plejaren ship, do you age like you
would on Earth?? Since I assume they are repelling the surrounding
positive energy by their negative energy field which explains their
non-detectable presence, I wondered if aging stopped or slowed while
inside the field.
Thank you in advance,
Mark }

ANSWER: The aging process is the same as on Earth


Posted on Friday, May 23, 2003 - 09:35 am

Hi Billy
The minute Creation part inside of every human, which enters the human
body 21 days after conception that never sleeps or dies and records
everything the human does, this human spirit form, does it have a
size, i.e. dimensions?
Is it a minute replica of Creation as Semjase described in the 69th
Contact" The Creation corresponds to the universal consciousness,
which leads and governs there in the meaning of consciousness, as a
double-spiral-shaped oval formation..."?

ANSWER: The spirit form is -- contrary to it's naming -- formless. It is a
pulsating energy block -- pure energy and varying in size.


Posted on Friday, May 23, 2003 - 10:01 am

Hi Scott.Greetings from Z|rich
...actually wanted to ask Billy ,if he knows anything about ancient
Illyrians people once were living in the place known a Ballkan,
and about Divine Pellasgs, Homer used to say,ancient proselenes
.living in ancient Greece, and if he knows anything about The Alexander
the Great, the immperor of ancient Macedonien

ANSWER: No, Billy doesn't have special knowledge about those historic people
or persons.


Posted on Saturday, May 24, 2003 - 12:05 pm

Greetings Billy,
20 years ago, I once saw a very beautiful yet "unusually perfect"
looking girl/woman I had encountered at age 14, on March 2, 1983, who
went by the name of "Monica" and if that was not enough to cause some
hallucinations, the situation gets even stranger years later with the
American TV series called "Touched By An Angel", with the main
character being called "Monica", who strangely resembled the "original
Monica" whom I once saw years before, although not the same person.
Even though I've never seen a woman model or actress who looked that
perfect like her again, she helped begin my search for truth. Any
suggestions to solving this life long mystery?
Salome & peace on Earth :-)
James the truthseeker

ANSWER: No suggestions. An interesting incident along the path of life.


Posted on Monday, May 26, 2003 - 05:49 am

Dear Billy,
As you know, most of us are born with individual character traits that
predispose us to particular challenges during the course of our lives.
For instance, some people might attract powerful partners, such as
marital or business partners, that will oppose and try to control or
transform them. Certainly we can learn from these circumstances and
experiences. Like in the preceding example, one might learn to be
extremely careful in choosing partners and to avoid those that are
controlling. But is it possible that there is another reason for these
challenges, such as to deter us from getting involved in those areas
of life that are not aligned with our major purpose in life? Referring
again to the example, could the attraction to oneself of difficult
partners be a sign that the individual should largely avoid partners
in life so as to remain free to concentrate on other matters by
How would we determine whether the character traits that predispose us
to challenges are simply meant to teach us something or are meant to
deter us from straying off course from our major purpose in life?
Thank you,

ANSWER: The formation of the character starts while being a fetus in a
mother's womb, and it continues to form throughout the entire life.
It is a very individual thing whether or not one will meet a partner.
It is not the question of "the attraction to oneself of difficult
partners", but to what persons you are attracted. Since each human
being is responsible for his or her life, it lies within each one's
own decision whether or not one will come closer to another person
(partner) and whether or not one will choose one.
To live with a "difficult" person can be a good learning lesson, even
if it isn't a "smooth" life.


Posted on Monday, May 26, 2003 - 09:29 pm

Greetings Mr. Meier,
Thank you for your answer to my earlier question about astrology. By
"real" astrology, I presume you mean traditional, western, tropical
astrology which has been practiced for over five thousand years and
which is based on the exact time, date and place of birth to draw up a
chart showing the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets.
If a person is interested in using real astrology to know and form his
character, what do you recommend as a beginning point? Are you aware
of any good astrology books that are to be trusted for learning to
analyze one's character?
Thank you for generously giving your time and patience in answering
our questions.
Michael D.

ANSWER: Astrology is not one of Billy's main interest. A book that could be
recommended is one by Jane Goodman ("Sonnenklar" in German) Sol
Astrology in English?


Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 - 03:05 pm

Hello Billy,
Recently when trying to sort out the answer to a difficult problem, I
was given the advice to "listen for messages from your higher self".
Do you know what they are really meaning by this? Is it possible to
consciously or unconsciously communicate with one's spirit form?

ANSWER: "Higher self" means the spirit form which doesn't emanate messages.
You cannot communicate with your spirit form. However, you may listen
to your "inner voice" or "the first thought". These are unconsciously
created through the unconsciousness and come forth to the
consciousness (stemming from the storage banks/blocks/records where
all information from one's previous lives is stored).


Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 - 05:01 pm

Dear Billy,
How does one untangle oneself from purely human urges and learn to
think and act in a spiritual manner?

ANSWER: One has to occupy oneself with the spiritual laws and commandments.
Through this the human urges are pushed somewhat into the background,
i.e. they are not as prominent as before.
Depending on what you understand as urges: Purely human urges, e.g.
sexuality, or survival instinct , are not bad and must be accepted as
a natural attribute. The natural urges may not be suppressed and must
be respected, however not in an excessive and degenerative way.
Self-chastisement is negative behavior that is hampering one's


Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 08:53 am

Is it worthwhile to know one's purpose in life or is it better to let
life unfold by following one's interests and aptitudes? How can one be
sure if he has found his correct purpose?
Moderator: Please keep to one question as stated in the guidelines
above. Your second question has been removed.

ANSWER: Each human being should put up goals for himself in order to not
become an automaton. And of course it's worthwhile to know one's
purpose in life. Interests and aptitudes can help in finding the
correct path of life. If you are listening into yourself you will know
if you have found your correct purpose


Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 05:10 pm

Good Day Billy. Thank you so much for helping all of mankind by
stating the truth.
Do you know what caused the collapse of the Maya Culture in Central
America and the Inca culture in South America? Where did these people
go? ie. plauge, famine, or self extiction?
I have been to their ruins and it is impressive to see how much they
built and knew. And very strange that they dissapeared all of a
Thank you

ANSWER: In the case of the Maya Culture it was drought and famine (lasting for
many years).


Posted on Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 08:54 pm

Dear Mr. Billy,
I have a very short question:
Please tell us how Semjase is doing at this time.
With great respect,

ANSWER: She is fine.


Posted on Sunday, July 27, 2003 - 02:19 pm

In answer to a question posed to you from this discussion board
recently, you said that, as a rule, people are reincarnated into the
same culture, race or nation where they died, emphasising as an
example that an Afro-American in the USA will reincarnate as an
Afro-American again in the USA and not in Africa. Then you said, a
spirit form will not reincarnate in France, then in Tibet, then
Nigeria. . . Incarnations occur within the group of people and
cultures where one lived (and thought!) in one's former life. If this
is so, how is it that your spirit has reincarnated as a Jew in Israel,
then an Arab in Saudi Arabia (Mecca) and then as a Swiss in
Switzerland? This seems to contradict the answer you have given.
Joseph Emmanuel

ANSWER: This is no contradiction because there wasn't a big difference between
the civilizations etc. of Palestine and Arabia (or India) at that
time. The reincarnations followed the path of the spreading knowledge
across to Europe (during a time period of many hundreds of years, and
several incarnations).
Perhaps it's wise now to give some additional information regarding
Billy's earlier explanations: The explanations which you quoted above
are directed to ( meant for) persons who are not yet familiar with the
laws of reincarnation. It's a simplified explanation.
Actually, reincarnation doesn't depend on the skin color, but on the
education and civilization and evolutional level of a person, a group
of persons, peoples, nations, etc. From this follows that, as an
example, a white US American person may reincarnate as a black US
American person, and vice versa. And an educated European scientist
will not reincarnate in the Amazon jungle among a native tribe, etc.;
and a person who strongly or fanatically believes in Islam or Jewish
faith (e.g. who lives in Arabia or Israel, etc.) will not incarnate
into a well-educated family in Sweden or Holland, etc.
What really matters regarding reincarnation is the level of evolution
(of understanding, knowledge, freedom of thinking, culture, etc.) of a
person, both on a personal level, and also regarding the surrounding
society. The average level of evolution/civilization of a nation has
an influence on the location of incarnation of a spirit form.
An average Swiss person (or rather his spirit form) who is accustomed
to (more or less) freedom of speech, democracy, security, welfare,
pluralism, etc., will not reincarnate in Arabia or some other country
where religion has a strong hold on the everyday life of the citizens.
(As a rule: The more religious a nation is, the more opposed to
progress it is, and the less evolved with regard to
civilization/technique etc. it is.)


Posted on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 04:21 am

Greetings Billy,
Assuming the Plejarans, Baawis, etc, are possibly monitoring the FIGU
related internet sites and posts, I would like to ask the Plejarans or
Baawis if they can now unconsciously influence a "second" safe chance
conversational meeting with the perfect looking mysterious Monica of
whom I mentioned in my last question and of whom I once saw 20 years
ago back at age 14 on March 2, 1983 ???
Peace in real hope
James the Truthseeker

ANSWER: The answer is NO. Of course they do not perform any influences for any
such reasons.


Posted on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 05:31 am

It is said that you have a highly evolved spirit, where in a former
incarnation the individual concerned was able to use the power of his
spirit by healing the sick, making the blind see and walking on water.
Since then your spirit will have evolved in knowledge and wisdom. How
is it, therefore, that you are not able to use the power of your
spirit, as had your spirit's former incarnation?
Hi Yusuf,
I would suggest you read "And Yet They Fly" which has information
about Billy using his spiritual powers. Moderator

ANSWER: It's not a matter of spirit, but of consciousness, of
consciousness-related forces or powers.
Besides, in the early seventies (when living in Hinwil) Billy worked
as a "psychological counselor" and performed "spiritual healing" to
the benefit of more than 300 persons.
(Note by moderator: If you would read the "Zeugenbuch" ("Book of
Witnesses" = available in German) you would find a plethora of
witnesses' reports of Billy's "psychic" (= consciousness-related)


Posted on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 07:21 am

Hi Billy
I refer to TJ chapter34/53 "Therefore evil is one in itself because it
is also good in itself. Likewise, good is one in itself becasue it is
just as much evil in itself".
Does it imply that when one somehow performs a good deed will lead to
equal amount of evil preformed by another person?
Or, when we say Creation is love, does it imply that the counter part
of love is also a part of it?

ANSWER: The TJ has been written in a language that could be understood at that
time in history.
Today we must read/understand "good" and "evil" as "positive" and
"negative", as a polarity. At that time the people had no
understanding of electricity, etc.
The positive in itself is complete as it is the case with the
negative. Both together form a hyperunity in which both poles are of
the same value. Both values need each other.
Regarding "Creation is love": This has nothing to do with feelings or
the term love as it is usually understood. Within Creation there is no
degeneration, but a relative perfection. Love in this sense is
connectedness/association/union (Verbundenheit) and existence at the
same time.


Posted on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 08:03 am

Hi Billy, i,ve been studying your teachings for over two years now,
but some things is still unclear to me;
Whaty is it with the bible code?
It has predicted very many things from the past to the future, and i
cant see the connection by your presentation of the ancient earth
history and the bible code. Do you just simply call this code silly?
Another incident in my life is when I met a person called Uriel. I had
never heard of anyone called that name. It could not have been an
hallusination. I read later that it was one of the chief angels in
heaven. Could it be of extra-terreastrial origin.
Thanks in Advance,

ANSWER: The Bible is a book of lies. It's a constructed chronicle in order to
provide a history for a group of people.
The bible code is purely fictional, and if there may appear some
matches it is simply some form of providence (Fuegung in German).
The name Uriel (Urjjel) is of Old-Lyrian origin.


Posted on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 08:15 pm

Hi Billy,
From what I understand, the Plejarans keep personal gardens.
What types of plants, herbs & vegetables etc. do they grow?

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.
(Note by moderator: They will surely have the same herbs and
vegetables as we have, plus additional ones.)


Posted on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 09:11 pm

Dear Mr. Meier,
You stated that Aquarius, the eleventh astrological sign of the
zodiac, corresponds to the highest vibrational level while Pisces, the
twelfth sign, accords to the lowest. Can you please indicate the
vibrational levels of the other signs and advise what qualities or
characteristics define a sign's vibrational level?
Thank you!

ANSWER: No. ---
Aquarius is called the Golden Age because wisdom and knowledge etc.
are worked on (erarbeitet) to a relative peak, while Pisces stands for
sectarianism, belief, etc.


Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 04:15 am

Hello Billy,
For an American not versed in the German language, who wishes to grow
spiritually, which would be more beneficial: to learn and practice
meditation or to learn German and study the spirit teachings and

1) learn German so you can understand the book(s)
2) learn and practice meditation


Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 05:57 am

Hello Billy,
Why should fruit and meat not be consumed at the same meal? What
effects are caused to the body, psyche and spirit by eating fruit and
meat together? Ideally, after consuming fruit, how much time should be
allowed before consuming meat? Conversely, after consuming meat, how
much time should be allowed before consuming fruit?
Best regards,

ANSWER: What you eat has no effect at all on your spirit.
Basically you should eat what tastes good. But since the sense of
taste in many persons is deformed/distorted you cannot depend on it
It is important that children are nourished in a way that their sense
of taste (and taste-buds) remains as natural as possible, which means,
that, e.g., fruit and meat is not mixed in food (e.g. pineapple and
Note by moderator: You may eat fruits after having eaten meat etc.
It's rather a matter of taste than of what's in your stomach --- with
exceptions, of course. Anyway, it is better for your psyche (and
consciousness) if you eat something that tastes fine than something
that makes you vomit or screws up your face. :-)


Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 09:45 am

Gicayhwh, Billy already answered that question. I would advise new
people here to go back and read all the old questions, as their
questions may have already been answered.

ANSWER: She is fine (Billy said "excellent"). She sends her best
regards to all FIGU people all over the world.


Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 04:11 pm

Hi Billy,

In your latest writing translated into English, "A word to Third World
War, a clarification," you stated the difference between a prophecy
and a prediction saying:
"Contrary to prophecies, predictions are unavoidable happenings and
will be in some way predicted by clairvoyance through visions or
through a glance into the future. They are true, unstoppable and
unchangeable and cannot be avoided."
Can you explain the difference between a prediction in this way and
the predictions of others who claim to be prophets or futurists who
supposedly look into the future through clairvoyance and visions and
fortell certain events that can or cannot be avoided or changed by
taking appropriate action?
At times you have been able to see into the future and witness a
tragic event in your own life and then took action to prevent such a
thing from happening. Many seem to have this ability. But what is the
difference between this and the kind of predictions you spoke of in
the aforementioned writing?
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: Regarding "predictions of others": One would have to check in each
case whether it is a prophecy, probability calculations, vision,
dream, hypnosis, etc., or just some invention, guessing, etc.
Usually Billy "did not see into the future and witness tragic events
in his own life", but he was told so by the Plejarans. The Plejarans
themselves gained this information from the future, probably by
time-travel. What can be seen in the future (predictions) may never be
(Note by moderator: Trying to kill parents in the past in order to
eliminate their offspring who are someone's enemy in a present life is
absolutely impossible, because who has lived up to the present etc.
cannot be "deleted". Therefore, the storyline of films like
"Terminator" is illogical.)


Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 05:05 pm

Dear Billy,
I understand you have said that under "normal" circumstances a person
who dies will reincarnate a number of years later equal to 1.54 times the
number of years lived. To what natural cycle does this computation
Currently, there are three biorhythm cycles identified: physical,
emotional and mental/intellectual. Does this reincarnation cycle correspond to
the postulated but-yet-to-be-discovered "spiritual" cycle?

ANSWER: No. There is no spiritual cycle in the sense of the biorhythm cycle.
The latter has an influence on the body which may influence the psyche
and the consciousness.
Reincarnation has its own cycles/laws which have nothing to do with
the physical body..


Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 06:04 pm

Hello Billy,
Thankyou for everything.
It seems to me like you have often had contacts on your birthday. Is
there some special reason for this?
Are we some how more perceptive or clearer in our consciousness around
our birthdate, because of the influence of the planets, stars , cosmic
Salome, // Claes

ANSWER: This is a symbolic gesture/action only. A person's birthday has no
special meaning or effect or influence, and certainly nothing to do
with cosmic radiation. The Plejarans don't celebrate their birthday,
with the exception of their 1,000st (but surely not by singing
anything like "happy birthday to you ...").


Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 09:07 pm

Dear Billy,
What are the procedures or processes the Spirit form of QUETZAL
undergo to know besides meditation to know who he was in his past
besides being an JSCHWJSCH??

ANSWER: He only became an Jschwjsch (JHWH) a couple of years ago. In order to
become one your spirit form must be really evolved, and you have to
learn very hard during your entire life etc.


Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 06:35 am

Hi Billy, could you please explain to me how the puramids could be
73.000 years old when they are dated to be just 10000 years old?

Hi Howard,
Please, only one post per question and answer period. In addition if
people would please do a search on the FIGU website and discussion
forum ahead of time, they may find the answer they are looking for. It
takes time and effort for everyone involved when the answers have
already been given. Howard, the answer to your question can be found
if you do a search for Pyramid on the English portion of the FIGU
website- Thank you Moderator


Posted on Thursday, July 31, 2003 - 01:41 pm

This is with reference to The Talmud of Jmmanuel, Chapter 1, verse 1.
It states: 'This is the boook and arcanum of Jmmanuel, who is called
"the one with godly knowledge," who is the son of Joseph, grandson of
Jacob, a distant descendant of David." Yet we know that Jmmanuel was
begotten by Gabriel, which means that he was not the son of Joseph,
nor was he the grandson of Jacob, nor a distant descendant of David.
Yet the Talmud painstakingly goes through the genealogy of Joseph as
if to show some special connection between Jmmanuel and Adam, who was
himself begotten by Semjasa, the leader of the celestial sons. Clearly
there was no connection at all. So why give this genealogy and not the
genealogy of Mary, which would have made more sense?

ANSWER: That's to show that Joseph was a direct descendant of Adam and of
Semjasa. In historical terms this lineage is of more importance than
that of Mary.
Here is an excerpt of a text about Jmmanuel that has not yet been
published (uncorrected translation by CF, made somewhat in a hurry):
Jewish history has been written down by scribes who have put together
a chronicle which makes no sense. In other words: Practically two
thirds of it is pure fabrication and has been put together to an
invented chronicle by 12 self-appointed prophets who went into the
desert and wrote down 240 "books" during 40 days, which then were the
foundation of the second Thora. (...)
The matter regarding Joseph is as follows: He was the son of a certain
Jakob/Jacob, by trade a shipbuilder and a carpenter from Tiberia.
Jmmanuel's father Joseph, also a shipbuilder and carpenter, derived
from the Adam lineage which began about 13,500 years ago through his
(Adam's) fathering by the extraterrestrial Semjasa. The human beings
of the Adam lineage became very old, thus they, as a rule, procreated
their offspring during their higher age, as an average when they were
169 years old. Up to Jmmanuel's father Joseph all descendants of the
Adam lineage were without belief/faith and didn't belong to
Jewry/Judaism. Their knowledge was based on the ancient traditional
Spirit Teachings which led back to Nokodemion and which were
transmitted by Semjasa's people. Therefore, they were not faithful
ones, but knowledgeable ones. With a clear conscience one could call
them as persons who did not belong to any denomination/religion. The
same holds true for Jmmanuel who firstly was thought by his parents
Joseph and Mary in the teachings, and later by his extraterrestrial
"fathering-father" Gabriel, with whose help the young Jmmanuel went to
India, but returned again sometimes later. Mother Mary was not of
Jewish faith, too, and she also came from Tiberia and was the daughter
of a family of traders. (...)
The genealogy of Jmmanuel is important only to show that the beginning
of his lineage leads back to an extraterrestrial origin, and that, in
a way, the extraterrestrial who fathered Adam, i.e. Semjasa, was an
earlier personality of the extraterrestrial who fathered Jmmanuel,
i.e. Gabriel. After Semjasa's death, his spirit form incarnated again
several times, of course with different personalities. And the last
personality at the time of Jmmanuel's fathering was Gabriel. This
Semjasa was a cousin of the chief ringleader Semjasa. (...)


Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2003 - 10:05 pm

Hi Billy,
We are told that the human spirit is immortal and eternal but once all
spirits are absorbed back into the Creation it would seem that the
sense of individual identity totally ceases. After the Creation has
slumbered and then reanimated have we not completely ceased to exist
and, therefore, isn't even the so-called immortality and eternality of
the individual human spirit actually limited and finite?


Posted on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 10:04 am

Hi Billy,
Was Buddha a contactee? If so, which race, if not, where did he get
all his wisdom?


Posted on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 11:16 am

Hi Billy, Should newborn male babies be circumcised?


Posted on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 01:09 pm

Hi Billy,
Since it's said the human spirit is immortal I wonder how, or if, that
applies through the cycles of the Creation. If I understand correctly
we are in the 2nd of 7 cycles. Since "we" only experience through an
individual sense of identity, i.e. through incarnating, I wonder if
this actually does end with each of the cycles.
While I understand that there is a an eventual merging with Creation,
this seems to imply an end to our individual awareness. I want to know
if we (those spirits incarnating now) were individual spirits in the
previous Creation and if we, with our subjective "I-ness", will
experience awareness/existence in the next Creation?
Since life is short, if I lose awareness of "myself" in the next
Creation I certainly want to make the best of the next several hundred
trillion years in this one.

Hi Michael,
I was under the impression we were in the 1st expansion/contraction
cycle of Creation. I remember a few years ago it was assumed we were
in the 2nd cycle, but I thought since then this has been corrected??


Posted on Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 01:01 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
In contact report #52, May 17, 1976, Semjase mentioned the sun light
of a very distant star, a central star of the Milky Way, will fall in
through the pipe-like 'opening of the revelation' that extends from
outside of Giza Pyramid all the way inside to its center in a
straight, unbroken line and illuminates a certain point.
But in Mr. Gantenbrink's report, Giza Pyramid does not have a
straight, unbroken line from outisde to its center, all the
shaft/passage have some degree of angle and are not straight, so the
light can not fall in straight through the pipe-like shaft.
Except for the one with 'Gantenbrink Door', which is blocked by a
'door', that one Mr. Gantenbrink does not specify whether the shaft is
in straight line from outside to the center.
So my question is:
Is there another shaft/passage in Giza that fits Semjase's explanation
or one of the current 4 shafts/passages found is the one Samjase
talked about?
Thank you very much.

ANSWER: He didn't ask and, therefore, doesn't know more about this.


Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 06:27 am

I have read so many theories on who the Aryans were, from European,
Persian, Indian. My question is what race or group were the E.T. Arus
and his Aryans?

ANSWER: They were Lyrans and Vegans who intermingled with terrestrials. (Lyra
and Vega in another time-space-dimension).


Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 07:17 am

Hi Billy,
What is Deja Vu, and what causes schizophrenia?

ANSWER: A "dij` vu" is a memory of something which resembles events etc. which
were experienced earlier in one's lifetime. As a rule these memories
are connected with happenings of the actual life. Such memories from
former lifes are only possible if the person is capable to consciously
draw information from the storage banks and is aware of this process.
Regarding schizophrenia: There are many different causes, like
imagination, accidents, heritage, instilment, drugs, alcohol,
medicine, psychic terror, consciousness-related damage, illness, fear,
fright, deep felt love or hate, fanaticism, etc. etc.


Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 07:19 am

"Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiadies or loose the
chains of Orion" - Book of Job 37:31 - The Bible
Billy, what is the meaning of this passage?

ANSWER: He doesn't know.


Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 01:06 pm

Dear Mr. Billy,
I wonder if you still have a lock of Semjase's hair.
Is there a way, praying to Ptaah, that I would get a single strand of
With true love

ANSWER: Billy sent that lock of hair to Basel for an examination but didn't
receive it back.


Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 01:49 pm

Greetings Billy,
Sense overpopulation is a real concern here on Earth, will the
Plejarans be able to create a friendly biological virus used to
painlessly and harmlessly sterilize reproduction in the majority of
the present Earth human beings?
This in turn is to prevent:
-increasing problems with overpopulation in the years to come.
-further problems with increased longevity.
-future dangerous diseases coming in from space.
-the higher potential and risk of unnecessary wars.
-the future danger to other more evolved planetary civilizations from
-the concern of the altered emotional aggression gene.
-environmental concerns
Salome :-)
James the Truthseeker

ANSWER: The Plejarens are not allowed to directly interfere with the Earth
human beings. The terrestrial mankind should apply reason and
responsibility and diminish the population numbers in a natural


Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 02:32 pm

Dear Mr. Billy,
My previous Question was: How Is Semjase doing at THIS time: not years
Thank you,
The answer to your previous question was given, why do you doubt it as
being correct?-Moderator

ANSWER: Well, she's still fine, then and now.


Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2003 - 02:56 am

Just 2 quick comments here,
Gica, rest assured! I'm sure the Plejarans have well informed Semjase
in the Dal universe of your emotional feelings for her by now. The
universe can be a very small place with their kind of technology.
Norm, If I understand correctly, Arus II or Aries II was the founder
of the Aryan race from Hyperborea as tall white Nordic blond in
appearance going from Europe to Persia and well past Asia.

ANSWER: No, Arus did not belong to the Hyperboreans, and therefore he had
another appearance.


Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2003 - 04:39 am

Dear Billy,
Can we neutralize or counteract the negative effects of the
destructive magneticfields (that Ptaah mentions in the 249:th contact)
around us, by using electromagnetic generator with frequencies under
20 Hz that imitate the natural frequencies of the body?
Danke fur alles,

ANSWER: No, he doesn't think that this will help.
(Note by CF: You can try to avoid frequent close exposures to the
radiations of cellular phones, radio wrist watches, etc.)


Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 02:05 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
You have put some kind of code which will elicits impluses from
Akashic Records, in many of your booklet, and it will only work if we
read the whole text from beginning to end.
Is there any different level/purpose between codes in different
booklet? Would different codes initiate different impluses from
Akashic Records?
P.S. Dear Moderator, I am not sure if I can ask another question in
this round, since my last question posted on July 29th, is not
If I am not allowed to ask another question in this round, please
remove this question, I will post it next time.
Thank you.

ANSWER: Yes, there are different codes. Basically, these codes animate/inspire
the human being who read those German texts to learn. There is no
pressure or compulsion etc. involved. The individual decides. The code
is some form or recommendation. The codes are neutral, and nobody has
to fear anything from it.
The human beings shall occupy themselves with the texts in a neutral
Hi Hampton,
At present, I think your old question will be included in this round
of questions as well as your current question. Sorry for the mixup


Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 08:34 am

Hi Billy
According the spiritual teaching that Creation will go to sleep at a
certain time where again nothing will exist except Creation itself.
The recent science research discovered that the universe is expanding
and the expansion rate is in acceleration at the same time.
My question is: what is the power source behind the acceleration? And,
what is the power source that will counter act the acceleration and
expansion and eventually lead to the contraction of the universe?

ANSWER: It's extremely fine spiritual energy.


Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 12:27 pm

Greetings again Mr.Meier,
Most Christian believers of Bible information are so intensely caught
in the idea that the So called SATAN figure in scriptures still exists
in invisible energy force. When I come across a Christian believer and
explain to them certain aspects of The PLEJARAN mission and the
reality behind all history of the world and influence which ET groups
have input in the world, they always seems to use the lines of the
Bible which sound something like this:
I argue the point which is erroneous from scripture so that they can
understand that is a trick in scripture to condition mankind.
What would be a much better approach to handling and debating the
SATAN idea with them??
Salome and BE WELL Billy :-)

ANSWER: There's no use to argue with Christian believers. It's a waste of
time. A useless effort. Besides: Satan simply is some kind of
imagination, a religious invention.


Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 06:48 pm

Dear Mr. Meier,
When preparing to decide on an important matter, it would seem
essential to have the guidance of the "inner voice" in order to arrive
at a correct decision. Is there a way to make sure the "inner voice"
will be loudly heard, and how does one distinguish it from consciously
created thoughts?
Thanks for your consideration.

ANSWER: The first "thought flash" usually is one's first inner thought. All
other thoughts usually are founded in one's consciousness. To
distinguish one from the other is a matter of exercise which can be
learnt through correct meditation, etc.


Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 02:03 am

Many Greetings Billy Dear Friend...
I was wondering for some time now, 'what shall I ask you'? Sometimes,
I do not know what to
But this question has been Circulating inside my mind for some time.
I would like to what Order is the correct Line-up of:
"(Body[material]..) - Psyche, Spirit, Consciousness and.. Gemut"..??
(As you have explained, in your material(s) that most of the above
mentioned are/were Interpreted/defined into errores meanings.)
The like-up just my assumption.
Can you please give me the correct line-up.(Or..if there is also
anything Before - Inbetween - After.., would also be of Great me)
Vieler Dank..Und sehr gute Gesundheit zu Ihnen...lieber Freund.

ANSWER: Body, Consciousness, thoughts, feelings, sub-consciousness and psyche
etc. are one block, the spirit form and the Gemuet another one.
There's no hierarchical order in this. Besides there is the
comprehensive consciousness block which builds/creates the
personality, the consciousness and the ego.


Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 09:55 am

Hi Mr. Meier,
Is the "garden-variety" human of average intelligence and spiritual
development able to see into his future regarding the coming events of
his life? How can he discern the real visions of future events from
fantasy or delusion?

ANSWER: If there are no thoughts and feelings present, but a vision, then it's
a real vision. In all other cases it's self-created, from out of


Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 10:00 am

Are the Arahat Athersata and the Petale levels regarded as being in
the Beyond, seeing as they are pure spirit levels? If they are not, is
the Beyond a plane of existence that only those spirit forms
incarnated in the material universe go to until they have evolved to
the Arahat Athersata level? If they are, then are the material-bound
spirit forms in some way guided towards their next incarnation by
those spirit forms that have evolved to the Arahat Athersata and the
Petale levels, or do they proceed through an evolutionary process?

ANSWER: No, they don't have anything to do with the Beyond. The Arahat
Athersata and Petale are purely-spiritual levels of some other kind.
(Note by CF: These spiritual levels have nothing to do with guidance
from incarnation to incarnation. This process is occurring in line
with natural laws. The AA and Petale levels themselves are subject to
evolution, too.)


Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 10:44 am

Greetings Mr. Meier,
Are you at liberty to comment on the speculation that the tragic
events on 9-11 were orchestrated by powerful elements inside the
American government (or by outside elements with powerful influence on
the American government) for the purpose of creating public sentiment
that would support the invasion of and regime changes in Afghanistan
and Iraq?

ANSWER: He doesn't give details on these events.


Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 12:38 pm

Moderator: Can you please replace my original question with this one?
There are over 6 billion people in the world today, which means there
are over 6 billion spirit forms predisposed to this planet. If some
catastrophe were to happen, natural or otherwise, and reduce the
population of the world to one twelfth of the current estimation, this
would mean that 5 billion 5 hundred million spirit forms would not be
able to reincarnate into the world, nor would they ever be able to if
the population of the world were to be kept at a strict maximum of 500
million, unless following each human death and subsequent birth the
spirit form leaving the guest body takes its rest for a certain period
of time in the spiritual realm while one of the 5 billion 5 hundred
million spirit forms reincarnates into the world. But this would take
an awfully long time for all the existing spirit forms to evolve. And
although we do have an awfully long time to evolve, this doesnt quite
seem a realistic scenario, especially as there will almost certainly
be more than one spirit form competing for reincarnation. Is it
possible, therefore, that the spirit forms that have not evolved
sufficiently will eventually diminish into oblivion, like a child who
has very little self-resourcefulness to maintain his existence alone
in the world?

ANSWER: No spirit form who has ever incarnated for a first time will diminish
into oblivion. Each one eventually will reach it's goal of evolution.
The scenario that you mention would delay the evolution of billion
spirit forms, but eventually everything would normalize again. (Note
by CF: There is plenty of time available, but this doesn't mean that a
person should lead a lazy and ignorant life).


Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 04:20 am

Hello Billy,
There has been conjecture on this discussion forum that WWIII will not
begin until some time after the occurrence of the San Francisco
earthquake you viewed in a time travel. The logic is that the
Transamerica building, which
was split in half but still standing after the earthquake, would
certainly not withstand the havoc that will undoubtedly be unleashed
upon San Francisco during WWIII. Therefore, the war couldnt possibly
begin before the earthquake. Is this logic regarding the timeline for
WWIII correct?

ANSWER: Just as WWI and WWII did not destroy all cities on Earth, WWIII would
not detroy all cities. In other words: WWIII could occur outside of
San Francisco, and even before the great earhtquake.


Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 04:52 am

Hello Billy,
Is there a relationship between an individual's sincere affinity
towards your teachings of the natural, Creational truths and laws and
that person's level of intelligence and spiritual development?
Best regards,

ANSWER: No, that's an individual matter. Even persons who may be judged as
being silly or stupid by others, can find the Creational truth. Some
form of connection is necessary, of course, but in one's estimation.
(Note by CF: There are many "intelligent" persons, like e.g.
theologians, who are much more away from Creational truth than persons
with average intelligence.)


Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 06:21 am

Billy, It sure looks like some of the ancient Sorcerers, Magicians &
Occultists were using writing similar to the Plejaren alphabet, in
their magical spells. In a lot of the occult books they talk about the
"Old Gods", writing in the language of the "Old/Elder Gods". Are some
of these symbols copies of the Plejaren alphabet?

ANSWER: The ancient Hebrews (the forebearers of the Hebrews) used signs from
the Plejaren alphabet.


Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 08:52 am

Hi Billy, as alot of others, I am are very frightened for the third
world war. Could you tell us if Norway is safe during this war? Which
lands in Europe will be relatively safe? Could you tell us some lands
to go to in the world where our family and friends could be safe from
the war?
In hope,

ANSWER: This kind of question has been answered before. --- Whether the
prophecies are fulfilled or not depends on the behavior of terrestrial
humankind, and especially on the thoughts and actions of those in
leading positions.


Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 09:23 am

In the fields of science and philosophy one speaks of consciousness in
terms of mental phenomena: - perception, introspection, volition,
knowing, awareness and phenomenal experience (which is, theoretically,
the subjective experience of sensations such as pain and perceptions
such as colour). From my own experience, however, I have found that
the psychological conditions that are created by such mental phenomena
need first be overcome before one can have experience of
consciousness. This suggests to me that although we perceive and know,
although we have awareness, we are not necessarily conscious.
Consciousness, it seems, is something deeper, and its essence is not
mental. But what is the nature of consciousness? Currently I think of
it as a medium linking spirit and body, through which knowledge
passes. But it must be something more than this if it creates
realities too.

ANSWER: Consciousness in this respect has nothing to do with the spirit. The
consciousness is the "device" which is capable to perform evolution by
creating knowledge and wisdom. It's like the computer of the
personality, the "motor of personality". The consciousness can expand
from within itself. The consciousness programs itself. The
consciousness is like an independent Perpetuum mobile computer
(getting its force/power from the spiritual energy of the spirit form).


Posted on Wednesday, October 08, 2003 - 09:39 pm

Hello Billy,
In the contact notes there is mention that the man known as St
Germaine is no longer living, but now has reincarnated as another
individual. From what I can remember this person has not completely
transformed himself to a better life, but is still up to no good.
Yes, the actual person still has the same ambitions as the former
personality (of the same spirit form).
My question revolves around the idea, that it has been stated many
times that when a person dies, his or her personality no longer
exists, but only the spirit which has no personality as I understand
it. If this is true, it doesn't seem to follow, that although a spirit
is reborn with a new personality, they may still continue some of
their previous activities. This seems to be an inconsistency with
regards to the spirit being completely neutral and not possessing any
traits of the previous personality. Does the spirit somehow pass on
previous characteristics of its former incarnation?
I may be completely wrong in my understanding of this, but it is
something I have thought about.
Thanks very much

ANSWER: No, the spirit (or spirit form) is not involved in this process. There
are impulses coming from the storage banks (Speicherbaenke). --- And
of course it's up to each person whether he/she will be open to such
impulses or not.


Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 12:28 am

Greetings Mr. Meier,
This question refers to knowing your spirit-form's past life as my
earlier questions have been about the Spirit form of QUETZAL being
that of GABRIEL.
If it is permissible by you or PTAAH himself, I would like to know
what was PTAAH's Spirit-form in his past life or person in past life.
Thank you very Much

ANSWER: This question will not be answered.


Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 08:43 pm

Greetings Billy,
Concerning the mad cow prion disease which now appears to be a threat
to all protein based life forms on Earth which I've heard is getting

into the atmosphere and worlds oceans, not to mention it's appearing
in all sorts of wild life here in North America such as dear, elk,
birds, etc. I also suspect that secret service groups maybe secretly
conducting animal mutilations to keep track of this deadly prion
disease among other things.
Question being, Will or have scientists being successful in now
finding anti-prions to counteract these prions with what they now call
the Alzheimers vaccine?

ANSWER: Sooner or later they will be successful.


Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 08:55 pm

Greetings Billy,
My understanding about the "milestones" of the present or coming
"Golden-Age" of knowledge and wisdom is that February 3, 1844 heralded
the beginning of the first "transition-phase", meaning that the Earth
was still in the Piscean era, characterized by belief and
sectarianism, but Aquarian influences were beginning to emerge.
February 3, 1937, also the day on which you were born, marked the
beginning of the second "transition-phase" and signified the first day
of the Aquarian era in the current cycle. However, residual Piscean
influences are still being felt, although tapering off, until February
3, 2029, when we are fully into the "Golden-Age".
My question is this: Presuming they do not transform themselves or
change their ways, are countries such as America and Israel, founded
on the premise of freedom from religious persecution, fated to
extinction as the march continues into the Golden-Age?
Thank you!

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know, but if the prophecies fulfill themselves Israel
will vanish.


Posted on Friday, October 10, 2003 - 02:07 am

Hi Billy,
What areas of Mars show artificial construction?

ANSWER: No idea.


Posted on Friday, October 10, 2003 - 04:12 am

Hello Billy,
It seems there is an almost universal desire to live in a state of
happiness, contentment and joy. Why is this state so fleeting for so
many people?
Best regards,
Jo Jo

ANSWER: Because the people (at least many of them) have not yet learned to
think in a constant way/manner and to create constant feelings. In
other words they do not think in a neutral-positive way.
Happiness, contentment and joy can be a permanent state, depending on
the individual's thoughts.


Posted on Friday, October 10, 2003 - 12:50 pm

Hi Billy,
Can the level of a persons intellectual and spiritual evolution be
ascertained by their aptitude for and capacity to perform mental work
as opposed to physical work? What type of mental work corresponds to
the highest level of present human evolution?

ANSWER: It depends on what you understand as "mental work". If one knows how,
the consciousness-related status of a person can be determined. The
more a person's "mental work" is in accord with the spiritual laws and
commandments, the higher the level of human evolution.


Posted on Friday, October 10, 2003 - 11:00 pm

Hallo mein guter guter Freund Herr Billy Meier!
Wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe in guter Gesundheit und Freude und Frieden
Ich habe keine Frage, zu dir nur einigen Wvrtern der Freundschaft zu
dir liebe Freund.
Danke daf|r, mir Gl|ck hinsichtlich meiner neuen Arbeit (du) zu
w|nschen. Ja ich bekam die Arbeit!
Ich hoffe auch, dass du dem Geschenk "Tiefe Friedensmusik" ich
mochtest, der dir geschickt wurde. Mochtest du dem deine Geschenk
meinen guten Freund?
Jetzt kennst du meinen guten und wirklichen Herold und H|ter der
Wahrheit, wie ich mein Herz tiefem Innere empfinde. Dies ist der
gleiche Frieden, den ich zu dieser Planetenerde w|nsche. Dein
Herzschlag ist mein Herzschlag,und mein Herzschlag ist deine
Herzschlag auch. Mein Herz vergisst dich nie. Ich habe dich immer in
meinem Sinn, wenn ich jetzt diese gleiche schvne Musik hvre, hast du
selbst gehvrt.
Wahrheit wird sich Gewinn und durchsetzen,mein guter Freund
Mit Liebe zu dir Herr Billy dass Ich Liebe dir in Treue.
Von deinem Treuen Freund:
Would you be able to repost this also in English for those people that
don't know German? Thanks-Moderator

Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 05:56 pm

Ok. Dear Moderator
Translation of posting in German Language is here below then... There
it goes anyway...tough I am little bit shy...anyway..he will
understand it in both languages..
Let the river run then...

Hello my good good friend Mr. Billy Meier!
How are you doing? I hope you are in good health and also in Peace.
I have no questions to make to you but just some few words of
Friendship to you my dear Friend.
Thank you for wishing me good luck in my new Job... and Yes I got the
I hope you also liked the gift "Deep Peace" music I sent to you. Did
you like the gift my good Friend?
Now you - True Herald and Guardian of Truth - know how My Heart feels
(deep) inside. That is (exactly) the Deep Peace I wish to this whole
Planet Earth. Your Heartbeat and my Hearbeat are a single Heartbeat
and my Hearbeat is the same as you Hearbeat also. My heart never
forgets you.
I always remember you in my Thoughts when I hear that beautiful music
that you also can hear now.
Only Truth Shall Prevail my good Friend. It was given (to you) with
Love because I love you in sincerity.
From your Faithful Friend,

ANSWER: Thank you very much for your kind regards. Yes, the gift has arrived.
All the best wishes to you and your family.
(Note by CF: This kind of message doesn't exactly match the purpose of
this section of the FIGU Forum, don't you think? :-) )


Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 12:08 am

Hi Billy
What would happen if the Ur Creation of our Creation goes to sleep?
Will our Creation rejoin the Ur Creation first just like we all rejoin
our Creation before it goes to sleep?
Or, our Creation has got its independence once it was created by the
Ur Creation, so that it will evolve on its own way and rejoin Absolute
Absloutum only after arriving close to perfection?
Thank you :-)

ANSWER: The Ur Creation will go to sleep and later waken up again. It will
follow its own evolution. As soon as the Ur Creation has created a
Creation, this Creation is independent and will follow its own path of
evolution --- until reaching the AA and beyond.
(Note by CF: If your father or mother goes to sleep, you don't have to
sleep as well, at the same time, because you lead an independent life,
with your own evolution.)


Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 03:37 pm

How much say does our own spirit have in regards
to selecting next incarnation, ie. is it our own spirit that decides
and select next suitable incarnation, or is this being selected for it
Thank you

ANSWER: Our spirit doesn't have a say in this.
The next incarnation is "selected" by way of natural/creational laws,
on a vibratory level. --- In our modern times with the immense
overpopulation there has come a factor of disorder into the whole
process. In other words, spirit forms have to incarnate again before
the "comprehensive consciousness block" (Gesamtbewusstseinblock) has
completely dissolved the old personality and/or completed the new
personality. From this results that so many human beings suffer from a
variety of ailments, handicaps, problems, "softness", proneness to
drug addiction, etc. etc.


Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 08:24 pm

Dear Billy,
Thankyou for your time and efforts and thanks also to translators and
everybody else who make this Q&A possible.
I would like to know your opinion about Steven Greer and the
Disclosureproject and if you think that showing their Washington DC
pressconference video publicly brings people closer to the FIGU
material or not. The video contains testimony from 20 out of 450 UFO
witnesses (most of them ex military people) which proves that ETs have
been coming here for the last 50 years. They also try to stop the
weaponization of space and to bring forward free energy devices that
could replace fossile fuels so that we can reduce the pollution and
create a better future for us all.

ANSWER: Billy is not informed about Steven Greer.


Posted on Sunday, October 12, 2003 - 01:56 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
Is it true that Creation can not create same pure level 7 energy like
itself? That mean, Creation can not re-produce itself and the only way
to 'produce' Creation level of energy, highest of level 7, would be
only from evolution of coarse material world through pure energy
lifeform, then to Creation level?
And that is why it create the universe and all the level one to level
6 spirit/conscious energy?

ANSWER: Billy is not sure whether he did understand you correctly. Here's an
attempt for an answer:
Creation is not in a position to create 7 kinds of energy forms.
Creation has the task of evolving itself and to change/evolve to a Ur
Creation. Creation is restricted, like everything else that exists.
Creation can only create what corresponds with its


Posted on Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 10:01 am

Hi Kaare, the question you asked for Billy I think ive read some other
place. The spirits are selected of creation to incarnate into a new
body, but the higher you are reaching the spiritual evolution, the
more you will be able to decide yourselves what body you will
incarnate into. I just felt for saying it, hope it corresponds to
Billys answer.

ANSWER: No. See answer above. --- This process is steered by natural laws, not
by the spirit.


Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - 01:30 pm

Greetings Billy,
Since a planet in its own evolution only bring forth one specific
human race, what criteria are the basis of what skin colour and
appearance that human race is given when a planet brings forth human
Kind regards,

ANSWER: As a rule, a planet brings forth three races.
The criteria for skin color and appearance and size etc. are depending
on the material circumstances, the environment, climate, etc.


Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - 11:42 pm

Good Day Billy,
I have read a lot about were the people of Europe came from, but could
you tell us the lineage of the people of latin america for example,
mexico, El Salvador, colombia, Bolivia etc.
Thank you,

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 10:39 am

Greetings Billy,
Can you tell us which Star Systems belong to which of the
corresponding letters of the Plejarian alphabet that was
invented/created by Plejarians during their stay on Earth?

ANSWER: No, because he doesn't know.


Posted on Saturday, October 18, 2003 - 07:13 am

Salome Billy,
I would like to know more about the urine therapy that Ptaah mentions
as being beneficial to our health. I have researched the topic and
found a book or two; they recommend drinking our urine for many
varieties of illness and for strengthening immunity. Is this method
safe and most effective or can it be as effective to prepare a
homeopathic or diluted form?
Perhaps you could suggest a book to refer to?
(In English, French or German).
All the best und Vielen Dank!
Rita K. *-)

ANSWER: No, he cannot recommend books (there are several ones available in
German), because he did not occupy himself with this matter (or rather
this liquid). :-)


Posted on Friday, October 31, 2003 - 08:15 am

How am I to think of the spirit form, and how am I to relate to it as
a human being? At present I think of it as the internal body, and I
relate to it without identifying myself with it. Yet in thinking of it
as the internal body I am beginning to wonder if it functions as a
body, although it is formless. And in relating to it without
identifying myself with it I am finding it difficult to understand how
it possesses, or can possess, the will to determine future
incarnations and subsequent activities, as this seems to imply an
identity. Perhaps it is the consciousness that is the determining and
creative factor, while the internal and external bodies (the spirit
form and the physical form) act merely as conduits?}

ANSWER: The spirit form is something like a filigreed "tissue" that is
anchored in the brain. It is iota-like spiritual-creational energy.
Earth humans are hardly able to detect it within themselves. (The)
Consciousness is another term for personality and ego. It's the
consciousness that perceives the identity.


Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 04:36 am

Greetings Billy!
The prophecies state that two years prior to the start of WWIII, four
heads of state will die within seven days of one another. These deaths
are said to be a danger sign of the upcoming war. Could they also be
said to be a cause?
Thank you!

ANSWER: We don't give precise information about this issue/topic.


Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 05:05 am

Hello Billy,
I understand the primary way we learn and grow is through making
mistakes and facing adversity. However, even a person of strong
character and disposition, such as yourself, may become overwhelmed by
adversity, as when you suffered a breakdown from nervous exhaustion on
November 4, 1982. Is there an optimum balance between adversity and
ease for every person, and if so, how does one find it?
Best regards,

ANSWER: It's up to each person's thoughts and feelings whether one's life is
steered/directed in a positive-neutral or negative way. Each person
has to find his own balance.
(Note by CF: The optimum balance is to live a life that is not
degenerated towards too good or too bad. If you are too good you are
exploited by your fellow-men, and if you are too bad, you are
exploiting your fellow-men, etc. etc.)


Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 05:10 am

Hi Billy
I know a person who always see ghosts around, that makes him very
upset and having quite a lot of pressure. Other than that he is a
normal person.
As we aware that he may have the special gift of tuning in easily
various Fluidal Forces frequencies.
My question is: Is there anything that we can do to solve his problem?

ANSWER: This person must find out the solution by him- or herself. Most
probably the problem is self-created, consciously or unconsciously.
Probably this problem is based on self-induced visions, or delusional
imaginations, etc. The fluidal forces is the least probable
explanation for this problem.


Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 01:14 pm

Hi Billy,
I think we would suffer great depression if we really saw how the
Plejarans live in real peace and freedom, without wars, violence and
the struggle for existence that so many people contend with here
From what little we know it appears that they don't have these
problems, so what struggles do they have to contend with, in their
everyday lives, that are essential to their growth?

ANSWER: They too have problems to solve and which they have to overcome/learn
through logic and will.
BTW: We wouldn't need wars etc. in order to learn and grow.


Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 11:47 am

Hi Billy,
something I have pondered about for a long time now, but cannot be
able to understand is this;
What do you mean really happens when a person gets "saved", become
baptized spiritually (if it is spiritually, or a loss of human guilt
which is manifested in the soul), have a first objective experience
with christianity etc etc, which can be manifested completely
different in regard of human imagination, or by thinking that "Jesus
died for our sins" and so on? What is the reason for such a
longlasting relationship to a spiritual force that is not regarded as
spiritual by your means? Is this a kind of debuting schizophrenia?
And by the way, have you ever been to Norway? And when were you there?

ANSWER: "Being saved" is a matter of pure belief-like imagination from which
delusion may develop, and yes, sometimes even schizophrenia etc. No,
Billy has never been in Norway.


Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 07:06 pm

Hi Billy,
This question pertains to the technologies used by the Creator
Overlords traversing space from what I understand of the Readings of
the TALMUD and also the Contact notes; it seems that these Great
Creator Overlords traversed space in such great distances. Did they
use the same technologies which they used today to get here from the
bondage they suffered or was it a whole totally different concept of

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 12:23 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
Does Creation create the coarse material world in order to let the
certain lower level energies/spirits have a place/channel to
refine/improve themselves?
My assumption is that Creation create all of us, including Plejarans,
Petale, Arahat Athersata, all the life forms on this planet Earth.
Clearly, Petale and Arahat Athersata are much higher evolved than us
and Pejarans, and are closer to Creation level, Plejarans are
spiritually more advanced than average erathly human benings, except
you, and our spirit level are again different than the animal spirits.
Some of the beings would need reincarnation to refine/improve their
spiritual level, like us and Plejaran, some other race like Petale
obviously do not need to have a physical body to refine themselves.
So could I safely says that the only purpose for Creation to create
many coarse material universe is to provide a place for some creatures
to evolve their spiritual levels?
Hope this question will be clear to you.

ANSWER: Creation has to start its own evolution from the lowest level, and
that's the material one (the material belts of Creation). A
coarse-matter universe, as the one we live in, is only existing in the
first cycle of a Creation's existence. Creation has to learn, or does
learn, via the human being. Through the human beings' evolution
Creation is able to evolve itself. Creation only creates one (coarse
material) universe.


Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 12:38 am

Greetings Billy...
I would like to Thank you for answering my preivous question, and it
is very well explained...and Clear to me now.
I have now a question concerning Arus and Jehovah.
You mentioned in "AY..TF" "Jschwjsch Arus-1 as - The Barbarian - " and
in "49 Questions - With Answers Regarding Life And The Human Conditions - "
Jehovah by the title "The Barbarian" also...Both as "The Barbarian".
Are you referring to The One and The Same Person(ality), or...Two
Sperate Person(alities)?
Vieler Dank und gute Gesundheit zu Ihnen ... lieber Freind.

ANSWER: They were two different persons.


Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 11:28 am

Hi Billy,
I've noticed at times, an increase in the number of "dis-harmonious"
or "conflict" type of events around me. For example, people argueing,
disagreements, technical foul-ups (I work at an engineering firm), &
perhaps even natural "anomalous occurances" (solar flares etc.).
Can these events "converging" at particular times be simply
coincidence, or could there be some other factors producing or
triggering these events to occur?
(For example, solar flares, magnetic storms etc. producing behavioral
or mental (etc.) influences in us humans etc.)
I'm not sure if I've asked this question effectively or not... any
clues or info on or around this topic would be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Cosmic influences are possible, but the human being is the principal
influencing and steering/directing factor for the way the events
unfold. It's interesting to note that if a severe accident occurs,
often similar accidents or happenings occur on different
locations--throughout the world-- a relatively short time after the
first incident. This has to do with the collective sub-consciousness.


Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 11:34 am

Hello Billy,
Can you tell us if the spirit form who used to be Emmanuels/ alias -
Jesus Christ mother lives at the present time? Reason Im asking this
is because there is a woman called Mary Watson she lives in state of
Indiana. She claims that through Hypnosis oriented training she has
gained ability to communicate with grouping of her past reincarnations
one of which is Mary mother of Jesus Christ. She is using her so
called acquired ability to answer $20 questions on any subject?
Moderator: Information about present and former incarnations are no
longer discussed by FIGU/Billy. Please resubmit a new question. This
one will be removed shortly. Thanks.

ANSWER: The moderator is right.


Posted on Thursday, October 30, 2003 - 06:47 pm

Hello Billy,
It has been mentioned many times that many of mans ills and successes
stems from his thinking. As I understand it the idea is not to think
either negatively or positively, but neutrally (which is considered
positive). In my own instance, I try and cancel negative thoughts, but
dont know what to do beyond that. I have attempted to be aware of my
immediate environment and make statements to myself such as the The
sky is Blue etc. which I believe is considered neutral or to observe
things and not think anything at all.
What would you recommend as the first steps in learning to achieve
this concept of neutral thinking ?
Thank you for any insights you can provide.

ANSWER: To become aware of your thoughts and feelings, and to try to be as
neutral as possible, to be balanced-harmonious. Each person must find
his individual way to achieve this, because each person is different
from the other one.
(Note CF: Neutral doesn't mean to keep away from "looking" at bad
things, like war, etc. You can observe very bad things but still
remain neutral, which means, to not fall into grief and depression, or
to not totally suppress one's feelings, etc.)


Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 12:28 pm

Note to Moderator; I still had to make some more corrections to this
post, can you repost this one for me in place of my last post here?
Greetings Billy,
I have reason to believe that the benefactor ETs don't want Earth
human beings going out into space and therefor continue to dismantle
probes being sent to Mars. They seem concerned with Christian
believers who would judge them as devils and demons, not to mention
humanities destructive and deceptive nature at this time along with
one future possibility that the Popes in the Catholic religion could
bring about a world war 3. Concerning Earth's past history, I assume
these ETs don't like people to be angry or afraid of them. Should
world war 3 come to past, I hear from different sources that these
kind of ETs may rescue many children from the horrors of global war.
Is there really a chance that children will be rescued from a global
war, from any one or more groups of ETs?
Thanks and cosmic amnesty,
James Truthseeker



Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 04:19 am

Hi Billy,
When two people are attracted towards one nother, and enter into a
partnership, such as a marriage, at what level is the attraction
active? Is it simply an attraction of personalities and not an
attraction at the spiritual level? Does this mean "soul-mates" or,
more appropriately, "spirit-mates" do not exist?

ANSWER: It's a matter of the material consciousness, of sympathy and
antipathy. This has nothing to do with the spirit or spirit form.


Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 07:34 am

Greetings Mr. Meier,
Did your spirit form have previous incarnations as the Buddha,
Siddhartha Gautama, and as the mathematician, astronomer and scientist,
Galileo Galilei?
Moderator: As mentioned in prior answers in this section, Billy/FIGU
will no longer answer any questions concerning his prior incarnations,
as well as incarnations of other persons. Please re-submit a different
question. This one will be removed shortly.

ANSWER: Exactly


Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 10:43 pm

Hi Billy,
The spiritual leaders of Planet Erra must surely provide spiritual
guidance and teachings to the Erran population. Since
Creational/natural laws are universally valid, my question is:
Are Plejaran "spirit lessons" of a much higher caliber/level than
those written by you for the earth human beings? And if so, how
(possibly through an example) do those teachings differ from what is
presently provided to earth mankind via your writings and teachings?
Thanks and Salome,
Marc Juliano

ANSWER: Yes, the Plejaren's "spirit lessons" are of a much higher level, and
contain more explanations (which cannot be presented here).


Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 11:52 pm

Salome Billy ;
I hope you are well , and enjoying the brisk weather at the Center .
My question concerns the Salome Peace Meditation .
How many people (if known )are participating in it , and how many
people will be needed to participate to effect real substantial change
in world events ?
My concern is that some people who know about it may not have a real
idea of how important their vigilance is in taking part in it .
Perhaps your comment will help some of us to become re-inspired to
make time for it .
Thanks Billy and Christian .
Salome , Mark Campbell

ANSWER: There is no exact number that is needed. What counts is the energy of
those who participate in the peace meditation. Billy doesn't know the
actual number of people who are participating in it.


Posted on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 08:47 pm

Dear Billy,
I have noticed that when I get into an intense discussion with someone
about spiritual/ consciousness related subjects, I often get very
thirsty and warm in my head and sometimes my body gets a bit shaky and
trembles (perhaps adrenaline pulsing through the body). I sometimes
feel the same symptoms when I try to find words to explain spiritual
concepts to an interested person new to these things.
These effects are stonger when the one Im speaking with has a lot of
resistance to my views like a fanatical christian who aproached me a
few weeks ago. This person claimed that he wanted to hear my opinion
but he really seemed more interested in preaching Christianity.
After the 10-20 minute discussion I drank 1,5 litres of water to help
me back to balance.
Can you explain what happens.
Is this stress (or whatever it is) created by myself or the other
person? Is it my thoughts, emotions or consciousness that is behind
Thankyou and Salome,

ANSWER: Thinking is demanding (strenuous). Thinking sustains itself on the
consciousness and the brain. Thinking burns glucose and other elements
in the brain. Stress is self-produced.


Posted on Saturday, November 08, 2003 - 06:59 am

Dear Billy,
If the percentage of homosexuals (especially among males) on ERRA is
less than the percentage among males on Earth, what factors account
for this?
Also, in your writings about homosexuality, you show much tactful
compassion and humaneness about how this occurs. Why is this important
in our troubled time?
Please elaborate, if you will, for the sake of those among us who find
the situation on Earth hard to understand.
Regards and Salome,
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: Homosexuality on Erra may be influenced by genetic engineering, and
those homosexual persons who wish a changing/influencing may have this
treatment. Tactful compassion and humaneness is important thinking and
behavior for all human beings. Since homosexuality is a rather actual
issue in our modern times, Billy wants to contribute to a better
understanding of our homosexual fellow-men. Even if homosexuality is a
"naturalness that is against nature", this does not imply that a
homosexual person is a bad person. Writing in a tactful way may
improve the understanding of one another.


Posted on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 - 09:59 am

Hi Billy,
How many ET spacecraft crashes have there been on earth since 1900 (eg
What years did they occur and what locations?

ANSWER: About 6 or 7, in the USA, Russia, China, Scandinavia and elsewhere.
Some of them were not found, or were kept secret. All passengers died.
There were no Plejaren(s) involved.


Posted on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 - 07:12 pm

Dear Mr. Billy,
I have a small question, Mr. Billy:
Could you please, let YHWH PTAAH know, that I love Semjase Very Much?

ANSWER: Thank you (smiling).


Posted on Thursday, December 04, 2003 - 08:48 pm

Hello Billy,
I have often wondered about the different types of intelligent life on
other planets. I have learned from your contacts that there are many
types of humans (size, skin color, body features...) throughout the
universe. If Im not mistaken, there are intelligent non-human races
that live on worlds and perhaps have spaceship travel capabilities.
With respect to advanced societies like the Pleiadians and the DAL, do
their planet populations and ship crews contain a variety of alien
body types?
Best regards,
Anthony Alagna

ANSWER: Yes (and they all are human beings and recognizable as such)


Posted on Thursday, December 04, 2003 - 10:48 pm

Hello Billy,
In one of your small books Life in the Spiritual and Physical there is
a phrase which reads: Ultimately, when the Sohar has begun to shine
within man, he will discern the invisible, the power of the spirit and
its unlimited strength as the true force,.
Is the Sohar a form of actual light or radiance perceived by the
physical senses, or does it mean something that is sensed as power or
strength, which emanates from the Spirit?
Thank you very much

ANSWER: No, this cannot be seen by the physical senses. It's a spiritual
energy-light; it's a spiritual radiation.


Posted on Thursday, December 04, 2003 - 07:03 pm

Hi Billy, Should newborn male babies be circumcised?

ANSWER: No, that's not necessary. It's an old human custom only. The reason
behind this has to do with hygiene.
(Note by CF: It may have had to do with a lack of cleanliness in the
"pants region" of the male population in ancient times -- up until
today, unfortunately.)


Posted on Friday, December 05, 2003 - 01:17 am

Dear Billy,
I hope you are well. Please forgive me for this rather long post. I
appreciate all of your answers to our questions. Everything that you
have explained is easy to understand. However, I have noticed, over
the past few years, that the only thing that some of us FIGU members
and others find hard to understand is some of what you have written
about homosexuality. Personally, to me, I have always thought of
sexual relations of any kind, between two men, to be gross. And, the
laws of the land in most countries support this. I know we should not
judge, but differing views, feelings and opinions have even caused
emnity between some members.
Basicly you have said that there are two kinds of homosexuality. The
"natural thus against-nature" kind in which some are born that way.
And, the sodomistic kind caused by "degraded and perverted thinking."
It seems to me that most people that I have observed on Earth, during
my life, that profess to be gay, bisexual or homosexual were not
really born that way, but rather because of experiences and
influences, made a conscious decision to practice this lifestyle. Some
have even left homosexual ways behind (both kinds) and changed their
lives with no desire to return to their former lifestyle because they
said it did not work for them.
1) So, if a person practices a homosexual or Gay lifestyle with same
sex experiences because they think they cannot change or that they
were born that way, does this mean that they will be homosexual in the
next life or lifetimes to come?
2) And, if someone has become homosexual because of a confusion of
consciousness, or because of being born that way because of a short
tunover time in the beyond, or for whatever other reason, what can
this person do to end the confusion in their present lifetime if they
choose to do so?
In my opinon, it all comes down to what we fill our minds with.
Thinking and acting logically and having a CLEAR CONSCIOUSNESS will
determine the quality our lives in the future, even if one chooses to
remain single (for the time being) for the sake of spiritual strength.
Best regards and Salome,
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: "Sodomistic" means (in German): sex with animals. Therefore, such a
sexual degeneration may not compared with homosexuality. While sodomy
(= sexual actions with animals, by men and women) is
depraved/degenerated and gives cause for much suffering on this planet
(diseases! Aids), homosexuality is a variety or kind of sexuality that
is performed/felt/etc. by a minority of the human population only, and
is, compared with heterosexuality, "natural, but against nature" (due
to the fact that no offspring may result from the sexual union).
1) A homosexual person will not be homosexual in his next life or
lifetimes to come. Note: There doesn't exist a karma which would
"demand" such a "heritage"/effect.
2) There's no general answer or solution. This depends on each
person's "confusion" and the reasons behind it. There may be
psychological or even psychiatric means necessary. The main factor
however is one's own thinking and feeling.


Posted on Friday, December 05, 2003 - 03:31 pm

Greetings Billy,
I read last year at this time that the Plejarans asked you to begin
the publication of your Enoch Prophecies book concerning future
possibilities of a world war 3. Now that 2003 is coming to an end, I'd
like to know if this also included having this same book translated
and published in English?, since in the prophecies it's mentioned that
unlike Europe, the USA will meet it's destruction and end. Living in
Canada not far from the USA this is still a concern.
I've being told that many English translations end up in a fireplace
at the FIGU center there in Switzerland and that there must be a name
for this well known fireplace. If not, then I have one possible name
for it. We could call it "Big Burning Dread". My suggestion. :-)
So my question being, will and could there now be consequences
concerning the Enoch Prophecies not being published this year in
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

ANSWER: The Henoch Prophecies have been translated into English rather rapidly
in order to have some effect in the world.
(Note by CF: I'm not aware that English translations end up in a
fireplace at the SSSC. There is so few of English translations that we
should be careful with them. :-) )


Posted on Saturday, December 06, 2003 - 06:46 am

Hi Billy, a recent study of over 2000 children growing up, in the sign
pisces , some of them even born at the same time, and probably at the
same places, showed that there were no similarities at all. Hundreds
of astrologers sent their profiles, but no one seemed to be right. How
could this be? You also had astrologers to find out your personal
characteristics. To me it seems that practising astrology is a waste
of time.

ANSWER: Today's astrology may explain some really general characteristics of
persons who are born under a certain sign. The horoscopes that are
published in the newspapers etc. are useless.
Astrological impulses are a reality, but how they are gathered, judged
and implemented by a person is a VERY individual matter.
(Note by CF: Even if two persons are born by two mothers at the same
instant at twp meters distance, the two babies will grow up as two
different persons with different views, characters, etc., because it's
not the astrological aspects only that have an influence on one's own
life; in fact, other factors are more important.)


Posted on Saturday, December 06, 2003 - 03:34 pm

Dear Billy,
The martian landscape is filled with nothing more than just
soil-desert like conditions and much speculation of finding remants of
life. Is there any location (on or in Mars) where mankind will one day
discover remnants of past existing humans who have evolved and
migrated from Mars in the distant future or shall we say that groups
of Celestial Humans may have removed any if all existing human
inventions of a past existence there?

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 01:11 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
Could you confirm that the start of WWIII is the attack of Vietnam
from China? Or is there any change?

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know. --- At the present time the USA are the factor
that would be responsible for the triggering of the third world fire
(Weltenbrand = WWIII), IF it really does break out.
However, the HOW lies in the stars (so there's no use to ask any


Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 02:43 am

Greetings Dear Billy...
Thank you for answering my last question. It was a short answer, but
well in it's place. Now I know that there was more than One person you
named as The Barbarian.
This next question is somewhat very different. This concerns
Matrimonial Bond.
We here on Earth have our marriage bond mostly done by a church priest
or someone in that same category. I my self, if I would get
get married on the Beach-sands or somewhere in a beautiful part of a
And than, would let a civil-servant with the same authority as a
priest or others..make my matrimonial bond come into process.
I would like to know,'How does a Plejaran marriage scenario look
Please give me a description if you can.
Danke sehr viel und gute Gesundheit meinem guten Freund.

ANSWER: Thanks for your kind greetings.
Billy hasn't watched a Plejaren marriage, but as far as he knows there
is no ceremony as we know it here on Earth. However, he doesn't know
any details.
Regarding marriage (here on Earth and everywhere): A marriage can be
done by two persons without the company of any other person(s),
especially without the help of a priest.
(Note by CF: The only things that are necessary is love for each other
and the will to take responsibility for oneself and one's partner, and
the will to spend the rest of one's life with the partner.)


Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 04:31 am

Hello Billy,
I understand that in order for a person to achieve a goal or obtain
the object of his desire, it is necessary to have emotions, thoughts,
motivations and actions aligned with the desired outcome.
Once the necessary first step is completed, is it better to continue
focusing on the desired outcome or surrender the outcome to the
"collective will" of the Universe?
It may be coincidence, but sometimes I have obtained the object of my
desire shortly after relaxing the attitude that I "must" obtain it.
Best regards,
Jo Jo

ANSWER: The process is as follows:
1) idea 2) motivation 3) will 4) implementation
If this process is maintained there will be a result (the effect works
from the sub-consciousness to the consciousness).
Regarding your report in the last paragraph: There is a great variety
of reasons behind such a "stroke of fate", or "coincidence".
(Note by CF: Into the same category belongs the interesting
observation that I learnt on various occasions when women had a very
very strong urge to have a baby and did all kind of exercises etc.
etc., with no success at all. Only when they came to the conclusion
that all of her efforts were useless and the wish for a baby was given
up, did they suddenly get pregnant.)


Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 10:26 am

Dear Mr Meier,
Assuming that World War 3 does not begin this year, what specific
event or events do you see in 2006 serving as the possible catalyst
for World War 3?
Thank you in advance for your reply  .



Posted on Thursday, December 11, 2003 - 12:28 am

Hello Eduard
This is in addition to Scotts question to you and, I believe, in
answer to it.
Referring to the same passage in Life in the Spiritual and Physical,
the description given of the Sohar shining within man is very similar
to an experience that I had not too long ago, during the course of
which I had no sense of the world or of myself, neither by feeling,
thought, nor by appearance; but rather my awareness was raised above
my senses and I perceived with my consciousness a radiant light that
stretched as far as I could see, and from which came a voice (that I
perceived as a thought) that spoke two words: Clear and Pure. Upon
regaining my senses I knew immediately what these words meant. But the
most significant thing about my experience was that in becoming aware
of it I realized that I did not exist as I exist now.
Concluding almost with certainty that this was the inner Sohar that I
experienced, my question therefore is, does one gain some sense of
spiritual identity the more spiritually evolved one becomes?

ANSWER: No, there is nothing like a "spiritual identity", because the spirit
form has NO personality.
In order to "see" the Sohar one has to be/enter in a deep meditative


Posted on Thursday, December 11, 2003 - 07:58 pm

Hi Billy
I refer to the event that you searched for Semjase after she was badly
Hence it is known that Spiritual Consciousness can penetrate into

another dimension where Semjase stayed,
my questions is: Do you need any special technique/skill to penetrate
into another dimension and at what speed?
Thank you.

ANSWER: Yes, one needs a special skill. In order to bring oneself into a state
where such a penetration is possible one needs a certain amount of
time. The process of penetration, however, is "faster than lightning".


Posted on Friday, December 12, 2003 - 11:03 am

Hallo Billy
Do you know anything about the Pelasgians and Illyrians,???
please tell to me a litle bit of those ancient European people are
they descandent of the Atlantis and MU,probably small Atlantis ,,or do
they are the ancendent of Arus I the barbar thats why maybe the
ancient hellens told to them and their language the barbarians.
the moderator thanks this was my only question to billy but first time
i did wrong formulate.

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Saturday, December 13, 2003 - 07:08 pm

Hi Billy !!
Can you please give us a somewhat more detailed account of your time
trip back to the past, where you met the so-called "magician", who had
the "magical nail" and "flashlight"??
Of special interest to me is, whether any portion of your involvement
in this "meeting/exchange", can be read of in the accounts of this
"magician's" story we now read about, in our "old literature".
Thanks for everything,

ANSWER: Yes, there is mentioning of that "magician" (called Jechieli) in the
Sources: In FIGU's Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte (Block 1,
page 337), there's an excerpt from Robert Charroux' book
"Phantastische Vergangenheit", and there is a reference to Eliphas
Levi and his "History of Magic" where you can find additional


Posted on Monday, December 15, 2003 - 12:34 pm

Hello Billy,
many happy wishes, salutations and greetings in this Happy Season
where/when your Spirit Form(Emmanuel) brought us true Light of TRUTH
so shamelessly misused by the greedy and hungry for power and control
Rulers of this World. My question to you is this.
Does Figu USA have anybody that possesses true shamanic abilities
little bit like you have them to be sort of a Spiritual guide and
leader for Figu USA?
So far I'm not aware of such person among us. If not, are there any
considerations coming from our Spiritual Leadership Body to provide us
with such a person who would have a similar function/role as Shaman is
playing in Indian communities?

No, there isn't.


Posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - 08:38 am

Dear Moderator,
As you suggested, please replace my earlier message with the one Posted below. Thank you!
Hello Mr. Meier,
What advice could you suggest to a person who wishes to sufficiently
develop his mind, thinking and willpower to the point where he can
confidently create more favorable conditions for himself and others in
the material world?
May peace be with you.

ANSWER: To learn, learn, learn. To learn the teachings of life and the
spiritual teachings, and to live according to the spiritual laws and
commandments, and to develop with oneself and for oneself that which
is anchored in those laws and commandments.


Posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - 09:47 am

Hi Billy,
I've looked to the listings of *charlatans, liars* published and do
not see the name of Whitley Strieber. Can you please advise on the
veracity of his Visitors? Additionally, Whit performs weekly group
prayers as well as instructional meditation for personal spiritual
growth. Please advise as to validity as opposed to sincerity of
Thank You
Chris Rowley
Hi Chris,
This subject has come up before, you might do a search and see what
you come up with. From my recollection Mr. Strieber was not considered
a contactee, but rather hoaxed his experiences.-Moderator

ANSWER: W.S. isn't mentioned in the Contact Reports (which isn't a Yes or NO
regarding his credibility/authenticity/sincerity).


Posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - 01:46 pm

Hello again, Herr Meier, Do the Plejarans keep list of all of the
people who have been taken for scientific expiriment by the Zeta
Thank you,

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know of such a list.


Posted on Thursday, December 18, 2003 - 04:39 am

Greetings Billy,
How does the Universal Law of the Abundance of Nature fulfill itself
in an overpopulated world?

ANSWER: It doesn't fulfill itself anymore. The result of overpopulation is
shortage, suffering, pain and damage.


Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 - 02:41 pm

Hello Billy. My question pertains to the use of one's consciouness to
perform acts that have no other means to be performed. By this, I mean
the use of consciousness to move things without physical interaction,
etc. When you personally do these things with your consciousness, as
you have in the past, what exactly is the procedure you use? I don't
expect an answer about the "mechanics" of how spiritual ability works,
I really want to know what goes through your mind and what state you
put yourself in to accomplish these things. Or is it that you just
decide you want something to move and it happens automatically? Thanks
very much, I am very, very interested in this! -Thomas

ANSWER: He's in a state of concentration and meditation (in einem
konzentrativ-meditativen Zustand); he sees the process (of moving an
object) within himself.


Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 - 05:07 pm

Dear Billy,
My question pertains to the prophet Noah and the history behind the
cataclysm which caused this event to exist. My question to this is,
what is the real story behind this event and was there any Human
extraterrestrial intervention to save human lives at the time of this

ANSWER: Noah was no prophet, although he had extraterrestrial contact.
(Note by CF: During the 248th contact of February 3, 1994 (Semjase
Block 14, page 2752 ff., German edition), Ptaah gives information on
the biblical flood and Noah. Noankadnosser, which was his real name,
lived some 100,000 years ago! He was in contact with an
extraterrestrial named Zebalon who warned him of an approaching comet
and advised that he should build an ark, which N. built, together with
his family. At that time, about 870,000 human beings were living on
Earth. During the catastrophe that was triggered by a great comet
which nearly collided with Earth and caused enormous catastrophes,
about 650,000 human beings lost their lives. Of the 220,000 who
survived (all over the Earth), 140 survived on the ark. They settled
in the Middle East, and during the times, strangers immigrated by and
Btw: Around 10,000 years ago, the human population on Earth counted
the first million.


Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 - 04:18 pm

Hello Billy,
Greetings from Jacob.
In science, all kinds of transversal and longitudinal waves can be
described by mathematics, and waves and vibrations of all kind can be
sampled in way so they can be recorded as digital information.
A wave is measured at several time intervals and the values obtained
are described by means of (binary)data, this data can be used to
recreate a identical waveform as the original one.
Waveform --> mathematical analysis --> Information
Information --> mathematical construction -- Waveform
I am assuming that the Spiritual consicousness/intellect is based (at
least partially) on both principles, but is using the Universal
mathematics to analyse Spiritual energywaveforms received by the
Gemuet and obtaining spiritual knowledge from it, and I am assuming
that the Spiritual consicousness/intellect is using its Spiritual
knowledge by means of the Universal mathematics in order to create via
the Gemuet a corresponding Spiritual energywaveform.
Spiritual energywaveform --> Universal Mathematics --> Spiritual
Spiritual knowledge --> Universal Mathematics --> Spiritual
Am I correct, if not, can you explain why and where i went wrong?
With Kind Regards,
Hello Jacob,
Your question has been posted with the understanding that you may or
may not receive an answer due to the complexity of the information you
are seeking. I also thought due to the nature of your post it might be
informative to the rest of us, and may lead into new areas of
knowledge. If anyone disagrees with this decision, please let me know.
Thank you-Moderator-Scott

ANSWER: Digital to analogue (and vice versa) is a technical process only.
There is no "Universal mathematics". Mathematics is used for
mathematical issues only and does not have a function as shown by you
Spiritual energy (wave form) is a purely consciousness-related
vibration. It is a vibration and power that can be used negatively or
positively. In itself it is neutral-balanced. Spiritual energy cannot
be turned/reversed, but only poled from negative to positive and vice


Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2004 - 08:11 am

Dear Billy,
On febraury 3, 2004 you had the visit of Semjase and Asket. That visit
was really a surprise for us too as we thought that Semjase was still
recovering from her head accident suffered in 1983 and the company of
Asket that left Earth since 1975 when she ended her mission on Earth.
I would like to know if you dont mind the meaning of their
extraordinary presence besides the beautiful gift of their visit in
your birthday and if you can inform us about Semjases health and the
wereabouts of both.
Victor Diaz

ANSWER: Semjase is well and has to re-learn all abilities and knowledge which
she has lost due to her brain injury. This process lasts for 70 years.
However, in the meantime she was able to attain the title of an
Ischrisch (IHRH), the female form of an Ischwisch (IHWH).


Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2004 - 05:47 pm

Hi Billy,
Each human being has their own unique spirit name, which is evident
from a verse in the Pentra which says: "May your name be holy."
Can you outline the steps necessary to find out what one's own
individual spirit name is, and what meaning this may have for us?
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: The spirit has no name since the spirit or spirit form has no
personality. "...your name..." in the prayer means the spirit as a
word or term. The name is an object, not a subject.


Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2004 - 06:33 pm

Greetings Mr. Meier,
I have a two-part question for you concerning US Presidential
First, a statement was attributed to you that the 1996 Presidential
election would be the last one decided in a conventional manner. Is
this attribution correct, and if it is, can you please elaborate on
your meaning?

ANSWER: Billy doesn't remember having said something like this.

Second, if President Bush is not re-elected this fall, is the
likelihood reduced of WWIII commencing in 2006 and, if so, by what

ANSWER: It is reduced. However, there are other scoundrels (Halunken) living
on this Earth (in high positions) who have their influence in this
matter. Regarding President Bush it is to say that it is not him
alone, but the US Government and the US American craving for world
domination. Only if the USA withdraw from all foreign countries is
there a real good chance that the threat is reduced.

Thank you for your consideration.


Posted on Friday, March 05, 2004 - 04:14 am

Dear Billy,
You indicated that the first Apollo moon landing was hoaxed. Were all
the Apollo moon landings hoaxed? I ask because there is some
controversy whether the astronauts could survive the radiation exposure while
traveling through the Van Allen Belts. Dr. James Van Allen, himself,
was quoted as follows:
"The particle population of the Earth's radiation belts makes it
dangerous for humans without massive shielding to do more than quickly
pass through them."
If only the first Apollo moon landing was hoaxed, what was the reason?
Thank you.

ANSWER: The US Americans have really been on the moon, but certainly not
Apollo 11


Posted on Friday, March 05, 2004 - 07:40 am

Hi Billy
I refer to the event that Jmmanuel felt into a near death condition on
the cross.
My question is: What caused Jmmanuel felt into the near death
condition? Was it due to the pain he suffered? Or he exercised his
special skills (such as yoga) learned in India?
Thank you :-)

ANSWER: He used meditation, not yoga.


Posted on Friday, March 05, 2004 - 06:03 pm

Dearest friend Herr Billy Meier
How are you doing my good good friend?
Thank you, he's fine.
This a question of a good friend of mine who lives in North Brazil far
away from me.
His name is Joao Jorge Carvalho and he has some footages of strange
metamorphing lights in the region where he lives.
His question is the following:
Herr Billy,
In a certain region in in a place called Riachao do Jacuipe Bahia
state in North Brazil there is happening a manifestation of lights of
several different colors and these lights are able to metamorphose
itself. These strange lights have being registered on films and
photos. The most interesting thing is that one of these strange lights
surrounded a couple friend of mine and it happens that they do not
have rememberance of the time passed. What is really happening in this
region of North Brazil?
Joao Jorge Carvalho - Riachao do Jacuipe Bahia - Brazil

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know


Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2004 - 10:47 pm

Hi Mr. Meier:
Are you aware of any Henoch prophecy in the past did not materialize?
If any, do you have any statistics of the percentage the prophecies
did not happen vs. total number of Henoch prophecies up to this

Thank you.


Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2004 - 01:42 am

Greetings Billy,
I do not know yet if I will be able to travel to Switzerland to see
you in this life time, but I wish you a big hug for all your efforts
in the mission despite all the difficulties you must have had to go
through with people and I very much enjoyed reading about all your
Plejaren contact adventures with all your added wisdom.
I now have a simple curious question. Since you've actually travelled
beyond the universe itself to the Dal universe, what does the edge of
the universe actually look like? As in; is it solid mass like rock or
is it energy?, what colour is it?, what kind of physical matter is
it?, is it many light years thick?, or is it organic with organic
creatures living in it?, etc.
Just curious
James the Truthseeker

ANSWER: You may compare leaving the DERN and entering the DAL universe as
driving into a fog-bank and suddenly coming out at the other end
(clear view again). The transition "realm" is a diffuse light
consisting of energy. It can be broken through by a tunnel which must
be "built/produced" by technical means in advance.


Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2004 - 05:46 pm

hello billy,
What are the 6th & 7th senses?
Thank you

ANSWER: 6th: Psyche; 7th: Consciousness


Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2004 - 09:52 pm

Hello dear Billy,
Televisa, Mexicos major tv network has been airing an advertisement
spot, where actors, actresses, news announcers, comic actors, etc.,
are companions of a normal family all through the day as if they live
with them from time to wake up to time to go to bed. At the end, the
parents fall asleep and the most recognized news host turns off the
light and leave them quietly, as the tvs still on. In the tv screen is
an amazing image while the family is sleeping tight.
There, silent, remains the image of a UFO. But not a simple UFO... Its
Billy Meiers footage from Berg-Rumlikon, june 12, 1975!
Its very beautiful and I think its a great idea, but I wonder if you
or the people at the FIGU are aware of this. What do you think about
Thanks for being so patient to us.

ANSWER: No, we weren't aware of it. However, if it's a great idea (it sounds
like one)... (We would like to see it.)


Posted on Tuesday, March 09, 2004 - 06:35 am

Hi Billy,
Is it true that humankind would still not possess the atomic and
nuclear capabilities to destroy itself if it were not for the negative
influences of the Giza Intelligences? How could such a dangerous
intervention against humanity and the Universe be permitted? Weren't
the Plejarans "on the job" at the time? What happened?

ANSWER: No. --- It's the normal course of evolution. This had to occur (the
knowledge etc. about the atoms and the related forces etc.).


Posted on Tuesday, March 09, 2004 - 10:08 am

Greetings Billy,
In Contact 251, you say "...first steps will be taken for a flight to
Mars,but will not be blessed with good fortune. However, the next
flight, which ensues very soon, will have better luck although it will
encounter certain difficulties due to unexpected technical problems."
There has been recent discussion on this forum whether NASA's Mars
probes Opportunity and Spirit fulfill this scenario (or perhaps the
EU's failed Beagle 2) or if you are
referring to manned flights to Mars.
Are you speaking of manned or unmanned flights to Mars in the quoted
passage from Contact 251?

ANSWER: There are two meanings/relations:
First: The Mars probes
Second: The manned missions that will occur in the future.


Posted on Friday, April 02, 2004 - 07:10 am

Hello Billy. I hope you are doing well. My question is about the
cooling you feel on your forehead when contacted telepathically by the
Plejarens. Why is there any physical sensation at all? I remember that
you said that there are no chakras, so is it a psyche-related

ANSWER: Actually, it's no feeling, it's a "becoming aware" of another force.
This has to do with consciousness-related vibrations.


Posted on Friday, April 02, 2004 - 03:39 pm

Dear Billy
What I know is that the (New) Spirit-Form settles itself in the
Colliculus-Superior (pair interchange roof of the midbrain) of the
Human brain.
Where is the location of the comprehensive-consciousness-block ?
I am assuming that it is located in the neocortex of the big-brain
(Cerebrum), small-brain (Cerebellum) and brain-stem or does it also
reside in the Psyche through its nerve systems ?
Lieber Billy
Was ich wei_, ist, dass sich die (Neu) Geist-Form im
Colliculus-Vorgesetzten (paariger Knotenpunkt Dach des Mittelhirns)
des Menschlichen Gehirns niederldsst.
Wo ist die Position des Gesamt-Bewusstsein-Blocks?
Ich nehme an, dass es im neocortex des gro_en Gehirns (Gro_hirn),
kleines Gehirn (Kleinhirn) und Gehirnstamm gelegt wird oder wohnt es
auch in der Psyche durch seine Nerv-Systeme?

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know this (location of the CCB).


Posted on Friday, April 02, 2004 - 03:42 pm

Hello Billy,
In Contact 251 you raise the issue of the criminal neglect to monitor
the Earth from outer space. What in particular do you see as the more
serious, near-term threat: asteroids, comets or planetoids that will impact the
Earth or extraterrestrials that will attack the Earth?
With best regards,

ANSWER: Asteroids etc. are a much greater threat than ETs (the latter threat
is minimal).


Posted on Friday, April 02, 2004 - 04:10 pm

Greetings Billy.
Can you tell us exactly what was the purpose of Jmmanuel's baptism?,
as in why would Jmmanuel need to be baptized by water in the first
place when this sort of act would only later just fuel the fire of
faith in religious Christian
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

ANSWER: It was a symbolic act, some form of initiation. It was no exorcism
(driving out the devil) in the common sense as it is the case in


Posted on Friday, April 02, 2004 - 04:46 pm

Hi Billy,
If the spirit or spirit form in humans has no name, as you have said,
because of having no personality, why is it that your spirit has a
name? It seems that if one human being's spirit has a name, for
whatever reason or purpose, that others could also have a name.
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: Billy's spirit form has no name, too. Nokodemion and Henok, etc. were
real persons.
Note by CF: Mentioning the names of real persons in order to track the
incarnations of a spirit form in different human beings/personalities
can be helpful. However, this does not mean that a spirit form has a


Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 - 04:00 am

Hi Billy,
What are the major ET races visiting earth at this time?
Their origin, appearance and motivation for visit

ANSWER: Billy only knows extraterrestrial human beings from the Plejaren
Federation. There a human beings from the Plejaren, from Wega, Lyra,



Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 - 11:34 am

Hi Billy, One of the first well known uses of the term Men in Black
was in the 1962 book Flying Saucers & the Three Men by Albert Bender.
In that book, the author describes the Men in Black as "Men dressed in
Black with glowing eyes, they changed their form to what they really
looked like, a hideous creature".
Are these the same Men in Black that were altering your pictures? If
not then why do you use this term, as it is thoroughly discredited
today & could cause confusion?

ANSWER: Yes. However, their eyes are not glowing, but fluorescent. --- There
are only a few of them left (a group of old Sirians).
The other MiB are "Regierungsl|mmel" (governmental etc. agents).


Posted on Saturday, April 03, 2004 - 02:54 pm

Dear Billy,
We often read about JHWHs in the FIGU texts and not so much about
What are the roles and tasks of the JHWHs and JHRHs in a society?
Is there an almost equal number of JHWHs and JHRHs in our Creation
Thankyou very much,

ANSWER: In the case of the Plejaren society the number of male and female
"kings of wisdom" is balanced.


Posted on Saturday, April 03, 2004 - 10:50 pm

Dear Billy,
My question pertains to spiritual and Creational inspiration in which
it was given to the prophet Muhammad during the time of his life.
Was ALLAH a real JHWH of his time and worked closely with Gabriel to
inspire the prophet Muhammad in the Teachings of creation and what
went wrong interms of the Islamic religion being created??
I am adding this to be one full question, I hope it does not seem like
two questions, thanks :-)

ANSWER: Allah was an JHWH, yes. No, he didn't work closely with Gabariel.


Posted on Monday, April 05, 2004 - 04:44 pm

Dear Billy,
I have heard that at this time you would prefer that people call you
Eduard. Is this accurate?
Salome and all the best,

ANSWER: No, it isn't. Actually, Billy doesn't care what he is called. In his
family he has/had a couple of different names.


Posted on Tuesday, April 06, 2004 - 08:38 am

Hi Billy
It was mentioned that some higher flora-lives are driven by
impulse-instinct spiritforms, while general/lower evolved or
elementary plants are driven by cosmic-electromagnetic life-energy.
If lower evolved plants such as vegetables and flowers are driven by
cosmic-electromagnetic life-energy without spiritforms, is there any
reason that some good music or good will can lead to fruitful results
on vegetables and flowers?

ANSWER: Higher flora-lives are those plants that are developing/evolving to
animal forms.
Everything can be influenced by music, towards good or bad effects
(depending on the music); the best effect on plants by good classic


Posted on Tuesday, April 06, 2004 - 10:32 pm

Hello Eduard
may i ask, Does oil/energy, play any part in the WW3 prophecy?
Thanks for your time

ANSWER: Indirectly, oil/energy or water etc. (resources) do play a role, of


Posted on Wednesday, April 07, 2004 - 09:28 am

Hallo Herr Meier
Do you know the true origin of the man called Hermes/Toth/Tehuti who
according to the legend came from Atlantis and taught the ancient
egypts among other things the "universal principles" (cause-effect,
vibration, rythim, polarity etc), and was also called "the tongue of
Ptah" ???
take care
and thanks for ALL !!!!!!!



Posted on Saturday, April 10, 2004 - 01:04 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
I remembered reading about Semjase took you through the Bermuda
Triangle's time/space 'warm hole' or tunnel, and reached the world 460
years after the year the event occured, which is about 1980, and at
that future time, earth people have developed some spacecraft similar
to beamship, and Semjase need to change her ship's protection to avoid
being detected by the human being at that time, because at around that
time, A.D. 2440, earth human being are trying to stop and inspect all
space travelling ship passing through this part of solar system.
Is that because just few year before that the animal 'WOLF' attached
humna beings on earth and that animal is brought to Earth by some
uninspected space craft?
Thank you.

ANSWER: Actually, it's not a WOLF, but WUV , which means
Welt-Umwelt-Verschmutzung (world environmental pollution), etc. etc.,
and includes organizations and countries like EU, USA, etc.
(Note by CF: There are no dates given)


Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2004 - 02:57 pm

my question pertains to feelings and sensations etc.
what are some basic "feelings" that we should or can be aware of for
our advancement and well being?
example: that gut feeling, the feeling of a chill running up you
spine, a flushed feeling. just common sensations that we sometimes

ANSWER: These feelings are linked/triggered by certain thoughts
(neutral-positive thoughts), and through such beneficial feelings love
may be created, from which true love is created.


Posted on Monday, April 26, 2004 - 04:06 am

Greetings Billy,
I've heard a few stories concerning praying mantis insect like ETs who
are supposedly quite spiritually evolved who are also or were
conducting contacts and examination contacts on earth human beings. Is
it true that such ET praying mantis like beings exist? and if so, are
these beings spiritually evolved and peaceful as people claim them to
be?, or is it not at all as it seems to be in that perhaps we should
exorcise some caution here so that we don't become their next meal?
As much as I'm open to possibilities, the idea of praying mantis
insect ETs sounds more like something from science fiction or peoples
fears, but just in case there is any truth to this, I need some
confirmation to its truth, true nature and true intentions, if there
should be any caution of any sort in this or around such beings.
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

ANSWER: ETs don't have the shape and form of praying mantis. The praying
mantis that has been mentioned in the Semjase Contact Notes has been
an electro-mechanical, remote-controlled flying device to spray
poisonous agents/bacteria into the air at the Semjase Silver Star


Posted on Monday, April 26, 2004 - 04:22 am

What is really happening according to you in a situation where a
schizophrenic patient hears voices in his head which do *sound exactly
like the neighbours next door* and where at the same time the
information uttered by these voices in the head of the schizofrenic
patient seems useless and doesn't contain any verifiable facts that
they really are the neighbours. Is it possible that in such a
situation these voices heard by the schizophrenic patient are really
caused by the neighbours?

ANSWER: The neighbours or their thoughts and voices are not involved in this.
The schizophrenic person (or the split personality/personalities)
creates the voices him- or herself. The voices can resemble those of
known and/or unknown persons.


Posted on Monday, April 26, 2004 - 12:03 pm

If WW3 does occur what plans do the ETs have for the continuance of
the mission. I'm assuming there would be world wide devistation.

ANSWER: This lies in the hand of FIGU's Core Group of 49 (and the other FIGU
groups worldwide). The ETs give us help and advice, but the mission
must be performed by us human beings here on Earth.


Posted on Monday, April 26, 2004 - 01:37 pm

Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe that the Bible speaks of only
one God, and Muslims say that this God also revealed the Quran to
them. My question is how many gods were there since the time of Adam,
and was the god Jehovah the only god who involved himself in human

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know the exact number, and there have been several gods
involved in human affairs, not only in the Near East, but in other
regions and continents too, like Japan, Persia, Africa, North and
South America, India, etc.
In the case of the Jews there was not just Jehovah involved, but other
ones too (Aruseak, Kamagol, ...).


Posted on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 - 08:10 am

Greetings Billy,
My question pertains to the Ancient scripts of The OM. Is one of those
questions which has been in back of my mind as to the stored manner of
The OM.
Are the aunthentic spiritual OM writtings kept by PTAAH in an ancient
book format or is the information of The OM stored away in some type
of technology which keeps it preserved??

ANSWER: The OM that is in possession of the Plejarans consists of 77 million
canons; the one that Billy has written down contains 77 canons. Quite
a difference. Billy doesn't know in what form it is stored. Certainly
in electronic format, but probably in part also in an ancient book


Posted on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 - 04:24 pm

Greetings Mr. Meier,
We are almost constantly stuffed with the "latest news" regarding what
nutrition our human bodies need. The "experts" doesn't always agree
with each other, which, of course, lead to confusion. (At least in my
own and my friends case.)
What are our daily needs of vitamins and minerals and is it possible
to reach these goals by normal diet only or do we need extra vitamin
and mineral preparation also as in the case of vitamin C?
Our planet is exploited beyond its limits and I've been told that
fruits and vegetables contain less nutriment nowadays than about fifty
years ago.
Kind regards,

ANSWER: Since each person is different from the other one and has individual
requirements, metabolism, etc., there cannot be a standard formula
that is good and valid for all persons. And the needs also do differ
throughout the day, and are depending on the status of one's mood,
psyche, moral, stress, etc. etc.
Of course, extra vitamin and mineral food additions are favourable.


Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 - 08:50 am

Dear Billy,
Is it usual/normal for each planet where there is sufficiently evolved
human life to have the good fortune of being able to learn from such a
highly developed spiritform such as yours, to bring them the true
Creational teachings of wisdom and true knowledge for their learning
and evolution, or is it more usual for them to have spiritforms to
teach them who are lesser evolved yet still sufficiently advanced? I
suppose what I am getting at is, are we a special case?
Alles Gute,
Rita Keoughan

ANSWER: What we have here on Earth for quite some time now is an absolute
exception that will happen never again (and did never happen before).
This belongs to happenings that have started some 12 billion
(milliard) years ago.
Usually and normally there are teachers who develop from within a
people, persons who are always a little ahead of the great masses due
to their faster learning process.


Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 05:47 am

Hi Billy
I refer to TJ chapter 23/48
48 "The burden of the Israelite people will be like a heavy stone of
the seven Great Ages. Whosoever falls upon this stone will be smashed
to pieces, and whosoever it falls upon will be crushed."
What is the heavy stone of the seven Great Ages?

ANSWER: (It's TJ chapter 22) Today we would say that they have to bear a heavy
burden. It's the task of finding peace and harmony.


Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 11:05 am

hi billy
you have wrote that helping so called third world countries by way of
relief/aid only adds to the propblem of suffering and overpopulation,
which obviously starts a chain of events.
so let's say somebody had 10 million dollars that they want to use to
help the world for the better. What would be the most logical and
helpful way to go?
pollution prevention?
saving forests?
it would be a shame if somebody had 10 million dollars and spent it in
all the wrong places, dont you think?

ANSWER: The 10 million dollars (and all other donations) should be used to
start a project (or projects) that helps a certain group of persons in
a country to lead a life of self-preservation and self-responsibility.
The persons should be taught to work all day in order to grow their
own food, but also to learn self-respect, to think for themselves and
not follow like sheep to religious and other leaders who only have
their own profit in mind. People must learn how to lead a useful and
sensible life, and about the requirements to found a good family. All
women must have access to education and free access to contraceptives
(as is also the case with men). And of course help is only useful if
the people are willing to learn and are ready the take
Besides: Those who have to work hard all day are tired in the evening
and have less energy left for activities in the bed. :-)
It is completely wrong to only send food because in this way only
beggars and lethargic people are fostered, and the next famine is
already certain.


Posted on Saturday, May 01, 2004 - 05:53 am

hallo billy
can drugs that induce altered conciousness states like LSD, peyote,
mushrooms, etc be of any spiritual use ???
thanks anb be well . . .

ANSWER: Not good for spiritual use, and of course not at all good for anything
like expanded/increased consciousness. The only effect is illusions
and hallucinations.


Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 10:41 am

Dear Billy,
I have highest regards for all you have experienced and gone through
the challenges of sharing with all the deepest and sincerest truths
you have been shown to share.
My question has to do with Jmmanuel, the true prophet coming through
in human embodiment as a wayshower 2,000 years ago of which I am
assured your relation is as you relate to us. The knowledge you relate
seems the same as revealed during that time of the entity who down
through time was left for us known as John the Baptist with the "J" or
name sounding like the Pleiadean J sound which in Earth language comes
out similar to the French John but without the n heard and a little
more gutteral mix of "z" and "j".He went by "J" sounding like French
Jon with mmanuel added for stepping what "J" meant down to earth.
When you saw your cosmic name translated as Billy was not there
titularly spoken the "J" like toned then was the other Ba-LEE which
just fitting it into something close in use now got over to Billy?

ANSWER: The question is not very clear. To write "Jmmanuel" with an "J"
instead of an "I" is a tribute to the old way of writing that name.
In the old way Jmmanuel would be read as the "J" in "Jimmy", and today
it is read as the "i" in "individual".


Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 02:52 pm

Hello Billy, can you tell us why the Plejarens have not looked into
the future and definitively found out whether or not World War 3 will
occur and when? You have told us that they do have the ability to do
this and you yourself have seen this technology yourself. I only
wonder why they have not done this when it is so important an event.
Thank you!

ANSWER: To them it is not as important than it is for us. On the one hand,
Billy didn't ask them precisely, and on the other hand such matters
are presented as prophecies so there remains the possibility that
people can change a dark future to the better. In a prediction there
cannot be any chance.


Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 09:37 pm

Greetings to you Billy..
Now that the date is rapidly approaching for the Asteroid Toutatis to
visit our planet in September, can you tell us more about what could
happen, what will happen....Many thanks for many years of
inspiration..Danke Schoen Herr Meier..

ANSWER: On September 29 Toutatis is flying by at a distance of about 1.5
million kilometers, as the terrestrial scientists have calculated. You
don't have to worry, therefore.


Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 09:59 am

Dear Mr. Meier,
Because of the rise of the WUV and the threat of WWIII, do you
recommend that people become more independent in providing for and
maintaining their
own sustenance in terms of food, water, shelter, protection, etc?

ANSWER: Well, anybody should continue to live as usual and doesn't have to
undertake special measurements. If WWIII should come, you either have
good luck or bad luck.
Besides, to all persons it should be a normal habit to have stored in
one's household food and beverage that may last for about three
months, not only in warlike times like today.


Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 11:39 am

Hello Billy,
I hope you are doing well. As I understand it, our ancestors
constructed at least some of the structures on Mars. However, Richard
Hoagland has asserted that there was/is a feline/faunal component to
the large face on Mars. Is there any truth to the involvement of an
advanced faunal lifeform in the construction of the face and pyramids
on Mars?
Thank you,

ANSWER: No, there isn't.


Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 11:28 am

Hello Billy,
Q1: What caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?
Q2: How is it that fish, insects and reptiles survived while dinosaurs
went extinct?
Hi George,
Normally only one question is allowed during each round of questions
and answers. Just a friendly reminder for future
questions. Thanks-Moderator.

A1: A meteor that crashed down in the Yucatan area some 65 million
years ago (as it has also be the case some 250 million years ago).
A2: Small animals have a better chance to survive such catastrophes.


Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 05:03 am

Hi Billy,
As I understand it, the Plejarans on Erra normally work two hours per
day attending to the needs of their mutual manufacturing and
production systems and another two hours per day working in their
personal gardens. They are free to use the balance of their time as
they please.
Are there any theoretical guidelines you can advise for the allocation
of time for Earth humans that would lead to a properly balanced life?
For instance, how many hours of work per day earning a wage, how many
hours performing household duties/chores, how many hours involved in
spiritual learning, how many hours for recreation and relaxation,
Thank you.

ANSWER: We people here on Earth are less evolved than them and, therefore,
need much more hours to work, in order to develop our consciousness.
This depends, however, on the person's individual state of evolution.
But all people need a good mix of brain work and muscle work, and also
need some time for leisure, and to care for one's psyche, feelings and


Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 11:01 am

Hello Billy,
On earth when woman reach a point in their lives they experience
menopause. This results in emotional mood swings, hot flashes and
other assorted symptoms. These effects are sometimes quite hard on the
woman, but can also disrupt the harmony of family.
Is this a normal characteristic of all women throughout the universe,
or can this be a result of the alterations done to our genetics many
millions of years ago?
Thank you

ANSWER: The Plejaran women also have the side-effects of the menopause, only
that their's is a couple of hundred years later.
Probably their symptoms are less hard/heavy.


Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 11:14 pm

Dear Billy,
Henoch's prophecies state "...the North American continent will be
stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which ever will have been
Will this catastrophe be worse than the annihilation of the continent
Atlantis and will its cause be natural or man-made?

ANSWER: Man-made, plus natural.
(Note by CF: for the persons involved there will be no difference.)


Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 02:06 pm

Dear Billy:
Lately, I had a serious and in-debth discussion with friends about the
facilities in e.g. Pleiadian spaceships. Different litterature
describes how the fine technology enables genetic updates and bodily
repair jobs. As to the latter, crew members alledgedly feel safe
knowing that whatever happens on a failed mission, they can/will be
recreated by the bio-chamber.
We discussed with a mixture of sadness and pity the fact that you
obviously haven't been given the chance to have your arm repaired.
What's your explanation?
Yours respectfully,

ANSWER: They proposed to "repair" his missing arm, but Billy said "No". He did
not want to take advantage from his contacts with the ETs.
(Note by CF: And if it would be know that there is a person here on
Earth who has an artificially produced arm of extraterrestrial origin
... the result of this is up to each person to ponder.)


Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 12:23 am

If one could travel to the future and learn about the past (their own
present) could they return to their own time to change their
present...and thereby the future that they had already seen?

ANSWER: No, that's impossible


Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 06:43 am

Hi Billy, If a Time Traveler goes back in time, and tries to kill
Hitler before he gets to be Fuhrer. How will Creation prevent him from
doing it? Can you explain how Time Travelers are not able to change

ANSWER: That's a law of Creation. A cause leads to an effect, and what has
occurred once cannot be made unmade.


Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 01:17 pm

Hi Billy,
I hope you are well. Good health to you.
About spiritforms. According to Arahat Athersata there are about 120
billion spirits in the beyond on Earth. This is a staggering number
considering that many are coming back much sooner because of
overpopulation. I gather that many were renegades here or came here
after Malona was destroyed and will have to wait until this current
mess on Earth is over.
Situated where they are in the Galaxy and because of other factors, It
seems that the Planet Erra would not have nearly as many. Is this

ANSWER: If Billy remembers correctly there are about 60 billion (milliards)
spirit forms in "Erra's beyond". There are certainly less than here on
Many spirit forms have to wait for another reincarnation. However,
each of those many spirit forms have had at least one incarnation.
The spirit forms of the former inhabitants of Malona (and Mars) are
"bound" to Earth.


Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 01:45 pm

I also have a question on spirit forms. I believe that Ptaah has
confirmed to you that other extraterrestrial ships have crashed on
earth. Allegedly, one of these vehicles belonged to a non-human group
of ET's, commonly called the greys. My question is, will these
non-human spirit forms be able reincarnate on Earth in human bodies?
And please briefly explain why or why not.
Thank you,

ANSWER: The Greys were androids (artificial beings) and had, therefore, no
self-evolving spirit forms that could reincarnate here on Earth or


Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 02:33 pm

hi billy,
i hope you are doing fine
i would like to know
which is the relationship between the spirit and laughter, in other
words, do androids with human brains laugh? , do pure spirit beings
still laugh?

ANSWER: The spirit or spirit form cannot laugh. Only where a personality or
evolving consciousness exists can there be laughter.
There are androids who can laugh, even if they don't possess a spirit
form that is capable of evolution. Androids are capable of
feeling-related stirrings (gefuehlsmaessige Regungen), but no
perceptions (Empfindungen) from the spirit realm.


Posted on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:21 pm

Greetings Billy,
From what star system and planet or planets are the Millennium ETs
from? The Millennium ETs being the same group of ETs who had decided
to make contact with Earth humanity around the turn of the Millennium,
but didn't because the Plejarens advised them not to for obvious
James Truthseeker
Note: If anyone else knows the answer to this already, then please let
me know so I can ask Billy yet another question. Thanks.

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 08:23 am

Hi Billy,
Can you give us 5 big world events to look out for over say the next
10 years?

ANSWER: Billy could give them, but may not


Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 05:02 am

Hello Billy,
Greetings from Jacob
I have a question about Nikola Tesla.
What is the opinion of the Plejarens about Nikola Tesla and his
inventions? Was he on the right way ?
Should his inventions be developed further as a source of truly clean
and free enery ?

ANSWER: He was a "normal" scientist. He didn't have all the extraordinary
capabilities that were imputed to him.
All inventions should be developed towards good goals, because in this
way progress is guaranteed.
If the information of "truly clean and free energy" is true, then any
improvement and further development is important.


Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 08:36 am

Hi Billy
Thanks for the answer regarding to TJ chapter 22/48 :-)
Could you also explain the original source/meaning of "Seven Great
Ages" and of the "Stone"?

ANSWER: The Seven Great Ages means time periods, where much is destroyed if
measures are undertaken that lead to destruction.

"Stone" means the so-called fate (in the case of destruction this
could mean that a person etc. is "crushed", etc.).


Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 12:32 pm

hey billy
thanks for the answer to my latest question. i dont know what it says
to everybody else but it was exactly what i was looking for. And i
should say thats a positive thing.
deep down your answer was pretty much what i was feeling. I'm not the
type to run from a fight but... you know where i'm gettting at. Thanks
for that piece of advice, each day that passes i see what i must do,
and now more than ever i understand why i am who i am and why i have
done or have not done certain things to certain people. The future of
the human race is in good hands, even if the race is only a hand full
of people :-)
that leads me to my next question (hahahaha)
when a person starts coming to the same conclusions as those of a
certain outside suggestive force, and the feeling that one can survive
indipendantly without suggestive advice or instruction,
then is it safe to say that this perticular person has obtained what
said suggestive force
was trying to help he/she obtain all along?
i think this will be my last question billy. thanks and maybe we may
get to meet face to face :-)
p.s. moderators
i know this is kind of a long post but its my last question, so please
be kind enough to post it in it's whole form. this is very important
to me, and to everyone although some may not find reason to see it
that way

ANSWER: You should express your question(s)/request(s) in a much clearer


Posted on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 11:02 am

Re: Eternal youth.
Dear Billy:
During years I've read about two meters of UFO related books. I think
it was in a book called 'Light Years' that I saw a picture of two
Pleiadian ladies who definately didn't have eternal youth.
As I understand it,the way nature evolves is by natural selection
including mutual selection of the ones who look best. In this
perspective there is nothing sinfull in choosing to look young. How
come that these two ladies didn't use the restoring facilities of the
spaceships to do what all normal thnking and feeling girls do,
maintain a nice look?
Yours respectfully,

ANSWER: The Plejarans accept their aging process as natural. They do not mess
about with their faces and bodies, except if there is some medical
problem, e.g. in the case of an accident.
It is decent to look the age that one feels or has. "Normal thinking
and feeling" is to accept getting wrinkles and sagging breasts, etc.


Posted on Tuesday, June 01, 2004 - 08:21 am

Hello Prometheus - Only one question per round of questions (please
read guidelines at the top of this section). Thanks.
G'day Billy, Enoch Samuel from Australia here. I have just read And
still they fly. When I started to read this book I experianced
something I have never seen. A beem of light about one inch shot out
of the page for about one or two seconds. I was wondering If you would
know how or why this happened.

ANSWER: There are several possibilities/explanations: It could be an illusion,
or some visual effect (e.g. in the case of tired or overstrained
eyes), etc.

[DEL: Secondly I would like to follow your example and give up a life
of self and help others. Being so close to the great distruction what
would your advice be? :DEL]

ANSWER: To learn, to meditate; striving for self-realization; using one's
positive potentials, etc.

Thirdly Australia is not specificaly mentioned in the henoch profices
do you have any aditional information about australias future.


Fourthly Australias nourth is rich in resources. If we are attacked
would it be correct to defend ourselves with violence even if out
corupt leaders have started this war?}

ANSWER: To defend one's freedom, peace, harmony and country is OK. However,
this must be done in a humane way, in the form of "forcible/enforced
non-violence" (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit). No hate, no revenge, no
triumph, etc.

Also thank you billy for the personal sacrifice you have made to take
up this mission, history shall be your only judge and I think future
generations will not need light to come out of your books to recognise
Thanks and Love Enoch


Posted on Saturday, June 05, 2004 - 02:42 am

In the book 'And Yet They Fly', English version, Appendix B, it
mentioned in 1844, there were 42,000 people's physical brain quotients
at over 20%, but in 1978, only 17 people on this planet has physical
brain quotients at over 20%, can you tell us more information about
those 42000 people? Such as what race or the location of their
incarnation? Are they scattered around the planet or concentrated in
few areas?

ANSWER: Billy cannot give more details about his matter


Posted on Saturday, June 05, 2004 - 12:58 pm

Dear Mr. Meier,
In the matter of the vindication of Lee Elders, I would like to
applaud you and say that it takes a great deal of courage of publicly
admit and correct one's errors as you have done.
Concerning the naivete of you and the Plejars not recognizing the
deception surrounding the slander of Mr. Elders as a fraud, liar and
thief, there is a aphorism that might be fitting: "it takes one to
know one". Is it true that liars are more easily recognized by other
Best regards,
WAL: We All Lie

ANSWER: No, not necessarily. Billy doubts that this saying is true. Notorious
liars tend to take their own lies as true. Therefore, they (may) take
the lies of other persons as truth, too.


Posted on Saturday, June 05, 2004 - 07:01 pm

Dear Billy,
This question pertains to the role of ALLAH and where he came from as
a inspiring figure for the Prophet Muhammad.
ALLAH being an JSHWJSH of the time of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be
upon him), what was the cause of ALLAH's time here and what lineage of
ET human race did he come from ??
(The reason I ask this question is because my strong curiousity of
knowing about this JSHWJSH who the Muslims name so well and worship in
the Qura'an and is part of a segment of the contact notes which are
only in German language at this time and I would like to know
something more of this JSHWJSH if there is enough information on
ALLAH). Thank you and Saalome.

ANSWER: The cause was to help Mohammed to correct the false (Christian)
teachings that were concocted from Jmmanuel's true teachings.
Unfortunately, Mohammed's teachings were distorted and falsified, too.
(Note by CF: Therefore, Mohammed's mission was a failure in this
Regarding the ET lineage: The JHWH (Allah) belonged to the Lyrian


Posted on Saturday, June 12, 2004 - 05:34 pm

Dear Billy,
My friend Karen has been seeing two white beams of light, cylindrical
in shape with a diameter of 14 centimetres extending from the ceiling
to the floor in her bedroom. This occurrence happens approx twice or
more per month, always during daylight hours and the duration is about
3 to 10 seconds. This has happened since the beginning of this year
Can you explain what this means?
Love Diego

ANSWER: There are several explanations: Free energy; static energy; illusion;
imagination; overstraining the eyes, etc. etc. It could have been
caused by consciousness-related forces (un-conscious). In the first
case "natural" causes must be searched for.


Posted on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 08:26 am

Dear Billy,
Which would be the 7 most important things that each of us can do now
while behaving like responsible, socially conscious, spiritually aware
human beings to bring about the best possible outcome to mankind's
dilemma? (meaning the looming 3rd world war prophecy, massive
overpopulation, etc. etc.)
All the best to you and yours.
Rita Keoughan

ANSWER: There aren't just 7 most important things. Everything is kind of a
The human being must learn to know himself. He must foster his own
capabilities, to his own benefit.
The human being must take his self-responsibility, towards himself and
towards the fauna, flora, world, world affairs, etc. He must engage
himself with dignity and reverence, in order to gain success regarding
peace, love, freedom, harmony, reverence, honor, etc.; again to the
benefit of himself and all the other life forms etc.
One must have/develop respect for oneself etc.


Posted on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 02:41 pm

Dear Billy
Although finding it strange to communicate in English I'll continue (
perhaps in the German Forum there should be a Question to Billy too
but that would take to much time from you I'm afraid...)
My Question....
Billy, do you agree with me that if someone states that all people lie
he is lieing because....
-IF all people are lieing he is lieing too.
-IF not all people are lieing he is he lies that all people are
All people are lying one way or the other. There are persons who are
lying unconsciously, and others deliberately/consciously.
Generally or commonly the word or term "lie" is used for those
instances/cases when a person consciously says an untruth etc.
In a broader sense "lie" or "lying" can be used for all those
instances also when something is told/spoken/said that is not true
(due to "non-evil" reasons, lack of good memory, etc. etc.).
This question is partly meant for humorous reasons and partly meant
spiritually... spiritually because I think that to develop spiritually
one needs to be aware that one needs to use logic to discriminate
nonsense from sense......a rather difficult task in these days because
of all the circulating nonsense.
For this I want to grab the opportunity to thank our Pleiadian
Friends( or Pleiarian as the obviously want to be called nowadays,
which I find kinda nonsense situation with the knowledge I posess
currently) and Billy for stating and explaining so much things in such
a clear and logic way that it can greatly help us to evolve a bit
extra in this world full of nonsense.
Liebe Grusse
Harry Dicker
Sorry Michael,,,, My reason is not to make fun of your tagline, just
to show that a small thing can be actually big...... a usefull concept
we can use to respect the woorld around us a bit more.


Posted on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 10:46 am

Hello Billy,
thank you for the answer to my last question. I read on Figu site that
Giza Complex in Egypt was built by the settlers from Orion
territories. Are the Orion Settlers a part of the Nokodemion Lineage?
If so, which group: Lyrian Syrian or Plejaren?
I hope you're well. Wish you all the best.



Posted on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 12:54 pm

Hi Billy !
J am intersting about Sri Sathya Sai Baba
( ) He has very big influence in the India,
and many folowers in the West ... the question is, is he a true or
false spiritual teacher ? Sometimes J don`t feel good under his

ANSWER: He's a conjurer who exploits everything in a religious way.


Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 06:50 pm

Hi Billy:
Can you tell us if you have ever been visited by terrestrials from the
(if you are allowed to talk about it of course)



Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 11:35 pm

Hello Billy,
Is Hydrogen technology a feesable solution to eventually shut down
nuclear power plants?
(Hydrogen fuel cells for homes and automobiles.)

ANSWER: Hydrogen technology is dangerous (explosive).
The following energy sources/methods are positive for our future:
solar energy
geothermal energy
wind energy

tidal energy
and (much) later:
electron energy
sub-atomar energies etc.
energy drawn from Black Holes


Posted on Wednesday, July 07, 2004 - 09:40 pm

Hi Billy,
Which is more likely to happen first, a public landing by ETs or the
discovery of ET artifacts on Mars?

ANSWER: The discovery of artifacts. However, those artifacts will not be
recognized as what they are since they look as being of natural origin
(= built from Mars material, rocks, etc.).


Posted on Wednesday, July 07, 2004 - 09:59 pm

Dear Billy,
I wish to go back to School for a career change.

I understand you have been told of events in the
future. Could you give some career suggestions that could be
beneficial in the near future?



Posted on Thursday, July 08, 2004 - 07:50 am

Dear Billy,
I hope you are well. My question pertains to this: It seems to me that
a key bit of information to logically reason that the spirit and
consciousness survive is that there must be a way that information is
stored without the physical body/brain. I recall that the akashic
records are stored as very high frequencies, but nature shows that
waves of any frequency tend to diffuse and dissipate. To put my
question simply: How is the information of spirit and consciousness
retained between incarnations? I am already aware of the fact that the
comprehensive consciousness is stored in an appropriate energy block
seperate from the spirit form, but I do not understand how it is
possible for the wisdom/knowledge gained during physical life to be
stored without some mechanism, even if that mechanism is of finer
material than physical matter.
With respect, Thomas

ANSWER: It is retained/stored as pure electro-magnetic vibration-like
impulses, very much higher than material electro-magnetic vibrations.
At that point in time when our universe contracts (after
155,500,000,000,000 years (= at that time no human beings will be
alive anymore), all this stored knowledge/wisdom/etc. will dissolve
into pure universal energy.


Posted on Thursday, July 08, 2004 - 10:51 am

Hi Billy, In a previous question about the Men in Black you stated
that the Men in Black were government agents. But in the book And
Still They Fly on page #219 Quetzal states "the three men belong to
the secret neo-Nazi group known by the name of the Schwarze Manner
(Men in Black)". So far I have found three definitions for your usage
of the Men in Black term.
Government Agents
Secret Neo Nazis Group
Old Sirians
Are all of these groups working together? If not, Men in Black is too
vague of a term. Could you please explain what is going on here?
Thanx, Norm

ANSWER: These three groups are operating separately


Posted on Thursday, July 08, 2004 - 11:32 am

Hi Billy !!
I Hope you and all have been well.
From what i understand, the Plejarens grow gardens and produce much(?)
of their own food. When they travel (as in great spacer), do they
bring their own personally grown food with them, or grow or produce it
personally (somehow?) or what?
Also included, if applicable, would be how they might preserve or
transport food during their travels...?
Thanks for any information,

ANSWER: In the great spacer they grow their own food (they have big gardens).
In the small beamships they eat "instant food" of diverse colors, form
and flavors. This food is very "filling" and is compressed/condensed.
A bit of food the size of a peanut can deliver a full "meal". When
Billy tried this food for the first time (while being with Asket) he
took a too big "crumb" of food, and then, by chewing it (contact with
saliva), it rose like dough/cake and the food flowed out of his mouth.
Nevertheless it tasted fine.


Posted on Thursday, July 08, 2004 - 08:18 pm

Hi Billy,
Can you explain for us the "causes and effects" of someone who may be
on a high level of consciousness and yet a low level of wisdom and
vise versa? In other words, how can people be so smart in some ways
and yet be so stupid? The same would apply to someone who would
seemingly be stupid and yet really be smart in the more important
What comes to mind are certain individuals in positions of power with
great influence over people with their so called "higher education,"
leadership, wit and so forth, and yet could lead the world into ashes
and ruin.
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: Many people with a so-called "higher education" are not capable to
create their own thoughts in order to reach/attain their own
responsibility. There are people who are very knowledgeable in a
certain field of science, but may lack much wisdom. In German we call
such persons "Fachidioten". If such people are in high positions, they
don't bear their responsibility in such a way that leads to peace
instead of war. The history of the Church, e.g., is full of
"intelligent theologians" who were aiming for war.
(Note by CF: Believing in religions is not a sign of wisdom in our
modern times.)


Posted on Friday, July 09, 2004 - 04:01 am

What is the best way to improve the control on ones thoughts?

ANSWER: Learning to meditate.


Posted on Friday, July 09, 2004 - 04:56 pm

Hi Billy,
Within our universe, I understand that there are countless space-time
dimensions or "frames" (gefuege).
When a human race begins to first experiment with time travel into the
past, is it possible for the time traveler to arrive at a different
"reality" than the one that they actually lived through in their past?
In other words, is it possible that I go back in time and somehow get
"lost" (by somehow deviating from my timeline) and arrive at a
separate timeline or worldline where I see myself doing something
completely different, like running against George W. Bush for
President in the year 2000  ?
I ask this because, in a similar sense, the Plejaren speak of their
dimension as having many more stars and planets than our own
dimension, and this may be somehow related.
Thanks and best wishes,
Marc Juliano

ANSWER: If you have not really "run against GWB for President" in the year
2000, you cannot go back into another dimension (= the past) where you
will meet Marc who runs...
For us there are three close dimensions: The future, the present and
the past. Of course there are countless other dimensions in the
universe. The one that is the closest from us is the dimension of the
Beyond (where we, or rather our spirit form and comprehensive
consciousness block, will exist between death and reincarnation).
In the world and space of the Plejaren there exist other stars etc.
than in our dimension.


Posted on Friday, July 09, 2004 - 08:26 pm

Dear Billy,
Is MENARA and many other Plejars who visit you on occasion come mostly
as ALL of White complexion beings or is there more who have visited
you who are similar to Menara ?
The reason for the race question is because I have not known others in
the Plejaren groups within the contact notes who are of Hottentot
Descent or similar and I have many African American friends who are
curious to know more of the brown race lineages in the Plejaren system
if they are any groups.
As always, your answers are so enlightening to me :-)

ANSWER: Of all the extraterrestrial visitors only Menara had this brown


Posted on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 01:38 pm

Greetings Billy,
Is it true that there are Extra Terrestrial human beings that secretly
live among us in our human societies world wide?, not only as
individuals, but also whole entire families of them integrating
themselves in our towns and cities?
IN some case it has even been speculated that many of these ETs have
even being involved in the anonymous individual rescues of many people
from dangerous life threatening situations. IN most of these cases
people report being helped by angels, but in some other cases people
even report incidences involving Big-foot and Moth-man.
I've personally seen a blond woman disappear soundlessly once in the
middle of a city, and while she may or may not be an ET, it kind of
gets me thinking about the possibilities.
Peace in cosmic amnesty,
James Truthseeker

ANSWER: To answer your "Is it true?" question: No, that's not true.


Posted on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 10:32 pm

Dear Billy,
Was the Sphinx constructed by Lyrians or other extraterrestrials? And
if so could you briefly explain its significance(in particular what
the combination of the human head and the feline body is supposed to
Thanks and Best Regards,

ANSWER: It was built by the old Egyptians under the guidance of
extraterrestrials from another space and time structure in the region
of Orion.
Regarding the significance: Billy doesn't know it.


Posted on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 11:18 am

Dear Billy,
What can you tell us about the two Moons the Earth had about 60
million years ago ? our present moon arrived later?
Norm and Victor Diaz

ANSWER: Nothing.


Posted on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 01:26 pm

Hello Billy,
I hope all is well with you.
As I understand it, the past cannot be altered or changed once it has
When you visited Rabbi Jecheili (I believe it was the 13th century)
didn't you leave behind a flashlight or something similar? Wouldn't
this somehow change that moment in time and create a possible
different future? Possibly this was a very insignificant event, and
had no real bearing on the future, but it is something I have been
curious about.
Thanks very much

ANSWER: This did not change the history of France, Europe, science, etc. When
the batteries were empty, both the flashlight and the device for
electrifying a fence were useless and only some object of curiosity.


Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 12:07 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
In 2003 Oct and Nov, our sun had the strongest solar storm recorded in
history, though 2003 is not the peak year of the 11 year solar
activity cycle. (year 2000 is supposed to be the peak year)
Is this part of the whole abnormal solar activity that will become
more evident in the next few hundred years (as stated in Contact 251)?
Thank you.

ANSWER: The sun has several solar activity cycles: One is 22, another 88
years, and there are three other ones that may be calculated in
hundreds and thousands of years.


Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 - 03:41 pm

hi billy
i hope you are doing fine
some time ago i read some books by a man called Carlos Castaneda, in
his books he describes his incredible encounters with a Yaqui "wizard"
he calls "Don Juan", and among other things, he attributes this man
and other indian "wizards" many abilities, like teleportation, the
capability to look in other peoples thoughts, the capability to look
into the past, high developed intuition, the hability to "travel" in
their dreams, the hability to alter other people`s perception, the
hability to perceive reality in a completely different way (for
example to see other human beings like if they were made of light
fibres), and even more amazing things. . .
my question is this:
is possible that among indian shamans (wizards, medicinemen), there
still exist highly developed beings with these "powers"???

ANSWER: (Apart from the question whether this "Don Juan" is or has been a real
person or just the imagination of Carlos Castaneda): So-called spirit
healers and "highly developed beings" "produce" their success/effect
on a foundation of belief. Through the power of belief the persons,
who believe in the power of such healers etc., heal themselves through
self-suggestive forces.
Belief may indeed move mountains.
The important factor for the healing etc. is that there are persons
who believe in the special powers of the "developed ones".


Posted on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 05:21 pm

Hello Billy, how are you doing?
I have a question regarding pregnancy and cosmic electromagnetic
life-energy. Since the embryo and later on the fetus/child is inside
the mother, how does it obtain its cosmic electromagnetic life-energy?
Can you give a comprehensive explanation how a unborn child gets it's
cosmic electromagnetic life-energy and _if_ there is any modification
of those energies by the mother.
I am wondering about this because the energy has to pass through the
mother and its perfectly imaginable that this energy is affected by
the mother before it reaches the child.
I do suspect that the psychological state of the mother is of
influence on the baby, in ways that it affects the energies received
by the baby.
I am talking about both the spiritual-life energy which is needed for
the spirit and the cosmic electromagnetic life-energy which is needed
for the material body.
Thank you for your time

ANSWER: Cosmic-electric life energy penetrates all existing material and,
therefore, the mother's body. This energy is unchanged by the mother.
However, the mother has an important influence on the development of
the fetus, just as it is the case with the father and the environment
(via mother). The influences have to do with the mother's conscious
and psychic power/force.
From all this results that it is of great importance that the
fathering of the child and the pregnancy can/may/does occur in a
humane manner or way.


Posted on Friday, July 16, 2004 - 05:51 am

hi billy, great forum!
I'm just wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about
Jucata, Ptaahs only son, what happened to him? I'm a little confused
if his dead or just waiting to be re-incarnated again someday or is he
still alive?
many thanks
- phil638



Posted on Friday, July 16, 2004 - 11:13 pm

Hi Billy
Jim and I were discussing on the event of Jmmanuel being baptized by
John, where in TJ 3:27-28: "Let it happen so now, because it is
fitting for us to fulfill all justice, since we are both sons of the
In figuring the relationship between the baptism and justice, we do
not understand why is it that performing the baptism is like
fulfilling some sort of justice.
We think it might be a translation inaccuracy, can you please explain
this to us?
Thank you :-)

ANSWER: The baptism in the case of John/Jmmanuel was no babtism in the common
way (= exorcism), but an initiation, as we would call it today.
Justice in this connection means a new beginning, a beginning to learn
and do things correctly.


Posted on Sunday, July 18, 2004 - 07:12 am

Salome Billy,
The AIDS epidemic has had the effect of leaving countless children
orphaned all over the world, especially in Africa and Asia. In your
evolved opinion, what should be done about this situation?
Best regards to you and yours.
Rita Keoughan

1) Worldwide informing/education (so many people don't have the
knowledge about the origin and effects of this still incurable
disease). The same is true with many other venereal diseases.
2) To abolish/check prostitution, sodomy, pedophilia, etc.
3) To abolish promiscuity (including adultery).
The human being's decency and dignity demand that there is no adultery
A substantial part of Earth's population really does behave like the
people did in Sodom and Gomorrha.


Posted on Sunday, July 18, 2004 - 09:19 pm

Dear Billy,
As we get closer and closer to the prophesized start of WWIII, many
people are becoming increasingly concerned about their future
well-being. If concerned or interested persons were to contact you by
phone, letter or email, would you be able to investigate the
probability of survival in a particular geographic area?
Wishing peace to all.



Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 12:58 pm

How do you do.
You have stated that humans need meat in their diet, and it is true
that animal products contain stuff that's hard - and in some cases
impossible - to get from plants. So are you really saying that a vegan
and even a vegetarian diet is unhealthy, even when necessary
supplements are used and no apparent deficiencies develop? And if so,
exactly what is the reason? Lots of people are currently living
completely without animal products and, as studies appear to indicate,
usually with better health than an average omnivore.
Thanks for your time.

ANSWER: As a rule vegans and vegetarians may be detected by their watery,
transparent skin (except if they are exposing their skin to the sun).
(Note by CF: As has been said earlier: Vegetarians (and especially
vegans) tend to having thoughts that are fleeting and not "firm on the
ground" (= not very realistic). The opposite is true for persons who
are eating too much meat etc. and who tend to have slow thinking etc.
-- Animal products contain certain stuff that is not available in
plants (at least not in those plants that are eaten). A balanced diet
is necessary for neutral-positive thinking and a healthy psyche.


Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 04:56 pm

Hello Eduard
Referring to the preophecies from contact 251, Which countries do the
4 heads of state come from?
Thanks for your time :-)
Hi Bronze
Sorry about that, I believe Christian may have overlooked it, we'll
try it again  Scott

ANSWER: No answer.


Posted on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 09:36 pm

Thankyou Billy for the answer to my question on Karen's visions of
white beams of light. Karen commented that you sound like an
enlightened being from your answers.
On Saturday 1st May 2004, my partner Karen visited a clairvoyant named
Michael who by reading divination cards and clairvoyancy explained to
Karen that he could see a transparent angelic figure over her crown
chakra. The figure had a circle of seven stars over it's head and
pointing to Karen indicating that Karen is an incarnated angelic light
figure from another dimension 'the pleiades star group'.
Karen's birth date is 22nd November 1954.
What are your thoughts on this?

ANSWER: That's nonsense


Posted on Monday, July 26, 2004 - 12:54 pm

Hi Billy,
GREETINGS,Culd you tell to me Please about the Hyperboreans -I would
like to know everything about the Hyperboreans they language ,
-kontinent..,where they come from , etc
Thanking in advance I close the message wishing to you all the best.,



Posted on Friday, September 03, 2004 - 10:17 am

I have a question for Billy.
What do you and/or the Plejarean's feel about the Microbiologist Dan
Burisch and his 'work' with the Ganesh Particle? Is this a 'legitamte'
finding? Is it, indeed, a 'seed' to the tree of life? I reside within
close proximity to where this particle has been recovered. There are
supposed 'Stargates' or 'Wormholes' in the area. They are calling the
anomolies ERB's or Einstein Rosin Bridges. Does this have anything to
do with the appearance of this Ganesh Particle?
Thank you all for your time. Bless you, Billy.

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know about that "Ganesh Particle". --- There are no
stargates here on earth.


Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 - 06:42 am

Hello Billy,
Thank you for answering my question about Sathya Sai Baba.
J was always wondering, how is it possible that such advanced
spiritual teacher don`t teach people some useful mental tehnique. So J
start to learn Maharishi Mahes Yogi`s transcendental meditation
(} ).
In this tehnique we repeat ( think ) softly sanskrit word ( mantra )
for about 20 to 30 min. twice a day, every day. Maharishi use this
tehniq and TM Sidhi tehnique to create peace in the world, so you have
the same objectiv, and almost same tehniques. So J don`t know if J
shuld change transcendetal meditation to yours peace meditation they
are powerfull both.

ANSWER: Billy would not advice anybody to use TM. What's sure is that TM
cannot be compared to our peace meditation, and that TM does have NO
effect in bringing about peace on earth.
(Note by CF: TM can even harm one's psychic and consciousness-related


Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 02:12 am

Greetings Billy,
Thanks for clearing up a few more things.
My next question is; Are you aware of a report regarding the
disappearance of an air plane pilot by the name of Frederick Valentich
who suddenly disappeared in his Cessna plane while flying over the
Bass Strait just off of south-eastern Australia back in 1978 when he
encountered a UFO? If you can, please explain the details of what
actually happen to him, such as which group of ETs abducted him?, why
they did so? and why he was never seem again after he encountered the
Thanks for all of your good answers and logic.
James Truthseeker

ANSWER: Billy did not learn about this incident. Besides, he has his doubts
about this being an abduction case.


Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 01:42 pm

I'm very much interested in the life of the prophets, especially
Henoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jmmanuel and Mohammed, and would
like to know if they were all murdered as the Talmud of Jmmanuel
claims? Obviously we know that Jmmanuel lived to be 110 years. But
what of the others? Who were the prophets murdered that Jmmanuel
refered to?

ANSWER: The ones you mentioned were not murdered. Some of them were taken away
from earth and died elsewhere. However, there have been other prophets
who were murdered, but these were not part of the Henok/Nokodemion
lineage. Since Jmmanuel did not die on the cross he also wasn't


Posted on Monday, September 06, 2004 - 01:52 am

Hello Billy,
.. every question of mine you answered shortly with no and I dont
know, thats O.K.
it would be very helpfull for me even small information about the Arus
.did you ask in the past or in the present time perhaps you will show
any interes in the future to win a new informations from Ptaah about
the Arus , how did he kolonise the Hyperborea kontinent, etc : ....
Thanks a lot for your time you are giving to us for answering the
questions and your understanding

Hi Beli,
If you could be more specific in your question, it might help. Your
last question to Billy was "I would like to know everything about the
Hyperboreans they language , -kontinent.., where they come from , etc"
How could Billy or anyone answer this in a few lines? You were sent an
e-mail last time about this, but you didn't respond, or you may not
have received it. Just a suggestion-Moderator

ANSWER: Ok, then here's a somewhat longer answer: Billy has no information
about the incidents you want to have clarified.


Posted on Monday, September 06, 2004 - 10:48 am

Hello again and thanks for all your answers. I wanted to clarify
something about time travel because I've noticed that several people
ask questions in regards to it, but I'm still confused about the
overall concept of how Creation prevents changes in events that have
already occurred. I understand that a cause leads to an effect, but
how would Creation specifically deal with the following situation: For
example, if someone were to travel back in time and try to kill Hitler
before he assumed power in Germany, is there a spiritual or
fine-matter force field that protects living beings from harm against
another living being from a different time?
Or, would one be able to physically kill Hitler, following which
Creation would then produce an alternate reality on a different time
stream in which Hitler did not exist while the original reality that
the time traveler came from remains intact?
Or is there some other specific method by which Creation prevents
changes in past events?
Best Wishes,

ANSWER: It is a law of Creation that nothing can be changed that has already
Note by CF: To think about the idea of going back into the past to
change things that have already happened is only possible in a
universe where this (changing the past) is not possible, i.e. in an
universe that is built on logic and logical laws etc. Being able to
change the past is only possible in an universe invented in the head
of a person, because if that would be possible in a real universe,
that universe could not have started to exist in the beginning and
would have been destroyed immediately at its birth.


Posted on Monday, September 06, 2004 - 09:40 pm

Dear Billy,
I hope you are doing well. Thank you for offering us this opportunity
to ask you questions. Here is my question:
Are there any circumstances where it is not advantageous for a person
whose birth number is an 8 to live in a house with the number 8? Is it
not the customary practice in numerology to concentrate, focus or
increase the vibrations of a persons birth number by repeating that
number in all important facets of life?

ANSWER: Each person decides for himself whether he or she will take advantage
of combinations of numbers. Everything depends on (and is influenced
by) one's thoughts, feelings and actions.


Posted on Tuesday, September 07, 2004 - 06:17 am

Hi Billy,
One of your major concerns is Overpopulation.
Some people have commented that the fact you have had 4 children is
somewhat hypocritical.
What would your thoughts be on this matter?

ANSWER: A woman shall have no more than three children. Therefore, in a
marriage there shall not be more than three children, if at all.
If a man has been divorced and marries another wife, or if he has more
than one wife, he may have a maximum of three children with each wife
(= within each marriage/partnership).
However, the prerequisite is that the parents are capable to raise the
child/children in a loving surrounding and with enough nourishment for
the body and consciousness, etc. etc. in order that the child/children
may grow up with good health regarding psyche, consciousness and body
(note by CF: and hopefully free of addiction to any religion or other
destructive doctrines, etc.).
Btw: Billy has three children with his ex-wife and one with his actual
partner, plus two sons of whom he is not the biological father.
Note by CF: Of course the limit of three children per wife does not
mean that each woman must have three children. There are many women
who should have no children (or less than three), just as there are
many fathers who should never have become father(s).
Besides, it is very advisable that there is a time span between the
children of at least three years.


Posted on Tuesday, September 07, 2004 - 04:54 pm

Greetings Billy,
Thank you for your previous answer on Menara being the only person of
brown complexion to have made physical contact with you and how you
both had a great time being involved in communication.
This question is an installment to Menara's visit here on earth as
well as friends of African American descent asking me about other
races who are the same as Menara. I apologize for such a question like
this because I have many African American friends here in the USA who
are well aware of your case and are not part of this forum yet who
need to know if other Brown races of Blacks are out there in the
universe with higher spiritual evolution such as all the Plejars..
this of course is a problem we have here in America of racism for a
period of 400 yrs and it seems is a concern for those friends who I
know for so long to get some type of understanding to this if
The question is, are there other planets in the Plejars system which
like Menara have many like her of brown race complexion and if so are
they highly evolved in matters of the spirit??. If possible, can we
get more information from Menara herself?.
Hopefully this is not too much to ask.
Any answer will be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: There are other races of brown complexion who are a part of the
Plejaren federation. In order to be a part of that federation a race
or people must be spiritually highly evolved.
Besides: During Billy's "long trip" through the universe he saw many
persons in "Ptaah's" giant spacer that were of a black skin to such an
extent that they seemed to shimmer towards blue color.


Posted on Wednesday, September 08, 2004 - 05:00 am

Over the next 6 to 9 months I need to concentrate on technical
bookwork in order to learn and apply new skills so I may obtain a
better job and provide for the material needs of my family. In his
book And still they fly, Guido Moosbrugger had this to say about
learning and work: The greater the quantity of learning material and
its degree of difficulty, the greater the need for physical activity,
since the ability to learn is enhanced by manual activity that has
been acquired (performed) beforehand. From my experience, I have
noticed that it is easier to concentrate on bookwork after performing
some physical work or exercise. My general practice is to take a break
and perform some physical work or exercise whenever I begin to feel
inattentive or sluggish. However, sometimes I get off-target and spend
too much time with physical work activities and consequently lag
behind in my mental studies. Is it permissible for you to help us
learn how to determine our individual evolutionary level and implement
the guidelines for the proper balance of mental and physical work so
we may develop more optimally? Can the evolutionary level be deduced
from occult sciences like astrology, numerology or palmistry?
Best wishes for continued health and well-being.
Jo Jo

ANSWER: Each person must learn for himself what is a good balance of physical
and mental work. Of course it's possible to determine/calculate the
proper balance, but that's an individual thing. This calculation is
based upon an individual's evolutionary level. --- There may be found
some information about this in the 156th Contact of December 13, 1981.
As a rule, the human beings of earth must perform 9 hours a day of
manual work in order to be able to enhance their capability to learn
spiritual and consciousness-related knowledge.
Manual labor includes: moving/movement, walking, writing, washing-up,
chopping wood, gardening, etc. etc.


Posted on Wednesday, September 08, 2004 - 01:27 pm

Salome Billy,
It seems to me that a third world war is going to be unavoidable due
to the Earth Humans' deep religious programming. Common sense and
logic, which are needed to repair the various countries' difficult
situations, seem to not be able to exist at the same time as religious
zeal. At the same time, the overpopulation problem is temendous and
shows no sign of slowing down.
Would there be any benefit to increasing the frequency of the peace
meditation? Is there anything that we can do at all?

ANSWER: Increasing the frequency would bring a benefit, but even more benefit
would result if ever more people would participate in the PM. And,
above all, the best result would be if the people would think and act
along peaceful ways.


Posted on Wednesday, September 08, 2004 - 11:31 pm

Hi Mr. Meier:
Could you tell us who were JHWH of our planet in the past 1000 year
and if possible, their race/origin and how long they held the title of
JHWH? We know our current JHWH is Ptaah and his race/origin is
Playaran, but we don't know when he obtain the title 'JHWH' and who
were the ones before Ptaah.
Thank you.



Posted on Wednesday, September 08, 2004 - 11:34 pm

Hi Billy
Heartfelt thanks for providing answers to all our questions :-)
I would like referring to OM Canon 20:95
.. nebst dem Johannes und Eljas und dem Hjob und allem Heer der
anderen Rechtschaffen und Gerechten, wie sie da auch waren der Buddha,
der Zoroaster und der Babatschi und andere.
I presume that Buddha, Zoroaster and Babatschi were not the
reincarnations of Nokodemion the spirit, but were wise men sent to
earth through certain arrangement/mission.


As we have very little information regarding Zoroaster especially
almost none on Bataschi; my question is: Can you briefly tell us about
their life stories and did they aware of their mission?

ANSWER: Billy did not investigate into their life stories etc. and, therefore,
cannot give details of their mission.


Posted on Thursday, September 09, 2004 - 01:52 pm

Hi Billy, The Jmmanuel script that was stolen by Juda Iharioth from
Judas Iscarioth & sold to the Pharisees & Scribes. Was that script
used by the some of the writers of Mathew, Mark, Luke & John?



Posted on Thursday, September 09, 2004 - 06:06 pm

Hi Billy :
Do you think that Russia will still play a significant role in
ensuring more durable peace in the near future, as it did to end the
cold war?
Thanks for answering all the questions submitted to you. Be well

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 10:54 pm

Mr. Meier,
According to the Henoch prophecies, fighter-clones will be used in
If this war begins in 2006, 2010 or 2011, and lasts 3 years and 11
months, these fighter clones would have to be alive and among us now. It was
not indicated from what country they would come, but the US seems the
logical suspect because of the technology and money required. Because of their
severe nature (killer machines with a total lack of conscience) and
the public outcry that would result if their existence were known, they
must be living and training in secrecy. There has been much conjecture in the
alternative press about underground bases and concentration-camp-like
facilities in the US that could be used to house these individuals. My
question is this: Are the fighter-clones based in the US and do you
know of their whereabouts?
Thank you.

ANSWER: (WWIII is not yet a sure thing.)
The production of fighter-clones for warfare and secret missions etc.
has started some 30 years ago by secret services etc. The term
"fighter-clones" is not limited to genetic origin only, but also to
the result of the use of drugs, brain surgery and chemicals etc. in
order to change a normally-conceived human being into a "killing
machine" who has no conscience and who's inner inhibition to kill is


Posted on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 04:26 am

Hi Billy,
Thankyou for having the patience to respond to my questions. I feel a
little humbled being part of this forum, because I notice there are
some very knowledgeable members by the questions asked.
I feel that each one of us is asking for pieces of information that
may solve a jigsaw puzzle, or satisfy our curiosity.
I know that you have information that you cannot share with us.
What I would like to know is, will we the members of this forum keep
asking questions to help solve our own individual puzzles, or will we
collectively be guided or invited to participate in a worldwide
transformation of a peaceful and non violent existence?
Love to you and all beings.

ANSWER: Each forum member is asking questions for him or herself, in
agreement/line with one's own understanding and capability.
(Note by CF: They do this in accgreement with their own personality
and development, etc. Therefore, the subject/topic of the questions
--- and the benefit to one's own evolution --- is quite diverse.)


Posted on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 08:41 am

Hello Billy
If I understand it, the beginnings of the physical universe (formation
of matter), occurred around 40.3 trillion years ago. After this the
planets, flora & fauna and the first humanoid came into being sometime
around 39.2 trillion years ago.
When Creation begins its contraction period at approx 155 trillion
years it will stop creating new spirit forms. My question is, how long
after the contraction of the Creation begins will the physical
universe continue to exist (supporting physical life) before Creation
has completed its full expansion/contraction cycle of 311 trillion
Thanks very much

ANSWER: The physical universe will exist for the other half of the 155.5
trillion years.
However, long before the end of that period all human beings will have
completed their personal evolution up to the spiritual level of Petale


Posted on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 12:23 am

Dear Billy,
If it is true that the spirit determines how long we are going to live
and the manner of our death before we are born, is it possible, with
more logical thinking and actions and by practicing the meditations
regularly, to lengthen our lives by a significant number of years and
live a more productive life? And what effect, if any, will this have
upon our future lives?
I wish you good health and a long life.
Best regards and Salome,
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: The determination of one's lifespan in the manner mentioned by you was
true for a certain group of persons only who belonged to the so-called
Kodex. However, since the dissolution of that kodex a couple of years
ago, all human beings who live on planet earth are now living under
the same conditions: The lifespan of a person is influenced and
determined by factors like nourishment, movement, thinking,
behavior/acting, accidents, genetic influences, state of the psyche,
openness to progress, etc. etc.


Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 07:14 am

Re: Expansion of space.
Hi Billy:
I wonder if your contacts (Ptah, Quetzal or others) have discused with
you if the seemingly endless expansion of space will continue forever.
If not, I'd like to know when will the expansion of space stop?
Respectfully yours,

ANSWER: The expansion of space stops 155.5 trillion (billion) years after the
big bang (see question by Scott above).


Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 03:57 pm

Dear Billy,
Concerning numerology, the following information is based on Cheiros
Book of Numbers, but not the Spirit Lessons, because I am not a
passive member and cant read German.
In Cheiros system of numerology, the numbers are said to be "ruled" by
or derive their vibration from the planets of the Solar system.
1 = Sun
2 = Moon
3 = Jupiter
4 = Uranus
5 = Mercury
6 = Venus
7 = Neptune
8 = Saturn
9 = Mars
In this system, the planet Pluto is not accounted for. This might be
understandable because Pluto was discovered just one year before
Cheiros death. However contemporary astrologers usually assign great
significance to Pluto, saying it rules power and transformation among
other things. However, assigning such importance to Pluto is somewhat
odd because Pluto is such a small planet and is so distant from the
Sun and Earth. Is the planet Pluto of no true importance in numerology
and astrology, and is this because it is not really a planet?
Wishing you and everyone at the FIGU peace and good health.

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 11:28 pm

Greetings dear Billy....
First of all I would like to thank you for answering my last question
concerning Plejaren materimony.
My next question concerns Nokodemjon.
There has been some different clearifications which involve
Nokodemjon's name origine and it's relation.
There has been excerpts from your contact-notes, which have been
translated and posted, stating the Nokodemjon is The Name of the
Spirt-Form, and thus, Not of a Human Being of flesh and blood.
Are you in the liberty of telling us where the name Nokodemjon belongs to?
The name being a Spitit-Form or that of a Human Being?
Many Thank yous and may the best of health be with you Always.

ANSWER: Thank you, the same to you. --- Nokodemjon is a name of a human being.
There were two persons with the same name.
A spirit form has no name.


Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 03:41 am

Hi Billy
It was mentioned that it is advisable to remove the pubic hair.
As nature provided this hair to most of the human beings on earth, I
would think the pubic hair must be of some use, unless it is the
result of our manipulated genes or it is no more suitable for the
existing environment of the earth.
My question is: What is the reason behind this pubic hair removal and
what is the appropriate age to do this? I wonder if it apply to all
human races on earth and the Plejarens as well.
Salome :-)

ANSWER: Hygienic reasons.
Appropriate age? As soon and as long as the pubic hair grows.
There are human beings on Earth whose pubic hair doesn't grow (living
somewhere in the jungles of South America).
The Plejarens have no pubic hair anymore (genetically influenced).


Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 02:25 pm

Though it is said to be a rare occurrence, does a spirit form that
returns from the Arahat Athersata spirit level to the material world
still remain conscious in the beyond surrounding the planet on which
it has incarnated and know it is incarnating into a physical body, or
does it temporarily become unconscious while taking part in the
reincarnation cycle?

ANSWER: In the beyond there is no personal consciousness as we imagine it to
be. No, such a spirit form is not conscious in the beyond. --- The
incarnation process is steered/processed by creational laws.


Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2004 - 03:26 am

Greetings Billy,
Aside from my next question, I think it would be a good idea for the
Plejarens to create in the fields of England next year, you're salome
peace symbol, since this in itself may draw the attention of many more
people to FIGU's mission and to the salome peace meditation. However,
now that crop formation season is over, I hope this idea is not to
late. Just a suggestion. :-)
OK my Question is: What will happen to the ET like beings living
underground in places like Mt Shasta and also yet others living in
Agarta, in the event of a possible world war 3, if it happens?
I've been thinking about the possibilities that even in these events,
whether such underground dwellings would still be a safe place to be
for such ET human beings since the Agartans survived by this means
during the destruction of Mu. Unfortunately I do not see the
possibilities of any such underground ET inhabitants accepting any
surface dwellers for personal safety, but perhaps there are other
places for people to go to, such as vacant ancient underground
tunnels, under South America, etc.
Peace in new ideas,
James Truthseeker

ANSWER: They will die independently if there is a war or none. (Btw: There are
only a few of them living today).
If WW 3 should occur, you could die anyplace on earth, on the surface
or in a tunnel (note CF: especially tunnels in earthquake-prone
territories; besides, living in tunnels is not too comfortable.


Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2004 - 12:26 pm

Hi Billy,
If it is true that the American forces and "coalition" forces are
fighting a "war on terrorism", as the U.S. Administration and media
would have us believe, can such a war on terror ever be won?

ANSWER: No, they are not fighting a war against terrorism, but for world
domination etc. And of course a "war on terror" cannot be won. (Note
CF: To eliminate terror on a long scale would need reasonable thinking
and true responsibility etc. etc.)


Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2004 - 04:41 pm

Hello Billy,
We know that the Plejarens and other humans live roughly 1,000 years
compared to 100 for terrestrial humans, but do they also mature
slower? For example, would a typical Plejaren reach puberty at 13
years of age or 130 years of age?

ANSWER: They reach puberty between 12 and 16 years, just as here on Earth. But
they do not marry before they reach the age of 70. All of them are
learning different professions.


Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2004 - 09:44 pm

Hi Billy,
Out of all the experiences you have had with ETs in your life, which
is your most memorable and why?

ANSWER: Experiencing real humanity along with reverence and dignity.


Posted on Friday, October 01, 2004 - 03:53 pm

Hi Billy,
Would the Peace Meditation help people with schizophrenic and
mood-disorders evolve spiritually or what would be your best advice?
May you live long.

ANSWER: No. What could help are normal meditations: meditation for calmness,
for self-discovery, for rest, etc. What also can help is to cultivate
neutral thoughts or wishful dreams (Wunschtraeume). However, if you
create and indulge in a wishful dream, you must always be aware that
it is a wishful dream only.


Posted on Friday, October 01, 2004 - 12:29 pm

hi Billy
i hope you are doing fine
I have read in Guido4s book: and still they fly" that plejarans
transform pure lead into the metal alloy they use for their beamships
through seven working cycles, and even when they don4t know how to
obtain the philosopher4s stone, it is universally possible to
transform directly lead into gold . . .
Some people say that the whole alchemical process is some kind of
metaphor of spiritual evolution while some other people say that
alchemy is a science by which it can be obtained an elixir that cure
all diseases and can transform pure lead into gold, etc etc
my questions is this:
is true alchemy just like any other science where in this case the
desired metal would be obtained in a lab or is it the result of the
use of the spiritual powers ??? (like when Jmmanuel healed sick
persons, etc)
and take care

ANSWER: Actually, the Plejarens make their metal alloy from electrons. Lead is
only one stage in that process.
Alchemy in the olden days was what physics are (is?) today.
It's not the spiritual powers that were/are used, but the
consciousness-related ones.


Posted on Sunday, October 03, 2004 - 02:56 pm

Hi Billy,
Regarding the human spirit, how can its powers be consciously
accessed, and how can one's life path be determined by it in the womb,
if the spirit is actually unconscious and not accessible to us?
Thank you,

ANSWER: It's the human consciousness that influences or determines one's life
path (in the womb and later) --- consciously, unconsciously of
sub-consciously. One's path of life is constantly determined by how
one thinks and acts etc.


Posted on Monday, October 04, 2004 - 03:39 pm

Greetings Billy,
Regarding Earth's future projects with Mars, will it be possible to
actually bring Mars back to habitable status using our new
technologies or probable ones found in Mars ancient past ??
Reason for question is that I find it quite not likely that we can
succeed in bringing back a planet with its Akashic field not existing
anymore to active status.
Thank you and BE WELL my friend :-)

ANSWER: There exists an "Akashic field" around the planet even if there are no
human beings living on it. Impulses could also be drawn from the
cosmic storage banks


Posted on Tuesday, October 05, 2004 - 01:28 pm

Hi Billy,
Edgar Cayce once spoke of a Hall of Records that exists either inside
or below the Sphinx on the Gizeh Plateau in Egypt.
Do you know if such a chamber exists and if there is an archive of
lost, ancient knowledge hidden within it?
Thank you.
Marc Juliano

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Tuesday, October 05, 2004 - 06:59 pm

Hello Mr. Meier,
In Contact# 136, 14 October 1980, Semjase said to you:
195. Around the time of January 19, 1981, Japan will be shaken by an
earthquake which we calculated to be about 8 points strong, according
to the Richter scale known to you.
196. This quake, which despite its strength will remain without great
catastrophe, serves as sign of the end of the Irani-American hostage
From Semjases comments, it seems that the earthquake was an expression
or release of the built-up tensions world-wide to what she called for
the time being, the greatest criminal extortion of the Earth
My question: On a broad scale, can the collective thoughts, feelings
and emotions of humans result in major earth and weather changes like
hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?
Thank you.
Mr. Suzuki

ANSWER: It's a listing of events only that do not depend on each other. It's
like: "this happens here, and then that happens there, etc."


Posted on Wednesday, October 06, 2004 - 06:36 am

Hi Billy, Since Erra is a split second time shifted from Earth's
current timeline. If you were to travel from Erra and return to Earth
without making the split second time correction, what would Earth's
date be, past, present or future?

ANSWER: You would not meet Earth because Erra is in another dimension (space).


Posted on Wednesday, October 06, 2004 - 08:01 pm

good morro,evryone
could it be explained at ant length where and how the vibrations of us
humans are emmitted.?
thank u

ANSWER: They are emitted allover the body through fluidal forces or fluidal


Posted on Monday, October 04, 2004 - 11:14 pm

Dear Mr. Meier:
Could you tell us how long Ptaah has been JHWH of our planet?

ANSWER: No, but perhaps Billy will ask Ptaah about this.


Posted on Monday, October 11, 2004 - 06:26 am

Hi Billy:
I've read some of Adamsky's books and in one of them he describes a
sightseeing of a mothership and when entering a room (lab), he saw a
very old man to whom his guides showed a high respect.
In which way is/was this old man known to you?
Thank you in advance,

Hi Niels,
Billy and the Plejarens have stated the Adamski case is a complete
fraud. This information is available in the contact notes.

ANSWER: The moderator is right.


Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 01:42 pm

Dear Billy,
What is the Universal-Creative Evolution-Energy
(universell-sch?pferischen Evolutions-Energie)?

ANSWER: "Evolutive" Creation energy; energy within which exists all
"evolutive" energy of Creation (evolutive Schvpfungsenergie; Energie,
in der alle evolutive Energie der Schvpfung drinsteckt).


Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 06:08 am

Do you perhaps have any tips for getting rid of unwanted negative thoughts?

ANSWER: By creating positive and reasonable thoughts


Posted on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 07:01 pm

Dear Billy,
I hope you and your family are doing well.
During an earlier period in your life you were a globe-trotter,
visiting many far away places and countries. I believe the purpose of
your early adventures was to experience and learn many of the things
that would later be vital in the fulfillment of your mission. Since
then you have lived more than 30 years at a place relatively near the
place you were born.
My question pertains to how different places on the Earth affect us
individually. Presumably there are places on the Earth that are better
suited for us in terms of achieving happiness, success and the
fulfillment of our purpose in life. If this is so, how do we go about
identifying or locating these places?
Much thanks for everything you are doing for the betterment of all of

ANSWER: Thank you. --- You can achieve happiness, success etc. anywhere. It's
an individual thing. What matters is the individual way of thinking
and feeling etc. of a person. Learning is possible everywhere.


Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 12:47 pm

Hello Mr Meier,
Recently I have learned a theory about the Earth being Hollow, with
advanced beings livings in the centre, logical thinking suggests its
possible with infomation that I have seen.
How come the Plaedians have not mentioned anything on this subject as
it would give everyone a more clear understanding of the world that we
actually living on.

ANSWER: Since Earth is not hollow the Plejarens had no reason to talk about
this fantasy.


Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 05:35 am

Salome Billy,
It takes about 60 - 80 Billion years to evolve to the level of Arahat
Athersata. Why does it take so much longer for some to reach this
level (Billions of years) than it takes for others?
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: The learning process is always an individual thing. While one person
learns not much during his lifetime, another person makes great
efforts and learns a lot (= progresses faster)..


Posted on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 03:31 pm

Hi again Billy,
When the spirit form is contemplating its return from the other side,
is it able to access the dimension of time (or "look into the future")
to determine in which body it will experience the most potential for
learning? For example, does an older spirit form seek a body which it
knows will experience sickness or an injury to learn more from that

ANSWER: The spirit form neither contemplates nor seeks a body. The spirit form
enters the body into which it is "forced/directed" to (steered by
spiritual laws).


Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 12:26 am

Hi Billy
What percentage of spiritforms reincarnate into the same country of
their previous incarnation.

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 11:30 am

Hello Billy,
I understand that President Roosevelt (FDR) allowed the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor in order to have the "justification" to jump
into World War II. Do you know if President G.W. Bush did the same by
allowing the events of September 11, 2001 to take place in order to
start this supposed War on Terror and if he and/or his administration
were involved in orchestrating these events?
Thank you,

ANSWER: This has become known in the meantime.


Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 12:53 pm

Hello Billy,
Living in todays world many people are subjected to the effects of
Environmental degradation, overpopulation, stress etc.
These factors along with others I believe lead to the weakening of the
immune system, which eventually can lead to disease and other health
related problems.
What do the Plejarens recommend to help strengthen the immune system,
such as certain natural foods, herbs etc, which can help offset some
of these negative effects?
Thank you again!

ANSWER: They recommend to take trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, food
additions, etc. Much of today's food doesn't contain enough of the
vitamins, etc., especially fruits and vegetables which are harvested
in an unripe state.


Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 02:54 pm

The art-supporting and music-supporting universal spirit energy
(kunstfordernde und musikfordernde universale Geist-Energie) is
included in the Universal-Creative Evolution-Energy
(universell-schopferischen Evolutions-Energie).
How many other forms of spirit-energy are included in the
Universal-Creative Evolution-Energy ?

ANSWER: First sentence: Yes.
Billions of "things". Everything is included in the
Universal-Creative Evolution-Energy; all forms of progress.
You can compare it with an engine: the Universal-Creative
Evolution-Energy is equal to the petrol/gasoline. In the gasoline
everything is included what enables the engine to work. Gasoline is
consisted of a diversity of components.


Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 11:42 am

Hi Billy,
I hope all is well with you.
Concerning health care in our world today, there is an ongoing
conflict between natural cures and the pharmaceutical industry.
Natural cures are being attacked by the FDA (Food and Drug
Administration) saying that only a drug can diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease. On the other hand the pharmaceutical industry and
the FDA is being attacked by natural cures saying that the medical
profession, in partnership with the pharmaceutical industry, has a
huge interest in keeping people sick rather than healing them, which
is shown by the number of deaths due to the dangerous side effects of
prescription drugs, while laying the foundations for future disease
and chronic ill health for people and a guaranteed source of income
for the medical and pharmaceutical sectors.
It seems that these drugs, which are now being advertised directly to
the consumer, pushing their use to an all time high - are actually a
major cause of illness and disease climbing to near epidemic levels.
My question, Billy, is concerning the future of health care on Earth
and what will eventually win out. Will there be an integration of the
two, or will one dominate and crowd out the other? And would tell us
something about the health care that exists on the planet Erra and
what is really best for us on Earth.
Many thanks and good health to you.
Lonnie Morton

ANSWER: Thank you, and the same to you and to all of you other people in the
FIGU forum who are wishing me well.
In the future there will be a combination of the two. Both "ways" have
their benefit. A combination of natural cures and school medicine and
pharmaceutical industry is sensible. There is no other way on the way
of progress.
Btw: Both Ptaah and Quetzal are educated in natural and school


Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 02:18 pm

Hi Billy, I have another question about the Jmmanuel script that was
stolen by Juda Iharioth from Judas Iscarioth & sold to the Pharisees &
Scribes. Do you know what became of that script?

ANSWER: Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 05:21 pm

Hello Billy,
In Steven's Contact Notes, Book 1, page 352, Contact 33, 12 Sep. 1975.
Semjase said Verse 73/ The events in the Bermudas, respecting the
Bermuda Triangle (mystery) may trace back to quite natural events. 74/
This place is very suited to high seas piracy, as you call this, and
such acts take place again and again there. 75/ On the other hand,
this region is naturally menaced, by which many ships crash and sink
with all the crew and passengers.
A recent TV program has revealed that there is a great quantity of a
certain gas that comes up here from the ocean floor (and to a lesser
degree in a few other places on the planet) and that this causes the
immediate sinking of ships (scientifically tested in a large
laboratory in Texas), and would also cause the engines of low-flying
aircraft to explode instantly upon contacting the gas as it is highly
inflammable. It seems possible this may be how this area that Semjase
spoke of in Contact 33 is "naturally menaced". Did she give any
specifics on the nature of how ships in the Bermuda Triangle are
"naturally menaced", which might confirm that this gas emitted from
the seabed is the explanation? The TV program seemed to prove in basis
Semjase words in verses 73 and 75, but we seem to lack particulars by
Semjase here.
Thank you, and a special thanks for all the good work you are doing
Wishing you and all at FIGU good health and long life,

ANSWER: The reason for many accidents (ships and aircraft) may be found in
methane gas hydrate that is laying on the ground beneath the ocean and
which can rise as methane gas. The effect of which is that ships sink
and airplanes are crashing down or even explode in a huge explosion.
(229th contact of July 31, 1989)


Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 03:33 pm

Hello Billy, I hope you are well. (Moderators: This is a two part
question but if that is not allowed, please submit the second part of
the question to Billy. Part one is for clarification only.)
Billy, you explained that wisdom/knowledge is maintained after death
as very high frequency, pure electromagnetic impulses (much higher
than material electromagnetic vibrations). Can you clarify the
difference between impulses and vibrations please?
Part 2(the main question): Please tell me how it is possible for the
impulses to last throughout the life of the Creation when impulses
typically disperse and dissappear with time (just like waves do)
other words, how are the impulses maintained without degredation?
Thank you for your time. Thomas
Hello Thomas,
I will leave your first question "as is" with the intent of
clarification. Possibly Billy's answer can be worded in such a way to
provide answers to both of your statements. Yes, one question per
person is generally the rule, thanks for asking.

ANSWER: Vibration is also an impulse. Impulses are based on vibrations.
In the realm of the fine-structured (des Feinstofflichen) one rather
talks of fluidal forces instead of vibrations. However, a fluidal
force is also a vibration.
Vibrations in the spiritual realm cannot be compared with the
vibrations in the coarse-matter world. The vibration of wisdom, e.g.,
becomes stronger and stronger (within the spirit form). Vibrations of
the character, on the other hand, are only exisisting for a short
time. You see, there is a diversity of vibrations, from nuclear
radiation to radio waves to vibrations of wisdom, and the duration of
them is quite different.


Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 01:22 am

Greeting Dear Billy,
First of all, thank you for answering my question concerning
This will surely clear-up the many misunderstandings that have taken
place in the translations as well as in others, concerning him.
That is very interesting, you mentioning 2 Nokodemjons.
Can you give a description of the other Nokodemjon's (earthly) tasks,
while mingling between (earth) humans?
Thank you and gute Gesundheit zu Ihnen.

ANSWER: Nokodemjon never lived on Earth (he lived on Lasan).


Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 07:39 am

Hi Billy!,
A couple years ago I looked for a second or two at some girl I knew
from the past and then went back to my business but I as I proceeded
to look away from her something I felt something was strange about her
and looked back at her.
When I did so and started looking for what was strange about her I
started to feel incredibly good and became completely fascinated for 5
or 15 minutes (I don't know). I was totally glued there in total
disbelief and didn't want to take my attention away. This didn't feel
like "usual" love and was at leat a million time better and was
I always wondered what happened that day. Any idea?
Thanks :-)

ANSWER: This could have been a very positive dija-vu that was triggered by
memories of something different.


Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2004 - 07:25 pm

Dear Billy and Christian,
What sort of a meditation can I do to help me feel more rested, as you
previously mentioned in this string?
Thank you.
Salome, Rita

ANSWER: Several times a day a 3-minute meditaion:
Observing your breath (in/out)
Imagine a flower (rose, orchid)
Imagine something that is flowing, a brook or stream of water, etc.


Posted on Sunday, December 05, 2004 - 12:47 am

Dear Billy,
Taking into consideration the immense number of various languages
(about 127 000) in the whole Plejaren Federation and also the fact
that they may use already a various means of conversations at hand to
overcome the communication barriers (via telepathy, spiritual
telepathy, use of belt translator, etc) following question comes up:
How many languages actually does an average Plejaren master and learn?
Thank you very much!

Hi Jan,
As I understand it there are two primary languages spoken on Erra,
ERRIN and SARAT which each Plejaren is obligated to learn. In addition
there is also another language spoken throughout the Federation called
As of July 2002 there were 16,403 different languages spoken on Erra,
and many containing multiple dialects.
I don't know how many languages the average Plejaren learns.

ANSWER: As a rule they speak three languages. However, there are Plejarens who
speak more than 100 languages.


Posted on Sunday, December 05, 2004 - 04:18 am

Greetings Billy,
If I understand your last answer to my last question correctly, I very
much regret hearing about the remaining few ET inhabitants of Mt
Shasta dying out on their own, but thanks for letting me know, which
brings somethings else to mind.
I've read stories about a group of Atlantean-Incan descendant ETs
living hidden somewhere under the mountains of Brazil and South
America who have not only made some contacts with people, but may have
claimed themselves to be Pleiadians or people have mistakenly called
them Pleiadians. Col Wendelle Stevens and others seem to think they
are Pleiadians, but I personally don't think this is the case. If
these Atlant-Incan ET contact cases are true, there are a few
similarities in the reports such as; a strange mist used to
decontaminate their contacted or abducted subjects, a highly potent
energy pill they use for food (MANNA), and the further attempts for
these Atlantean descendants to continue the propagation of their
underground and Bermuda undersea society by means of abducting or
contacting people, Incans, etc. But how could they propagate with
people on the outside if there's still a problem with the corrupted
emotional aggression gene? If there is any or some truth to it, please
let me know what you think.
THANKS for your good answers.
James Truthseeker.

ANSWER: They are surely not Plejarens! Billy doesn't know about ET's living
there. However, there are native tribes/peoples in the jungle who have
not yet been discovered.


Posted on Sunday, December 05, 2004 - 04:23 am

Hi Billy!
When you sit for an examination you are always adviced that the first
idea is right. I think that this is the case in many other situations.
Once I read a contact story about a Brazilian peasant who encountered
a beautiful space girl. After being taken into the craft a biological
robot took a blood sample and then the girl seduced the peasant.
My first and instant idea when reading this story: This this girl is
Can you confirm this??
Thanks for your many answers and thanks in advance,

ANSWER: No, you are wrong.
Often, what the people regard as the first thought is not the first
one. To detect the really first thought is not an easy thing and needs
training (as a rule).


Posted on Monday, December 06, 2004 - 11:14 pm

Dear Billy,
On behalf of everyone participating in the English Discussion Forum, I
would like to thank you for continuing to answer our questions and
helping us to find the truth.
Contact 251 says, in part, "New weapons will once again create quite a
stir, and so will the death of 4 heads of state who will die within 7
days from each other. These then are the last danger signs, which
foretell that within merely 2 years of these events the long-feared
world war will indeed erupt..." Due to the fact that 4 heads of state
did not die within 7 days from each other in or around the month of
November 2004, it appears the timeline for the start of WWIII is not
2006, but 2010 or 2011 instead.
Furthermore, Contact 251 says "The world war will begin in November of
a specific year, after 5 years of intensive effort are spent reaching
this goal which is preceded by 4 years of unspecified preparations."
Since the USA is to be the major force behind the start of WWIII, and
since the USA does not presently have a military draft, it would seem
we are not yet in the period of "5 years of intensive effort spent
reaching this goal." However, there are rumblings of a military draft
soon being implemented in the US, and the legislation for such has
already been written.
My question: Do you see the timing of the "5 years of intensive
Effort spent reaching this goal" beginning with the implementation of a
US military draft, or instead are these intensive efforts referring to
the war-making preparations of radical fundamentalist Islamics?

ANSWER: There are no explanations given to such prophesies. Btw: Prophesies
are no predictions and can, therefore, be altered.


Posted on Tuesday, December 07, 2004 - 06:16 am

Hi Billy,
Sometimes when I and I assume other people meditate, one can get kind
of a long preorgasm/orgasm when entering a meditative state of mind.
Someone on this forum said that it could be dangerous, because one was
close to an euphoric state, and that this could take one further away
from true meditation and even induce schizophrenia. Is this true?
Whats your opinion and advice about this?

ANSWER: This can be dangerous if meditation is done in an euphoric state of
mind. This can really lead to "attacks" of schizophrenia


Posted on Tuesday, December 07, 2004 - 02:54 pm

Hello Billy:
I hope you and everyone in your family is doing well.
The Henoch Prophecies state: "Even when the North American continent
will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which will ever have
been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc..."
Is this most terrible catastrophe which ever will have been recorded
referring to a future San Francisco earthquake?
Much appreciation for everything you and the people of the FIGU are
doing for the betterment of all humanity

ANSWER: Again: this is a prophecy, and it can be altered. This depends on the
thinking and behaviour of the people.


Posted on Tuesday, December 07, 2004 - 08:15 pm

It seems so simple that if America would neutralize its support of
Israel there would be a chance for peace in the Middle East. Why does
America stubbornly support Israel and her interests to the detriment
of the Muslims and Arabs and the hopes for peace in the region?
My thanks once again,

ANSWER: America "thinks" that by supporting Israel she (?) will be successful
to achieve her goals (= to rule the world).


Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 04:49 am

Mr. Suzuki:
US will never be neutral in the Jew-Arab conflict. You have to know US
is heavily controlled by Jews from politics, economics, mass comm, all
the way to entertainment. Jews feel a very strong racial bonding all
over the world after thay have been persecuted for thousands of years
everywhere. So how can a basically Jewish run country like the US take
a neutral position in the Jew-Arab conflict.

Hello Kei,
Please don't post seperate topics/questions within the the same post
for two seperate topic areas. If you feel you have the answer to a
question someone is asking in this section, please post your response
seperately in the "Questions to Billy Answered by Ourselves"

Hello dear Billy:
I am always curious about the society and technology in the much
superior planets. When our cosmic brothers travel hundreds or
thousands of light years in a few minutes of earthly time in their
beam ships, they go into a hyperspace or the physicists call it a time
space distortion or warping. What exactly is the state of hyperspace?
Does it go into a different dimension and out again to achieve the
warping process?
Hope you doing well and be active with all our cosmic brothers. Take
care and keep warm in the Swiss Alps.

ANSWER: Billy cannot explain this question.


Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 12:31 am

Hi Mr. Meier:
Is it true that Akashic/Akasha records is a type of conscious energy
around each planet that stores the memory of its creatures/human
beings and is outside of the bounds of time, including past, present
and future and that it is passive, meaning that it cannot invoke
impluses by itself, but can only be accessed by the subconsciousness
of living human beings?
Hampton Chiu

ANSWER: Akashic records is an old Sanskrit word/term, something like "world
memory". It's not quite clear what it means. It's not the storage


Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 07:57 pm

Hi Billy
I refer to a video "The Reopening of the Meier Case" (1999), starring
Methusalem Meier, Michael Hesemann, Wendelle Stevens & Phobol Cheng.
During the presentation, Phobol Cheng described what she knew about
Asket. She remembered that Asket has !'long dark hair!(, golden skin,
around 5ft1, did not have a typical European look but a mixture of
European and Asian. She recognized immediately that the girl was not
Asket when someone showed her the forged photos.
If her impression about Asket is accurate, then all those forged
photos about Asket and Nera were too badly made, we don!&t even have
to compare their hair lines, because the girls in the photos are
!'blondes!( and are typical Europeans.
My question is: If Phobol Cheng!&s description about Asket is
accurate, that the difference between Asket and the dancing girl is so
apparent, was it due to your extremely poor physical condition and
faded memory at that time, that it was not possible to recognize this
right away as Phobol Cheng did?
Thank you :-)

ANSWER: The difference wasn't so great (in Billy's memory)


Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 09:26 pm

Dear Billy:
Do you know how many earth humans currently (dec 2004) participate in
the peace meditation? When you mention that things may be straigthened
up with regards to the world situation (politics, environment,
etc...), you are thinking about the peace meditation?
Thanks in advance for your availability to answer all our questions,
be well and healthy



Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 09:00 pm

Hi Billy,
I'm still trying to figure out the time travel thing. From my
perspective i'm not thinking correctly on this... but am hoping to
gain further insite with the following:
A "thought experiment"...
If i travelled back in time, and moved a tree (transplanted) it ten
feet south of it's original position.
What would the akashic records show?
Would there be two "timelines", one of these leading up to the
"present" where i went back in time to move the tree, or only one,
showing the "after the move" position... or ??
Christian's and other explanations have stated we cannot change the
past through time travel. Yet... what exactly happened, that we can
now read about the "magician's flashlight" etc.?

Hi JP,
This last question was answered to some extent in Christians response
to my post of 7/12/2004. Since the first two questions you asked are
somewhat interelated, I will leave them, but please try and limit your
questions to one per round. Thanks-Scott
I'm not sure if i asked this question effectively. Any clues or
insights you can provide, despite my attempt would be greatly

ANSWER: You cannot change a thing that has already happened. What has happened
in the future cannot be changed in the past.
Regarding the "magician's flashlight": Since it was brought back into
the past from the future, it had to be there in the past.


Posted on Monday, December 13, 2004 - 03:21 pm

Hello Eduard
How many civilians have been killed as a result of the American
invasion in Iraq?
thanks for your time :-)

ANSWER: Thousands,
You may find this webpage interesting in regards to the possible body
count of Iraq civilians-Scott


Posted on Monday, December 13, 2004 - 06:32 pm

Hi Billy,
Can you yourself collaborating with Plejarians come up with some
simple ingenious plan that would list root causes of why things happen
like terrorism etc. and then give us simple easy to understand point
by point plan/method on how to successfuly deal with that. Something
that we can present to our elected officials that they would be able
to easily and cost effectively work into our political and economic
Surely with a 12 billion years of recorded history that Plejarians
have there had to be something of that sort occurring
periodically(cycles of greed and selfishness). Their last 50,000 years
proves that their political/governmental methodology has finally
reached its proper balance. Some aspect of that could be retrofitted
and tested to meet our level of need.
Biggest problem here I think is to be able to successfully neutralize
the Dark Side oriented Shadow Government grouping within the
Governmental Structure and its ability to sway/convince the whole
toward dark side event like War.
Only a King of Wisdom will be able to come up with genius resolution
like that.
Regards and due respect for All.

ANSWER: Each human being must change his thinking towards the positive (by
meditation). One has to find calmness within oneself, in order to open
oneself for good feelings, good thoughts and love. Only then we can
change something.


Posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - 04:34 am

Hello Billy,
George W. Bush was again elected President of the USA. Was he voted
into his position fairly this time, or were underhanded machinations
again responsible for his winning the election?
Thank you.

ANSWER: No he wasn't. About 400,000 falsified votes were stored in different
computers in different Bush-friendly states from the former elections
(= of four years ago).


Posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - 03:56 pm

Hello Billy,
In one of your contacts with Asket regarding the Tunguska Incident,
she said to you:
"More than 4,300 life forms of extraterrestrial origin were destroyed
during this gigantic destruction, which only leads back to the
terrestrial Christian cult, because the actual reason for this
destruction was the insanity of this terrestrial religion."
Specifically, how did the Christian cult play a role in the
destruction of this extraterrestrial craft?

ANSWER: About 1160 years ago three races of ET's from far away galaxies of
this universe came to Earth. They got in contact with terrestrial
priests and studied our religions. After several years of study they
decided to teach their peoples according to the Christian religion, a
deadly mistake. Within 11 years the long peaceful time was ended and
war broke out between families and nations, etc. When one of the three
worlds was destroyed during the world wars, other ET stopped the
insanity, and all terrestrial religions and especially Christianity
(Christian faith) was strictly prohibited. And it was also forbidden
to visit Earth again, and should a ship get lost on Earth and would
not be able to get off again, the ship and its crew should eliminate
themselves. This occurred about 1000 years after the first visit on
Earth, when a ship had to land in Russia due to severe technical
damage. The ship was able to rise only a few hundred meters above
ground, and because within the ship a terrestrial epidemic had
started, it was decided to eliminate the ship in a huge atomic
explosion, a few hundred meters above ground. (Summary by CF, based on
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Block 1, pages 311 ff.)


Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 01:36 am

Dear Billy,
That means that the Universal-Creative Evolution-Energy would
originate from the Creations-core (Schopfungskern) and therefore
having a speed of 10 to 7000 power times the speed of light.
My question is: Is this energy at least partially responsible for
striving to evolve (das streben fur evolution) in the spiritform /
human itself?
Thank you.

Everything is contained in this energy, even the universal


Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 04:36 am

Dear Billy,
Can a damaged psyche be healed or repaired? And, if so, how can we
protect the psyche from any future damage?
Lonnie Morton

Yes, it can. The psyche can be protected by using pure reason (instead
of stupidity [Unvernunft]). Reasonable/sensible thoughts create good


Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 10:34 am

Dear Billy,
In the Spiritual meditation practices, when one feels the energy of
the "SOHAR" or the experience of attaining SOHAR energy. Does the
SOHAR development change the state of the SPIRIT-FORM & the way you
learn in our physical existence??
Please correct me if I misunderstood the SOHAR concept, thanks :-)
Saalome & BE WELL

There exists no spiritual meditation, only consciousness-related
meditation. The answer to your question is NO.
Sohar means "Creation's light" or "Light of BEING".
Learning occurs through one's consciousness.


Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 01:02 pm

Billy, Do you know anything about your next incarnation? Will this
next incarnation be led to FIGU, or will you start a whole new
movement in a different country?

1) No answer. 2) No.


Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 04:41 pm

Dear Billy,
Perhaps you can help with this. It is said that a true universal
Peace-Combat force would be needed to properly protect all countries
and people of the Earth from wars, terrorists, criminals,
revolutionaries, etc.
If I recall correctly, in an early contact, Semjase also said that the
time for humans to establish peace without using force has passed,
that the tyrants and warmongers must be forcefully removed, which
sounds like revolution.
If that is the case, wouldn't such be theoretically against the
proposed global laws or is there an exception to it under certain
Thank you,
Michael Horn

Not a universal Peace-Combat force, but just a Peace-Combat force.
To remove the warmongers and tyrants from their thrones is not a
revolution, but an act of reason.
If the Peace-Combat force (troops) is/are acting along the rule of
forced forcelessness (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit) it acts within the
boundaries of the creational laws and commandments.


Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 12:36 am

I hope you are well. I've heard conflicting reports about "the
Destroyer" even from the FIGU forum. Will it never come back, as some
suggest, or will it return in the 32nd century, as per your earlier
writings? (The 32 century is calculated from the number of years in
the future you said it would be returning after AA had authorized its
changed orbit).
Wishing you health and all good things.
Thank you.

The Destroyer will never return again.


Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 05:46 am

Greetings Dear Billy,
First of all, thank you for answering my question concerning
Yes, of course...I see now. Error on my behave. By error, Nokodemjon
being a Spirit-form in the human body of Henoch, still misled me.
I take it that the Second Nokodemjon had the same tasks as his
Known to me, is that The Spiritual Teachings...etc, after LASAN, were
brought Exclusively to the planets of the Lyra and Vega systems, in
Was this by the second reincarnation of Nokodemjon and are you in the
liberty to explain this in somewhat more details, if possible?
Thank you and gute Gesundheit zu Ihnen.

The second Nokodemjon had other tasks than the first one (except
regarding distributing the truth).
The Spiritual Teachings (which originated from the first Nokodemjon)
were brought to other worlds/planets as well.
There are not more details disclosed.


Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 11:29 am

When I consider the lives of certain individuals, such as those who
are driven to succeed in becoming what they desire to be, it seems to
me that the strength of will they possess to achieve their goal is
insurmountable. I cant imagine that such a strong personality wouldnt
have a major influence on future incarnations, particularly on that
incarnation directly succeeding it. I would have thought that the
spirit form of such an individual would reincarnate in the body of
someone who is destined to live an equally notable life, within a
similar, if not the same, profession. My question is, therefore, do
the spirit forms of successful individuals reincarnate into lives that
are destined to perform similar roles? For example, would the spirit
form of someone in power reincarnate into the life of someone who is
also likely to acquire a position of power?

No. An incarnation as a king can be followed by an incarnation as a
beggar, and then as a shepherd, etc. etc.


Posted on Monday, January 31, 2005 - 09:49 am

hi Billy
i hope you are doing fine
it is usually said that "Satan" was invented by the evil Chrisitan
cult to control people more easily, which is very logical, but i have
a little doubt . . .
the Christian Cult was created many time after Jmmanuel4s death, but
in the Talmud in Chapter 18, he mentions a "Satan"
Since it is supposed that the "devil" was created by religions
distorting the story of Teubel the guy with horn like growths in his
skull and "god the hunt" of the Celts,
Then my question is:
Was Satan a real person that in the past did some nasty things, so
that his name became a "symbol" of evil and ignorance or is he just
another fairy tale to scare kids like "the bogeyman"???
(which i dont think it is the case because then why would Jmmanuel
would mention him)

Satan wasn't a real person. It was the personification of "evil", a
term he used like "heaven" and "hell", which are no places/locations,
but inner states of mind.


Posted on Monday, January 31, 2005 - 12:15 pm

Hi dear Billy:
About the Christian cult is the cause of the Tunguska explosion that
killed so many ET humans. I find it very hard to believe that far far
more advanced ET with all the technology for interspace travel would
be interested in our human primitive Christian religion!!and then went
back home to spread to their far more advanced people of a religion
taught by people that are thousands years behind in technology and
This doesn't make sense to me. Can you explain or ask the Pleadians to
explain how can this happened?

Being advanced in technical knowledge doesn't protect oneself of
foolishness. Technical knowledge and consciousness-related knowledge
can be out of balance quite substancially, as has been demonstrated by
that IHWH who created the IHWH Mata, the so-called "eye of god", a
ring nebula. He destroyed an entire galaxy.


Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 03:01 pm

Greetings Billy,
In further relation to my last question, I would also like to bring to
your attention the further false claims of people who say they are in
contact or channel Pleiadians/Plejarens. Not only in them reading some
of your material, but also from many aboriginal cultures in North and
South America who claim to be descendants from the Pleiades, from
which some of them still believe they are in contact with these
Pleiadians. Such as is the case with the Navajo, the Lakota, the Inca,
the Hopi, etc. The Hopi call such Pleiadians from such star nations,
the "Saquasohuh blue Star Kachinas". Furthermore, Gary Kinder once
pointed out in his book "Light Years" that the Pleiades in world
mythology is attributed to the female; such as; the sisters, the
virgins, the maidens and the goddesses, which I find adds to the
feminism in the new age movement. Unfortunately that statement appears
to have added to the delusions of the same new age people with the
false claims, usually women, who have further deluded themselves with
the "vision quests" of these aboriginal people who claim such
contacts. The "Star Knowledge Conference" back in 1996, by Richard
Boylan, had only increased the problem.
Again, I don't believe these aboriginals are in contact with Plejaren
star nations, but is there any truth to their ancestral legends in
relation to the Pleiades and do their "vision quests" further lead
them and others to these contact and other delusions. I would think
Peace in wisdom,
James Truthseeker

There have been contacts with Plejaran entities in ancient times, but
not today.


Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 07:43 pm

Hello Billy,
In a previous question/answer you stated:
"You cannot change a thing that has already happened. What has
happened in the future cannot be changed in the past."
When Semjase removed the fir tree, did she move the time period that
the tree lived?
Thank you,

No, the tree was eliminated in the present time. The tree's life was
rolled back like a film roll. Each cell of the tree had to be
eliminated backwards, from the top down to the seed from which it had
originated. -- The entire process lasted for a fraction of a second.
(See: Guido Moosbrugger: Flugreisen durch Zeit und Raum, page 363;
ISBN 3-9807519-5-3)


Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 07:57 pm

good day to a all
My concerning question for now is, are the man-made electromagnetic
waves that are plagueing are planet a concern to the human being,
tresstrial or non tresstrial. I am currently under the immpression that
some of these operate at the frequency of trestrial beings, and that
these wave forms penatrate a great many substances known.
peace b

Hi Brian, your question is unclear.
There are benign and harmful electro-magnetic waves


Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 09:22 pm

Hi Billy
I refer to TJ chapter34/53 "Therefore evil is one in itself because it
is also good in itself. Likewise, good is one in itself because it is
just as much evil in itself".
According to the theory of positive and negative polarities, that
together they form a hyperunity in which both poles are of the same
value. It seems that the overall combination/system/unit is perfectly
My question is:
If someone in this world performed something highly positive (good),
will his action automatically lead to another person to perform
something highly negative (evil) in order that the whole hyperunity to
remain balanced?
Thanks :-)

The answer is NO.
From a deed/thought/action there results positive and negative,
depending on the situation.


Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 07:17 am

Hi Billy,
I wonder if you could tell us a little more about the spirit itself,
and how to access this creational powers, not only through meditation.
Another thing; I dont like your statements regarding stupid people,
religious, schizophrenics and so on. You judge people and put they who
dont understand your teachings and views, into bad categories. I miss
a more thorough explanation in your writings, to make it logical from
the start.
Certainly very few people on this people can actually understand what
youre talking about and comprehend it. When I first read your
teachings it made me kind of religious-confused, so please explain
things a little better and easier if possible.
Thank you,

If you have comments regarding any word, written statement, article
etc., Billy has made, please either direct your comments to another
section of the forum, or write to Billy directly to voice your
opinion. If you have a question about something Billy has said, please
site what you are referring to and then ask your question. Thank

If you want to learn more about the spirit you will have to study the
"Spritual Teachings" (Sprit Lessons).
Regarding your "another thing" here's an excerpt of Billy's talk with
Ptaah during his 380th contact of February 24, 2005:
Billy: ... But there's something different: Yesterday evening
Christian Frehner was here for the meditation, after which we together
discussed his email correspondence as usual. In one of the letters
(Note CF: Dplotmach's posting from the FIGU Forum) there was a
complaint that I would call all those elements as fools/lunatics and
schizophrenics who are making terror, go to war, support death penalty
or kill in other ways, treat women as dirt and rape them, beat
children and sexually abuse them, or who denigrate and slander me and
my work and try to stamp me into the ground. Obviously this evokes
some opposition within certain persons because they themselves cannot
grasp the meaning of my words and cannot understand or
reconstruct/comprehend that all human beings who are acting against
humaneness in some way are not normal really, but are erroneous in
their thoughts, feelings and actions, and are subjected to forms of
delusion; therefore it can be said with a clear conscience that they
can be called lunatics ("Irre" in German = people who are erring) and
schizophrenics. Actually they are lacking reason and understanding
(Vernunft und Verstand) and, therefore, also their "being normal". But
this has nothing to do with those human beings who are lunatics and
schizophrenics effectively in such a form that they have to be called
true lunatics and schizophrenics because of their consciousness'
deformation. This in contrast to those persons, who have to be called
lunatic (erroneous) and schizophrenic because they -- even if they are
normal in their consciousness -- are subjected to erroneous thoughts,
feelings and actions, as well as to forms of delusion; therefore, this
can be called as schizophrenic, which, in turn, means that there is a
contradictoriness in itself and a high degree of inconsistency as well
as absurdity. This is contray to the actual illness schizophrenia
which is based on consciousness-related disorders of thinking,
hallucinations and delusions with an accompanying severe psychosis. If
my expression is viewed wisely, the state of being lunatic (erroneous)
and schizophrenic relates to the absurdity, the inconsistency. Within
this is included the schizophrenic character; therefore the meaning of
being schizophrenic in that respect, as it is used by me, may be
correct and is no insult towards all those human beings, who are
really suffering of schizophrenia and who are excluded from my
Ptaah: You don't have to account for this to anybody, dear friend
Eduard, because your words match exactly that which corresponds with
reality. The person who is attacking you based on your names/terms may
not be aware of the different terms of schizophrenia due to the lack
of sufficient all-around education. Perhaps there is some superior
attitude hidden behind or some false idea/picture, or even a false
religious train of thought may veil the clear view of the person in
question if he is not able to understand the different forms of
schizophrenia. As an answer you should pass on our talk to the person
in question. And if he doesn't understand our explanations then I
cannot help any further, either. To publish our talk in a Bulletin
would be good, also, because certainly there are other human beings
who do not understand the use of different meanings with regard to
Billy: Then this would be a hopless case.
Ptaah: Yes, it could be said in this way, too.


Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 11:14 am

Dear Billy,
Is it possible that by strong willpower and aspiration, employed in
meditation, the impulses of the soul can be perceived?

There is no such thing as the soul, and therefore it cannot be


Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 08:16 pm

Hi Billy,
Thanks lots for your patience with our sometimes silly questions.
From what i read, on one of your time travels to the past, you saw and
photographed several prehistoric dinosaurs, including a pterodactyl
and a long necked dinosaur. The pictures i saw were not very clear...
Can you describe the skin colour, texture and any other striking
features of these creatures from what you remember?
Thanks for any information,

They were grey (like elephants), others reddish or brownish, different
colours. Some had fur which resembled feathers (like membranes or
foils with tiny hairs on it); others had flacking skin (Schuppen).


Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 - 12:15 pm

Heloo Billy !
In a previous answer to the question about number of participant of
Peace Meditation, you said that you don`t know. But in November 17,
1989 Ptaah said:
" At this moment you have 3,406 peace meditation participants on
Earth." How is it possible that you don`t have that kind of
information from Ptaah or other Pleyaren for nowdays ?

Simply because Billy did not ask!


Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 - 03:09 pm

Hi Billy,
I know that the Plejarens have told you that there are advanced animal
lifeforms in the universe. I was wondering if they have ever
encountered intelligent insect life capable of spiritual and
technological advancement?

No, Billy never saw nor heard about such intelligent insect life.
There will hardly be such life forms because they don't have a
consciousness capable of conscious evolution (as is the case with
human beings).


Posted on Sunday, February 06, 2005 - 10:55 pm

Hello Billy,
In the Talmud it is mentioned about the 3 wise from the orient who
visited Bethlehem, the birth place of Jmmanuel. Numerous times
throughout the book the "OM" it is mentioned about the wise ones and
or wise men.
My question is: At what stage of development/evolution does a person
become wise, or is considered to be wise?
Thank you, and a belated Happy Birthday!

Each person may be wise in some aspects. If there is much essence from
knowledge, there is wisdom.
(Note by CF: Wisdom results from knowledge that is applied; knowledge
that is not only book-learning or book-knowledge.)


Posted on Monday, February 07, 2005 - 01:02 am

Hi Billy
In which country or place on earth live humans with the most advanced
spirit forms? (excluding of course Schmidr|ti :-) - in other words -
which country on earth is the most advanced in spiritual evolution?

Billy doesn't know. During his travels he met wise persons in Africa,
Asia and Europe.


Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 01:55 pm

Dear Billy,
Am I correct when I think that Love and Logic was already included in
the Ur-Ur-Ur-First-Idea (Ur-Ur-Ur-Erst-Idee) ?
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!



Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 03:08 pm

Hello again Billy,
The Plejarens have said that women are naturally bisexual and two
women are even capable of having children together, although such
children will automatically be female. Could you please explain how
this is possible? Is this accomplished through some type of transfer
of unseen spiritual forces or is an actual exchange of reproductive
fluids required?
Thanks, Hunter

Logically the children will not automatically be female of course, but
male and female.
The process is not known to Billy.
Besides, this is a very very rare happening that will occur when there
is heavy danger that a population on a planet is on the brink of
(Note by CF: A danger that is absolutely absent here on Earth, as the
population will reach 7,300,000,000,000 human beings during the year
2005, which is nearly 14 times more than what should --- according to
calculations by the Plejaren --- live on our blue planet in order to
lead a life in abundance of all resources!)


Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 02:31 pm

Hi Billy, In contact 232 it says "we have been denied the right to
ever contact Americans, with the exception of one instance; however
that failed miserably as you know only too well" Is there anything
that you can now say about this contactee?

The contactee was the U.S. government.


Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 05:01 pm

Greetings Billy,
This question refers to the Dec 26th 2004 TSUNAMI in East Asia.
If I understand correctly from Contact 370th - 372nd, when PTAAH makes
mention the total death count in terms of "BIO-GRAMS", what does the
term really mean in our world definition & how long did they stay in
our skies doing the investigation?
Saalome and BE WELL to ALL :-)

Biological recordings of the impulses from the corpses.
With those Biogramme they can also detect any human being on the
planet and, therefore, can give an exact number of the human
population on earth at a certain moment, like e.g. on April 8, 2004,
at 8:04 p.m. MET, when 7'101'500'011 human beings lived on our planet.
Billy doesnt know how long they stayed in our sky to do the
(Note by CF: Somehow I cannot resist to ask: If the answer would say
10 days; What would result from that knowledge/information?
I will use the opportunity (thanks, Jay) to confess that when I am
reading the forum visitors questions before presenting them to Billy,
I relatively often ask myself: Why does the person ask that certain
question? What will the person benefit from the answer (for his
personal, inner development)? Perhaps some of you will have noticed
that the chance of getting a satisfying answer from Billy increases if
the question is in connection with non-technical and non-catastrophic
issues.  Obviously the chance of presenting questions to Billy
can be used in different ways and qualities.)


Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 08:54 pm

hi mr.Meier,
would it be out of line to ask the friendlys,{more advanced being`s}
for a new sound recording.perferably something that would help us
understand dischordant/negitive sound ,compared to a healthy positive
sound or ,perhaps you have a small explanation, of the talk of earths
music being unsatifatory.
be well

No, it would not be out of line. [INLINE]
However, the Plejaren wont deliver a new sound recording. Well, anyone
with a healthy psyche can detect (for) himself whether or not a sound
(music) is discordant.


Posted on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 12:26 am

Hello Billy,
Has there been any change for the better concerning the thinking and
behavior of the people that might alter/prevent the prophecy of WWIII
from happening?
Thank you.

There are improvements. However, we will see the result in the future
which depends greatly on the human beings thinking and behaviour etc.


Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 11:27 pm

Dear Billy,
According to Jmmanuel in the TJ Chapter 12:3-5, fornication and
adultery are mentioned as against the laws of nature and that those
who commit these acts shall be punished because the fallible are
unworthy of life and it's laws.
Down through the years there have been many different interpretaions
as to the true definitions of the acts mentioned here, especially with
religion. Today, there is a worldwide epidemic of STD, unwanted
pregnancies, abortions, family breakdown, divorce and so on. And
still, many people commit these acts, (even from an early age) to
their own harm and the harm of other people.
My question is: What "specific actions" constitute (1) fornication and
(2) adultery according to the FIGU and the teachings and why is it
important to avoid this kind of behavior?
All the best to you,
Lonnie Morton

According to the Spirit Teachings (not according to the FIGU):
Fornication (Hurerei in German) means to sell ones sexuality (payment
not only with money).
Adultery (Ehebruch in German) means the breaking of a marriage; i.e.
when the two persons involved are not helping each other anymore and
when the bond/marriage is separated (divorce). Unfaithfulness (unter
dem Hag durchgrasen in Swiss German = having sex with other persons
while married, etc.) is not the same as adultery (in the sense as the
Spirit Teachings explain).


Posted on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 07:00 pm

Dear Mr. Meier:
Thank you for your reply to my question about why America supports
Israel to the detriment of the Muslims and the Arabs and hopes for
peace in the region (my post dated 12/7/04). I would like to ask you
this follow-on question:
How will supporting Israel lead America to being successful in
achieving her goal of ruling the world?
My thanks once again,

Israels influence is not big enough in order to help the U.S.A. to
achieve its (her?) goal


Posted on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 07:01 pm

Dear Billy,
Was the cause of the Asia earthquake/tsunami connected to a deliberate
act, i.e. a bomb (perhaps nuclear) such as might be eventually used as
in a storm flood bomb?
Michael Horn

No (this was a long-term and natural effect/cause).


Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 10:45 am

Hello Billy,
The mainstream American press reports that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the
Jordanian terrorist, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are allegedly
alive. However, various "conspiracy" theories indicate they are dead.
Are any of these individuals truly dead?
Thank you.

No explanation. We are not into politics.


Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 08:07 am

What should we do when we keep failing to achieve our goals over the
long term, no matter how we try while also staying neutral-positive
and logical?
(Let's assume that, though we not are perfect and don't know
everything about how spiritual power works, we just did our best).
Should we stop striving for goals not to get frustrated again or keep
moving on without fearing another failure?
To moderators : And would you also please explain whether Billy answer
most of the questions posted here or moderators selectively deliver
the questions to him (and answer some of the questions when you think
you can properly do so) ?

All questions submitted to Billy are answered. We try and encourage
people to only ask one question per post, because Billy's time is
limited. You did ask two questions, but you seem to be almost asking
the same question twice. In the future please try and restrict your
inquiry to one question per post. Thanks-Moderator

No, never stop. On the contrary, just continue with new vigour and
(Note by CF: Of course it is necessary to judge the quality of a goal
before setting one.


Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 03:13 am

Hi Billy, what is the numbers for the Norwegian letters F, X and E?

Billy doesnt know.


Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 05:50 am

Hi Billy
It has been quite a long time now, that some sort of thin and short
fast flying objects are registered on photos and videos, commonly
known as !'Flying Rods!(.
Do you aware of the existence of such kind of flying objects? Can you
give us more information on this?
Thanks :-)

Billy has no information about anything like flying rods.


Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 08:59 am

Hello Billy.
Richard Hoagland and others seem to have documented that geological
anomalies are presently taking place on other planets within our solar
system including the sun.
Are these present changes on earth due entirely to man's foolishness
or do cosmic influences come into play?

What geological anomalies? Billy only knows geologically natural


Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 07:32 pm

Hi Billy,
Thanks for previous information !!
From my present understanding of the contact notes, there is mention
that the Canadians (or some group within Canada) had (or has)
technical plans for constructing what might be described as a
primitive anti-gravity craft of some sort, which some of us might call
a flying saucer.
Does there exist of Canadian manufacture, any type of operational
anti-gravity craft of any sort?
Any information (or corrections) on or around this topic would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanks again, and also for any information or clues you are able to

Billy has no information about this matter.


Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 10:43 pm

HI Billy,
I and I am sure various other people have looked at the stars at night
and felt a peaceful somewhat longing feeling. Like the realization of
how wonderful it is to be alive and be part of this universe. What are
these feelings that we sometimes feel in those kinds of moments? Are
they generated by us or by some cosmic/natural force?
Thank you and peace to the world!

This is the so-called longing/yearning for being one with the Universe
(in which everything is contained). This longing is generated by
oneself, not by some exterior force.


Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 10:25 pm

Hi Billy (and Christian):
From your experience, do you know what to say to those people that
claim that marijuana is not dangerous, and can be beneficial for
people for heavy diseases?
What about usage of drugs in general, specially
within the youth, apart from saying that it is illegal?
Thank you!

If reason is not enough developed in a person he cannot grasp
reasonable explanations.
What one can do is to appeal to reason. Drugs are damaging the
consciousness, the brain, the nervous system, ones health and the
immune system. Persons who are addicted to drugs very often are
prisoners of their thoughts and show resistance to any advice.


Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 02:39 am

Hi Billy:
In 251'st contact you have stated that:
"New weapons will once again create quite a stir, and so will the
death of 4 heads of state who will die within 7 days from each other.
These then are the last danger signs, which foretell that within
merely 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed
erupt, unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reasoning
to stop all these ills."
And this is what i found on the net:
"The US military is funding development of a weapon that delivers a
bout of excruciating pain from up to 2 kilometres away.It concerns
so-called Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEPs), which fire a laser pulse
that generates a burst of expanding plasma when it hits something
solid, like a person (New Scientist print edition, 12 October 2002).
According to a 2003 review of non-lethal weapons by the US Naval
Studies Board, which advises the navy and marine corps, PEPs produced
"pain and temporary paralysis" in tests on animals. This appears to be
the result of an electromagnetic pulse produced by the expanding
plasma which triggers impulses in nerve cells. Researchers are looking
for "optimal pulse parameters to evoke peak nociceptor activation" -
in other words, cause the maximum pain possible.
The weapon is destined for use in 2007."
Do you refer in 251'st contact to this weapon?

Since this is a prophecy the events can change. Therefore the future
regarding these events is not yet certain. Billy does not know whether
or not this weapon has something to do with the prophecy.


Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 12:44 pm

Following on from my last question to you, where I asked: Do the
spirit forms of successful individuals reincarnate into lives that are
destined to perform similar roles? You answered, An incarnation as a
king can be followed by an incarnation as a beggar, and then as a
shepherd, etc. Having thought about this, it seems to me that the
difference between a king and a beggar is, or can be, as enormous as
the difference between a scientist and someone who is devoutly
religious, seeing as most beggars we see in the streets arent able to
rule over their own lives, let alone a country. This being the case,
from the viewpoint of evolution, an incarnation as a king being
followed by an incarnation as a beggar seems as absurd as an
incarnation as a scientist being followed by an incarnation as someone
who is devoutly religious (we know this isnt possible because of the
difference in evolution between them). Yet not all beggars are the
same. Some, I am certain, have it in them to make something of
themselves. And I am also certain that if an incarnation as a king is
ever followed by an incarnation as a beggar, he will be such a person,
for otherwise I dont see how you can account for ones spiritual and
conscious evolution, seeing as one grows stronger and wiser through a
succession of incarnations that follow on from one another
progressively. My question, therefore, is: If an incarnation as a king
is followed by an incarnation as a beggar, will this person have it in
himself to take control of his life for the better, or will he remain
a common beggar who doesnt have the strength of will to take control,
assuming the king was a strong-minded and determined man?

The former personality is not relevant to the one of the next (the
actual) incarnation. The consciousness-related development/evolution
is not based on the material things, but on knowledge and wisdom.
(Note by CF: In each incarnation the personality is once again free to
decide about the course of ones life, namely through ones thoughts and
actions. Its not the position a person is holding in a life, e.g. the
position of a director, king, farmer, etc., but the things the person
is learning by leading the life and doing the job, etc.)


Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 02:45 pm

Hi Edward, (Christian)
Hope you be fine, here is a question about a posible near future
mega-tsunani in the Atlantic Ocean.
Since scientists predict that is may be up to a thousand years before
the La Palma Volcano located in the Spanish Canary Islands breaks off
and falls into the ocean, could
terrorists or something else possibly cause the La Palma volcano to
fall into the ocean in the very near future, thus causing the Mega
Best Regards,
Jose Barreto and Victor Diaz

Hardly. Well, if terrorists would apply/use atomic bombs, they could
BTW: The number of tsunamis will increase in the future, and it is a
certainty that a huge tsunami will be triggered by the La Palma
volcano. But dont ask when. This can be tomorrow, or in 500 years.
Tsunamis not caused by earthquakes only, but also by sea currents,


Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 08:46 pm

The Henoch Prophecies state:
"Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most
terrible catastrophe which will ever have been recorded, evil military
powers will wreck havoc..." You have commented that the cause of this
catastrophe will be both natural and man-made. I am assuming this
catastrophe refers to the mega-tsunami that will strike the U.S. East
Coast due to the landslide of the large volcanic island La Palma.
Being a prophecy, I understand the outcome can be altered depending on
the thinking and behavior of the people. In this case, would that
require America to end its quest for world domination?

If America (USA) would stop its quest for world domination, this would
be favourable for entire mankind and the planet. America itself would
benefit from this, too.


Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 02:34 pm

Greetings Billy,
As we have learned from you our Universe contains of seven different
belts. We live in the Solid-State Matter Universe Belt that includes
all galaxies, planets, stars and gases etc. Just after Big Bang this
belt (No 4 from the centre) was 2.5 x 10^15 light years wide. Since
our Universe is in its expanding phase my question is: Do you know the
approximate size of our Solid-State Matter Universe Belt and its
expansive rate at his time?
Kind regards,

No. We only have the numbers/figures from just after the Big Bang and
as they have been published, e.g., in Guido Moosbruggers book
Flugreisen durch Zeit und Raum; reale Zeitreisen (ISBN 3-9807519-5-3)
on page 164. The big bang has occurred 46,000,000,000,000 years ago,
and we dont know the expansion rate since then.


Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 11:30 am

Hello Billy,
I have been a friend of Wendelle Stevens for many years and read all
his books on your contacts. It is my understanding that the planet
Erra has a much richer oxygen atmosphere than Earth. If so, how do
they control the hazard of fire?

Hi Skywatch,
If you intend for Billy to answer your question, you must post in the
correct topic area. Billy does not look at this forum, but there is a
section set up which allows people to forward their questions to him.
I will move this post to the correct section for you. Please study the
topic areas if you intend to post, because most likely you will find
the section that is applicable to your interest. Thanks-Moderator

Billy doesnt know how they control this. Of course they have open
fires in nature, caused by natural reasons like lightning, or sunrays
concentrated by water drops (magnifying glass effect).
(Note by CF: The atmosphere is not that much richer in oxygen that
this would present a danger. On the contrary it is more beneficial to
the human beings health.)


Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 05:58 pm

I have a question regarding how your teachings will be seen in the
future. Do you think that people withought your guidance will be able
to adhere to the spiritual teachings. I remember hearing Jmmanuel know
of how is name will be changed and his teachings perversed. Could the
same be true for us now?

This danger is existing all the time. However, FIGU has the task to
make sure that the teachings will not be altered in the future.
Therefore it is important that the (spirit) teachings are standing in
the forefront, and not the person who brought the teachings to the
people. If the situation remains like it is today, the chances are
good that there wont be a new cult arising.
(Note and thoughts by CF: It must be absolutely avoided that a
personality cult about Billy will start, today and in all future!
I guess that all of you who have read the Talmud Jmmanuel and then
have watched the pictures of the Vatican during the days after Pope
John Paul IIs death --- all the ceremonies, huge buildings, wealth,
masses of people, colourful clothed church officials, etc., --- would
deem it horrible if a similar cult and perverted teachings would
result once again, only because fanatical people who have no
understanding of the spirit teachings will change the meaning to their
own limited understanding, and to gain personal material profit
through this, etc. etc.)


Posted on Saturday, April 23, 2005 - 08:02 pm

Dear Billy,
I hope you are doing well.
As I understand the teachings once a person dies on a planet his/her
spirit form is tied to that planet to continue its reincarnational
cycle. I also understand spirit forms can relocate to another planet
if their world has been destroyed such as Malona.
In the case of your spirit form, your reincarnational linage as a
prophet started with the incarnation of Enoch which occurred over
13,000 years ago. Are you free to state how your spirit form arrived
on planet Earth to start its reincarnational cycle?
Thanks very much

Henok flew in and died here on Earth.


Posted on Saturday, April 23, 2005 - 09:40 pm

Hello Billy.
The TJ 30: 60,61 says:
60: "Pilate ordered that Jmmanuel be turned over to Joseph."
61: "Many people went with him and they took Jmmanuel off the cross.
Joseph wrapped the body in pure linen THAT HE HAD PREVIOUSLY PAINTED
Billy, what was Joseph's purpose in doing that? Surely, this is not a
reference to the so-called "Shroud of Turin."

No, the Shroud of Turin depicts another person.
This was a custom that was executed sometimes in those times. You can
compare it with making death masks of famous deceased persons, or the
masks from the old Egyptians.


Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 12:13 am

Hello Billy,
If a religious person in current life discovers the thruth about
religion madness, thruth about Creation, etc.., and in his/her next
life is educated again in religion, Is it a warranty that he/she is
going to discover the thruth again because of knowledge of his/her
previous life?
Norberto Burciaga

The person is hit by impulses from the storage banks, and he/she will
receive the impulses. These impulses may trigger, e.g., doubts about
the truthfulness of the religion a child is confronted by his parents.
The breakthrough of the impulses will happen sooner or later, in each
If this process with the impulses would not happen, evolution would
not be possible.
All those persons who once had access to the Truth, will be linked to
it, will find back to it.


Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 04:49 am

Here's a question about something I don't understand about your
March 29, 1976, Hasenbvl-Langenberg photo series.
When the tree branches in photo #159 are
compared with those in photos #164 and #174
it becomes clear that normally speaking at least
some branches should be
visible in front of the ufo in photo #164 and #174. Fig 1.8 at
illustrates this. However as far as I can see no branches
can be seen in front of the UFO in photo #164 and #174.
What is your explanation for this?
Jeroen Jansen

The ship is hovering in front of the sun (viewed from the
photocamera), several meters behind the tree branches. Since the
branches are in the direct sunlight and are too narrow to throw a
shadow they cannot be seen in that distance (on the photo).


Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 08:45 am

Hello Billy, I hope you are well. My question concerns the perception
of other entities (spiritforms) and sensations while you were allowed
to experience "eternity" during the hyperleap on Ptaah's ship long
ago. You have said (if I understand correctly) that a spiritform is
not conscious until it reaches a level of evolution when the
comprehensive consciousness joins with the unconscious spiritual
consciousness. If that is the case, how were you able to experience
feelings and the like while you were in hyperspace? Thank you for your
time, your answer, and the help you have given us all.

The comprehensive consciousness block is a part/product of the spirit
Only the consciousness was there, nothing else. Billy cannot explain
the process.


Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2005 - 11:55 am

Hi Billy,
The Plejarens have said Apollo 11 was hoaxed.
I have great difficulty in accepting this.
What is their evidence that it was hoaxed?
(All the familiar reasons like no stars in photos and wavy flag have
been scientifically explained on sites like

The Plejarens give/gave no details about the hoaxed photos, but
additional information, like the use of hypnosis on some of the 37
persons who (including the astronauts) were involved in the hoax, and
of course the motives behind this project.


Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 04:48 am

Hello Billy,
I hope you are well. Is the damaged genetics we have all inherited
from the changes made long ago related to the 23rd chromosome which
seems fused and confused in nature? Will we "unfuse" this chromosome
Thank you,

Billy doesnt know.


Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 06:11 am

Hi Billy
I refer to Excerpts from the Semjase-Blocks: Contact #113, dated
August 6, 1978
122. This John Paul II., whose true name is Karol Wojtyla, as third
from last will function as 264th Pope and Vatican ruler before the
great turning point of the Earth world, while behind his back
malicious intrigues are established and he will reap the blame that
Israel can enter into a pact with the Vatican.
123. After his demise, which will already be in the near future,
however, of which I am not allowed to officially release the date of
death and the circumstances etc., but may only give them to you alone
namely on
The pope died in 2005, it is some 27 years after 1978. It seems it is
not quite near future as mentioned by Quetzal.
Can you now release the date of death of John Paul II as mentioned by
Quetzal? If there is really a change of the date, what was the major
factor for such a change?
Thanks :-)

The prophecy has changed through different developments in terrestrial
politics, science and commerce. This led to the fact that the
assassination attempt failed and that the Pope had considerably more
years to live than was prophesied. Whether or not John Paul II was the
third last of the Popes will show in the not too distant future.
Prophecies are depending/dependend on the thinking and behaviour of
the nations, governments, leaders, etc. etc.


Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 06:20 am

hi Billy
There exist approx.120 billion spirit forms bounded to our planet. My
question: why the creation does not prevent overpopulation by limiting
the number of spirit forms to approx.500 milions?

Creation doesnt think and doesnt interfere with the human beings
lifes. Creation created the natural and creational laws, and thats it.
If a spirit form has once entered into the circle of human incarnation
and reincarnation, it will remain a human spirit form until its
merging with Creation after it has reached the level of Petale. If the
human beings multiply to a higher degree than is suitable for a
planet, its the human beings problem. Sooner or later the
natural/creational laws will come into play and will bring about a
drastic reduction, perhaps by an epidemic, etc.


Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 01:40 pm

Your answer to my last question stated that the consciousness-related
development/evolution is not based on material things, but on
knowledge and wisdom, with a note included by Christian Frehner,
saying that it isnt the position a person is holding in a life, but
the things he is learning Considering this answer I feel my question
has been misunderstood, as I was actually enquiring about ones
conscious will, and not necessarily about ones material existence and
status in life. I have always supposed that the will a human being
possesses, originating from ones consciousness, is developed in
strength from one incarnation to the next, and in this way affects
each subsequent incarnation, even though the spirit form has an
unconscious consciousness. But if you say the former personality is
not relevant to the next incarnation, in the sense that they are
completely unrelated even in consciousness, then it seems to imply
that human beings gain nothing from their spiritual evolution, but
that all wisdom and knowledge is purely for the benefit of the spirit.
Is this correct?

Hi Joseph,
It might be a good idea in the future if you don't feel you are
receiving a satisfactory answer to write to FIGU directly. Please
remember English is not native to either Billy or Christian. The
answers you are seeking appear to be requiring a more lengthy response
which is going beyond the scope of the intent of this section of the
forum. Thanks for your understanding. Moderator

Yes, thats correct.
The will does increase/grow only if there is a consciousness-related
evolution present. From this also the will is evolving. Only that
which is stored is relevant for the next life/incarnation. If
something negative is necessary to create something positive, then
this is evolution-increasing (evolutiv in German). Knowledge, wisdom,
love, logic, freedom and peace are decisive for the evolution in the
next life (transmitted as impulses).


Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 03:30 pm

Dear Eduard,
In the book OM, Kanon 31, on the pages 125-126 vers. 304-312, it is
spoken about the seven pillars of Wisdom.
I think I understand values behind: Love, Truth, Justice, Knowledge,
Consistency (Folgerichtigkeit), Reverence (Ehrfurcht), but I am
inconclusive about the value of Honor as the seventh pillar of Wisdom.
What is your definition of the value/definition of Honor as one of the
7 pillars of Wisdom?
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!

Ehre/honour is an extensive (weitlaeufig) term. Honour is used here as
honour that is lived by the human being towards Creation, and this
honour also includes reverence (without any fragment of fear). And
honour is also lived towards everything that exists: the animals, the
universe, human beings, the plants, etc. etc. Honour has to do with
respect and awe (Achtung und Respekt).


Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 03:58 pm

Hello Billy,
I was wondering if the Plejarens ever place thought suggestions in the
minds of average people, and not just scientists or the like. For
example, do you think the Plejarens would ever try to help someone by
implanting thoughts of holistic health therapies or the location of
certain specialized doctors that could help the person recover from

They send impulses to terrestrial scientists and, therefore, also to


Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 08:04 pm

Hi Billy,
I have a question about suicide. In our lives, we need to go through
certain experiences and committing suicide robs us of that development
(causing us to re-live them later). However, Ive seen people jump from
burning buildings or caused themselves (or others) to die when they
felt death was imminent. There was never a guarantee that they would
die, but in their judgment at that moment, they felt so.
My question is, does someone damage or hamper their spiritual
development by committing suicide when they feel that death is
Thank you,

If people jump down from a burning house because the fire is touching
their backs etc., then this cannot be compared with a common suicide.
Panic and fear of an imminent and terrible death often lead to some
form of mental brainstorm and restrict clear thinking.
Its a different thing altogether if a person is dying from an illness
and, in fear of the possible consequences (dementia, pain, etc.), sets
an end to his life.


Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 06:11 am

Hi Billy,
For sometime I have been investigating the eating habits and the
hand's palm. For example, sometimes it gets redder, pinker, or even
more than one color.
The question is that can we tell, investigatin the palm of a person
(not the lines), the eating habits and can we conclude that one might
increase, vitamins, protein, fruits or vegatables?

Billy doesnt know.


Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 08:25 am

Greetings Billy,
Can you tell us if it is true that a civil war will begin in the USA
this year sometime in 2005?

No Comment

Also I was thinking that it's possible the name of the next or last
Pope according to the prophecies of Sait Malachy, for "Peter the
Roman", could be "Peter-Hans Kolvenbach".
Thanks, with something to think about,
James Truthseeker

Billy doesn't know


Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 12:17 pm

In Wendell Stevens translation of the Contact Notes From the book
"Message from the Pleiades" Vol.2 page 13. Semjase says to Billy.
Semjase: "For this purpose he was incarnated and educated into his
position. He was destined to give by power a new shape to the world
and to initiate new forms of development. This was carefully
controlled and watched. But still all work was in vain, and he was not
able to carry out his mission as was provided. Through the Thule
Society in Germany the Gizeh Intelligence was able to possess the
being of Adolph Hitler and to misuse him for their dark and wicked
purposes, without his being able to defend himself against that.
Besides this machination, many forces in the form of Earth human
beings fallen under the control of the Gizeh Intelligence settled
around him, against which influence he was unable to resist. So he
soon was forced to treat against his own destiny and to carry out acts
which did not accord to his will."
My question is, what was Hitler's original mission before the Gizeh
influence? Could you please elaborate on this?

It was his mission to unite all countries on Earth to a community of
nations, but in a peaceful way and not through war and madness.


Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 08:02 pm

Dear Billy,
Many who study your writings are concerned about the coming foretold
catastrophes, some of which are certain to occur, which could effect
our survival.
In view of what could happen in the future, what advice or counsel
could you give for one to stop worrying about these things so as to
live a happy and productive life.
Lonnie Morton

The human being shall turn towards the real truth and live
accordingly. He shall produce joy and harmony etc. within himself. If
he heeds this he will bear everything negative that happens around
him. Fear will vanish. At that moment one lives with that what really
exists, and one is making the best out of everything.
The human being must change himself. You cannot change the neighbour
or the world. However, you can be a model or good example, and perhaps
another person will act and think in the same or similar way. Its a
slow process, but as more and more people think and act in the same
direction, the wave or stream will become bigger and bigger.


Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 09:11 pm

If u wont put both put 1 of these questions in and ill save the other
1 for next time. my question is, in "Valor" magazine there is an
article which states something like " a trucker in the 1960s in the
nevada desert met a Lyran and claimed she was a space explorer and she
landed in the desert in her ufo" , my question is, was that Samjase?
if not who was it and what race did she belong too. (she had long
flowing blonde hair). Thanks in Advance :-)
Peace and Love,

Certainly it wasnt Semjase.


Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 05:19 pm

Hi Billy,
This is not a question or even a request, but more of a thought I'd
like to share for possible consideration:
In my present understanding of the contact notes, Semjase allowed
photographs of a "new" style beamship with extra capabilities. This
ship is the one with all the "globes" around it.
From what i understand, this ship broke down in some fashion a while
The thought is, that if this ship was a prototype of some sort, it
would be interesting to have within your personal collection, a
photograph (or information) of it's successor, or the next version
beamship in it's class or series.
If i'm mistaken somehow, or this has already been done or thought of,
please disregard the above.
Thanks for everything!!

They used the old ships and installed new technique and equipment.


Posted on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 05:56 am

Hi Billy,
During a decision or a reaction or an action, etc. is there any way to
neutralize or counteract the effects caused by manipulated gene(s) of
aggressiveness so that I can feel, sense and understand using
reasoning and logic how it is to be without the gene(s)-manipulation?
Or it is not applicable.

Aggressiveness exists in all life forms.
The genetic manipulation you are asking about is like an overdrive of
aggression (a tendency of over-reaction).
The human being must try to get control over himself and learn to
steer/control his aggression. He must try to not let get his
aggression become degenerated, but remain within or revert to a normal
level. By right thinking, feeling and acting a genetic manipulation
can be influenced and even be altered or made undone.
In other words: Genes can be influenced by ones view of life,
feelings, emotions, etc.


Posted on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 09:57 pm

Hello Billy,
In Contact 251 you mention new and extremely destructive weapons that
will be built and create quite a stir prior to the start of WWIII. You
also mention mankind will fail in its attempt to protest and boycott
the new deadly weapons unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over
their reasoning. Is this weapon you are speaking about DEPLETED

Included are all kinds of new weapons, like radiation weapons,
electron weapons, the HAARP system, etc.


Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2005 - 09:32 am

Hello Billy,
I am wondering what the relationship between the comprehensive
conciousness block, Gemut and the psyche is to the spirit.
Am I right to think that the comp. con. block is the platform at which
the spirit can communicate through to either the Gemut or the psyche?
Thank You Billy and staff for all your assistance,
Tim James

The CCB is a product of the spirit form, and the CCB is dissolving the
old personality and creating/building the new personality after the
human beings death.
The Gemuet (this word doesnt exist in English) is a purely spiritual
factor which, through the sub-consciousness, sends impulses to the
psyche. There is a connection between the Gemuet and the psyche.


Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2005 - 06:51 pm

Hi Billy, There are many conspiracy theories out there that claim
Hitler lived after World War 2. My question is, Did Hitler die in

Yes, he died in 1945 (he killed himself).


Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 12:08 am

Hello Billy,
There are some theories that suggest that the Columbia Space Shuttle
which disintegrated upon reentry into the upper atmosphere may have
been intentionally brought down on Feb. 1, 2003. One idea that has
been presented is that HAARP may have been a contributing factor.
HAARP was activated Feb. 1 at 4:15 a.m. PST and then turned off at
7:20 a.m. PST. The Shuttle entered the atmosphere at approx. 5:53 a.m.
PST that same morning. In addition to this, it appears some of the
images which were presented to the public may have been modified, to
support the idea that a piece of foam dislodged itself from one of the
boosters and struck the leading edge of the left wing, causing a
In your opinion do you find any of the official conclusions presented,
to support the truth of this unfortunate incident?
Thanks very much

It was an accident; not intentional


Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 12:07 am

Some years ago your friend from the Ashoka Ashram Phobol Cheung spoke
at a UFO conference in the States about her experiences at the Ashram.
She mentioned she would have nocturnal visits from Asket.
Why was Asket meeting Phobol, what was discussed and when did the
contacts cease?

Billy never asked her because this had nothing to do with his
contacts. Besides that was Askets privacy.


Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 12:24 pm

Dear Billy,
It is my understanding that here on earth you can't reincarnate to a
new planet and/or body that doesn't come back to earth. My question
is... How could not even ten or twenty or so of the 8.6 billion
current world population not be ready for such a change? Does the
reincarnation process go in mandatory cycles? Thanks for your help.
Jay and figu inspired question

This is a creational law that cannot work for 80 percent only but is
valid 100 percent.


Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 08:45 pm

Hi Billy:
I have a personal question this time, but i feel it is of interest to
all FIGU internet board and supporters:
I have been reading, pondering and meditating on material written by
FIGU and yourself over 3 years now, i am slowly detaching myself from
years of religious education and belief at my own pace (i am trying to
eliminate the word belief from my life).
However, i have to decide for my 7 years son whether he should follow
courses of religion (not mandatory, but required by the church). I am
not sure if he should follow these, and then i could explain him later
when he is grown up. On the other hand, the little material that i
have is not for kids,and i personally don`t feel cognizant enough
about creational laws to explain them clearly to my kid (neither to
any kids in general).
In your evolved opinion, from your own experience with kids and those
from the FIGU core group, what would you recommend for anyone in my
Many thanks in advance

Do not send your son to any religious or sectarian courses. Instead
let him decide what he wants to do or to learn. Children must learn to
decide for themselves what they want to know regarding such


Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 08:56 pm

Greetings Billy, Hope you are well. In one of your contact notes a
hint was made that many Europeans would be dying from CFJ in the
coming decades. Is this related to the following from the medical
e-letter Daily Dose, June 3, 2005 by William Campbell Douglass II. MD? Dr Douglass is a
vocal opponent of most vaccination programs saying they offer little
protection and certain hazards. RJust 7 years ago (1998), tens of
thousands of children in the UK were injected with a polio vaccine
contaminated with serum containing Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease - a
pernicious brain-rotting condition similar to MAD COW DISEASE.S Thank
you, Chris

Billy doesnt know of those tens of thousands cases. The CFJD is
connected with the Mad Cow Disease.


Posted on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 11:23 pm

This question follows from my latest post at the FIGU Forums:
Where you will also find the motive behind this question.
The defenition of mediumship , as I refer to it in this context :
An innate ability to observe and act as brige between an
unbound-spirit-form and concerete existance.
If this is not an appropriate means to convey my question, I will
represent it here in a somewhat more pointed form :
Mr.Meier, what means may I employ to validate knowledge gained through
mediumship? - to destinguish the information as seperate from that
gained by means off telephathy or/and the Akashic Records, for
I would prefer if you could derive your differentation off these
phenomenon as corollaries of 'sence perceptions'.I make clear that I
refer to your own sence-abilities and not necessarily those heald by
common earth-man.
Thankyou for providing this appourtunity,

To become a medium must be learned.
Through mediumship you do not get knowledge, but you can put yourself
in a trance, e.g., to present a dance, etc. The claim that mediums
receive messages from deceased ones, from demons, angels etc. is
esoteric rubbish/nonsense.
Mediumship or being a medium is an entirely different thing than,
e.g., telepathy.
(Note by CF: Billy doesnt hold siances. And what you reported in your
posting in the forum here is obviously
untrue. This medium is either schizophrenic, or a liar.)


Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 11:35 am

Aloha Billy,
On the southern portion of the island of Hawaii there are
petroglyphs(pictures carved in stone) of what appear to be Egyptian
symbols. These were "discovered" and documented in the 1950's and
exist today. Any knowledge of how these came to be, their meaning, by
whom, etc.???

The native inhabitants made them, but Billy doesnt know details. He
said: I am not omniscient.


Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 09:32 pm

Hello Billy,
I understand USA President George Bush's religious fanaticism drives
his desire to "democratize" the world, but is he operating under any
negative ET influences or is his idea of reality self-created? Thank



Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 09:41 pm

Hi Billy
In Baalbek of Lebanon, there are three colossal stone blocks that are
the largest in the world, the famed Trilithon, sited at the ruin of
the Temple of Jupiter.
These stone blocks that make up the Trilithon weigh around 1200 tones
each, over 50 times the largest limestone block in the Giza pyramids.
I would think that human labor would not be good enough to transport
and install such kind of heavy weight stone blocks.
Do you know the history of these huge stone blocks and/or if it was
the work of extraterrestrials?
Thanks :-)

They were chiseled in a quarry and then drawn to their actual place,
by terrestrials, not extraterrestrials (as has been the case with the
pyramids in Egypt)!


Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 03:18 pm

Dear Eduard,
In the meditation book (page 122; vers 131-136) it is described that
the chronon-stream is changed when meditating in a meditation-pyramid,
and that the amount of change depends on the evolutionary level of the
My question is this: The time-stream passes through everyone and
everything, does the time-stream change more in a
halfspiritform/halfhuman like the Plejaren high council, and less in a
person who is still coarse material and therefore on much less
developed level of evolution?
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!

No. It is a Gleichmaessigkeit, a regularity/uniformity. This is a
creational law.
No differences between more or less evolved persons.


Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 02:32 pm

Greetings Billy,
What exactly is or was the Biblical ancient Ark of the Covenant, were
there more then one of these and do they still exist today and if so,
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

There were imitations. The Ark of the Covenant does still exist
(hidden in Ethiopia). Billy doesnt know if the imitations still exist.


Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 06:38 am

Hello Billy,
Is there any way to determine or culculate an individual's spiritual
evolutionary level? Is it possible to do this using astrology and
numerology, ect? How much influence does numerology have on oneself? I
noticed Billy's life path number is 7 which stands for the seeker of
truth into metapyshical areas.
thx phil638

Hi Phil638,
In the future could you try and word your inquiry into one question if
possible. Your questions are related, but you are asking questions
relating to spiritual evolution, astrology and numerology.

It is possible, but not by using astrology or numerology. But the how
to do will not be disclosed.


Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 10:48 am

Hi Billy, can you with absolute certainty say that reincarnation is a
law and that there is no punishment after death? Can one really be so
sure about this? There is so many people that is afraid of the
so-called "hell", and it would be nice to know if you could
garantie(?) this, and shortly explain why it really is so.
Thank you.

Yes, Billy can really guarantee for that. Hell is not a place, but a
state of mind (consciousness- and psyche-related). And there is
absolutely NO punishment after death.
Billy is sure about this because he knows.


Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 09:36 pm

Because man often repeats his mistakes, the past is sometimes a good
indicator of the future. And since Christianity bastardized the
teachings of Jmmanuel and Islam bastardized the teachings of Mohammed,
what is to prevent a cult from arising in the future and bastardizing
your teachings?

For the first time in history (since the spirit teachings originated
from Nokodemion and Henok [Note by CF: billions of years ago]), the
spirit(ual) teachings are presented today in its original form. Today
they are presented in a form that is clearly understandable to the
human beings. The teachings are published/given in German, the only
language on Earth that is suitable to explain all the subtleties in
At the time of the old prophets (Jmmanuel, Mohammed, Jeremia, etc.)
the people were not capable to understand the teachings. They were
lacking the necessary understanding and knowledge, etc.
To ensure that there is no cult arising from the Teachings of Truth,
the books must contain the German original text on the opposite page
of the translation. Additionally it is FIGUs task to preserve Billys
original teachings in an unchanged format and to fight against any
unauthorized translation.
In order to fully benefit from the teachings it is necessary to learn
German. Any translation into a terrestrial language can never be


Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 10:51 am

Hello Billy, Are you able to explain telepathic communication in a
little detail to me, I would like to better understand more about my
level of mental communication that I have with my animals & pets. I
give them information and receive information as to their desires and
needs. I want to understand how I am doing this and how are they doing
this with me. The pets that I speak of are 5 tiny little house dogs,
all of which sleep on my bed, and are between age 9 and 18 human
years. There is a very deep love & bond between all of us. one of them
fell from my bed as a 6 week old puppy and ended up being a
paraplegic, against my vets advice to have her put to seep, I nursed
her and loved her back to being able to walk move, behave & live like
a normal little dog again within 7 months. This was 9 years ago and
from when I first realised that we were communicating somehow, the
other 4 dogs began communication of some kind also during the recovery
process. I believe this tiny little dog with my help healed herself.
from Liz in Western Australia.

There is no mental communication possible between human beings and
animals. Animals dont have a conscious mental block, but only an
instinct block.
The only connection between a human being and an animal is by the
personal radiation (Ausstrahlung). The animal can feel the attitude
one has against it.
Btw: Telepathy is also not possible between human beings and animals.
Btw: you did not ask a question.


Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 11:25 am

Hi Billy,
During our last Figu Lunch(no charter) meeting we were discussing Figu
documented fact that in late 1990-ies Plejarians have persuaded
another Technically advanced Humanoid Civilization from making In The
Full View Contact with Earths Humanoid Population.
We find this action hard to understand since the Earths
Establishment(Government, Media, Church(especially USA evangelicals
who supported Bush)) biggest trump card in prolonging/promoting
Almighty Gods Illusionary Scenario is without question their ability
to say that there are no human beings in this Universe other than on
Please explain?
Figu Chicago

The governments (at least CERTAIN governments) would want to get hold
of the ETs devices etc. But most important many many persons would get
insane if their religious view or delusions were crumbling down or
shattering. To confront those people openly would be an act of force
and coercion/compulsion, and this is against the directives of
advanced ETs.


Posted on Wednesday, June 08, 2005 - 03:18 pm

Hello Billy. I am very curious about our after life. I read lots of
materials regarding our afterlife mostly from accounts of near death
survivors. That most of them share common scenarios. One of the
scenario is the life review. Most of the NDE survivors came back to
tell that they have their entire life played back in some kind of 3D
hologram. And the movie of life is viewed with some kind of higher
council members on the other side.
Most of them get really emotional to view their own life. But after
finish the life movie another common point is that they all said there
is no judgement at all. The members discussed the life with them and
asked them what have they learned and so on.
Is this the true scenario. Because these accounts are from people who
came back but what about the people who did not come back and really
died. (1) Do all of us really go through these process including the
life review with the council guides??
(2) How are we being assigned to our next reincarnation, and who
assign for us?can we somewhat choose ourselves?

Hello Kei,
I would like to point out to everyone to please attempt to do a search
on this forum for answers to your questions before asking Billy. For
instance Kei, a similar question has been asked back in early 2003.
Also please try and conform to the basic guidelines which request only
one question per session. I know that sometimes it is hard to get your
point across without asking a few related questions, but please be as
brief and concise as you possible.
Here is an excerpt from the earlier post I was referring to:
In near death experience research, there are a number of reports of
someone "coming back" having been told, quite specifically by a
recognizable loved one, "It is not your time. You must go back."
How do you explain this kind of near death experience?
Very sincerely,

Hi Linda,
This has to do with a loss of oxygene in the brain during the agony
(which produces the "light tunnel" through the nerve cells in the
eyes), combined with the belief, the wishes and the fantasy of the
persons who returned from the threshold of death (but who hadn't been
dead, of course).
In the Beyond you will not find any figures (persons) or shapes etc.
because there are none there.
In addition, no one assigns you to your next life. This is completely
guided by Creational Law, and is an unconscious process. Your next
life is determined by numerous factors including the type of life you
led previously. As long as you are a physical being you are subject to
these spiritual principles as all physical creatures throughout the
material universe.

The moderator is right.
But here is some additional information: It is not true that the
entire life is played back, but only some sequences, some excerpts.
Of course there is no judgement in the beyond, because reality is
entirely different than what the religions and sects are claiming.
Creation does not judge, and does not condemn and sentence.
In a normal dying process there is no playback of the entire life. And
even in cases of near-death the playback is not a common occurrence.


Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 09:58 am

Hello Billy,
what is your opinion about the Malachia's prophecies about the last
popes? And why both the Henoch prophecies and the Malachia's one say
that the last pope will be Petrus Romanus? Is this a coincidence or a

Well, one of them may probably have copied it from the other one.
Besides, since it is a prophecy, it is not certain that there are
really two Popes left. The course of the events may change.


Posted on Thursday, June 09, 2005 - 11:04 pm

Hello Billy,
I send you best wishes and hope you and everyone at the FIGU are
enjoying a nice summer. Here is my question.
Since Christianity seems to be working in regards to its intended
purpose (to keep the people from destroying the world), and Islam also
seems to be working in regards to its intended purpose (to keep
Christianity from dominating the world), why is such an inglorious end
prophesized for these religions?

Because religions are fundamentally wrong. They are purely human-made
and, therefore, not lasting eternally. Religions are not in line with
the creational laws and the spirit(ual) teachings.


Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 10:11 am

Hi Billy
There are two interesting books about contacts with extraterrestrials
: "UFO Contact from planet IARGA" (written by Stefen Denaerde) and
"UFO Contact from planet Acart" (written by Artur Berlet). Are those
a hoax? Could you please give us a short comment about both books?

Nonsense (= a hoax).


Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 05:13 pm

Am I allowed to post questions or messges?

Hi Jessica,
Yes you can post a question to Billy from this location, but this
section will be closing in the next day or so.


Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 07:39 am

Dear Billy,
Being a lot more spiritually advanced than my husband, I have been
trying to guide him in the right direction, so that we may grow
together as a family and follow our/my dream. "I now have success" My
husband Calum wonders why are other people not visited to help with
the mission. However his question is: If the Plejarans were asked or
invited, would there be possibilities of communicating with other
people that are already adults now in 2005? he is talking about would
they communicate with somebody like me. His reason is: We want to help
animals on this planet; animals usually seem to be forgotten about. We
are financially planning to build a huge animal rescue & veterinary
center within the next 10 years; we need all the spiritual guidance
and help that we can get. And we need to find very special people to
help us run it. We intend all veterinary treatments to be available
for animals free. We will also provide treatment for all animals
living with families that cant afford treatment. This is our/my
passionate dream that has started to become reality. I am deeply
involved in the computer & web development industry to date.

How do you know that you are a lot more spiritually (=
consciousness-related) advanced when you dont have the ability to
determine this? And it is an impertinence against/toward your husband
by making such a claim.
Regarding the question of your husband: The answer is no. (Billy is
their sole contact person on Earth, and after his death there will be
no contacts with any human being(s) on Earth for hundreds of years.)
Besides they would not recommend a project like yours, because it
would be much more favourable to do something for human beings than
for pets. There are way too many pets living in households and eating
away the food of starving people. People should NOT have pets in their
living quarters/houses.


Posted on Sunday, June 26, 2005 - 07:26 pm:  

Hi Billy, I was under the impression all the negative Et's were gone. So I was shocked to read that Sirian Et's influenced an assassination attempt on you. What is the Sirian ET's agenda?

The threat of the Sirians (the "Black Men" of ET origin) is a thing of the past, because in 1998 the Plejaren have installed effective counter-measures so they are not able to attack Billy anymore.


Posted on Monday, June 27, 2005 - 03:39 am:  
I have one short question: does billy know when he is going to die? I dont care to know when, just if he knows.



Posted on Monday, June 27, 2005 - 09:16 am:  
Hi Billy.
Which would cause the greatest shift in human conciousness?:
a) A public landing of ETs
b) The scientific discovery of survival of death and reincarnation?



Posted on Monday, June 27, 2005 - 09:52 am:  
"And yes, not everyone is going to comprehend this information or the more important aspects of the mission. Compared to the native earth spirits, the ET spirits are relatively few in number." (Statement of member)

Aloha Billy,
In regards to the above statement, is that to say that those who do comprehend the info/mission aspects are ET spirits?????

No. A human being whose spirit form is of terrestrial origin can learn to comprehend the mission aspects, too.


Posted on Monday, June 27, 2005 - 07:10 pm:  
Dear Eduard,
When I study the spirit lessons, I create from each seperate spirit lesson a set of 10 questions that I use during a Initiation-session (as described in Spirit lesson 23).
I try to keep the structure of the initiation-session as close as possible towards the original (same structure, different questions) in Spirit lesson 23.
Do you have any advice and suggestions, remarks or comments about this way and effectiveness of studying the spirit lessons ?
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!

It is good to set up your own questions until you get the correct answers from within. However it is important to not rush/urge yourself, and not to fall into a hectic rush (Hektik). Take it slowly and systematically.


Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 08:46 am:  
Hi Billy
It was mentioned that a spirit will be in an unconscious consciousness state until it reaches the level of Arahat Athersata.
As your spirit was returned from Arahat Athersata, where your spirit already achieved a conscious consciousness with a personality, I would guess that being a human, your spirit will again be in an unconscious state just like all other human on earth, this is to prevent the conflict between spiritual and material consciousness.
My question is: After you passed away from this earth, would your spirit regain that conscious consciousness state, where your spirit can decide where to go, what to do, when to reincarnate again?

The spirit is always in a state conscious/aware of itself (in einem sich selbst bewussten Zustand).
It was the consciousness that had to start from scratch again.
It's not the spirit that decides "where to go, what to do, etc.".


Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 10:05 am:  
As a follow up question to the existence of the Lost Ark of the Covenant, do you know if the stone tablets it holds display the original 12 Laws of Creation, or if they display the corrupted ten commandments?



Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 10:35 am:  
Hello Billy,
thank you for the last answer, my next question is about the crop circles. In the 235 contact is said that all the crop circle are man-made, but in the 256 and in the 267 contacts is said that some of them are made from "other visiting extraterrestrial races", and them are "coded pictograms connected to a "coming happening in the SOL system as well as in the announcement of the appearance of the earth strangers, whose ancestors came already in former times to the earth".
And, in the 267 contact is said that "some of these extraterrestrial races are not from our space-time dimension, some also come from the future."
It have something to do with the "ancient gods ancestor" said by Ptaah in some contact?

In the 328th contact of July 20, 2002, Ptaah explained that ETs are not involved in the making of the crop circles. They (the P's) first suspected this to be the case, but then detected that cosmic influences are involved instead (influencing the ideas of those who are creating the pictures on computers or by hand-drawing). The crop circles are man-made (terrestrial).
There have been UFOs flying above sites where crop circles were made; but they were not involved in the "construction". Some of those UFOs were coming from our terrestrial future.


Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 02:27 pm:  
Hello Billy,
In your small brochure "Ein Wort zu Mann und Frau ..." you write that "Basically speaking, we are to notice that firstly are all embryos of female type. A transformation to male ones - when it becomes male - follows first from the eight to tenth week of pregnancy, namely through development of larger amount of hormone, e.g. Testosteron."
"Grundlegend ist dabei beachten, dass erstlich alle Embryos weiblicher Natur sind. Eine Wandlung zum Männlichen - wenn es ein Junge wird - erfolgt erst während der achten bis zehnten Schwangerschaftswoche, und zwar duch die Entwicklung einer grösseren Menge Hormone, wie z.B. Testosteron."
The question is: How can be the gender of a person "in development" for such a long time, 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, when the gender, on chromosomen level XX/XY, is determinated after impregnation?
Many thanks for your explanation.

The gender is not determined immediately after impregnation, but by the personality that enters the embryo (together with the spirit form) on the 21st day of pregnancy. It is the new personality that has been created by the comprehensive consciousness block (Gesamtbewusstseinblock) that "steers/directs" the developing embryo in order to remain a female body or to become a male body. This process is made possible by the spirit's force/power. The spirit form is responsible for the necessary impulses for this process, but the spirit form itself does NOT decide about the gender. It's the new personality and its aspects/goals/etc. that determine the gender of the developing baby/human being.


Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 09:38 pm:  
Greetings Billy,
To comment: I have reason to believe that some time ago a group of people from within the Mexican government may have uncovered the remains of an abandoned underground ET base under Mexico, possibly from ancient times, and therefore may have also recovered with it some ancient UFOs which they still secretly use today to confuse people. ETs may be involved, but in this case I don't think so.
My question: However, back in 1991, beginning with a solar eclipse over Mexico city, there began a massive wave of UFO sightings which continue up to this day, usually around mount Popocatepetl, but in this case I'm under the impression that these other UFOs may be ET in nature and not terrestrial. If they're ETs, I don't think they're Plejarens as Lee and Brit elders once commented. If they are Extra Terrestrial, then which group of ETs are they? Benefactor ETs perhaps?
Thanks again,
James Truthseeker

Billy also doesn't think so.
They are certainly not Plejaren beamships, but what exactly they are Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 04:51 pm:  
Hello Billy,
An acquaintance of mine has developed Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. In a few short years he has gone from being an active outdoorsman to barely being able to walk. What is the exact cause of MS? Can the effects be lessened or cured? Thank you for any information!

Perhaps lessened, but not cured.
Cause still unknown.


Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 - 11:35 am:  
Hello Billy,
I recently tried to acquire the audio files from a fellow figu member with little success. Can you please fill in the blank where my tape went dead? "A spirit's time before entering a new body has several factors" What are the factors?
Salome, (what is the salome significance?)

The question is not clear. Please explain/specify.
Salome means Peace (in wisdom), like "Shalom" or "Salam"


Posted on Monday, July 04, 2005 - 06:16 am:  
Hello Billy!
In the last months I have experienced something strange. When I am going into sleep, I go into a kind of concious dreaming state. I can wake up whenever I want, and can per now partly initiate what I want to dream on. In the beginning I was very scared when this happened, and fought to get awake, when I was seeving into it. It also has some kind of healingprocess into it, I think. Could you please explain to me what this state of mind is, and whats the use of it? Might it be schizophrenic factors into the picture?
Thank you for guiding us on the right path!

This can be a normal process (not schizophrenic). It has to do with a "consciousness training", or conscious training. Many people are learning this unconsciously.
(Note by CF: You can use this "state of mind" to learn about yourself.)


Posted on Wednesday, July 06, 2005 - 07:11 pm:  

Hello Billy, There are pictures around of "flying humans" in areas south of the USA. Do you know what these are, and if not what is your opinion on them? Thank you, Chris

Never heard of them.


Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 10:56 pm:  

Good day Billy,
Thank you for all that you do.
Can you explain what the ark of the covenant contains and what it meant back when it was created. Thank you,



Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 11:58 pm:  

Good morning billy,
I have been studying quantum physics, and a few years ago i learned about some theories from a physicist called David Bohm , in his theories he proves with mathematical equations that:
the world and everything in it is a vast sea of energy, that this vast sea of energy - the universe, is pulsating with infinite life, intelligence and consciousness, and that everything is inter-connected.
somehow i dont know why, something just felt right
when i studied this theory..
but my question would be:
since his equations seem to prove this view of reality,
how accurate is this theory regarding the truth?

David Bohm is right. The reference you mentioned (quote) is in line with truth.


Posted on Friday, July 08, 2005 - 11:00 am:  

Hello Billy,
thank you for the last answer, my next question is about the crop circles. In the 235 contact is said that all the crop circle are man-made, but in the 256 and in the 267 contacts is said that some of them are made from "other visiting extraterrestrial races", and them are "coded pictograms connected to a "coming happening in the SOL system as well as in the announcement of the appearance of the earth strangers, whose ancestors came already in former times to the earth".
And, in the 267 contact is said that "some of these extraterrestrial races are not from our space-time dimension, some also come from the future."
It have something to do with the "ancient gods ancestor" said by Ptaah in some contact?

Note by Moderator: Duplicate question, answer can be found in July 2 archive.


Posted on Monday, July 11, 2005 - 12:59 am:  

Hello Billy,
My numerology chart number is the master number 11, but found nothing in reference on this number in the numbers and symbols section (only 1-9 mentioned there) and would like to know more about this number please.
regards phil

11 means two times one = new beginning = the same meaning as 1 (one).


Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 12:36 am:  

Dear Billy,
About two years ago when I was 18, after a turbulent 6 month period, I suddenly fell into a depressed state for a short while. It was the first time this happened and it was terrible, but it did help me understand a very dark part of life. After this I wanted to know what my life was realy about.
At this time I began to notice that sometimes when I look at a clock it would read 11:11. I became curious and wanted to find out what was going on as it happened very often. I felt like this was a sign and it was representing a period of change in my life and a challenge to be encountered.
Since then I have seen the number 11 manifested in areas of my life, for instance when I looked back I realised at age 14 I made a difficult decision to move in with my dad at house number 11.
And more recently I have been seeing numbers 1.11, 13.11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 on digit clocks.
So my question Billy is whether you know if my interperatation is correct and if it is a sign that corresponds to change? And what may cause this to happen (ET impulses, etc.)? Or is it just a coincidence, possibly my body being synchronised subconciously with some clocks?

Hi James,
In the future could you attempt phrase your questions in a way that allows for only one question being asked per session.

One cause to produce such "effects" is the use/misuse of drugs (only you know if this has been the case).
The other cause is some form of shock that you have had in your youth. This shock may have been triggered by an incident/experience you still remember, or by some unconscious shock experience. The psyche is very profound, and "depth psychology" experiences can have vast and long-lasting effects. So your "sensibility" about the number 11 may be traced back to an obvious incident, but also to an incident you would never find out.
(Note by CF: Finding an interest in a certain "thing", like e.g. the number 11, may enhance one's awareness about finding other occurrences of the same kind. If you buy, e.g., a red Volvo stations wagon, you will notice that you will detect other cars of the same brand and colour much more easily in the traffic than other cars.)


Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 03:53 am:  
Dear Eduard,
As far as I know, the impulse for a conscious thought is given by the material subconsciousness and becomes a thought in the material consciousness.
It seems to me that the material consciousness is the negative-receptive part (-) and the material subconsciousness the positive-inceptive part(+), I think this because the material consciousness cant create a thought on its own, it needs the material subconsciousness to do that. (According to the law of two opposite poles to create a unity)
I assume that an thought-impulse from the material subconsciousness has its own specific nature, which means that a thought-impulse can create a 'inner-voice' thought, but other thought-impulses can create different kind of thoughts in the material consciousness, like visual-thoughts (visualizations/imagination).
This way one can see thought-impulses coming from the material subconsciousness as different kinds of seeds, corn-seed will only grow corn, grain-seed will only grow grain, and depending how 'fertile' the soil (capabilities of the material consciousness) is, it will grow or not.
In my personal experience, it seems to me that a visual-thought (visualizations/imagination) is more complex then a 'inner-voice' thought, also it seems to me that visual-thoughts (visualizations/imaginations) in order to understand a given subject or object, requires a 'bigger' material-consciousness and subsequent intelligence 'size' then just plain 'inner-voice' thoughts.
What are your thoughts about these assumptions?
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!

Thoughts originate from the material consciousness, not from the sub-consciousness (except impulses one is receiving from the storage banks).
The material consciousness is negative and positive at the same time, and the material sub-consciousness is neutral.
The process is: Consciousness > idea > thought ( + perhaps followed by a recollection from one's memory).


Posted on Thursday, July 28, 2005 - 11:22 pm:  
Hi Billy,
Why didn't Jmmanuel chose any female disciples?
Also, why is the prophet line Henock to Billy exclusively male?

Jmmanuel did have female disciples, but they were not named. Maria Magdalena e.g. was one of his disciples.
Nokodemjon and Arahat Athersate originally determined that the prophet line will be male for all times. The reason for this was that the task of being a prophet is connected with very hard (physical!) work. However, incarnations between those of being a prophet can occur in a female body.


Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 01:31 am:  
Sup Billy
Are there any et spirits on the forum or any level 4 spirits? No need to name names. The other question is irrelevant, i'll have to buy the audio tapes to find that out for myself which would be better for learning and I guess thats what you were trying to tell me.
Thanks Brother Bill

Such questions will not be answered, because by doing so one would evoke feelings of arrogance or discrimination, etc.
(Note by CF: "level 4 spirits" seems to be one more of the many inventions of the wide-spread esoteric nonsense.)


Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 09:05 am:  
Hi Billy
How long does it take for the spirit to evolve from the first levels of Arahat Athersata to the last levels of Petale? (measured in earth years)

Quite a long time (but within the period of the universe's expansion and contraction).


Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 06:30 pm:  
hey billy
Are barbara hand clow and amorah quan yin (both who claim that they are channeling pleiadians) just two more quacks to add to the list?

Just two more "quacks", if this term means someone who doesn't tell the truth.
Since channelling is impossible, anyone who claims to be channelling is telling nonsense (either deliberately or as a symptom of schizophrenia).
Note by CF: To state it one more time: There is NO other person on Earth who has contacts with Plejarens except "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier. Besides: No one, including Billy, has contacts with Pleiadians, because on the Pleiades (which we see on the earth's night sky) there does not exist any human or faunal or floral life, except thermo bacteria. Therefore, you can be sure that ANYBODY who claims having contacts with Pleiadians/Plejaren is lying, either consciously or through delusion.


Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 03:14 am:  
Dear Billy,
Ther are many families today with children born of the same healthy parents, in which some children have no apparent mental, physical or emtional deficencies and others have some problems that health officials blame on genes.
Besides the genes we inherit from our parents, what percentage of our entire genetic make up is determined by other factors such as the spirit vibrations or the thinking/consciousness from the most previous life before this present life?
Lonnie Morton

Deficiencies triggered by genes have been occurring through all times. And they are not originating from spirit vibrations or past-life thinking etc.
The most important factor to influence genes is by one's own thinking and feeling. The second important factor is environment influences, pollution, drugs, alcohol, medicaments, etc. etc.
These deficiencies have nothing to do with the spirit (form).


Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 12:50 pm:  
Hi Billy, The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned central bank that masquerades as part of the United States federal government. It controls the United States money system by printing as much money as it wants & setting USA interest rates & in effect controls the USA since it's a capitalist country. Are you & the Plejarens aware of the power & influence the Federal Reserve banking system has on the US Gov'ts polices & the world?

All Federal Reserve Banks of the different countries have an influence on politics and economy.
Besides: Money rules the world.


Posted on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 04:17 am:  
Greetings Billy,
Back in 1996, I was sent a letter from an anonymous source which for some reason went into considerable detail about the Tunguska event. The letter explained something went wrong with a UFO ship over Tunguska back in 1908, which came from the direction of the Burnard star system. From this unfortunate event there began a wave of people (human spirit forms) to be reincarnated here on Earth, who are now called "Tunguska seeds". The reason for the ship being here in the first place was because of an exodus from their home-worlds, beginning about some 2 hundred or so years ago, but it did not specify why. The letter then continued to say that they were now looking for these reincarnated people and/or descendants, and would therefor contact me again sometime in the future, but have yet to do so. They also sent me a photo of one of these smaller UFO ships in flight and then explained that a particular group of human ETs from the same home worlds actually now have a base situated here on Earth, but it did not disclose its location. At about the time I received the letter back in 1996, it was about exactly 80 years after the Tunguska event took place, if that means anything. 2 years later, I heard about your information regarding what happened during the Tunguska event and why it happened. Now I don't know if I'm actually a "Tunguska seed", but I'd like to find the real source person of the letter. I've had an idea of who may have sent it, but this was never confirmed.
Can you help me find this person and do you think there maybe some truth to what he or she wrote to me in this letter?
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

There's no use in searching for this person, because most of what you quote is not true. More or less the only thing that is true is that there was really something like a "Tunguska incident" in which about 4300 extraterrestrial people were killed. And since they were killed here on earth, their spirit forms are now bound to earth and, therefore, will incarnate again and again here among us.
(For more information see "Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktgespräche, Block 1, page 313 ff., available through FIGU's internet shop)


Posted on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 11:40 pm:  
Dear Billy,
The Plejarens live for approxamitly 1000 years and they only prefer to have sex with someone only in marriage to them. Semjase is around 462 years old and has only been in marriage for 7 years. What do the plejarens like Semjase on Erra do for sexual stimuli over the hundreds of years while their not in marriage with anyone? Do they make do with having very little sex during that time or do they masturbate during that time or do they just go without having neither of them during that time spanning over hundreds of years?
many thx phil

The Plejarens have normal sex lives, however without the degenerations as we have/know them here on earth (like sado-masochism, sex with animals, etc. etc.).
They even have sexual friendships, but they don't hop from one bed to the other like it is so common here on earth (and which brings about so much grief and death, etc., like aids, divorces, venereal diseases, etc. etc.). And of course they know and practise the normal and natural acts of onanism and masturbation.


Posted on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 12:55 pm:  
Hello Billy,
I am also being "followed" by a number, 144. About 50 % of the time when I suddenly look at the clock for any unintended reason or something counting minutes and seconds, there is something like 14.40 or 21.44 or something else with that combination. Very strange. It is not when I am trying to find that number, it just happens. This has been going on for about a year, and it seems to me that something outside myself is leading me towards that number. Maybe they are trying to tell me I am one of the 144.208 ringleaders who died on this planet, if I remember it correctly. Or what is it? The subcounciousness?

Most probably it is a psyche- or consciousness-related tic/quirk.
Absolutely certain it has NOTHING to do with the actual 144.208 ringleaders.


Posted on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 11:29 pm:  
Hi Billy,
Is the theoretical Tachyon particle the particle that may make interstellar space travel possible?

It's not a "theroretical" particle, but a real one. Yes, it is used for interstellar flight, just as other means like photon propulsion, anti-gravity, rockets, nuclear propulsion, etc. etc.


Posted on Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - 11:04 pm:  
Hello Billy,
A highly regarded person with broad knowledge about your case commented on this discussion forum that the Henock Prophecies are not being fulfilled. If true this would be refreshing news.
Are the people of the world, especially those in America, finally becoming wise and changing their thoughts and actions towards peaceful ways, thus ensuring that the Henock Prophecies remain just that, a prophecy and not a prediction?
Wishing you strength and support in all your endeavors.

Prophecies can always be changed if the human beings change their ways of thinking, feeling and acting.
Time will tell which prophecies will fulfil themselves and which not.
There will be much water running down the Mississippi river until the vast majority or mass of the US American people will become "wise".


Posted on Thursday, August 04, 2005 - 04:50 am:  
Hi Billy,
If Earth humans might become lost using time travel technologies, would it be possible to recover their spirit with technology or communication with the spirit levels so that they can return and reincarnate to their original time and society idealy before their next rebirth?

No. You would have to find and recover the person (as long as he is still alive).


Posted on Saturday, August 06, 2005 - 10:31 pm:  
Dear Billy,
In your bulletin titled "One More Important Word" you open by saying: "In 1991, George H.W. Bush senior, the president of the US, made war against the Iraqi people and its leadership, with the aim to oust Saddam Husain and to make the country into an American protectorate, however this failed miserably."
My recollection is that the US could have easily ousted Saddam Hussein if that was their intention. However, Bush himself shortened the war against the wishes of the military, notably General Norman Schwarzkoph, Commander of Operation Desert Storm, who wanted to march into Baghdad to bring down Saddam.
Why do you say the American plan failed miserably? Is this an incorrect translation of your bulletin?
Best regards!

Well, they did not catch Saddam Hussein and did not conquer Iraq. Therefore, they did not reach their goal, and that's a failure.


Posted on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 - 03:57 am:  
Hi Billy
In 1943, within the United States, it was speculated that there was a scientific experiment called "Philadelphia Experiment", it was said that a ship was teleported to some 300 miles away and the staff onboard were subjected to some mysterious problems afterwards, later, some time travel tasks were also carried out.
All these stories were mentioned in a book "The Montauk Project" by Preston B. Nichols.
My question is: Did this experiment really exist and what was it all about?

It's a legend.


Posted on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 - 01:40 pm:  
Guten Tag Billy
I visited your place in Switzerland in July but was only able to meet with C.F. Well, here is my question: Can you provide me with instructions on how to meditate so that I will be able to listen to my inner voice?
Vielen Dank

You can practise attentiveness. Through this you can try to perceive the things as they really are (and not as they should be).
You have to try to get within yourself.
Extensive and detailed instructions can be found in Billy's book "Einführung in die Meditation" (German only).


Posted on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 - 06:51 pm:  
I was thinking about spirituality and, to me it sound a bit like the Talmud of Jmmanuel can appear as somekind of seduction/love manual and the law of two opposite poles, the 7 pillars of wisdom (Love, Truth, Justice, Knowledge, Consistency, Reverence and Honor), which all seem to relate closely to romantic relationships.
So, do most of the spiritual teaching ultimately has to to with the romantic kind of love a person can feel for a lover?

This has romantic kind of love or romance.
Love is a creational law.
Definition: Liebe ist absolute Gewissheit dessen, selbst in allem mitzuleben und mitzuexistieren, so in allem Existenten: In Fauna und Flora, im Mitmenschen, in jeglicher materiellen und geistigen Lebensform jeglicher Art, und im Bestehen des gesamten Universums und darüber hinaus.
Definition: Love is absolute certainty of oneself living and existing in everything that exists: In fauna and flora, in the fellow-human being, in each material and spiritual life form of any kind, and in the existence of the entire universe and beyond (it).nothing to do with


Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 01:47 am:  
To billy
Thank you for the opportunity, as I grow in truth I realise I see people and the world quiet differently to how I used to previously, everything, especially people become one as a collective and in consciousness as what they experience I too experience, the laws that governs them which they must abide by I am also governed by it. The things which they see, hear, touch, sense, smell and all other humanly experiences I also experience because I am one and the same therefore how can I turn my back to love when it's knocking on my heart's door, how can I ignore and look the other way when one of my fellow human being has fell down and hurt himself, do I not help him get up, nurse his wounds, give him some medicine to heal and set him back to strength and do I not grow in responsibility that ties me to all and take it upon myself because it is the essence of existence, it's a part of me, it's me.
But what can be truthfully done about beggars on the streets crying out to relieve their hunger and all other addictions for which they are afflicted with when the money you give is not enough setting them right back on the streets still begging for their next relief and gratification, what could be done to help them help themselves?

There must be made a differentiation between beggar and beggar:
It is only advisable to give alms to a beggar if there is real need, for instance to a person without hands and legs (if that person lives in a country with very low-developed health and social system).
To give alms to alcoholics and drug-addicted persons is a mistake, because these people are able to work and, therefore, to earn a living.
Basically, each case must be judged individually.


Posted on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 08:19 am:  

I want to play the Devils Advocate for a moment. What is the incentive for being a good person in this lifetime? I could be greedy, selfish & mean, let my next lifetime worry about the consequences, after all I won't remember anything anyway. Every Spirit form is going to make it anyway.

A person cannot, and will not, stop stepping on the path of evolution and leaving stagnation behind, at least not over the course of time and many incarnations with different personalities. Where there is no learning, there is no evolution. And there cannot be true humaneness if the virtues are not cared for, or if love, learning, knowledge and wisdom are neglected.
A spirit form is NOT "going to make it anyway", because learning happens in the material life. If you don't learn, you stagnate.


Posted on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 01:12 pm:  
Greetings Billy,
I have a continuing question which I had asked about Islam in the past and the characters who played in the events of the prophet of the time Muhammad and the JSCWJSCH (or ALLAH).
If Understand correctly ALLAH means JSCWJSCH, if this being the case then is it permissible by the Plejarens and yourself to tell us the name of this JSCHWJSCH. This ALLAH, what was his name??
As always is a pleasure gaining knowledge from you. Thank you.
Saalome and BE WELL to ALL

Allah doesn't mean Jschwjsch/JHWH. Allah is the name for an imaginary deity just as it is the case with the Christian God. Besides, Allah and God are in no way the same as Creation.


Posted on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 01:02 pm:  
Hello Billy,
From And Yet They Fly/ Chapter 2-Work
"If people want to live according to Creational Laws and Directives, they must acknowledge that a certain allotment of physical work is necessary, whether they like it or not since their efforts would other wise be in vein." "the greatest daily average of manual work on Earth is eleven hours" Given that someone is practicing meditation and spiritual studies moderately and the persons spiritual level us unknown what constitutes "the excercise of manual skills"? Would this include any sit down job such as Computer Programming or School Study or is it ony physical activities such as house work and excercises?
Thank You Billy,

Manual work includes everything where the body is included, like cooking, combing one's hair, walking, swimming, writing (at the computer), etc. etc.


Posted on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 05:25 pm:  
Dear Eduard,
What I know now is that Love is a creational and "empfindungsgeprägtes" element, and Logic is founded in creational laws.
Logic is responsible for cause and effect, in the material realm this means that something is created but will pass away over time, however in the spiritual realm, in BEING, it will continue to evolve in relative perfection forever in BEING without end, just transforming from one level to the next higher level of BEING.
Now I know is that the Law of Love is the basis of all principles in Creation and Nature, so without logic, there cant be a law of nature, so Logic must be an essential part of love.
So if logic is inherent to any creational law, then its also inherent to the Law of Love.
My question is: What is the exact nature of the relation between logic and pure love?
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!

Love contains/holds within a logicality (Folgerichtigkeit), in other words: logicality lies in love, because love has a cause and an effect.
Love is created from causal factors, from what logicality results (depending on the love form and love's intensity).
Besides love, that which is spiritual and consciousness-related also has a certain logical development = logicality.
Logic brings a certain effect from a cause, and this effect is cause for the next effect, etc.


Posted on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 11:08 pm:  

Dear Billy,
I was wondering is there a chance to know a bit more detail of the first person to change in the Koran, ref to bulletin 22 it mentions the name Omar, but could you be able to provide a bit more detail as to his fathers name or something else that would differentiate between him and Omar Bin Al Khattab
Peace to all, and one Love

Perhaps you will find more details in historical books.


Posted on Saturday, August 27, 2005 - 06:07 am:  

Dear Billy,
in the previous incarnations of my spirit form, neither FIGU existed nor probably Your spiritual form was incarnated as well (at least with tasks as a Prophet).
In my present life I was educated in a "conventional" way, catholic religion included.
Nevertheless, I have been able to identify/recognize you, the FIGU and to understand that there are a lot of tasks to fulfill.
And, of course, I abandoned the dangerous and delusional "theachings" of religion as well.
My question is: how has it been possible that? I mean also considering many previous lives probably spent in wrong could seem something really difficult to happen!
I know quite well that still there is a lot of hard work to do and that this is just the very beginning, but that seems to be a good sign for the next incarnation of my spirit form.
Thank you for your time,

If a person is meeting/finding the spiritual teachings this means, as a rule, that there are already certain impulses stored and accepted in the storage banks, and that the person in a former life (as another personality) had experiences in the same line. If this process is somewhat "intensive", the person caught impulses that led him into this direction.
If the spiritual teachings are found/encountered for the first time, the process (feelings etc.) is slower and not intensive.


Posted on Saturday, August 27, 2005 - 06:12 am:  

Dear Eduard,
when falling asleep, my conscious "I" slowly disappears, so that "something else" remains and then the dreaming process begins.Then, waking up again, the "I" is back.
Is that vanishing of the "I" some way similar to what happens with death?
Tank you for your time,

If the "I" would really vanish, the person would be dead.
The "I" continues to exist even in a dream. The consciousness of the day is taken over by the consciousness of sleep.
As long as a person lives the "I" is always there/here.


Posted on Saturday, August 27, 2005 - 11:58 pm:  

Greetings Billy,
Comment: There appears to be a lot of talk lately about a time traveller from the future known as John Titor who made a sudden appearance back in around 2000 or so, who also had warnings for the USA in regards to world war 3, etc, in much the same way as did the Henoch prophecies.
Question: In a future prophecy it's stated that a space-ship from Earth will eventually find itself somewhere half way between Earth and the Sirius home-worlds where it will encounter an unimaginable horror. If you know, what is this unimaginable horror?
Perhaps you know if it relates to the ancient Sirius overlords who seek to destroy us and if there are any Sci-Fi movies relating to it, or perhaps the Plejarens can check out this area of space if they've not done so already.
Peace in wisdom,
James Truthseeker

The time traveller fantasy is rubbish.
"Unimaginable horror" means several happenings which horrify the people when they are getting aware of it.
This may be certain laws of nature that are detected, or if interstellar things are not where it is thought that they should be, or bacteria, etc. etc.
There are no "Sirius overlords" left who will seek to destroy us. The last of the ET Black Men (62 of them) are not in a position anymore to bring harm to terrestrial humankind.


Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 06:15 pm:  

Hello Billy,
On July 18, 1980 you along with others made an audio recording of Semjase's beamship if I'm not mistaken. In addition, when others have accompanied you on contacts in the past they have reported hearing various sounds being emitted from the beamships.
My question is, are the sounds part of the propulsion systems and serve a purpose or are they a by-product and are cancelled out at times for security/safety reasons?
If you know, thanks very much.

This was just done so for demonstration only. Usually, a beamship doesn't make such noise.
Semjase had to swirl her ship with tremendous speed in order to produce the sound.


Posted on Monday, August 29, 2005 - 12:32 am:  

Hi Billy,
Thank you for answering my last question on the Tachyon particle. Here is another question that is of interest to a lot of people in the world.
When a cell becomes cancerous, can its cell cycle be corrected so that it is dispossed of by the body in the natural way or does it need to be destroyed with a variation of our current methods of chemotherapy and/or radiation.
We know that a cell gives off a signal that it is dying so the body can destroy it safely without affecting the sorrounding cells. We know that cancer cells divide uncontrolably and the increase rate of division leads to mutation. These mutant cells do not give out the chemical signals marking them for cell death so the body can destroy them.
Thank you for all that you do for humanity

Billy is not knowledgeable in this field.


Posted on Monday, August 29, 2005 - 12:40 am:  

On page 6 of Block 1 of the german contact notes you mention that primary telepathy has no obstacles except a "Empfangsblockade".
Can you please shortly explain how such a "Empfangsblockade" can be

A "Empfangsblockade" (reception blockade) is created by simply concentrating on other things than on those impulses that are entering one's head/ears.


Posted on Monday, August 29, 2005 - 04:51 pm:  

Hi Billy,
What advice can you provide for those who may be drafted into the military to fight an immoral or illegal war they do not approve of, even though the country drafting them (USA) may say they are fighting to protect their freedom.
Lonnie Morton

Because each war is immoral and illegal, each human has to decide according to his own conscience, understanding and intellect about how to react and act in such a situation.


Posted on Monday, August 29, 2005 - 07:01 pm:  

Hi Billy,
Is explaining that Jesus' true name is Jmmanuel helpful as a tool when explaining the message and how the spiritual nature of it was altered. This part alone always makes for interesting and lengthy conversation, but I was wondering if allowing myself to say Jesus without mentioning Jmmanuel devalues the exchange.
a friend in america

Yes, to mention Jmmanuel is helpful.


Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 - 11:39 am:  

Hello Billy,
Semjase said about cancer that it is "manifested by a leech-like, falsely guided life." What are some ways a life can be leech-like and falsely guided, other than religion, of course? Thank you for clarification!

A life can be falsely guided by false feelings, thinking, acting and by vices and emotions, etc.


Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 12:37 pm:  

Hello Billy,
Thank you for your respons on my latest question.
I do still doubt that I am initiating this myself, but so be it.
My next question is about meditation. In the last couple of months I have discovered something new. I can send kind of a "strike of lightning" through my body when I meditate, but is still lacking the ability to make this go over a longer period, a flow you can say. It only lasts as long as I am cabable of "holding" it. It seems to be a flow of energy going through my body, and it seems to have kind of an healing effect. Lately I have been able to do this in a non-meditative state to. This is very hard to explain, but do you understand what I am talking about, and is it of any use? Or just non-sense?
Thank you anyway.

You may probably trigger this by your consciousness. Even if you think you are not meditating, there may be an active subconscious state of meditation. Seeing a "strike of lightning" depends on the ability to grasp such things.
It is possible that you see this in a visionary way, but to detect the difference between reality and vision is very difficult.


Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 05:08 am:  

Hello, Billy.
When I read the contacts note and other FIGU materials, even billions of years ago, Old Lyrian and their descendants already had amazing scientific technologies such as large-scale space traveling, genetic manipulation, highly destructive weaponry. Then it is just hard to imagine how technologically advanced they would have been by now considering our own technological achievements we have seen only for the past century and even what Plejarens have achieved for the past 40 years.
But it seems like current technological gap between what old Lyrians had and what Plejarens have today is very small.
Do you know why?
It is hard to believe that Plejarens or descendants of old Lyrians haven¡¯t achieved much since their forefathers had set too high standard.

There was stagnation for a long time. Besides, the people (spirit forms) of long ago are already in a state where they don't need a material body anymore.
(Note by CF: The Plejarens made fast progress with the help of a more advanced people they met in the DAL universe.)


Posted on Thursday, September 01, 2005 - 05:26 am:  

Hello Billy
You have explained that IHWH/IHRH is a title for man/woman who has achieved the greatest wisdom and knowledge a human can possibly achieve. Now, the question is: does it mean that such person is unable to gain any new knowledge and wisdom for the rest of his/her live? (That would be strange. Our 350 years old Semjase has title IHRH and she would live for another 600 years without gaining any new knowledge/wisdom )? explain please

IHWH/IHRH is a title/degree/diploma only, just like professor, etc. It means that a person has gained the actual highest knowledge in a field, e.g. science, technology, spiritual teachings, or medicine, etc.
Being a professor at the age of forty doesn't' mean that such a person stops learning any new things in his or her profession for the rest of their life.


Posted on Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 03:58 pm:  

Hi Billy,
In your answer to my last question, you said: "You can practise attentiveness.... You have to try to get within yourself." Can you please elaborate on "practise attentiveness" and "to get within yourself"?
Much thanks,

In other words: You have to learn to think about yourself, about your needs, your wishes, your virtues, your bad habits, your thoughts and feelings, etc. In this way you are learning to think your way into yourself.


Posted on Friday, September 02, 2005 - 08:25 pm:  

Hi Billy
I refer to Contact 70, where Semjase mentioned about the Sumerians:
...the Sumerians, a peace loving nation of dark colored skin, not Negroid, but europid and of tall growth, risen from a race of Sirians, who settled on earth some 33,000 years ago...("Message from the Pleiades 3" Wendelle Stevens page 258)
And again I refer to Bulletin No.9, where Vulcan and UNI were mentioned:
"...however, that Vulcan/Volkano, the planet closest to the sun, previously played an important role in Sumerian times. The same also holds true for UNI, which was given the name "Nibiru" or "Nubiru"; the origin of this name is obscure. ..."
My question is:
What was that important role of Vulcan and UNI in Sumerian times? Did these two planets had any cultural impact against the Sumerians?

Billy doesn't know; he did not ask the P's.


Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 10:20 am:  

Hi Billy,
While checking out the numerology section on this forum, I noticed that there seems to be some discreprency as to which is the correct method of culculating someone's numerology chart number. Could you please let me know the correct culculation method and also which is the correct table of numbers to the letters of the alphabet to be using to too?
Also could you please let me know what the "new begining" in the number 1 actually means and represents? Does this mean that a new spirit soul is starting out on this planet or maybe could it mean perhaps that an ET spirit has incarnated into this planet and is starting a new begining here? What does it actually mean?
Thank you for your words of wisdom billy

Only one question is allowed per post. Please ask your second question in the next round, thanks. ~ Moderator

We only have the correct table of numbers for the German language:

2 = AR
3 = S
4 = M
7 = O
8 = FQ
9 = BGK


Posted on Tuesday, September 06, 2005 - 02:03 pm:  

Hi Billy,
At this moment in time, with things progressing the way they are in the way of "natural disasters" and with other events unfolding
My Question:
Apart from following the spiritual teachings, trying to make our way in the day to day life, planning for the future knowing also that all our material luxuries may go, ever increasing living costs, what can i do to make sure that everything we do is not lost, without being corrupt and then targeted by someone else who is?
How can

Just lead a decent life.


Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 01:07 pm:  
Hi Billy,
I have the impression upon reading the Plejaren responses and general attitude, that what they know about the US government and upcoming changes of the global community are deeply intertwined. This could included many senarios for the US, such as maybe a truly catastrophic bankrupt economy led by a ruling party that lacks caring intelligence at the top, or a humane consciousness. In your qualified knowingness and logical thinking mind, what future effect do you see happening in America, regarding the knowledge that the Plejaren and yourself have exposed about what our US government conspires about. I'm not wanting directly what you were asked to keep private, just what, when all added together it spells out. Of course I can answer this myself...a disaster! But it would benefit many to hear your current impressions that I sense must course thru the logical process's of your mind, especially as news of our leaders over here reach the Semjase Silver Star Center.
I realize any, or if you answer at all, is only your impression, but coming from you it would be a most valued one. True, you are not a crystal ball, but as a great thinker for the good of man, an informed response would be immeasureably helpful for many.
Thank you for your previous response regarding saying 'Jmmanual' instead of 'Jesus" , valued and now used by my friends as well as by me.
a friend in america

There is much information about this in the Contact Notes (in German).
The United States will not stop their striving for world domination.


Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 08:30 pm:  
Have the recent hurricanes in the U.S. - Katrina and Rita been caused or worsened by any type of climate weapon that Semjase once spoke about? If so, can you reveal which country has used them?

No. They were influenced by the changes of nature, caused by the human beings.


Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 01:18 am:  
In every religion on earth there are some rituals associated with the death, and even many years after person death people still visit graves and pray for
spirit/soul etc (according to religion). But as we know spirit form is unaware of our world during its stay in beyond - so the question is : can spirit form somehow benefit from those activities or is it just wasting of time?

Such activities are "just wasting of time" and have NO benefit for the spirit form.


Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 04:53 pm:  
Hell, Billy.
I looked through many FIGU materials carefully, but couldn¡¯t find much about the origins of Asian and African races. Most of extraterrestrials mentioned in contacts notes and other books seem to be ¡°blond and white¡± races since the beginning of their interference with earth history.
Do you know when and how they arrived on the earth?

Hi Torrent,
Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg ( have done a great job of translating various portions of the contact notes. I believe you will find the some of the information you are looking for at the following link: In addition please check their index for other translations:
Also there is a small booklet issued by FIGU entitled "Attacking Questions from Japan", which contains information regarding the origins of the Japanese and Chinese races and how they came to exist on planet earth.

The origin of the African races have to do (have been influenced) with happenings of 389,000 years ago.


Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 02:56 pm:  
hey billy
While reciting the spirit prayer (in german) a curious thing happend to me : I suddenly became allergic to milk, my body broke out violently into hives every time I drank milk. During the time I recited the prayer, I also experienced overwhelming negative emotions. I stopped reciting it and all of the above stopped within a few days. What could be the cause of this? My thoughts are that perhaps I am pronouncing a word incorrectly or maybe it is a result of some kind of purification. I am still baffled by this.
Thank you

It's your own inner attitude and opinion. It's some kind of unconscious self-defence reaction.
False pronunciation does not have/evoke such an effect.


Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 08:21 pm:  
Dear Billy,
When a certain model of automobile is built on an assembly line it is assumed that each model is identical in structure design. Etc. But, if a person were to inspect each vehicle very carefully and it was considered to be the same model there would be small differences which would distinguish one vehicle from the next.
Now if we were to consider each new automobile as a new spirit coming from the assembly line (Creation) would there be any small but distinct differences within each spirit that would give it it's own unique "identity" from any other spirit form? In other words are all new spirits identical in their characteristics no matter which planet they incarnate onto.
Maybe my understanding of what constitutes a spirit is completely wrong, but it is something I have been thinking about.
Thank you

Each new spirit form is different from each other. The basic substance, however, is identical.
It's just like with twins, or snowflakes.


Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 09:58 am:  
Hi Billy
What advice would you give to someone coping with loss e.g. the end of a relationship or a bereavment?

This differs from individual to individual. Ten persons may have the same problem, but you have to give them 10 different advices, depending on their thinking, feeling and reacting.


Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 04:37 pm:  
Dear Eduard,
I assume that consciousness and intelligence are two sides of the same coin so to speak and that every type of consciousness has its own type of intelligence.
I think that there cant be a consciousness without an intelligence and vice versa.
This would mean that a very primitive consciousness has a very primitive intelligence.
What are your thoughts about my assumptions?
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!

Consciousness is a block for itself. It contains different factors, like intelligence, thoughts, feelings, psyche...


Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 06:53 pm:  
Hi Billy,
This question is regarding the "High council beings" who from my present understanding, are part "physical" and part "energy".
When these beings are "physical", what forms can they assume?
Thanks for any info,

They don't have a human shape, and they cannot be grasped. They resemble a nebulous mass. They still have atoms though.


Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 09:28 pm:  
Do you know if there is anything that we can do in our daily lives to prevent cancer? This is the last I ask about this topic :-)
There are theories that say that it is possibly
triggered by the enviorment, foods, habits. Any insights would be helpful.
Thank you

Various factors play a role in this: nourishment, constitution, heredity, environmental influences, radioactivity (like radon seeping up from the ground and flowing into houses), etc.
You can use gamma interferon, eat yoghurt, vitamin C, nourishment additions (minerals etc.), move your body, refrain from smoking and drinking and using drugs, etc. etc. However, there is no 100%-proof way of preventing cancer (note by CF: at least not here on earth).


Posted on Friday, September 30, 2005 - 03:29 am:  
Hi Billy.
From time to time I and friends discuss the high spiritual level, which to best of my memory, in FIGU is called Arahat Athersata. We use to call this level 'Nivana square 2'. Do you aggree in this expression?
Cheers, Niels

Arahat Athersata is the lowest of the purely spiritual levels.


Posted on Friday, September 30, 2005 - 02:52 pm:  
Hi Billy, Why did you & Asket confront George Adamski?

Billy attended Adamski's lecture in Zurich with a few colleagues. Adamski showed 8mm footage and spoke about happenings which simply could not have been true. So Billy asked Asket to accompany him to confront Adamski in one of the rooms of the building where the lecture was held.
Unfortunately, Adamski hadn't the greatness and courage to confess the untruth of his statements after having realized that his fraud was unveiled and that Asket really was an extraterrestrial woman.


Posted on Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 10:33 pm:  
Greetings Billy.
Always thanks for your good answers to good questions.
Question: Do you know if the Russian's weather war projects such as "EIT", if they are just as harmfull to the planet's atmosphere, etc, as is the American's "HAARP" project up there in Alaska.
Thanks and peace in being,
James Truthseeker

What's EIT?


Posted on Monday, October 03, 2005 - 10:03 am:  
Guten Tag Zafiriou,
Although I haven't read the contact notes about the sohar, I have experienced what I perceived to be a reality-based form of insight as I was showering some time ago. I felt at this time as if I was a streak of light, my vision was abnormally clear while feeling my past lives and my progress. Is this legitimate? I felt warm and I could figuratively see and feel a straight white wormlike cord/tunnel with little gaps as if this was my time in the beyond, it went so far back I could not see it anymore but it did extend to where I am currently in this lifetime. It only lasted 9 or 10 seconds.
Daisy, Eduard Meier is no longer married to his wife kalliope Zafiriou, so his last name is just Meier, not Zafiriou. Moderator - Jacob

It's a state/occurrence science of today doesn't have an explanation for. Such a state is triggered by a lack of oxygen in the brain, which has an influence on the eyes. As long as this state is not lasting too long, it is harmless.
This situation can happen while lying down, walking, or even showering, as in your case. As a rule, such experiences last for a short time only.
This experience is not equal to a real-vision.
A very similar experience (with the same cause) is the so-called tunnel effect people can experience when the have near-death experiences.


Posted on Monday, October 03, 2005 - 04:25 pm:  
Hello Mr. Meier,
I was already aware of you and your mission but only recently studied it indepth. From what I have read from the spiritual teaching alone leads me to colcude, that your information to be legitmate and in a class far above most of what I have seen. They resonate with my own sense of truth. Thank you for all your hard work and the burden and risks you have taken on.
I have looked over the website and the internet but I couldn't find an explination as the origins of the black race. All I know is there not from earth. Where did they come from?

See answer above.


Posted on Monday, October 03, 2005 - 07:19 pm:  
I was a speaker with Michael Horn at the resent Nexus conference in Brisbane Australia. Michael is great fun and he presents your case in a very believable manner...I asked him the question below and he suggested that I ask you directly..
As the founder of the Shambhallah Awareness Centre you can understand my fascination with the Shambhallah philosophy and legend.
I have been invited on an expedition to Mongolia/Alti/Tibet/Kashmir to go to a couple of possible locations...If the culture is the most ancient, advanced and harmonious civilization on the planet as all reports from previous visitors seem to indicate, then I'm sure that they would have had contact with your Plejarans.. Has there been anything ever been transmitted about Shambhallah to you Billy, if not can you ask the Plejarans about it's location?

Billy doesn't know the exact location of Agharta. He never asked. However, he met with persons coming from there.


Posted on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 - 10:00 am:  
Dear Billy,
I hope you are well. I am wondering about the effects of the peace meditation. If there are 3.5 billion Extraterrestrials + 4000 or so Earthlings doing the peace meditation and that is not enough to stop a third world war, how many more participants would it take to stop the war?
Thank you!

Even 100 billion persons are not enough if there are people who don't want to make peace, but prefer quarrel and war.
Peace meditation slightly influences a vibration. It is no coercion.
The free will of any person is guaranteed.
As a rule only persons respond to these vibrations who do not strive for power, who are modest and who are peace-loving. This is a minority only, unfortunately. However, in the course of time this minority will become the majority.


Posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2005 - 12:33 am:  
Hi Billy,
A news report on TV recently featured a doctor who said less than 2 hours of TV per day can be damaging to our health. He also recommended children under 5 not watch any TV at all. This is to prevent health and psychological problems such as antisocial behaviour, learning dificulties and premature puberty.
The parents presented in the report say that educational TV programs in the early years will help their children gain important knowledge. I remember 2 young girls, who's parents leave them on their own to watch TV after school until they go to bed at night. This appears to be a common practice within todays families.
Although i'm not aware of significant health problems, I feel such parents are neglecting family responsibilities and need to spend more time interacting with their children.
If this doctors observations are true, are you aware of how many hours of TV(including video games) per day is acceptable before developmental problems may present?
Thank you,

As with many things this differs from individual to individual.
Of course a controlled consummation time of TV programs may be important and beneficial.


Posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2005 - 08:50 am:  
Hi Billy
Thanks for the answer regarding Vulcan and UNI.
I refer to "And Still They Fly" page 187 Fig.11-1 where The Planets of our SOL System are shown as at 75000 years ago.
In that picture, the planet Malona, Transpluto and UNI are shown, yet, Vulcan is not in the picture.
My question is: Are Vulcan, Transpluto and UNI still exist? Can you give some comments regarding these planets?

Billy doesn't have special knowledge about these planets/objects.


Posted on Thursday, October 06, 2005 - 06:29 am:  
Salome Billy,
In times past on Earth we have had thousands of years of peace and progress only to start all over again from the ashes (more than once) because of new wars, death and destruction.
In view of the fine progress of the mission so far, what genuine assurance is there that any future peace we may have under a democratic form of government with decent leaders and people actually living by the Natural, Creational Laws, will be a permanent peace that will last this time without being interupted again? Is it partly because we are entering the Age of Aquarius and are bringing with us a certain legacy and heritage into this New Age?
Lonnie Morton

You are wrong. In the last 10,000 years there were 250 years only when no war happened on Earth.
There is no guarantee that there won't be ashes again. This depends whether or not the war-mongering governments and leaders are left in their positions or are driven from their offices by the people.


Posted on Thursday, October 06, 2005 - 08:34 am:  
hi Billy
i hope you are doing fine
do you know if homeopathy is really useful ? (even homeopathists don´t know exactly how it works they just say that their experience tells them it does)
and take care
P.S. i hope i can visit Switzerland in pair of years and have a nice chess game with you!

Homeopathy is useful only if there is still some part of the active agent present. If not, it's a case of "imposition of hands" or placebo effect.


Posted on Thursday, October 06, 2005 - 11:59 am:  
Hello Billy,
What advice could you offer to someone who feels his life is filled with things he has to do and not with things he wants to do?

Study the spiritual teachings, then you will see what you shall do.


Posted on Friday, October 07, 2005 - 07:18 am:  
Dear Mr. Meier,
As you have observed, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Since that is clearly the case and it seems unstoppable, rather than getting all torqued up by deteriorating world conditions, should we just lie back and enjoy the ride?

It is not unstoppable. Just lying back doesn't change anything. It's the individuals who are changing the masses.


Posted on Saturday, October 08, 2005 - 06:40 am:  
I acknowledge the Spirit within you, is this the correct translation?
Can you please explain the notion of how 'cellular memory' is encoded in the growing fetus? I have such a memory from the womb and I am fascinated. With age and intuition I think that I know why and how it might even correlate with my 'health' issues.
Sincerely, melli

Question # 2: No.


Posted on Sunday, October 09, 2005 - 10:45 pm:  
Hi Billy,
The plejarens are 30 millions years ahead of us in the scheme of spiritual evolution and are 8 thousand years ahead of us in their technological advancement level. I would like to know why the plejarens have left their technolgical advancement level so far behind to where their spiritual evolution level is when I can see a couple of reasons why it might be better off for them to have a higher technological advancement level to where it is now. One of those reasons I can see is that their job they've taken on is somewhat of a cosmic police force and the other reason I can see (according to what I've read so far) is that they would still have to defend themselves and their home planet Erra mostly on their own if they were ever attacked someday by some unwelcomed ET's out there who might want to do that to them. I don't understand why the plejarens have left their technological advancement (defensive) level a staggering 30 million years behind to where their spiritual evolution level is?
many thanks phil

Spiritual evolution needs much more time than technical evolution/advancement. While technical development can stagnate and fall, spiritual evolution gradually increases. Spiritual evolution is always ahead of technical advancement.


Posted on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 08:10 pm:  
Hi Billy (and Christian)
Hope you doing fine.
I am very interested and curious to know your assessment and opinion on Josef Ratzinger, recently elected pope Benedict XVI. Specially with regards that he is german speaking.
(any contact report with Ptaah on this matter?)
Thank you and kind regards

He's a religious fanatic.


Posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 03:06 am:  
Hi Billy!
Do you know of a way to get rid of unwanted desires/thoughts? I've meditated for a long time now, but it does not seem to work. I have some problems with it,its not that I do practise them. My deepest wish is to get rid of this problems. I hope you have a good answer to it.

Continue with meditation. You have to control your thoughts and feelings. Concentrate on other things than those you usually are having in your head.


Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 02:17 am:  
good day billy
concerning vibrations ,is there a diffrence with negative and positive vibrations/fluidal forces .or could it be looked at like a scale with low vibrations and high vibrations and nuetral somewhere in between resonating at a certain level?
peace be

Vibrations are always neutral. Fluidal forces (which are vibrations of a fine-structure matter) are neutral, too. However, such vibrations can be, and are, used by human beings in a negative or positive or neutral way, depending on the human being's personality, etc.


Posted on Saturday, October 15, 2005 - 09:18 pm:  
Greetings and Good Day,
Now, the sohar is the manifesting light of the spirit. Regarding the appearance and activity of the sohar, can it be stated that it normally appears as a concentrated circular light with a very high rate of pulse?And in a "relaxed" state of consciousness, the rate of pulse slows down to such a degree, that it will now expand outward as a field of violet light and then collapse. Then it will expand outward into a field of yellow light and then collapse, just pulsing on and on in this
Life Will Go On

The sohar is not circular, and it is not yellow. Sohar is million-fold brighter than the sun, but it does not dazzle (you don't see it with your eyes).
The sohar is formless and can be compared to walking into mist.


Posted on Sunday, November 27, 2005 - 11:05 am:  

Dear Billy
If someone is born with specific abilities in say Maths or Art. Do these abilities come from their parents via genetic inheritence or via the individual's spiritform?
If it's from the spiritform, does the spiritform influence the individual by influencing the genes?

Genetic inheritance is possible, but a rare incident.
Usually this has to do with "breakthroughs" of strong impulses from the "storage banks". These impulses are based on the experiences/knowledge of one's own former personalities.


Posted on Sunday, November 27, 2005 - 05:24 pm:  
Hi Billy,
If for some reason you ever had to move to the USA, where would you choose to live.

Billy doesn't know the different regions of the USA well enough. There are so many beautiful places there to live.


Posted on Monday, November 28, 2005 - 09:31 am:  

From time to time I and friends discuss the high spiritual level, which to best of my memory, in FIGU is called Arahat Athersata. We use to call this level 'Nivana square 2'. Do you aggree in this expression?

Arahat Athersata is the lowest of the purely spiritual levels.

Thank you for this answer.
What's the expression for the highest of the pure spiritual levels?
Thank you in advance!

Hi Niels,
According to the teachings the Petale level, which is a collective of spirit forms, is the highest spiritual level before entering back into the Creation. If you check the spiritual terminology section, you will find 7 spiritual levels listed from the Arahat Athersata level to the Petale level.

Scott is correct.


Posted on Monday, November 28, 2005 - 05:39 pm:  
Greetings Billy,
In some of the information from the contact notes (if I understood this correctly), a young boy was brought to Lahson & the spirit-form which is in you had to cohabitate in the boy's body, later on the boy died in our planet to reincarnate normally while the Nokodemnion spirit-form had to wait for a suitable host to start the mission.
This is not from the contact notes. Where did you get that information?
(Note by CF: The planet that played a certain role in those early incarnations was called Lasan.)
Can 2 spirit-forms occupy one physical body while traveling from one planet (i.e Lahson)to another??
Thanks a bunch for your greatness in knowledge
Saalome and BE WELL to ALL

No. A body can be occupied by one spirit form only (without exception!). However, it is possible that a body can be occupied by two or more (self-imagined and self-created) personalities. This is one of the different forms of schizophrenia.}

Hi Jay,
I'm not sure where you heard the information about a boy being taken to Lahson (perhaps in Randloph Winters Book?), but I asked a similar question earlier this year regarding how Billy's spirit form arrived on Earth. I received the following answer. Henok flew in and died here on Earth. I'm not sure that's the answer you were looking for, but I thought it might be helpful.


Posted on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - 05:35 am:  
Hello Billy...
I am very fascinated by physics and especially gravity. I have read unofficial versions of the contact notes and I am unclear about something written there about gravity. Is gravity a net result of 2 coexisting forces (one repulsive and one attractive), or is gravity only a single effect which can be EITHER attractive or repulsive?
Thanks for the help!!!

Billy doesn't know. However, has learned that matter, heat, cold, electro-magnetic vibrations etc. play a role.


Posted on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - 11:40 pm:  
hi billy,
firstly, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity and privilage of communicating with you in this fashion. Secondly, I would like to also thank you again for you doing the unthinkable and choosing of your own accord to come all the way back from the Arahat Athersata level back to this primitive spiritual level and place here for the benefit of helping to guide me back onto the correct spiritual evolution path to creation which I got lost on so long ago now, for this I am eternally gratefull to you.
My question is about the Plejarens penalty for the crime of adultery on erra. The plejaren men are allowed to be married to several wives whereas the plejaren women are only allowed to be marrried to one person. If a plejaren committs the crime of adultery in their marriage, the penalty they would recieve for committing the crime of adultery is the same penalty that they would recieve if they had committed the crime of murder on erra, which is they would be sent to live alone in exile for the rest of their entire life. My question is why do the plejarens have to be strictly controlled by social laws with what they do in their priviate marital lives and why is the penalty for someone committing adultery on erra such an extremely severe penalty too?
Thanks Con

Contrary to the terrestrial penalty system, the Plejaren's system has only one sentence/penalty: to be banished from society. However, the duration of this sentence or penalty depends on the severity of the crime that has been committed. This may last from a couple of weeks, months or years up to the entire lifetime.
The Plejarens don't know crime among them since thousands of years and, therefore, didn't have to apply this penalty system for the same duration.


Posted on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 03:15 am:  
Hi Billy,
The suggested population number for humans on Earth(500,000,000+) is ruffly the same as the current proper population level on Erra. I am wondering if this Earth number takes into account the massive desertification that has taken place due to our present overpopulation and If Erra has similar desert areas.
a friend in america

The population limit number for human beings on Earth (529 millions) may still be applied to the actual situation even though deforestation and desertification have proceeded during the last several decades. If only 529 million people would inhabit the Earth today everything (resources, crops, etc.) would be available plentifully.


Posted on Friday, December 02, 2005 - 07:04 pm:  
Hi Billy,
Would it be silly if I was to stop buying products and services that originate from a country that allows capital punishment?
I feel very inclined to make a list of rogue nations from which I will dissociate in certain matters.

This would be very effective if all those countries which have abolished capital punishment would execute this. You can do this on a personal level of course, but it would not have any effect in the desired direction.
Just a thought: In the USA certain states have banished capital punishment. How would you differ?


Posted on Saturday, December 03, 2005 - 12:18 am:  
Hello Billy,
When reading through mystery literature of fact some years ago, I came across a phenomen of spontaneous combustion of person. These stories describe that a person dies within short time and sometimes the clothes and surroundings remain partly intacted.
Is it a real pheneomen caused somehow by ones consciousness as one of the theories tell, or is it based differently?
Thank you

It is a real, but rare phenomenon and is caused by the person's thinking, feelings, psyche and the entire mental block.


Posted on Saturday, December 03, 2005 - 02:21 am:  

Hi Billy
Thank you for your previous answer mentioning that a spiritform in the beyond is always aware of itself.
While it was also mentioned that the spiritform does not have an self-aware-consciousness, so an communication is simply not possible because the spirit-consciousness lacks the capabilities to respond.
And, the spirit gains consciousness/self-awareness at the moment it reaches the level of Arahat Athersata.
It seems that the two messages are presenting opposite side point of view.
My question is: Could you please explain a bit more on the self-aware-consciousness characteristics of the spiritform in the beyond?

The spirit form is always aware of itself. The spirit form, however, has no personal consciousness or awareness. There is nothing present what we understand as "personal" or "personality".
However, there exist certain factors that bring kind of an individuality to/in spirit forms but, as has been said before, NOT in a personal form.


Posted on Saturday, December 03, 2005 - 02:21 pm:  

Dear Billy,
Once a person dies who has lived a normal full life their Spirit and CCB (Comprehensive Consciousness Block) will go into the fine matter world. At this point what has been learned during the previous life will be processed and digested, and then at some future point the Spirit/CCB will incarnate into a new body.
If a person's life is terminated "early" by either illness, accident or murder this will stop the evolution of that person's Spirit until the Spirit incarnates into a new body. Does the Spirit stay in the fine matter world for the proportion of time needed to process what has been learned up to this point, or does it reincarnate as soon as possible to pick up where it left off at in its previous life? It would seem if the Spirit reincarnates too soon, this would cause greater confusion within the personality, and cause more problems for the person.
Thank you.

The actions in a former life have no influence on the duration of the spirit form's stay in the beyond. This process is regulated by spiritual laws. On Earth the reincarnation cycles are out of order because of overpopulation.
Yes, if a spirit form reincarnates too soon this causes problems.


Posted on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 12:56 am:  

Dear Billy,
As I ponder different strategies and possibilities for preventing the 3rd World Fire, many effective methods come to mind. While I reside in the USA, I feel a pressing and neccessary manifold task to disect, comprehend and complete. I have a drive as many do to affect people in the most beneficial manner that I can, through prayer, example and advice. As these are always very effective methods for creating a positive/neutral change. Writing papers to news centers is another, where I've actaully made some changes, but, I know this is not enough, as we need something far greater to assist our evolution.
What are your thoughts on gathering like-minded groups of people to rid my governments infestation of lying, warmongering criminals my so-called leaders, organized thorough plan with honest motives for peace, carried out in a balanced manner, but done through force? Ultimately I'm asking if a focus should be on a meeting of minds and educating through the power of a collective conciousness overthrow instead of a plan designed to "forcefully" remove our leaders, or both?

Prayers, as long as they have a religious character, are useless. Example and advice are good.
To forcefully remove criminal leaders etc. is not right, because changes must be executed by enlightenment/informing and on a peaceful way. Another possibility is taking the legal way, such as the process of removal from office.


Posted on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 03:48 am:  

Greetings Billy,
Comment: From what I know so far, EIT is English for what the Russians have according to their own weather war manipulation projects much like the American HAARP in Alaska. Therefore EIT is a group called "Elate Intelligent Technologies". In this case it finally became public knowledge back in around October 2 1992 and later in around Nov 1997, a request was made to this group from Malaysia to create an artificial cyclone to clean their air from pollution. Therefore I would assume that such weather manipulation even from the Russians can have global consequences in much the same way as the American Haarp. It has also been observed from as far back as the early 1980's, a sudden change in the jet stream over Siberia.
Just to comment on George Adamski, I believe he forged his information and story from a woman known as "Madeleine Rodeffer" who actually later filmed UFOs herself back in 1965 just before his death. Unfortunately her original film may have also been tampered with, but even then I believe those UFOs were still of Earthly origin. A few years later, an X-wife of Dan Fry "Tahahlita B. Wiese Fry" also filmed a similar looking saucer which unfortunately some photos frames from her film may have later been wrongly distributed publicly by a "Fritz Van Nest" as his own photos of a UFO. Looks like Adamski was by far not the only one of his type.
Question: It is my understanding that a common New Age belief in spirit guides, channelling or imaginary friends can actually lead a person to develop a psychosis or schizophrenia. Also I see a lot of New Age imitation over the years of people trying to be important like well known Edgar Cayce. But even Edgar Cayce is said to have Channelled 2 entities while sleeping, known as Ra-Ta and Halaliel. There may have been others too. Exactly who was Edgar Cayce channelling in his sleep and how is that possible?
Thanks and peace in being,
James Truthseeker

Billy doesn't know EIT, or the background of Adamski.
Edgar Cayce had a certain form of schizophrenia where it is possible (or through which he was able) to see things that are in line with reality. He could perceive things that were true. There are many persons on this planet who appear absolutely "normal", but who are "suffering" from a certain form of schizophrenia (there exist different forms). Their consciousness is affected. Very often the communication is done/presented via so-called "higher beings". (Note by CF: But in reality such "higher beings" don't exist.)


Posted on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 04:57 am:  

How much should we follow the rules of Feng Shui?
I find some parts quite scientific (such as water veins affecting human body), but it is generally about the energy streams decided by location of residences or positions of furniture, doors and windows, which are claimed to be a key to better health and more wealth.

According to Bulletin #43, Feng Shui is a pseudo science, such as chakra healing etc. and has no basis in fact.

Scott quotes Ptaah correctly. Billy himself doesn't well-enough know that "belief system" (term invented by CF).


Posted on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 08:17 am:  

Hi Billy:
How can reincarnation be proved by logic?

When the human being comes into this world (birth) he is absolutely unknowing. It is impossible that a human being - during his lifetime -- can work out all of his knowledge and wisdom in one life only. The human being's consciousness is based on a basic block of knowledge resulting/stored from former existences.
When a spirit form is incarnating for the first time the human being will be/appear a "complete idiot".


Posted on Wednesday, December 07, 2005 - 12:00 am:  

hi billy,
it is mentioned that we shouldn't execute our criminal murderers because they will be born with the same tendency to murder again in their next life.
There is no such thing as a "tendency" in the next life.
my question is if the plejarens discovered that one of their people on erra had committed a severe crime like murder, but the person who committed that crime has since past away, would the plejarens punish this person in his next life to punish him for the crime he had committed in his prior life, and if so, at what age in the persons life would the plejarens carry out the punishment on him too.
thanks phil

Besides the fact that the Plejarens don't know any crime since thousands of years, your "theoretical question" is based on the nonsense of the false teachings of karma or "karmic thinking". What you ask or suggest has absolutely nothing to do with reality.


Posted on Thursday, December 08, 2005 - 03:01 pm:  

Hi Billy,
Hope you are doing well. Does someone who has achieved the level of Ishwish have the ability to teleport or to time travel via spiritual power only?

This is effected by consciousness-related forces/powers, not by spiritual power.
To be an Ishwish doesn't guarantee that the person has the abilities in question. An Ishwish may be very knowing in technical matters, but not so in spiritual or consciousness-related or wise matters.


Posted on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 08:52 pm:  

dear billy
thank you for the opportunity
Billy, if you had heard about Lyndon H Larouche Jr, a former presidential candidate in USA, whose efforts to oust president george bush, dick cheney and the neo-conservative government from office through setting up his Executive Intelligence Review, what is your opinion regarding this person?

Billy doesn't know (about) him.


Posted on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 10:32 pm:  

Hallo Billy,
When a child is born from an unplanned pregnancy, what are the consequences in life for the child and the parents of this child?
I have been told that a difficult life is to be expected for both child and parent/s due to such an unplanned birth. Some clarification on this issue would be helpful.
Thank you.
With warm greetings,

It depends on the parents' thinking and education and on the self-education by the child as it gets older. In other words: If the parents decide to be good parents etc. (and act accordingly), even if the child has not be planned, then the life of the child can be as good as any other's.


Posted on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 07:11 am:  

Salome Billy,
There are many on this forum who have been debating with one another about how to remove the corrupt political leaders from positions of power here in the US. You yourself have said that these people need to be removed because they are leading the entire world into disaster. We all want them out. There is no disagreement here. We know we need to create a good voting system. This is a start. But many don't see exactly how this can be done.
Would you please reiterate once again for the benefit of FIGU members and all concerned, what steps we possibly could take to bring about some positive change in this country?
Lonnie Morton

A similar question has been answered before. Use the legal system, for example. And educate and enlighten other people. (Note by CF: Found groups of like-minded people.)


Posted on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 07:55 pm:  

Hi Billy,
Wishing you & all well into our new year !!
Regarding the "high council" beings, part energy, part physical:
Apart from through the Plejarens and yourself, have there been any other visitations or direct influences from any of these beings on earth, and if so, in which way?
Thanks & regards,

No, there haven't been such (certainly not).


Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 12:30 am:  

Hi Billy
Could you please explain, what is the purpose and functions of black holes in the universe?

They are there for "universal recycling". Black holes are the beginning and end of galaxies, suns, planets, etc. They are an important factor in the cycle of becoming, growing and passing away.


Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 10:00 am:  

American plans of Middle East expansion seem to be at a standstill due to their ineptitude in carrying out the Iraq war. Many people expected the Iranian and Syrian regimes to have been toppled by now. But due to waning support for the Iraq war and the growing awareness of people about the true intentions of the Bush administration, it seems unlikely that further wars could be carried out successfully. So it appears the Bush administration may finish out their second term without causing the start of WWIII. If the prophesized timetable for WWIII is still 2010 or 2011, that means the actions of the next American president will be the catalyst for starting WWIII. Clearly the Bush administration has sown the seeds to unite radical Islamic fundamentalists against America. However, will the next American president do even more than Bush towards bringing about the start of WWIII?
P.S.: I don't know if it is significant but, in numerology, the numbers 43 and 44 have very bad meanings. Bush is the 43rd American president and his successor will be the 44th.

Billy doesn't know who will be the next president.


Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 10:36 am:  

Hello Mr. Meier:
If a person is otherwise healthy but is easily distracted and has difficulty focusing on the task at hand, this demonstrates an inability to control his thoughts.
Do you have any advice or recommendations (mental exercises or natural remedies) to help a person improve his focus and concentration? In particular I am asking about young school-children (8-10 years old) who might have difficulty learning meditation.
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Natural remedies most probably do exist, but Billy doesn't know them.
He recommends meditation and meditative exercises. The children can repeat a mantra, a sentence or focus on some concentration point (like a candle's flame).
The exercises should be done in a quiet room or surrounding, but not too quiet. There should not be isolation so as not to evoke fear and uneasiness, etc.


Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 11:15 pm:  

Hey Billy,
I've read on figu, of course, that animals have spiritforms also like us human beings. Knowing we are in the first stage coarse matter universe, what is the fate of all the animals? Will they also evolve to become one with creation or will they meet their elimination when the spiritual universe comes into being..??

The animal spirit forms will not be eliminated, but will unite with the energy block from where they emerged in the beginning.


Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 07:14 am:  

Hi Billy
When you were a small boy, Sfath mentioned that when you reach an old age, your wisdom and knowledge will be even greater than his own. Since Sfath was an IHWH, does it mean that you are (or will become) an IHWH ?

This doesn't mean that Billy will become an IHWH, but it relates to the fact that he (will have) has access to the storage banks of the Nokodemjon, Henok and Henoch personalities, where he can draw off the complete knowledge. Since the P's don't have access to this very ancient knowledge (and vibrational plane), it is possible (and actually occurring) that Billy can work for the P's and teach them spiritual knowledge.


Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 08:33 am:  

Hello Eduard,
As far as I know the brain has several parts which are responsible for registering different senses, like the visual cortex which is largely responsible for actually registering optical impulses from the eyes, etc, etc.
As far as I know that, the frontal cortex is mainly responsible for reasoning, according to the Earth scientists.
The question is this:
What is / are the mechanism(s) / structure(s)/ processes/ location(s) in the material consciousness that is responsible for the actual self-awareness of the personality?
Greetings to you, everybody at the center and the Plejarens
"If you measure the size of your Ego to the size of your knowledge or what you assume you know, then you should always try to remember that your ignorance is infinitely larger, then any knowledge you have."

Billy doesn't know which part of the brain is involved in these processes.


Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 01:58 pm:  

Hi Billy, Is it true that a photo copy of the TJ exists in the British Museum or some other place?



Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 01:00 pm:  

There appear to be parallels between your prophecies in Contact 251 and Nostradamus regarding the possibility of WWIII. You indicate that WWIII will start less than 2 years after four heads of state die within a period of seven days. Nostradamus indicates a war will unfold shortly after the death of an individual called MABUS (GW Bush?) who will be destroyed in retaliation for the overthrow/destruction of three Eastern Kings. You have also indicated that the US and President Bush and his administration are the greatest threat towards the possible outbreak of WWIII.
If President Bush completes his term in office (expiring January 2009) and three middle-eastern heads-of-state do not die within seven days of each other, can it safely be said that the threat of WWIII will have passed, and if not, why?

Billy doesn't know. He didn't preoccupy himself very much with details about prophecies, or with Nostradamus.


Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 04:16 pm:  

Hello Billy:
I am most concerned, living in what could become "a land of total destruction", the U.S.A., should world war 3 come. But, didn't "And Still they Fly," the book say that it would come two years after a time when France and Spain become involved in war across their borders, among other signs known just before the time known, and would South America be considered a safer place than North America or most other northern hemisphere places, due to its dominished military value?? (it's lack of military targets?)
thank you, David Lewis

(This kind of question has been answered several times in this part of the forum.) A prophecy is not a firm fact, but the outcome depends on the thinking and acting of the leaders, nations und people. At this moment, the situation looks a tiny bit better because G.W. Bush has slowed down somewhat in his threats and actions etc. However, France and Israel give reasons to new concerns, etc.


Posted on Monday, December 26, 2005 - 12:53 pm:  

Hi Billy,
Is it helpful to use astrology and numerology in finding someone compatible for a true love relationship?
Lonnie Morton

No, it isn't, because numerology and astrology, as they are known and used on Earth, are not at all reliable. What one should use is pure reason (Vernunft), human intelligence (Menschenverstand), logic; one's own thoughts and feelings, and "Empfindungen" from the spiritual realm.


Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 03:10 am:  

Hi Billy, only u can awnser this Q to me, have U heard of me, stephen 21 from Montebello CA and is it infact the Plajaren who has come in-contact with me???? I try dropping U thoughts all the time too...

Neither have the P's had contacts with you, nor did Billy hear your thoughts.


Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 03:32 pm:  

Hello again Mr Meier...First I would like to thank you for giving us in the forum some of your time periodically in order to answer our questions. I for one appreciate it.
My question involves the power of the spirit and the consciousness. Specifically I would like to know why people with strong beliefs may cause spiritual abilities to be activated, even when they believe in something false, like an all-knowing God (not Creation)? To be even more clear, I refer to a paraphrase from Talmud Jmmanuel that says something like "having the knowledge that your spirit can do something gives you the ability" and "when you doubt you lose the power of your knowledge"... Elsewhere in the Talmud it says that know and then you might receive out of a strong belief, even though it may be a belief not based on the truth.
I guess my question is more correctly stated: Can you please clarify a little on the above topic? I do not know exactly how to phrase my question succinctly but I am interested in why knowledge/confidence allows one to perform feats of spirit and consciousness yet so does a false belief. Thank you again and sorry for the "long winded" question! Smile!!!

Strong belief can be as powerful as effective knowledge. However, there is a big difference between belief and knowledge.
Belief: something is believed or assumed, and there is some hope involved (that a god etc. exists). A belief can never be proven.
Knowledge: there is absolute knowledge that "it is as it is". Knowledge can be proven.
Both, belief and knowledge, are working as consciousness-related powers. It's the concentration on a wish or aim which works, be the origin a strong belief or mighty thoughts of knowledge.


Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 09:20 pm:  

Dear Billy, I will greatly appriciate if you could help me with answering the following question :
My question is in conern to the validity of the extra-ordinary abilities of the Bulgarian blind women going by the name of - Baba Vanga(Grandmother Vanga) - or Evangelia Dimitrova. If you have any other information partaining to specific claims she made during her lifetime this would be of further use. ( She claimed she was in contact with an Extra-Terretrial species )
My family lived in the same village as 'Baba Vanga' and my grandfathers mother was her best friend for the duration of her entire life. In this way I have first hand knowledge and validation of her predictions as they partain to my family(All predictions have occured without acception, exactly as foretold), and I know-of many others with lesser certainty.
I am in confliction however because she was and is world famous and recieved money for services- medical diagnoses and fortune-telling. This is contrary to the attributes ascribed by the Plejarens to persons of true extra-ordinary ability.

Billy didn't hear/know of Baba Vanga.
What can be said is that, time and time again, people appear who have prophetic abilities = who have some knowledge about the basic processes, and who then can derive happenings from this, because everything is based on cause and effect.


Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 08:15 pm:  

Hi Billy
Edward T. Martin mentioned in his book "King of Travelers - Jesus' Lost Years in India" that there is another book called "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi Dowling.
It seems that the case of Levi Dowling is very much alike that of Edgar Cayce, because his book is termed "Transcribed from the Akashic Records".
Within Levi's book, described Jmmanuel's spiritual teachings, education, preaching and adventures in the East, story was told up to the 'risen from the dead'.
My question is:
Do you have any comments regarding Levi and his book? What accuracy (%) is the information provided within the book?

Billy doesn't know / has not read these books.


Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 12:59 am:  

Hi Billy
Whatever happened to Jitschi?
Did he try to contact you later on in life?
Did he go public in anyway with his experiences?
Did they blow his mind?:-)

Hi Matt,
If I remember correctly Jitschi was told by Asket never to reveal any of this to anyone. He died I think in 1996 or 1997 and he apparently never spoke a word to anyone about his experiences for the remainder of his life.

That's correct.


Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 11:13 am:  

Guten Tag Billy
I quote from your "And there shall be peace on earth...":
"Problems of any kind, be it fear, hatred, revenge, cowardice, terror, lust for power and retaliation, or whatever else, cannot and may not be simply filed or buried in one's memory or subconsciousness, with the hope that they simply disappear. In fact, the problems remain existent and maliciously push into the foreground again and again causing uncontrollable harm. In the worst case the consequences will be war, hatred, vindictiveness, murder, greed for power, and striving to gain power; as well as terror, fanaticism, or homicide of the most evil form. To fight against these evil forms of degenerations is more or less unsuccessful. Thus it is not possible to simply file away these problems in one's memory or subconsciousness, for they need a clear resolution and dissolution. The only way that this can happen is by leading the existing problems into an acute state, where their particulars and subtleties can be consciously examined, analysed, cleared up and dissolved. Putting problems into an acute state means that problems -whatever they are, whether they relate to themselves or to a single fellow-human being, or to several of them, or to an entire nation, the environment, or even to the whole of mankind - are tackled in the way whereby they are consciously brought forward and made to exist in the present where they are recognisable and acute. In this way they become highly active and break forth like an explosion. However, that has to happen in a quiescent state, in where the problems that are becoming acute become mobile only in the thoughts and feelings and do not break out externally. The problems, therefore, are not becoming externally effective but are only directed inwards, towards the thoughts, feelings and emotions. And as the problem's eruption takes place consciously occurring only in the inside, since there were no external factors present such as other people, activities, situations, etc., this is called a quiescent state; because quiet prevails externally and the fight only takes place internally. The problems don't have to be fought and overcome in an external condition that is unreal, for they are not externally existent. Thus this process only takes place internally acute in thoughts, feelings and emotions, and can be consciously controlled, analysed, worked upon and dissolved iota for iota. Therefore, all emotions as well as problems of any kind are in an external quiescent state when they are placed into an acute condition in the innermost self. Which is why it is also taught that emotional problems and any other forms of problems can only be worked upon and dissolved in their quiescent state."
My question is: Can you please elaborate on "consciously controlled, analysed, worked upon and dissolved iota for iota" and give examples?
Vielen Dank

The human being has to learn for himself the content/nature of the spiritual laws and commandments, and has to ask himself: How to I behave as a human being towards other human beings, towards myself and towards the universe, in order to see and learn what I do in a false way, and then to learn from it. It means to learn constantly, all the time, and to ask oneself: What is correct, what is false? And if you detect something that is false, eliminate it.


Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 04:22 pm:  

hi billy,
for the past year now I've been trying to attempt to change my old problematic lifestyle to anew to be in line with your spirit teachings but I've been having trouble trying to get myself motivated to get my life in order so to speak as well as trying to take more responsibility for myself and my actions too. There is nothing I would like more then to leave that old problematic lifestyle behind. Is there anything you can suggest that I can do to help me overcome these two areas of problems (responsibility, motivation) that I feel are holding me back, like as in exercises that I can do or whatever else that might be?
many thanks Con

The same answer as the one just above applies here as well.
First you have to build up a strong motivation, and then build up the will to change what should be changed. It's important to realize that you are self-responsible for everything that you do, or don't do.


Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 10:01 pm:  

Hello Billy,
I know that you and members of the FIGU and many other people throughout the world have put in much effort to ensure the success of the "Mission".
My concerns are for the future of the "Mission" because at some time in the future you will pass away as we all do. I have thought there are people on this planet that may not wish the mission to succeed, but because you are still alive they may be hesitant to intervene until your passing. Since the Plejarens are in possession of technologies many times greater than what is known on earth it would seem these darker elements may not want to attempt anything for fear of being exposed or even stopped. Since it is known by these trouble makers that you are the only one in contact with the Plejarens, it seems the mission may be jeopardized once the Plejarens leave us and we will not have the advantage of receiving yours and their helpful information.
My question is, are there any safeguards afforded the rest us who are striving for the continuation of the mission once we are left on our own?
Thank you very much for listening and answering the many questions for the English speaking people of this planet on this forum.

Never before has such an amount of knowledge (or spiritual and consciousness-related) been available in writing on this planet. It is even much more than has been planned. To publish everything in writing and distributing it all over the world makes sure that the knowledge will not perish again in the future. Billy's relatives and FIGU will ensure that everything (the Mission) continues.


Posted on Sunday, January 01, 2006 - 10:05 am:  

Greetings Billy,
There's a person which I've heard a number of people talk about called "Jesus Maitreya" who's commonly referred to as the anti-Christ by many Christian believers. Personally I believe it to be all a hoax, however there was a particular individual seeing once in Nairobi Kenya back on June 11 1988 performing so-called miracles for the local residence living in the area from which photos were taken, following of which he was never really seen again despite the many claims by Benjamin Creme.
Question and if you know the answer: Who really was this person who appeared in Nairobi Kenya back on June 11 1988? If you don't know then perhaps you can find out for me and others, eh!
Also I think all this talk about Helena Petrovna Blavatsky should be finally cleared up as there too exists a group of photos in circulation concerning her involved with 3 individuals who are calling themselves the ascended masters of "Kuthumi, El Myora, and Saint Germain".
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

All this talk about that Jesus Maitreya is nonsense and not in accordance with reality. The same is true with so-called "ascended masters", meaning, that they also don't exist in reality.


Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 03:01 am:  

You roughly stated, "If we were granted time to socialize with the Plajaren, we would soon become addicted due to their high vibration spiritforms". With that said, Can others of whom a native earth spirit is present become addicted or attracted to the extraterrestrial earth spiritforms as well??

Daisey, In the future please submit only one question per round.

What can be said is that all of those persons who came near/close to Plejarens in an unshielded/unprotected situation became crazy (one external person even killed himself when he met the ET Andron.).


Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 06:39 am:  

Hi Billy,
Could you explain a little about how one can be able to practice telepathy, moving objects, healing people? Ive noticed when meditating that my hands are getting warm, and I read from a person visiting you, that you had very warm hands.

Hi Dplotmach,
It appears your question may have accidentally been overlooked, sorry about that. Could you please re-post your question in the next round,


Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 01:18 pm:  

Lieber Freunde Herr Billy Meier,
Ich hoffe dass du im besten deiner Gesundheit bist, mein gut Freunde.
Ich habe nur diese frage an dich meinen Bruder.
Mein Herz ist immer von Kummer voll...und wird nie seinen Schmerz auf diesem bösen Planeten anhalten meinen Bruder Herr Billy Meier
Ich fühle mich darin dass diese bösen Menschheit nur die Wahrheit verstehen wird, wenn sie sehen der ganze Planet zu Feuer entschlossen, und wenn sie die brennende Hitze in der Nähe von ihren Türen empfinden.
Was kann ich machen um sich zu bemühen, zu Menschheit helfen?
Empfinde ich mich kraftlos, mit keiner Macht, um etwas zu machen aber an meiner Familie zu kleben, den Frau und Kinder und ich fühlen, dass ich sein werde, und sehe unseren Planeten werdend kraftlos zerstört dort an?
Es wird auch mehr 2 oder 3 tausend Jahre der gleichen bösen Religion auf die Erde nehmen und ich weiss, dass ich Hunderte von Zeiten mehr in diesem gleichen Planeten getragen zu werden, den gleichen Lügen, schlechteste Verunreinigung haben werde, kein Wasser zu Getränk.. eine wirkliche lebende Hölle auf der Erde.
Teile es mir bitte was können wir machen, mein Freunde?.
Liebe Grüsse, alles Gute und vor allem gute Gesundheit wünscht Dir
Der Beobachter trauriges Herz

*****English Translation of text above***

Dear friend Herr Billy Meier,
I hope you are in the best of your health my good friend.
I have only this question to you my brother.
My heart is always full of sorrows and will never stop its pain on this evil planet my brother Herr Billy Meier.
I feel inside that this humankind will only understand the Truth when they see the whole planet be set on fire and when they feel the burning heat close to their doors.
What can I do to try to help people? I feel myself with no strenght, no power in order to do something but to stick to my family, wife and children and I feel I will be there watching our planet being destroyed powerless?
It also will take more 2 or 3 thousand years of the same evil religion on earth and I know I will have to be born hundreds of times more in this same planet, the same lies, worst pollution, no water to drink..a real living hell on earth.
Please tell me what else can we do my friend?.
Best Regards and best wishes of good health to you.
Der Beobachter Edelweiß

Human beings must help themselves. As it is said in a German saying: You can throw stones into a garden, but the house must be built oneself.
Human beings have to bear and realize their self-responsibility, and they must be willing to learn and take advice.


Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2006 - 06:54 pm:  

Hy Billy.
I don't know if you hared about Lobsang Rampa. This man said that he was tibetan monk and when he was boy the lamas of the Tibet practiced a surgery on his forehead in the "third eye" with the purpose to see the aura of the peoples and other things.
If you know about this man, does is true what he said?

Billy doesn't know him.


Posted on Wednesday, January 04, 2006 - 12:19 am:  

Dear Billy,
Hope you and your family are doing well.I would like to ask another question regarding the first person to change the writings of Prophet Mohammed, Named Omar/Umar.
As you mentioned that he is a distant relative of the prophet. My question is was this person alive at the time of the prophet or was he from from later generations, and was he a follower of islam or not?
I hope you are able to answer the questions. Thank you for your time, it is much appreciated.
Regards, Badr
Peace to all, and one Love

He was from later generations, and yes, he was a follower of Islam.
Billy doesn't know the connections in detail. The falsifications led back to other persons.


Posted on Thursday, January 05, 2006 - 01:52 am:  

dear billy
Thank you for the opportunity
You said that through earthly processes the purely original earthly humans were formed around 4 to 6 million years ago but they were not completely human and several human lineage developed from it, one such lineage is the monkey.
If there was ever a reason by the higher spirit forms or by creative priniciples why the evolutive spirit was ordained to incarnate into the humanoid form and not the monkeys, can you give me some reasons why?
peace be with you

It's the law of evolution (material evolution) that is responsible for steering those processes. This depends on the development of the brain and the genes in the lineages.


Posted on Thursday, January 05, 2006 - 10:44 am:  

Dear Billy,
In the Contact Notes, former US President Ronald Regan is attributed with starting the actions that would ultimately lead to the prophesized third world war. I have never been fully clear on precisely which actions of his would be considered initiators for this war. There are a number of things to consider, such as branding the Soviet Union the "evil empire", escalating the military arms race, proposing the "Star Wars" missile defense system and supporting resistance fighters in Afghanistan. Can you please elaborate more on this topic?

There have been some changes in the course of events on Earth. And since a prophecy can be changed, this has happened here.


Posted on Friday, January 06, 2006 - 02:18 am:  

Greetings dear Billy...
I would like to ask a question concerning TJ 28:54 regarding "the land of
the horned king/from the land of the horned king to the sea where icy
mountains drift in the water", as being(and extending) in what/which land
Many Thank you's and Good Health to you..with much strength.

This person was of ET origin, and he had small horns, about 4 to 5 cm. His was looked upon as the god of the hunters. He was an ancestor of the Vikings or Northmen, respectively.


Posted on Saturday, January 07, 2006 - 09:36 pm:  

HEllo Mr. Meier - I'm new here in the FIGU and was told I should post my question to you here... Thanks for the opportunity. I've been studying the Meier material for about 5 months, and I find it intriguing that he produces so much information. The main reason that I joined this group is because I have schizoaffective disorder, a mild form of schizophrenia and nothing really seems to work. I'm on medications and I have been like this for about five years. I can't work and I can barely walk the streets because I have totally strange thoughts (like I feel I'm being followed). What, in your opinion, can I do about this? Should I take the drastic step of learning German and reading the books "The Psyche" or "OM"?? I find the material fascinating but I am more concerned with the spiritual aspects of the case. Has Billy ever cured anyone, or is it really true that this material is totally and completely genuine and safe and how can people apply it to their lives without going crazy?? My mental state is in a precarious condition at the time and I may not be able to handle the material. I really would like to know how...
Thanks in advance.

Meditation would be dangerous for you. You must find a connection to reality and concentrate on the things of everyday life, and you should direct/gather your thoughts in a clear manner. And of course you should take the medications.
And you should try to neutralize your delusion (Wahn).


Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 03:22 am:  

Hello Billy,
I would like to know if the Plejaren would experience any physical effects on their civilization if earthlings were to destroy ourselves and our planet. Do they have more at stake than just the karmic debt due to their involvement with our past. If we disappear do they lose something that is not replaceable. This is other than what any caring being feels at the lost of someone close to them.
Thank you and I wish you well.
a friend in america

There is no such thing as "karmic dept".
We don't know what they would feel.


Posted on Thursday, January 12, 2006 - 07:22 pm:  

hey there billy,
i originally intended to ask you no more questions and figure everything out for myself, by myself, but i figure one more question can only benefit me.
my question is, do you know of any e.t. or interdimensional craft that is semi-translucent and pink in colour, but has purple vein-like things around it's hull.
it also has what looks to be a ovular "screen" in the front, and when it flies around it emits a white mist that sort of glows.
can you tell me what type of race or from where the pilots of this craft come from?
thanks very much.
oh yeah, also i sent you a letter via mail, did you recieve it?
have a good day.

Billy did not yet receive your letter.
Regarding the main part of your letter: The answer is No.


Posted on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 06:12 pm:  
Hi Billy,
Thank you so much for answering my question. I have another question for you for this round of questions. I've been wanting to ask about the wish to have a baby. I meet all the guidelines except one. It is the following:
"Am I in good health regarding my psyche and consciousness (no schizophrenia, depression, etc.)"
I have schizoaffective disorder, and I don't know if it would be better for me not to procreate. How long do I have to wait before I can procreate - 7 years after I am well, as is the case with alcohol / drugs? Also(If I may, this question is a part of the original but I couldn't put it all in), how would I know if I am well? I think children give a person's life a little bit of meaning. I would really like to know your opinion on this...

Billy's advice is that you do not procreate. "Schizoaffective" and other disorders may be passed on to one's children. Besides, such disorders can reappear after 30 or 40 or more years.


Posted on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 06:21 pm:  

Hi Billy, I have noticed that people incarcerated in prisons have lots of time on their hands & some seem to change their life around, sometimes for Good and sometimes for Evil. I have noticed many prisoners covert to Islam, Christianity, Nazism & even Terrorism. They do so because of the influence of other prisoners & the type of reading material they are exposed too while in prison. I was wondering if your books should be made available to prisoners while in prison?

Of course it would be very fortunate if Billy's books etc. were available in prisons. However, this will hardly be the case from the side of the prisons, but the prisoners could apply for such books. Btw: There is a prisoner in a U.S. prison who is studying the "Spirit Lessons".


Posted on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 10:21 pm:  

Hello Billy,
I'm new in the forum, I thank you very much for the opportunity to submit questions to you.
In a previous answer, you mentioned that Plejarens practice the normal acts of onanism and masturbation. In my way of thinking I have always thought the masturbation was the opposite, an un-natural act as it just involve fantasy and a physical release of sexual appetite, including the lost of sexual energies to create nothing.
In this sense, how does the act of masturbation is aligned with the creational laws? or probably I'm misinterpreting the act of masturbation. Could you clarify?
Thanks again for your time and patience to respond to our questions.

Onanism and masturbation are absolutely natural acts and in no way negative or a risk to health. Quite the contrary is true: Onanism and masturbation are natural urges and are beneficial for calming the psyche and the body. Natural urges are absolutely in line with Creation's laws.


Posted on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 02:46 am:  

Dear Billy, I hope you are well and those you care about as well.
I have what you might call a healthy criticism of anything I hear or read or see. For example I tend to agree with the information that I receive from you and FIGU because it seems to agree with the facts and it also feels correct from what I can discern inside of myself. I always keep within myself also the possibility that some of the things I read or hear can be possibly incorrect until the moment I discover without any doubt that they must be true. If I understand you correctly you have even said that this is the proper frame of mind when searching for knowledge and wisdom.
With this in mind, I have wondered if there is any exercise that I can perform in order to strengthen my understanding of the power of the spirit and the material consciousness? For example, is there any small exercise that can be performed through concentration that can be performed until such time that a definite result is achieved, such as either a small beginning in telekenesis or maybe somehow learning to access the knowledge from one's own level of the akashic records? I understand that meditation is necessary for evolution in a certain sense but I am specifically asking for instruction in how to see a "concrete" or undeniable result. The instructions on meditation are clear but seem to not give an indication of how it can be applied once the level of concentration and clarity of thought necessary to perform such feats has been reached.
I am very interested in every aspect of spiritual and material knowledge and wisdom and I feel that even the smallest demonstration to oneself of the power of the consciousness can go a long way in proving the correctness of the teachings that you and the Plejarans have provided. I do not expect miraculous or drastic results in this one lifetime but I really really would like to make some progress in the specific area of spiritual and consciousness related knowledge.
Thank you as always and be well!

Gathering spiritual knowledge begins in everyday life. You have to recognise everything in a neutral and unbiased and open-minded way. You have to strengthen the power of your consciousness through neutral thoughts and feelings. It is not a matter of doing one small exercise in order to give proof to oneself. Consciousness-related growth is a constant task, throughout each day.
(Note by moderator CF: And learning has to start at the bottom of all. Learning telekinesis is not the grade A stuff. And getting access to your own "storage banks" (not: Akasha records) is happening more frequently than you might think, because in the earlier stages of "spiritual" growth this happens unconsciously.)


Posted on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 04:04 pm:  

The reptilians have reigned for hundred of millions of years on this planet and I suspect that they evolved an intelligent line.
My suspicions are based on some histories from peoples that affirm to saw humanoids with reptilian appareance.
I suspect that there are some very anvanced civilizations of reptilians, or underground bases here on earth and that they have advanced space technology.
What have to say billy or you about this matter?

Of course there exist reptilian-like beings in the Universe. However, they are not here on Earth. And those "underground bases" are an "invention".
(Note by moderator CF: Billy once had a visit by an amphibian-like woman, but she (Asina) will not return to Earth.


Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 04:11 am:  

"Group after group after group have tried to solve the riddle. Neither brute force nor technology have been able to overcome the problems. Six lives have been lost and millions of dollars spent trying to uncover the secrets of what has become known as the Money Pit. Still, no one knows what lies at the bottom, who built it or why. There are numerous theories but little proof.
This is the story of Oak Island, Nova Scotia, one the most frustrating and intriguing mysteries of all time."
Good health to you Billy, Do you perhaps know anything about Oak Island?

Billy never heard of it.


Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 05:35 pm:  

Hello Billy,
It has been mentioned that the vibrations of a "higher" life form are incompatible with the vibrations of a "lower" life form. This can result in the "lower" life form actually losing his mind or going crazy.
Are the vibrations of any life form dependent on the material consciousness? In other words, if for instance someone was drugged or sedated, would this lower or reduce the intensity of these vibrations, whereby beings who could not tolerate these vibrations before could now be around the person who was sedated for a period of time.
Thanks again,

Yes, the vibrations of any life form are dependent on the material consciousness.
Drugs don't change the difference between "higher" and "lower" life forms. However, the conflicts would become greater. Drugs and sedatives are changing one's vibrations.


Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 09:15 pm:  

Greetings Billy,
Thankyou for your answers to my previous concerns.
I've asked a similar question recently, but this should make more sense...
If a group of humans become lost and die in another time, for instance the dinosaur age, will the spirit forms' next incarnation(s) be in our present(real?) time, or in the prehistoric age?
If you are saying this group of humans are traveling back in time and die on the "same" planet, this to me would be a different planet, in the sense that it is a younger planet. Therefore the Spirit forms would have to wait until the planet and current life forms evolve to the same evolution as the Spirit form before they can reincarnate again. The only exception to this, is if the planet becomes uninhabitable through some cosmic or man made event. At that point the Spirit form would naturally gravitate towards a planet of similar evolution.

Their spirit forms would stay there in the prehistoric age (past). Due to the lack of already existing human beings the spirit forms would have to wait for aeons for a next incarnation.


Posted on Wednesday, February 01, 2006 - 12:00 am:  

Greetings Billy,
It's mentioned in the "Enoch" or should I say "Henoch" prophecies that should a world war 3 actually happen, an extra-terrestrial group may or will come to the aid of the less disadvantaged countries threatened by the USA and so on. If you know, who are these ETs who may fight back against the USA in a world war 3?
Thanks always,
James Truthseeker

Billy doesn't know who they will (or would) be. And he doesn't know how this help would be executed, e.g. in a mental form only.


Posted on Wednesday, February 01, 2006 - 08:47 am:  

Hi Billy,
I hope you are doing well. If half-human, half-animal hybrids are created, such as the pig-human hybrids mentioned in contact 251, would their spiritforms come from the animal realm or the human realm?

This depends on the consciousness and the brain. If there is a human brain in the head, there will be a human spirit form in it.


Posted on Friday, February 03, 2006 - 12:27 pm:  

Herr. Edward Meier,
It is an honor to participate in this forum for the first time. I am grateful to the Plejaren, to you and all of the FIGU members for bringing this knowledge to us all and making all of this possible.
Q - Is it possible to receive an explanation on what occurs to the Spirit Forms and The Akashik Record of a planet should the planet become incapable of further sustaining material life or is destroyed such as Phaeton/Milona?
Thank you in advance for your time and I apologize if the question has already been asked and answered before.

Hello Arie,
The portion of your question regarding the Spirit form has been discussed in the Spirit, Spirit Form and Psyche area of the forum. Here is an excerpt discussing this:
A spirit form generally takes 70-80 billion years to evolve to the point where it no longer requires a physical body.
A spirit form is bound to an inhabited planet and is able to integrate itself into the spirit-form-WE-structure of that planet in order to take part in the reincarnation cycle.
A spirit form, as a rule, cannot go to another planet to begin the reincarnation cycle there unless the physical body to which is is presently tied/connected travels to the foreign planet through free space via a spaceship, teleportation, or other technical means.
If a human being travels to another planet that harbors human life forms who are much more evolved than the new arrival, and that human being dies on the foreign planet, the spirit form of the new arrival will migrate through space in search of a planet that harbors human life at a similar level of evolution. This, of course, is an exception to the above point.
Conversely, if a human being dies on a planet where the level of evolution of human life on that planet is much lower than the new arrival, the spirit form will not begin incarnation on that planet until the evolutionary level of its human beings reaches a level similar to that of the new arrival.
A spirit form that floats through space (initiated either from the "migration" scenario mentioned above, or even from a catastrophic event in a spaceship in the outer reaches of space, or e.g. from an exploding planet) could take hundreds, thousands or even millions of years to find a suitable planet for incarnation. This is a negligible time period in the eternal structure of the universe which is active for trillions upon trillions of years.
A wandering spirit form that meets up with a spaceship in the depths of space could feasibly incarnate there provided an act of procreation takes place.
This is completely an unconscious process.
I don't know the answer to your question regarding the Akashic records.
Welcome to the Forum

(Note by moderator CF: I just realized that the "Akashic records" part of your question was not correctly presented to Billy and, therefore, was not entirely answered. What I can say is that the term "Akashic records" is not the correct one for what we call the "storage banks" (Speicherbänke). There are planetary, galactic and universal storage banks. All of them are connected with each other.
I think that if a planet explodes, the planetary storage banks of the former humankind of that planet will somehow connect to another storage bank of an inhabited planet. What may be certain is that the knowledge stored in that storage bank will not be eliminated, but stored elsewhere so it may be accessible for the spirit forms in their next incarnations.)


Posted on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 10:49 pm:  

Good day,
In the contact notes it talks about a splinter group of extra terrestrials that left the earth and vowed for revenge someday. That they had taught their decendants to hate the earth inhabitants and planned for a return. Does the possibility that they return to earth and try to gain control a possibility? I think that they were the group that decided not to join the plajarens when they left the earth in search for a new home.

In the meantime this splinter group has been deported and will never be able to return to Earth.


Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 03:24 am:  

Hi Billy,
shortly after the World Trade Centre attacks happened on 9/11 you said in
the contact notes that the U.S. knew that Bin Laden was going to attack the
World Trade Centre and that the U.S. deliberately let it happen. Since then
theres recently been a few good 9/11 conspiracy films surfacing which point
out and show a lot of very credible things and facts about the 9/11 attacks
which strongly suggest that the U.S. may in fact have set the whole thing
up. Theres also been some discussions going on at the forum about wether or
not this was true too. With the passing of time since saying that about
comment about 9/11 in the contact notes Billy, has anything changed or since
then have you become aware of any new information on the matter? Did Bin
Laden alone carry out the 9/11 attacks or did the U.S. set the whole thing
up or parts of it up?
many thanks Con

Billy doesn't have detailed information about the origin of the 9/11 attacks. However he has knowledge that President Bush has been informed in advance.


Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 08:44 am:  

Hi Billy
When you write your books, do you have in your head a long term plan of what topics you will write about ,or, is it a case of deciding in the moment?

If Billy starts writing a book he has the topic in his head. No long term plan. He is writing from the moment to the moment.
All of his books are created at one go. He starts writing, and when he has reached the last page, the book is finished. He does not have the time to make revisions and editing, so the book must be complete after the first round.
The only remaining thing is to search for spelling mistakes (this is done by FIGU members, in cooperation with Billy).


Posted on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 12:41 pm:  

Hi Billy,
If I am not mistaken, the celestial son Semjasa, procreated "Adam," about 11,000 years before the birth of Jmmanuel. And, Henok was born a human being on Earth about 9,308 years before the time of Jmmanuel, or about 1692 years after the birth of Adam.
My question is: Was there another/different Semjasa and another/different Henok on Earth, or involved in Earth's affairs, long before this time? And, if so, when exactly?
Lonnie Morton

There was a first Semjasa 389,000 years ago. It was the same spirit form inhabiting persons of the same name. And Henok lived on Earth for the last time about 5 or 6,000 years ago.


Posted on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 11:55 pm:  

Hi Billy
I refer to your Time Travel experience on meeting with Jmmanuel.
At the time of Jmmanuel, his present time was the reality, he was visited by a person coming from the future.
In this case, we can deduce that [the related future] was already a reality for Jmmanuel, and the future existence of Billy Meier must be a reality then (year 003x AD) so that he can made the visit.
On one hand we say that the future is not fixed, things are going to happen, future is not yet a reality; while on the other hand it seems [some future] is already a reality (as in this case).
My question is: Can you unify these two seemed contradicting point of views?

The future is already determined through the law of cause and effect.
(Note by moderator CF: You must understand this "determination" correctly. As an example: If you are planning to visit the zoo at Zurich Switzerland, you will inform yourself first, you earn enough money to buy airplane tickets, etc. etc. When you have bought the tickets, you can say: My future is already determined, because I will visit the zoo in 7 days from now. You don't have the feeling that you are not free because it has been your own free will to decide to go on that travel.
Of course there are obstacles which could arise in the meantime and would prevent you to go to Zurich, but even then the law of cause and effect has been in operation.)


Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 07:23 am:  

Thank You for all. It is a real honour to be here...
Dear Billy,
in the US "Apollo era" of space exploration, in one of the missions, the conversation between command center and space module was interrupted by strange message: "lama rabi alardi dini endavur esa kunis alim". Does it really occured? If so, what was that?
Thank You Wise Man,
many Greetings.

Billy doesn't know. Never heard of this


Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 11:44 am:  

Hello Billy,
can you tell us who and when changed name of Emmanuel to Jesus and who and when added Christ? Can the paper trail/s of this unsavory event/s be still recovered?

Billy didn't explore this and, therefore, cannot answer your question.


Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 03:36 pm:  

Hello Billy,
We've learned that to keep the thought process in a healthy state we also need protein from both meet and vegetables. I suspect that many of us may not have this balance in shape. My question is now, how much of these two proteins do we in general need per day if we do average exercise in our daily life?
Be well.
Kind regards,

If you do not exaggerate in one or the other direction, you will be doing well.
There is no exact information (how much of this or that) given in the Contact Reports.


Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 04:45 am:  

Hello Billy,
I could post one hundred questions and more, but I will ask just this one: being reincarnated on planet earth so many times before,this current time being your 7th time,coming from the higher level of consciousness do you remember your previous life experiences? In this lifetime you know the time of death, how does it feel knowing this? Fear is not part of the thinking process and emotions are neutral, I gather, and so what is out there once you choose to leave this planet- Relief, Tranquility and Peace?
If this is your 7 th earthly mission, and as I understand Creation unfolds and regenerates itself in cycles of Sevens, what will happen on earth after your imminent departure?

Please restrict your questions to one question per round.
Thank you

To answer the first question: Yes, there are partial memories.


Posted on Thursday, February 09, 2006 - 11:42 pm:  

I don't know when time travel was first experienced in this universe. It may have been billions, if not trillions of years ago. But if our distant descendents ever visited the late 20th century Earth from the past, they invariably found that two world wars had been fought, starting at the same times, involving the same nations, and due to the same causes that ascribe to the reality of the events. By virtue of the fact that time travel exists and that only one reality is possible at a given time and place, regardless of the perspective from which it is viewed (past, present, future), doesn't this mean the future can only unfold in one manner and has already been cast in concrete to its ultimate conclusion since the beginning of the Creation? You always say prophecies can be changed. That much is clear. But you also said anything viewed during time travel to the future must/will come to be. People may have freedom of choice and free will, but if we cannot change the future, we're not much more than the actors of a scripted play, and the playwright is the author of the Creation.

The future cannot be changed in the sense that some things are made undone in the past.
(Note by moderator CF: The future is shaped each moment. Depending on what you are thinking, feeling and acting, your future will be(come). What you are doing today will have an effect on what will be tomorrow. And it will affect other people and the environment etc. as well.)


Posted on Friday, February 10, 2006 - 07:11 pm:  

On a contact with the pleiadeans, the pleiadeans revealed details about how will look the future earth humans.
The races like the races of today will not exist?

Where in the contact notes did you read this?


Posted on Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 06:44 pm:  

Dear Mr. Meier,
I'm from Mexico, and here is much venerated the "Virgin of Guadalupe".
According to the official history, the virgin appeared to a native indian called Juan Diego, year 1531. And, as probe of this fact the virgin made a "miracle" and stamped her image in a piece of fabric that this indian was wearing.
This fabric is nowadays displayed in the Basilic of Guadalupe in Mexico city. It has been analyzed by scientists of different countries, some of they say that is incredible that fabric, and image, has resisted all these centuries, they have not found traces that confirm that it is painting, like layers of paint, or brushstrokes, the individual threads are impregnated with the colors, well, that's what some scientist say... so the belief remains.
Do you know what is the truth behind this history and the fabric that shows the virgin?
Here is the official site if someone wants to check it, is in spanish but you can read the the narrative of the history in english and other languagues, clicking on "Relato de las Apariciones".
Thanks and kind regards.

Billy doesn't know about this issue.


Posted on Sunday, February 12, 2006 - 09:19 am:  

Dear Billy,
Thank you again for answering another question, hope are you and every one around you are well in health.
The last question helped to pin point someone, or at least make the search more precise. Now to my question, the second point in your last answer to me that "The falsifications led back to other persons" do you mean before the person called Omar/Umar, in other words was he the first? And could you confirm the person if i gave you the full name, or are you not allowed to reveal much about the islams past.
thank you in advance for your precious time, it is defenatly much appreciated...
Regards, Badr

Hi Christian,
I thought it would be easier if I posted Badr's previous question and answer for reference:
Dear Billy,
Hope you and your family are doing well.I would like to ask another question regarding the first person to change the writings of Prophet Mohammed, Named Omar/Umar.
As you mentioned that he is a distant relative of the prophet. My question is was this person alive at the time of the prophet or was he from from later generations, and was he a follower of islam or not?
I hope you are able to answer the questions. Thank you for your time, it is much appreciated.
Regards, Badr
Peace to all, and one Love

He was from later generations, and yes, he was a follower of Islam.
Billy doesn't know the connections in detail. The falsifications led back to other persons.

The falsifications of the Qu-ran lead back to Abu Gahl (Amr ben Hi sam ben al-Mug-hïra) and his successors of the Banu sib, who belonged to the Quaris tribe, to which Mohammed belonged.
(Note by moderator CF: see Sonder-Bulletin 22 in German)


Posted on Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 03:14 am:  
My dandabats to E.A.Meier, Billy,
my obeisances to you as to the greatest persons. I have to you very high reverence because of your real identity, because of you are so rare, because of your deep and special wisdom, because of your truth, power, and all your nature on the end. And because I am trying to contact Them long time also as a part of finest place of all spirituality. I am from indian backrounds please.

When a man want to go to pleiadians planet or another of this higher level so to be citizen of them just now as he is as human on the earth, how to do it? Suppose this question is taken fully seriously with proper conduction of all the elements which are necessary to do this.

I know that the point are the vibrations etc and all the teaching. And I know even I am not one hundred percent sure, that it is not possible for any human except Billy - that this is the last answer of FIGU to this question probably.

So my question to Billy is in this sense: Regarding this FIGU conclusion, is it really without any chance? It is that this answer is one hundred percent true without any chance for anything? My second proposal is, suppose I will proceed to the aim but by another system. So I will use some indian way for this aim. In this case is it possible to expect the result, by other words to diminish somehow or open in some new way or so the FIGU conclusion and answer abovementioned?

Billy this my letter look as I am against you but the true is you are my only friend and I love you fully, you are my only help. Help me on this the same way as you are proceeding, this aim is so dangerous and so heavy and I dont know exactly what result and danger is coming to all my life by this way and to my next life. I need your help please. And if you will answer I have no chance, give me on the end some advice how to have any chance even it will be against your first answer please, give me some second even please. I know our universe and its unlimited final mercy has some ways for this case even.
My dandabats again to You,
Sundar dev

How to do it? Well, you would have to be invited by the Plejaren. (But since they will not do this, you will have to make the best out of your life here on Earth.) The same is true also for getting to any other system. You will/would have to build your own space travelling devices, but since Earth technology is only in the first stages of attempting to leave the Solar system, the chances for you to be successful are rather low.
Advice: Try to live according to the Creational laws and commandments and strive to further your evolution.


Posted on Saturday, March 11, 2006 - 11:42 am:  
Hi Billy,
You are changing our lives for good, and we thank you for that.
The first time I saw the woman that became my wife without meeting her, I felt like a feeling or revelation that she was going to become my wife. I have diferent explanations to this, "our spirits were together in previous lives", "I could foreseen the future","I perceived a telepath message from her", "It was only my imagination and I did everything that was possible to happend", What could be the answer to this feeling?
Norberto Burciaga

Most probably this was your (so-called) first thought, an impulse from the storage banks; in other words your intuition.
Certainly it wasn't telepathy.


Posted on Saturday, March 11, 2006 - 12:05 pm:  
Hey Bill,
I have no proof of this whatsoever but i have an extreme gut feeling that the akashic records of our planet earth has been tampered with. I think a decision or an accident occured in which someone or something decided to try and speed us up due to the religious problem and/or for unknown reasons. I wish if you know anything about this you'll come clean, it just seems like there are some really slow learners here even on a basic scale.
Thank You, Good Health

You cannot speed up the "storage banks" (is that what you mean with akashic records?). That's nonsense.
Learning is a long-lasting process, and all people are learning in a different pace.


Posted on Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 08:29 am:  
Salome Billy,
According to the OM Kanon 31, a group of 200 Sons and Daughters of Heaven, conspired and swore to a dark Bond. These came down and took Husbands and Wives for themselves from among the Earth Human Beings, against the orders of the JHWH.
The OM Kanon 31 futher states that this was the beginning of the Evil on Earth, Injustice and War, Lies and Bloodshed, and all other Evils that are among the Human Beings of Earth.
My question is: Was this the initial CAUSE of the Evil, Injustice and War, Lies and Bloodshed, and all other Evils that has existed on the Earth all the way down until TODAY, making the Earth UNIQUE in the Universe because of this? Or, what would Life on Earth be like today if the Evil Bond among the 200 would never have taken place?
Lonnie Morton

There wouldn't be much of a difference. It's up to each single human being to use his/her thinking and feeling to evolve, or to hate and destroy, etc.
What the 200 persons evoked was just one of the many factors why we have war etc. here on Earth.
The human being can build up his will to make a change for the better.


Posted on Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 02:50 pm:  
dear billy
Thank you for the opportunity
Billy I was wondering whether the thoughts people have arising out of their material intellect, which often is akin to a wave breaking on the seashores in a never ending repetition but something that never lasts actually effect the fine spiritual sphere or the fine matter world whether it's positive or negative in nature?
take care

The only effect is on the human being's material consciousness. You cannot influence the spiritual sphere with your material thoughts.


Posted on Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 04:39 pm:  
Guten tag ,Billy and C/F
and salome to the figu SSSC
I would like to know if the shifting of the poles can be sudden/quickly, causeing a new choice of living arrangements or is it always a gradual thing,and if the unbalence of the oceans and what not are the only orgins.

That's a gradual process which is lasting a long time.


Posted on Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 07:23 pm:  
Guten Tag, Billy
I hope all is well with yourself and the mission in these hectic times.
I read some members are afflicted with schizo-affective disorders. I myself am in a similar situation. I recently visited my naturopath and he told me that they are due to allergies to certain foods or chemicals that are common everyday products that we use. For example, he said that I'm allergic to paper, ink, turkey, citrus and plastic. He says that these chemicals invade the body and cause the brain not to function properly and hence cause altered states of mind, worse than alcohol because at least with alcohol, your body digests it but with these chemicals, they stay in your system causing harm and they can't be digested. Is there any truth to that? Are psychic-affective disorders caused by allergic reactions in the brain to common substances found in everyday use?
Danke Schön!

Yes, allergic reactions may cause psychic-affective disorders. These disorders may even occur without skin symptoms.


Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 05:18 am:  
hi dear Billy and Christian
my question is this:
is it really possible for machines "to become conscious", to have a "will" of their own and evolve?, i imagine that it is not possible a real evolution like ours, but since this world always have surprises i prefer to ask. . .
and take care

No, that's not possible. The machine would need an organic brain (this, however, could be artificially produced).


Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 06:01 am:  

Thank you for your responses Billy and for your patience with us. I have had alot of questions for you and I have solved many of those questions autodidactically yet there are others I struggle with. I appreciate your time talking with us who don't know you directly (in person).
There are times when people have attempted telekenesis and focused their concentration on the task only to find that the telekenesis or metal bending occurs AFTER they end their attempt. Can you please explain why the effect is happening after the concentration has been ended? Thank you sir!!!

Have you personally witnessed these attempts?
As a rule, there are tricks behind such demonstrations. The number of persons (on Earth) who are able to use telekinesis or metal bending with the aid of their own consciousness-related power is extremely low, nearly zero.


Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 06:08 am:  
Dear Billy,
we know that Plejarens can recognize which spirit form inhabiting which person, like you have told us that spirit form of Gabriel is now inhabiting Quetzal, and also, that spirit form of Semjasa later inhabiting new born persons of the same name.
Regarding Plejaren names, I've found that their real names are somewhat different from those we use for them. My question is:
Is there any importance for them, having the same name again?
Many greetings,

The Plejaren themselves cannot recognize a spirit form themselves. The have to ask the Arahat Athersata plane/level to get the information.
Regarding your question: What do you mean exactly? Are you asking whether or not it is important that, e.g., Quetzal's new personality in his next life will be called Quetzal again?
If yes: no, that's not important.


Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 09:32 am:  
Hi Billy,
I remember reading in FIGU materials, that animals and even plants posses some sort of spirit form(but
their spirits are not evolving toward wisdom and knowledge as humans spirits do). Since (some) plants posses spirit form, then is it possible that a very complex man-made devices (like computers) could also posses some sort of spirit form? Can we say that a spirit is actually interaction (i.e. information exchange) among many components of some system (be it neurons in a brain or transistors in microprocessor) ?

No, computers cannot posses a spirit form, unless an organic brain is built in somewhere.


Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 05:57 pm:  
Hi Billy, I remember reading that the Giza Intelligence created the Shroud of Turin. Could you list some other events where the Giza Intelligence influenced history that are currenty unknown.

The Shroud of Turin was not created by the Giza Intelligences. Btw: It shows the image of an Italian merchant in the first half of 1300. The picture was produced by his brother, an alchemist. It's actually the first photograph that was ever produced (with the aid of silver iodide and sunlight). Just recently Billy had asked Ptaah about the shroud but has not yet typed down the contact report. Therefore more details will follow.
(Note by CF: The GI were involved with the production of the Fatima vision.)


Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 07:05 pm:  
Dear Billy,
When neutral impulses are released (from the Akashic records) by reading or listening to your writings, does the effect become stronger if reading or listening to the same material over again, or does the effect only occur once and serves no purpose to re-read or listen again?
Thank you

The code (that's what you are talking about?) is working as long as one is occupied with the topic/theme/text. It may be that the effect becomes stronger. It's a lasting effect.
Please note that the code is not within all of Billy's writings.


Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 07:26 pm:  
Dear Herr Meier:
First, I just want to express gratitude in the unique courage you have to say true and obvious things, such as overpopulation or the machinations of the criminal governments of USA and Israel, usw. Very few on this planet have the guts to openly state the truth as you do, this encourages me in this crazy epoch. My question: humans around the time of Jmmanuel were smaller than today, less than 5 ft high (this is evident if one goes to Pompei for instance, the shape of buried people preserved in lava were quite small). We are told that former inhabitants of the earth were giants (although we know no proof of it). We are the cause of the human height changes over time? Will man of future be taller?
Vielen dank und salome

Not all people were smaller at that time.
The human height has to do with genetics, environment, nourishment and other factors.
You can notice today that many children are growing bigger (in height) than their parents, just from one generation to the other.


Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 06:02 am:  
Hello Billy,
What can you say about sorcery, castings spells etc.? I think there is definitely something into "sex-magick", but it might just be buildt on strong belief.

That's pure invention, based on superstition and religion.


Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 10:50 am:  
Dear BEAM,
according to the last statements and theories from quantum physics, it is said that, with our toughts, we can affect what we call "reality". This is, our thinkgins are energies that are able to do "miracles", like "walk in the water", if we truly believe this is possible.
They say "reality" is a creation of all our thoughts together, talking about our daily experience of life. Other practices like "NLP" -Neurolinguistic programing, Metaphysics and Silva method of mind control have similar statements.
Do you agree with these theories?
Thanks again for responding my questions.
Be in peace and good health.

By the power of thought everything is possible, but most of such claims are pure fantasy.
Of course it is possible to influence "reality", but not in the sense of a "wonder", because wonders don't exist.
So-called "mobbing" can be a manifestation of using the power of thought (in a negative way).


Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 04:16 pm:  
Question - The ultimate being
Dear Mr. Meier and Christian :
Thank you most kindly for you invaluable contributions to this forum and my own studies.
Atm I am involved in forming a complete and ordered Metaphysics in the context of the Plejaren/BEAM/TJ teachings. The proceeding question is apart of that effort.
I wish to know, from a scientific and/or philosophic perspective, if something exists in the Universe(by universe I mean All-Existents, not the cosmological domain of Creation) that requires no other thing to exist - in other words, something that exists without prior cause(is cause of itself) - whos very essence is to exist. A thing that has no beginning and has no end(Absolutely Infinite) - in time, space, power and knowledge.
At first I formed the answer that this thing of which I speak is the 'Spirit-energetic BEING-space' - but the question still arises, is there something still more fundamental :
-- Phaethonsfire - No.157 :
"The highest to the Spirit-study / Geisteslehre know Absolutum-Form is the BEING-Absolute Absolutum, which Created itself from the Spirit-energetic BEING-space." - Taken either from the The Kybalion or BEAM/Plejaren Spirit Teachings.
While I was searching for an aswer I found the following:
-- Michael Uyttebroek - Posted on Tuesday, January 16, 2001:
"...Its integration with the Absolute Absolutum[Creation that is] occurs when the highest and endless Creational form, whose beginning and end never took place and never will, ensues in absolute infinity."..." - An extract from the quote of the unofficial translation of The Decalogue.
Here I became totally confused because the Decalogue speaks of a 'Creational form[?]' as being Absolutely infinite. This goes contrary to my initial findings and provides no real concrete explanation for what this 'Creational form' actually is and how it relates to the rest of the cosmos.
Sincere Thanks,

There is no "thing" that exists without a prior cause. Even the SEIN-Absolutum (BEING Absolutum was created (or rather created itself) out of something, even if we don't know from what. As human beings, we will never know this. This will remain an eternal mystery to us.


Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 09:28 pm:  
Which fields of science needs a true Spiritscientist (Geisteswissenschaftler) to study in order to be one, the Earth human definition seems flawed to me. I have my own assumptions, but I would love to hear it from you.
"If you measure the size of your Ego to the size of your knowledge or what you assume you know, then you should always try to remember that your ignorance is infinitely larger, than any knowledge you have."

A true "Spirit-scientist" is studying the spiritual laws and commandments.
The German "Geisteswissenschaftler" (scholar into the humanities), as it is commonly used, should rather be called a "Bewusstseinswissenschaftler". As such, he will study all kinds of scientific fields, like astronomy, theology, medicine, chemistry, etc. etc.


Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 08:45 pm:  
Hi Billy !!
This is not a question, nor a request of sorts.
Just a thought i'd like to share for whatever this is worth... please interprete & treat accordingly!!
From what i understand, you play chess !!
Have you ever played Ptaah, or Quetzel?
(please don't take this as my "one" allowed question !!)
The thought that i'd like to share, is to archive at least one chess game between you and ANY of the Plejarens, for future generations of "Meier scholars" to enjoy !!
Thanks LOTS for everything

From time to time Billy plays chess with Ptaah (he even played with Quetzal). Actually, Billy taught his friends how to play chess.
Billy doesn't have the time to note down a chess game.


Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 11:23 pm:  
Based on the probability of human behavior as you know it, what seems like a more logical path to take; the continuation and progress (if the protesters don't stop it) of genetic manipulation and similar types of advancements where the aging gene can be rectified even if only partially at first that could dramatically increase the population, or is putting efforts into marginalizing our population feasible and only after this is successful we implement the genetic reversals to some extent? I gather a sequence of events in the future will make this decision much clearer.

You are right: It would be wise to first reduce the population and then try to change/reverse the aging gene.


Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 08:24 am:  
Hi Billy
Thanks for your previous answer regarding time travel
It was mentioned that:
"For us there are three close dimensions: The future, the present and the past."
"The future is already determined through the law of cause and effect."
It seems to me that the future is already a reality, that "Time is a Place". The future is like a place (a reality) at distant end and we are onboard a train, as time goes by, the distant end is reached (becoming the present) and pasted (becoming history).
My question is: Could you comment on my assumption regarding the concept of the future, or could you share your own concept about the future?

The future is the effect of the past. The present does not exist. Therefore, there are only two dimensions (in this respect).


Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 11:24 am:  
Hello Billy,
it is mentioned in the contact notes that our Sun will die a lot sooner then what our scientists believed and predicted that it will, and it went on to say that the time will come soon when man will have to leave Planet Earth for good. My question is, do you roughly know how long it will be before our Sun dies or before it begins to die? Thankyou

In about one half billion/milliard years.


Posted on Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 04:56 am:  
Dear Wise man,
I am having great difficulty comprehending the idea of how YOU can see the future, as when you travelled with Samjase and saw the earthquake of San Francisco before it actually happened. Is the future already there, just waiting for humans to advance towards its direction? How can I grasp this concept when I live in the 'present'? Does that mean that I can ask my spirit to change my own future?
Also I would like to take this opportunity to say to you, that I especially enjoy reading the material describing your interaction with Semjase, as written by W. Stevens in contact from the Pleiades, (thanks to Gaia Guys). In my mind, it creates a feeling of humanness and playfulness enveloped with a deep respect and caring for one another, specifically when Semjase is complimenting you on your philosophy etc. and you are asking her "Are you making me a proposal for marriage"? I can sense Earthly feelings from what we call today 'normal' human beings. Fascinating.

You cannot ask your spirit to change your future (you can, but it's of no use). You are shaping your future from one moment to the other.
To see the earthquake, Billy had to travel into the future (time travelling), where he could see it with his own material eyes. This process was undertaken with the aid of artificial, technical means (in a beamship).


Posted on Friday, March 17, 2006 - 12:37 pm:  
Hi Billy,
can you give me reference to the contact notes where you disscuss the subject of Steven Spilberg and George Lucas getting telepathic impulses in 60's to create the Star Wars Saga/trillogy movie. I looked/searched all over the Figu Forum and I can't find anything?

There is no such talking about Spielberg and Lucas in the contact notes.


Posted on Friday, March 17, 2006 - 04:38 pm:  
Hello Billy,
Do you think we should all practice fasting (abstaining from food for periods of days) to prepare ourselves for the scarcity of food resulting from the upcoming outbreak of world-wide war, or do you advocate fasting for other reasons? I think prior experience with fasting will allow people to be more at ease mentally and psychologically when faced with the limited availability of food.

If fasting, then for health reasons only.


Posted on Monday, March 20, 2006 - 10:02 am:  
Dear Herr Meier,
Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer my question.
Re: Incarnation of higher Spirit Forms on Earth.
I would like to learn how You, Jmmanuel and other Prophets of a similar spiritual developmental level were and are still able to incarnate on our lesser developed Earth? what was the process like? how did the Plejarens help?
The reason for my question steams back to my recent understanding that we are only able to incarnate into a planet, if the level of spiritual development of said planet matches our own. Should this be so, how did you override this Creational Law?
I understand why you are here and I am deeply grateful. I wish this mission has been a have reached many of us.
Kind regards,
Arie Levy

It's actually the material consciousness that matters in this respect. The human being's spirit form is more evolved than his material consciousness. However, in one's daily life it's the material consciousness that has the say.


Posted on Thursday, March 23, 2006 - 08:34 am:  
Did the humans that originated on earth begin with 1,000 year life spans? If so, did they gradually lose that through interbreeding with the aging gene, aggression gene manipulated humans from Mars & Milona?

No, the first incarnations of human beings are short ones, perhaps 10, 15 or so years


Posted on Thursday, March 23, 2006 - 02:18 pm:  
Greetings Billy,
Is it true that the Plejarens will now become very agitated and very concerned, if ANY possible ET or group of ETs were to attempt any form of open face to face contact with any individual Earth human being on this planet, (aside from yourself of course) and even to the point where the plejarens will take all necessary measures to prevent such ET to earth human contacts from ever taking place by this means, regardless of who the individual or group of individuals are and regardless of even their current state of spirit evolution?
James Truthseeker

They would neither be agitated nor concerned, but they would simply draw back from Earth (if there are OFFICIAL contacts by other than the Plejaren Federation ETs).


Posted on Sunday, April 23, 2006 - 10:06 am:  
Dear Billy or Christian,
Living in the San Francisco area, my question is about the Semjase photographs W. Stevens mentioned.
Is this a warning that we should change our thoughts to become more inline with the spiritual truths your message details, is this possible?
Danke sehr,
Randy ô¿ô

This flight into the future was done because of Billy's personal interest to see the effects of the earthquake and to take photos. It's not a warning.


Posted on Sunday, April 23, 2006 - 04:51 pm:  

Hello once again Mr Meier. My question is about time travel. You have once said to us in your responses that it is impossible to bring objects from the past into the future. There are two instances in the contact notes where this has occured (well actually once in either direction). For example Asket said that she had previous acquired clothes from the past during previous time travels (you and Mr Jitschi wore these clothes when you accompanied Asket to the past of Jmmanuel's time) and you also left your light and battery with the magician man of the past, whose name I have forgotten. Can you explain the apparent contradiction for me? It might help my understanding of how time travel and things related to it work. Thanks sincerely!!!

There are three different (physical) ways to travel into the past with different effects:
1) You can go there but cannot bring back anything
2) You can bring something into the past and bring something back into the "present" = future (as has been the case with meeting Jmmanuel and Jechieli)
3) You can see everything in the past, but you cannot be seen by the people in the past; therefore you cannot bring or take anything.

Billy does not know how this is technically achieved.


Posted on Sunday, April 23, 2006 - 05:22 pm:  

hello billy
have you received my letter?
if not, or even if so... i sent another one.
hopefully this one gets to where it's supposed to go.(that's not my question though
here is my question....
if i am thinking of something, like a dog for example...
what allows these thoughts/images to be visible?
what i mean is, if spiritual energy is concentrated enough, it turns into light (am i correct?) and if it is concentrated more it can be made into material things such as stones or trees...
so where on that scale do thoughts belong?
maybe i'm not asking my question clear enough but basically i would like you to describe what these images actually are and how is it that they can be "seen"?

Billy doesn't remember your letter.
The only way to make thoughts to be visible is by/through electronic means.
Thoughts may trigger visions which are visible. The thoughts, however, are not visible.
Thoughts are vibrations which can be used to move things (telekinesis). Light cannot be turned into stones.


Posted on Sunday, April 23, 2006 - 06:31 pm:  
Dear BEAM,
I had learned in past studies that there is a law of "recurrence" where there is a trend to experience similar situations in our continuous reincarnations: like meeting the same people (reincarnated in other bodies), like visiting the same places, countries, etc., or having similar problems like, for example, if we were murdered in a previous life we could be murdered in the current one.
An example that is given is the comparison between the lives of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy where we realize there are very similar situations between the situations they experienced.
Another statement of this law is that we can avoid to repeat the same situations only until after our conciousness has evolved enough for not repeating the same mistakes.
Does this law or something similar exist?
Thanks again dear BEAM for your time and patience.

No, such a law does not exist. That's nonsense.
This has to do with a "Fuegung" (German), and not with "Zufall" (German). In English it's called chance or coincidence. But those expressions are not correct, because everything is working according to the law of cause and effect. In other words: Nothing can happen without a cause.


Posted on Monday, April 24, 2006 - 01:51 am:  

Greetings Billy,
Comment: Be cautious of any Earth Human being who says they are infatuated or in love with Semjase.
Question: About a year ago in an email discussion, Christian Frehner brought something interesting to my attention which I decided to think about for awhile. For many years, about all my life, I always felt very strange, different and very uncomfortable in the world today. Meaning most places, people, situations and events such as the; pursuit of money, corporate jobs, work force, religion, alcohol, smoking, short life spans, the pressures to have children, etc, just never felt right with me. Yet somehow when I talk about this with people, they don't feel this and they very much like their bars, cars and beer, etc. A few people have said I'm very intelligent, yet so many others see me as useless or worthless, because of my disabilities, etc. Then it occurred to me that for about the last 20 or so years, I've always been very different from people. Like when it comes to the compatibility of a love relationship with a women, something always happens to either me or her. If I begin to love a woman or if a woman begins to love me in return, something always happens to prevent me or her from being together or a current situation prevents us from being together, and I see this happen over and over again for many years. This usually takes on the form of a physical illness, a disability issue, a family issue, a long inaccessible distance between us, a legal issue, an age issue, a money issue, an immigration issue, certain health risks, her pets (yes I have allergies), or she finds a boyfriend after she meet me, or she is already moving to another country, or I just don't feel that deep love connection with some women who may also feel it for me. Note: I have had a harder time focusing my thoughts around certain women if I really feel attracted to them and I always felt I was to be with a certain woman, whom I never got a chance to be with.
Point being, It's not that Earth human beings are bad, It's that my personality and values tend to be greatly diverse to the majority of people on this world. This in itself is very strange to me from which I can only conclude that my own level of spiritual evolution is greatly different to most people in this time period. I'm not claiming to be spiritually more evolved then people here, but I can sure feel a big difference in my incompatibilities with them in all walks of life, and for many years.
I'd like to know why and how it is that I can be here living today IF my level of spiritual evolution is so different from everyone else, which doesn't do me much good anyway?
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

You seem to have no clear attitude (of mind). You don't know how to handle the things you mention. You are standing in the way of yourself and, therefore, create "Fuegungen/Fügungen" (German) (= effects, that arise from conscious or unconscious action/s). You seem to have unclear ideas (Vorstellungen) about your life. The failures or the dreadful state are the result of your attitude of mind, of hidden fears (that may exist even if you are not aware of them). Of course such an attitude of mind has its effects on your fellow human beings.


Posted on Monday, April 24, 2006 - 11:25 am:  

Hi Billy,
The reason I have asked you about a subject of Steven Spilberg and George Lucas getting telepathic impulses in 60's to create the Star Wars Saga/trillogy movie was that I was told by some Figu Passive members that they heard about it from you. Would that be a noncontact knowledge that you obtained yourself by thelepatic contact or should I just assume that you never heard about Steven Spilberg and George Lucas getting telepathic impulses. Reason for asking in the first place is that I'm trying to create Website where I like to compare 'Star Wars saga' to 'Billy Meier case'; point out similarities and differences to show to all S.W. addicts like me what the real 'Star Wars' looks like - that is why I thought that a nice beggining to all that would be that telepatic impulse for Steven S. and George L.

There is no mentioning of Spielberg or Lucas in the contact notes. Since the Plejarens did not hand over a list of all persons, who are influenced by them through unconscious impulses, it remains open whether or not both of them received impulses.
According to what the P's said they are focusing their impulses on scientists. This includes scientists who are writing science-fiction literature.


Posted on Monday, April 24, 2006 - 01:12 pm:  

Hi billy
What is the connection between fluidal forces and hormonal energy?
There is often a connection between Poltergeist phenomena and adolescents

What you call Poltergeist phenomena is often triggered by adolescents, that's correct. This happens in a psychic-consciousness-related way by/through the fluidal forces. However, adults may also trigger such phenomena.


Posted on Monday, April 24, 2006 - 03:01 pm:  

Dear Billy,
thank you for the explanation and answer on my previous question.
While you were on the "great journey" in 1975 with Semjase, you had the opportunity to visit the Kartag planet (Neb system in Aratom galaxy). The people there who are on the similiar evolutional level as we are here on Earth were in war, and just a step from nuclear disaster.
I think that their experience can be a good example to us, so my question is:
Do you have any information about them - did our deep space brothers choose life or self destruction.
Thank you,

No, Billy does not have information about them.


Posted on Monday, April 24, 2006 - 03:09 pm:  

Hi Billy, Were the Twin Towers brought to the ground with bombs that were placed inside the buildings before the planes hit. Then detonated after the planes hit?

No, the planes were the reason for the destruction.


Posted on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 02:11 am:  

Hi Billy
I am very interested in space travel technology and development in this area. I would like to ask you, in which century earth space crafts will reach for the first time the nearest star system - Proxima Centauri.I know you are not allowed to give us any detailed information regarding future events and i'm not asking for it.I'm only asking for century number.

Billy does not know the exact century.


Posted on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 08:32 am:  

Dear Billy
Thank you billy
I was wondering observing Australia's ayers rock from satellite images, it made me wonder whether this natural monument is actually not natural at all because seeing it from the sky, it looks like a face sideways looking into the direction of Europe and middle east where a lot of the other mysterious monuments are including that of giza pyramids and so on.
So is ayers rock an artificially constructed monument or is it all natural?

Billy has no knowledge of it being an artificial monument. It probably is a meteor that is laying on the surface of a gigantic crater.


Posted on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 11:05 am:  

Dear Billy,
Hope you and your family are well and in good health.
Thank you for your last answer, I would like to ask you the distant relative of the prophet Mohammed, the skilled writer that is responsible for the main falsifications in Islam, is he...
Omar bin Abdulaziz bin Marwan,(682-720 AD) the 8th Umayyad caliph (717-720 AD)
He is a distant relative of the prophet.
Thank you for taking time answering my questions.
Regards, Badr
Peace to all, and one Love

Billy doesn't have more information about this.


Posted on Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - 10:40 am:  

Hi Billy,
on page 26 of "And Still They Fly" it is mentioned that the Plejarens have a "Museum of Earth Vehicles" on their home planet Erra. It says that every wheeled and tracked vehicle/car that was ever built on planet earth is exhibited here in a huge area of several hectares. My question is how did the Plejarens aquire all those vehicles without purchasing them with Earth money?. Where did the Plejarens get all the vehicles from, and how did they pay for them too, without shortchanging anyone within our monetry system? Thanks.

All of those vehicles were bought on Earth. He used terrestrial money which he received, among other means, by selling gem stones. He did not steal those cars, nor duplicate them.


Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2006 - 10:45 am:  

Hi Billy,
I hope all is well. Thank you for answering our questions in such a direct and clear manner.
I have a question for you this month which is causing me to think very hard but I have come up with no solution.
I have noticed that I exhibit certain wild and degenerate tendancies towards domination and agressiveness and self-agrandizement. I have noticed this indirectly (Since I don't have enough inner vision to come to this conclusion on my own, I have noticed that the characteristics you most disdain in other people are the characteristics you most display yourself), and also directly (Because I get mad really easily when someone wrongs me.) I know this is perfectly natural since we live in a world with a low spiritual evolutionary level, and it is quite normal but it still doesn't agree with me because I still feel bad afterwards about the damage I cause. I would like to be and feel at ease about everything in life, including the unpleasant ones. I catch glimpses of this momentary tranquility sometimes when I am on the bus or when I am observing a beautiful scene. My emotions are still not in full control and in harmony with my inner being. How do I achieve that sort of inner harmony and control so that my emotions won't be so wild and barbaric and chaotic inside? I guess I can answer this question myself - meditation, reading the spiritual teachings, and self-analysis.
But is there anything more we can do to elevate our spirit and bring peace and harmony back within our soul? Are there certain activities or things we can engage in to receive the desired effect??
Thanks a bunch for all your answers.

No, there are no other ways. You mentioned correctly: meditation, reading the spiritual teachings, self-analysis. Besides, you have to control your thoughts and feelings, and you have to learn, learn and learn, and this brings about changes and development.


Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2006 - 12:09 pm:  

Hi Billy
Could you give an update on the extent of our atmosphere or whether the suns harmful rays are worse or really worse?

No, but you can ask the scientists who have the necessary measuring devices.


Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2006 - 06:34 pm:  

Hi Billy,
I send goodwill to you and all your friends at the center.
My question is regarding the Plajarens planned evacuation of all thier outposts they maintained here on Earth some years ago. What I'm curious about is why it was so absolute for a complete withdrawl. I realize they still maintain some communication disks and other observation equipment, but they essentially removed all evidence of thier previous occupation on our planet. So, I am wondering if they are expecting some form of planet altering event that they believe is an unavoidable moment for our human development and it is best for them to not interfer in any way whatsoever.
a friend in america

Their task on Earth was finished, that's the sole reason.


Posted on Friday, April 28, 2006 - 01:06 am:  

Hi Billy,
Because food is perishable, when do you think would be a good time to start stocking up with food reserves for the possible coming World War 3. I'd appreciate it if you could also tell me how long of a time I should stock up the shelves with food for too. Thankyou.

It's always reasonable to have a certain stock of food stored for about three to four months.
Basically there is enough food produced on Earth. In some countries food is destroyed, and in other the population does not produce enough food for itself (themselves?).
Regarding the possible WWIII it may be repeated again: This depends on various factors, mainly on the decisions and behaviour of certain governments etc., and this varies from hour to hour.


Posted on Friday, April 28, 2006 - 04:34 am:  

Hi Billy,
Is there, or is it it going to be a perfect cure against schizophrenia and mood-disorders in the future? Could you please give some advice on how to eliminate it totally?

There will be a cure, but it lies yet far away in the future.
(Note by CF: Religious and sectarian belief may be transmitted/passed on from the parents to the child and is stored in the brain's temporal lobes and the rear part of the parietal lobes [hinterer Scheitellappen?]. It then manifests itself as a form of schizophrenic illness. [420th contact report of May 24, 2006]).


Posted on Friday, April 28, 2006 - 07:15 am:  

Dear Billy,
I`ve recently been reading about hinduism.They have two concepts called Brahman and Atman that seem to be very similar to our concept of Creation and Spirit.My question is,are these hindi concepts close to the truth?Are they a close aproximation, i mean did the hindi a better effort than Christians to describe what`s going on in the universe?

Within all religions there are hidden certain truths which were altered over the course of time. And it is very difficult to filter that which is true from the religions.


Posted on Friday, April 28, 2006 - 10:26 am:  

Hi Billy,
I have a speculative question for you. Do you personally think it would have been better if our ancestors had remained with the Creator Overlords? It seems that forgetting our history and being "bombarded" by false religions and ignorance on earth is threatening our destruction. I'm also assuming that our spiritforms would have alternated between our genetically modified bodies and the bodies of the Creator Overlords which would potentially foster more understanding between us. Do you think we could have peacefully resolved our differences and eventually persuaded them to reverse the DNA manipulations?



Posted on Friday, April 28, 2006 - 11:01 pm:  

Dear Billy,
In getting to know yourself better and connecting with Creation, is it helpful, considering the billions of years of difference in age, for one to know if they are a native Earth spirit or an ET spirit?
Lonnie Morton

No, that's not important or necessary to know.


Posted on Saturday, April 29, 2006 - 07:54 am:  

i gave myself ocd (Obsessive compulsive disorder-Moderator) from the initial storage bank contact as an infant but now have it somewhat under my control. This is kind of a making sure type of question, are there triggers in our brains linked to religious fundamentalism?

You did not "give" this to yourself. But this has to do with the brain or heredity. See also answer above about religious and sectarian belief.


Posted on Saturday, April 29, 2006 - 10:51 am:  

what should a person do when they decide an animal being kept as a pet is unacceptable? Should it be taken to a vet to be euthanized?
I think the only time they should be released into the wild is if they are native to the region.
Thank you Billy,

The solution depends on the kind of animal in question:
Basically, a pet should not be released into the wild.
You should ask yourself: Can it be handed over to a new owner? Can it be sold?
Euthanasia is the last possibility to be taken.
(Note by CF: The most "humane" way, or perhaps better said, the "minimal stress way" to end the life of an animal is to shoot it unexpectedly through the brain which causes instant death. To "euthanize" an animal with injections may cause much stress and fear because the dying process, the breathing problems, etc., does or may last for quite some time.)


Posted on Saturday, April 29, 2006 - 01:29 pm:  

Dear Billy,
As I understand the marriage practices of the Plejarens, if both people want to join in marriage they must separate from each other for a period of 2 years. The point of this is to let them find out whether they have true love for each other.
Since the Plejarens are telepathic, does this separation include no telepathic contact as well?
Thank you very much.

The ability to use telepathy is not common among the Plejaren population. It's a minority who has this ability.
Those persons who master telepathy do not use it during the 2-years period to get in contact with each other.


Posted on Wednesday, May 03, 2006 - 01:59 am:  

Dear Forum Moderators,
about a week ago, I put a question into the 'billy answered questions' section and I just noticed that it didn't go in? Could a moderator please post my question in there for me please?

Hello Billy,
(not sure if this is correct, but my question below is partly based on my understanding that an android working on Erra is the same type of android as a 'grey' ET)
the plejarens created androids on Erra to work for them, like as in how Quetzal has his own android working specifically for him at his house. In this type of situation on Erra, does a relationship of friendship then starts to form between a Plejaren and an android, and if so, in what way does that type of friendship differ from the friendship between a Plejaren and another Plejaren on Erra? Would a Plejaren ever bother to waste any of his time in going out to pay a friendly visit to an android he used to previously know? If this type of friendship does not exist, then I would like to know how the Plejarens view the lifesworth of an android on Erra. Many Thanks

Hi Vestri,
I have reinserted your question, I don't know if it will be picked up in this round or the next time.


Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 01:55 pm:  

Dear BEAM,
this question is regarding the people who die very young, even before to be born (like in an abortion). Or for example, people that born with genetical illnesses.
I had always thought that these not favourable situations were a consequence of how this people had lived their previous lives. This is, because they had generated a "karmic debt".
But now I have learned from your writtings that there is no such thing called "karmic debt".
So, what would be the right explanation about these situations? why a person is not even able to be born to this world (abortion), so they have to wait for a next life, or have to deal with a genetical illness that limits their capacity to live a normal life. What could be the real meaning of these facts?
I just want to have an understanding of why these things happen to some people (and this is becoming more frequent every day...)
I hope I was clear enough. I appreciate very much your attention.
I wish you health and strenght.

As it is often the case there are several explanations: heredity, problems during pregnancy, material influences, etc. But certainly there are no connections to/with former lives.
You could say such persons have "natural bad luck". It's a "Fügung" (German; = not the same as "Zufall").


Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 08:41 pm:  

Hi Billy,
I send my care to you and all at the center.
As you moved about inside the Great Spacer on one of your journeys, did you notice any of the nonhuman E.T's working together with any Human-type species and could you tell if the pairing together was because of a strong natural working symbiosis of the different life forms, or just a specialty of that particular E.T.
a friend in america

Billy did not notice non-human ET's, but human beings, who quite differed from our looks, like the Trilaner (green and hairless skin covered with acid) and Asina (amphibian human race).


Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 11:33 pm:  

Hi Billy,
what are the dimensions of ptaah's largest spaceship and how long did it take to build? Also do the plejarens still suffer from equipment breakdowns like we still do?

More than 17 km from the "pilot cabin" to the end of the "feet". No information about the time necessary to build such a "vehicle".
No, they don't suffer from such breakdowns. Everything is perfect. No damages.


Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 11:36 pm:  

Hi Billy,
do the Plejarens have ambitions in life like we do, and if so, what are some of the most common ambitions in life that the Plejaren people have.

Their ambitions are different just as ours here on Earth. Billy doesn't know the "most common ones".


Posted on Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 02:20 am:  

Hi Billy
Being mankind responsible for many animal extinctions,do you know what happens to the animal spirit forms when a certain species becomes extinct,for example mammooths.
What about the case of mankind being completely extermined by nuclear weapons, or planet collision.What would happen to our spirit forms?.
Herzliche Grüsse aus der Kanarischen Inseln an Sie.

The animal spirit forms are going back into their own plane/level and are stored there.
As has been answered before, our spirit forms would "wander off" to some other planet that shows a similar level of development/evolution than our Earth.


Posted on Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 07:39 am:  

Dear Billy,
thank you for the answers on my previous questions. My greetings to you and to all the FIGU members.
The Ancient history of Earth is essentially unknown to many of our "knowing-all" historians, and because of various reasons, often is erroneously presented to us. So it is also with the Minoan civilization.
My question is regarding famous "Phaestos disc" (founded in the Phaestos palace on Crete, Greece).
Do you know what is the meaning of those strange symbols?
Thank You,

Billy doesn't know about it.


Posted on Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 04:13 pm:  

Hi Billy, Excluding yourself, have there been any earth humans on Mars in the last 60 years?



Posted on Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 11:04 pm:  

Hi Billy, how hard would it be for the Plejarens to take control of all of our world governments and the planet too?

This would not be difficult for them because they have the power for it.


Posted on Friday, June 16, 2006 - 03:04 am:  

Hi Billy, Who exactly is Krishna (the God in the Indian holy book) and the other devas? He (Krishna) claimed to be the abode of the Universe and the Supreme Reality and Creator of all forms of energy and matter. How can that be true, how did this lie get into the Indian scriptures as Krishna's words?

Most of these are myths, based on fantasies. This is nonsense.
There existed ET's in those times on Earth, human beings.


Posted on Friday, June 16, 2006 - 09:41 am:  

Hi Billy
As it was mentioned that the gender is not determined immediately after impregnation, but by the personality that enters the embryo (together with the spirit form) on the 21st day of pregnancy.
While our scientists are of the opinion that the gender is determined by the chromosome XX/XY.
Can you explain what role is the chromosome XX/XY?

The chromosomes are not activated during impregnation, but later. This is also the case with animals.


Posted on Friday, June 16, 2006 - 11:18 am:  

Billy(your commitment to the mission is incredible)...your wisdom infinite.
What is your main thought's,with regards to an average day?Is your mind turning...turning..with many? OR perhaps very few or something else?
A little insight on your thought processes,would be wonderful to hear.Salome herr Meier..

The thought processes are the same as those of other human beings. Of course Billy is thinking on a various number of topics/issues: Planning, making phone calls, food, family life, shopping, etc. He is also thinking about his Mission when he is writing or when he is approached with questions, etc.


Posted on Friday, June 16, 2006 - 01:42 pm:  

The Plejaren speak of natural substances used to induce an abortion of the fertilised egg within the first 3 weeks of pregnancy, and as a means of contraception. These are mixed in with foods.
Do you know any of the specifics on what types of plants are used as sources for these substances, and what is/are their active ingredient(s)?
Thank you very much.



Posted on Saturday, June 17, 2006 - 12:30 am:  

Dear Billy,
If a billion people or more die in a near future war, or WWIII, presumably only a few of the present billions here will be able to incarnate in the future. Especially if we reduce the population to 500 million, how will all the spirits around the earth be able to incarnate? Will they be forever waiting, perhaps never able to incarnate for thousands, or millions of generations? Will there then be extreme competition to be reborn on this planet for everyone?
Thank you,

No spirit form that has ever begun his way of becoming and passing away (reincarnation) will ever be lost or waiting forever. There is no competition.
The spirit forms would have to wait like standing in a queue. Waiting for thousands or even millions of years is no problem if you look at the very long time span of the present waking state/period of our Creation.


Posted on Saturday, June 17, 2006 - 10:27 am:  

Greetings Billy,
My next question is in regards to your thoughts on Astro-Theology and it's relating symbols that can be traced back hundreds or thousands of years which corresponds up to today involving a verity of different religions, like in the popularity of the Da Vinci code. In particular I was wondering about the popularity and symbolism of mythical creatures such as fire breathing dragons, gargoyle serpents and even unicorns which even today have gained much popularity in the least likely of places, such as in temples and churches world wide.
Question being, are these things related to an extra-terrestrial nature like reptilian ETs, or do they represent prehistoric creatures which still existed back in ancient times?
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

Most of those are fantasy products. However, unicorn existed, dragons too (they produced gases which then ignited).
There existed also half-human, half-animal life forms, like centaurs (who were procreated through genetic manipulation).


Posted on Saturday, June 17, 2006 - 12:23 pm:  

hello billy,
thanks for answering my question, but i just want to clear some things up before my next question incase you misunderstood my latest question as i may not have been clear enough...
so let me see if i got this straight...
so visions can be seen resulting from thought impulses (which cannot be seen, aside from using electronic equipment for the purpose).
now i dont understand if you mean "seen with your eyes", or?
the above does'nt count as a question right?
i just need clarification on your (billy) statement about seeing visions.
but here is my next official question, if you put it through to billy...
impulses (thought impulses) can be transmitted to individuals minds...
using telepathy or electronic devices.
then my question is
if an impulse can be transmitted into someones mind, then i would think it is possible to transmit thought impulses into objects such as stones or books. so if a person would pick up the stone, if the person is "sensitive" enough would this person be able to utilize these impulses, or am i completely incorrect in thinking impulses can be stored in objects other than minds?
so in other words, if i had the knowledge required to transmit impulses into say, a book...
is it possible to leave an impulse on that book that would then "influence" the person that walks by or see's the book, to open it and read it. i dont mean forcibly, but like plejarens do with impulses towards some individuals on earth, it's exerting an influence,but at the same time it's not being forced on anyone.
what is your opinion on this?
thank you

It's not the thought impulses that are transmitted into stones etc., but the fluidal forces. (Note by CF: These fluidal forces don't influence a person to do anything.)


Posted on Saturday, June 17, 2006 - 05:45 pm:  

Guten Tag, Billy...
Thanks for answering all of our questions. My question to you for this round is this: If a person has been religiously indoctrinated and has developed the accompanying severe mental disorders that come with the territory (schizophrenia, OCD rituals, manic-depressive episodes) because of it, how does a person recover their normal-functioning state of mind, and is it even possible to recover fully? Thanks. Your answers are greatly appreciated.

Recovery is possible, but it is a very lengthy process. Beliefs etc. are factors connected with heredity and must be dissolved through many lives/incarnations. Even if a person is not aware of it, religiousness can be latently present and have it's influences.


Posted on Sunday, June 18, 2006 - 05:16 pm:  

Hello Billy,
Are there any reasons recommending against mixed-race couples procreating offspring? I seem to recall reading that children borne of mixed-race coupling had lowered immune systems or increased susceptance to disease; however I cannot find any references corroborating this statement. In the bulletin "A Crusade Against Overpopulation" there is reference to mixed-race marriages but nothing indicating health problems in the resulting descendants.

If this happens sparsely, it's ok. But the mixing of races in great numbers will bring degeneration because of genetic effects.


Posted on Monday, June 19, 2006 - 02:44 pm:  

Hi, Billy,
Is it of any use to put supplements like vitamins, etc inside of a (FIGU) meditationpyramid in order to enhance it's effectiveness, with other words: Is it usefull, useless or even dangerous?
"If you measure the size of your Ego to the size of your knowledge or what you assume you know, then you should always try to remember that your ignorance is infinitely larger, than any knowledge you have."

It's useless.


Posted on Monday, June 19, 2006 - 10:34 am:  

Greetings all.
My question is referring to gulf war syndrome. I am a gulf war veteran who, along with many others, is suffering from mysterious symptoms ever since I returned from the first gulf war. Does, billy or Ptaah have any information as to the cause of the "GWS" and therefore maybe the cure?}}

There is not just one form of GWS, and there is not just one trigger/cause for GWS.
(Something similar like GWS also existed in WWII.)
Triggers/causes may be:
Poison, like e.g. through uranium or cobalt ammunition, etc.
climatic influences
psychic problems through being in a foreign place
war actions (killing people)

How is your suffering, how does it express itself? Is it purely psychic(al)? Or consiousness-related? Or physical?


Posted on Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - 06:19 am:  

Dear Billy
How can one explain a death to a young child, especially the death of parents? One cannot just say: "Your mother died, which means she does not exist. Her spirit form is now in the beyound, her conciousness does not exist, she is not watching you from the heaven and you will never see your mother again".
This would be a shock for a young child. So how can we talk witch children about the death?

The child shall be granted/given the occasion to see/watch the corpse and must be informed about the facts of death. No fairy tales may be told!
Tell the child that life has left the body/corpse and that it will never return into that body. The mother or father etc. has left it for all eternity.
Don't talk in a childish way, but in a normal tone. The child must face reality, because the death of a parent is a shock anyway.
If there is a dying process it is important that the child may take part of it and that it is not excluded from visiting the dying person. The child must be able to learn that dying and death are natural events everybody has to face and experience.
Depending on the age and understanding of the child you can inform him/her about fact that the spiritform is now in the dimension of the Beyond, while the personality has returned into the storage bank of the comprehensive consciousness block, where it will be dissolved and then newly formed for the next incarnation as an entirely new person who does not remember its former existence/s.


Posted on Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - 09:15 am:  

Dear Billy,
when do you think the world will be ready to abolish the monetry system and change to an employment system thats similar to the Plejarens?

This may probably last thousands of years until the time when the people here on Earth have lost their materialistic views etc.


Posted on Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 12:03 am:  

Hi Billy,
Why do you and the Plejarans lie and obfuscate the truth when it serves your purpose?

Neither Billy nor the Plejaren ever lied or obfuscated the truth. But of course in many occasions the whole/entire truth could not be revealed.
On other occasions the questions were asked in a way that the result (answer) did not turn out in the way as expected.
And there are many people who were, and are, asking questions in order to receive a specific answer, and if this answer does not confirm their pre-conceived opinion they get upset. etc.
(Question by CF: I would like to see an example of such a "lie"! Since you are making such a severe accusation it would be only fair if you come forth with it. You can publish it in the next round of questions for everybody to see.)


Posted on Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 11:28 am:  

Aloha Billy,
Have you been given information regarding the safety of water treatment practices, particulary fluoridation?



Posted on Friday, June 23, 2006 - 04:49 am:  

Dear Edward and Christian, thankyou for taking the time to answer my questions.
It has invariably been the case, as I attempt to progress my understanding of your writings, that all such attempts converge on one single point of understanding or rather, misunderstanding. I have done battle, in my mind, at this gate for some months now and still I fail to pass through. And it is thus that I ask the following question:
When you speak of the material and the spiritual, what do you refer to existentially - how do these concepts differ, how are they similar(if at all) and how does each relate to different aspects of reality - and such concepts that are direct corollaries of the said - Spiritual Intellect, Material Intellect, Spiritual Energy, Spiritual Teachings, Spiritual-Physical, Material-Physical, Spiritual truth, the Spiritual and Physical realms, the spiritual laws and directives?

This is a rather confusing question.
What can be said is that usually when there is mentioning of the "spiritual", the consciousness-related facts/aspects are meant.


Posted on Friday, June 23, 2006 - 11:08 pm:  

Dear Moderator,
I have missed the opportunity to ask Billy a Q. twice before and my question is not amongst these posted here so I am wondering what happened? my Q. is in regard to 'what happens to the spirit once a pregnancy is terminated'?
you don't have to put this question on the board, thank you.

The consciousness returns into the realm/storage bank of the comprehensive consciousness block (Gesamtbbewusstseinblock), while the spiritform returns into the dimension of the Beyond.


Posted on Sunday, June 25, 2006 - 02:24 pm:  

Hello, Billy,
What is spiritual intelect and how can be spiritual intelect developed?
Herzliche Grüsse.

A spiritual intellect does not exist. Intellect belongs into the material realm and has to do with the consciousness. Intellect is the same as Vernunft und Verstand (reason and understanding).
In order to develop your intellect you can learn, think, feel, act, use/develop love, wisdom etc. etc.


Posted on Saturday, July 01, 2006 - 04:08 am:  

Are the devas fictional beings, as you mentioned to me in my earlier post, who are they exactly and from where do they come (what is their homeplanet)?

It depends what you mean with "deva/s". There are different meanings (Sanskrit, Findhorn, etc.).
If you mean "natural spirits" (Naturgeister), such do exist, here on Earth, but in another dimension.


Posted on Saturday, July 01, 2006 - 04:16 am:  

Are there beings in the Proxima Centuri System? What is their level of technology?

There are no human life forms in the PCS in our space and time constellation.


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 03:32 am:  

Dear Billy,
what is the name of Semjase's mother?

Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 12:46 am:  

Is it necessary for a person to have access to the memories of past spirit forms to evolve? In other words can a person still evolve even if they never learn anything about their former lives(who they were, what they did,etc.)?

No, absolutely not!


Posted on Saturday, July 01, 2006 - 09:18 pm:  

Dear Billy,
when and how was the 'aggressor gene' given to all the races of the earth human if all the earth human races each came from diferrent planets, such as the japanese came from the planet nissan? Was the aggressor gene (which was also the gene responsible for giving us our 100 year life span bodies too) given to all human races before we came to Earth. Wether it was or wether it wasn't, could you explain to us a bit about how and when the gene was given to us.

Actually and naturally there are aggression genes within every human being because this is necessary for the survival of the human beings. But of course this is not meant to start a war.
The manipulated aggressor gene was disseminated here on earth during aeons of time.


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 01:45 am:  

Hi Billy,
When did the ET's manipulate the aging-gene?

A very long time ago in the Sirius region (not in our dimension).


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 12:01 am:  

I know this question may have an obvious answer but I want to be clear about it.How exactly does
killing someone(intentionally)or taking your own life hinder or obstruct your spiritual evolution?

This depends on the person's character and personality, etc.
This is a matter of the actual life and has nothing to do with any next life/s (no karma!).
To kill a person will give you feelings of guilt, a bad conscience, bad dreams, etc. etc. (and a hard time in a prison) etc.
These effects may even occur if you have killed a person during an act of self-defence.


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 01:06 am:  

Hi Billy
Thanks for your answer in explaining the delayed activation of the chromosome inside of the embryo.
I would like to ask which one is the major factor in determining the gender of a new born baby:-
1. the personality that enters the embryo or
2. the chromosome?
To what extend in percentage will this major factor in control?

As far as Billy knows the chromosomes are the determining factor.


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 03:01 pm:  

Would you know if there is something given/afforded {negative or positive} to a person that is well-known/famous or simply thought of?{in reverse}
{}does ones enviroment differ in some way if one {or more },are (for example) a speaker,a singer/actor,rulers,or dare i say preist/popes?
restlessly ignorant

There is no difference in receiving a gift etc. from a famous or non-famous person or vice-versa.
The fact that somebody is famous does have no effect on something given (except what is produced in the thoughts of the person/s involved/in question).


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 11:56 pm:  

Dear Billy,
Before a spirit enters an embryo What happens to its consciousness when there are twins to be born? is there any conflict in its subconsciousness? I am aware that although twins may be identical, their personalities and belif system varies. How and Why?
Thank you

Each twin is a person by himself and has its own brain. Therefore each has its own personality, sub-consciousness, consciousness, comprehensive consciousness block, etc. etc.


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 11:44 pm:  

Hi Billy
You went on a number of time travel trips with Asket (6?) including back to 13th C France and back to meet Jmmanuel in Jordan.
My question is what were the other locations and time frames that you went on?

There were also a few jumps into the future and into the past. One occasion was a "jump" back in time with Semjase to send a letter with the mail (at the time when Billy lived in Hinwil).
(Note by CF: I just realize that I did not specifically ask about the time travels with Asket, but in general.)


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 03:29 pm:  

Hi Billy i hope you do well in the paradisiac swiss Alps.
I have been reading in UFO circles that the earth human mind does not have some kind of defense against "mental intrusion".That means if the Bafath or any telepathic developed race wanted to manipulate an earth human mind,transform him into a obedient robot,like hypnotised,it would be very easy for him,and the earth human would be defenseless.(Mind control).That would have been the case of Adolf Hitler.
Can mind intrusion defense be trained,and has it something to do with cognition of reality and the stages of human evolution (intelectual life,real life,spiritual life,creational life)?
That would be the negative side of mind manipulation,the positive would be Peace Meditation,using impulses to awake logic and creational thoughts,freeing us from those non rational,non spiritual political and religious leaders.

(Well, the Swiss Alps are a couple of kilometres away from the hills where Billy lives.)
Yes, defence against mind intrusion can be trained. You have to live in reality and may/must not hang on to illusions etc.
The Peace Meditation is not the opposite of the negative mind intrusion, but a neutral force or power.


Posted on Sunday, July 02, 2006 - 06:30 pm:  

My question concerns the development of free-energy-from-space technology. Many people claim such technology currently exists but is being suppressed by the "big-energy" cartel. This can be rationalized to some extent concerning the western industrialized nations that are so dependent on fossil fuels and nuclear power. The "powers-that-be" enjoy record profits and want to keep it that way. However, things are different in Asia, especially China, where the rate of energy consumption is accelerating dramatically, and they are even considering attacking the US (their biggest trading partner) should the US attack Iran. (Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!)
I would think implementing free-energy technology would be China's top strategic concern if the technology really exists. So, what is the case: is the technology currently available and being suppressed - or - are further technological breakthroughs required?

Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 - 01:36 am:  

Hi Billy,
does Russia have Scalar (electron) weapons capable of starting fires in other countries?

As far as Billy knows neither Russia nor the USA have such weapons, but they are developing them. HAARP is one of the related projects.


Posted on Monday, July 03, 2006 - 11:25 pm:  

Hi Billy,
in a recent answer to someone's question about 9/11, you said that the World Trade Centre buildings were brought down by the planes. My question is, what brought down World Trade Centre building number 7, was it fire or was it demolition charges?

Billy does not know about Building number 7, but he said that the main towers were indeed hit by the airplanes and crashed because of the fire. And there were explosives (was explosive?) in the planes.


Posted on Monday, July 03, 2006 - 09:45 pm:  

Dear Billy,
what is the best way to get my mind to stop from regularly remembering and always bringing up to my consciousness the same old bad memory of a negative event that happened to me in the past, (which I rather permanently forget), and as such is always putting me down in process? I've tried always getting my mind to think of something else whenever this happens, this action works to the extent that it stops my mind from entertaining this bad memory for a prolonged length of time, but it doesn't help stop or slow down the amount of times the bad memory keeps coming back into my mind. Many Thanks.

You should direct your thoughts and feelings to/on positive, actual and future events.


Posted on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 - 09:13 am:  

Dear Billy,
Thank you for coming back for us...
My question concerns Arahat Athersata.
My understanding it that when we reach a certain level of consciousness we integrate with Arahat Athersata and essentially become immortal since we no longer "incarnate" and need to die to continue the "meat" cycle. A good friend mentioned he feels it is his last life on Earth, hence this question.
Are there many people on Earth now, who will evolve to Arahat Athersata within their "lifetime" or do we have to grow and evolve for many more years and develop longer life spans such as the Plejarens?
Tschüs... Much love to you...
rarena ô¿ô
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona.
Peace be on Earth, and among all beings.

Between our existence here on Earth (or on some other planet) and the existence as a part of the Arahat Athersata level, there will be the existence as a half-material, half-spiritual entity (as it is the case with the High Council).
While the existence as a human being with a coarse-matter body lasts about 50 to 80 million years, the next (transition) state lasts for 40 to 60 billion/milliard years.
(Note by CF: Your good friend is quite a distance away from his last life on Earth, meaning before entering the level of AA. In light of the fact that a personality only exists once, he may be correct, though; but I doubt that he meant his statement in this way.)


Posted on Monday, July 03, 2006 - 02:48 pm:  

Hi Billy, Since the last election was fixed in George Bush Jr. favor. How are the American people supposed rule their government & elect the politicians they want, if the elections are fixed?

As the first step all peoples on this planet have to strive to become intelligent. It is then that they can replace the bad and unsuitable governments with decent and intelligent and unselfish persons.
Today it is a fact that not those persons are elected into the governmental offices who would be suited the best. And this is true with all countries on this planet.


Posted on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 - 12:32 pm:  

Dear Billy,
The book of Nicolas Notovitch, originally publisched in the 1894, that deals with the "lost years" of Jmmanuel in India; especially the youth's years and the period after the crucifixion, is really based upon a transcription of the original TJ, or is only a forgery?
Thank you for your time.
Enrico "Rei"

This name is unknown to Billy.


Posted on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 - 09:00 pm:  

Hi Billy,
As one of laws of Creation is the law of cause and effect, then the universe is deterministic, meaning that every event is the effect of another event, and therefore we can predict future events if we know the causes, even the human way of thinking is determined by our genes, hormones, brain, etc. I was thinking that if human is owner of its own destiny it means that the human spirit is out of this law, therefore human is a very powerful being, because every small decision he makes affects all the universe, not now but thru time, my question is, Is this right?
Norberto Burciaga

The human being has a free will and can decide to act in different ways. You can, for example, say No or Yes to a certain question, and the effect will be entirely different.
Cause and effect are not predetermined, but effects are constantly formed. And each cause is already a new "becoming". An effect forms/originates because something is passing (away).


Posted on Friday, July 21, 2006 - 11:35 pm:  

Hi Billy
You went on a number of time travel trips with Asket (6?) including back to 13th C France and back to meet Jmmanuel in Jordan.
My question is what were the other locations and time frames that you went on?
(Asking again as CF didn't specifically ask my question)

Billy had nine time travel trips with Asket. Those that were not reported were private and will not be published.


Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 12:19 am:  

Dear Billy,
In my previous post about the devas, I was refering to the celestial beings in the Hindu Mythology. There is a god named Kartikeya, his name caught my attention because it means 'He from the Pleiades ('Katrika' constellation = Pleiades), so I was wondering who he was?

Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 10:03 am:  

Who exactly is the Buddha, I have searched the forum and found no answers. Was he a contactee?, and what is 'Nirvana' given in the Buddist Scriptures, how can it be related to the Spiritual Teachings of our Space friends?

Buddha was a prophet, but he had no contacts with ETs.
Nirvana is the "plane of release" (in German: Erlösungsebene). It does not exist. There is no relation to the spiritual teaching. Nirvana is wishful thinking and fantasy.


Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 10:28 am:  

Hi Billy, Does George Bush Jr. know that the 2004 presidential election was fixed in his favor? I want this to be clear was Bush part of the plot to fix the election or was he out of the loop & today still unaware that he lost the election.

He knew it.


Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 01:23 pm:  

Dear Billy,
is there anything to be found in the future, (any object or device), as a proof of existence/destruction of Atlantis.
Thank you,

Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 01:47 pm:  

Hello Billy,
I hope all is well with you and those you care about....
I have a question for you for this round and it deals with fear... If I am the unfortunate victim (Although I know that these things are self-created torture chambers) of a completely paralyzing and agonizing fear (for example: of the police), how am I to overcome it? I know this is stupid, but I feel they're out to get me, and this has just degenerated itself into a paralyzing phobia. I've never commited any crimes, and I am a fairly decent, well-informed, law-abiding citizen. Yet I just have this paralyzing fear of them. How safe are we if we know the secrets of the government? Would they hurt us or harass us if we join FIGU and decide to help out in the Mission, as I would like to?
BTW: I live in a very major North American city that has seen a major increase in Police presence due to (I think) a feared terrorist plot. To tell the truth, I find their increased numbers and powers frightening...
Thanks in advance....

The reason for your fear lies in experiences of your past (in this your present life), even if you probably don't remember those experiences.
You have to concern yourself with reality (Realität) and the comprehensive reality (Gesamtwirklichkeit) and to recognize, understand and accept them. You have to recognize/perceive the fact of reality. Fact is, that if you are not guilty of a crime, you don't have to fear to be put into prison.
You will have to see the facts and to realize them in logic.
If you want to help FIGU, you are to do so according to your own decision and your wishes. Of course we are glad about all people who are helping us.


Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 10:17 pm:  

Dear Billy,
There is something I have pondered and have not come to a complete understanding.
The person known as Mother Teresa had visited many countries during her lifetime and sought out the poorest of people to help and comfort. She mentioned receiving the calling of "God" and decided to devote her life to serving humanity. She taught the simple lessons of giving and receiving love with no attachments. The basis for much of her life was giving service to "God" and "Jesus" and spreading religious ideas.
In your opinion would you consider this person someone of greatness and a true humanitarian, or perhaps someone who has been misguided by religious ideas and philosophies? I mean this in a respectful and kind way, but I can't seem to reconcile the ideas she taught which don't seem to teach people to help themselves, but to rely on "Jesus" and "God" for strength and guidance...
Thank you for any ideas you may have on this topic.

Mother Teresa "produced" things she then believed to be real and true. Actually she was living in a religious-sectarian delusion.
Mother Teresa was a serious criminal. She was dealing (selling) children and sending/donating about 2 billion/milliard $ to the Pope.


Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 08:07 pm:  

Hi Billy
Thanks for your answer that the chromosomes are the determining factor for the gender of a new born baby.
Supposing, there is a person, before he dies, he has a strong will and every reason of becoming a man again in his next life.
My question is: Is there any chance that this spirit will engage with an embryo with XX (female) chromosome? What would happen then?

Contrary to knowledge, wish factors (Wunschfaktoren) are not (cannot be) transferred into a next life. After the end of one's life the personality is dissolved before an entirely new one is built up.
The gender is determined by genetics alone.


Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 - 06:01 am:  

Hi Billy I envy you because Hinterschmidrüti is not as hot as here, Canary Islands, in the summer...
Mi question is about channenling, mediumship.
You say there exist just a few authentic, real mediums in the world. Exactly one year ago, my girlfriend and I paid a visit to an alleged medium. He was 77 years old but stayed quite healthy. He had degrees in psychiatry, genetics, nutrition and many more, the shelves of his house full of all kind of books. Mi first ideas were to ridicule his theories but in the end he crushed mines. (i was absolutely skeptical about spirit and reincarnation, found it stupid). And finally I got here at Figu searching for answers.
This man said he could know when somebody was going to die, although it was senseless to tell the person about that. He said too that a some spirits are earth bound, for example my girlfriend had lost a lover in a car accident and this spirit was still "bound" somehow to her, like it could not forget her in the beyond. He found out that i had had a traumatic sexual experience in my childhood too, which i kept secretly to myself. After reading some of your writings, i still believe some of his abilities were real.
My questions are:
1) can we call authentic "mediumship" the ability to distinguish material coarse matter from fine matter and take information from the storage banks?
2) Such persons are "gifted" persons, or on the other hand, have they gained these abilities throughout many reincarnations, working hard their spiritual wisdom/knowledge? Could former deceased on Earth IHWHs, with such ancient spiritual evolution, be related to real mediums/channelers?
My apologies to you Billy and forum members if my post turned to be a bit long.

Such a thing as channeling actually does not exist. This is an invention by the New Age Movement.
The spirit cannot be "bound" to another person.
Authentic mediumship requires a very highly developed consciousness.
There are no "gifted" persons, because a person must work very hard for the attainment of such "abilities".
If a person, who was an IHWH in his (or her) former life, is incarnating here on Earth, he has to start his life with that what's common where he lives. His knowledge of an IHWH is blocked. If this would not be the case the person could not exist//last among the human beings and would wither away with regard to his consciousness.


Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 - 07:19 am:  

Hi Billy,
I hope you are keeping well. My question is: Who made the Roswell biological androids?
Thank you, and stay well,

Human beings from the Zeta Reticuli system.


Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 - 07:31 pm:  

I used to be a Christian and stopped believing it in my teenage years because it seemed illogical. I was raised in the Church by my parents, but I no longer live with them. My parents keep pressuring me to find a church, because ever sinced I moved out of there house, I have never found one because I do not believe in it, but they do not know how I feel.
My Question is: Should I tell them how I feel about it. I feel that I should, but I feel that if I do, they will never talk to me again, and I love them, or should I not interfere with there beliefs by not telling them, because I know they would never accept anything accept Christianity, sadly enough. And on top of that I keep having dreams about this.
What is you advice?
Thank you very much
I am truthful to the extend at which I know the truth.

You shall make a council with yourself and decide alone what there is to do. You should analyse reality and ask yourself, how do I see the matter, and how my parents?
You could sound out (sondieren) during the next visit at your parents. You could say, e.g.: "I have a friend who has left the Church and doesn't believe in God anymore. He has troubles with his parents who won't accept his decision. etc. etc. How would you react if you were his parents?, etc. etc." Depending on your parents' reaction you can decide. Keep in mind that sometimes it is better to keep silent than to speak (silence is golden).
If you get dreams from this they belong into the "pangs of conscience" category.


Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 - 10:27 pm:  

Dear Christian and Billy,
As requested by Christian, here are examples of Billy and/or the Plejarans lying and obfuscating the truth.
1.) Perpetrating for over twenty years the ruse that the Plejarans were Pleiadians from the star cluster known as the Pleiades/Seven Sisters.

This was an intentional test to expose the frauds and free riders (Trittbrettfahrer). The result proves they (the P's) were right.
Since the name Pleiades (in our space and time configuration) is expressed as Pleiades in the Lyran language, it is not a lie. It was just a matter of telling a part of the truth, but not the whole truth.

2.) Calling Lee Elders a liar and deceiver.

Michael, you obviously have either not read the article concerning Lee Elders, or you are deliberately attempting to distort the facts. It was Quetzal who discovered this error regarding Lee Elders. Through Billy's prompting, Quetzal was able to uncover who the true originator of the lies concerning Lee Elders orginated. It was NOT the Plejarens and or Billy.


3.) Designating people as contact persons who in reality had not been such (Kenneth Arnold - sightings, Betty & Barney Hill - alien abduction, Dan Fry - contacts, etc, etc).

Again, Michael you are trying paint a picture regarding Billy and the Plejarens as attempting to be consciously deceptive. From Ptaah: "Altogether, in earlier time, every incident in this respect we accepted as the truth, like contacts between earth's human beings and beings foreign to earth as well as abductions by beings foreign to earth; however, they have been proven wrong through our newest technology according to investigations for such incidents that go back to the early times of the 20th, and the 19th century." If you want to point the finger at anyone, how about the sources of many of these falsifications --- "Earth People" I think the biggest mistake Billy and the Plejarens have made with us, is that we cannot be trusted!

Nothing more must be added.

4.) Alleging that the "Museum of Earth Vehicles" on Erra contains every wheeled and tracked vehicle/car that was ever built on Planet Earth.
Do they have one of these in that museum?
How about this one?
Or that?
How is it possible for the Plejarans to buy every wheeled and tracked vehicle/car ever built on Planet Earth without having earth human contacts and without misrepresenting their true identity? Using androids representing themselves with fabricated identities?

What you don't know, but will learn now, is that this "Museum of Vehicles", as you call it, does not show vehicles only which were produced during the last 150 or so years, but encompass all means of transport from the first invention up to today; from the first wheel of stone, chariot, bicycle, etc. up to a Ferrari.
The man who is collecting those vehicles is a friend of Quetzal and has the same passion as had his father and forefathers. This collection goes back thousands of years.
The vehicles were bought with gold, rubies, money etc. etc., either by androids or by the collectors themselves (who were protected by their security devices).

I also wonder how Ptaah learned ancient Greek in Greece without having any earth human contacts.

The Plejaren need 3 weeks to learn a language because they have recorded (visual and auditory) every language that was ever spoken here on Earth. Learning is done with the aid of devices plus hypnotic induction. The most part of the learning process is dedicated to the correct pronunciation.

Here is my question for this round.
You have called the Bible a book of lies - a constructed chronicle in order to provide a history for a group of people. I thought a core part of your mission was the discovery and correction of the true teachings of Jmmanuel. Since the Plejarans played a key role in your mission, doesn't this presume they knew of the falsification of Jmmanuel's teachings, thus the proclivity for humans to lie, cheat and deceive? Even little earth children recognize the mechanism of lying in action by observing people saying one thing and doing another. In light of the above, how are we to reconcile the contradiction apparent in the Plejarans statement that they could not conceive that human beings of earth are able to bathe in lies and presumptions which do not represent the truth? With all due respect, this sounds like another lie.

According to their directives the P's were never allowed to dig deeper into the inner and innermost thoughts of a terrestrial or non-terrestrial person. After realizing again and again (during the contacts with Billy) that terrestrial people's thoughts may not correspond with what they are saying and doing, their directive was changed (not too long ago), enabling them or permitting them now to dig deeper into the thoughts of the people here on Earth.


Posted on Monday, July 24, 2006 - 01:08 am:  

Dear Billy,
In order to pave the way for the US government (and other governments) to overcome religious barriers and see the value and benefits of stem cell research;
Is there any scientific proof or evidence of ANY kind that can be used to help shed some light on how the SPIRIT enters the human fetus on the 21st day?
Lonnie Morton

The fact that the heart of the embryo is starting to beat on the 21st day.


Posted on Monday, July 24, 2006 - 01:53 am:  

Greetings Billy,
Will your mission resume in your next incarnation? If not, what year will your spiritform will resume its mission as the bringer of truth?

This is the last time in his incarnation line that he will appear as a prophet.
Humankind on Earth has now received (and will still receive) information in written form that is necessary for all times to live a evolutive life. Due to our technical possibilities the teachings and information Billy deliveres will never vanish again and will be preserved for all times. All the information in his books enables the human being to investigate and develop within himself and herself.


Posted on Monday, July 24, 2006 - 05:48 am:  

I am newbie here so be patient with me guys. The thing I want to know first is how come Plejarans have only one contact person? I have an example, if I heard voices in my head who tells me its God sending me a message. Well, I could never be sure if there's a real transmission happening or is there something wrong with my head. I know that Billy's family and friends have supposedly gotten some messages too but I still cannot understand why there isnt more contactees.
I read somewhere that Plejarans have had few more contactees before but theyre all dead now. So why just one?

Hello Scudhall,
I really suggest you start reading some of the writings put out by FIGU, because your questions have been asked and answered many times before.
Welcome to the Forum

The reason for this may be exlained in an old saying: Too many cooks spoil the broth.
The other contactees you are mentioning are dead and had the task to confirm Billy's/ours information/Mission/teaching on Earth. They were not supposed to give their own information. Since they are dead now, their task is put into the hands of the members of the Core Group of 49 at the Semjase Silver Star Center in Switzerland and, under their guidance and supervision, of all other worldwide FIGU groups.


Posted on Monday, July 24, 2006 - 10:57 am:  

Hello Mr. Meier
In a question & answer from this forum in March 2006, someone had asked about the "shroud of Turin". Part of the answer given was, "It shows the image of an Italian merchant in the first half of 1300. The picture was produced by his brother, an alchemist. It's actually the first photograph that was ever produced (with the aid of silver iodide and sunlight)."
I mentioned this information in an email to Barrie Schwortz, editor and publisher of a "shroud of Turin" website. In a response he stated, "This was a possibility considered by the STURP [Shroud of Turin Research Project] team in 1978. Consequently, pyrolisis mass spectrometry, chemical analysis and spectral analyses performed on the Shroud found no evidence of any silver salts or any other silver halides on the cloth, in either the image or non image areas. Your information is not correct according to all of the peer reviewed science."
Would there be an explanation as to why the scientists examining the "shroud" were unable to locate any "silver salts or halides"? Or is it perhaps that this information was suppressed?
Thank you for your time and explanations.
David Chance

Billy doesn't know the reason for this. The salts etc. probably may have dispersed.


Posted on Monday, July 24, 2006 - 11:12 am:  

Is it possible, through meditation, to influence others? And, if some christians are "praying for you", can you somehow be affected by it?

No, you cannot influence others through meditation. The only influence you can have is on yourself.
It's not the prayers that have an influence, but the thoughts (positive vibrations).


Posted on Monday, July 24, 2006 - 05:23 pm:  

Hello Billy,
Many people have said we are now in the period where WW3 is waging. Some in the mainstream media say it began with the recent actions in Lebanon/Palestine/Israel. Others said it began with the terrorist attacks on 911. Yet others contend it actually began with Gulf War I. However, in Contact 405 with Ptaah [Monday, November 21, 2005] it is said as of 2006 the political situation on Earth is "somewhat in a state of rest, from which no signs of a Third World War result." If the prophecies leading up to WW3 are not unfolding as scripted, which is a good thing, how are we to know if/when we have crossed over to the side of WW3 becoming a prediction? Personally, I can't see how a global world war could be occurring without the major powers attacking one another (USA, Russia, China, etc).
Everyone, please keep up the peace meditation!
Thank you,

Everybody will know when the real WWIII has started.
We are now in the "prologue" of a third WW. The duration of this "prologue" is determined by the governments, terrorists etc. As we have seen in the last few years there have been ups and downs (times of more threat and less).
A prologue doesn't necessarily mean that the principal phase of WWIII must occur.
As has been informed again and again in this forum, WWIII is still a prophecy and can be avoided.


Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - 10:38 pm:  

hello billy,
thanks for answerinf my latest question...
here's another.
i would like you insight on the following, if that's alright?
dreams seem to have many different symbols representing all kinds of things in life, like opportunity, freedom, love, pain, loneliness etc.
through my own dreams i have managed to figure out and piece together some of them, but one dream in particular has me stumped.
this is the first and only time i have had dreamed of this...
that is a still image of a pattern of about 50-60 circles each encompasing the one smaller to it. each circle is a colour that "radiates" outward. so it looks almost like some sort of "psychedelic" looking colour pattern.
i myself figured this was somekind of message from my sub concious mind, like a message written through colour rather than letters of the alphabet, or moving images in usual dreams.
i was wondering, what relavance do colours have in dreams, from a universal perspective.
is there some universal meaning to the 7 colours of the rainbow, i have tried to figure out if it means something specific to me and i have'nt come to any conclusions.
do you have any interesting info on colour patterns and dreams?

Colours in dreams on the one hand have a general meaning, and on the other hand an individual one.
The individual meaning depends on the dreamer's personal views and preferences etc. of certain colours. Therefore, you cannot explain a person's dream without knowing the person's thoughts etc.


Posted on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 12:15 am:  

Greetings Billy,
Thanks as always for your good answers,
By any chance would you know any truth related to the legends of King Author and the Knights of the Round Table? As in just perhaps you may know something about the real legend of Merlin, the sword of Excalibur, the lady of the lake who was perhaps a real mermaid, shape-shifter or ET, or all three. Or even the legend of the holy grail which in the new Da Vinci Code book and movie is referred to as a bloodline leading back to Jmmanuel and his former wife Mary Magdalene, but I'm not quite so sure yet about the truths relating to that last claim.
Thanks and peace in knowing,
James Truthseeker

The Da Vinci Code is nonsense.
Billy knows about the legend of King Arthur, but doesn't know what's behind those stories.


Posted on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 12:25 am:  

Hello Billy,
In answering previous questions concerning the collapse of the WTC Towers, you indicated that at high levels the US Government had awareness of the plan to crash planes into the buildings. Not only did they have awareness, they did nothing to stop it. You also indicated that explosives were aboard the planes. Therefore, we might consider that the explosives were a decisive factor in the buildings collapse. If the US Government did not carry out the acts, then we must conclude that the Arab/Muslim/terrorists who were alleged to have crashed the planes did in fact both put the explosives on the planes and crash them into the buildings (the planes were not steered via remote control). Does this scenario concur with the facts as you know them, or have I gotten some things wrong? Please correct me wherever I am wrong. Thank you.

The main reason for the towers to crash down was the extreme heat that let the metal structure melt. As far as Billy knows the explosives on the plane were in liquid form, but he does not know how the explosives were brought on the planes.
Yes, high levels of the US Government knew about the project, but on the one hand did not take it serious or on the other hand had the idea, that such an attack would deliver them cause to start a worldwide war against terrorism, including actions against issues that had nothing to do with terrorism. They were playing with fire.


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 12:16 pm:  

Dear Mr. Meier,
I will start by saying that it is an honor and a real joy for me to be posting my first question to you. So here goes.
If you were to convey a few words to future incarnations of your spirit, what would they be?
Many thanks for taking the time to answer this question. I wish you all the best.
David Kamada

The words would be: No answer.


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 12:25 pm:  

Guten Tag, Billy...
Much thanks for answering my previous question. This month's question concerns the ET "Asina", from the Deneb system, in the Cygnus Constellation, and other aliens and their spiritual evolution/thinking processes. When their ship broke down and they couldn't fix it, why couldn't they fix it? They built it, didn't they? Semjase told you that this particular group of ET's were of a "hive mind" mentality, in other words, "follow the leader". They then sought out you to help them, since they thought you were our planet's leader because of your ancient spirit form. It makes sense that they would do such a thing.
It's not "spiritual evolution", but consciousness-related evolution.
They could not fix it, and they were too far away from their home world to order help because their communication system reached/crossed only 1400 lightyears, instead of the required 2000. See Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Block 3, pages 48 ff.

(Note by CF: Regarding fixing their ship: Do you think that everybody here on earth could fix a car after the engine broke down?
I doubt that "hive mind" is the correct translation! I think that "herd instinct government form" would be the correct term. Asina's people is led by those persons who are having the strongest consciousness-related vibrations.)

Asina didn't try to contact Billy because of his ancient spirit form, but because of his highly evolved consciousness form.

Question (continued)
My question is: How could these aliens possibly gain wisdom if they can't think independently for themselves? How could they progress spiritually and technically and survive (that is, fight off invaders) as a race? Isn't it a spiritual law that each creature must labour and think for itself in order to arrive at the truth? Are these ET's considered human also, or are they different? Semjase also said that there are also highly evolved plant-lifeforms out there. Can these think for themselves and gain wisdom? Is it their job to also help Creation evolve? Do they have ships? Can they move around?
Thanks in advance...

Of course they are thinking independently, just as we human beings here on Earth. On the one hand they are a WE-form, and at the same time they are individuals -- just as we people here on earth.
Indeed there exist highly evolved plant-lifeforms, but they do not gain wisdom, and do not help Creation evolve, because the latter is the task of human beings only.
Plants don't have ships, but there are such which are able to let themselves (as seed) being driven through space and on to foreign planets.
Plants have an "impulse consciousness form" only.


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 03:44 pm:  

Hi Billy, In the Arahat Athersata it mentions the monstrous power of thought in the Secret Sciences. What are the Mysteries of the Secret Sciences?

In the old days (middle ages etc.) much knowledge, like physics, development of consciousness, Creation's laws, etc. was closed off from the common people.
There was even the threat of death penalty if the common people got in contact with that forbidden knowledge.


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 07:38 pm:  

Could you name some of the few country/nations that have leaders that are in it for the well being of there people.
thank you
Brian Best

Perhaps the king of Tonga, who just recently died?


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 10:21 pm:  

hello billy thanks for answering my questions.
it seems every time i doubt myself and put my question to you, i more or less find that what you say runs very parallel with my original first thought and opinion on the matter. this gives me more confidence in my own feelings and reasoning, so thank you for the help
my next question is this...
is ther somekind of right that a being (a human for example) is born with, under somekind of law of nature?
for instance... by being born on this planet, it is obvious i have a responsibility to care and maintain the well being of the planet, and also the people and animals living on it. but is there a flip-side to this... as in, what gives an e.t. not born on earth, the right to delve into peoples most personal thoughts, and do with the information as they please?
am i not able to protect myself from this gross abuse of privacy?
i always heard the term "birthright" and so i wonder if there is somekind of right in relation to the planet you are born on and so on.
thank you.

Everything happens within the laws of nature: procreation, birth, life, etc.
The Plejaren do not intrude into the inner private of a human being because their directives do not permit it. They are only allowed to look at the more external factors of human beings.
Your privacy is not abused by them.


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 10:52 pm:  

Greetings Billy,
I hope you are well. In a previous question by Lonnie you answered that "proof or evidence of ANY kind that can be used to help shed some light on how the SPIRIT enters the human fetus on the 21st day" could be found in "The fact that the heart of the embryo is starting to beat on the 21st day."
Doesn't this suggest then that the spirit enters through, or is centered in, the heart rather than the brain; and how can we know where the spirit will eventually be discovered scientifically?
Thank you and be very well,

The heart can only start to beat if there is a working brain around. And a brain is only working if there is a spirit form fuelling/nurturing it with energy and is active, together with the comprehensive consciousness-block.
Some time ago a scientist said that the spirit must be on that exact position in the brain where it really is, but Billy doesn't remember when and where he saw this information (on TV).


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 11:26 pm:  

Hi Billy, This is my first question to you:
Are the aborignes of Australia related to the Africans or Indians (dark Indians of the east)? Please explain the migrations, if they are related that is.

If Billy remembers correctly they came from the continent America, a long time ago (Billy doesn't know the exact date).


Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 - 11:44 pm:  

Are the claims of Bob Lazar true? If so, which races' beamships did he attempt to reverse engineer?

That's a hoax.


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 01:51 am:  

Dear Billy,
in the 424th Contact, Ptaah said:
"The Gizeh Intelligences were sent into exile and are becoming extinct. In addition, the men in black were rounded up and taken into custody through forces of their home world after their last evil attacks against you. They also do not pose a threat anymore".
Is there any other E.T. group left here on Earth who can be considered as threat, and who are against you and your true teachings/mission?
Thank you.



Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 08:41 am:  

Dear Mr. Billy,
Maybe I am wrong, but you probably do not care a hoot or a holler about English language translations of your contact notes and written materials. By that I am meaning it is up to the indigenous people to perform their own translations if they wish. But probably you do not even wish them to do this, like with your friend Mr. Stevens, when he had the contact notes translated. There were many mistakes in those translations. Of course it would be better for the people to learn the German language so they can read the materials first-hand and not be tricked by bad translations. Many of the people that come to your case have been previously involved in religions, UFOs, new-age esoterica, speculation theories, etc. As you have said, it takes many years (maybe lifetimes) to overcome those erroneous beliefs. Do you think people with those beliefs should be doing translations of your materials and publishing them for other people to read, especially when they do not hardly know the German language themselves? Do you give your authorization or approval to such people?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

Contrary to your assumption we are very much interested that the books are translated in as many languages as possible. However, it is required that the translations are really accurate, and it is required that they are done directly from the German original.
Since FIGU is not rich, we cannot pay anybody for translation work, and obviously there are not enough people on this planet who are 1) really mastering German and another language, and 2) are willing to do the translation for free.
(Note by CF: We are aware of the fact that many people are making translations by using translation software, or are making second generation translations from English into another language, but this doesn't work properly, especially not with the most important books of Billy which cover the various questions of everything between birth, death and the Beyond. It may even be dangerous for one's consciousness-related health when using falsely translated information.)


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 08:57 am:  

Dear Billy
Thank you once again for this opportunity.
Billy I was wondering if I may, On the 7/8/06 around 11:15am to 12:15pm in Melbourne Australia, many clusters of UFOs or orbs flew right on top of the city which I had initially received some form of urge or impulse to look up to find what I was expecting but not wholly convinced that it would eventuate but nonetheless, it happened to my surprise.
Prior to this UFO sighting, I had a few occasions of a vivid dream of seeing UFO crafts but also in my own way, sent a thought message to the known telemeter disc hovering above the SSSC whether it could show itself some time to aid in the overall awareness by the mainstream of the existence of ETs, thus in my expectation, aiding in the mission. Also seeing as you and the plejarens consider the underground dwelling Aghartians to be terrestrial rather than extraterrestrial, I gather that you would consider their UFO sighting to be terrestrial in definition.
If it's not an outrageous request on my part, I was wondering if you could ask Ptaah or whomever you'll get in contact with next time, what the significance of this exhibition on the part of the plejarens or any members of their federation was, if it wasn't the work of the underground dwelling Aghartians.
I am certain for a fact that, seeing a holographic low flying projection of UFO clusters very close to where I and 6 other eyewitnesses were, left little doubt in my mind that it wasn't terrestrial in origin.

Billy cannot tell you what you saw, but most probably this had nothing to do with ET's. Billy won't ask Ptaah.
And of course it had nothing to do with the people from Agharta because they are walking or using native transport vehicles (in India etc.), and not UFO's.


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 04:05 pm:  

With thanks and appreciation for Mr.Meier and the FIGU core members.
My question is at once philosophic and scientific and concerns itself with the respective natures of what I shall here refer to as, the 'material universe' and 'spiritual universe' or realms - a distinction I have extracted from your writings, in particular your essay entitled "Life in Spiritual and Physical". It is also an attempt to relate and understand exactly what is meant by the terms 'fine matter' and 'course matter'.
My question is as follows:
If when we speak of the spiritual( energy, realms, universes, ....etc) we do not only refer to aspects relating to mans consciousness -- is it something/some-substance fundamentally different in nature from matter(as it is known to the earth human), of which we speak - or - merely its finer gradation(eg. fine-matter).
And if indeed it is fundamentally different, what are the differences?(in particular, I am interested to know if it corpuscular)

Coarse-matter realm is that part of the universe where we live in and which we see. The other six universe belts belong to the fine matter realm.
Fine matter is of a spirit-energetic nature.
Spiritual energy = Creation's energy.
There is a graduation within fine matter, just as it is the case with coarse matter (material, gases, etc.)
And it is the consciousness with which the human being is working within himself.


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 05:03 pm:  

Greetings Billy,
Now to comment on something: I see the Plejarens have finally corrected some error statements once made by Semjase in the contact notes which were at some point brought to my attention about a year or so ago, thus relating to Daniel Fry, Reinhold Schmidt, Kenneth Arnold, etc, which now saves me in having to question it with you on the forum.
However, I'm not fully convinced yet in what the Plejarens had to say about their findings relating to Betty and Barney Hill, because even-though I've been aware that Betty Hill had made false delusional claims of her continued contacts with her visitors for years long after her initial supposed abduction experience, I'm still of the impression that something real did initially happened to both the Hills regarding a UFO contact or examination back in 1961 and here is why;
-Smejase in the contact notes revealed additional greater details regarding the Hills examination abduction contact that was not mentioned by the Hills in their original hynotic recordings, that I'm aware of. (Example: Such as the means to use chemicals in the testing of their blood, etc.)
-Betty Hill described in detail a kind of pregnancy test done to her that was unknown to people until years later.
-Betty Hill draws a star map that she did not understand until it was made comparable to the Zeta Reticuli star system found by Marjorie Fish years later.
-Barney Hill during his time never wanted to admit he was abducted by or that he saw a UFO.
-Semjase went into extensive long details explaining the appearance of the humans from Zeta Reticuli which does correspond to the Hill's description years before. (Like in the resemblance of a French comic book character known as "Fantomas", but with dark contacts covering their eyes.) And now we are hearing that the Roswell bio-androids are in fact from the Zeta-reticuli, after-all, like previously assumed.
Now for my question: Now that the MIBs and creator overlords have finally been dealt with more recently, can the Plejarens and the ETs from the Sirious home worlds now give you and FIGU the cure and correction formula regarding the human emotional aggression gene and perhaps even the ageing gene so that Earth human beings can evolve more effectively once again and since this altered gene manipulation was more of a cosmic nature rather then of an earthly nature?
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

We can trust that the Plejarens are telling the truth because now (or finally) they did a thorough research into the past for three years, after having gotten permission from the High Council to investigate those famous "abduction" cases etc. really in depth.
Regarding your question:
The Plejarens don't have the right to give us "the cure and correction formula" because this information would be linked to knowledge that the terrestrial human beings would misuse.


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 05:53 pm:  

Hi Billy,
Thank you very much for your previous answers.
My previous question was concerning Mother Theresa. It was mentioned she was considered to be a serious criminal who sold children. If you can, could you elaborate on this. How did she obtain these children and whom did she sell them to? I have mentioned this to a few people, but no one really believes me
Thanks again

She did take children into her care in order to raise and educate them. She then sold them to rich people (Europeans, Americans, ...), and when the parents of the children were asking about them she told them that the child had died.
If you are searching the internet you will find reports by journalists who were investigating this case. They were talking with parents whose children could not to be found anymore.


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 08:33 pm:  

Greetings Mr. Meier,
In the contact notes it was stated by Semjase that US President Ronald Reagan would bring about the conditions to start WWIII. For this event not happening we can be grateful. We further find that certain people in influential positions have been given impulse contacts or thoughts to take action to prevent the world from being destroyed. As a result, and ostensibly for choosing to oppose the war-minded factions, certain people have been assassinated. In the case of President Reagan, I would speculate that an influential person around him (perhaps his Vice President, George H.W. Bush) received the impulse contact that Reagan's thoughts and actions would lead to a destructive war, and that he should be stopped. Thus the assassination attempt on his life, which nearly killed him. With US President John F. Kennedy, I would speculate the opposite scenario was in play. In his case, he received the impulse contact to oppose the warring ways of his military cabinet. As a result, the military leaders had him assassinated. Is the thinking in these scenarios correct, or have I gotten some things wrong? Thank you.

No, there are no impulse contacts by ET's to change the behaviour or the actions of persons, be it political leaders or common people.
Ronald Reagan was the first to lay the cornerstone of WWIII, and those who followed continued. President Bush jr. is the worst of them all.
Luckily there appeared factors which were not in the same negative line as Bush and like-minded people.


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 08:38 pm:  

Hi Billy,
I noticed there weren't any toilets in the photos of the interior of the beamships pictures. My question is how do the plejarens relieve themselves when they are scouting about in their beamships? Could you also tell me if the Plejarens use similar toilet facilities to ours too?

A counter-question: Where did you see such photos?
There are toilets in all ships equipped for at least three persons. They are using similar toilets as we do; the toilets are working on a vibrations basis (the cleaning and the processing of the excrement, etc.).


Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 09:13 pm:  

Hi Billy, i have a question that is in regards to another question that was asked of you. Here is the question -
"Greetings Billy,
Will your mission resume in your next incarnation? If not, what year will your spiritform will resume its mission as the bringer of truth?"

This is the last time in his incarnation line that he will appear as a prophet.

Question (continued)
My question is will this be the last time your spiritform incarnates on this planet, and if it is, then will this be because your spiritform is going to be pyshically taken to another planet so that you can be a prophet there?

No, Billy's spiritform will continue to incarnate here on this planet.


Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 01:40 am:  

What was the reason for the battle between Atlantis and Mu?

Power struggles and hatred.


Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 05:07 am:  

I have recently watch a video documentary by a man called Michael Tsarion,, where he states that certain symbols,in the form of commercial logos,propaganda or advertising,convey hidden messages through the subconscious into each individual.
These symbols wouldnt be just a simple,nice drawing but have an effect on the consumer,viewer,which he does not know/is not aware of.
Can be these different symbols somehow be related to the Geisteslehre,spirit symbols like:
Citroen`s Cars use the double chevron,very similar to spirit symbol hostility(Feindseligkeit).Olimpic games symbol similar to "Uneinigkeit"(no consensus?).Red Cross symbol similar to Hierarchie(hierarchy).Unmut symbol(Annoyance) similar to Pisces horoscope symbol,and one of pisces characteristics is usually annoyance.Nazi svastika similar to Leben im Licht(Life in light).The list goes on and on..
For the forum members who don`t know what i`m talking about see link
Questions are:
1)Do in many cases the commercial logo creators know their hidden meaning?
2)Do these commercial logos/symbols really influence us via subconscious? (And therefore,as Tsarion believes,alter,influence,manipulate our behaviours?).

To both questions the answer is No!
There is no relation to the spirit symbols at all.
Within the spirit symbols each dot or line or outline is necessary for the meaning or validity of the symbol.


Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 08:53 am:  

Hi Billy,
I refer to your previous answer towards religious beliefs and related illness : "Recovery is possible, but it is a very lengthy process. Beliefs etc. are factors connected with heredity and must be dissolved through many lives/incarnations. Even if a person is not aware of it, religiousness can be latently present and have it's influences."
Can you please explain why religious beliefs are connected with heredity and where within the spirit would these heredity being carried forward?

Heredity belongs to the genes and the brain, i.e. the material body.
Religious believes are transmitted/passed on.


Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 08:32 pm:  

Hi Billy,
there was an incredible amount of pulverised concrete dust that came out when the World Trade Centre Towers fell down. It didn't seem like a natural thing that would happen with a building falling down.
My question is were there any prepositioned explosives placed in the towers to help them come down after the planes hit them, or was it all the result of the liquid explosives that were placed in the planes which made the towers come down?

It's a normal thing that concrete dust is coming out from a building that is falling down. You can see this if buildings are blown up with explosives. (Note by CF: The higher the building, the more dust, if it is not a building made purely of metal.)
The explosives were in the planes, not in the towers.


Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 08:37 pm:  

Hallo Billy
In the past few weeks, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) changed the defintion of a planet, and changed the configuration of what we call the solar system. Now the order of the solar system goes from: mercury, venus, earth, mars, astroid belt, jupitor, saturn, uranus, neptune, kuiper belt (which includes pluto, charon, Ixion, Varuna and others).
My question is: How did the kuiper belt form, was it also formed from a destroyed planet, or are these astroids in the kuiper belt naturally there. If you don't know could you ask when you get the time?
P.S. Thank you very much for the advice, I will try it next time I am home.

The Kuiper Belt was not formed from a destroyed planet, and yes, the asteroids are naturally there.


Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 11:05 pm:  

Dear Billy,
Valery Uvarov has written a book about "The Wands of Horus", which were used by the Ancient Egyptian priests to synchronise their bodily energy system with that of the Earth. Valery states that the Shemsu-Heru were bearers of knowledge and technologies of a higher order from whom the race of pharoahs sprang and that they were Atlanteans who came to Egypt about 12,000 years ago after the destruction of Atlantis. In the corrected version of Contact 70, it is apparent that Atlantis was destroyed 100,000 years earlier than previously written i.e. in 109,458 BCE-therefore it took a long time for Atlanteans to arrive in Egypt!
My Question: Did the descendants of the Atlanteans bring their knowledge and technologies( such as The Wands of Horus) to Egypt about 12,000 years ago?[ If not then, when? If not them, who?]
Thanking You,

This "The Wands of Horus" thing is pure nonsense.
Billy doesn't know about the activities of the descendants of the Atlanteans


Posted on Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 01:13 pm:  

Mr. Meier,
If a spirit cannot be bound to another person or enter into another person and speak out of that person, why are there so many records of this phenomenon going back as far as the 2nd millennium B.C. up to the present? Very detailed records in Sumero/Akkadian texts and 1st century A.D. Jewish texts of "divine" spirits entering into a person and speaking out of the person; descriptions of various light phenomena and the changes of voice of the medium as a sign that another spirit has entered and is speaking found especially in the writings of the 3rd century Neoplatonist Iamblichus, etc.
Also, are you familiar with the book Der Verkehr mit der Geisterwelt Gottes: seine Gesetze und sein Zweck, by Johannes Greber?

Even in ancient times there were people suffering from schizophrenia, people who were confused in their consciousness.
No, Billy is not familiar with Johannes Greber's book.


Posted on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 - 09:31 pm:  

Dear BEAM,
first I'd like to send you my best wishes, peace and health for you and your loving beings.
My question: theory of quantum physics state that we induce the reality through our thinkings and feelings, stored in our sub-conciousness.
In the recent film - "What a bleep do we know?", several scientists state that we can change our reality, attract prosperity, hapiness, etc., change the reality in the way we want, if we change our way of thinking. As long as we can mantain these "positive" thinkings, as soon as we'll get what we visualise in our mind - a big house, a new job, health, harmony in our life, etc, etc.
Are these statements correct and valid? or partially valid?
Thank you dear BEAM for your time and patience with us.

Of course the way of thinking has an effect on the results of our life. However the human being has to consciously work towards progress and results; just having "positive thinking" and waiting for the good things to come doesn't work. Conscious efforts are needed.
(Note by CF: Reality exists even if there were no human being in the entire universe to "induce reality ...".}


Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 01:43 pm:  

hey moderators, i sent you a question to post for billy, can you exchange it with this one?....
hello billy, thanks for answering my question.
my next question is this,,,
do you know if their is any intelligent human or similair life within the area of Eplsilon Eridani?

He doesn't know


Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 03:39 pm:  

Dear Billy,
Thank you for answering about the androids visiting here at the behest of humans from Zeta Reticuli. My other question is: "Why are they here, or what were, or are, these androids doing here, and have they conducted examination contacts?"
Thank you Billy,
Peace and health be with you.

They were on an excursion and a very long time on the way because they were travelling with sub-lightspeed.


Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 05:46 pm:  

Dear Billy,
In my mind, there is no question that your beamship photographs are spectacular. Not only do the pictures highlight clear images of incredible machines, but in combination with the magnificent Swiss countryside, also convey beautiful works of art. As I'm sure I speak for this entire forum when I say, we are eager for more pictures.
I was excited to see new beamship pictures released at the 2006 UFO congress lectures. As it seems some of your group members had gotten decent pics in 2001, as well as the very good shots of nighttime and daylight by "Ein Pirgler."
My question: Can we look forward to many more beamship pictures in the future; in other words, will your Contact case move into a new wave of beamship photographs, either taken by you or other interested people?
Anthony J. Alagna

No, you cannot look forward to many more such pictures; there won't be a new wave of photographs of Plejaren beamships.


Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 06:27 pm:  

Dear Billy,
Do you know where and when the last incarnation of your spirit form took place, before you "flew" to Earth to begin your present series of lifetimes beginning with Enoch?
Thank you very much

This kind of questions won't be answered because to know those things is of no importance.


Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 08:30 pm:  

Guten Tag Billy
I was wondering if the seven sisters:
have any relation to the real star systems of the Plejaren worlds, because I would think these names about the "pleiadians" would have had to have come from some where, and I was curious to know if they are real or fake, with regards to their real systems?
Danke schön
I am truthful to the extend at which I know the truth.

Those names are simply based on Greek mythology and have no relation to the Plejaren star system.


Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 10:29 pm:  

Salome Billy,
Is there any history of a planet or civilization that was able to safely reduce overpopulation without resorting to war as we are faced with on Earth today? If so, how did they approach this problem?
Lonnie Morton

Yes, the Plejaren humanity has solved the problem in a humane way according to the system that is published by FIGU. Actually, Billy's measures against overpopulation are based on that old and effective system that was used by the P's.


Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 11:51 pm:  

Dear Billy,
Does this hold true that the affinity of a person towards various landscapes(Mountains,seas,open lands)an indication that the person visited places with similar types of landscapes in his former lifetime?
I for instance have an afiinity for mountains from my childhood,does this mean the personality in the former lifetime has visited places where there were mountains around and also the POSSIBILITY that he lived there?
Miraj Raha.



Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 02:03 am:  

Hi Billy,
in the August 2006 Bulletin, you said "If the entire world events are regarded, then it must actually be said that the Third World War has already begun, even if this has not yet come to breaking out openly."
This is dire and dreadful news to hear, and it doesn't seem that the U.S. Government and its dumb president are listening or are even aware of the Plejaren/Meier material, namely the Henoch prophecies. I can't help but think that if only the U.S. Government knew about the Henoch prophecies, that this whole dire situation might not be upon humanity.
I realise the Plejarens have already stated that they won't intervene directly in any way to STOP WW3 from fully breaking out if it happens, but couldn't the Plejarens do something (discreetly?) to help get the U.S. government and presidents attention focused on the Meier/Henoch material? Surely if they only knew what the consequences were which lay ahead for them and their country, they would stop doing what they are doing?
Would WW3 be averted, if something like this happened one day soon, like as if when the U.S. President and his ontourage were walking outside on the lawns of the white house one day, and a Plejaren beamship suddenly appeared about twenty feet directly over their heads briefly and dropped next to them a message in a bottle reading something like - "if you value the future of your glorious country, you better read the Henoch Prophecies in the Billy Meier contact notes."
If the Plejarens did something like that one day soon, would it help avert or stop WW3 from happening? Also, would the Plejarens do something like that as a last resort to help us too, because it wouldn't be like they would be directly intervening in our worldly affairs to make stop WW3 from happening, like they said they wouldn't do for us, but merely a form of offering some helpful advice?

The U.S. Government knows about the Henoch prophecies just as about the Elija and Jeremia predictions. (Note by CF: Therefore the "helpful advice" has already landed in the "target zone".)
Of course the P's won't make themselves visible above the heads of any government.
Instead of listening to any direct message from the P's the U.S. Government would try to catch them and their ship(s).
WWIII has begun in the sense that we are experiencing the "prelude" of it (which doesn't mean that the principal phase of WWIII must ensue


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 03:10 am:  

Semjase has mentioned 'barbaric races' that would enslave humans, have the Plejarans had battles with these races, how often are their battles with these races if they ever happen, where are the homeworlds of some of these races?

Billy doesn't know


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 03:47 am:  

From a previous answer of yours, you said that Nirvana is wishful thinking and fantasy, but Buddhists see this as the end of the journey of the soul. Considering what you have said that, where does the journey of a spirit end and where is the spirit form of Siddhartha Gautama (the one later called Buddha)?
The journey of the human Spirit form ends when it merges back with Creation

You gave the correct answer yourself in your "footnote".
Most probably the spirit form of former SG is incarnated again today.


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 04:36 am:  

Hello Mr Meier, I hope you are doing well.
My question is about your response to another person's question about the Bob Lazar story. You replied that it is a hoax. I have a 2 part question about this: First was it all a lie consciously perpetrated by Lazar himself, or rather was he completely or partially unaware of the fact that it was a hoax (for example, the government was the hoaxer and Bob was just a dupe/victim). The reason I ask is because there are still things flying in the sky above the location he claimed to work at which define normally understood physics, plus several people that do not know Bob Lazar have coroborated parts of his story (such as certain details of places and things out at Area 51). Second, if it is indeed a hoax as you have said, is ANY of the information true from his story (for example ships of ET origin at Area51 or nearby)?
Thanks for your answer!

Billy doesn't know the details regarding Bob Lazar.
It is true that over Area51 secret flying devices of the U.S. Army are being tested.


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 09:24 am:  

I would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude, reverence and deepest respects to you Billy for all that you have done for me personally.
Billy I was wondering whether you are able to tell me how many of the 144,207 who made a pact to make amends for the wrongs they've committed have come back in this present time, attracted by the stored impulses who are now participating on this forum.
Thank you

Billy doesn't know. (The spiritual level of Arahat Athersata knows this.)


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 11:26 am:  

Billy,I truly love your commitment to the mission.
What kind of experiences/sensations can we expect to feel with regards to the coming world fire and impacts on us spiritualy,mentality/consciesness,thinking and behavior,,as well as what impacts on the storage banks.
Love and a good journey to all present...

Our thinking etc. doesn't have a direct impact on the storage banks, but only indirectly through our personal consciousness. The world fire has no impact on the storage banks, because only personal "matters" do "matter".


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 12:41 pm:  

Hi Billy
Many things are imposed to a person since he is born.Depending on where he is born,in which country,which family,under religious influences or not, etc, his life will be "easier" or very hard to live.
But there is a special case that i cannot understand, and it`s those cases that fortunately happen not too often, where the child / the mother / both die during the birth.
Both lives are terminated too early, specially the baby if it dies.How can we imagine creation or the life cycle letting such an illogical occurrence,situation happen?
If we have to help creation collecting wisdom and knowledge every lifetime, how does creation not allow both spirits, baby and mother the opportunity to have " a ordinary reincarnation cycle" ?
Does those premature deaths have an effect (bestimmung) in their next life/ reincarnation?

The way you seem to look at Creation is a religious way ("the Lord, our god, who is looking after his sheep").
If a mother dies at birth it has to do with the same laws as when each other person dies: cause and effect.
Creation never makes decisions nor does it demand anything from us. Creation simply created the universe and the natural laws etc. etc. We human beings are totally on our own and each human being is free to decide about his or her own way of life.
(Note by CF: Of course it is sad if a mother dies at birth, just as it is sad if a mother dies with her one-year old child during a car crash. The fact that a mother has died at birth has had a reason, and this reason/cause was an effect of a former reason/cause, and so on.)
No death has an effect (Bestimmung) on the next incarnation of the spirit form in question.


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 02:14 pm:  

Hi Billy,
It's been said that we are, as humans on this Earth, only physically able to see a certain percentage of what lays before our very eye's path . The infrared frequencies we see as the heated parts of a very hot object, and the ultraviolet is experienced only as an effect on our bodies health. My question asks this...are there times in a humans existence when they may be intermingled, side by side living in and amongst a similarly scaled civilization, with a true electromagnetic frequency, and be completely unseen to each other.
I guess maybe different dimensions do this, but I mean more in a sense that if a hypothetical third party viewed these two separately living existences, they would be able to comprehend both from their physical viewpoint.
I don't mean as in a 'secretly living amongst us' existence'. The unknown to each other is the main focus of the question I am seeking the answer to.
I Thank You Billy for your dedication we all enjoy.
a friend in america

Your question is not quite clear.
There are human beings who are capable to perceive ranges of vibrations which are not accessible to others. This capability has to do with genetic factors etc.


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 03:17 pm:  

Hi Billy,
Was the entity known as Mauricio Panisette from Brazil really speaking with Enoch as described in his book "Man of Light"?
Tschüs... Love to all...
rarena ô¿ô
Ancient Lyrian coded to Earth peace meditation:
Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona.
Please see here for correct pronuciation:
Peace be on Earth, and among all beings.

Surely not


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 03:59 pm:  

Dear Billy, Could you please mark an X on a map where the center of Atlantis was located?

No, because Billy doesn't know


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 07:38 pm:  

Can it be said of the Iran,if they are working towards peace, as they have said ,or are they heading towards war/prophecys that stem from there religion and delusional thinking? Sadly even our news here in the U.S sets the stage in the Middle East for the biblical armagadon nonsense.
Thank You
Brian Best

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was a leading terrorist during the hostage crisis during the eighties, certainly is no peace seeker, and he and other persons in the top circles of Iran want to use nuclear power for warlike reasons.


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 08:12 pm:  

Hi Billy,
what can you tell us about what the U.S. did in the (setup) 911 attacks that no-one knows yet, which may help the people investing the case bring the case and people involved to justice?

It is not possible to bring the case and the people to justice because this will be prohibited/prevented by the CIA and the most powerful U.S. secret sect "Skull and Bones".


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 08:16 pm:  

Hi Billy,
you haven't spoken much about what things U.S. Presidents George H Bush and Bill Clinton did in their Presidency. What can you tell us about them?

Nothing special


Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 08:35 pm:  

Dear Mr. Billy,
In the last round of questions you indicated that translations need to be really accurate, done directly from the German original. Furthermore, it may even be dangerous for one's consciousness-related health when using falsely translated information.
In this light I ask you once again regarding the suitability of such persons performing translations of your material.
Many of the people that come to your case have been previously involved in religions, UFOs, new-age esoterica, speculation theories, etc. As you have said it takes many years (maybe lifetimes) to overcome those erroneous beliefs. Do you think people with those beliefs should be doing translations of your materials and publishing them for other people to read, especially when they do not hardly know the German language themselves? Do you give your authorization or approval to such people?
An example is the translations of your material at the website If your English is not good enough to evaluate these translations, perhaps Mr. Christian would be so kind to assist.

The publication of official translations is permitted only through an agreement in writing by Billy/FIGU.
Having a religious background is no reason to prevent a person from doing translation work.
What is prohibited is to make false and inaccurate translations and to change the meaning of the German original.
Dyson and Vivienne from have the permission to make non-official and preliminary translations on their website, but they don't have the right to publish their translations as official translations. To this end they have to clearly label each translation as "non-official", and they have to include the German original text with each translation (sentence by sentence) in order that translation errors may be easily detected by readers who are mastering German and English. Of course their translations are not perfect, and of course the choice of texts to be translated is influenced by the "main direction" of their website.
Even if there may be found information on their website that is not in accordance with FIGU's views this is no obstacle to give to Vivienne and Dyson the permission to make those "unauthorized preliminary translations".


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 12:06 am:  

Recently in a speech US President Bush said: "If the United States of America were to leave before the job is done, the enemy would follow us here. And that is why we will support our military. And that is why we will fight in Iraq. And that is why we will win in Iraq." The American public next week has an opportunity to vote the other party into one or both houses of Congress, dampening the Bush rubber stamp. However, if the Bush mentality continues and the US pursues its plans in Iraq unabated, is the principal phase of the third world fire inevitable?

Thanks to the result of the US elections which brought a majority for the democrats, the threat of the WWW III to break out in 2006 has been eliminated. (There were plans for a war for the end of November in case the republicans would have won the elections.) However, there still remains a dangerous situation because Israel has secret plans to attack the nuclear plants in Iran.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 06:40 am:  

Dear Billy
Hello, thanks once again for the opportunity
My father is a Vietnam veteran, who more than likely would have suffered psychological and psychical trauma from having forced against his better judgement to kill the supposed vietcong enemies during his tour of duty.
Since I cannot bring up the topic about your cause nor of the Creational truths due to the proverbial resistence, the guilt that he suffers to this day that is always with him, plaguing his very conscience from having had to kill innocent people during the war on orders from his superiors has led to many problems to this day.
How can I in this late stage of his life, help to allay some of the burden that he has carried for so long, so that at least he finds some peace and forgiveness within himself?

Basically your father must solve his problem himself. If he doesn't want to talk or accept some advice from you or anybody else, you will have to let him be. All you can do is wait and to let him show that you would be willing to help him.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 08:43 am:  

Greetings Mr Meier! I would like to know the functions of the individual parts of the spiritual consciousness. I already have a decent understanding of the Gemut but what I do not understand is the actual function of the spiritual consciousness and subconsciousness. In other words, what are their functions (in brief terms) during our lives before reaching Arahat Athersata level??? Thank you for your time and response!

The functions are the same in the spiritual realm than is the case with the material consciousness and subconsciousness. The exchange of information/impulses is not directly possible between the material and spiritual consciousness/subc., but occurs through the Gemuet.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 09:43 am:  

What are the meanings of the words DAL and DERN, which language is it from?

DERN (our universe) = Dajansini ern ruan nitrapralano = Schöpfung, die sich entschleiert = Creation which unfolds/unveils itself
DAL (DERN's twin universe) = Dajansini arg lasergnoralin = Schöpfung als Zweitgeborene = Creation borne as the second one.
Source: 325th contact of April 12, 2002 (PP Block 8, page 413)


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 09:46 am:  

Hello Billy,
In a prior question to you I postulated that certain people in influential positions had been given impulse contacts or thoughts to take action to prevent the world from being destroyed. As a result, and ostensibly for choosing to oppose the war-minded factions, some people (world leaders) had been assassinated. You answered that no, there are no impulse contacts by ET's to change the behaviour or the actions of persons, be it political leaders or common people.
Okay, if that is the true case, I am wondering what you make of Asket's statements in Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Report, Volume 1, Pages 312 & 313, verses 116, 118, 119 and 123. This seems to contradict your answer. I do not read German so rely on the accompanying English translation by Dyson Devine. Perhaps I am thinking change and influence are the same thing but you see this differently. Q: How do you account for the seeming disparity between what Semjase says and your answer that there are no impulse contacts by ET's to change people's behavior or actions? Who is correct, you or Semjase?

116. Daher ist es unsere Hauptaufgabe, dieses mögliche Geschehen durch Aufklärungsimpulse zu verhüten und auch zusammen mit anderen Lebensformen anderer Welten in diesem Universum die Erde zu kontrollieren, um das bereits heraufbeschworene Unheil der irdischen Wissenschaft durch unbemerkbare Impulsbeeinflussung einzudämmen und abzuwenden.

116. Therefore, it is our main task to prevent this possible event through clarifying impulses, and also to supervise, together with other forms of life from other worlds in this Earth's universe, so that the already evoked mischief of the Earth scientists is contained and averted through unnoticeable influencing impulses.

118. Wir sind veranlasst, durch logische gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit in die Machenschaften von Politik und Religionen einzugreifen und führende Persönlichkeiten, ihnen selbst unbewusst, zu belehren und positiv zu beeinflussen und ihre Intrigen und ihre Politik usw. positiv zu verflachen.

118. We are caused to intervene, using logically enforced non-violence, in the machinations of politics and religions, and to teach, and positively influence, leading personalities without them being conscious of it, and to flatten, in a positive manner, their intrigues and politics, and so forth.

119. Doch auch dadurch wird es leider nicht vermeidbar sein, dass verschiedene Führungskräfte verschiedener Staaten der Erde von ihnen unterstellten Organisationen oder Widersachern vernichtet, abgesetzt oder gar ermordet werden.

119. Yet also thereby it would be unfortunately unavoidable that various leading powers of various countries of the Earth would be annihilated, deposed, or even murdered by their subordinate organizations or adversaries.

123. Dies erfordert leider, dass wir führende Kräfte der Erde zum Frieden impulsmässig beeinflussen müssen, wodurch sie sich aber vielfach tödliche Feinde schaffen werden, wodurch leider viele gute Menschen sterben werden, was wir aber wirklich nicht verhüten können.

123. Unfortunately, this requires that we must influence leading powers of the Earth to peace, using impulses, whereby, however, they would create deadly enemies, whereby, unfortunately, many good humans will die, which we really cannot, however, prevent.

The Plejaren's (and Asket's) thinking is different from ours (Note by CF: what could be observed very often especially during the earlier years of the contacts when they had to learn that the human beings on Earth are capable to act contrary to one's thinking). They were thinking that we do understand their way of thinking.
The influencing occurred (and still occurs) through scientists, because scientists, through their inventions and new discoveries ("Erkenntnisse"), have a direct or indirect effect on science and the course of politics.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 10:01 am:  

Hi Billy, Who created the Secret Societies like the Freemasons that controlled the secret sciences?

The start of the Freemasons is linked to the year 1717 when 5 lodges of mason brotherhoods (such did exist for centuries) united in London. You will find more information about this in an encyclopaedia.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 10:07 am:  

What exactly is an IHWH, I read in the story of the Aryans (Contact 70) that the IHWH Arus and IHWH Jesas are evil minded (as Arus was a barbarians and Jesas was the murdurer of the follower of Pelegon). So how does the title of an IHWH or 'King of Wisdom' befit them?

An IHWH is a person who has the relatively highest knowledge and wisdom in his/her scientific realm. (Note by CF: This doesn't necessarily mean that an IHWH is a good person.)


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 10:36 am:  

hello billy
my question is,
do you know the physicals characteristics of the hyperboreans?
were they of various hair colours and shapes?
basically i would like to know if the hyperboreans were only one specific race and skin colour,hair colour etc, or were they not only tall but also dwarves?
since hyperborea was a land, i would think anybody native to that land could be called hyperboreans?

Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 01:47 pm:  

My question in this round addresses agressiveness and its consequences.
I have been deeply observing my thoughts and feelings and i`ve noticed that agressiveness is somehow latent/dormant in me, and it comes out in times when it is not welcomed.Lastly i was playing a game against a computer, it won me and had it not cost 300$, i would have smashed it without doubt, but i smashed other non valuable objects instead.Such rush of adrenalin/rage is something i want to neutralize, but it`s damn hard.
In the spiritual teachings you say we have to learn to recognize our inner being, the spirit, and i think aggresiveness is like " a parasite of the consciousness, something that causes spiritual interferences" , because it does hinder yourself to find calmness, inner peace and neutral thoughts.Without that scenario it would be virtually impossible to find your "inner being".I think the designers of the aging/agressive gene knew that.
So i want to know if fighting/neutralizing that unwanted agressiveness is one of the most important processes to recognize the spirit, the inner being, and as prime example i imagine tibetan monks or mahatma gandhi.Also, do you relate agressive/retaliatory/violent individuals to shorter livespans, is there any connection?

Aggressiveness is not bad because it is necessary to survive or to lead a live that is progressive etc. Without aggression a person is not capable to even produce offspring.
Of course there are different ways to deal with aggression, and the amount of it is differing, too.
You will have to learn to develop/use self-control.
Aggression does not shorten the lifespan, quite to the contrary: Human beings without a proper amount of aggression are self-pitingly, soft, whining, defenceless, and are becoming stunted or wasting away.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 09:37 am:  

*I know I am asking a question with four parts, but I wanted to include it in ONE question*.
Was there ever a kingdom, south the peninsula of India as the Tamil (South Indian state) Epic claims; extending to Madagascar and Malaysia? If yes, please answer, the following:
1. Who ruled it (first ruler)?
2. For how was it ruled long?
3. Did it have relations with Atlantis or Mu?
4. What happened to it, finally?
If no, then how are there accounts of such a land in the Tamil Epics?

Billy doesn't know.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 04:17 pm:  

Hi Billy,
in the contact notes the plejarens blamed george w bush for nearing the world to the brink of ww3, but now you recently mentioned that the CIA is the secret U.S. (and world) government. My question is would it not be the CIA's fault and not bush's for the dire predicament that we find ourselves in today? Is George Bush not just a puppet on strings of the CIA U.S. government?

While the CIA is working in the "background", Bush is the driving force in the front, together with the Congress (at least until the elections this November).
Bush is not a puppet, because he has much power (as the president).


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 05:03 pm:  

Greetings Billy,
I always found it strange that so many deaths of so many people in the world's population during the second world war was followed by quite an explosion in human births exceeding all the deaths. This being that after world war 2 there had been a sudden human explosion of births which had far exceeded all the previous deaths around the world, known as the baby boom.
In regards to human overpopulation, is there any particular reason why there would be so many human births occurring on the planet following such a reduction in human population by war, etc, and was this a natural occurrence by creations laws?
Now hoping the best for us all at this time.
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

This has to do with human behaviour. There are many different reasons or factors for this, of course.
When the men were coming home from war, they were "sexually starving";
during war more men than women were killed; there was a surplus of women;
when the soldiers come home from the first gulf war the birth-rate began to rise, too.
(Note by CF: I've just read in the newspaper today that 10 months after the Oklahoma City attack in 1995 the birth-rate began to rise. As Arnaud Wisman of the British University of Kent has found out in a study: To think of or being confronted with death increases one's wish for children. It appears that the human being seeks immortality through producing offspring.)


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 05:39 pm:  

Hi Billy,
planet Erra is errily so much like our own planet earth in diameter, composition, ect. that it could almost be called as being exactly the same as earth. Are most other (inhabited?) planets like this?

Yes, most inhabited planets are of similar diameter.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 05:52 pm:  

In numerous instances of your writings you speak against egoism, which I define here as: the recognition that, responsibility for his own life, while observing mans fundamental rights(needs for existence), is his proper standard of action.
Holding the above definition, may I ask what are your arguments against such a position?
I ask this question in the context of the formation of a proper government - since moral ideals are the building blocks of political systems.
With much thanks,

Egoism is linked to selfishness.
Moral standards are okay and should be the building blocks of society, and to this end egoism must be left behind.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 07:51 pm:  

Hello Billy,
The concept of plausible deniability is often mentioned with your contact case as a rationalization for the Plejarans intentionally lying and obfuscating the truth. J.W. Deardorff, author of Celestial Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Jmmanuel, has published a short paper on this topic at The reason given for the Plejarans lying is that it serves to intentionally weaken your contact case so that it is not completely air-tight or irrefutable, like ET's landing on the White House lawn. The purported benefit of plausible deniability is to give refuge to the illogical and weak-minded people that are not equipped to accept the validity of your contact case based on its preponderance of evidence. Other reasons given for lying is that it prevents the Plejarans from being looked upon as gods, or you from being considered a spiritual guru, because who would trust a liar.
Here is my only question:
Do you or the Plejarans lie and obfuscate the truth to maintain this alibi of plausible deniability?
Thank you.

The Plejaren never lied but always spoke about that which they know/knew or thought to be true. If it turned out that what they had looked upon as true, but later turned out to be different etc., they were correcting themselves.
They did not always explain everything they know, but only disclosed parts of information.
On other instances they just answered the questions, but since the questions weren't precise, they were able to withhold information, etc. etc.


Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 08:14 pm:  

Hi Billy
Thank you for your answer on the heredity of religious beliefs.
While heredity belongs to the genes and the brain - the material body, it is obvious that religious beliefs or superstition could be transmitted and passed on via parents.
I am glad to tell that your answer is matching quite well with a recent science discovery that a certain part within the human DNA might related with the belief inclination of a person.
In fact, we will have very different parents with very different DNAs during our future incarnations, that means we might be superstitious in this life time and not superstitious in another.
My question is: If belief inclination is passed on via parents and not via spirit heredity, how do we understand "Beliefs.... must be dissolved through many lives/incarnations"

Since human beings can influence their genes through the way of thinking, they should start to gain knowledge and to learn to live according to Creation's laws and commandments. The speed of this process differs greatly from one person to the other, and depending on the family and cultural surroundings etc. etc.
There are several aspects to this: What you (your comprehensive consciousness block) do not learn in this life, you will have to learn in later incarnations.
What you do not learn as a family member and regarding belief systems and delusional beliefs, you will inherit to your children, and they to their children etc.


Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 02:27 am:  

Hello Billy,
The CIA was directed by George Bush Sr. before he became Vice Pres. and eventually President of the US. In that you have laid out some of the inner workings and the expanse of power the CIA has over the actual voted in representative government, I sense that the senior Bush is more the controller of the policy that filters out of the CIA, than from the director of the CIA. Is there any additional info that could shed light on my hypothesis?
a friend in america



Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 04:54 am:  

Dear Billy,
Thank you for this opportunity to ask a question. If mankind of Earth is a mixed breed, how is it that we and the Plejarens are almost identical? If the translation of the original Henoch's prophecies that I read is correct, then early man had horns. Please tell us what Adam looked like.

There was only one ET person who had horns.
Some of the forbearers of the Plejaren once lived here on earth and had offspring together with the original terrestrial human beings.
Billy never met Adam and, therefore, cannot tell you how he looked.


Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 06:16 am:  

Dear Billy,
what was the far more distant year in the future (according to our calendar), that you have visited on your time travel with Plejarens?
Thank you,

This kind of questions is not answered.


Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 06:49 am:  

Hi Billy,
Did representatives of those Roswell androids eventually meet with US government officials, and were they given permission to conduct secret examinations on earth human bodies?
Thank you Billy,



Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 07:17 am:  

Hello Mr. Meier,
I hope all is well at the Hinterschmidrüti Centre and also with yourself...
I have a question concerning Micheal Horn's DVD "Standing in the Spirit", and as I understand it, you were the person that encouraged him to do this at every presentation, so you must understand how this works. I have listened to his explainations on how this works but I am wondering still how it works, if you sort of catch my meaning. As I understand it it is wholly a material intellectual process since we are not developed enough as human beings to begin to use our spiritual powers. It is said in the DVD that our own "Higher Authority" gives us the new realizations and cognitions to further our development when we are prepared for them.
I am asking you this question because I always experience nothing "(or almost nothing)". I find this very difficult to take because I think that we should always experience at least a very little tiny bit of progress which would make the exercise worthwhile. I was wondering, what sort of psychic conditions should we cultivate in order to receive the greatest progress, and what if when we are doing the exercise, we experience nothing? Does it mean we are doomed to continue experiencing nothing until we solve the psychic condition that is blocking our progress, and if so, how do we discover what this psychic condition is in order to further our progress? Would it simply be a matter of asking our "Higher Authority" for the answer, or is that much too simple a solution? Many thanks, and thank you for your work. We are deeply endebted to you...

It's not the "Higher Authority", it's the Inner Self.
The process is not "wholly material intellectual", but based on reason, understanding, feelings and thoughts etc. The process is "Wahrnehmung, Erkenntnis, Kenntnis, Wissen, Erfahrung, Erleben, Weisheit."
You cannot just sit and wait for the Inner Self to give you advice or information, because you have to search actively, you have to start thinking by yourself and to listen to your inner voice. You have to get or become calm/silent in order to realize it.
You cannot expect instant results or each time a little bit more, because, as a rule, the human being doesn't realize the learning process in these "matters". The learning process may be very long and steadily, not with detectable steps.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 03:13 pm:  

1.) From FIGU short article titled Racism, Neo-Nazism, Extremism, and Anti-Semitism:

FIGU and "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier definitely dissociate themselves from all those abstruse conspiracy theories that are disseminated worldwide through books and the Internet. Books like those written by Jan van Helsing (alias Jan Holey), and especially writings like the so-called "Records of the wise ones of Zion" represent evil and defamatory machinations. Especially the latter is a concocted work of madness in order to defame and destroy those humans who are of Jewish faith. Practically all of these writings are a testimony of confused, religious and nazi-like fanaticism of the most degenerate format.

2.) A recent quote from a fanciful translator:

And we do not publicly claim, nor personally "believe" that the loathsome "Protocols of Zion" ARE true, although we do THINK they are.

See any tension between the two statements? Given statement#1, I'm quite curious why FIGU wants ANY association with the party representing the thoughts of #2. Is that not a legitimate question/concern, especially considering how the translator twists the words of Semjase and the Plejarans and then pleads confusion and only corrects himself after he is called to account? Remember the concept "tacit approval"? That is what the FIGU appears to give him by allowing his twisted interpretations to be posted uncontested. Should the moderators have allowed the first/original post? (4th post from the top). Clearly not. But it is still there for all to see, without correction. Not everyone follows the letter of every thread to the very end and reads the footnotes. That is why I bring the matter to the attention of you, Mr. Billy. Fair enough?

Dear Mr. Moderator,
In the event you have the ability to utilize sound judgment and "correct" the translator's original posting of the bad interpretation of the translation noted above on your own, then perhaps we do not need to bring the above question to Mr. Billy, since you are obviously sensitive to these matters, and you can substitute the below question instead.

This kind of question has already been answered.
Gaiaguys are free to think for themselves, and since their translations of our texts - even if these are of a preliminary nature - are sought for by many people, we see no reason for withdrawing our permission.
Within this round of answers (further below in Eddy's question) you find more information.
(Note by CF: We are aware of the fact that Billy's/FIGU's texts are translated into many languages, and in several instances were used to build up fake contact cases etc. etc.
Therefore we, the Core Group of 49 in Switzerland including Billy, distance ourselves from all the falsifications which are done based on our literature, and we only guarantee for the authenticity of the information on our own website


Dear Mr. Billy,
Thus far in my life I have noticed, much to their credit, the Jewish people living among us seem to rise to positions of prominence in their chosen fields far in excess of what is ordinarily expected from their small numbers as a percentage of the population. Maybe this is due to their focus and the importance they stress on rising to the top and reaching their goals of success. They seem to have a better developed will to succeed in the material matters. Of course this is a generalization and not all Jews fit in this category. However, is this a correct assessment in your judgment, and does the mechanism work as a genetically transmitted trait (passed down to the offspring both through the genes and in the behavior/training/thinking of the children by the parents, elders, etc)?

The Jews have been oppressed for centuries. They were not allowed to freely work in all professions etc. Therefore, they had to struggle above average to survive and to gain acknowledgment, etc. This is not genetically induced, but has to do with evolution and their culture. This culture is handed down and expanded/broadened to following generations.
As has been, and still is, the case with many minority populations, the members are helping and preferring each other (who are of the same religion, origin, race, clan, etc.).
(Note by CF: Last week I read an interesting article by Siegfried Kohlhammer in "Das Magazin 50-2006" [] about "Was den Erfolg ausmacht" = "What brings about success". The question: Why are China and India economically successful? And why are so many African and Islamic countries failing? The answer: Culture is the main reason.
Among the information I picked out this one: The Jews are less than 1 percent of terrestrial population, but brought forth 16 percent of all winners of the Nobel Price.)


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 04:49 pm:  

Hello Billy,
Thank you for your patience with all my questions about lying. Your answers have helped clarify my understanding. I apologize for accusing you and the Plejarans of lying. I now realize that belief makes no sense.
Here is my new question:
Since WW3 is only a prophecy, how can the exact month in which it starts (November) be stated with accuracy? Of course this is presuming it does start at all. Does it have to do with timing of the American election schedule (first Tuesday of November), or perhaps it is due to astrological influences (Scorpio, October 23 to November 21, ruled by Mars and Pluto, Mars rules war, Pluto rules nuclear energy, bombs etc). It could be rationalized that the bombing of a nuclear facility that leads to nuclear war would start with the Sun in Scorpio making bad aspects to these planets.

This is a probability calculation.
Astrological influences are not involved


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 05:32 pm:  

Dear Billy, I'm confused about Askets statement about L. Ron Hubbard. Did he want to dominate the world through his religion or is he just a front for a secret organization?

Hubbard wanted to prove that human beings can be manipulated. (Btw: He openly talked about this.) Obviously he was successful.
However, people who are thinking for themselves and who are building up their own views of life, cannot be drawn into a sect, like into Hubbard's sectarian organization.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 06:17 pm:  

Hello Billy,
Here's a light question for you to answer. Would it be ok if I sent a cake to the center? I would love to share a cup of coffee and hang out, but since I can't, I'd like to send something for you guys to enjoy.
With Much Respect,

Thank you for your offer, but since we already have plenty of food and, therefore, all of us are growing fat and thick, we prefer if you do/contribute something for the Mission (e.g. help us publishing books).


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 08:20 pm:  

Hello Mr.Meier and Christian,
In my previous post I defined egoism as :
the active pursuit of values for a mans own life, without bringing harm to others in the process(without sacrificing them to his desires), as mans proper state of mind and consiquently action(this definition differs in words only, not in implication, from the original).
Note: Let us observe that the destruction of mans inhabited space and the giving of assistance to others(without sacrificing his own life in the process) IS of value to any rational man.
You have replied that such a state of mind is conducive to selfishness.
Q: How do you define selfishness and could you explain how it is that such a state of mind(as I have defined) leads to selfishness?
With much thanks,

What do you mean with "values for a man's own life"?
Egoism is linked to selfishness, and selfishness is linked to those actions and thinking of human beings who are aiming to getting material profit only.
(Note by CF: Everything you - and all other human beings in this universe - are doing, is done primarily for yourself/oneself. Even if you are helping an elderly person across the street, you are primarily doing this for yourself because you are fulfilling your duty as a human being.)


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 09:22 pm:  

Hi Billy
I refer to the King Solomon in the Old Testaments.
It was told that Solomon built a magnificent Temple for the God, where his kingdom was so famous and powerful, that people came all over the world to see him and bought him presents.
My questions is: Did King Solomon really build such a great temple as described in the Old Testaments? And what is the name of the God that Solomon served?

It may be a fact that Solomon built a temple, if what's written in the bible is true. Billy didn't meet S. personally. ;
Regarding the "magnificient" we should be careful because many descriptions etc. in the bible were rather exaggerated, like e.g. in the case of Jericho which was a small village only.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 09:32 pm:  

Dear BEAM,
I salute you again with all my respect.
My question is again related to the quantum physics and its postulates. One of them that intrigues me a lot is related to our concept of time. Scientist say that our regular concept of flow of time forward does not have a sense at small particles level. At that level, they say, time, in our clasical concept, does not exist. And experiments at subatomic particles level show that concepts of "future" and "past" don't apply, "time" seems to flow either forward or backward.
Besides, I remember I read a short comment in my readings of the contact notes that it was mentioned that terrestrial concept of time is wrong.
So, could you say a few words about time concept from your own perspective? something that we could apply in our day to day experience?
My best wishes for you and your loving beings dear BEAM.

Billy doesn't know. He is rather using time than having much knowledge about it.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 10:03 pm:  

Dear Billy,
You have indicated it was realized only recently that terrestrial humans do not always act in the same manner in which they think or state. As a consequence, doesn't this realization negate or devalue much of the information given to you in the Contact Notes? Can you please supply us with the necessary signal descrambler so we can properly interpret all the Contact Notes published prior to this realization?
Thank you.

This realization did not happen "only recently", but since the beginning. However the P's were not aware about the wideness of this "gap" for quite some time.
There is no devaluation of the information at all because this only shows that ET's also have to learn and progress and that they are neither gods or know-it-alls.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 11:13 pm:  

Greetings Billy! I have an idea, thanks to you, about how the spirit records information. I have begun to understand many things after thinking about this. My question now is, how can the spirit PROCESS information since it has no actual brain, nor brain-like mechanism? When I say process, I mean not just storing and remembering info, I mean for example either thinking or converting knowlodge into wisdom. If this process is automatic can you explain it a little please? Thank you and be well!

The spirit does not record. It's the consciousness. This is done by the "comprehensive consciousness block" with the aid of spiritual energy. There is no such thing as "thinking" when we have died.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 11:26 pm:  

Do thoughts of previous lives influence, the birth of the next life? If not, then what decides what birth the spirit form would take in the next life?

This is a process of "Fügung/Fuegung" (there is no correct translation into English). This process cannot be influenced/steered. Procreation/fathering etc. are playing a role, through which the new personality with the ego, consciousness etc. is being created.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 11:30 pm:  

How long did Adams and Evas, the offsprings of Semjasa and other sub-leaders live for on an average?

There was just one Adam, and Billy doesn't know their lifespan.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 11:37 pm:  

From your 70th contact, Semjase in the story of the Aryans said: "In truth, the Hebraons had been the real dregs of society and outcasts of earthman-kind, because they constantly incited fights and quarrels within the whole world, which is still maintained until the present. Peace on Earth will finally be then when, this might-thirsty and murderous self-called Hebraon race-connection has become completely scattered". There was some discussion regarding this in the forum, so I wished to ask you. Is Semjase saying that the descendants of the Hebraons (people of Israel?) are vile minded people?

The people of Israel, as well as the Jews in general, must be separated from the Hebarons of ancient times. Today, the people of Israel have developed into a people (Volk), just as has been the case with the U.S. Americans whose forbearers were, centuries ago, in great parts sectarians, criminals or other disgraced persons fleeing from, or being exiled by, their native European countries. This mixed bunch of people has since then developed/grown to the U.S. American people.
The "Hebaron-Bund" of the old days has been dissolved. (Note by CF: But this term still stands for all those shady persons etc. who are fostering war instead of peace in order to strive for their own materialistic and egoistical aims.)
Of course there are degenerated, vile characters among all peoples.
(Note by CF: And just as it has been the case in Israel in ancient times, it is still so in Israel and Palestine/Near East of today, because only criminals and low characters are able to uphold terror, war, discrimination or huge transgressions against all internationals laws of humanity, as has been the case with the Lebanon war.)


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 11:44 pm:  

Were there any other ETs controlling the minds of people as Bafath did Hitler's? Are there any ETs doing the same to any people currently?

No, there were not and are not.


Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 11:50 pm:  

"You shall never, never speak an untruth" This is one of the 'commandment' by the Plejaren's to humans, but I think they have also travelled amongst crowds in urplace, then surely they should have spoke an untruth. Isn't this against their own commandments?

This commandment has been brought by the Petale level (Decalogue).
Please formulate your question in a way that it can be understood by us.


Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 04:26 am:  

Hi Billy,
An author calle Jon Peniel, follower of Edgar Cayce`s work says that the subconscious is not a fixed thing, and you can affect it or reprogram it(computer comparison) to bring about changes in your behaviour and fix personality problems.Techniques to reprogram the subconscious would be affirmation (a kind of self suggestion) and visualization (detailed mental drawing/imagination).The ultimate aim is to make use of the subconscious abilities & capabilities in a conscious way.To let the subconscious unfold, manifestate through the conscious.Are this ideas from Jon Peniel more or less true, accurate?
Also, i came to the conclusion that hypnotherapy can be really dangerous because the hypnotiser is only neutralizing the effect, not the cause.In my opinion, hypnotherapy is only blocking/filtering the origins of the problem, not solving the problem, and that is not desirable. Do you consider hypnotherapy dangerous as it is today?

While "Rückführungshypnose" (hypnosis that tries to lead a person back into former existences etc.) is unreal and nonsense, real hypnosis (Realhypnose) is okay.
Yes, the consciousness is not a fixed thing, because it is constantly influenced by the current thoughts and the impulses from the storage banks and the collective.


Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 07:11 am:  

Hi Billy,
When we die... do we have any consciousness in the spiritual realm?
Much love to you and all...
Randy Arena ô¿ô

No, we have not.]


Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 09:32 am:  

Dear Billy,
There is a 14 year old boy living on the East Coast of the US named Jay Greenberg who is considered a musical prodigy. He started writing music notation when he was only 3 years old. Since then he has written 5 symphonies. He has mentioned that he hears sometimes 2-3 pieces of music in his mind at the same time. He states he never needs to make corrections when composing his music because it seems to come to him as a finished piece.
Is he receiving these musical pieces/compositions from impulses from the Akashic Records or is it something else?
Thank you

He must have been able to tap into a certain frequency in the storage banks (not Akashic Records!).


Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 10:21 am:  

Hi Billy,
You have told us that the 2000 and 2004 US Presidential Elections were manipulated in favor of G.W. Bush. You also recently told us that had the Republicans maintained influence in Congress after the mid-term elections, the US would have initiated war in Iran.
If war in Iran was the objective, and it was necessary to control Congress in order to achieve it, why didn't the Republicans manipulate the Congressional elections to get the outcome they desired? They haven't played fair in the past, why now? Was the gap of disapproval and discontent from the people just too large to overcome?
Thank you.

Through all the mess and failure of the Iraq war the public opinion in the U.S. has changed, as is also the case with politicians. It seems that there was too few power available to influence the elections towards a new victory of the Republicans.


Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 01:18 pm:  

hello billy,
did you recieve my letter in the mail?
hopefully it did not offend you for whatever reason, and hopefully i was not too curious to the point that i become a bother. i am curious as i have got no reply.

my official question is this...
let's say i had a dream about reading a book, and as i read the book, i became aware that i was in a dream... so i memorise a sentence or two from the book, and when i wake up, i write what was written in the book down in a journal...
is there an excersize one can do that will enable them to be able to remember much more than just two sentences, like perhaps a paragraph etc?
thank you

We are checking this. (Note by CF: You can mail a copy of the letter to me if you don't get an answer within two weeks from now.)

You have to try to memorize the things in your dream, and you shall try to be aware (in your dream) that you are dreaming.


Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 01:29 pm:  

***Moderators will you accept this request to Billy, I thought of posting it with the question of mine above, If possible attach the note below with it****
Dear Billy. My previous question about the people of the sunken land under the Indian peninsula, you didn't know so I want you to ask the Plejarens if there was a sunken land mass south of the current day India, is it possible for you to keep this question in your reminder to ask the Plejarens when they visit? How often do they visit you now?

Billy is not allowed to ask questions like this.
(Note by CF: The frequency of the visits is varying from month to month, but the visits are often.)


Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 03:19 pm:  

Should we donate our bodies to hospitals when we die, or should we bury our bodies, which is better, does either have detrimental effects, what would you recommend?

No, we should not donate our bodies. To bury one's corpse is recommended.


Posted on Sunday, December 24, 2006 - 05:37 pm:  

Dear Mr. Meier,
Thank you for the opportunity of allowing me this question. It has to do with fasting. I understand you have said that fasting should only be undertaken for spiritual purposes. It is interesting that such a painful physical act can have spiritual effects. There are two circumstances of involuntary fasting that I would like to ask you about and whether a spiritual benefit accrues to the people in those circumstances. The first would be starvation, such like the Jews in WWII concentration camps or people, especially children, in impoverished countries where adequate food is just not available. The second would be terminally ill people who have lost the desire or the ability to consume food. So my question is, do the people in these circumstances receive similar spiritual benefits from being without food as do people who voluntarily undergo a fast?

Neither starvation is fasting, nor the lost desire to eat during the dying process. You can only benefit from fasting if you are able to deliberately choose to do so.
The benefit is not a spiritual one, but fasting may improve your physical and psychic/consciousness-related health.
Btw: Originally, fasting was a measure against gluttony; today fasting has been "religionised" to quite some extent.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 12:37 am:  

Hi Billy,
my question is in relation to how the Plejarens consider nudity at public places on Erra. What is the minimum acceptable limit of clothing dress there. Would a girl dressed in a bikini at the beach on Erra be acceptable?

All the Plejarens who Billy met and saw during his travels and contacts were fully dressed. Since he has not been at a beach he cannot tell you whether Plejaren girls wear a bikini (or nothing at all) at the beach.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 02:09 am:  

Hi Billy,
has anyone that represented an organisation from any of the world governments ever contacted or came to see you (officially or not) to privately talk with you to question you about your ET contacts, or even about anything else either, and if not, why not?

(Note by CF: regarding your "why not" you will have to personally ask those who did not get in contact with Billy.)


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 02:17 am:  

Hello Billy,
can you tell us some of the animals found on Erra that are the same as on Earth, and about some of them that are not? Can you also tell me about the size of the biggest Dinosaur or Animal that the Plejarens know of that is found on a particular planet out there? Thanks.

1) Yes, he can. (There are cows, dogs, cats, camels, etc. etc. which they imported from Earth, and there are thousands of animals unknown to us.)
2) No, he cannot.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 03:20 am:  

Hi Billy, Could you give some details about the Mahabharata war (in Kurukshetra present day Haryana). I think you spoke of it in your 9th Contact. I have read the epic but wanted to know if there are any changes or things that should be explain in more rational terms like the strength of Bhima (that of 1600 elephants!). How strong was Bhima really? Also, is the warrior named Ashwattama still alive, if so where?

No. (... and that Ashwattama guy cannot be still alive after so many years.)


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 04:34 am:  

Sfath rightly said that people are blinded by Christianity. I want to ask, what can we adopt to bring down this or any religion? What could bring the awareness of the FIGU mission to people, I mean there are only a few people who know about FIGU. What would you (Billy and Christian) suggest to raise awareness, coz many people don't want to hear such stuff?

They are not only blinded by Christianity, but also by all other religions.
The only thing is to learn for, and develop, yourself, because each person must individually find the truth; and through living by the truth, one is able to change one's genetically induced religious illness/sickness.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 05:16 am:  

Karma, you have said is wrong concept. But how do you even define what karma is to say that it is wrong?

Karma means (as it is claimed) that a person has to atone for (or pay) his deeds (good or bad) in the next life. But since the personality is dissolved after death and a entirely new personality is formed in the spirit form's next existence (through the "Gesamtbewusstseinblock" = comprehensive consciousness block), karma is not possible.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 05:25 am:  

Billy, the information I find here suggests that it's impossible to change history. Billy, with the correct technology, what would stop me from going back in time and killing myself, for example, in the year 2000?
I am assuming there may be creational forces that would act against this.
Welcome to Earth!

Yes, there are creational laws that make it impossible to change something that has already happened. Therefore, there will never be a technology with which you could kill yourself in the past.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 06:05 am:  

Hi Billy
Thanks for the information regarding Solomon's temple, that confirms Solomon was a real historical figure as well.
Could you please also disclose the name and character of the God that Solomon served?



Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 10:05 am:  

Hi Billy,
I am intrigued by the term "truth announcer" (Wahrheitskünder).Is anybody who is freely associated with the mission a truth announcer? For example those among us who try to tell others the dangers of religion/overpopulation/global warming in their close circles, family & friends, commonly with no effect/result..Sometimes i feel the need to participate more actively, to tell the world the dangers of war, overpopulation and false teachings although nobody listens and pays attention.I ask to myself :is what i'm doing useless?
Also, when people ask a student of the Geisteslehre are you a christian, or are you a muslim, what should this student answer...I'm an atheist, I'm an autodidact,...I mean if you say I'm a Meierist people will try to ridicule you or call you a sectarian, it's like the actual conditions suggest to remain silent about that, having an attitude of ed-ward, "guardian of the treasure" and keeping away from the ones who are not mature enough to profit from it.Thanks for your answers.

Anybody who brings the truth is a truth announcer.
You can say: I occupy myself with the truth, or: I am a student of truth or of the spirit lessons, etc.
(Note by CF: "Meierist" is a funny expression, but should never be aspired to, because this would be connected with a personality cult which is never positive.
You could also say: I'm not religious, and I am searching for the truth, etc.)


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 11:17 am:  

hello billy,
this questions is in relation to the topic of my last question...
i have been aware in my dream that i am dreaming for some years now, these past 3 years i have been really focussed on matters of dreaming. often times i realize i am dreaming.
recently i had a dream where i became aware that i was dreaming, i began to try to bring about things i was looking for (for example a person or a place or situation) and at some point the dream ended but i did not find myself awake. instead (i may not be able to explain this as clear as some perhaps) it was as if i was concious but i was in total darkness, yet i knew i was not awake with my eyes open. then i pictured a forest and concentrated on moving into the thick forest. as i penetrated the forest, another dream began and i was in a regular dream.
when i awoke, i thought about what happened.
is there such a thing as being concious in the subconcious aside from being in the typical/traditional type of dream.
i find if i picture certain images and focus, i trigger certain reactions in my subconcious that bring about a variety of interesting results.
can you perhaps shed some light on this event?
any bit of insight would be of help.
christian: okayi will wait patiently.

No, there is no such thing as "being conscious in the subconscious", because you are in your consciousness.
The dream itself can only be interpreted by the dreamer himself.
It is sensible to investigate one's dreams, because this resembles meditation. In dreams you can learn about yourself, especially if you are able to stay conscious in your dream and to influence the course of the dream.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 11:54 am:  

Hi Billy, There is so much past ET involvement with Judea. Why did Jehovah in effect create Judea & the Hebraon? When there were already plenty of established groups of people to choose from?
My Website

It has not been Jehovah who created Judea and the Hebraons. The Hebraons were a huge group of all kinds of people who were enslaved in Egypt. And it was Moses who led them away from Egypt.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 02:00 pm:  

Dear Billy
Billy, I was wondering as per the reports about a world economic collapse inevitably expected within the next couple of years due to the collapse of the US dollar and diminishing worldwide resources (oil), Can the humanity expect to see the zero point energy devices (free energy devices) perfected somewhat by the quasi-ultra secret government as mentioned by Dr Greer (Disclosure Project) being freed off the dust ridden shelf, to finally come out to the mass market to be used to solve the impending energy and environmental crisis within the next several years?
Thank you

You cannot expect the free energy to emerge for quite some time. For the next decades the use of the present forms of energy production will continue, as will the destruction of nature and the impact on the climate. And overpopulation, the biggest threat and evil of all, will continue. Over 100 million people are born each year, and the current population is more than one milliard/billiard higher than the census reports are claiming.
Because of the steady huge increase in human population, more and more new powerplants have to be built, and more and more energy will be consumed. Struggles to save energy (e.g. by building cars which are running on ever lower amounts of gasoline) are outstripped or outrun through the increase of new human beings who are demanding/needing energy, etc. etc.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 04:44 pm:  

Hi Billy,
In your January 2003 article prior to the start of the Iraq War (To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth) you mentioned that the world faced great peril unless five individuals were removed from office or power: Bush, Sharon, Arafat, Hussein, and Bin Laden. Hussein has been incarcerated for nearly three years and has been sentenced to die by hanging. Arafat has been dead for more than two years. Sharon has been in a coma (brain dead?) for nearly a year. Bin Laden has been deep in hiding for years and many times rumored to be dead. Bush has lost nearly all his political capital, and his party no longer has absolute control of the US. Based on your logic the world should now be in better shape (moving more towards peace than war) then when you wrote your article. But instead you say the world has entered the prologue to WWIII. What is causing this discrepancy? Is it time for a revised prophecy regarding WWIII?
Thanks and happy holidays!

To remove all those five persons from power does not guarantee that there will be no WWIII, because everything depends on several factors: a) How will the successors of those 5 persons economic think and act? b) When will the USA draw back all their forces (military and others) from all other countries on Earth, and c) when will the peoples of all nations cease to be submissively dependent on criminal and warmongering leaders, ...
The prophecy is still active, because the threat of WWIII does still exist.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 07:50 pm:  

Can you describe the people of Baawi for us. Do they live in a different time-shifted dimension than us, and are they actively involved in any part of your mission?
Vielen Dank
I am truthful to the extend at which I know the truth.

They are about 2.3 metres high and quite slim.
Yes, they are involved in the mission.


Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 07:59 pm:  

Dear Billy,
This concerns numerology and the "dreaded" number 8. If a person has 8 as the value of the combination of their name number and birthdate number, would they be wise to change their name so the resulting value would be more favorable? For instance I know two people whose numbers are as follows:

Example 1:
First name value = 8
Last name value = 2
Birthdate value = 7
Sum = 8

Example 2:
First name value = 5
Last name value = 2
Birthdate value = 1
Sum = 8

I am thinking in example 1, the person might be wise to change the first name to correspond with the value 7. Likewise for the person in example 2. My understanding is the numbers 1, 2 & 7 are somewhat harmonious with each other, and in both examples the resulting number is more favorable than the dreaded 8.
I might add that the people involved have no interest in numerology nor are they inclined to change their name; the purpose of my question is to better understand the principle of naming through illustration.

The numbers are linked to certain basic values, but of importance is what the human being is making out of his life. How does he look after his thoughts and feelings, etc.
The same applies to horoscopes. The zodiac has some basic values, but the decisive factor is the individual human being. Therefore you don't have to change your names in order to avoid misfortune. (Note by CF: We are not just puppets on the string of fate.)


Posted on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 04:31 am:  

Hey Billy, I wanted to ask you about the dialogues written by Plato. Is there any truth in the two dialogues - Timaeus and Critias (between Timaeus, Critias, Socrates and Hermocrates) written by the Greek Philosopher Plato about Atlantis? I ask this because in the conversation, Socrates asks Critias in the dialogue Timaeus to say an actual fact and he told him a story of Atlantis, I wanted to verify from you if this was true.

Plato heard that information from other storytellers.
Btw: Much of what the old philosophers have written is quite banal.


Posted on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 08:11 am:  

Dear Billy,
Do all forms of flora and fauna evolve to higher levels such as humans to Arahat Athersata and beyond?
Randy ô¿ô

Only the human being's spirit form evolves to the spiritual levels.


Posted on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 01:51 pm:  

Hello Billy,
Correct me if i'm wrong but according to the information in the contact notes - human DNA has been interfered with/modified at some distant point in the past - but that in time this will in fact correct itself of its own accord. - but also, in addition to this, that other ET races are actually currently working to help out with the problem (could have sworn i read that last bit in one of the online interviews with BEAM)
So with this in mind was wondering if Billy has anything to say regarding Dr. Eric Pearl and his so-called - 'Reconnection' healing method - wherein strings or strands of DNA supposedly get reconnected and in consequence with this all kinds of healing miracles have supposed to have been occuring...with seemingly a very impressive success rate.
- ie. is it for real - or in the end just bogus?
and if real, could there be an ET involvelment? - be that the P's or someone other than the P's??
thanks and salome.

Dr. Pearl is unknown to Billy.
No, there are no "other ET races" involved in this case.
But of course our scientists are making progress and someday the genetic malfunction will be corrected.
Btw: There are no such things as miracles.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hello Billy
I was wondering what your solutions are concerning illegal migration because here in Australia, the asylum seekers and illegal immigrants as they are labelled has been an ongoing issue in respects to their rights and on a limbo detention without resolution.
Some vile academics and politicians think that the most effective solutions in deterring would be people smugglers and asylum seekers is to set an example through detaining them in such horrid conditions out in the middle of nowhere and leaving them in such wretched conditions.
You have spoke about instituting world wide birth control, adoption of spiritual Creational principles by every person and elimination of forces and degeneration that opposes the Creational force to placate population numbers that'll solve the population and environmental crisis and I would assume this is the way towards solving this illegal migration issue but on the short term side I would very much like to know how you would go about solving this issue spiritually if ever it is possible?
Thank you Billy

There is no such thing like a "spiritual" solution.
The "deterring" solution is a deeply unhuman and intolerable measure.
The correct and effective way is to return the asylum seekers to their home lands/countries. (Note by CF: An exception has to made regarding the genuine refugees who's lives were personally threatened in their home country. A general bad situation in a country cannot be accepted as reason for asylum, especially not in our era of massive overpopulation.)
However, the most urgent solution to be taken still is the birthrate check, because if the terrestrial population growth cannot be stopped and then continually reduced, all the big problems of our time cannot be solved.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hi Billy,
if the Plejarens suffer from no diseases or illnesses, does that mean that all Plejarens die of old age, such as pass away in their sleep?

They are dying when their time has come. Their heart stops beating at the end of the natural aging process. They don't die of infirmity.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hello Billy. I hope you are well. My question is about a friend of mine who is also studying the teachings that you are giving us. This friend has been meditating for a long time now and even meditates often while in bed before sleeping. This particular time, my friend was meditating in bed on positive things, and a sound appeared as if it were not coming from the ears, but somewhere inside the head. The sound lasted until my friend turned focus toward it, and this was about 3 seconds after it started. The sound was clear, broad and booming, like a tibetan horn, and though it was broad and booming, it was gentle, as opposed to grating or disturbing.
Do you have any idea what this sound could have been or what the cause of it was? For example, could the sound my friend heard be one that is described by people who practice so called 'sound current meditation', where they focus on area where the pineal is located, and focus on sounds heard not with ears but internally? My friend is a clear thinking person in my opinion and hasn't come to a definite conclusion but we are both intersted in what you have to say about it. Thanks for your reponse on this and have a great day!

This is a something that can occur to everyone, as e.g. tinnitus. And it can happen once, or many times, and in all kinds of situations. It has to do with the brain/nervous system. It is recommendable to not concentrate on that sound.


[Posted during February 2007]

Greetings Billy, From what I know of the story of the people of Arus - the Aryans, they attacked the Sumerians who are peace loving and the Sumerians fled to a region south to a land of dark skinned Europid people. My Question: Who are these people (dark skinned Europid)? If they are not extinct, where do they live today on Earth (countries), how are they identified (facial features, or example of such people still surviving). Also, what kind of dark skin are we speaking about here?

Billy doesn't know.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hi Billy, Hope you are fine and also wish Semjase and all the Plejaren friends good health. I wanted to ask you; What are the origins of games like Chess? I understand that you taught the Plejarens the game, how do they fare in the game, because if they didn't have such a game where did it come from actually, is it purely a human invention? You would have spoke about it while playing with them, do you know any details of it's (or similar games') origins?

No, Billy did not teach the P's to play chess.
Chess was invented in China (some 1000 years ago) by a simple farmer. He won a competition and was rewarded by the emperor.


[Posted during February 2007]

Dear Billy,
What is wrong with our pi-number calculation? Is there (as you claim) really some error in it?

As Ptaah said during the 260th contact of February 3, 1998: "... the time is much too early to give more details ..."
However, Core Group member Guido Moosbrugger made his own calculations, which can be seen in the book Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontakberichte, Block 7, page 484: The result: 3.144 605 512.


[Posted during February 2007]

Greetings Mr. Meier,
1. Why does FIGU use the Devanagiri script, which is the script of the language Hindi in India, for the representation of the OM?
2. How is the script even related to the Plejarens, why don't they use the Latin Script or the Script that their language Sarat uses? To my knowledge the script didn't come from the Pleiades but from the Siddham script. If you do claim that the script or any relating script came from the Plejarens then surely there must be a proof of it on Earth, in India or nearby regions relating to it.
3. Another thing I wanted to point out is that it doesn't read as 'OM' (regarding the pronunciations of Hindi I have learnt), why?

    Please try and limit your questions to one per round.

Answer to question #3: The symbol that is written on the book OM has been created by Nokodemion millions of years ago (when neither anybody was living on Earth nor speaking Hindi). It's an abbreviation of Omfalon Murado, and there is no "Au" in those two words. Omfalon Murado, by the way, means "navel of life" or "navel of the world", and it includes/embraces everything within the spirit teachings.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hi Billy, I wanted to ask you about the aggressor gene. Did the aggressor gene have a greater effect on some races than others, if so, which races. If not, how does it explain the fact that some races are more war mongering/racially abusive (of other races) than others, like the Muslims? Why have they been in war with us Americans, Europeans for so long? From the time of the Crusades, that is and they also justify the killing of our people?

    Please try and limit your questions to one per round.

Muslim is no race, but the term for people who are believing in the religion of Islam, and Muslim are people who belong to different races. Btw: It has been Christianity who was the war-mongering aggressor. The crusades were a severe act of crime/aggression against the Muslim, and it is Christianity who is responsible for the greatest number of killings in terrestrial history.
(Note by CF: It is the degenerated and misguided ones among the peoples who are terrorists and scum. Among all races and peoples there are good and bad individuals.)


[Posted during February 2007]

If Asket can give her photo, then why can't the Plejarens give theirs? I really don't understand the reason behind this, I mean the same 'curse' could affect both of them (or even you), then why did Asket give her photo in the first place, why did you, wouldn't a curse fall over you (i.e. Billy)?

    Perhaps it may have to do with security reasons, than "curses"??

Asket went back into the DAL universe and, since she didn't plan to return to our universe, she allowed Billy to shoot the photos.
Regarding the Plejarens: Since there always was/is a chance that one of them may be seen by terrestrial people, they did not permit photos to be taken of them. They allowed drawings, however.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hi Billy, I had some questions about Henok, the first incarnate, that I thought you could answer.
A. Where did he live, which planet and how far is that from Erra and Earth?
B. If he was the first incarnated, was there anyone to guide him in anyway, how was his life style basically?
C. How did he look physically (his skin colour, stature, facial features etc.)?
D. How did he create offsprings, with whom?
If any of the questions show my ignorance to some knowledge about him, please correct me. I am new to the knowledge of your mission.

    Please try and limit your questions to one per round

Answer to the question D: Simply by the natural way with a woman (just as we human beings are doing here on Earth), and by genetic manipulation.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hey Billy, I was thinking as to why there weren't advanced civilizations set in much of Africa. What about Northern America. In Africa there was only Egypt, but again, what about central Africa.
So my question is, 'Great civilizations' are somewhat confined to Asia and Europe, why? Didn't the advanced people, spread out probably meet the other not so developed humans?

In the hot areas of our planet a certain "lethargy" may be observed. The consciousness-related intelligence and evolution does develop better in a climate that is changing from cold to warm.


[Posted during February 2007]

Greetings Billy,
Just to comment on something concerning global overpopulation, I certainly hear and agree with what you have to say about it, however, I think there are still a few more additional points that need to be said about it such as; I doubt most people are going to concern themselves with it anytime soon, because to them it means milking many more people for increased real estate profit, and also for charities if there are always starving children, to more people profiting off of more problems created resulting, to the higher demands with the ever increasing amounts of people always looking for a quick fix solution like some big grand capitalization scheme with an ever increasing higher cost of living.
Question: Are you also aware of the Georgia Guide-stones, also known as the American Stonehenge message and that of a selected very few people in Government to a few well known scientists like Eric Pianka, who when they all speak of these problems concerning global overpopulation and give the original small maximum figure of humans to which the Earth is able to support, that these same people are usually quickly accused of promoting global genocide with the extermination of nine-tenths of the world's people?
I was unable to get in contact with scientist Eric Pianka to tell him of the 7 year birth rule after which he was falsely accused of promoting global genocide by the media.
Peace in being,
James Truthseeker

Billy does neither know the Georgia Guide-stones nor Eric Pianka.
The more people are living on a planet, to less value is granted to one's fellow-human being and the more indifference is around.
(Note by CF: Of course it would be a big relief for planet Earth and the remaining people if we had only one tenth of the present human population. Even if there is a potential chance that a huge number of people may die through a mutated ebola epidemic, it may not to be desired who would like to be a victim? I doubt that the survivors would have an easy living. The human way to reduce the population should occur through the use of reason and self-responsibility and by measures, that. apply to all countries and all people (as proposed by FIGU).
Here the interested persons may find some information about Eric Pianka:


[Posted during February 2007]

Hi Billy
It's been said that thought vibrations, be positive or negative kind, have a range of about 90 meters.Thought vibrations emitted by each human being interact with other human beings vibrations.
Do these vibrations transmit feelings also, i mean a person who feels happy can induce happyness to others, via his positive thought vibration?
Did the bafath use long range thought vibrations in order to confuse/enslave the minds of millions of peoples?

Answering question #1: Yes, feelings can be transmitted, if the other person is sensitive enough. However most people are lacking that sensitivity.
Btw: the thought vibrations have a range of maximum 3 light seconds, not just 90 metres.


[Posted during February 2007]

hello billy,
when i maeditate before goingto sleep, after some duration of time i start to see fluxing watery/wave like patterns. during this, i see a constantly changing colour in my vision of elctric blue, green, yellow, a bright pinkish red colour... i have tried to observe it and properly record the colours and their order, but i have not got it exact yet.
anotehr person i know has also related to me the exact experience.
can you offer me an explination into this...
does this have something to do with ones own aura or energies flowing around them?

These are meditative colour imaginations.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hello Billy,
From Contact 251:
A new hording of weapon stockpiles will follow at a time when the worldwide production of weaponry is accelerated once again. This will signal the first threat of a looming third world war, as foretold by a prophecy, unless terrestrial Man strives to avert this danger through reasoning and appropriate thoughts and actions. Should Man fail to act against the fulfillment of this prophecy, a new and extremely destructive weapon will be built that will produce disastrous consequences in the next world war.
Clearly this part of the prophecy is unfolding, especially with the Americans, Russians and Chinese increasing their expenditures on weapons annually.
But in particular, is this new and extremely destructive weapon that will produce disastrous consequences in the next world war, the low-yield tactical nuclear weapon, with yields of one tenth of a kiloton or less, to achieve a "pinpoint" nuclear capability (the ability to use small nuclear weapons the same way in which the United States uses smart bombs and cruise missiles), making "limited nuclear war" theoretically possible? As you know, the passage from Contact 251 uses the singular form of weapon, so I am thinking you are talking about ONE particular weapon, not a disparate group of weapons. Is this, the low-yield tactical nuclear weapon, the one you were referring to? It may also go by the name "nuclear bunker-buster weapon".
Thank you.

Billy doesn't know.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hello Billy,
I understand human consumption of cow milk is a somewhat controversial subject and might be a sensitive topic for the people of cheese-loving Switzerland. However, do you judge it to be child abuse for parents to withhold meat and dairy products from their children, when the budget for food allows otherwise? I am meaning in the sense of the parents enforcing strict vegetarianism on the whole family.
Best wishes to you and your family.

If parents themselves decide to eat no meat and dairy products it is their own decision and their own responsibility.
Actually it is important for the healthy development of children (brain, thinking, etc.) that they include meat in their meals. Regarding dairy products, especially cow milk: Milk is less healthy than the advertisements of the dairy industry are claiming. Cow milk quite often disagrees with many people (including children).


[Posted during February 2007]

Hello Billy,
I wish you a belated happy, healthy birthday and many more to come.
It seems the Iranians are hell-bent on developing nuclear weapons, and the Americans are hell-bent on stopping them from achieving this goal. If the respective parties continue down their chosen paths, without any real change, do you see this culminating in the third world war? I don't know if it is true, but there are reports that US forces are ready to attack Iran given only 24 hour notice from President Bush. What actions if any, that have an actual chance of being implemented given the intransigence of both sides, would you recommend to the world at large to prevent the current US-Iranian stalemate from degenerating into the third world war?

The main responsibility for the mess we are in on this planet lies by the USA. Without US America messing around in the Middle East there would be no terror in Iran etc. (not to speak of Iraq). And if the USA wouldn't have dropped the atomic bombs over Japan, we wouldn't have all of the actual nuclear threats. And now we are facing another competition for armament (Aufrüsten) because the USA are planning to install new radar and missile stations in Eastern Europe.
(Note by CF: It is recommended that the USA are withdrawing their military and secret service etc. from all countries. And it is always better to negotiate than than to threaten or starting a war.)


[Posted during February 2007]

Dear Billy,
Considering all the major bad actors negatively influencing mankind, contributing to the ruin of the planet, which of these groups do you judge to be the worst offenders at the present time, or are they all equally bad regarding the evil results they bring? If it's not too much trouble, could you put them in rank order of their negative influence, and add any obvious ones I may have overlooked? Thank you.
1.) Organized religions of all types
2.) Public governments
3.) Secret government organizations
4.) Large global corporations
5.) Secret societies of all types

All of them are contributing to problems.
Regarding #5: There are secret societies which are entirely harmless.


[Posted during February 2007]

Billy, what are the possible consequences when someone attempts to change the unchangeable past or future?
Welcome to Earth!

The consequences are a failure only, because, ast he word itself says, you cannot change something that is unchangeable.
The future develops from cause and effect. The cause cannot be changed, and what has happened in the future cannot be changed, too.
(Note by CF: Imagine the following thought experience: You are hitting your neighbour on his head. He is badly injured and brought to a hospital. He does not fully recover and, in his mental disorder, is setting his hospital bed in flame. By bad chance the oxygene pipe explodes and the entire hospital is burning down. 30 patients and 5 nurses are dying. There are reports in the media, newspapers etc. all around the world. Security measures are taken in other hospitals, craftsmen are building fire sections, etc. etc. Do you really think it is possible that you go back in time, kiss your neighbour on the head and - whoosh - all the news about the hospital fire etc. are disappearing from the newspapers, leaving white spots on the paper, and the screws that have been drilled into walls by the craftsmen are flying back into the cases in the workshop, etc. And of course all the dead and burnt corpses are flying up from the graves and back into the hospital beds! (The only way this could happen is in one of those silly hollywood movies where people go back in time to change the virtual reality.)
If it would be possible to change the past, we would not be alive because Creation and the universe would have been destroyed from the beginning.)


[Posted during February 2007]

Greetings Billy,
When you talked about the American CIA (SOG) in SB30, what was your source of information?
I think it is assumed by some people that the information you relate through your writings comes from omniscience on your part or the Plejaran's. But that clearly cannot be the case. I'm hoping that you and Ptaah, or others, at least had a tour of the CIA Headquarters, protected by some sort of cloaking. Otherwise, I fail to see what makes your information on this topic unique or special. Much of what you have written could be gleaned from various books and internet sites. Is that where you get the majority of your information on topics like these?

The sources will not be disclosed.


[Posted during February 2007]

Hi Billy
I refer to The Talmud of Jmmanuel.
Jmmanuel was born when Herod was the King and when the first census took place (which was 4BC).
However, according to the historians, the first census did not take place until 6 A.D.
My question is: Do you have any comment on the census when Jmmanuel was born and the so-called first census that took place in 6 A.D.?

Jmmanuel was born 5 years before Christ, on February3rd, if calculated back from our time. Therefore, the census took place in the same year.
(Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte, Block 5, page 221/222).}


[Posted during March 2007]

hello billy,
In the wassermanzeit magazine of 1977 it was stated that agartha and mt.shasta inhabitants(?) and related cities had millions of inhabitants, now some years later they are down to around a couple hundred thousand.
what caused such a rapid decline in population?
please sort out any mis information i may be stating.
thanks billy.

Billy doesn't know. (Note by CF: I did not find such an information in the Wassermannzeit Magazine of 1977. Can you give me details?)


[Posted during March 2007]

Greetings Billy,
In the last round of questions you stated "Milk is less healthy than the advertisements of the dairy industry are claiming. Cow milk quite often disagrees with many people (including children)." Thank you for your answer.
My follow-up question then concerns people, including children, who are not encountering any problems they are aware of, such as lactose-intolerance and allergies, from consuming cow milk. Should even these people not consume cow milk and products made from cow milk, such as yogurt and cheese, even when they like to eat these foods? Thanks again.
Jimmy C.

Of course people can drink milk and dairy products if they wish. If there are no health problems, there is no reason for not eating and drinking them.
An interesting note: It is only for 8.000 years that the human being is drinking the milk of animals. Due to the lack of the necessary encymes it was dangerous, even deadly, to drink the milk of animals in those days.


[Posted during March 2007]

Greetings Billy,
Regarding Secret Societies and their negative influence on mankind and the planet, you stated there are secret societies which are entirely harmless. Do you consider such Secret Societies as the Illuminati, the New World Order and Freemasonry harmless?
Thank you.

The Freemansons as sort of a religious community are harmless, as is also the case with the Illuminati, a group of people who are spreading silly conspiration theories.
What or who is "the New World Order"?


[Posted during March 2007]

Thank you for your answers Billy. In your books, you say that when so-called BEAMING, or teleportation, is used, that the body is broken down into its atoms, then sent to the destination, then reconstructed instantly. You also have said in your books that if the spirit is seperated from the body, that death occurs irreversibly. Since there is no body when beaming occurs (it has been disassembled), then how is death prevented during the beaming process? After all, wouldn't the spirit become detached from the body when the body is taken apart??? Thanks again for your time and patience with us who are interested in learning. Have a great day!

Beaming is done on a technical basis (to beam one's body from one place to another), and teleportation is done by consciousness-related forces (remote dislocation).
Since the spirit form is not separated from the atoms, there is no death resulting from this process (Note by CF: except if the process is handled in an inccorrect way).


[Posted during March 2007]

Dear Billy,
In Contact 251 it is mentioned that 1995 will also be a year when an unknown, powerful male individual begins to come into prominence who spellbinds the world and gathers followers around him in much the same rat-catching manner as the Pied Piper of Hamelin. For this reason, in one prophecy, he is called the rat-catcher.
At one time I thought this referred to Osama bin Laden because of the Oplan Bojinka (a planned large-scale attack on airliners in 1995) and the Pied Piper story, vendetta part, about leading children into a hillside from which they would never return. But lately I've been seeing George W. Bush as a likely suspect, especially given that he was first elected to political office in January 1995, and later appeared inauspiciously to spearhead the plans of the necons on a world-wide scale. Bush was already mentioned in this contact note for his coup ordering the US-backed invasion of IRAQ. Just to be clear, exactly who were you referring to as the unknown, powerful male individual?

This "male individual" is not just one person only, but several ones, like Osama bin Laden, Bush, Putin and other personalities in high offices.
The pipe can be "translated" as "suggestive forces".


[Posted during March 2007]

Hello Billy
Billy I was wondering what your thoughts are considering euthanasia.
Would it be ok for someone who is dying of a terminal illness to go through this procedure without breaking the Creational Natural Laws and commandments?
Thanks you Billy

{{Euthanasia is always murder (there is no exception!).}


[Posted during March 2007]

Dear Billy,
I thank you for this opportunity.
Are you able to asertain if indeed people and partircularly those who follow your teachings are being manipulated and their consciousness negatively influenced by telenotic devices or other ('off the planet') similar techniques?
If this is the case how can one neutralize such effects besides practicing the "Spirit Prayer" and or "The 12 Affirtmations", what can one do to strengthen one's consciousness and in turn the sub-consciousness against such influences?
Thank you, Bianca

How should Billy be able to detect such manipulations among so many people?
People have to apply their reason and understanding to detect and realize odd behaviour and thinking processes within themselves. This requires that a person is striving to be conscious/aware about his/her own thinking, feeling and acting.


[Posted during March 2007]

Hi Billy,
I want to ask about the "Ego" or the "I".Almost everywhere and everybody (Buddhism, Hinduism, psychiaty, new age sectarians) seem to advocate for the suppression, dissolution of the ego, the I.At first this seems to be a good advice, but the more i think about it the more i consider this ego-suppression a stupid advice/teaching.
I think Ego-suppression/dissolution makes you unsuited to live(lebensunfähig), transforms yourself into a servile, servant, obedient individual, just what religions want.Not to be active, but passive.A certain amount of Ego,I would be necessary to lead a decent life in these stages of evolution.
Am i more or less right? What about ego-suppression and meditation, should a meditator try to block his individual identity-ego-i, while meditating?

If a person is suppressing his/her ego, the person becomes humble ("demütig" in German) or submissive and, in doing so, is harming himself.
The ego/I is the Self of the human being, and it represents that what he is.
The human being needs his self and, therefore, shall not destroy or suppress his ego or "I".


[Posted during March 2007]

Hello Billy,
The plejaren calls our solar system the "sol system", and in contact 238th it is mention " the Earth human names the galaxy that he and the Sol system belong to...", my cuestion is: How do plejaren call our galaxy? I mean if they have an special name diferent than "milky way". And our scientists says that the milky way should looks like similar to Andromeda galaxy, is this true?
Norberto Burciaga

Billy didn't ask. (Note by CF: Yes, our milky way looks similar to the Andromeda galaxy.)


[Posted during March 2007]

Hi Billy,
What is the true origin of the earth's oil? Is it truly a fossil fuel formed from the remains of dead plants and animals exposed to heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years, or does it originate through an inorganic process of carbon-bearing fluids, from deep carbon deposits, migrating upwards from the mantle? In the former case (biotic) oil is clearly a finite resource, but in the latter case (abiotic) it is thought to be a much more abundant resource. What is the truth in this matter?

Both versions are correct. And both forms need a very long time span to develop.


[Posted during March 2007]

Hi Billy
Can you tell us about Thomas, the one who followed Jmmanuel to India?
Did he falsify Jmmanuel's teachings just like the other disciples?

There were several Thomas'. As far as Billy knows, Thomas who went to India did not write anything.


[Posted during March 2007]

Hi Billy, What is the origin of the name Bafath, does it have a meaning?

He doesn't know the meaning.


[Posted during March 2007]

Hello Billy,
In the contact notes it says that the moon was a chunk of travelling plnetoid fragment that ultimately got drawn into our own earths orbit -
Well - i have often wondered about the fact that though the sum and the moon are of course vastly different in size - that nevertheless - they are situated at such precise distances from each other that the end result is that from our perspective - it ends up being a perfect and exact fit of one spatial object over another. thus enabling eclipses to actually occur.
Was wondering is this merely a co-incidence or could it be possible that some highly advanced ET race might have had something to do with this - by way of either altering the positioning of the moon - or else even perhaps rounding off the moon itself to make it smaller - in order to make it 'fit' so precisely and exactly over the circle of the sun??
Or maybe its just a co-incidence!

{It is cosmic laws (gravitation, etc.) which are responsible for the orbit of planets and moons, etc.
There was no ET race involved in "rounding off" the moon, because it (or is it "he" or "she"?) had its round form when it entered our space and time continuum through the dimension door which was opened (and had been let open) by ETs.}


[Posted during March 2007]

Plejarans tell us that aids is a terrible illness, but many scientist on earth say AIDS even not exist really. What you think about the theory of aids-scum?

There are many people, even scientists, on this planet who are claiming things which are silly and untrue. And there are false claims and beliefs about the origin of the AIDS disease.
Btw: AIDS originated in Africa when men practised sodomy (Sodomie [German] = sexual acts with animals) with green monkeys, through which the virus was able to enter the human metabolism and mutating into the deadly form.


[Posted during March 2007]

Hi Billy - I'd like to ask you a question - Are we ever truly completely free?? Is it a criminal act to think so? Id like to say yes, because then we like to step and trample on other people's properties. How then, can we come to terms with a term like freedom if we are facing such brutal circumstances such as in my case, almost total poverty?

If "seen" from the the side of the Creational laws, the human being is entirely free in his thoughts, feelings and actions. However, in our material(istic) existence we are making our lack of freedom (Unfreiheit) ourselves. A person may be free even behind prison bars (or in "almost total poverty". All that matters is how a person is thinking, feeling and acting. What's within a person can make a person free.


[Posted during March 2007]

Dear Billy,
Will you permit to convert your books to electronic format (like pdf) and make them available for free in the internet?

No, at least not for the near future. Electronic copies are making it even easier to falsify the teachings.
(Note by CF: There are many texts/booklets etc. available on our German website. The books, however, will be continually published in hardcover format. Their content is valuable enough to be bought and held in the hands, etc.)


[Posted during March 2007]

Slowly but surely, US President Bush is backing into a corner. His plans in the Middle East are falling apart with Iraq in the throes of a sectarian civil war. They are actually doing a circle-jerk and coming back to support the Sunnis they initially overthrew with Saddam and his Baathist Party. Bush and his administration are extremely unpopular, even among Americans. At last the US Congress is listening to the people and recently passed legislation requiring a troop withdrawal from Iraq by fall 2008.
However, we all know a cornered animal is most dangerous.
I cannot see Bush allowing his legacy to be snuffed without bringing us all down with him. By that I mean he will veto the troop withdrawal and may even instigate an attack on Iran without the support of Congress, which he doesn't need as he fights his global war on terror, as the Congress abdicated their responsibility to him. Failing an attack on Iran, he will try to decapitate Iran, Syria and Hezbollah by arranging the assassination of its leaders (all Shia), thus fulfilling the prophecies. The dominoes are all lined up.
You always say the US must withdraw ALL its military and secret services from ALL countries in order for peace to have a chance. But this is a completely unrealistic expectation when viewing history, the present, the type of leaders elected in America and their goals (world-wide domination).
But coming back to reality, what changes will have to happen in America to allow for a complete withdrawal of all forces from all countries, and what do you think the odds are of this happening before the world goes Kablooie? I put the odds at ZERO. Sorry to be so pessimistic; just keeping it real. Thank you for your thoughts on this matter.

The odds are not zero, but it is true that Mr. Bush (or rather his thinking and behaviour) is unpredictable. He is capable of anything (bad).


[Posted during March 2007]

Dear Billy, hope that you are well in every way!
This question has an important bearing for a number of people; I will try to keep this as brief as possible...
Background: A friend of mine has completed actual contact work with extraterrestrials (physical landings and direct communications). The sequence of events that lead to this was started through a "sensitive" woman from the USA.
This woman whom was contacted by a certain group of extraterrestrials was given the full name of a person that needed to be found (turned out to be my friend) whom lived somewhere in western Europe whom she did not know about, but needed to find because of the important work that he was carrying out for future ET landings.
Eventually, over a year passed and my friend was found by a colleague of hers by intuitive means. (This colleague of hers had made it his mission to find my friend). This person (my friend) was indeed carrying out secret landing encounters with extraterrestrials in remote locations in Western Europe!
Question: Is my friend dealing with an ET group from the direction of the Pleiades that would be known by the Plejarens. If so, are they on similar missions or are they working in concert with the Plejarens.?
Kind regards

All of this ET stuff is nonsense and, therefore, not true.


[Posted during March 2007]

My question concerns the Giza Intelligences that were negatively influencing mankind for many centuries, if not thousands of years, from their subterranean base below the Great Pyramid at Giza. You said these people were removed and banished from this planet never to be seen or heard from again. However, how much longer will their negative influences still have a detrimental effect on the people of Earth? Will it end with the passing/death of all the people on which they had direct negative influence, or perhaps not until all the religions they created are extinguished from Earth?
Thank you.

Their negative influences have vanished.
(Note by CF: The negative influence of religions and other illogical belief systems is still there, unfortunately, but this has nothing to do with the Giza Intelligences.)


[Posted during March 2007]

Billy, thank you for answering my previous two questions, although I think they have been misinterpreted. I do not dispute that the past is unchangeable; what I would like to learn is how creations laws work to ensure history cannot be changed.
For example, if a human is determined to alter history and gets into their beamship to do a time warp into the past, will the beamship and its occupant be destroyed before they could move through to that time, or will they have another kind of accident such as being killed by lightning or an erupting volcano.
So my question is, other than obviously failing in their attempt to change the unchangeable past, what can creations laws do to stop the human from changing the past?
Welcome to Earth!

As long as human beings are trying to illogically change the past, they are not evolved enough to be able to carry out time travel into the past.
It's the law of cause and effect which makes it impossible to change anything that has already happened.
(Note by CF: If you break a pencil you cannot jump back in time for a few seconds and decide to not break it. What could be possible, theoretically, is that you are sitting on a chair and have just decided to break a pencil. In that instant a person appears at your side, from out of nothing, grasps the pencil from your hand and vanishes again. This person was you from your own future, one year ahead when you decided to jump back in time one year in order to take away the pencil from you and prevent you to break it.
Note, you did not break the pencil in the past, but you could find the pencil in the future, one year after the incident. Of course nobody who is capable of time traveling would do such an nonsensical and silly act. Therefore this is an experiment that is occurring in our minds only.
What do we learn from this? It is important that we have control over our thoughts, feelings and actions, because if a thought has been sent, or a hurting word been uttered, you can never take it back and make it unsaid or "unthought"!


[Posted during March 2007]

Dear BEAM,
my question is regarding the Kundalini energy that is mentioned in oriental teachings. For sure you'll know about it! after all your travels studing the oriental religions. Does it really exists and it really has all these powers they say it has, as awake us from ignorance to pure conciousness states?
I apologize if this question was already raised to you, I have not seen it in the question files.

Thank you very much for your time and patience.
I wish you health and peace from a friend in Mexico.

Hi Daniel,
This question was asked back in 2002, here is the answer: "That's something that does not exist. It's certain people's imagination only, as it is the case with the chakras"

Thank you, Scott. The answer is still true, and continues to be so.


[Posted during March 2007]

I'd like to know what you think about magnetotherapy and similar devices like q-link and alex chiu's rings ( and

Billy thinks that all of this stuff (including magnet bracelets, bioresonance, light lamps with colours, dowsing for watercourses, etc. etc.) is having an effect through pure imagination only (= placebo effect). If magnets are to be used and be useful, they have to be very strong.


[Posted during March 2007]

Greetings Billy,
Just to comment. According to my own studies of time travel physics or "temporal mechanics", it is true that you can't alter a single time stream by changing it's past or future, like in the "Back to the future movies", because time travel "as most people see it" is technically impossible, in much the same way as you mentioned. Therefore I would suspect that when "real time travel" is eventually discovered here, this will introduce a whole new means for people relating to reality, both observational and practical.
But my question now relates to a possible future event in relation to the 251 contact. Now that the Sirius overlords are no longer existing, does this mean that the original Sirius home worlds of the second lineage of Enoch have now become a part of the Plejaren federation, because if that's now the case how will the earth human beings eventually find a cure for the ageing and emotional aggression genes if they no longer need to contact the ancestors of these former serious overlords?. If I understand this correctly, they will no longer need to worry about coming into a collaboration with the ET aggressors in the distant future?
Peace in wisdom and being,
James Truthseeker

There is nothing to worry anymore regarding the ET aggressors.
Our scientists have already detected that aggression genes do exist. And of course it's the terrestrial scientists who have to (and will) research for the respective aggression and ageing genes. Eventually they will succeed.


[Posted during March 2007]

Hello Billy, Can monkeys, apes evolve to higher spirit forms? After all apes were derived from man, What about monkeys can they in many lives ahead be born as a man and hence, later reach spirit levels like Arahat Athersata?

No, they cannot.


[Posted during March 2007]

I can't understand clearly if the plejaran are creationists or evolutionists. Which exactly the origin of species?
They say earth humans didn't evolve from apes, but then they say old Lyrans interbred with primitive human beings OF EARTH: these humans earthlings evolved from primates or not?
Can you explain better the matter?

We notice that this is your third question in this round. You will have to limit your questions to one per round, and one posting per round.
The primitive human beings on earth were no apes, but, as the name says, human beings.
The Plejarens are neither creationist nor evoluitionists, but realistic persons who are living and researching that which is true and real.


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 02:32 pm:

I have read the Talmud Jmmanuel (in english). it surprised me a lot to reaf that Jmm. could perform such wonders as multiply bread and fish and stop a storm suddenly. I can understand an evoluted man can be telepathical or emanate curing energy but how can a man command a storm? Does a storm understand words?
And why Jmm. didn't say to Judah to write in different way the statemen about adultery and homosexuals should be castrated? This can be dangerous if people will take it literally.

Neither does a storm understand words, nor had Jmmanuel the ability to do such acts. He was helped by his Plejaren friends who were influencing the storm with technical means. The Talmud Jmmanuel is adjusted to the understanding of those times when the people were not able to comprehend many of Jmmanuel's explanations and teachings. Additionally, the people in those times had other morals than we have today. The people in that region had other moral standards and opinions than e.g. the Greek. Much of what is written in the TJ needs explanations.
Btw: The term "castrated" is not used in the German original, where it is written as "entmannen" and "entweiben", which refers to the fact that in ancient times homosexual people and those who were committing adultery were exiled on remote systems or islands (ETs), separated by sex in order to prevent them from producing offspring.
You may order a small booklet (in German and English) from FIGU with explanation about how the expressions regarding homosexuality must be understood correctly.


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 06:16 pm:

Greetings Billy,
By any chance do you know what has and still is causing the massive bird and honey bee deaths now talking place all over the world? Last February I heard there were a lot of bird deaths in countries all over the world and now I'm hearing that something is causing the honey bees to be disappearing at an alarming fast rate in great numbers all over the world. So what is happening to the birds and the bees?
Peace in wisdom and being,
James Truthseeker

Environmental pollution, reduction of natural habitats, global warming, etc. etc.
(Note by CF: I just read in a newspaper that since 1999 the West-Nile-Virus is responsible for the death of masses of several bird species in the USA.)


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 06:45 pm:

Good day Billy,
There exists a clique of people participating on the FIGU Discussion Forum that have a very unique opinion regarding the document "The Protocols of The Elders of Zion". To begin, they express the opinion that the document is an authentic blueprint for the domination of the world by a small, elite group of Jews. Next, they express the opinion that you too believe this document is authentic but are restrained/prevented from expressing your true opinion publicly. They further state that you are being smart and prudent by withholding your true opinion regarding this document, because if you did not, much harm would be brought against you and the FIGU. They claim the FIGU website would even be closed down. They use this part of your statement in Bulletin 34 as "proof" of your reluctance to publicly speak the truth:
Die ganze Geschichte dieser idiotischen und schwachsinnigen Hetzschrift gegen die Juden aufzuführen, würde jedoch zu weit führen.
Presenting the entire history of this idiotic and dim-witted inflammatory text against the Jews would, however, lead too far.
Finally, they are drawing the analogy to the Apollo 11 hoax, wherein you knew the truth about the hoax but would not speak publicly about it in the early years for fear of reprisal against yourself and the FIGU.
I don't think there is anything you can now say to change the minds of these particular people regarding the alleged truth of "The Protocols". However, for the people that read this Discussion Forum and are more open-minded, what can you say to the assertion that you are wearing-the-muzzle concerning "The Protocols"?
My sincere thanks.

"The Protocols" are a big lie from beginning to end!
As you can see in the FIGU Bulletins we from FIGU do not change the truth because this would be counter-productive. Either you speak the truth, or you don't talk about certain things.
(Note by CF: Due to legal actions against Billy we had to change certain words (like "liar"). We were legally accused and could no longer call a person, who is deliberately telling the untruth, a liar. We were informing the readers about our change of words, though.)


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 09:26 pm:

Dear Billy,
Thank you for answering my last question about Secret Societies. I had actually meant to ask you about the Skull and Bones Society instead of the New World Order, as I do recall you previously mentioning they are truly a world-wide menace.
In your answer about the Freemasons and Illuminati, you said they are harmless in their religious form and with the spreading of conspiratorial theories. Is there another form in which they presently exist where they are NOT harmless?
Best wishes.

Well, there will be certain individuals among the great number of Freemasons who are living for their own selfish objects and are striving for goals that are sinister and not for the good of humankind. But this claim may also matter with all groups of people within religions, political parties, sects, etc. etc. The Freemasons are really a harmless organizations.
(Note by CF: There are many people who are searching for conspiracy where there is none. And such people may also be found among the readers of this forum, like e.g. regarding the chemtrail issue. Of coarse there is real conspiracy in this world, and one good example can be read in the report of the 203rd contact of September 10, 1985, where Quetzal was saying that there were only 37 persons involved in the Apollo 11 moon-landing hoax which, among other things, involved hypnosis.)


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 10:25 pm:

Hello again Mr. Meier. I would like to ask a question about when you sent your consciousness to Erra to see Semjase when she was injured and you were here on Earth. In one of the FIGU bulletins, you said that you had sent an extension of your material consciousness out to Erra, kind of like sending out "feelers" or an antenna, but that your consciousness remained attached to your body. My exact question is: How could your material consciousness go to Erra so quickly because I thought that any part of the material consciousness could not exceed lightspeed? Thanks for your answer and have a great day!

Billy did not send his material consciousness to Erra, but was using spirit telepathy which is "traveling" with spirit velocity (= 10 to the power 7000). With it you can penetrate into other dimensions, and time doesn't matter at all because you may reach each spot in the universe instantly. Normal primary telepathy doesn't reach wider than 3 light seconds.


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 10:27 pm:

Hi Billy,
My question for you is about childhood vaccinations. Here in the US, vaccination is standard procedure. One has to jump high hurdles in order to spare the child from these shots. With increasing world-wide immigration, it seems the requirement for vaccination is becoming even stricter. Regrettably some children have very bad reactions to vaccinations and suffer permanent impairment or even die. And some people say the immune system is compromised rather than strengthened by these vaccinations. I would also include flu vaccinations in the group with childhood (disease) vaccinations. What do you say; does the bad outweigh the good with these vaccinations?
Wishing you the best in all your endeavors.

Usually, vaccinations are not problematic. Of course there are always exceptions.


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 10:30 pm:

hello christian f.
sorry for the mix up then, this is a question a friend posed to me, it seems he has got his facts mixed up. i am just the messenger
is it possible for a human to project images using conciousness related abilities that can bee seen (with the un-aided eye) by other people around him or her?
like a projection to that similair of what a cinema film projector does for example.

Yes, that's possible, through the use/application of "Feinstoffsinnlichkeit" (which is often falsely named as "übersinnlich" oder "extrasensory". Feinstoffsinnlichkeit could be translated as "fine-matter sensuousness", and it is connected with our seventh sense.
It is possible to make fluidal forces visible.


Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 10:45 pm:

Dear Billy,
I trust that you are very well at this time along with everyone else.
My question to you i with regards to "Medium".
I have seen "Mediums" stand on a stage/platform and point to people and give very impressive "readings" allegedly from dead relatives.
When i say impressive i mean that the "medium" has stated certain facts to a person that only this person knows.
At first i was sceptical but when a "Medium" came to my brother who i was sat next to and gave details about his nephew (my son) wanting a motorbike (which was true.The "Medium" also asked "who's David" which was myself and then started to give me some details about myself and even advised me about stopping smoking.
This paricular "Medium" went to 5 different people and had given them information on various aspects of there lives e.g personal relationships,there bad hip or gave some advice that the "dead relative" had given.
The people that had recieved this "Reading" were giving the "medium" feed back on the statements he was making all of which were positive.
Before this "Medium" came to my brother and i, i was suspecting that they were "Plants" and that he had picked this information about them up off other people,therefore pretending to be a "Medium" however he gave my brother and i information and in fairness to the "Medium" he couldn't have known any of it from anywhere - he didn't know us,we never discussed anything inside the church we had attended,it seemed to me that he was talking to a "Dead relative" of ours.
I know that through your teachings that there 16 Mediums that don't make themselves known like this so he wasn't one of them.
My question is could he be accessing part of some spiritual records that he believes are "dead people" like most of the "Mediums" of spirtual churches believe and if not could you tell me what it is.
I wish you and all my best wishes.
Kind regards

This is a form of thought reading, which must not be confused with telepathy. All of this has nothing to do with "dead people" because you cannot get in contact with "dead ones", and such persons (mediums) don't have the capabilities/abilities to have access to the storage banks frequencies of other people.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 03:12 am:

Hallo Mr.Meier
I would like to know if it is possible to move objects (large,small objects) with my mind? If it is possible can you explain to me how to do it ?I would like to try .
Alex Dorus

Yes it is possible. You have to concentrate on that which you will do, and not on what you want to do. And of course: practice, practice, practice.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 03:18 am:

Dear Billy
I wonder if you are familiar with the oriental philosopher Lao Tzu and his book Tao Te Ching (The Way and Its Power).
As I understand it, [Tao] means the source of existence, the universe itself and its everlasting laws of nature.
To me, Lao Tzu's philosophy is about his observation on Creation and its universal eternal laws.
Do you have any comments on Lao Tsz and his philosophy?

Yes, he knows his philosophy and thinks it is somewhat banal. Lao Tse is claiming things that are not true.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 04:29 am:

Hi Billy,
I have a more personal question that I have not yet been able to answer. It is one that many people struggle with in the sense that it has neither been proven to be true or false. I was hoping that maybe you might have some insight into the Mormon religion (Latter-Day Saints). It has been said that Joseph Smith recovered a set of Golden Plates which had the writings of a people (Nephites/Lamanites) who interestingly enough, lived in the americas prior to the american-indians. These people coincidentally also had the same experience of seeing someone who also claimed to be the return of "Jesus Christ"- their savior, as well as, countless other tales of a God who delvered them from destruction.These stories seem to coincide well as a perpetuation of the Bible and it's recalculations of an ancient experience. My question to you today is did Joseph Smith actually see a personage named Moroni who led him to find a set of Golden Plates, or is this all a farce?
Moderator, thanks for all of your hard work and dedictation. You and your team have become the voice of a people who will do what it takes to provide the truth which has been hidden for a very long time..
Best Regards,

That's all nonsense and plain fraud.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 05:11 am:

Hi Billy, Could you write something like your 12 Affirmations According to Billy that could aid in the physical healing of the body?



Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 06:06 am:

Dear Mr. Meier,
You one-time mentioned the criminal neglect of the Earth people to monitor for dangers emanating from space. When you were questioned whether the greater danger was from comets, asteroids, meteoroids or malevolent ET's, you said the danger from ET's was much less.
Does there exist in the present-time, anywhere on or close to our planet, a space-based defense system being used to protect any group of people, country or the world from potential attacks by malevolent ET beings, ET androids, or the spacecraft or weapons of ET's? Could the possibility exist that such a system really does exist that you and the Plejarans are not aware of?



Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 03:05 pm:

Dear Billy,
In relationships with people, arguments or disagreements do tend to occur. It seems there is a trend developing that even when a person raises their voice to another it can be considered a form of violence or abuse. Sometimes these disagreements can lead to physical altercations between people. It seems in today's society almost anything can be considered abuse when you either verbally or physically show aggression towards another person whether in self defense or not. Even though you may be the victim, you can be considered guilty if you defend yourself under certain circumstances. Do you consider it the right of each person to defend oneself within reason and people should be allowed to solve their own differences, or is society right in enforcing and dictating the behavior of people and to determine what is acceptable and what isn't?
Thank you so much

People should solve their own differences themselves. There is indeed a (false) trend to make each problem a societal problem.
Due to the ever increasing overpopulation the intolerance is growing, too, because the more people, the less stable relationships are growing.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 08:13 am:

Hello Billy,
Some people are of the opinion that everything bad that happens in America is due to the dark elements of the secret government. Random acts of violence just do not occur. Case in point is the recent mass shooting of students at the college in Virginia. Because the State of Virginia borders the US Capitol, many government installations are headquartered there, including the CIA at Langley, VA. Given this association, and the timing of the shooting the day prior to the scheduled testimony of Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez before the Senate, into the controversial matter of attorney dismissals, some people are making the presumption that the shooter was mind-controlled by a unit of the secret government. However, Langley, Virginia is closer to the City of New York than it is to the college, Virginia Tech. Are we to presume all the shootings in NYC are also due to mind-controlling coming out of Langley or thereabouts? This doesn't make sense and leads me to this question.
Can conspiratorial thinking be classified as a mental disease, and if this is correct, what are the signs that it has progressed into the disease state?
Thanks to you, Scott and Christian for all you do in allowing us to ask questions. It's really appreciated.

Yes, conspiratorial thinking can be classified as a mental disease, and the ridiculous books by Sitchin, Jan Holey (van Helsing) etc. etc. are fostering such unrealistic thinking.
Conspiratorial thinking has to do with delusion.
There was no mind-control involved in the shooting at the Virginia college.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 08:13 am:

Greetings Billy,
When Creation goes to sleep and there is nothing but itself within itself, where is the information stored about it's previous awake cycle, that it may be known again, when it again re-awakens?
Thank you Billy, now and for all eternity.

It is stored in creational energy in which it remains for all eternity.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 09:08 am:

Hi Billy,
I want to ask about the disadvantage of ageing prematurely and its connection with mental maturity.If creation has programmed man to live average 700-1000 years and the earthman does only live 70-100 does this mean that the mental maturity of the earthman never reaches a state of " full capacity" in comparison to non age-limited humans? People tend to insight, to reflect and meditate when they are older.In the case of earthhumans, this process is exactly terminated when it begins to develop.So my question is if we due to our limitation of age never pass the stage of mental-spiritual childhood, what in my opinion would mean some kind of spiritual blockade.

There is no such thing as a "spiritual blockade".
We do not remain in a stage of mental-childhood, because we also go through the different cycles of existence, like birth, childhood, youth, etc. We have much less time available for learning in one lifetime, but nevertheless we have a full life.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 09:43 am:

dear BEAM,
regarding all the variety of plants and animals here on Earth, in the past and present, are all of them originally from here and a result of the natural evolution process, or there are species that were brought from other planets by extra-terrestrial races?
peace and health.

Life (bacteria, etc.) was brought to Earth by comets, but all animals developed here on Earth. There was no import of animals.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 01:00 pm:

Hello Billy,
Can there sometimes be a need for 'soul retreival'??? is there any real basis to it?
Was wondering if there is any truth to the notion
that, on an energetic level at least, some individuals could be somewhat vampiric in the sense that they can somehow take away a part of your essence or soul - thus leaving you somewhat drained & robbed of your usual vital self - perhaps this can happen on a minor daily basis - where one might need to rest and recover - but if it were to occur on a more fundamental core level - with somebody you spent a longer time with - could there be a possibility that somebody might for a fact then be in need of some kind of 'soul retreival' process???
Sometimes i think i might need this - or is it more likely that as a result of having dealings with a certain person over a longer time frame - that the whole personality has ultimately/inevitably then been altered - thus a new way of looking at things and the world in general has evolved - thus one feels naturally enough..'different'. - so in this case no real need for 'soul retreival' at all - which do you think could be the more likely?? At any rate there is this feeling of existing in a new way with a new perspective - but indeed at times - feeling to some degree also - perhaps a bit lost maybe - cant even decide if the resulting new me is even an improvement or a worsening! , therefore to conclude - holy cylon! ...has my soul been robbed???

All of this is esoteric nonsense.


Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 03:42 pm:

Greetings Billy,
It's been discussed that there are some sensitive subjects you are not recommended to speak about openly. Perhaps things like crop circles, Zeti Reticuli, Protocols of Zion, WTC, Herr Hitler, etc. However, I wonder if you thought about this idea. Similar to Jmmanuel's teachings, which were also under fire during their time, and the people in control changed the truth, you could put your true knowledge about today's sensitive topics (circles, Reticuli, Zion, WTC, Hitler, etc) in a book sealed away in a safe place. When many years have passed, and the truth-benders and guilty-ones are no longer here, then it will be okay for the Plejarans to lead someone to the place where the correct knowledge of today's time is kept. Perhaps you are already planning for this idea. What do you think of this idea, will it work for you, and maybe it's already being done?
Pleasure to speak with you.

Your idea will remain just what it is, an idea.
If there is something Billy is not allowed to speak about, he will not start talking about it.
Billy plainly states his opinion and knowledge. However, there is something like a "book" stored away: Billy wrote thousands of pages of spirit lessons for the Plejarens which will not be accessible for terrestrial humankind for a long time (thousands of years).


[Posted during May 2007]

Dear Billy
Please stay healthy and may you live long.
Billy there was recently a film segment on the net purported to be taken from the Apollo 12 mission where it features a gigantic extraterrestrial spaceship somewhat embedded on the moon surface.
Now as most people know NASA and other government officials as indicated by eyewitness testimony of disclosure project witnesses, have engaged in suppression of artifacts, giant spires, ET stations and various other anomalous objects on the moon and anything related to ETs and UFOs.
Now, since Apollo mission officially ended, have there ever been clandestine or secret manned mission back to the moon to retrieve, study, investigate or salvage various anomalous ET objects from the moon by any terrestrial secret projects or groups?
Thank you Billy being here for us.

Billy doesn't know, but he would have been told about it if it were true.


[Posted during May 2007]

Dear BEAM,
Reference: FIGU Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 2, German Printing May 1995, English Printing Nov. 1995.
In this bulletin you give the following warning:
On February 14, 1995, the Pleiadians/Plejarans warned that new developments were originating from within right-extremist circles that must be carefully scrutinized by government agencies and by ordinary citizens and security forces. The warning states: "Especially in schools for higher education and universities, a new right-extremist group is emerging that will dedicate itself to terrorism under the disguise and appearance of being a religious-conservative organization, and threatens to evoke great harm."
Regent University, a christian school in Virginia Beach, Virginia, founded by television-evangelist Pat Robertson, reportedly has had 150 graduates serve in the GW Bush administration, including the recently resigned Monica Goodling.
Is this the type of group you were referring to in your warning?
Incidentally, their motto is Christian Leadership to Change the World.

Billy doesn't know because he has no knowledge about this "Christian group".


[Posted during May 2007]

I think it's much easier to accept ones own material death than thinking about the passing of a loved one.
In some cultures another's death should be approach like a celebration of the life, and in others it's very obviously a dark and depressing occasion. People may sometimes be confused of what is an appropriate reaction, for instance they may feel guilty for not showing a lot of crying and grief.
Is there a useful basic ritual to mourn the passing of a person close to you or what do the Plejaren and other spiritually advanced ET's do to make dealing with the death less painful and exaggerated?

People should learn about, and prepare for, death their entire life, starting when they are a child. They have to learn to cope with grief even before they are confronted with the loss of a beloved one or one's own dying.
Rituals are not the correct way.
(Note by CF: An immense amount of knowledge and wisdom about death, grief, dying, rebirth etc. can be read in Billy's book "Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer" which gives the real facts about this "issue" and is the reference book about this issue on this world. A must-reading for all people!)


[Posted during May 2007]

Thank you for your answer to my last question. However there seems to be some contradiction to what I read in a FIGU bulletin. My last question was about how you were able to see Semjase while you were still on Earth but she was near death on Erra with her head injury. You said in a FIGU bulletin that you had sent something like antenna or feelers of your consciousness to Erra in response to a reader question. Then in your last answer to me about the same subject, you said that you did NOT send your consciousness at all, but rather used spirit telepathy. This seems to me to be contradictory. Can you clarify this for me please? Thank you. (see FIGU Bulletin 27 excerpt below)

Es handelte sich dabei nicht um eine "Astralwanderung" resp. um eine Reise des Geistes, sondern einzig und allein um eine geistige Bewusstseinsreise. Bei einer solchen Reise resp. Wanderung verlässt der Geist und damit also auch der Astralkörper in keiner Weise den physischen Körper. Es werden sozusagen nur die "Antennen" des geistigen Bewusstseins "ausgefahren", die zu "hören" und zu "sehen" vermögen, und zwar in rein empfindungsmässiger Form. Zu empfinden vermag dabei nur der Geistbereich, während der materielle Bereich des Menschen nur Gefühle zu schaffen und zu realisieren vermag. Das Empfinden bleibt also einzig und allein dem Geistbereich vorbehalten.
Eine geistige Bewusstseinsreise läuft in ähnlicher Form ab, wie eine materielle Bewusstseinsreise, bei der durch die Bewusstseinskräfte Dinge erblickt und erhört werden können, die sich anderswo oder gar in der Zukunft manifestieren. Nur wird dieser Vorgang vom Erdenmenschen nicht materielle Bewusstseinswanderung genannt, sondern Hellsehen, Vision oder Hellhören usw. Kennt der Mensch dabei die Umstände und Umgebung usw., dann vermag er sich diese bildlich vorzustellen und vermag zu erkennen, was sich ereignet. Weder im einen noch im andern Fall verlässt also in Wirklichkeit das Bewusstsein seinen Sitz, sondern es bleibt an Ort und Stelle und sendet nur seine "Antenne" oder seine "Fühler" aus.

The problem is that the Earth human cannot understand this process for a long time to come. The term "spirit telepathy" is just an attempt to come close to an explanation of the process, because actually it isn't plain spirit telepathy. There are more "things" involved, like the forces of the spirit form, because you cannot do this with consciousness-related forces alone. Everything has to do with "Feinstoffsinnlichkeit", a term you don't find in the English vocabulary.


[Posted during May 2007]

Hello Billy,
With renewed skirmishes taking place in Gaza and Lebanon, it seems the possibility rises once again for the third world fire. But it seems the larger danger comes from the direct involvement of the big three, USA, Russia and China. When these three are openly battling eachother, then we will know the world-wide war is on. But these three powers have so much to lose economically by instigating a world-wide war, that it is virtually incomprehensible for them to do so. It is political and economic suicide, not to mention the end of the world as we know it. The fundamentalist terrorist organizations, on the other hand, have nothing to lose politically or economically, so it seems more probable they will be the ones to pull the trigger to start the war, if it should ever happen. My feeling is that at some point during the constantly occurring Middle East skirmishes and battles, they will infiltrate and take command of nuclear weapons in France and unleash a nuclear armed missile upon Israel. Then the prophecies will come to be, and Israel will be no more. Since you have indicated that certain people in the United Nations organization read your material, what can be done or has been done to alert the respective French authorities to the vulnerability they have for the security of their nuclear weapons being compromised by terrorists within their own country?
My thanks to you, Christian, Scott and Badr for your generosity in taking the time to answer our questions.

This is possible, just as it is possible that nuclear weapons may be used from, and by, other countries, including Russia, USA, China, etc. etc.


[Posted during May 2007]

Hi Billy
Do you or thr P`s see a valid peacekeeping mission beginning any time soon?



[Posted during May 2007]

Hi Billy
It was mentioned that A spiritform will have full consciousness when it reaches the level of AA, where the spiritual consciousness will merge with the spiritform to become one.
My question is: When a spiritform returns from the AA level to this material world and reincarnates again as a human, would that spiritform be required to separate again back into two parts such as: a non-conscious spirit form and the spiritual consciousness ?

This was a one and only "event" since the universe exists and until the end/contraction of the universe, and there will be no such "event" ever again into eternity.
In this special "case" the forces of the Petale level were involved to make it possible. The mental block was involved, and a new comprehensive consciousness block (Gesamtbewusstseinblock) had to be created/built, and from it or through it a new personality.


[Posted during May 2007]

Thank you for clear answer about Talmud Imm.
Now, at 1th april 2007 I came to visit your Center and in the morning at about 11 hour I was on railway at about 100 km/h speed and something like a red fire came at side of my car, sending red flashes to me and my mom. Few seconds and it became a red circle (like a little sun) up on right of my car, about apparently 100 meters high.While looking at it, it suddenly disappeared.
All this lasted about 30 seconds.
Do you know what it was?
maybe your telemetrical disk or an energy ship from andromeda or maybe somthing natural?
thank you

No, certainly not.
It may have been some energy discharge.


[Posted during May 2007]

Dear Billy,
In regards to the humans from the planet HASTER, located in the 483 Million Light year distant JENAM Galaxy, who in November 1980, with the help of the Plejarans, built an Earth station deep in the North Sea, -
Do they still man and operate this station today?, and did they go through with their decision to make contact with one or more Earth Humans?
Thank you

Where did you read this information? We don't find such information in the Contact Notes.


[Posted during May 2007]

Hallo Mr.Meier
I've tried to to move objects with my mind for years,but it does not work.Is there any meditation that can help me to do that or is there any other way to do that?Can you explain step by step how to do it please??I would like to do it .

You will have to find out for yourself how to use your consciousness-related forces. You will have to practise for hours each (each!) day and may need your entire life to be successful.
(Note by CF: Besides you should ponder your motives because they could also have an influence regarding a success.)


[Posted during May 2007]

Hello dear Billy
After meeting and talking with many persons i have realized that sexual infidelity is something very common. It may be attributed partially to the fact that monogamy is imposed into us, but mostly people only search for pleasure, not love.

Yes, that's true.

Memo00 (continued):
It has been said than in the Plejaren world if a person would commit adultery then he/she would be exiled for the rest of his/her life
my question is:
What would be the proper punishment for the same transgression in our world? (and if the there should be a distinction between cheating only for sexual pleasure or when a man REALLY and honestly loves more than a woman)
thank you very much for your time
and i hope we can meet in person one day

We must invent and apply an entirely new punishment system and adjust it to the seriousness of the crimes. This system exludes death penalty which is a crime against humanity, but involves separation from society for a certain time or even for life, separated by sex, and with the opportunity to learn and reflect one's wrongdoing, besides working for one's food and clothing etc.
Sexual infidelity doesn't belong into the "adultery" category today, just as onanism and masturbation etc. The crimes of the "adultery" category have changed during the past ages and include today the crimes of sodomy (which means sexual "actions" with animals!, and not homosexuality!) and sexual abuse of children ("Pädophilie" in German).


[Posted during May 2007]

Hello Billy,
I need to understand from a basic perspective what is our true purpose here on Earth? In other words, what are we attempting to achieve? Our lives have been shortened to a mere average of 100 years by some sort of genetic manipulation to which we are not aware of how to change. Now hearing that our existense could potentially live for somewhere close to 1000 years once we figure it out becomes somewhat of a encouragement knowing that we can't learn as much within the time we are here. But the proble is tha we would then have to start over with our next life because of our short life span. I just want to make sense out of why we eat certain foods and struggle for survival everyday. It almost makes no sense to be here if there isn't a purpose in all of our endeavors.
To me that seems to be the question that will help many of us move forward as a nation and get to a higher level. So again, the question is what is our true purpose here on earth?
Highest Regards,

Our true purpose is our individual conciousness-related evolution, which means that we are (should be) learning constantly (also from our mistakes) and try to live according to the Creative laws and commandments. This process is the same with all human beings, be they living 100 years, 50 years or 50.000 years.
(Note by CF: The more people who are realizing this, their true purpose, the faster peace will be possible here on Earth, and the less struggle for survival will be necessary because real and effective measurements against overpopulation will have been applied at last.)


Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 06:00 am:

Dear Billy,
according to Ptaah's information regarding development of Earth's population, around 1900 years have passed from the time of Jmmanuel for reaching the first billion (twice than normal for Terra) and than in short period of 100 years we reach more than 7 billions of inhabitants. With daily growth of around 500000, it is hard to imagine that number will start to decrease soon. Sadly to say also, that 7 year cycle of birth rate check is not already in use.
Can you tell me, what can be the maximum possible number of Earth inhabitants, before the ignorant majority of people realize the danger of overpopulation, and start to practice the birth control?
Thank you,

This depends on the human beings' intelligence. If humankind doesn't want to accept the fact that overpopulation is the principal factor of all the great ills here on this planet, it can well be that we will have a population of 10, 15 or even 20 milliard/billion people until real and effective measures are taken against this catastrophe.
(Note by CF: As long as the population of all nations, including the governments, do not accept the fact that there does not exist a right to have/beget children, unless certain basic conditions are fulfilled, as long there will be no real and effective measures be taken against overpopulation, and all the big problems of our time will constantly worsen.)


Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 06:12 am:

Hi Billy
This planet earth is the only place in the universe where Religion and its lethal manifestations have disseminated and grown wild.Do you have any explanation why this is so, why this planet is a rare singularity on that matter?
One of my ideas is that since the Sirius overlords "created" , engineered us, the earthman needs to look for Gods and Creators.There is a connection to "superior" creatures.Those scientists and overlords which are part of our ancient history needed to have a continuation here on earth, in the sense of myths, stories and tales.We had to be obedient then and as a result we have been obedient all these milennia.We felt the urge to serve the "creator".So why do we felt the need to create gods and deities, and the obligation to venerate them? And why is this planet an exception?
Thank you.

This has to do with certain groups and individuals who had the idea to present themselves as gods and to exploit their fellow-human beings.
At least in one instance there was an export of our religious systems into another world, with devastating effects (which have been reversed in the meantime, though).
(Note by CF: The power of religions, the whole "belief" thing, has to do with the fact that most people here on this planet are shying back to take the full responsibility for their own thinking, feeling and acting, and prefer to convey all of this to a god, a guru, to higher beings etc. etc. As Billy and Ptaah more than once declared: Belief is a form of sickness/disesase which is located in two lobes of the brain.)


Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 07:20 am:

Greetings Billy,
It stands without question that Adolph Hitler was one of the most evil and vile human beings to have ever lived upon Earth. But it is also said he was a man of much potential value and worth, and that he was led astray from his true nature and inclinations. I am wondering about the timing of his life and plans in synchronicity with your mission. It almost seems as if he hadn't gone bad that he would have been the one to pave the way for the planet to be more receptive to your message and mission. That Germany could have united Europe, and the German language become more widespread. But instead with the Nazi debacle in WWII, the Americans have had their way across the world, and the English language and US dollar have risen to the positions of prominence. No wonder you are so upset with and against the Americans. My question then is this:
Was the timing of Hitler's life and your mission a planned, predestined or prearranged event, or simply a coincidence?
Pleasure to communicate with you once again.

This was a planned event which, unfortunately, got miserably out of control. The plan was to unite and bring peace to the entire world, not just to Europe.
(Note by CF: Billy is not upset with and against the Americans. He is only critcizing the bad machinations and methods of those in charge, and of the majority of the population who is fostering/encouraging the death penalty and is supporting President Bush and cohorts to interfere into the inner affairs of foreign states and to spread and increase terrorism all over the world.)


[Posted during May 2007]

hi Billy,
I find it rather odd that it can happen in real terms that a spirit-form is able to evolve to the Jshwjsch level yet still involve itself in highly selfish, scheming worldy matters... such as tricking the native humans of ancient antiquity into the belief that they are in the company of Gods, also demanding blood sacrifices, not to mention being involved in a vast array of warring conflicts in the pursuit of power/conquest etc.
It just seems a contradiction in terms - ie Jschwjsch meaning 'king of wisdom' ; yet in a very many instances the actions of these supposed wise beings was in fact, in reality, totally heinous and despicable in the extreme, and just plain unwise - surely they would have envisaged that by stirring up trouble (as in the case of Atlantis/lemuria conflict) they would inevitably bring about their own destruction too, (the simple cause & effect result from their scheming machinations.)
How is it possible that they would have turned their back on the laws of creation to such a degree????? surely they would have been guided by spiritual laws/directives just to get to the JShwjsh level in the first place - it is just very hard to fathom how could have let themselves slide to this degree into such derelict modes of behaviour??
Like with respect to the issue of time travel and not altering past events, should creation not have some kind of safe-guard in respect to this too ; that Jschwjsch beings are not permitted to reach such a powerful stage unless they have completely relinquished their cravings for power and propensity for evil-doing.? ( behaviour incorporating negative ramifications.)
Aslo as an would appear, when it comes down to it - that the vast majority of the world's problems are really a direct result of JSchwjsch power abuse (ie the coming into being of erroneous god-worshiping thus the formation of corrupt and misleading world religious bodies/institutions that have been evolution-stifling and totally nonsensical, not to mention also the catastrophic influence of the Giza group) . Don't the P's in effect owe us A LOT MORE - and should try to take CONSIDERABLY MORE active and effective actions in order to try and remedy a basically dire overall world situation. even if they dont't wont to give certifiable proof of their existance - perhaps it is incumbent upon them to do so. (once again - to do more because of the fact that us earth humans have been SO mis-led/screwed-around-with and are in such dire straits with an absolute myriad of near impossible to solve
real world dillemmas/problems that the P's, when it really boils down to it,fundamentally hold responsibility for.)

You have a false understanding of the term Jshwish (IHWH). This is just a title for person who has very high knowledge in a certain field (or in certain fields) of knowledge, like science, technique, spiritual teaching. The title must be seen in relation to the average knowledge in a population.
Not all people who have been labelled as Ishwish have been so regarding wisdom. E.g. the one person who produced the IHWHMATA, the ring nebula, was technically far advanced, but in terms of wisdom he was lacking poorly.
And of course: As long as you are a human being with a body of flesh and bone, there always remains the possibility that you may fall back into old bad habits.
The events of the past on this planet cannot be blamed on the JHWHs alone, but also on their followers and all the other people who are refusing, up to this day, to bear their own responsibility for their own thinking, feeling and acting.
There is no "safe-guard" by Creation to prevent human beings from doing ill. We have our free will to either bad or good.
(Note by CF: It's up to each person to learn from one's mistakes (and even from the ones of our neighbours) and to try to lead a life that doesn't affect other people, animals, plants and the entire planet in a negative way.)


Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 07:48 am:

Hello Billy,
I have lived my entier life as a Vegetarian. I take milk products and sometimes egg. The Plejaren's have mentioned that a meat diet is essential. But, will this diet [without meat] cause any 'trouble' to me in the future, what is its drawback. What would you say to a person who doesn't encourage killing of animals and is hence vegetarian?

It's up to each vegetarian to decide what is good for him or her. Besides, milk products and egg etc. are also of animalistic nature.
Recently Billy saw a documentary on TV where vegetarians and non-vegetarians were compared regarding life quality etc. during a test phase of about 8 months: The non-vegetarians had a somewhat better result regarding stability, but actually there were no big differences.
Unfortunately, we are not capable at this time to artificially produce meat; therefore we will have to continue to kill animals. That's the course of evolution.
(Note by CF: It is important, therefore, that genetic research is supported instead of hampered, because the sooner artificial meat is available, the better for the animals (mammals, fish, etc.) of this earth.)


[Posted during May 2007]

Hello Billy,
I notice that you have correctly spoken against conspiracy theories (and theorists) and the harm that they do. However, events such as the Apollo 11 moon landing, a missile hitting TWA 800 and US election fraud would be considered as conspiracy theories by many of us (if not for the information provided by you and the Plejarans). My question is, how can we separate between conspiracy theories and actual conspiracies? We cannot and will not always get the facts from you or the Plejarans. Many events (e.g. faked Apollo 11 moon landing) are considered to be a conspiracy theory by some and as a fact by others. When you speak out against conspiracy theories, I wonder where the line should be drawn, because some conspiracy theories have been proven to be conspiracies.
Thank you for your time,

Of course there are real conspiracies, like the faked moon landing, or the assassination of F. Kennedy, but besides secret and criminal machinations and terrorist activities by secret agencies and governments, religious fanatics, there are many conspiracy theories around, which are plain nonsense (Freemansons, Illuminati, photonbelt, chemtrails, etc.).


[Posted during May 2007]

Good day Billy,
In Contact 229, Quetzal gave you the birth dates and times (down to the exact minute) for the prophets Henoch, Elia, Jesaia, and Jeremia. Do you know the birth-place of these prophets, and if you do, can you please say?
My sincere thanks.



[Posted during May 2007]

How is Quetzal's build, is he muscular, average, athletic? Do the Plejaren [men or women] do any kinds of physical excerise?

He is a wiry ("drahtig", as we say in German) type of man. He is neither fat nor thin, but powerful.
Billy never saw thin or fat Plejarens. All of the people are labouring manually, are walking and working in their gardens, etc.
(Note by CF: Plejarens know no physical exercising in fitness clubs to improve one's muscles in order to shine before the other sex and to hide one's lack of inner values as is so frequently the case here in the western world where many men and women look like roasted poultry, i.e. very artificial and ridiculous. The sense of aesthetics has turned into a very artificial and unhealthy direction these days among many people.
Ptaah once said that, as a rule, a swift walk (not running!) of about 20 minutes a day is exercise enough to remain fit and healthy.
Btw: The normal way to build muscles is by doing hard work.)


Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 12:25 pm:

Hi Billy,
Concerning the war in Iraq, is it truly the American's plans for a perpetual war, grinding the country of Iraq down to nothing? Obviously from the news reports, military intelligence predicted the failure that Iraq has become. One could only think the civilian leaders (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby, et al) kept their true intentions of perpetual occupation secret from the military. Or in the beginning did they actually have other plans in mind, like a quick victory and then to move on to other territory, but are simply incompetent and could not successfully carry out their plans as was the case with the first Gulf War with Bush Sr?
Wishing you and everyone at the FIGU all the best.

The plan was (and is) to make Iraq a satellite state of the USA and to get hold of the oil. However, so far this attempt has miserably failed. We have a civil war.
(Note by CF: ... and hundred thousands of innocent people had to miserably die because of the decisions made in the White House in Washington DC by incompetent, criminal and religious-delusional persons who don't give a damn regarding the life of innocent children, women and men.)


Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 01:02 pm:

Hi Billy,
my question has to do with numerology, with regards to todays prophet (you) having a number 7 at the top of your numerology chart. (in numerology the number seven represents the spiritual seeker of life) Was todays prophet always going to be born with a number 7 life path? Would your spirit still have chosen to incarnate in the same body as your present day body, if that body was born under a different birth date and name, and didn't add up to 7?

Numerology is falsely understood by nearly everybody on this planet. Numerology is not about facts and determination, but gives the opportunity and stimulation to build certain things in one's life. It's up to each human being to use the connections and values of numbers to improve one's life.


[Posted during May 2007]

what more can u tell us about the "murderous monsters" that tried to take over the universe?
what was the name of their race, how tall etc etc.?

Were did you learn or read about this? We don't know about such a story.


[Posted during May 2007]

Dear Billy, Why is Gilgamesh still on Earth & what is he doing?

Probably he is working as a scientist where he has access to "heavy water" which he is needing.
Gilgamesh, whose original lifespan was 120.000 years (but is now reduced to about 50.000 years), will live here for the rest of his life. He cannot go back to his people even if he had a beamship to fly to his native planet. His home planet (in the spiral galaxy known as M94 - NGC 4736, 20 million light years away from us) has been destroyed by a catastrophe and all of his inhabitants have died.
Gilgamensh belongs to a race of morphologists and is capable to change the shape of his body and size within several months. (Source: 226th contact of February 3, 1988)


[Posted during May 2007]

Dear Billy,
Former US President Ronald Reagan was characterized by you as the person laying the cornerstone for WW3. Fortunately this did not come to fruition during his tenure. However, he was noted for using astrology in determining the timing of various important activities carried out during his presidency. Do you know if astrology actually helped him be more successful in achieving his desired goals (be they positive or negative), or was he just wasting his time with astrological "timing" to achieve a more certain outcome?
Best regards.

Billy doesn't know.


Updated 2007.July.31

A chronological compilation of questions to, and answers from, "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, from the FIGU forum:
Web forms and other extraneous material (status, user name, rating, votes, etc.) have been removed for easier reading. To use this listing effectively, use your internet browser's word-find function.

Extraterrestrial humans began contacting "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier of Switzerland at the age of 5 in 1942 with the Pleiadians/Plejaren man Sfath, and lasted with him until 1953. From 1953-1964 contacts continued with Asket, a woman from the DAL Universe (the twin universe to ours, the DERN Universe). After an 11 year break, the Pleiadians/Plejaren resumed contacts on January 28, 1975 with Sfath's granddaughter Semjase, and continue with others to this day.
Compiled by David E. Chance:


[Posted during June 2007]

Hello Billy!
The Roman Empire was known for keeping extensive public records including the recording of executions carried out under Roman law. All records during the tenure of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea, were sent to Alexandria, Egypt to be archived. Centuries later, when Napoleon invaded Egypt, many of its' antiquities were taken back to France and sold to raise money for his military campaigns. French newspapers of the day reported that the 'Death Warrant' of Jmmanuel, which convicted him for 'Acts-of-Sedition', was sold there at a public auction. Have the Plejarens ever shared with you information about the fate of this document?
Many Kind Regards!

Such public records are unknown to Billy. He doubts that the Romans kept complete records of all executions etc.


[Posted during June 2007]

Dear Billy,
In your book "Die Psyche," a clarification regarding the use of the word Fühlen in the Mentalität chapter would be appreciated. You write:
"Empfinden wird jener Block und Faktor genannt, der im geistigen Bereiche, im Gemüt,jene wichtige Position einnimmt,wie in der halbmateriellen Psyche das Gefühl."
Empfinden is called that block and factor,that in the spiritual area,in the Gemüt,occupies that important position,like the Gefühl in the half_material Psyche .
From this statement,in particular,I deduce that Gefühl and Empfinden are counterparts,each one in their respective domain.
However,from the following statements it is clear that Gefühl and Fühlen are counterparts.
"Psyche wird jener halbmaterielle Block und Faktor genannt,der im materiellen Körper einer Lebensform,in diesem Fall beim Menschen,das materiell-bewusstseinsmässige Gefühl und die materiell-bewusstseinsmässigen Gedanken in sich ordnet..."
Psyche is called that half_material block and factor,that in the material body of a lifeform, in this case with humans,arranges in itself the material-consciousness_related Gefühl[feelings] and the material-consciousness-related Gedanken[thoughts]...
"Gemüt wird jener geistige Block und Faktor genannt,der im Geistkörper einer Lebensform,in diesem Fall beim Menschen, das geist-bewusstseinsmässige Fühlen und die geist-bewusstseinsmässigen Gedanken in sich ordnet ..."
Gemüt is called that spiritual block and factor, that in the spirit_body of a lifeform,in this case with humans,arranges in itself the spirit-consciousness_related Fühlen[feelings]and the spirit-consciousness_related Gedanken[thoughts]...
I thank you in anticipation of your response.
Regards and Best Wishes,

Yes, feelings and „empfinden" are counterparts, just as the psyche and the gemüt are counterparts.
No, feelings and Fühlen are no counterparts.
(Note by CF: The second mentioning of „Fühlen = feelings" is just a way of explaining the process with other words.)


[Posted during June 2007]

Hello Billy,
you said that the US didn't orchestrate the 911 attacks, but merely just let it happen. You also said at a later date, if I understood it correctly, that the US had put some form of explosives in the planes which was responsible for bringing the towers down. Doesn't this action/involvement from the US government in the attacks go beyond the point of the US just being responsible for letting it happen, to them being responsible for orchestrating/making it (towers collapse) happen?
Wishing you well.

No, it was the terrorists who took the liquid explosives into the planes, not the US.


[Posted during June 2007]

Hello Eduard. I would like to ask about the central consciousness and the comprehensive consciousness block. I understand that it will not be possible to give a very long response to my question here, so I will gladly accept any information that you can offer. I have read the books you have written about meditation and about the psyche and I believe that I understand the contents of those books fairly well. A friend of mine who has your book "Weidegebert..." has told me that it states that the central consciousness is the source of the personality/material consciousness. However I have read in one of your other books that the comprehensive consciousness is the source of the personality/material consciousness. The only way that I can reconcile these two statements is to assume that either the comprehensive consciousness block and the central consciousness are the same entity, or that one of these is part of the other. I have rejected the first possibility on the grounds that you have named them both with different names, and thus there must be a difference between them or I assume you would not have given two names for the same entity.
To put my question succinctly, I would like to know what the differences are, and what the relationship is, between the central consciousness and the comprehensive consciousness block. Thank you for your help on this topic.

The central consciousness is a factor that is within the human being, between the material consciousness and the spiritual consciousness and sub-consciousness, respectively.
The "comprehensive consciousness block" (which is not within the human being) is creating the "consciousness block" which incarnates into the new body. And it is the consciousness block which is creating the mental block, the personality, the sub-consciousness, the character etc.


[Posted during June 2007]

Hello Billy,
About a year ago there was a study that some scientists made. /I DON'T REMEMBER THE NAMES!!!!/ they made a huge discovery about the ageing gene, which was that they concluded that in a few years maybe five or ten our life span could be extended up to 120 yrs instead of the current 70 to 80 yrs of life expectance.
so my question is do you know if earth humans life expectance will be extended even more in the coming years. and why did the old lyrians and vegans manipulate our ageing gene to such a level.
Thanks for your time Billy

The first question is answered with a „Yes", the second one with the hint that you read the 251st contact.


[Posted during June 2007]

Hi Billy
Thanks for the answer for my recent question that a new comprehensive consciousness was newly created for the spiritform who returned from the AA level.
While it was mentioned that the spiritform of a common human is always in an unconscious state, else the purely logical spiritform will always having conflict with the material conscious human mind, and the human will get insane for this.
My follow up question is:
Since your spiritform is fully conscious (unlike ours are always unconscious), do you have to face the constant conflicts between your fully logical spiritual consciousness and material consciousness? Or, is there any special arrangement to cater for this?

The comprehensive consciousness block was created by the spirit form, and not vice versa.
A spirit form doesn't have a consciousness which is evolving consciously. It's kind of a impersonal form of being conscious (unpersönliche Bewusstheit). Therefore, the spirit form cannot have any „conflict with the material consciousness".
(Note by CF: Conflicts are a thing of the material consciousness and the material realm only.)


[Posted during June 2007]

Hi, Billy,
I have always wondered about a very common issue in human relationships and it apperantly becomes more and more frequent in the western society, that is about divorce and adultery.
If two people are in a relationship (without being legally married) where one partner has at least a bondinglove for the other, or even when a mutual bondinglove between the two partners exists, and one partner engages in physical (sexual) activities/relations with another person without the permission or knowledge of the other partner, does this constitute adultery or any compareable violation of natural creative law?

The problem is that in our time of exorbitant overpopulation more and more people are not able to lead good and lasting relationships anymore. Many people are living regardless of the needs of their fellow-human beings. And many people are driven by their urges. Besides, many people are not marrying because of effective love, but from other reasons, like affective love, etc.
If a married partner (or both) has/have sexual relations with another person or persons, this doesn't necessarily mean that it is adultery per se. If both are in mutual agreement, it is not. The decisive factor is whether the partner is put at his or her disadvantage. Therefore, if a partner doesn't know about the unfaithfulness (e.g. sexual relation with a third person) of his partner this might not necessarily be looked at as adultery.
(Note by CF: Be careful to not misinterpret that answer and do not be understood it as a free ticket to start sexual affairs with third parties, because: What, if the partner learns about the unfaithfulness? What if the partner is infected with a disease, like AIDS? What if the partner is neglected and is suffering (psychically) because the thoughts of the unfaithful one are mainly directed to the new and yet exciting (sexual) partner? etc. etc.


[Posted during June 2007]

Sake of order, I am repeating my above question once more, as I understand it was not passed on to Billy for answering, because it was unclear wether it was part of the FIGU contact note material or not, wherefore:
With reference to : Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gesprache Block 4 , Einhunderteinundvierzigster Kontakt Samstag, 3 Januar 1981, ( Block 4 page 149 ),
Dear Billy,
In regards to the humans from the planet HASTER, located in the 483 Million Light year distant JENAM Galaxie, who in November 1980, with the help of the Plejarans, built an Earth station deep in the North Sea, -
Do they still man and operate this station today?, and did they go through with their decision to make contact with one or more Earth Humans?
Thank you

Aha, thanks. These people are no longer here anymore. As far as Billy knows they now belong to the Plejaren federation.
He doesn't know more about this issue.


[Posted during June 2007]

I can hear our daily 'greeting' everyday still eventhough I am across the ocean.
While at the Centre I inquired with few members about the Psyche and its specific relation with the Gemut but they did not know the answer to this question: Can you please explain 'how an Un-balanced' Psyche can demand back impulses utilization of Spiritual energy from the Gemut?
Note to Christian: maybe you remeber me asking you when we were talking while looking at a diagram about Material Consciousness, the Sensor, the Material Sub-consciousness and the Material Central consciousness and opposite on the page referred to the spiritual and the following were written: Spiritual consciousness, Impulses, zensor, Spiritual Sub consciousness and Spiritual Central consciousness.
An arrow from the Spiritual Central consciousness pointed towards the Material Central consciousness
and I asked HOW is it possible for the Un balanced Psyche to demand back impulses from the Gemut?
I hope it is clear. Thank you,

These impulses are of a positive form only (= positive-balanced). Since there are no negative impulses stored in the Gemüt, they cannot be demanded.
That's an unconscious process. The psyche (and consciousness) is (are) needing impulses for evolution.
(Note by CF: Hi Bianca, yes, I remember you asking.)


[Posted during June 2007]

Hola Billy
I'd like to ask you if you know about negative effects of surgery metals, like teeth implants, chirurgic fixing plates and screws and the like.I wear a 25 cm long screw since 1992 in my left leg and i don't know if it can have any kind of negative side-effects on my body/mind.Should i remove it? The same question could be directed to little metal "jewelry" such as piercings.

While piercings may have a negative effect because they may cause infections or allergies, Billy doesn't know about dangerous effects by metal plates and screws.
It is possible that people may feel weather changes because of the metal, and it is also possible that effects arise because the person is thinking about effects.


[Posted during June 2007]

Dear Eduard,
Thank you for your effort on humans' behalf. My question concerns the Sohar... the shining light of Creation. Is the Earths' Sohar reflected to become what we call the aurora borealis in the north?

Earth doesn't have a sohar and the aurora borealis has other causes. The sohar belongs entirely into the spiritual world and the human beings. It cannot be seen with the physical eyes.


[Posted during June 2007]

Hello Billy,
As I understand it the OM which was transmitted to you from Ptaah, originated from Henok approximately 389,000 years ago. Do you know if Henok was the actual originator and writer of the OM, or did he receive it from someone else even prior to his time?
Thank you again

The OM was received by Billy from the storage banks and is leading back to the first Nokodemion. That's billions of years back into time. Ptaah (and Quetzal) were helping Billy with his health problems at that time.


[Posted during June 2007]

According to the information you've given in regards to the evolution of the human being, we did not evolve from primates/apes. My question is why have archeaologists found very little evidence to support that assertion? Most fossils found by researchers and archaeologists seem to support the theory of a gradual transition from primate to homo sapien. I know of only one case of evidence to support the contrary - bones of a 160,000 year old human that apparently has a larger skull than current humans (named homo sapiens idaltu)and so far is the oldest "modern" human remains found. Again, why are archeaol- ogists not finding more evidence of very old human beings from ealier epochs that are fully human,identical to us, and dont appear to be a combination of man and ape?

Until now no evidence was found for both versions. You have to "go back" for several million years.


[Posted during June 2007]

When someone asked about If Jmmanuel could stop storms or multiply bread and fish, the answer was "...He was helped by his Plejaren friends who were influencing the storm with technical means...", Is it correct to use tricks to make the people of that time get Jmmanuel's messages? What I mean is, if the means justify the end result?
Thanks in advance
Norberto Burciaga

Regarding stopping the storm: This was no effort to get the message into the people. The persons were having fear and Jmmanuel wanted to help them. It was no demonstration of his capabilities or his power.
The multiplying of bread and fish was done to feed the 250 or so human beings who were there. The process was executed by Jmmanuel himself (with no exterior help).


[Posted during June 2007]

It seems it's increasing the number of "enfant prodige", as almost once a week you can hear about some 6 y/old kid who takes degree in maths or play piano like Mozart and such. Why is this happening? Or it has always been so?
An amazing invention for natural health:

There are two possible reasons:
a) There is a genetic transfer through heredity (as it is also the case with faith/belief, etc.)
b) Such persons, i.e. personalities have access to their former lives.
Version a) is much more frequent.
There may be a third possible reason: hard learning (like a female chess player from Hungary (?), a grand master who was trained by her father, together with her two sisters.)


[Posted during June 2007]

Dear Billy, You claim that people made up the New World Order to sell books. Would you please comment on theses quotes from David Rockefeller whose from one of the richest families in the world.
"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
--David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
---David Rockefeller, at a 1991 Bilderberger meeting
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
---David Rockefeller
"But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence."
---David Rockefeller, speaking at the Business Council for the United Nations, September 14, 1994

The meaning of the statement was that many authors of conspiracy books are writing in order to sell books, among other motives of course.
Basically, uniting the world is a positive goal, as is the case with a new world order (depending what is meant with this term, of course).
Regarding the quotes: Are you sure that quotes #2 and 3 are really authentic?
(Note by CF: David Rockefeller's motives to write his memoirs are probably not to earn money, but to preserve his thoughts and actions for other people to read.
If a new "world order" would be founded on the spiritual teachings, which is not very probable in the near future, much good would result.)


[Posted during June 2007]

Hi Billy
I would like to know if it possible for a human to fly?
If yes then how??
please have not explained my previous question properly how to move object with mind??Why can't you explain if you know everything????What is the problem???Maybe you don't know how!!Maybe you are lying.

Yes, e.g. by an airplane.
It's up to you what you want to believe or assume.
(Note by CF: Your words clearly demonstrate that, before learning to move things with your mind, you ought to learn many other and more important things ...)


[Posted during June 2007]

hello billy,
in relation to my previous question (about Feinstoffsinnlichkeit)
does this projection of images occur only through an individuals choosing as an ability that is developed, or at times will ones spirit cause such a process automatically to come forth and occur?
basically what i would like to know is does this event occur only due to a concious decision by an individual using their brain , or can this event be initiated by ones spirit? (like as a learning experience for the carrier of the spirit form)
hopefully my question is clear

It is not the spirit which is involved, but the pineal gland.
A "conscious decision" is possible, but as a rule all of this happens unconsciously. This event cannot be initiated by one's spirit because the spirit or spirit form is "responsible" for other "things".


[Posted during June 2007]

Dear billy:
I have 6 years practicing meditation and I had many weirds experiences such as "out of body experience" "vivid and conscious dreams".
In many of those "dreams" I had scenes where I am burning small objects and moving other objects with the power of my mind. When my consciousness connect with the object I feel in the "dream" an acute pain inside of my head.
Is normal that type of dreams?
What do you recommend to me?

Probably this is a case of wishing dreams (Wunschträume), triggered by your unconsciousness. If a person is aware of dreaming, he can steer/direct his dream.
Your "Out of the body experiences" has been "letting your consciousness powers have an effect outside of yourself".


[Posted during June 2007]

Thank you for answering my last question. I am still confused as to the whereabouts of the remainder of the rest of the Talmud Jmmanuel and why a copy wasn't made to preserve what was had. What I have read so far states that the remaining set of documents were burned in the Isreali camp. I'm not sure how this was allowed to happen by the Plejarens and I am not sure what else was left in the documents that could have help us in our daily struggles. One would think that this information is also available elswhere and that this information provided by Judas was just a recontenance of what occured during Jmmanuel's living years (after being hung on the cross) which almost makes it that much more important to know or understand. Is it possible that someone has a copy of the remainder of the missing TJ information, or can this information be found in other books like the bible or other important scripts?
Thanks again,

The Plejarens have copies of the entire TJ. The TJ itself is just a chronicle, a witness of that time which is showing some insight into the times of the past and historical happenings.
The TJ is not very important, because of real importance are the books of today which are conveying the spiritual teaching in such a detailed form as has never been the case before.
The people of old (in Jmmanuel's times) were not capable to fully understand his teachings because neither were the necessary words existing, nor was the knowledge and consciousness of the people enough evolved. This has changed during the last 2000 years, an so many people today are capable of understanding our books.


[Posted during June 2007]

Dear Mr. Billy,
I have a short question for you:
Do you think is there a way to reverse the aging genes from our DNA, so we can live longer?
The politicians don't want that to happen, but deep indide my soul I think there is a way.
What do you think?
Thank you for your time.

Yes, the genetic manipulation will be reversed some day. The scientists are working on it. The human being himself is working on it, too:
a) He can influence his genes through his knowledge and attitude, etc.
b) Food, medicine, science etc. can also have an effect on the prolongation of our life span.
