- The Billy Meier UFO Contacts - The Cumbre Vieja Volcano



The Cumbre Vieja Volcano

Information from 1975 regarding the predicted eruption of the volcano in the Canary Islands at La Palma, and the still existing possibility of preventing the otherwise devastating, catastrophic consequences to the U.S. and other countries



I do not want to talk of a certain time in relation to when that can happen or will happen, as it does not lie in my authority to name dates about that, because this belongs in the domain of terrestrial scientists and governments who, in regard to necessary measures, have to make determinations which I am not permitted to influence.


Besides, the entire thing can be prevented if the correct measures are taken which consist of a systematic, quiet dismantling of the part of the volcano, which is at risk.

NOTE: This is an unofficial, authorized translation by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg and may contain errors.



Well, to something different: Already, at various times, we privately spoken about the volcano at La Palma, and certainly already in 1975 on my Great Journey. Already at that time I told some people about that, as I also have in recent years, for which reason I have now already been repeatedly asked whether you could say something more specific regarding what could one day occur there, because certainly the west flank of the volcano is unstable and can break away and cause a catastrophe. Can you therefore say something further regarding this please?



I could do that but it is certainly better if I call up our private conversation for you which we had in relation to this during your Great Journey.


You mean you still also have recordings of that time when we privately discussed so many things which were naturally not reproduced in the contact reports?



Of course. At that time you already made enquiries in relation to the Cumbre Vieja Volcano at Las Palmas.



I remember that and I did mention it.



Then I will call up the answer that I gave you at the time. But it will take a while...



Patience brings roses, but first it brings buds.



(after some minutes) Here. This is it. It was, as I said, on your Great Journey on the 17th of July 1975. At that time I explained the following in response to your questions:


Extract of a private conversation of July 17th, 1975 (31st contact):


Your question concerns the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma.


The western part of the volcano, the west flank, as you correctly say, is extremely unstable and can slip into the Atlantic in the coming time and cause an enormous tsunami.


But the east side of the volcano is also at risk, especially if a strong volcanic eruption occurs, as is also the case with the western flank.


The reason for that lies in the fact that the volcanic mountain is internally very porous and so saturated with water that, with a strong eruption, the water can suddenly vaporise and rip the volcano apart due to a steam explosion.


I do not want to talk of a certain time in relation to when that can happen or will happen, as it does not lie in my authority to name dates about that, because this belongs in the domain of terrestrial scientists and governments who, in regard to necessary measures, have to make determinations which I am not permitted to influence.


Besides, the entire thing can be prevented if the correct measures are taken which consist of a systematic, "quiet" dismantling of the part of the volcano, which is at risk.


And if it is not dealt with in this manner then a catastrophe is unavoidable if it does not naturally occur that, by and by, only a small part of the side of the volcano, which is at risk slips away.


That will certainly happen again and again in the coming time, but to what extent the danger is thereby lessened is questionable.


But the fact of the matter now is that an enormous part of the west flank of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano can slip, plunge into the sea and, within a few minutes, cause a gigantic wave of water, respectively, a giant tsunami, which can reach a height of up to 1,500 or even up to 2,500 meters or even more, and indeed according to the mass and speed of the falling material as it slips from the flank of the volcano.


As a result of this - if it really happens, which is not yet established - the surrounding Canary Islands would be flooded with 50 to 150 meter high waves and everything there would be destroyed, after which the gigantic waves would also reach Africa.



If it really happens in the aforementioned manner then the giant wave would spread out across the Atlantic in a semi-circular form and indeed in several waves of various sizes and would speed through the ocean at 1,000 kilometres an hour, to - after around eight hours - reach the coast of the USA where it would cause the water of the Atlantic to rise up to a height of 100 meters and more, depending on the shape of the coastline in each place, and bury everything on the solid land under itself.


The effects of the giant tsunami would also destroy the coasts and much in the interior of South America.


England would also be effected by it as also would Greenland and the coastal areas of all of Western Europe.


This is the worst case scenario, if the entirety of the western flank of the volcano slipped all at once and plunged into the sea.


If, however, only small parts of the side of the mountain loosen and plunge into the sea, the results would naturally be correspondingly lessened.



Yes, that is exactly what you explained at that time and I then also used these statements in order to write my first information leaflets about it, which Hans Jacob then also sent to diverse well-known geologists and so forth, because he thought that the information is important. However his action did not bring him a response, as he assured me. Later, as he slowly became no longer in control of his mind, as I remember, he then explained that I had received the knowledge about the Cumbre Vieja Volcano from the devil personally and he could prove that, because he personally saw that I had ridden through Wetzikon with the devil on the back seat of my moped.


NOTE: Meier was again later informed of the danger of the eruption of he volcano, as you can read here.




.... Also etwas anderes: Schon verschiedentlich sprachen wir privaterweise Ÿber den Vulkan auf La Palma, und zwar schon 1975 auf meiner Grossen Reise. Davon habe ich schon damals wie auch in den letzten Jahren auch einigen Leuten erzŠhlt, weshalb ich nun schon mehrmals gefragt worden bin, ob du noch etwas Spezielles bezŸglich dessen sagen kšnntest, was sich eines Tages dort ereignen kann, weil ja die Westflanke des Vulkans instabil ist, abbrechen und eine Katastrophe auslšsen kann. Wenn du also diesbezŸglich nochmlas etwas sagen kannst, bitte.


... Well, to something different: Already, at various times, we privately spoke about the volcano at La Palma, and certainly already in 1975 on my Great Journey. Already at that time I told some people about that, as I also have in recent years, for which reason I have now already been repeatedly asked whether you could say something more specific regarding what could one day occur there, because certainly the west flank of the volcano is unstable and can break away and cause a catastrophe. Can you therefore say something further regarding this please?



Das kšnnte ich tun, doch ist es sicher besser, wenn ich dir unser privates GesprŠch abrufe, das wir diesbezŸglich wŠhrend deiner Grossen Reise fŸhrten.


I could do that but it is certainly better if I call up our private conversation for you which we had in relation to this during your Great Journey.



Du meinst, du hast auch von damals noch Aufzeichnungen, als wir in privater Weise so viele Dinge besprochen haben, die natŸrlich nicht in den Kontakberichten wiedergegeben wurden?


You mean you still also have recordings of that time when we privately discussed so many things which were naturally not reproduced in the contact reports?



SelbstverstŠndlich. du hast bereits damals bezŸglich des Vulkans Cumbre Vieja auf Las Palmas nachgefragt.


Of course. At that time you already made enquiries in relation to the Cumbre Vieja Volcano at Las Palmas.



Daran erinnere ich mich, und das erwŠhnte ich ja auch.


I remember that and I did mention it.



Dann will ich die Antwort abrufen, die ich dir damals gegeben habe. Es dauert aber eine Weile.


Then I will call up the answer that I gave you at the time. But it will take a while ...



Geduld bringt Rosen, aber erst Knospen.


Patience brings roses, but first it brings buds.



(nach einigen Minuten) Hier, das ist es. Es war, wie gesagt, auf deiner grossen Reise am 17. Juli 1975. Damals erklŠrte ich zu einer deiner Fragen folgendes:


(after some minutes) Here. This is it. It was, as I said, on your Great Journey on the 17th of July 1975. At that time I explained the following in response to your questions:




PrivatgesprŠchsauszug vom 17. Juli 1975 (31. Kontakt)


Extract of a private conversation of July 17th, 1975 (31st contact)


Bei deiner Frage handelt es sich um den Vulkan Cumbre Vieja auf der Insel La Palma.


Your question concerns the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma.


Der westliche Teil des Vulkans, die Westflanke, wie du richtig sagst, ist Šusserst instabil und kann in kommender Zeit in den Atlantik abrutschen und einen gewaltigen Tsunami auslšsen.


The western part of the volcano, the west flank, as you correctly say, is extremely unstable and can slip into the Atlantic in the coming time and cause an enormous tsunami.


Es ist aber auch die Ostseite des Vulkans gefŠhrdet, besonders dann, wenn ein starker Vulkanausbruch erfolgt, wie das auch bei der Westflanke der Fall ist.


But the east side of the volcano is also at risk, especially if a strong volcanic eruption occurs, as is also the case with the western flank.


Der Grund dafŸr liegt darin, dass der Vulkanberg in seinem Innern sehr poršs und mit Wasser vollgesogen ist, das bei einem starken Ausbruch blitzartig verdampfen und den Vulkan durch eine Wasserdampfexplosion auseinanderreissen kann.


The reason for that lies in the fact that the volcanic mountain is internally very porous and so saturated with water that, with a strong eruption, the water can suddenly vaporise and rip the volcano apart due to a steam explosion.


DiesbezŸglich will ich aber nicht von einer bestimmten Zeit reden, wann das geschehen kann oder geschehen wird, denn es liegt nicht in meiner Kompetenz, darŸber Daten zu nennen, weil dies in den Bereich der irdischen Wissenschaftler und Regierenden gehšrt, die Ÿber notwendige Massnahmen zu bestimmen haben, die ich nicht beeinflussen darf.


I do not want to talk of a certain time in relation to when that can happen or will happen, as it does not lie in my authority to name dates about that, because this belongs in the domain of terrestrial scientists and governments who, in regard to necessary measures, have to make determinations which I am not permitted to influence.


Ausserdem kann das Ganze verhindert werden, wenn die richtigen Massnahmen getroffen werden, die in einem systematischen "ruhigen" Abbau des gefŠhrdeten Vulkanteiles bestehen.


Besides, the entire thing can be prevented if the correct measures are taken which consist of a systematic, "quiet" dismantling of the part of the volcano which is at risk.


Und wird nicht in dieser Weise gehandelt, dann ist eine Katastrophe unvermeidbar, wenn sich nicht auf natŸrliche Weise ergibt, dass nach und nach nur kleine Teiles der gefŠhrdeten Vulkanseite abrutschen.


And if it is not dealt with in this manner then a catastrophe is unavoidable if it does not naturally occur that, by and by, only a small part of the side of the volcano which is at risk slips away.


Das wird zwar in kommender Zeit immer wieder geschehen, doch wie weit sich dadurch die Gefahr mindert, ist fraglich.


That will certainly happen again and again in the coming time, but to what extent the danger is thereby lessened is questionable.


Tatsache ist nun aber, dass ein gewaltiger Teil der Westflanke des Cumbre Vieja Vulkans abrutschen, ins Meer stŸrzen und innerhalb weniger Minuten eine gigantische Wassserwelle resp. einen Riesentsunami auslšsen kann, der eine Hšhe von bis zu 1500 oder gar bis 2500 Meter oder noch mehr erreichen kann, und zwar je gemŠss der Masse und der Absturzgeschwindigkeit des abrutschenden Materials der Vulkanflanke.


But the fact of the matter now is that an enormous part of the west flank of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano can slip, plunge into the sea and, within a few minutes, cause a gigantic wave of water, respectively, a giant tsunami, which can reach a height of up to 1,500 or even up to 2,500 meters or even more, and indeed according to the mass and speed of the falling material as it slips from the flank of the volcano.


Dadurch wŸrden, wenn es wirklich geschieht, was noch nicht feststeht, die umliegenden Kanareninseln mit 50 bis zu 150 Meter hohen Wellen Ÿberflutet und darauf alles zerstšrt, wonach dann die Riesenwelle auch Afrika erreichen wŸrde.


As a result of this - if it really happens, which is not yet established - the surrounding Canary Islands would be flooded with 50 to 150 meter high waves and everything there would be destroyed, after which the gigantic waves would also reach Africa.


Geschieht es wirklich in genannter Weise, dann breitet sich die Riesenwelle halbkreisfšrmig Ÿber den Atlantik aus, und zwar in mehreren Wellen unterschiedlicher Gršsse, und rast mit Ÿber 1000 Stundenkilometern durch das Meer, um nach rund acht Stunden die KŸsten der USA zu erreichen, wo sich die Wasser des Atlantiks, je nach KŸstenvorlauf, bis zu 100 und mehr Metern aufwerfen und alles auf dem Festland unter sich begraben.


If it really happens in the aforementioned manner then the giant wave would spread out across the Atlantic in a semi-circular form and indeed in several waves of various sizes and would speed through the ocean at 1,000 kilometres an hour, to - after around eight hours - reach the coast of the USA where it would cause the water of the Atlantic to rise up to a height of 100 meters and more, depending on the shape of the coastline in each place, and bury everything on the solid land under itself.


Die Auswirkungen des riesigen Tsunami wŸrden aber auch die KŸsten und viel im Landesinnern von SŸdamerika zerstšren.


The effects of the giant tsunami would also destroy the coasts and much in the interior of South America.


Auch England wŸrde davon betroffen werden, wie aber auch Gršnland und die KŸstengebiete ganz Westeuropas.


England would also be effected by it as also would Greenland and the coastal areas of all of Western Europe.


Dies ist das Szenario fŸr den schlimmsten Fall, wenn die ganze westliche Vulkanflanke auf einmal abrutschen und ins Meer stŸrzen wŸrde.


This is the worst case scenario, if the entirety of the western flank of the volcano slipped all at once and plunged into the sea.


WŸrden sich jedoch nur kleine Teile der Bergseite lšsen und ins Meer stŸrzen, wŠren dementsprechend die Folgen natŸrlich geringer.


If, however, only small parts of the side of the mountain loosen and plunge into the sea, the results would naturally be correspondingly lessened.





Ja, das ist genau das, was du damals erklŠrt hast, und diese Aussage habe ich dann auch dazu benutzt, um in meinen ersten InformationsblŠttern darŸber zu schreiben, die Hans Jacob dann auch an diverse bekannte Geologen usw. gesandt hat, weil er dachte, dass die Information wichtig sei. Eine Resonanz hat ihm seine Aktion jedoch nicht eingebracht, wie er mir versicherte. SpŠter erklŠrte er dann, als er langsam seiner Sinne nicht mehr mŠchtig war, so erinnere ich mich, dass ich das Wissen um den Vulkan Cumbre Vieja vom Teufel persšnlich erhalten hŠtte, und das kšnne er beweisen, denn er habe persšnlich gesehen, dass ich mit dem Teufel auf dem Hintersitz meines Mofas durch Wetzikon gefahren sei.


Yes, that is exactly what you explained at that time and I then also used these statements in order to write my first information leaflets about it, which Hans Jacob then also sent to diverse well known geologists and so forth, because he thought that the information is important. However his action did not bring him a response, as he assured me. Later, as he slowly became no longer in control of his mind, as I remember, he then explained that I had received the knowledge about the Cumbre Vieja Volcano from the devil personally and he could prove that, because he personally saw that I had ridden through Wetzikon with the devil on the back seat of my moped.


Michael Horn

December 11, 2009