“UFO Experts”: Why the Fear and Anger?


I recently contacted two of the men involved in the recent National Press Club news conference on UFOs, Robert Hastings and Robert Salas, to discuss interviewing them on my radio show about UFOs and the Meier case in particular. In my follow up email I provided abundant background information to them. I explained that I would want to discuss it with them on the air.

Both men conveyed to me a bit of fear about even looking into the Meier case and its evidence. While the correspondence between us should speak for itself, I must admit that I was not only stunned by Robert Hasting’s lack of knowledge and interest in the case but by his initially dismissive, and then explosively rude, responses. After all, he claims to be a UFO researcher and he’s promoting a book on the subject. So it would seem to me that he would want to know all he could about the only scientifically proven, still ongoing UFO contact case.

I don’t know the source of whatever fear they may have about investigating the evidence. I only know that it’s absolutely inconceivable to me that such responses would come from credible researchers in any other field of study. Certainly one would expect that anyone investigating things as difficult to prove as extraterrestrials, UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster or Yeti would hardly run as far away from the actual, long sought evidence that has eluded them up until now.

Unfortunately, this only affirms to me that some of the biggest opponents to the truth are the various “experts” within the so-called “UFO community” which, along with the mainstream media, actively suppress revealing what the real UFO cover-up is all about, i.e. the Billy Meier UFO contacts.

Michael Horn
October 4, 2010

Subject: Regarding the Billy Meier UFO contacts
    From: michael@theyfly.com
     Date: September 28, 2010 9:57:49 AM PDT
        To: ufohastings@aol.com


Thank you for the opportunity to present some information and evidence to you. In my brief conversation with you this morning, Robert Salas, I mentioned the Billy Meier case, about which you admittedly only knew a little bit. So, while I don't want to overwhelm you in this introductory email, I will provide you with a number of links to information, photos, etc. for your consideration.

And, of course, since the Meier case is still ongoing for over 68 years, I will ask you to ponder just why it hasn't come up strongly on the radar for you. Perhaps the Meier case is indeed the most important - and suppressed - story in human history.

Regarding your area of interest, Meier was told the following in 1956:

"It is an obligation to all higher developed creatures, to assist less developed forms in a helpful manner of responsible measure, to influence the evolution in given measure. This duty is an obligation of all creatures of all universes, because it is a Creational Law. The Earth human has become able to destroy his world in an atomic explosion, which would bring very dangerous consequences for the whole system. To prevent further madness like this, is exactly the duty of the more advanced races...An atomic destruction of this Earth could destroy your whole sun-system and push (the planets) out into the cosmos as extremely dangerous missiles. These could again destroy further sun-systems and produce cosmic catastrophe. Even neighboring universes could be affected. Besides this, the sun-system moves in space in such a way that the catastrophe could spread to other systems in a form of chain reaction in your cosmos. A similar event is already known. A loss of Earth could distort the structure of space and time and produce great damage. So it is our objective to prevent this eventuality, and together with many other creatures of other worlds of this universe to control the Earth and attempt to contain the already conjured mischief by Earth scientists, and head this off. That is our mission."

You are both scientifically minded so when you read the compilation of the corroboration of dozens and dozens of Meier's prophetically accurate information here I am sure you will understand that this constitutes a far higher standard of proof of contact than even Meier's stunningly clear, still irreproducible authenticated UFO photos, films and video, about which you can also see and hear Meier speak. 

(NOTE: Photos were included for their review here.)

As I have stated many times, the cover-up is not about Roswell, various sightings of UFOs and lights in the sky, all of which can be successfully marginalized and possibly co-opted into a false flag event...about which Meier and the Plejaren have also warned. The cover-up is about the Meier case.

Please also note that former UN diplomat, Phobol Cheng, is a personal eyewitness, one of dozens of credible witnesses, who have corroborated Mr. Meier's story. In addition to 17 witnesses taking and completely passing lie detector tests, including Mr. Meier, both he and Ms. Cheng were evaluated by an expert consultant to the U.S. Special Forces as being honest and truthful.

Also, David Froning, Michael Malin and other experts who have commented on Meier's evidence may be known to you.

At this point - or one that you will reach the deeper you review the Meier contacts - you will realize that there's something "funny" about how even you gentlemen, connected as you are to this entire matter, have known relatively little if anything at all about the most important story in human history. And you may notice how relatively easy it is now to get press about anything UFO related...except this case. 

Meier has published over 26,000 pages of information to date. If you want to know more, if you want to know the truth, I will be glad to assist you in any way that I can. 

Feel free to contact me at your earliest opportunity.


Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts


Subject: Re: Regarding the Billy Meier UFO contacts
    From: ufohastings@aol.com
     Date: October 1, 2010 5:23:16 PM PDT
         To: michael@theyfly.com

Cutting to the chase: I am not convinced about the legitimacy of the Meier case. I looked into it in the 1970s and, as a photographer by profession at the time, I was impressed by the photos. But other info about the case raised red flags for me. So, bottom line, I am not interested in being interviewed by you and do not want my name or work associated with the material you are promoting. Bob Salas can speak for himself. Please do not send me more material; I will not look at it. You should have taken the hint after you sent me a bunch of stuff after my appearance on Larry King and I didn't respond. Your emails will be deleted without being opened. Clear enough for you?

Subject: Re: Regarding the Billy Meier UFO contacts
    From: Michael Horn <michael@theyfly.com>
        To: ufohastings <ufohastings@aol.com>
     Sent: Fri, Oct 1, 2010 6:27 pm

Whoever "got to you", Bob, has apparently put a bit of fear in ya.


Subject: Re: Regarding the Billy Meier UFO contacts
    From: ufohastings@aol.com
     Date: October 1, 2010 5:31:32 PM PDT
         To: michael@theyfly.com

You fucking asshole! Just as I suspected. You're not wrapped too tight! Keep your fantasies about someone getting to me to yourself. I will write to Bob immediately and tell him to avoid you like the plague!

Subject: Clarification
    From: michael@theyfly.com
     Date: October 2, 2010 1:28:27 PM PDT
         To: ufohastings@aol.com

Dear Robert Hastings,

Hopefully you've cooled down a bit and perhaps we could have some reasonable communication. I know that life can be stressful so I am always willing to try to surmount misunderstandings, etc.

First, I want to insert responses to what you said in your first email to me:

RH: Cutting to the chase: I am not convinced about the legitimacy of the Meier case. 

MH: That's why I sent you such a richly documented email.

RH: I looked into it in the 1970s and, as a photographer by profession at the time, I was impressed by the photos. 

MH: There are simply none other that are comparable, this must mean something to you.

RH: But other info about the case raised red flags for me. 

MH: That's fine, I have offered to make myself available to you to address any issues.

RH: So, bottom line, I am not interested in being interviewed by you and do not want my name or work associated with the material you are promoting. 

MH: You made quite a leap, i.e. you have questions about it and therefore aren't interested in being interviewed? Not exactly a professional, objective position. And, please pardon my bluntness, since you are not informed about the case, and I am, there is no reason for me to associate you with it. I simply offered you an interview and, being far more knowledgeable about the entire UFO matter than either you or any of the other gentlemen who came forward, I considered it a nice gesture on my part. No need to be insulted or inflamed by that, it's simply a matter of fact.

RH: Bob Salas can speak for himself. 

MH: I know and I am copying this to him, in case you don't receive my emails perhaps he will forward it to you for your consideration.

RH: Please do not send me more material; I will not look at it. 

MH: I do hope that you simply wrote this email when you were having a bad moment about something not related to this information. Since the Meier case is what the cover-up is really all about, and since you're a researcher (who is probably unaware of it) a more professional attitude would serve you.

RH: You should have taken the hint after you sent me a bunch of stuff after my appearance on Larry King and I didn't respond. Your emails will be deleted without being opened. 

MH: I thought that we had communicated but, if we hadn't, I may not have paid especial attention to it since I have an enormous amount of correspondence going on with various people. As for taking a hint, obviously I was unaware of such subtleties. I don't offend easily, as I don't take too many things personally, including being ignored, especially if I'm unaware of it. 

RH: Clear enough for you?

MH: As I said in the opening, maybe you were having a bad day. Now it's also possible that you have some, for me inexplicable, animosity towards the Meier case and/or me, for reasons that I am completely unaware of. I don't know at all if you feel intimidated or threatened, or "one up-ed" by the case but there's no intention on our part in that direction.

I will be writing about the recent conference and related matters and, again, I'd like it if you, Robert Salas and any and all other participants would like to get up to speed on the Meier case and discuss it on my show.


Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts

Subject: Interview
    From: Michael Horn [mailto:michael@theyfly.com
     Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 5:05 PM
        To: rasalas@roadrunner.com


Dear Bob,

I hope I have made sufficient information available to you about the Meier case, and that I have been clear in my clear intentions to discuss the UFO phenomenon in the context of it.

I think it's unfortunate that Bob Hastings took an antagonistic attitude towards my sincere approach but such is life. I respect that you are friends and I also assume that you make your own decisions. 

My 31 years of work in this regard is not a "career" but a search for the truth. If you are up for the same kind of interaction please let me know. I plan on calling you to discuss preliminaries for an interview. However, since the communications so far have bit a bit unusual, I'd like to hear from you before I proceed.


Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts

Subject: RE: Interview
    From: Rasalas@roadrunner.com
     Date: October 3, 2010 7:12:36 PM PDT
         To: michael@theyfly.com


I’m sure you understand that I have heard many stories. Without spending a lot of time looking at your evidence for the truth of the Meier case, I could not endorse its validity or give the appearance of endorsing it. I simply don’t have the time. I have looked at your listing of witnesses, the photographs, and the ‘expert’ testimony. It is not compelling and I don’t know any of the people listed.

Thank you for presenting this material to me, but I will have to decline your invitation for an interview.

Best wishes,

Robert Salas
Subject: Re: Interview
    From: michael@theyfly.com
     Date: October 3, 2010 7:25:28 PM PDT
         To: Rasalas@roadrunner.com


First, let me acknowledge that you are declining the interview, thank you.

I was not asking you to endorse the case, of course, since you know nothing about it, apparently by choice. I will state the following to you, as I will publicly. 
Not only is the Meier evidence worthy of the time that you weren't able to give it but it's rather unprofessional to draw a conclusion that it's "not compelling" when you just acknowledged not seriously looking into it.

The fact that you "don't know any of the people listed" is neither relevant nor very impressive for someone in this field; you mean you've never heard of Michael Malin, Marcel Vogel, David Froning, etc.?

Clearly, I am disappointed that you are content to rehash "UFOs 101" and wish to remain oblivious to the only authentic, still ongoing case with an abundance of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Honestly, if the search for the truth is inconvenient for you, just how serious are you about it? I am reminded of the story of the Church and its treatment of Galileo.


Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts