U.S. Politician Tells theÉTruth!
Michael Horn
In a stunning development, a
U.S. politician has actually told the clear, unvarnished, un-embellished truth.
In fact, the politician, Rep. Ron Paul (Texas), who some say has the apparently
incurable habit of blurting out many inconvenient truths, presented the obvious
truth about failed, aggressive, inhumane U.S. international/military policies
so clearly that only politicians and political and/or religious partisans could
fail to see, understand and appreciate it for what it is.
And, while one doesnÕt have
to agree with all of Rep. PaulÕs positions on any number of issues, the painful
obviousness of his clear, moral thinking and unstated understanding of the laws
of cause and effect, sometimes also referred to as the Golden Rule, makes one
wonder just why all the good folk who certainly subscribe to various religious
beliefs that (claim to) embrace this Golden Rule have not long ago seen the
error of their ways, let alone repented.
Since our country has so
long institutionalized unprovoked
aggression as to make it seem as normal and American as the proverbial
apple pie, proportionally little thought or moral reflection has been given to
this insanely barbaric behavior and its now deep roots in a large part of the
national psyche.
(In the U.S., Rep. Paul is
often identified with a patriot movement. And what could be more patriotic, if
not otherwise unwelcome, than sounding the alarm and waving the lantern of
truth, whereby the citizenry can be awakened to the consequences of its
irresponsibility? It may well be the last opportunity for us to realize that
Òthose people over thereÓ donÕt hate us for our freedomsÉthey hate us for what
we have done to theirs.)
Perhaps then the clear,
unequivocal explanation by Rep. Paul of what is fundamentally degenerate and wrong
with U.S. policies will penetrate the consciousness of the citizenry and
leaders who salivate at the very thought of inflicting even more horror, pain
and suffering on other people (the majority of whom have absolutely never
attacked us), erroneously thinking that the pendulum doesnÕt return to sender
as a wrecking ball.
The following information
from the Henoch
Prophecies (1987) is, therefore, worth considering:
ÒThe USA will set out against
the Eastern countries ahead of all other financial states and simultaneously
she will have to defend herself against the Eastern intruders. In all, America
will play the most decisive role, when in the guise to strive for peace and to
fight against terrorism she invades many countries of the Earth, bombs and
destroys everything and brings thousand-fold deaths to the populations. The
military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as neither will
their economic and other political institutions which will be focused on
building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a
long time. But that will not be enough, and, in the guise of a so-called
peaceful globalisation, American politics will aspire to gain absolute control of
the world concerning supremacy in economy. And this will point towards the
possibility that a Third World War could develop from it, if human beings as a
whole will not finally reflect upon reason, become reasonable and undertake the
necessary steps against the insane machinations of their governments and
military powers as well as their secret services, and call a halt to the power
of the irresponsible who have forsaken their responsibility in all areas. If
this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence
and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain
predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under her rule. At
first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to
fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many
irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries. In
part, others will join in because they will be forced somehow to do so or will
be misled by irresponsible promoters of American propaganda.Ó
There is a further warning
in these prophecies that we would be wise to do everything in our power to
ÒFar in the West, it will be
different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.
The cause for this will be manifold. With her global conflicts which are
continuously instigated by her and which will continue far into the future,
America is creating enormous hatred against her, worldwide, in many countries.
As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes, which will reach
proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth. The destruction of the WTC,
i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning. Yet all
the apocalyptic events will not only be brought about due to the use of
unbelievably deadly and destructive weapons Ð such as chemical, laser and
others Ð and by cloned murder machines; but in addition to this, the Earth and
nature, maltreated to the deepest depths by the irresponsible human beings of
Earth, will rise up and cause destruction and bring death onto the Earth.
Enormous firestorms and gigantic hurricanes will sweep over the USA and bring
devastation, destruction and annihilation, as this from time immemorial never
before will have happened. Not only will America, but also all other Western
industrial countries which still live at the beginning of the new millennium in
the delusion that they could dominate and rule over underdeveloped nations,
i.e., Third World countries, will not only soon lose influence over these but
must defend themselves against them. According to the prophecies of Henoch, the
truth about industrialised countries is that they only seem to appear to be
true civilisations, but in fact they are not; because more and more, at the end
of the 20th century and at the beginning of the third millennium, they will
disregard all true love, true freedom and true wisdom as well as true peace
along with all values of humaneness and all values of men's and women's true being.
But not even all the terrible happenings will hinder the USA in continuing to
proceed with her actions against all countries. Even when the North American
continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been
recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear,
biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised
weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings.
Overall, this is the most important part of Henoch's prophecies.Ó
Once again we are faced with
the inescapable truth that only through complete and total self-responsibility,
through an understanding of the laws of cause and effect and other truths
contained with the spiritual
teaching, can we free ourselves from millennia of illogical, irrational,
fear-inducing and mind-enslaving, dead-end religious and political dogmas and
beliefs and, thereby, survive and evolve as true human beings.
The clear way out of this
self-imprisonment is most clearly presented to us in the Goblet
of Truth, freely available to all for their own study and consideration.
October 6, 2009
NOTE: The writer is not
affiliated with any political party or point of view and there is no inference
that Rep. Paul is aware, or in support, of any of the information provided in,
or linked to, this article.