The Loch Ness Monsters


NOTE: A recent Google Earth photograph stirred up renewed interest in the so-called Loch News Monster when some people interpreted it as showing the very elusive creature. While the photograph is considered inconclusive, the following information from Billy Meier, from 1989, may now also be of interest, also because it is referred to in the plural, i.e. that there were three of them at the time of this contact.




Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Volume 6


230th Contact, Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM


Date of original translation: September 2008 by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg


Page 5



We spoke once about the Ness Sea, therefore Loch Ness in Scotland, in connection with so-called Nessie, whereby it is supposed to deal with a saurian, for which, however, up until now, no proof of existence could be brought forth. 


But you have said that such an animal does actually exist in Loch Ness and that all that, therefore, it is not about a fairy tale.


I would like to see the beast.


Can you take me to it sometime?


109. Actually, two parent animals and a young do exist.


110. It thereby deals with an aquatic predatory saurian, therefore about Plesiosaurus, which have sustained themselves for many generations.


111. However, proving their existence will be very difficult, because the animals themselves only seldom make their way into the higher waters, or even to the waters' surface in such a way that they can be sighted.


112. We have observed these distant saurian descendents for many years and have, during the course of our research, also found petrified fossils of their distant predecessors, which we left where we found them where they will perhaps be found some day by terrestrial paleontologists or other Earth humans.


113. Naturally I will take you there so you can see the animals, however you must not make that public for the next 12 years.




Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, GesprŠche, Block 6

Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Volume 6

230th Contact, Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM

Date of original translation: September 2008 by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg


Page 5



Wir sprachen einmal Ÿber den See Ness, also Loch Ness in Schottland, im Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten Nessi, wobei es sich um einen Saurier handeln soll, wofŸr jedoch bis heute kein Existenz-Beweis erbracht werden konnte.



We spoke once about the Ness Sea, therefore Loch Ness in Scotland, in connection with so-called Nessie, whereby it is supposed to deal with a saurian, for which, however, up until now, no proof of existence could be brought forth. 


Von dir wurde aber gesagt, dass ein solches Getier im Loch Ness tatsŠchlich existiere und dass es sich dabei also nicht um eine MŠr handle.


But you have said that such an animal does actually exist in Loch Ness and that all that, therefore, it is not about a fairy tale.


Das Viech mšchte ich sehen.


I would like to see the beast.


Kannst du mich mal hinbringen?


Can you take me to it sometime?


109. TatsŠchlich existieren zwei Elterntiere und ein Jungtier.


109. Actually, two parent animals and a young do exist.


110. Es handelt sich dabei um im Wasser lebende Raubsaurier, also um Plesiosaurus, die sich Ÿber viele Generationen erhalten haben.


110. It thereby deals with an aquatic predatory saurian, therefore about Plesiosaurus, which have sustained themselves for many generations.


111. Deren Existenz zu beweisen jedoch sehr schwer sein wird, weil sich die Tiere nur selten in hšhere GewŠsser begeben oder gar an die Wasser oberflŠche in der Weise, dass sie gesichtet werden kšnnen.


111. However, proving their existence will be very difficult, because the animals themselves only seldom make their way into the higher waters, or even to the waters' surface in such a way that they can be sighted.


112. Wir beobachten diese fernen Sauriernachfahren seit vielen Jahren und haben im Verlauf unserer Forschungen auch versteinerte Fossile deren fernster Vorfahren gefunden, die wir jedoch an den FundsteIlen beliessen, wo sie vielleicht dereinst von irdischen PalŠontologen oder sonstigen Erdenmenschen gefunden werden.


112. We have observed these distant saurian descendents for many years and have, during the course of our research, also found petrified fossils of their distant predecessors, which we left where we found them where they will perhaps be found some day by terrestrial paleontologists or other Earth humans.


113. NatŸrlich werde ich dich hinbringen, damit du die Tiere sehen kannst, worŸber du jedoch wŠhrend den nŠchsten 12 Jahren gegenŸber der …ffentlichkeit schweigen musst.


113. Naturally I will take you there so you can see the animals, however you must not make that public for the next 12 years.