The Crime Against All Life
UPDATE: December 9, 2010
Meier's information is again, unfortunately corroborated. Strong Evidence Emerges of BP Oil on Seafloor
NOTE: In addition to fascinating information about the true, ancient origins of life on Earth, the following excerpts reveal more about the real, largely unrecognized threat to the environment from global warming, and the enormous magnitude of the outrage against the environment - and all life on the planet - that is being concealed by BP, and those in governments that are complicit in this cover-up. As is the case with all lies, of either commission or omission, the truth doesn't go away, or change for the better on its own. Instead, the negative consequences of the original disaster, and its shameless cover-up, are simply compounded and increased, leading to a far worse outcome than had the truth been told. Of course, the absolute insanity of drilling for oil, let alone in the sea, has long since been warned about by Meier and the Plejaren.
You are encouraged to spread this information as quickly and widely as possible.
The following is a translation of two excerpts from FIGU's Special Bulletin, number 55, August 2010.
Extract from the 494th official contact report of May 11th, 2010.
Billy ... But tell me - you being a geologist, physicist, biologist, chemists and zoologist and whatever
other specialist fields you have mastered - what unicellular organisms must I imagine to be those
which, in the earliest times, formed the essential basis for life on the Earth and which are
responsible for it?
And when, more or less, did they exists?
Ptaah Your question certainly relates to stromatolites, because fundamentally these were the
essential link from which, ultimately, all life formed.
The age of the stromatolites was around 3.5 billion years ago.
Billy And these stromatolites are therefore the actual origin of terrestrial life.
Did they originate on Earth?
Ptaah Their fundamental origins were comets and meteors, which fell onto the early Earth and
brought with them the corresponding basic forms of life and amino acids, and so forth.
Billy Yes, I can imagine.
But today it is unfortunately the case that new life is not brought to the Earth but instead, since a
very long time ago, that which exists is being destroyed and wiped out.
This is as a result of the irrationality of the human beings who destroy everything through the
catastrophic results of their mad overpopulation.
Generally the average human beings on the good Mother Earth do not know what monstrous
damage they cause to nature and the planet itself with their overpopulation, because they are fooled
and deceived by those responsible for the world, indeed by the governors and the scientists.
So the majority of Earth humanity also knows nothing about how climatic warming has very much
worse and more monstrous catastrophic results for the Earth, its nature and for all life, than the
persons in charge officially announce through inadequate information.
In regard to that, one just thinks of the gigantic masses of permafrost, which contain monstrous
amounts of methane gas, which is released through the thawing and melting of the permafrost
and is released into the atmosphere.
Not only is the climatic catastrophe thereby furthered more than ever, but also still many other
monstrous things occur through which life on Earth is put into question.
The monstrous masses of methane gas can far exceed the great amounts of CO2 and thereby,
more than ever, destroy everything.
Also, as a result of all that, the oceans, their currents and their formation of waves, are monstrously
and dangerously influenced and evoke increased numbers of monster waves, that is to say, gigantic
waves, respectively, mega waves.
This occurs along with the atmosphere being influenced in terrible ways, especially, however, its lowest
layer; therefore the troposphere, in which the weather processes take place.
Thereby storms of all kinds as well as thunderstorms become more and more powerful and
destructive and they more and more closely resemble weather processes which once prevailed on
the Earth in primeval times.
The weather processes and storms which are evoked by the masses of methane gas also evoke
monstrous movements of the ocean waters, whereby warm masses of water move right down to the
floor of the ocean and churn it up.
In this way the gigantic amounts of methane gas, which are stored in the ocean floor, are released
and drift upward, where they are then swirled around in the troposphere and reach into the upper
layer of the atmosphere.
The results which come about through the release of the methane gas will then be catastrophic.
Ptaah There is no doubt about that ...
Extract from the 495th official contact conversation of June 14th, 2010.
Billy Then I would like to ask another question regarding the plague of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
Florena told me that the BP corporation, that is to say, the "British Petroleum Corporation", has
spread unbelievable untruths in regard to the actual discharge of crude oil into the gulf and in
regard to the entire terrible matter.
Ptaah That is right, because, already, from the beginning, more than 8.6 million litres of crude oil
flowed into the gulf, whereas the present amount is around 14.5 million litres per day.
However, in the course of time, this amount can quickly further increase due to a greater pressure
from the depths.
This would depend on the corresponding subterranean conditions.
Natural gas and the warmth of the Earth play an important role in that.
And this can happen if effective measures are not able to prevent - in a decisive amount of time - this
even more terrible thing.
But what there is to say at present in regard to that is that it is questionable whether the BP
corporation can effect the necessary measures in an appropriate amount of time in order to bring
everything under control.
And, should it not succeed in stopping the flow of oil, then the entire thing can therefore, under
certain circumstances, mean that the crude oil further contaminates the gulf and thereby ultimately
also the Gulf Stream to a great extent, which can then lead to a worldwide climatic catastrophe,
which then far exceeds everything so far in regard to climatic transformation.
Already, because of the discharged crude oil, new climatic changes are resulting, which are already
noticeable but is a fact which is kept quiet, as is also the fact that the monstrous amounts of crude
oil secrete poisonous gas and particles which reach the troposphere and atmosphere and are driven
by the wind around the globe and are rained down.
If, ultimately, the poisonous crude oil drifts with the Gulf Stream into the north and contaminates the
Atlantic, then monstrous climatic alterations emerge against which all that which has already come
about would only be a weak prelude.
Aside from that, the crude oil's toxic substances are secreted in the form of poisonous gasses and
poisonous particles, which have an illness-inducing effect on human beings and animals and on all
creatures, as these toxic substances, however, also disperse in the ocean water itself and store
themselves on the ocean floor whereby further contaminations come about, a fact which is likewise
kept silent by the responsible authorities and by the scientists.
The crude oil, which is shooting upward, not only floats on the water and contaminates the surface
as well as the land which is effected by it, rather it also drifts under water as oil agglomerations.
Billy Not exactly pleasant.
But do you have data about what quantity of crude oil is used on the Earth every day?
Ptaah According to our investigations, it is about 14 billion litres per day.
Billy Monstrous.
Ptaah It really is.
Translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 12th, 2010, Australia
Also see: Personal & Family Urban Survival
UPDATE: The following new articles lend more support to the accuracy of the Plejaren information. Based on Meier and the Plejaren's track record, we will most likely see that they are completely correct again, unfortunately for all of humanity and life on the planet.
ALERT: 13.3 ppm of COREXIT found INLAND, near Florida border — Chemist says tests show “toxic solvent” 2-butoxyethanol that “RUPTURES red blood cells” (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
Corexit found in Orange Beach Waters, WKRG Channel 5, August 19, 2010:
[Cotton Bayou, Ala. resident] Margaret Long… first got suspicious when she saw something in the water she had never seen before. She even took photographs, “Some times it’s about the size of a half dollar. Some times it streams along and its like floating sand.”
She got samples and sent them to chemist Bob Naman in Mobile whose tests results show 13.3 ppm of the chemical dispersant corexit. …
“It concerns me,” says Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon...
Reports focus on lingering effects of Gulf oil spill
By the CNN Wire Staff
August 17, 2010 1:01 p.m. EDT
(CNN) -- Two reports published Tuesday express concern about the lingering effects of oil spilled from the ruptured BP well into the Gulf of Mexico.
A team from Georgia Sea Grant and the University of Georgia released a report that estimates that 70 to 79 percent of the oil that gushed from the well "has not been recovered and remains a threat to the ecosystem," the university said in a release.
Meanwhile, researchers at the University of South Florida have concluded that oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill may have settled to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico further east than previously suspected -- and at levels toxic to marine life. Their study is to be released Tuesday, as well, but CNN obtained a summary of the initial conclusions Monday night.
Initial findings from a new survey of the Gulf conclude that dispersants may have sent droplets of crude to the ocean floor, where it has turned up at the bottom of an undersea canyon within 40 miles of the Florida Panhandle, the University of South Florida team said...
Methane in Gulf "astonishingly high": U.S. scientist
Texas A&M: Methane Levels in Gulf of Mexico Up to 100,000 X Normal
Oil spilled in Gulf full of methane gas, adding new concerns
Also see: Personal & Family Urban Survival
German and English Versions
The following is a translation of two excerpts from FIGU's Special Bulletin, number 55, August 2010.
Auszüge aus dem 494. offiziellen Kontaktbericht vom 11. Mai 2010
Extract from the 494th official contact report of May 11th, 2010.
Billy … Doch sag mal, du als Geologe, Physiker, Biologe, Chemiker und Zoologe und welche
Fachgebiete du sonst noch beherrschst, was muss ich mir vorstellen, welche Einzeller zu frühester
Zeit die eigentlichen Grundlagen für das Leben auf der Erde bildeten und für dieses verantwortlich
Und wann war deren Zeit in etwa?
Billy ... But tell me - you being a geologist, physicist, biologist, chemists and zoologist and whatever
other specialist fields you have mastered - what unicellular organisms must I imagine to be those
which, in the earliest times, formed the essential basis for life on the Earth and which are
responsible for it?
And when, more or less, did they exists?
Ptaah Deine Frage bezieht sich wohl auf die Stromatolithen, denn grundlegend waren diese das
eigentliche Glied, woraus sich letztlich alles Leben formte.
Die Zeit der Stromatolithen war vor rund 3,5 Milliarden Jahren.
Ptaah Your question certainly relates to stromatolites, because fundamentally these were the
essential link from which, ultimately, all life formed.
The age of the stromatolites was around 3.5 billion years ago.
Billy Und diese Stromatolithen sind also der eigentliche Ursprung des irdischen Lebens.
Sind diese auf der Erde entstanden?
Billy And these stromatolites are therefore the actual origin of terrestrial life.
Did they originate on Earth?
Ptaah Die grundlegenden Ursprünge dafür waren Kometen und Meteore, die auf die frühe Erde
stürzten und die entsprechenden Grundlebensformen und Aminosäuren usw. mitbrachten.
Ptaah Their fundamental origins were comets and meteors which fell onto the early Earth and
brought with them the corresponding basic forms of life and amino acids, and so forth.
Billy Kann ich mir vorstellen, ja.
Billy Yes, I can imagine.
Billy Heute ist es aber leider so, dass nicht neues Leben auf die Erde gebracht, sondern seit langer Zeit
existierendes zerstört und ausgerottet wird.
But today it is unfortunately the case that new life is not brought to the Earth but instead, since a
very long time ago, that which exists is being destroyed and wiped out.
Dies durch die Unvernunft der Menschen, die durch die katastrophalen Folgen ihrer verrückten
Überbevölkerung alles zerstören.
This is as a result of the irrationality of the human beings who destroy everything through the
catastrophic results of their mad overpopulation.
Allgemein wissen die Durchschnittsmenschen auf der guten Mutter Erde nicht, was sie mit ihrer
Überbevölkerung an der Natur und am Planeten selbst an ungeheuren Schäden anrichten, denn sie
werden von den Weltverantwortlichen, eben von den Regierenden und von den Wissenschaftlern für
dumm verkauft und hinters Licht geführt.
Generally the average human beings on the good Mother Earth do not know what monstrous
damage they cause to nature and the planet itself with their overpopulation, because they are fooled
and deceived by those responsible for the world, indeed by the governors and the scientists.
So weiss das Gros der Erdenmenschheit auch nichts davon, dass die Klimaerwärmung sehr viel
schlimmere und ungeheurere katastrophale Folgen für die Erde, deren Natur und für alles Leben hat,
als die Verantwortlichen offiziell durch mangelhafte Informationen bekanntgeben.
So the majority of Earth humanity also knows nothing about how climatic warming has very much
worse and more monstrous catastrophic results for the Earth, its nature and for all life, than the
persons in charge officially announce through inadequate information.
Man denke dabei nur einmal an die riesigen Massen Permafrost, die ungeheure Mengen Methangas
enthalten, das durch das Auftauen und Schmelzen des Permafrostes freigesetzt wird und sich in die
Atmosphäre freisetzt.
In regard to that, one just thinks of the gigantic masses of permafrost which contain monstrous
amounts of methane gas, which is released through the thawing and melting of the permafrost and
is released into the atmosphere.
Nicht nur, dass dadurch die Klimakatastrophe erst recht gefördert wird, geschehen auch noch viele
andere ungeheure Dinge, durch die das Leben auf der Erde in Frage gestellt wird.
Not only is the climatic catastrophe thereby furthered more than ever, but also still many other
monstrous things occur through which life on Earth is put into question.
Die ungeheuren Massen Methangas können die grossen Mengen CO2 bei weitem überschreiten und
dadurch erst recht alles zerstören.
The monstrous masses of methane gas can far exceed the great amounts of CO2 and thereby, more
than ever, destroy everything.
Durch das Ganze werden auch die Meere, deren Ströme und Wellenbildungen ungeheuer und
gefährlich beeinflusst und vermehrt Kavenzmänner, also gigantische resp. Megawellen hervorgerufen.
Also, as a result of all that, the oceans, their currents and their formation of waves, are monstrously
and dangerously influenced and evoke increased numbers of monster waves, that is to say, gigantic
waves, respectively, mega waves.
Dies nebst dem, dass auch die Atmosphäre auf üble Weise beeinflusst wird, besonders jedoch deren
unterste Schicht, also die Troposphäre, in der sich die Wettervorgänge abspielen.
This occurs along with the atmosphere being influenced in terrible ways, especially, however, its
lowest layer; therefore the troposphere, in which the weather processes take place.
Dadurch werden Stürme aller Art sowie Gewitter immer gewaltiger, zerstörender und gleichen immer
mehr Wettervorgängen, wie diese vor Urzeiten auf der Erde herrschten.
Thereby storms of all kinds as well as thunderstorms become more and more powerful and
destructive and they more and more closely resemble weather processes which once prevailed on
the Earth in primeval times.
Die durch die Methangasmassen hervorgerufenen Wettervorgänge und Stürme werden auch
ungeheure Meerwasserbewegungen hervorrufen, wodurch warme Wassermassen bis auf den
Meeresgrund hinunter gelangen und diesen aufwühlen.
The weather processes and storms which are evoked by the masses of methane gas also evoke
monstrous movements of the ocean waters, whereby warm masses of water move right down to the
floor of the ocean and churn it up.
Dadurch werden die im Meeresgrund lagernden riesigen Mengen Methangas freigesetzt und treiben
nach oben, wo sie dann in die Troposphäre gewirbelt werden und bis in die obere Atmosphärenschicht
In this way the gigantic amounts of methane gas, which are stored in the ocean floor, are released
and drift upward, where they are then swirled around in the troposphere and reach into the upper
layer of the atmosphere.
Die durch das freigesetzte Methan gas entstehenden Folgen werden dann katastrophal sein.
The results which come about through the release of the methane gas will then be catastrophic.
Ptaah Daran ist nicht zu zweifeln …
Ptaah There is no doubt about that ...
Auszug aus dem 495. offiziellen Kontaktgespräch vom 14. Juni 2010
Extract from the 495th official contact conversation of June 14th, 2010.
Billy Dann möchte ich noch eine Frage stellen bezüglich der Ölpest im Golf von Mexiko.
Billy Then I would like to ask another question regarding the plague of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
Billy Florena sagte mir, dass die BP-Gesellschaft, also die ‹British Petroleum-Gesellschaft› unglaubliche
Unwahrheiten verbreitet in bezug auf den wirklichen Ausstoss des Erdpetroleums in den Golf und das
ganze Übel.
Florena told me that the BP corporation, that is to say, the "British Petroleum Corporation", has
spread unbelievable untruths in regard to the actual discharge of crude oil into the gulf and in
regard to the entire terrible matter.
Ptaah Das ist richtig, denn schon von Anfang an flossen mehr als 8,6 Millionen Liter Erdpetroleum in
den Golf, wohingegen die gegenwärtige Menge bei rund 14,5 Millionen Litern pro Tag liegt.
Ptaah That is right, because, already, from the beginning, more than 8.6 million litres of crude oil
flowed into the gulf, whereas the present amount is around 14.5 million litres per day.
Ptaah Diese Menge kann sich jedoch im Laufe der Zeit durch einen grösseren Druck aus der Tiefe schnell
weiter mehren.
However, in the course of time, this amount can quickly further increase due to a greater pressure
from the depths.
Dies je gemäss den entsprechenden innerirdischen Verhältnissen.
This would depend on the corresponding subterranean conditions.
Dabei spielen auch die Erdwärme und Erdgase eine wichtige Rolle.
Natural gas and the warmth of the Earth play an important role in that.
Und dies kann geschehen, wenn nicht in massgebender Zeit greifende Massnahmen dieses noch
grössere Übel verhindern können.
And this can happen if effective measures are not able to prevent - in a decisive amount of time - this
even more terrible thing.
Gegenwärtig ist dazu aber zu sagen, dass es fraglich ist, ob die BP-Gesellschaft in zweckdienlicher
Zeit das Notwendige bewerkstelligen kann, um alles unter Kontrolle zu bringen.
But what there is to say at present in regard to that is that it is questionable whether the BP
corporation can effect the necessary measures in an appropriate amount of time in order to bring
everything under control.
Und sollte es nicht gelingen, den Ölfluss zu stoppen, dann kann das Ganze unter Umständen also
bedeuten, dass das Erdpetroleum weiterhin den Golf verseucht und damit letztlich auch in grossem
Masse den Golfstrom, was dann zu einer weltweiten Klimakatastrophe führen kann, die dann alles
Bisherige in bezug auf die Klimaumwandlung weit übertrifft.
And, should it not succeed in stopping the flow of oil, then the entire thing can therefore, under
certain circumstances, mean that the crude oil further contaminates the gulf and thereby ultimately
also the Gulf Stream to a great extent which can then lead to a worldwide climatic catastrophe,
which then far exceeds everything so far in regard to climatic transformation.
Bereits ergeben sich durch das ausgetretene Erdpetroleum neuerliche klimatische Veränderungen,
die sich bereits bemerkbar machen, was aber verschwiegen wird, wie auch die Tatsache, dass die
ungeheuren Erdpetroleummengen giftige Gase und Partikel absondern, die in die Troposphäre und
Atmosphäre gelangen und durch die Winde rund um den Globus getrieben und niedergeregnet
Already, because of the discharged crude oil, new climatic changes are resulting which are already
noticeable but is a fact which is kept quiet, as is also the fact that the monstrous amounts of crude
oil secrete poisonous gas and particles which reach the troposphere and atmosphere and are driven
by the wind around the globe and are rained down.
Treibt letztlich das giftige Erdpetroleum mit dem Golfstrom in den Norden und verseucht den Atlantik,
dann treten ungeheure klimatische Veränderungen auf, wogegen die bisherig in Erscheinung
getretenen nur ein schwaches Vorspiel sein würden.
If, ultimately, the poisonous crude oil drifts with the Gulf Stream into the north and contaminates the
Atlantic, then monstrous climatic alterations emerge against which all that which has already come
about would only be a weak prelude.
Ausserdem sondern sich aus dem Erdpetroleum Giftstoffe in Form von Giftgasen und Giftpartikeln
ab, die auf Mensch und Tier und auf alles Getier krankheitserregend wirken, wie sich aber diese
Giftstoffe auch im Meerwasser selbst verteilen und sich auf den Meeresgrund ablagern, wodurch
weitere Verseuchungen entstehen, was ebenfalls von den Verantwortlichen und von den
Wissenschaftlern verschwiegen wird.
Aside from that, the crude oil's toxic substances are secreted in the form of poisonous gasses and
poisonous particles which have an illness-inducing effect on human beings and animals and on all
creatures, as these toxic substances, however, also disperse in the ocean water itself and store
themselves on the ocean floor whereby further contaminations come about, a fact which is likewise
kept silent by the responsible authorities and by the scientists.
Das hochschiessende Erdpetroleum schwimmt nicht nur auf dem Wasser und verseucht die
Oberfläche sowie das Land, das davon betroffen wird, sondern es schwimmt als Ölballungen auch
unter Wasser.
The crude oil, which is shooting upward, not only floats on the water and contaminates the surface
as well as the land which is effected by it, rather it also drifts under water as oil agglomerations.
Billy Nicht gerade erfreulich.
Billy Not exactly pleasant.
Billy Hast du aber Angaben darüber, welche Masse Erdöl gesamtirdisch pro Tag verbraucht wird?
Billy But do you have data about what quantity of crude oil is used on the Earth every day?
Ptaah Unseren Abklärungen gemäss sind es pro Tag rund 14 Milliarden Liter.
Ptaah According to our investigations, it is about 14 billion litres per day.
Billy Ungeheuer.
Billy Monstrous.
Ptaah Das ist es wirklich.
Ptaah It really is.
Translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 12th, 2010, Australia
Posted: August 12, 2010
Michael Horn
NOTE: There was a previous posting of an unauthorized, unofficial translation of some of the above information by Matthew Deagle. This official, aproved translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine supersedes it. We are grateful, however, to Matthew for initially providing us with the first available translation so as to start to spread awareness of these outrages against humanity and all life on the planet.