The Swine Flu, Election Fraud in Iran, Michael Jackson


As is more and more the case, Meier's information, such as pertains to the Swine Flu, is again being corroborated:

Drug companies face European inquiry over swine flu vaccine stockpiles

Council of Europe to discuss whether pharmaceutical firms spread alarm over pandemic to boost orders of medicines

James Sturcke and Owen Bowcott, Monday 11 January 2010 19.47 GMT
Article history

Tamiflu tablets Ð used to fight swine flu. Photograph: Wong Maye-E/AP

European health chiefs are to hold emergency talks about whether pharmaceutical giants have unduly influenced governments into squandering public money on vast stockpiles of unnecessary swine flu drugs.

The Council of Europe will debate a resolution that accuses drug companies of leaning on public health officials to alarm governments about the risks of H1N1 flu.


(Excerpts from) FIGU Special Bulletin Nr. 49, August, 2009

Significant excerpts from the 476th contact conversation of February 3rd, 2009

NOTE: The following unofficial, authorized (by Billy Meier) translation by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg may contain errors.

Reader's Question

What is it with swine flu? Is it spreading out further?

U. Hugentobler, Switzerland


A short excerpt about that from the 478th official contact conversation:


... And what is with swine flu? Does it proceed further?


... There is this to say in response to your question regarding swine flu:

Yes, this quickly takes greater hold because now the epidemic is being passed from human to human in many countries, and indeed million-fold.

On my last visit I already said that the danger of a pandemic exists and that every human who played everything down is to blame for the fact that this state could come about.

The true blame for that goes to the irresponsible carelessness of the governments and the health officials who did not stop world tourism at the outbreak of the epidemic, but instead even declared it to be harmless.

Naturally they reject the assertion that they are to blame.


FIGU Special Bulletin Nr. 49, August 2009 - Addendum

Swine Flu (inquiry after editorial closing time)


Belatedly, still one further question has occurred to me. What is your opinion about swine flu?

Because I have a problem with conspiracy theorists as well as with profit-greedy pharmaceutical companies, I am not sure what I should make of these mass inoculations.

Is there information about this from your side?

July 29th, 2009, Bernd Johann, Germany


An excerpt from the 478th contact conversation of June 14th, 2009, can answer this question for you.



But once more to swine flu: there already exists conspiracy theories again and they claim that this can degenerate in a similar manner to the Spanish flu in 1918.

Can you just say something about this?


There is this to say regarding the swine-flu/epidemic/pandemic, about which you ask: this has nothing to do with one of the stupid conspiracy theories, which are invented, again and again, by panic-mongers, know-it-alls and the pathologically deluded, who suspect malicious conspiracies behind any and all events.

However, there is something more precise to say about that. In 1918, an influenza/epidemic already raged with the pathogen H1N1, which, within two years, demanded around 50 million human lives.

Swine flu also stems from this strain of virus.

As a result of the Spanish flu, in the year 1919 a virus dynasty, so to speak, arose which has remained in existence up to the current time.

That which is done by the pharmaceutical companies in regard to today's epidemic, respectively, swine flu, is enormous profiteering because anti-flu remedies are, worldwide, sold by them - through the governments, health organisations and private persons, as well as through the black market - for amounts in the billions.

With these remedies - primarily Tamiflu, but others as well - a gigantic business is made and safety is promised, however this is only based on angst and panic-mongering.

This criminal business idea is based on the evil, angst-producing scenarios which - one does not believe it - are constantly publicised by the WHO, respectively, the World Health Organisation and by health officials and self-styled experts.

So, already in the month of April, swine flu was declared the first pandemic in decades and thereby angst was stirred up.

Naturally, the entire pandemic could have been avoided if the governments and the health officials, as well as the actual qualified employees, had immediately prohibited global tourism, and so forth, but that just did not happen.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic/flu around six months ago, to the end of the month of August, over 1,200 humans died worldwide, which, however, is very much fewer than is demanded by a normal flu.

If it is considered that the Earth's population now amounts to over 7.5 billion humans, then the number of those who became ill, those still becoming ill and the dead, stands in absolutely no comparison to the insane mass of Earth's population.

At least up to the month of August, 2009, the course of the disease will still provide no effective indications that swine flu - we designate every influenza as an epidemic - distinguishes itself from a quite normal flu.

But the possibility absolutely exists that swine flu is still further enormously exaggerated by the irresponsible ones and is misused for a deal worth billions through which all those financially powerful ones, who profit as a result of this deal, want to, and also can, "grow fat", as you are wont to say.

They are not only the pharmaceutical companies, rather also governors and health representatives of many irresponsible profit-seekers who, through shares, participation and turnovers, as well as through the black market, and so forth, earn enormous amounts of money with the flu remedies and mass inoculations.

Reader's Question

Dear Billy

As discussed, I am sending you my questions regarding the death of Michael Jackson and the election fraud in Iran.

Perhaps you can use them for the new Special Bulletin?

Sincere thanks for your efforts.

1. Question: Of what did Michael Jackson die?

And has his untimely death perhaps something to do with him suffering from the pressure of success, or even under the accusation of child molestation, which, however, could never be proven against him in court.

Did he have a nervous breakdown?

Do you know something more dependable than that which comes through the media?

2. Question: What do you know about the election fraud by Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad in Iran?

Is the extent and the significance of this election fraud bigger than is generally depicted from the official side?

And would Mr. Ahmadi Nejadhave again been democratically elected by the people even without election fraud?

And why, actually, does the highest Iranian religious leader, Khamenei, and other state dignitaries, stand behind Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad?

With a hearty Salome

Pius Keller, Switzerland


Both questions can be answered with the following contact conversation excerpt of June 14th, 2009:


... But how does it stand with the election in Persia, respectively, in Iran? Is everything being done properly there?

And do you still have significant predictions to mention?


I also have information about that.

The entire thing is based on an unparalleled election fraud to the advantage of Ahmadi Nejad.

Several million returned ballots must be designated as false and manipulated, which triggers great unrest and even exacts death.

The election results had already been falsified some months prior to the election, whereby the so-called Guardian Council, as well as the authoritative religious dignitary, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei certainly are not involved.

Khamenei will, however, declare the massively falsified election process as being legitimate and endorse Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad in his office, won through deception, because Ahmadi Nejad, in a false manner, demonstrates solidarity with the religious system.

There is certainly something to mention of significance in terms of predictions. For example, the "King of Pop", Michael Jackson - in eleven days calculated from today, respectively, on June 25th - will suffer a cardiac arrest and pass away as a consequence of an irresponsibly negligent overdose of a cocktail of narcotic medications.


Poor bloke.

In spite of his success, and his acquired fortune, he has had a difficult life.

But what was it actually with the assertion that he has been a paedophile and has molested children?

With the best will, I simply cannot imagine that.


That corresponds to nothing other than infamous lies, which were invented by parents who had allowed their children to go to Michael Jackson, to then mendaciously accuse him in the courts, in an infamous manner, and to financially exploit him.

Due to my own interest, I have, at that time, made an effort about these things and determined that none of the assertions corresponded to the truth, rather, on the contrary, everything was only mendacious inventions in order to draw a financial gain out of it.

The allegedly molested children were drilled for so long by their parents, in regard to their mendacious stories, until they finally deluded themselves that the lies were true and asserted that they had been sexually abused. 

But such abuses have never occurred, as I was able to unequivocally clear up, because, above all, Michael Jackson loved children and would have never done anything to them like that.

He himself had never experienced a real childhood, rather he was irresponsibly forced to give it up by his father on account of music, singing and success.

But the lad had never coped with that and, because of that, in his essence, he has always remained a boy, consequently he also surrounded himself with children and engaged in all kinds of games, and so forth, with them, which, however, were, in every manner, clean and correct as well as loving, and in no way showed any kind of sexual abusiveness at all.

The man, Jackson, has, in his essence, remained a boy - very sensitive, kind and, additionally, living dreamily in his own strange world, which did not - respectively, only in a few small parts - coincide with reality.

Unfortunately, his funeral will be made into a monstrous spectacle, which corresponds to a glorification.


Your explanation pleases me, even if, in its entirety, it deals with a sad case and also arouses grief in relation to his death.

I can imagine that very many humans will honestly grieve for him, because his music and his singing were good, even if it did deal with pop.

This is in opposition to other types of pop, which, for years and up to the present day, are quite the usual thing and are truly nothing other than a monstrous disharmonic screeching, wailing and howling, compared to which the howling of wolves sounds positively harmonic.


You have said that very well, because, as a rule, nowadays, that which the young Earth humans designate as music and singing, and to which the youth are frenetically devoted, no longer contains any kind of harmony.

As you say, it deals thereby still only with screeching, wailing and howling, which no longer contains any kind of harmony, rather only aggression, to which the youth succumb and become dangerously asocial.

In that way certain youth become furious destroyers of human acquisitions as well as degenerates, who - unscrupulously, and full of hate and as a result of naked lust and wilfulness, and so forth - endanger their fellow men, or even seriously injure them, bash them to the point of making them handicapped, or kill them.

Actually, in this regard, a very great part is based in the forms which are called singing and music, whereby the discordant pop and similar forms, basically promote in the youth, aggression, asocial behaviour, a lack of responsibility, a lack of virtue, and hate, and so forth.

Through these forms of screeching, wailing and howling, as you say, which today is called singing and music, the Earth humans - especially the children and youth - lose, more and more, the respect for societal norms, virtues and that which is upright.

Principally, many youth - who have not enjoyed an appropriate upbringing, and are thereby already inclined towards asocial degenerations - allow themselves thereby, more than ever, to be reshaped into that which is evil and bad, out of which arises contempt for humans, for the law and for order.

Factors, out of which also racism, extremism, radicalism and terrorism arise.

Arising, on the other hand, from the aforementioned so-called music and the unmelodic screeching, however, is also the opposite, namely, that the youth are misled, by religious people and other sectarians, into becoming believers in religion and God as a result of the delight which has overcome them. Consequently they become believers in the God delusion, as you pointedly mention in your new book.

Truly harmonic singing and harmonic music is created only very rarely, and if so, then only by older humans and interpreters who are still devoted to the truly harmonic sounds and consequently also have a corresponding life-style.



(Ausschnitte von) FIGU-Sonder-Bulletin Nr. 49, August 2009

(Excerpts from) FIGU Special Bulletin Nr. 49, August, 2009

Bedeutende AuszŸge aus dem 476. KontaktgesprŠch vom 3. Februar 2009

Significant excerpts from the 476th contact conversation of February 3rd, 2009



Reader's Question

Was ist mit der Schweinegrippe, weitet sich diese weiter aus?

What is it with swine flu? Is it spreading out further?

U. Hugentobler, Schweiz


U. Hugentobler, Switzerland



Dazu ein kurzer Auszug aus dem 478. offiziellen KontaktgesprŠch:

A short excerpt about that from the 478th official contact conversation:


É Und was ist mit der Schweinegrippe, geht die weiter voran?


... And what is with swine flu? Does it proceed further?


É Auf deine Frage bezŸglich der Schweinegrippe ist zu sagen:


... There is this to say in response to your question regarding swine flu:

Ja, diese greift schnell weiter um sich, denn nunmehr wird die Seuche in vielen LŠndern von Mensch zu Mensch Ÿbertragen, und zwar in millionenfacher Zahl.

Yes, this quickly takes greater hold because now the epidemic is being passed from human to human in many countries, and indeed million-fold.

Schon bei meinem letzten Besuch sagte ich, dass die Gefahr einer Pandemie besteht und dass diese zustande kommen kšnnte, daran sind jene Erdenmenschen schuld, die alles verharmlost haben.

On my last visit I already said that the danger of a pandemic exists and that every human who played everything down is to blame for the fact that this state could come about.

Die wahre Schuld daran hat die verantwortungslose Unvorsichtigkeit der Regierungen und der Gesundheitsbeauftragten, die beim Ausbruch der Seuche den Welttourismus nicht unterbunden, sondern gar noch als gefahrlos erklŠrt haben.

The true blame for that goes to the irresponsible carelessness of the governments and the health officials who did not stop world tourism at the outbreak of the epidemic, but instead even declared it to be harmless.

NatŸrlich weisen diese die Schuld von sich.

Naturally they reject the assertion that they are to blame.


FIGU-Sonder-Bulletin Nr. 49, August 2009, Zusatzblatt

FIGU Special Bulletin Nr. 49, August, 2009 - Addendum

Schweinegrippe (Anfrage nach Redaktionsschluss)

Swine Flu (inquiry after editorial closing time)


NachtrŠglich ist mir noch eine Frage eingefallen: Was ist Deine Meinung zur Schweinegrippe?


Belatedly, still one further question has occurred to me. What is your opinion about swine flu?

Da ich ein Problem sowohl mit Verschwšrungstheoretikern als auch mit profitgierigen Pharmafirmen habe, weiss ich nicht so recht, was ich von diesen Massenimpfungen halten soll.

Because I have a problem with conspiracy theorists as well as with profit-greedy pharmaceutical companies, I am not sure what I should make of these mass inoculations.

Gibt es dazu Informationen von Deiner Seite?

Is there information about this from your side?

29. Juli 2009, Bernd Johann, Deutschland

July 29th, 2009, Bernd Johann, Germany


Diese Frage kann Dir mit einem Auszug aus dem 478. KontaktgesprŠch vom 14. Juni 2009 beantwortet werden.



An excerpt from the 478th contact conversation of June 14th, 2009, can answer this question for you.



Aber nochmals zur Schweinegrippe: Da existieren bereits wieder Verschwšrungstheorien und dass diese Šhnlich ausarten kšnne, wie 1918 die Spanische Grippe.


But once more to swine flu: there already exists conspiracy theories again and they claim that this can degenerate in a similar manner to the Spanish flu in 1918.

Kannst du dazu noch etwas sagen?

Can you just say something about this?


BezŸglich der Schweinegrippe/-seuche-Pandemie, wonach Du mich fragst, ist zu sagen, dass diese nichts mit einer der dummen Verschwšrungstheorien zu tun hat, die immer wieder von Panikmachern, Besserwissern und krankhaft Wahnbefallenen erfunden werden, die hinter allen und jeden Geschehen bšswillige Verschwšrungen wittern.


There is this to say regarding the swine-flu/epidemic/pandemic, about which you ask: this has nothing to do with one of the stupid conspiracy theories, which are invented, again and again, by panic-mongers, know-it-alls and the pathologically deluded, who suspect malicious conspiracies behind any and all events.

Doch ist dazu etwas Genaueres zu sagen: Bereits 1918 grassierte eine Grippe/Seuche mit dem Erreger H1N1, die innert zwei Jahren rund 50 Millionen Menschenleben forderte.

However, there is something more precise to say about that. In 1918, an influenza/epidemic already raged with the pathogen H1N1, which, within two years, demanded around 50 million human lives.

Auch die Schweinegrippe entstammt diesem Virus-Stamm.

Swine flu also stems from this strain of virus.

Im Jahr 1919 entstand durch die Spanische Grippe sozusagen eine Virus-Dynastie, die bis in die heutige Zeit fortbesteht.

As a result of the Spanish flu, in the year 1919 a virus dynasty, so to speak, arose which has remained in existence up to the current time.

Was aber in bezug auf die heutige Seuche resp. Schweinegrippe durch Pharmakonzerne gemacht wird, ist eine gewaltige Profitmacherei, weil durch sie weltweit die Regierungen, Gesundheitsorganisationen und Privatpersonen sowie durch den Schwarzhandel Anti-Grippemittel fŸr MilliardenbetrŠge zum Kauf gebracht werden.

That which is done by the pharmaceutical companies in regard to today's epidemic, respectively, swine flu, is enormous profiteering because anti-flu remedies are, worldwide, sold by them - through the governments, health organisations and private persons, as well as through the black market - for amounts in the billions.

Mit diesen Mitteln, hauptsŠchlich Tamiflu, wie aber auch anderes, wird ein RiesengeschŠft gemacht und Sicherheit versprochen, die jedoch nur auf Angst und Panikmache beruht.

With these remedies - primarily Tamiflu, but others as well - a gigantic business is made and safety is promised, however this is only based on angst and panic-mongering.

Diese kriminelle GeschŠftsidee beruht in den bšsen angstmachenden Szenarien, die, man glaubt es nicht, durch die WHO resp. Weltgesundheitsorganisation und durch GesundheitsŠmter und selbsternannte Fachleute dauernd veršffentlicht werden.

This criminal business idea is based on the evil, angst-producing scenarios which - one does not believe it - are constantly publicised by the WHO, respectively, the World Health Organisation and by health officials and self-styled experts.

So wurde bereits im Monat April die Schweinegrippe zur ersten Pandemie seit Jahrzehnten erklŠrt und damit die Angst geschŸrt.

So, already in the month of April, swine flu was declared the first pandemic in decades and thereby angst was stirred up.

NatŸrlich hŠtte das Ganze der Pandemie vermieden werden kšnnen, wenn die Regierungen und die GesundheitsŠmter sowie die wirklichen FachkrŠfte umgehend den globalen Tourismus usw. verboten hŠtten, doch das ist eben nicht geschehen.

Naturally, the entire pandemic could have been avoided if the governments and the health officials, as well as the actual qualified employees, had immediately prohibited global tourism, and so forth, but that just did not happen.

Seit Ausbruch der Seuche/Grippe vor rund sechs Monaten werden bis zum Monatsende August weltweit Ÿber 1200 Menschen sterben, was jedoch sehr viel weniger sind, als eine normale Grippe fordert.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic/flu around six months ago, to the end of the month of August, over 1,200 humans died worldwide, which, however, is very much fewer than is demanded by a normal flu.

Wenn bedacht wird, dass die Erdbevšlkerung zur Zeit Ÿber 7,5 Milliarden Menschen betrŠgt, dann steht die Zahl der Erkrankten, der noch Erkrankenden und der Toten Ÿberhaupt in keinem VerhŠltnis zur irren Masse der Erdbevšlkerung.

If it is considered that the Earth's population now amounts to over 7.5 billion humans, then the number of those who became ill, those still becoming ill and the dead, stands in absolutely no comparison to the insane mass of Earth's population.

Zumindest bis zum Monat August 2009 wird der Verlauf der Krankheit noch keinerlei effective Hinweise darauf geben, dass sich die Schweinegrippe Ð wir bezeichnen jede Grippe als Seuche Ð von einer ganz normalen Grippe unterscheidet.

At least up to the month of August, 2009, the course of the disease will still provide no effective indications that swine flu - we designate every influenza as an epidemic - distinguishes itself from a quite normal flu.

Es besteht aber absolut die Mšglichkeit, dass durch Verantwortungslose die Schweinegrippe noch weiter ungeheuer aufgebauscht und fŸr einen Milliarden-Deal missbraucht wird, durch den sich, wie du zu sagen pflegst, alle jene finanziell krŠftig ÜgesundstossenÝ wollen und es auch kšnnen, welche durch diesen Deal profitieren.

But the possibility absolutely exists that swine flu is still further enormously exaggerated by the irresponsible ones and is misused for a deal worth billions through which all those financially powerful ones, who profit as a result of this deal, want to, and also can, "grow fat", as you are wont to say.

Das sind nicht nur die Pharmakonzerne, sondern auch Regierende und Gesundheitsbeauftragte viele verantwortungslose GeschŠftemacher, die durch Aktien, Teilhaberschaften und Prozentbeteiligungen, sowie auch durch den Schwarzmarkt usw. mit den Grippemitteln und Massenimpfungen Unmengen Geld verdienen.

They are not only the pharmaceutical companies, rather also governors and health representatives of many irresponsible profit-seekers who, through shares, participation and turnovers, as well as through the black market, and so forth, earn enormous amounts of money with the flu remedies and mass inoculations.


Reader's Question

Lieber Billy

Dear Billy

Wie besprochen schicke ich Dir meine Fragen bezŸglich dem Tod von Michael Jackson und dem Wahlbetrug im Iran.

As discussed, I am sending you my questions regarding the death of Michael Jackson and the election fraud in Iran.

Vielleicht kannst du sie so fŸrs neue Sonder-Bulletin verwenden?

Perhaps you can use them for the new Special Bulletin?

Herzlichen Dank fŸr deine BemŸhungen.

Sincere thanks for your efforts.

1. Frage: Woran ist Michael Jackson gestorben?

1. Question: Of what did Michael Jackson die?

Und hat sein voreiliger Tod vielleicht etwas damit zu tun, dass er unter Erfolgsdruck litt, oder gar unter dem Vorwurf des Kindesmissbrauchs, der ihm jedoch auch von der Justiz nie nachgewiesen werden konnte.

And has his untimely death perhaps something to do with him suffering from the pressure of success, or even under the accusation of child molestation, which, however, could never be proven against him in court.

Ist er psychisch zerbrochen?

Did he have a nervous breakdown?

Weisst du darŸber etwas ZuverlŠssigeres als das, was durch die Medien nach aussen dringt?

Do you know something more dependable than that which comes through the media?

2. Frage: Was weisst du Ÿber den Wahlbetrug durch Ahmadinedschad im Iran?

2. Question: What do you know about the election fraud by Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad in Iran?

Ist das Ausmass und die Bedeutung dieses Wahlbetrugs gršsser, als das gemeinhin von offizieller Seite dargestellt wird?

Is the extent and the significance of this election fraud bigger than is generally depicted from the official side?

Und wŠre Herr Ahmadinedschad auch ohne Wahlbetrug wieder demokratisch vom Volk gewŠhlt worden?

And would Mr. Ahmadi Nejadhave again been democratically elected by the people even without election fraud?

Und weshalb stehen eigentlich der oberste iranische ReligionsfŸhrer Chamenei und andere staatliche WŸrdentrŠger hinter Ahmad Ahmadinedschad?

And why, actually, does the highest Iranian religious leader, Khamenei, and other state dignitaries, stand behind Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad?

Mit einem herzlichen Salome

With a hearty Salome

Pius Keller, Schweiz

Pius Keller, Switzerland


Die beiden Fragen kšnnen mit folgendem Kontakt-GesprŠchsauszug vom 14. Juni 2009 beantwortet werden:


Both questions can be answered with the following contact conversation excerpt of June 14th, 2009:


É Aber wie steht es mit der Wahl in Persien resp. im Iran, geht da alles mit rechten Dingen zu?


... But how does it stand with the election in Persia, respectively, in Iran? Is everything being done properly there?

Und hast du noch Dinge der Vorausschau, die zu nennen von Bedeutung sind?

And do you still have significant predictions to mention?


Auch darŸber weiss ich Bescheid.


I also have information about that.

Das Ganze beruht auf einem Wahlbetrug sondergleichen zu Gunsten von Ahmadinedschad.

The entire thing is based on an unparalleled election fraud to the advantage of Ahmadi Nejad.

Einige Millionen Wahlergebnisse sind als falsch und manipuliert zu bezeichnen, was grosse Unruhen auslšst und gar Tote fordert.

Several million returned ballots must be designated as false and manipulated, which triggers great unrest and even exacts death.

Die Wahlergebnisse wurden bereits vorgŠngig Ÿber Monate hinweg gefŠlscht, worin der sogenannte WŠchterrat wie auch der massgebende religišse WŸrdentrŠger Ajatollah Ali Chamenei allerdings nicht verwickelt sind.

The election results had already been falsified some months prior to the election, whereby the so-called Guardian Council, as well as the authoritative religious dignitary, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei certainly are not involved.

Chamenei wird jedoch den massiv gefŠlschten Wahlgang als des Rechtens erklŠren und Ahmadinedschad in seinem ertrogenen Amt bestŠtigen, weil dieser in falscher Weise sich mit dem religišsen System solidarisiert.

Khamenei will, however, declare the massively falsified election process as being legitimate and endorse Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad in his office, won through deception, because Ahmadi Nejad, in a false manner, demonstrates solidarity with the religious system.

Was sich an Bedeutendem in bezug auf Vorausschauungen ergibt, da ist schon einiges zu nennen, wie z.B., dass der ÜKing of PopÝ, Michael Jackson, ab heute gerechnet in elf Tagen resp. am 25. Juni infolge eines verantwortungslosfahrlŠssig Ÿberdosierten Narkotika-Medikamentencocktails einen Herzstillstand erleidet und aus dem Leben scheidet.

There is certainly something to mention of significance in terms of predictions. For example, the "King of Pop", Michael Jackson - in eleven days calculated from today, respectively, on June 25th - will suffer a cardiac arrest and pass away as a consequence of an irresponsibly negligent overdose of a cocktail of narcotic medications.


Armer Kerl.


Poor bloke.

Er hat trotz seines Erfolges und seines errungenen Vermšgens ein schweres Leben gehabt.

In spite of his success, and his acquired fortune, he has had a difficult life.

Aber was war eigentlich mit der Behauptung, dass er pŠdophil gewesen sei und Kinder missbraucht habe?

But what was it actually with the assertion that he has been a paedophile and has molested children?

Das kann ich mir einfach mit dem besten Willen nicht vorstellen.

With the best will, I simply cannot imagine that.


Das entspricht nichts anderem als infamen LŸgen, die von Eltern erfunden wurden, die ihre Kinder zu Michael Jackson gehen liessen, um ihn dann via die Gerichtsbarkeit in infamer Weise lŸgnerisch anzuklagen und ihn finanziell auszubeuten.


That corresponds to nothing other than infamous lies, which were invented by parents who had allowed their children to go to Michael Jackson, to then mendaciously accuse him in the courts, in an infamous manner, and to financially exploit him.

Aus eigenem Interesse habe ich mich damals um diese Dinge bemŸht und festgestellt, dass keine der Behauptungen der Wahrheit entsprach, sondern gegenteilig alles nur lŸgnerische Erfindungen waren, um finanziellen Gewinn daraus zu ziehen.

Due to my own interest, I have, at that time, made an effort about these things and determined that none of the assertions corresponded to the truth, rather, on the contrary, everything was only mendacious inventions in order to draw a financial gain out of it.

Die angeblich missbrauchten Kinder wurden von ihren Eltern so lange in bezug auf ihre LŸgengeschichten gedrillt, bis diese letztlich selbst die LŸgen als Wahrheit wŠhnten und behaupteten, dass sie geschlechtlich missbraucht worden seien.

The allegedly molested children were drilled for so long by their parents, in regard to their mendacious stories, until they finally deluded themselves that the lies were true and asserted that they had been sexually abused. 

Solche MissbrŠuche haben sich aber zu keiner Zeit zugetragen, wie ich eindeutig abklŠren konnte, denn Michael Jackson liebte Kinder Ÿber alles und hŠtte ihnen niemals etwas Derartiges angetan.

But such abuses have never occurred, as I was able to unequivocally clear up, because, above all, Michael Jackson loved children and would have never done anything to them like that.

Er selbst hat keine wirkliche Kindheit erlebt, sondern er wurde durch seinen Vater verantwortungslos gezwungen, diese um der Musik, des Gesangs und des Erfolges wegen aufzugeben.

He himself had never experienced a real childhood, rather he was irresponsibly forced to give it up by his father on account of music, singing and success.

Das aber hat der Knabe nie verkraftet und ist daher in seinem Wesen immer ein Junge geblieben, folgedem er sich auch mit Kindern umgab und mit ihnen allerlei Spiele usw. betrieb, die jedoch in jeder Weise sauber und korrekt sowie liebevoll waren und die keinerlei Formen irgendwelcher geschlechtlicher MissbrŠuchlichkeit aufwiesen.

But the lad had never coped with that and, because of that, in his essence, he has always remained a boy, consequently he also surrounded himself with children and engaged in all kinds of games, and so forth, with them, which, however, were, in every manner, clean and correct as well as loving, and in no way showed any kind of sexual abusiveness at all.

Der Mann Jackson ist also in seinem Wesen ein Junge geblieben, sehr sensibel, gŸtig und zudem vertrŠumt in einer eigenen fremden Welt lebend, die nicht resp. nur in wenigen kleinen Teilen mit der Wirklichkeit Ÿbereinstimmt.

The man, Jackson, has, in his essence, remained a boy - very sensitive, kind and, additionally, living dreamily in his own strange world, which did not - respectively, only in a few small parts - coincide with reality.

Leider wird seine Beisetzung zu etwas ungeheuer SpektakulŠrem gemacht, was einer Verherrlichung entspricht.

Unfortunately, his funeral will be made into a monstrous spectacle, which corresponds to a glorification.


Deine ErklŠrung freut mich, auch wenn es sich beim Ganzen um einen traurigen Fall handelt und auch Trauer erweckt bezŸglich seines Todes.


Your explanation pleases me, even if, in its entirety, it deals with a sad case and also arouses grief in relation to his death.

Es werden sehr viele Menschen ehrlich um ihn trauern, kann ich mir vorstellen, denn seine Musik und sein Gesang waren gut, auch wenn es sich um Pop handelte.

I can imagine that very many humans will honestly grieve for him, because his music and his singing were good, even if it did deal with pop.

Dies gegensŠtzlich zu anderen Popformen, die seit Jahren und zur heutigen Zeit gang und gŠbe und wahrlich nichts anderes sind als ein ungeheuer disharmonisches Gekreische, Geheul und Gejaule, dem entgegen das Heulen von Wšlfen direkt harmonisch klingt.

This is in opposition to other types of pop, which, for years and up to the present day, are quite the usual thing and are truly nothing other than a monstrous disharmonic screeching, wailing and howling, compared to which the howling of wolves sounds positively harmonic.


Das hast du sehr gut gesagt, denn das, was heutzutage von den jungen Erdenmenschen in der Regel als Musik und Gesang bezeichnet wird und dem die Jugendlichen frenetisch anhŠngen, birgt keinerlei Harmonie mehr in sich.


You have said that very well, because, as a rule, nowadays, that which the young Earth humans designate as music and singing, and to which the youth are frenetically devoted, no longer contains any kind of harmony.

Wie du sagst, handelt es sich dabei nur noch um ein Gekreische, Geheul und Gejaule, das keinerlei Harmonie mehr in sich birgt, sondern nur Aggression, der die Jugendlichen verfallen und gefŠhrlich asozial werden.

As you say, it deals thereby still only with screeching, wailing and howling, which no longer contains any kind of harmony, rather only aggression, to which the youth succumb and become dangerously asocial.

Dadurch werden gewisse Jugendliche zu wŸtenden Zerstšrern menschlicher Errungenschaften sowie zu Ausgearteten, die bedenkenlos und voller Hass sowie aus blosser Lust und Mutwilligkeit usw. Leib und Leben der Mitmenschen gefŠhrden oder diese gar schwer verletzen, zu Behinderten prŸgeln oder zu Tode bringen.

In that way certain youth become furious destroyers of human acquisitions as well as degenerates, who - unscrupulously, and full of hate and as a result of naked lust and wilfulness, and so forth - endanger their fellow men, or even seriously injure them, bash them to the point of making them handicapped, or kill them.

TatsŠchlich liegt diesbezŸglich ein sehr grosser Teil in den Formen dessen, was Gesang und Musik genannt wird, wobei der misstšnende Pop und €hnliches grundlegend die Aggression, das Asoziale, die Verantwortungslosigkeit, die Tugendlosigkeit und den Hass usw. in den Jugendlichen fšrdern.

Actually, in this regard, a very great part is based in the forms which are called singing and music, whereby the discordant pop and similar forms, basically promote in the youth, aggression, asocial behaviour, a lack of responsibility, a lack of virtue, and hate, and so forth.

Durch diese Formen des Geheuls, des Gekreisches und des Gejaules, wie du sagst, die heute als Gesang und Musik bezeichnet werden, verlieren die Erdenmenschen, insbesondere die Kinder und Jugendlicehen, immer mehr den Respekt gegenŸber den Gesellschaftsnormen, den Tugenden und des Rechtschaffnen.

Through these forms of screeching, wailing and howling, as you say, which today is called singing and music, the Earth humans - especially the children and youth - lose, more and more, the respect for societal norms, virtues and that which is upright.

HauptsŠchlich viele Jugendliche, die keine angemessene Erziehung genossen haben und bereits daher zu asozialen Ausartungen neigen, lassen sich dadurch erst recht zum Bšsen und Schlechten umformen, woraus Menschen-, Gesetz- und Ordnungsverachtung entsteht.

Principally, many youth - who have not enjoyed an appropriate upbringing, and are thereby already inclined towards asocial degenerations - allow themselves thereby, more than ever, to be reshaped into that which is evil and bad, out of which arises contempt for humans, for the law and for order.

Faktoren, woraus auch Rassismus, Extremismus, Radikalismus und Terrorismus entstehen.

Factors, out of which also racism, extremism, radicalism and terrorism arise.

Andererseits entsteht aus der genannten angeblichen Musik und dem unmelodischen Gekreische jedoch auch Gegenteiliges, nŠmlich, dass die Jugendlichen durch ihre sie befallende EntzŸckung durch Religionisten und andere Sektierer zum Religions- und Gottesglauben irregefŸhrt werden, folglich sie gotteswahnglŠubig werden, wie du das in deinem neuen Buch treffend nennst.

Arising, on the other hand, from the aforementioned so-called music and the unmelodic screeching, however, is also the opposite, namely, that the youth are misled, by religious people and other sectarians, into becoming believers in religion and God as a result of the delight which has overcome them. Consequently they become believers in the God delusion, as you pointedly mention in your new book.

Wirklich harmonischer Gesang und harmonische Musik werden nur noch sehr wenig erschaffen, und wenn schon, dann nur noch durch Šltere Menschen und Interpreten, die den wahrlich harmonischen KlŠngen noch zugetan sind und folgedem auch eine dementsprechende LebensfŸhrung haben.

Truly harmonic singing and harmonic music is created only very rarely, and if so, then only by older humans and interpreters who are still devoted to the truly harmonic sounds and consequently also have a corresponding life-style.




Posted September 25, 2009
Michael Horn


Updated January 11, 2010