The Surprising Natural Origins of Many UFOs


The following information is certain to upset many in the so-called ÒUFO communityÓ who have spent decades chasing lights in the sky and seeing ÒaliensÓ everywhere. They have helped to fuel the idiotic Òalien abductionÓ industry, nonsensical groups like ÒexopoliticsÓ and similar foolishness. While preoccupied with these illusory and often imaginary distractions they have consistently, even deliberately, ignored the only scientifically proven UFO contact case, the Billy Meier contacts.  


Of course Meier has also published significant information on the terrestrially originating, secret military UFOs. But the information below should prove to be very interesting and helpful to those who are interested in finding and knowing the truth. Once again Meier provides a deep, insightful look into facts of nature that are still seemingly unknown to our own scientists, to say nothing of the pseudo-scientists who carry on ceaselessly, and ignorantly, about UFOs.


NOTE: Our thanks to the Investigator for providing the following translation in English. Please note that it not an official, FIGU approved translation and may contain errors. Portions of the contact that didnÕt pertain to this subject were not reproduced here.







Contact 163


Friday, February 26, 1982, 4:50 o'clock




Good, then I have a question concerning so-called UFOs, which are really none at all.  As I know from you, the so-called flying objects that count as UFOs are often observed in the day as well as at night.  At night, it is often observed that these so-called UFOs glow and pulsate in their luminosity and are also variable in color.  On the one hand, you were able to make it understandable to me, through tangible evidence and personal observations, that sometimes, these are bio-organic missiles that are truly foreign-dimensioned life forms that can usually be hidden on infrared films and that penetrate into our dimension from other dimensions, in order to romp around here in earthly airspace for playful reasons.  You also explained to me that these bio-organisms are completely harmless and that they always return to their dimension again.  But on the other hand, you also spoke of the fact that similar phenomena appear in EarthÕs sky that are purely of terrestrial origin.  At that time, you spoke of the fact that it can also concern huge swarms of insects that can drift through the air at great heights.  During the day, these swarms of insects can be seen as dark, form-changing UFOs that often even glow.  At night, the same can be observed, and these UFOs then glow, from weak to very strong, and often even pulsate.  Those are the two kinds of UFOs that are most well-known to me, which are truly not extraterrestrial ships and which consist of living forms.  Although, you have explained that other such forms exist, about which you have told me some things, but today, I am mainly interested in the apparent UFOs that consist of warm insects.  I would like to know something about this from you if you have enough time to give me more information about it.



101. If you have no further questions?



Only two, or three Ð personal ones.



102. Then listen:

103. Usually, it concerns masses of swarming insects, which must be calculated with millions of individual insects.

104. These insects can be driven in gigantic swarms to high altitudes that are often kilometers high, where they can exist in the thin atmosphere with amazing ease and often drift along through the air for hundreds and thousands of kilometers.

105. The size, shape, and movement of these swarms of insects appear on radar screens as simulated flying objects, as also observers mistakenly suppose that they are unidentified flying objects.

106. Then, these inaccurate observations, as well as the deceptive pictures of the radar screens, always lead to the fact that such swarms of insects are designated as UFOs with astonishing regularity.

107. Especially when such swarms of insects are observed at night, it is said that these unidentified flying objects appear as illuminated bodies that shine faintly or very strongly and that often pulsate.

108. As I know, this shining is usually described by observers as glowing.

109. Thousands of these floating insects, united in swarms, can generate a light intensity that can be seen kilometers away.

110. But if the swarms of insects are even larger, if several tens of thousands or even millions unite, then the light creation of this mass is so strong that it can be observed by the naked eye up to 180 kilometers away and can be seen as a strong light source that can fly at great speeds and that exhibits aerial maneuvers which cannot be executed by any earthly aircraft.

111. Forward and backward flights at extremely rapid speeds, as well as zigzag maneuvers, sharp right and left angle flight maneuvers, and vertical drops and climbs are the rule, depending on the down winds and the updrafts and the various other air currents that predominate at these great heights, which often produce right or left angle maneuvers if the swarms of insects enter into them or cause the insects to be driven back with a counter-current of wind.

112. These are the so-called wild or completely crazy flight maneuvers of these alleged UFOs, as the observers then report.

113. However, such observations actually look deceivingly real, such that it may be concluded that these are extraterrestrial flying objects if the observations are made by observers who are uneducated in these matters or who are biased UFO believers.

114. Nevertheless, many who have more experience in this field can also be deceived by these insects, as you know.

115. The fact that you can no longer be deceived is only because of your experience, which you could make through us and through your own initiative.

116. But now, concerning the creation of the shining and pulsating of these swarms of insects, the following is to be explained:

117. Like on every planet in the Universe, the EarthÕs atmosphere is permeated by a variety of weaker and stronger electric fields, which still vary in their vibrations.

118. The higher the atmosphere that is penetrated, the richer in occurrence these electric fields become, which very often move along for many hundreds or thousands of kilometers.

119. Now, if the high-flying swarms of insects drift into such electric fields, which also usually move with the air currents, then the insects start to light up, which looks like a glowing.

120. Because the swarms are steady in their movement on the one hand and the electric energy fields waver in their strength on the other hand, there either emerges a swelling or dwindling of the glow or shine because the weaker the energy field is, the weaker the shine.

121. However, the shine also loses its strength through the constant turning motions of the insects themselves.

122. From this originates the so-called pulsating of these allegedly unidentified flying objects.

123. However, the color changes connected with such alleged objects appear because the strength of the electric energy fields makes the shine or the glow become more intense or weaker, and then, the air shifts and also the trembling and flickering of the air form color-changing factors, so it can be observed, for example, that a white color of light suddenly becomes red, blue, or green or even yellow, weak, or intense.

124. But the fact that this shine or glow can appear at all is because the insects have substances on their bodies and wings that begin to glow or shine as soon as they come in contact with electrical currents, which is the case is when they drift into electric fields at great heights or even near the ground.

125. Nevertheless, there are still other kinds of swarms of insects that drift through the atmosphere, which have their own luminosity and which generate a glow or light in themselves.



I know; there are species of cicadas on the Earth that produce their own lights in their bodies.  Also, the little glow-worms in Europe are among those self-candlesticks, if I may unprofessionally say so.



126. That is correct.



The so-called marine phosphorescence is also based on the same principle.  Through you, I know that seafarers often saw these lights as terrifying sea monsters and figures, etc., especially if the sea was moving a little, and through this, the marine phosphorescence moved more than what is normally the case.  But in modern times, it is only rare that light appearing on the sea is called a monster, etc., because today, the UFO mania prevails, which is why the marine phosphorescence is always seen nowadays as UFOs that still perform incredible flight maneuvers.  But in truth, it is also the case that this marine phosphorescence is caused by types of insects.  However, these do not fly through the air and also do not live on land, but rather, their place of life is the sea water or fresh water, depending on the type.  Thus, these are the little luminous worms of the seas or lakes, pools or ponds, etc., but furthermore, I know from personal experience that there are still alleged UFOs that are neither insects nor other life forms but are self-luminous energy fields that form similar manifestations as the flying insects, etc., if they are driven through the atmosphere by air currents.  As you once explained to me, it concerns static energy fields that dissolve in this kind of glowing.  But then, I still know the static energy forms that rush like wheels or balls over the ground or through the air, which suddenly explode like balls of lightning.  Last to mention are the gas forms that sometimes form quite bizarre figures or that are simply round and that hover just above the ground while shining.  But until now, I could only observe these in the moors and marshes, etc., which seems logical because they originate from the fact that in swamps and marshes, luminous gases form, caused by putrefaction processes and other chemical transformation processes and which then rise upwards, rising high over the marsh or over the moor, and then appear as hovering, glowing lights.  With us, we simply call these things crazy lights.  But unfortunately, it is also the case that in the present time, observers of such things always want to see UFOs, in contrast to former times, when such phenomena wandered around as ghosts, as the devil, or as demons, according to the national mania faith.



127. That is exactly correct.

128. You have a very good knowledge of these things.



I also had a good teacher in you.



129. Once again, you forget your own experience and your own initiative.



Rather, tell me something more about the swarms of insects: why, actually, do they fly through the air in this type and manner?



130. The insects have a very strange urge, which is that regardless of their natural urge for food, nesting places, etc., they simply are, at times, completely driven to fly high up into the sky by compulsion.

131. Their entire inner being is controlled only by this urge, by which they also completely lose any interest in food and in the opposite sex.

132. The reason why the only goal of these insects is to climb high into the sky, where they can drift through the very high winds to very distant goals, lies in the fact that by natural laws, they are incited to change their habitat in order to receive their kind.

133. If the insects would stay in their old habitat for a longer time, then it would mean extinction for them.

134. However, their natural instinct warns them of this, and therefore, if they start to feel that their present habitat is dangerous for them and that simply an overpopulation of their kind is taking place, then it creates in them the strange urge of beginning the goal, which is to rise high into the air or to let themselves be driven away by the wind for thousands and millions of kilometers, after which they then, by the prevailing winds, drift as gigantic swarms to their new habitat.



In America, these swarms are often observed in enormous numbers, in contrast to Europe.  Are there more such kinds of insects that move across the land in large swarms, and what is the main kind?



135. Yes, these insects appear more, namely far up north into Canada and far down south into Tierra del Fuego, which, like Canada, no longer belongs to America.

136. The currently most popular kind is the so-called Òspruce budwormÓ [Fichtenwickler].

137. The technical Latin term for it is CHORISTONEURA FUMIFERANA.

138. It must be confessed that the spruce budworm is well-known only because presently and in recent years, it can be observed most often because there are still many other kinds of these insects that float so high up in the air.

139. There are around 25,000 types that apply, including dragonflies, spiders, grasshoppers, flies, wasps, bees, ants, termites, beetles, and bugs of all kinds, etc.

140. It is also very interesting to know that very many flightless insects let themselves float high into the atmosphere by the winds, such as spiders, which are very often found in large clusters and which also, like all other insects, drift along at altitudes between 2,000 and 5,000 meters.

141. On warm spring days, for example, hundreds and thousands of small spiders often clump together after hatching, and they would all have to starve miserably; they would be bound to their place of birth, where they would have to grow up.

142. But in order to escape this death, they climb up high, sharp blades of grass or tree branches, etc. and lift their rears into the air.

143. Then, when wind arises, these tiny spiders and only millimeter-long arachnids spin a silk thread that is a thousand times thinner than the thickness of a human hair.

144. However, this silk thread, which is woven into the blowing wind, is taken by the wind and carried high up into the atmosphere, while at the end of the thread hangs the tiny spider, which can be carried so high into the air and also hundreds and thousands of kilometers away to a new homeland.

145. This, then, is also the reason why at great heights, earthly aircraft are often covered with an overlay of the finest transparent silk if they fly through a swarm of the tiniest spiders, which amount in their number to hundreds of thousands or millions.

146. In this wonderful way of using air to overcome distances, the insects very often reach far-distant areas, in order to find a new habitat, which they might otherwise never reach with their own means of walking and flying, whereby their species would be destroyed and become extinct.

147. With a proliferation of insects at a place, the surplus can migrate and set off by the winds into other areas suitable for them, which is often observed by the Earth people, especially at night, after which they then mistakenly suppose or simply believe that they are extraterrestrial missiles and, thus, UFOs.

148. It is still to be said that also seeds and seminal dust of flora equally move through the air, often thousands of kilometers away, in order to fertilize somewhere else, wind-dusting their members of the same species.

149. And all of the propelling pollen, which continues to be carried away high into the air by the winds, can bear the often stark climate changes just as easily as insects.

150. But all of these insects and the pollen are absolutely dependent upon the prevailing wind currents for their transportation around the globe, by which they are carried into their new homeland.

151. Thus, they cannot determine their own flight path because they do not move against the forces of the winds, which is why they simply drift along in these.



It strikes me that you also mentioned the pollen.  Apparently, so I gather from this, it must also appear to people as UFOs if it drifts into electrical fields.



152. That is correct because the same process also takes place with pollen if the clusters are dense enough.

153. Something similar also happens with sandstorms and the like if enormous amounts of dust, etc. are torn high into the atmosphere and then transported.

154. All of this can be observed not only at night, but also during the day.




Posted: September 23, 2009