September 7, 2009: Please read the entire story pertaining to the red hats on the Easter Island statues at:
Giant statues reveal red hat secrets: study
Mon Sep 7, 1:41 pm ET
LONDON (AFP) – British archaeologists said Monday they believe they have solved the ancient mystery of how the giant stone statues on Easter Island acquired distinctive red hats.
The researchers said the key to the mystery lies in their discovery of a road on the tiny Pacific island.
The hats were built in a quarry hidden inside the crater of an ancient volcano, and then rolled by hand or on tree logs to the site of the statues, said the team from the University of Manchester and University College, London...
Immediately below, you will once again find absolutely startling confirmation and corroboration of Meier's information, as he again preempts this "new discovery" by 20 years! Then, after this translation, you will find the transcript of Meier's original conversation with Semjase regarding the Easter Island statues, including specifically the red hats, and the extraterrestrial origins of the "gods" who inspired the statues, from Volume 3, Message from the Pleaides ( Please notice that this information was given to Meier in 1976, 33 years ago!
Do you think it's possible that someone's trying to get our attention and trying to tell us something?
The below is an authorised (by Billy) unofficial translation of FIGU material by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg, completed in September 2008. It may contain errors.
Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Report, Conversations, Volume 6
230th Contact
Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM
Pages 4 & 5
Billy On Friday, December 10th, 1976, Semjase explained all kinds of things to me about Easter Island and its inhabitants, as well as about the stone head colossi.
Thereby she also spoke of machines, which stemmed from extraterrestrials.
The colossal heads were produced, transported and erected with those.
Unfortunately, she did not describe these machines in more detail, but for us it would be important to know what kind of machines they were.
She also spoke of cranes and other sorts of apparatuses which the extraterrestrials put at the disposal of the islanders.
Somehow I find that it was irresponsible of the extraterrestrials to place their technology into the hands of such underdeveloped Earth humans.
If I think about your directives, which prohibit you from interfering in the affairs of humans greatly inferior to yourselves, and also from making yourselves visible in real form or taking up contact with such, then I do not understand the behaviour of those extraterrestrials who got involved with the islanders.
Quetzal 72. It is also incomprehensible to us that they openly got involved with Earth humans who were still so primitive, so we can only presume that they must have been refugees who had traveled a great distance, who settled with the islanders in order to have a refuge where they were unsuspected by those who were pursuing them.
73. This presumption is also based on the foreigners to the islanders, as you call them, not making their actual high technology available, because the machines reported by Semjase were primitive constructions made of palm tree wood.
74. In those days Easter Island was thickly covered with forests of palm trees, which were massively timbered off to the point of extinction.
75. The palm-wood was used for the construction of the primitive machines about which Semjase reported to you.
76. So the heads, which were hewn, respectively, chiseled, out of the volcanic rock, were heaved onto, and transported with, these machines which were prepared from palm-wood.
77. When the colossal heads, created by stonecutters, were ready, then round tree trunks - which, with lianas, and so forth, were made into a tree trunk sledge - were shoved under the figures.
78. These triangularly-prepared tree-trunk sledges were not, however, set on the ground, rather on further palm trunks, which were likewise triangular and were arranged in a long row up to the destination.
79. In this way the colossal heads could be transported over great distances as if on tracks.
80. And thereby the figures of heads, weighing many tonnes, could slide properly on the decorticated palm wood trunks, which were smeared with things containing fat as well as also continuously being wetted with water.
81. The tree-trunk sledges' motivating power was a great number of humans, who, in fits and starts, shoved these sledges with wooden poles, while others pulled the whole thing forward with long ropes made from lianas, and so forth.
82. In order to then erect the heavy objects on the prefabricated platforms, volcanic rock was used to build ramps onto which the giant heads were shoved, whereupon, then the tree-trunk sledge, with the stone colossus laid on it, was lifted up centimetre by centimetre with human power and was progressively supported underneath with volcanic rocks.
83. Additionally, initially small, and then ever bigger palm-wood poles were shoved under the sledges from behind and thereby everything was also kept from being able to fall back.
84. Further, fastened to the topmost part of the stone head, were more ropes, which extended forward and were lain on by humans, whereby, collectively, a crane process resulted.
85. These were the machines about which Semjase reported.
Billy... regarding Easter Island, we misunderstood everything about that, because we assumed that the extraterrestrials had put their own machines at the disposal of the islanders.
So, naturally everything looks different ...
Quetzal 88. The foreigners actually only revealed instructions and understandings in regard to how the still very primitive Earth humans could develop a special technology as a result of building - from the simplest means - their own devices and primitive machines for their use.
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 6
Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Report, Conversations, Volume 6
Zweihundertdreissigster Kontakt
230th Contact
Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 1989, 04.01 Uhr
Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM
Seiten 4 & 5
Pages 4 & 5
Billy Am Freitag, den 10. Dezember 1976 hat mir Semjase allerhand über die Osterinsel und deren Bewohner sowie über die Steinkopfkolosse erklärt.
Billy On Friday, December 10th, 1976, Semjase explained all kinds of things to me about Easter Island and its inhabitants, as well as about the stone head colossi.
Dabei sprach sie auch von Maschinen, die von Ausserirdischen stammten.
Thereby she also spoke of machines, which stemmed from extraterrestrials.
Damit wurden die Kopfkolosse hergestellt, transportiert und aufgerichtet.
The colossal heads were produced, transported and erected with those.
Leider hat sie diese Maschinen nicht näher beschrieben, was aber für uns wichtig wäre zu wissen, welcher Art die Maschinen waren.
Unfortunately, she did not describe these machines in more detail, but for us it would be important to know what kind of machines they were.
Sie sprach auch von Kranen und sonstigen Geräten, die die Ausserirdischen den Insulanern zur Verfügung stellten.
She also spoke of cranes and other sorts of apparatuses which the extraterrestrials put at the disposal of the islanders.
Irgendwie finde ich, dass es von den Ausserirdischen unverantwortlich war, ihre Technik derart unterentwickelten Erdenmenschen in die Hände zu geben.
Somehow I find that it was irresponsible of the extraterrestrials to place their technology into the hands of such underdeveloped Earth humans.
Wenn ich an eure Direktiven denke, die euch untersagen, euch in Angelegenheiten euch weit untersetzter Menschheiten einzumischen, euch solchen auch nur in realer Form sichtbar zu machen oder mit solchen Kontakt aufzunehmen, dann verstehe ich das Handeln jener Ausserirdischen nicht, die sich mit den Insulanern einliessen.
If I think about your directives, which prohibit you from interfering in the affairs of humans greatly inferior to yourselves, and also from making yourselves visible in real form or taking up contact with such, then I do not understand the behaviour of those extraterrestrials who got involved with the islanders.
Quetzal 72. Dieses Sich-Einlassen in offener Form mit derart noch primitiven Erdenmenschen ist auch uns unverständlich, so wir nur die Vermutung stellen können, dass die Weithergereisten Flüchtlinge gewesen sein müssen, die sich bei den Insulanern festsetzten, um bei ihnen einen Zufluchtsort zu haben, der dort von Verfolgern nicht vermutet wurde.
Quetzal 72. It is also incomprehensible to us that they openly got involved with Earth humans who were still so primitive, so we can only presume that they must have been refugees who had traveled a great distance, who settled with the islanders in order to have a refuge where they were unsuspected by those who were pursuing them.
73. Diese Vermutung basiert auch darauf, dass die Fremden den Insulanern, wie du sie nennst, nicht ihre eigentliche hohe Technik zur Verfügung stellten, denn die Maschinen, von denen Semjase berichtete, waren primitive Konstruktionen aus Palmholz.
73. This presumption is also based on the foreigners to the islanders, as you call them, not making their actual high technology available, because the machines reported by Semjase were primitive constructions made of palm tree wood.
74. Zur damaligen Zeit war die Osterinsel dicht mit Palmen bewaldet, die massenweise bis zur Ausrottung abgeholzt wurden.
74. In those days Easter Island was thickly covered with forests of palm trees, which were massively timbered off to the point of extinction.
75. Das Palmholz wurde für die Konstruktion primitiver Maschinen verwendet, von denen dir Semjase berichtete.
75. The palm-wood was used for the construction of the primitive machines about which Semjase reported to you.
76. So wurden für den Transport die aus Lavagestein herausgehauenen resp. herausgemeisselten Köpfe auf aus Palmholz gefertigte Maschinen gehievt und mit diesen transportiert.
76. So the heads, which were hewn, respectively, chiseled, out of the volcanic rock, were heaved onto, and transported with, these machines which were prepared from palm-wood.
77. Waren die durch Steinmetze geschaffenen Kopfkolosse soweit fertig, dann wurden unter die Figuren runde Baumstämme geschoben, die mit Lianen usw. zu einem Stammschleifschlitten gefertigt wurden.
77. When the colossal heads, created by stonecutters, were ready, then round tree trunks - which, with lianas, and so forth, were made into a tree trunk sledge - were shoved under the figures.
78. Diese dreieckig angefertigten Stammschleifschlitten lagerten jedoch nicht auf dem Boden, sondern auf weiteren Palmholzstämmen, die ebenfalls dreieckig und in einer langen Reihe bis zum Zielort angeordnet waren.
78. These triangularly-prepared tree-trunk sledges were not, however, set on the ground, rather on further palm trunks, which were likewise triangular and were arranged in a long row up to the destination.
79. So konnten die Kopfkolosse wie auf Schienen über weite Strecken transportiert werden.
79. In this way the colossal heads could be transported over great distances as if on tracks.
80. Und damit die viele Tonnen wiegenden Kopffiguren auf den entrindeten Palmholzstämmen richtig gleiten konnten, wurden sie sowohl mit fetthaltigen Dingen beschmiert wie auch fortlaufend mit Wasser benetzt.
80. And thereby the figures of heads, weighing many tonnes, could slide properly on the decorticated palm wood trunks, which were smeared with things containing fat as well as also continuously being wetted with water.
81. Die Bewegungskraft der Stammschleifschlitten waren eine grosse Anzahl Menschen, die diese Schleifschlitten mit Holzstangen ruckweise schoben, während andere an langen Seilen aus Lianen usw. das Ganze vorwärts zogen.
81. The tree-trunk sledges' motivating power was a great number of humans, who, in fits and starts, shoved these sledges with wooden poles, while others pulled the whole thing forward with long ropes made from lianas, and so forth.
82. Um die schweren Gebilde dann auf vorgefertigte Plattformen zu stellen, wurden aus Lavagestein Rampen gebaut, auf die die Kopfgiganten geschoben wurden, wonach dann der Stammschleifschlitten mit dem darauf gelagerten Steinkoloss durch Menschenkraft Zentimeter um Zentimeter angehoben und fortlaufend wieder mit Lavasteinen untermauert wurde.
82. In order to then erect the heavy objects on the prefabricated platforms, volcanic rock was used to build ramps onto which the giant heads were shoved, whereupon, then the tree-trunk sledge, with the stone colossus laid on it, was lifted up centimetre by centimetre with human power and was progressively supported underneath with volcanic rocks.
83. Zusätzlich wurden von hinten erst kleine und dann immer grössere Palmholzstangen unter den Schleifschlitten geschoben und damit zusätzlich alles davor bewahrt, dass es zurückfallen konnte.
83. Additionally, initially small, and then ever bigger palm-wood poles were shoved under the sledges from behind and thereby everything was also kept from being able to fall back.
84. Weiter wurden am obersten Teil des Steinkopfes weitere Seile befestigt, die nach vorn reichten und von Menschen gelogen wurden, wodurch gesamthaft ein Kranverfahren entstand.
84. Further, fastened to the topmost part of the stone head, were more ropes, which extended forward and were lain on by humans, whereby, collectively, a crane process resulted.
85. Das waren die Maschinen, von denen Semjase berichtete.
85. These were the machines about which Semjase reported.
Billy ... Und hinsichtlich der Osterinsel, da haben wir alles missverstanden, denn wir waren der Annahme, dass die Ausserirdischen ihre eigenen Maschinen den Insulanern zur Verfügung gestellt hätten.
Billy... regarding Easter Island, we misunderstood everything about that, because we assumed that the extraterrestrials had put their own machines at the disposal of the islanders.
So sieht alles natürlich anders aus. ...
So, naturally everything looks different ...
Quetzal 88. Die Fremden gaben tatsächlich nur Anweisungen und Kenntnisse preis hinsichtlich dessen, wie die noch sehr primitiven Erdenmenschen aus einfachsten Mitteln eigene Geräte und primitive Maschinen zu ihrem Gebrauch bauen eine spezielle Technik entwickeln konnten.
Quetzal 88. The foreigners actually only revealed instructions and understandings in regard to how the still very primitive Earth humans could develop a special technology as a result of building - from the simplest means - their own devices and primitive machines for their use.
Quetzal 88. The foreigners actually only revealed instructions and understandings in regard to how the still very primitive Earth humans could develop a special technology as a result of building - from the simplest means - their own devices and primitive machines for their use.