The Crystal Skulls and the Philadelphia Experiment





A non-official translation taken from FIGU BULLETIN number 56, June, 2006.


A short excerpt from the Official 400th Contact Report of 25th September 2005, pages 13 and 14. 


Dialogue between Billy Meier and Jshwsh Ptaah.


Translated into English by Der Beobachter Edelweiss - Brazil - Sunday, 14th May, 2006.


             Question from the Reader


             Lately I have been told different things, on one hand something about the Philadelphia Experiment and about abductions by extraterrestrials and contacts with them. Also, as it was explained much lie and deceit are behind it. On the other hand, also photos have been shown to me, on which crystal skulls, which should have come from extraterrestrials, could be seen. Unfortunately, I have never cared about such things and therefore I have no experience with them, consequently I cannot decide what should I think of all this. Kindly, a friend of mine, told me about your web site address, which he had, so that I could search in there, whereas IÕve found it quite astonishing that it was unknown to me until now. Since I think now, that you, Billy Meier, can certainly tell me, what is this which I have asked all about, so I turn to you with the request, to be able to give me information regarding my questions in one of your bulletins, that I have also found in the internet, for which I already thank you now.


             U. Ermann, Germany




             Unfortunately, out of forgetfulness, I can give you an answer to your questions only in the June's Bulletin in 2006, which you will please excuse, because certainly you have already been waiting for it earlier. Unfortunately I always have much about the ears, which is why it sometimes can happen, that something is missing by me and only appears again lately.


             Now, as an answer, I will explain to you with the necessary excerpts from the official 400th Contact Report of 25th September 2005, which should satisfactorily explain your questions:


             Billy: I have also ascertained it while you were away and I looked through the questions. But look here, there I have some notes - I am always asked again and again namely about what the crystal heads found in South America are all about as well as with the alleged Philadelphia experiment. Of course I have explained many times and again that the crystal heads have nothing to do with extraterrestrials and therefore also are not attributed to such however these crystal heads were manufactured in the 19th Century in Germany. Nevertheless this will not be accepted as truth just like the fact also that the Philadelphia experiment only corresponds to a fantastic hoax because namely such an experiment has never taken place. Now here - this man here, a Mr. Ermann, from Germany, would like me again to ask to you and then publish the answer in a bulletin. Can you please give an answer to the questions in brief form?


             Ptaah: Officially we have never talked about it but several times only in a private manner. Therefore, I would like to will give an answer, which should be in an official form, with which however, I want to restrict myself to the essential: The crystal skulls named by you, which were found in South America and will be attributed to the Mayas and supposedly should have originated from extraterrestrials, as you just said, were fabricated in Germany in the 19th Century, in fact in the gem and Diamond-polishing cities of those places, that were unified in 1933 in the city of Idar-Oberstein. The client was a prosperous man by the name of Florian Rosenfelder, from Germany, who operated privately and was a hobbyist archaeologist and who brought the crystal heads also to the Maya region, then to "discover" it in order to cause a sensation. Although he was able only to place the crystal heads at different places where he thought they would be "discovered" before witnesses however, he did not succeed with that because he died of a poisoning, that he suffered through the natives, who then robbed him. And to say something regarding the so-called Philadelphia experiment, about which firstly an author by the name of Berlitz wrote a fantasy book: There was never such an experiment, neither in the USA or anywhere else on the Earth. The whole fantastic history is based on the fraudulent claims of a man by the name of Kal Allen, in relation to an alleged experiment with a ship, which was named the <USS Eldridge>. The man thought that his image would rise with this lying story and that he also could become rich through it. When he didn't succeed with this story and the situation became too precarious for him to be exposed as a liar, he vanished without a trace.


             Billy: The story is known by me, however I didn't know how the ship was named. It is claimed that the US-Navy did an experiment with huge electromagnetic vibrations in the harbor of Philadelphia in October 1943 etc. with which the named ship then vanished without a trace and reappeared again in the harbor of Norfolk 500 kilometers away in order to vanish also again there after a short time and to become visible again in the harbor of Philadelphia.


             Ptaah: Yes, that is, in brief the lying story.





12. Jahrgang, Juni 2006



A non-official translation taken from FIGU BULLETIN number 56, June, 2006.



A short excerpt from the Official 400th Contact Report of 25th September 2005, pages 13 and 14. 


Dialogue between Billy Meier and Jshwsh Ptaah.


Translated into English by Der Beobachter Edelweiss - Brazil - Sunday, 14th May, 2006.




             Letzthin wurden mir verschiedene Dinge erzŠhlt, einerseits etwas Ÿber ein Philadelphia-Experiment und Ÿber EntfŸhrungen durch Ausserirdische und Kontakte mit diesen. Auch wurde erklŠrt, dass dahinter viel LŸge und Betrug stecke. Andererseits wurden mir auch Photos gezeigt, auf denen KristallschŠdel zu sehen waren, die von Ausserirdischen stammen sollen. Leider habe ich mich nie um solche Dinge gekŸmmert und habe deshalb keinerlei Erfahrungen damit, folglich ich nicht entscheiden kann, was ich von allem halten soll. Freundlicherweise habe ich von meinem Bekannten, der mir alles erzŠhlte, Ihre Website-Anschrift erhalten und konnte mich darin umsehen, wobei ich sehr viel Erstaunliches erfahren habe, das mir bisher unbekannt war. Da ich nun denke, dass Sie, Billy Meier, mir sicher sagen kšnnen, was es mit all dem auf sich hat, was ich gefragt habe, so wende ich mich an Sie mit der Bitte, in einem Ihrer Bulletins, die ich auch im Internet gefunden habe, mir Auskunft hinsichtlich meiner Fragen geben zu kšnnen, wofŸr ich mich schon jetzt bedanke.


             U. Ermann, Deutschland



             Question from the Reader


             Lately I have been told different things, on one hand something about the Philadelphia Experiment and about abductions by extraterrestrials and contacts with them. Also, as it was explained much lie and deceit are behind it. On the other hand, also photos have been shown to me, on which crystal skulls, which should have come from extraterrestrials, could be seen. Unfortunately, I have never cared about such things and therefore I have no experience with them, consequently I cannot decide what should I think of all this. Kindly, a friend of mine, told me about your web site address, which he had, so that I could search in there, whereas IÕve found it quite astonishing that it was unknown to me until now. Since I think now, that you, Billy Meier, can certainly tell me, what is this which I have asked all about, so I turn to you with the request, to be able to give me information regarding my questions in one of your bulletins, that I have also found in the internet, for which I already thank you now.


             U. Ermann, Germany




             Aus Vergesslichkeit kann ich Ihnen leider erst im Juni-Bulletin 2006 eine Antwort auf Ihre Fragen erteilen, was Sie bitte entschuldigen wollen, denn sicher haben Sie schon frŸher darauf gewartet. Leider habe ich immer viel um die Ohren, weshalb es manchmal geschehen kann, dass bei mir etwas untergeht und erst verspŠtet wieder auftaucht.


             Nun, als Antwort will ich Ihnen mit einem Kontaktbericht-Auszug des 400sten offiziellen Kontaktberichtes vom 25. September 2005 das Notwendige erklŠren, was Ihre Fragen befriedigen dŸrfte:





             Unfortunately, out of forgetfulness, I can give you an answer to your questions only in the June's Bulletin in 2006, which you will please excuse, because certainly you have already been waiting for it earlier. Unfortunately I always have much about the ears, which is why it sometimes can happen, that something is missing by me and only appears again lately.


             Now, as an answer, I will explain to you with the necessary excerpts from the official 400th Contact Report of 25th September 2005, which should satisfactorily explain your questions:



             Billy: Das habe ich auch festgestellt, als du weg warst und ich die Fragen durchgesehen habe. Aber sieh hier, da habe ich einige Notizen - immer wieder werde ich nŠmlich danach gefragt, was es mit den in SŸdamerika gefundenen Kristallkšpfen auf sich hat sowie mit dem angeblichen Philadelphia-Experiment. NatŸrlich habe ich immer wieder erklŠrt, dass die Kristallkšpfe nichts mit Ausserirdischen zu tun haben und also auch nicht auf solche zurŸckfŸhren, sondern dass diese Kristallkšpfe im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland hergestellt wurden. Trotzdem will das ebensowenig als Wahrheit akzeptiert werden wie auch nicht die Tatsache, dass das Philadelphia-Experiment nur einer phantastischen Schwindelei entspricht, weil nŠmlich ein solches Experiment nie stattgefunden hat. Nun hier - dieser Mann hier, ein Herr Ermann aus Deutschland, mšchte, dass ich nochmals bei euch rŸckfragen und dann die Antwort in einem Bulletin veršffentlichen soll. Kannst du bitte in kurzer Form eine Antwort auf die Fragen geben?


             Billy: I have also ascertained it while you were away and I looked through the questions. But look here, there I have some notes - I am always asked again and again namely about what the crystal heads found in South America are all about as well as with the alleged Philadelphia experiment. Of course I have explained many times and again that the crystal heads have nothing to do with extraterrestrials and therefore also are not attributed to such however these crystal heads were manufactured in the 19th Century in Germany. Nevertheless this will not be accepted as truth just like the fact also that the Philadelphia experiment only corresponds to a fantastic hoax because namely such an experiment has never taken place. Now here - this man here, a Mr. Ermann, from Germany, would like me again to ask to you and then publish the answer in a bulletin. Can you please give an answer to the questions in brief form?


             Ptaah: Offiziell haben wir darŸber nie gesprochen, sondern nur mehrmals in privater Weise. Also will ich gerne eine Antwort geben, die offizieller Form sein soll, wobei ich mich jedoch auf das Wesentliche beschrŠnken will: Die von dir genannten Kristallkšpfe, die im sŸdlichen Amerika gefunden wurden und den Maya zugesprochen werden und angeblich von Ausserirdischen stammen sollen, wurden, wie du eben gesagt hast, im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland hergestellt, und zwar in den Edelstein- und Diamant-SchleifwerkstŠtten jener Orte, die 1933 zur Stadt Idar-Oberstein zusammengeschlossen wurden. Der Auftraggeber war ein wohlhabender Mann namens Florian Rosenfelder aus Deutschland, der sich privaterweise und hobbymŠssig archŠologisch betŠtigte und der die Kristallkšpfe auch in die Mayagebiete brachte, um sie dann dort als Sensation zu <entdecken>. Er vermochte jedoch nur noch die Kristallkšpfe an verschiedenen Orten zu plazieren, wo er sie dann unter Zeugen zu <entdecken> gedachte, was ihm jedoch nicht mehr gelang, weil er an einer Vergiftung starb, die er durch Einheimische erlitt, die ihn dann ausraubten. Und was hinsichtlich des sogenannten Philadelphia-Experiments zu sagen ist, worŸber erstlich ein Autor namens Berlitz ein phantasievolles Buch geschrieben hat: Ein solches Experiment hat es weder in den USA noch sonstwo auf der Erde jemals gegeben. Die ganze phantastische Geschichte beruht grundsŠtzlich auf den betrŸgerischen Behauptungen eines Mannes namens Kal Allen, in bezug auf ein angebliches Experiment mit einem Schiff, das <USS Eldridge> genannt wurde. Der Mann dachte, dass er mit seiner LŸgengeschichte sein Image heben und dadurch auch reich werden kšnne. Als ihm das nicht gelang und die Situation fŸr ihn zu prekŠr wurde, als LŸgner entlarvt zu werden, verschwand er spurlos.


             Ptaah: Officially we have never talked about it but several times only in a private manner. Therefore, I would like to will give an answer, which should be in an official form, with which however, I want to restrict myself to the essential: The crystal skulls named by you, which were found in South America and will be attributed to the Mayas and supposedly should have originated from extraterrestrials, as you just said, were fabricated in Germany in the 19th Century, in fact in the gem and Diamond-polishing cities of those places, that were unified in 1933 in the city of Idar-Oberstein. The client was a prosperous man by the name of Florian Rosenfelder, from Germany, who operated privately and was a hobbyist archaeologist and who brought the crystal heads also to the Maya region, then to "discover" it in order to cause a sensation. Although he was able only to place the crystal heads at different places where he thought they would be "discovered" before witnesses however, he did not succeed with that because he died of a poisoning, that he suffered through the natives, who then robbed him. And to say something regarding the so-called Philadelphia experiment, about which firstly an author by the name of Berlitz wrote a fantasy book: There was never such an experiment, neither in the USA or anywhere else on the Earth. The whole fantastic history is based on the fraudulent claims of a man by the name of Kal Allen, in relation to an alleged experiment with a ship, which was named the <USS Eldridge>. The man thought that his image would rise with this lying story and that he also could become rich through it. When he didn't succeed with this story and the situation became too precarious for him to be exposed as a liar, he vanished without a trace.



             Billy: Die Geschichte ist mir bekannt, doch wusste ich nicht, wie das Schiff genannt wurde. Es wird behauptet, dass die US-Marine im Oktober 1943 im Hafen von Philadelphia ein Experiment mit gewaltigen elektromagnetischen Schwingungen usw. gemacht habe, wobei das genannte Schiff dann spurlos verschwunden und 500 Kilometer entfernt im Hafen von Norfolk wieder aufgetaucht sei, um dann auch dort nach kurzer Zeit wieder zu verschwinden und wieder im Hafen von Philadelphia sichtbar zu werden.


             Ptaah: Ja, das ist in kurzen ZŸgen die LŸgengeschichte.


             Billy: The story is known by me, however I didn't know how the ship was named. It is claimed that the US-Navy did an experiment with huge electromagnetic vibrations in the harbor of Philadelphia in October 1943 etc. with which the named ship then vanished without a trace and reappeared again in the harbor of Norfolk 500 kilometers away in order to vanish also again there after a short time and to become visible again in the harbor of Philadelphia.


             Ptaah: Yes, that is, in brief the lying story.