The Danger of Atmospheric Collapse

(or Wake Up STUPID Human Beings!)





Methane frozen beneath Arctic seabed destabilising, scientists warn


From The Times
March 5, 2010

Frank Pope, Ocean Correspondent

Huge quantities of methane below the Arctic seabed are showing signs of destabilising, according to research conducted in the East Siberian Sea.

Scientists aboard Russian icebreakers have discovered that methane is leaking from the sub-sea permafrost far faster than had been previously estimated, raising concerns that climatic tipping points may have been reached.

As a greenhouse gas, methane is 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide but emissions from subsea permafrost are not included in climate change prediction models.

ÒThe sub-sea permafrost should act as a cap or seal, preventing leakage,Ó Natalia Shakhova, of the University of Alaska, told The Times. ÒBeneath it there is methane that has accumulated at high pressure. But the permafrost is losing its ability to be an impermeable cap.Ó


Growing low-oxygen zones in oceans worry scientists


By Les Blumenthal, McClatchy Newspapers Ð Sun Mar 7, 12:01 pm ET

WASHINGTON Ñ Lower levels of oxygen in the Earth's oceans, particularly off the United States' Pacific Northwest coast, could be another sign of fundamental changes linked to global climate change, scientists say. They warn that the oceans' complex undersea ecosystems and fragile food chains could be disrupted.

In some spots off Washington state and Oregon , the almost complete absence of oxygen has left piles of Dungeness crab carcasses littering the ocean floor, killed off 25-year-old sea stars, crippled colonies of sea anemones and produced mats of potentially noxious bacteria that thrive in such conditions.

Areas of hypoxia, or low oxygen, have long existed in the deep ocean. These areas Ñ in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans Ñ appear to be spreading, however, covering more square miles, creeping toward the surface and in some places, such as the Pacific Northwest , encroaching on the continental shelf within sight of the coastline.

"The depletion of oxygen levels in all three oceans is striking," said Gregory Johnson , an oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Seattle .





Note: Additional comments by Dyson Devine will be found at the end of this translation.


This is an authorised, unofficial translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine. It may contain errors.




Nr. 51, Jan. 2010


Auszug aus dem offiziellen 481. Kontaktbericht vom 14. Oktober 2009





Excerpt from the 481st official contact report of October 14th, 2009




Billy ... Doch nun eine Frage bezŸglich des Sauerstoffkollapses resp. AtmosphŠrenkollapses auf

dem Planeten Akart, von dem du am 3. Februar dieses Jahres beim 476. offiziellen KontaktgesprŠch

gesprochen hast. Was muss ich unter Sauerstoff- und AtmosphŠrenkollaps verstehen?


Billy ÉBut now a question regarding the oxygen collapse, respectively, the atmospheric collapse, on the planet Akart, of which you spoke on February 3rd of this year in the 476th official contact conversation. What must I understand Òoxygen collapseÓ and Òatmospheric collapseÓ to mean?




Ptaah Ein Sauerstoff- resp. ein AtmosphŠrenkollaps entsteht durch eine massive †berschwŠngerung der AtmosphŠre durch das MolekŸl CO2, das in die AtmosphŠre sowie in die Meere und sonstigen GewŠsser sowie in das Erdreich gelangt und radikal das Klima verŠndert. In massivem †bermass wird dadurch ein Sauerstoff- und AtmosphŠrenkollaps hervorgerufen, der ein schlimmes Schicksal fŸr die ganze Erdenmenschheit bedeutet, die eine drohende Katastrophe eines Untergangs des Lebens selbst heraufbeschwšrt. Dies durch die unaufhaltsam wachsende †berbevšlkerung, durch die stetig mehr an   ungeheuren Mengen CO2 produziert und damit nicht nur die Luft geschwŠngert wird, sondern selbst alles bis auf die hšchsten Hšhen der Berge und in die tiefsten Tiefen der Ozeane. Das MolekŸl ist bereits in gefŠhrlichem Masse allŸberall auf der ganzen Erde und entfaltet seine GefŠhrlichkeit, die nicht nur in der

zerstšrenden Weise des Klimawandels zum Ausdruck kommt, mit all den immer mehr Ÿberhandnehmenden Naturkatastrophen, die immer mehr Menschenleben fordern und Zerstšrungen anrichten, die in zweckdienlicher Zeit nicht wieder behoben werden kšnnen. Und tatsŠchlich fundiert all das einzig und allein in der †berbevšlkerung der Erdenmenschen, die sich wie Ungeziefer sinnlos vermehren und dadurch auch mehr Schadstoffe aller Art und CO2 produzieren und damit die AtmosphŠre schwŠngern und den Sauerstoffgehalt vermindern. Dies nebst allen anderen zerstšrerischen Machenschaften, wie dem Abholzen und Roden der RegenwŠlder, den grŸnen Lungen der Erde, und dem damit verbundenen Schaffen von fruchtlosen WŸstengebieten. NatŸrlich hat die Erde schon immer das MolekŸl CO2 enthalten, doch durch das vernunftlose Vorantreiben der †berbevšlkerung, die stetig mehr an Fossilbrennstoffen wie Kohle, Erd-

petroleum und Gase verbrennt, hauptsŠchlich durch Explosionsmotoren von Strassenfahrzeugen, Arbeitsmaschinen, Schiffsmotoren und durch Antriebsaggregate von Flugzeugen sowie durch die unsinnigen Motorsportarten, hat sich der CO2-Gehalt drastisch erhšht. Dazu kommt noch die ungeheure †berproduktion von Tieren, die als Nahrungsmittel fŸr den Menschen gezŸchtet werden und die Unmengen von Methan und anderen Gasen ausatmen und durch Winde ablassen. Aber auch durch das Auftauen des Permafrostes werden Unmengen von allerlei gefŠhrlichen Gasen freigesetzt, die in die Luft gelangen. Weiter

ist es auch der Erdenmensch selbst, der durch sein Ausatmen CO2 in die Luft absetzt, und zwar durch die ungeheure †berbevšlkerung in bereits gefŠhrlichen Mengen. Jedes Jahr werden so durch die Schuld des Erdenmenschen Millionen von Tonnen des gefŠhrlichen Stoffes nebst anderen Giften produziert und in die Luft geblasen, und das je lŠnger je mehr durch die unaufhaltsam wachsende †berbevšlkerung. Und tatsŠchlich steht heute die Erdenmenschheit am Rande einer schweren Bedrohung bezŸglich dessen, dass alles auf einen Kollaps hinauslŠuft, wie das bei Akart der Fall war. Und wird der †berbevšlkerung nicht endlich in vernŸnftiger Weise Einhalt geboten, dann steigert sich das Ganze immer mehr und schneller, wobei dann letztlich nichts mehr zu retten ist. Wenn also der CO2-Gehalt weiterhin unvermindert steigt, dann ist die Katastrophe nicht mehr abwendbar. Und eine rapide Verminderung kann einzig und allein nur durch die Unterbindung der †berbevšlkerung zustande kommen, weil nŠmlich nur dadurch sich auch all die unsinnigen CO2-Produktionen rapide vermindern. Wird dem aber keine Beachtung geschenkt, dann wird der Sauerstoffgehalt und die AtmosphŠre der Erde durch CO2 derart Ÿberlagert, dass unweigerlich ein Kollaps erfolgt. Und steigt die Konzentration des MolekŸls in dieser Weise an, dann wird dadurch die Atmung aller Lebensformen auf der Erde derart beeintrŠchtigt, dass nicht mehr genug Sauerstoff aufgenommen werden kann. Tšdlich wird fŸr den Erdenmenschen und fŸr die anderen eigentlichen Sauerstoff -atmer die CO2-Konzentration bereits, wenn diese gerade mal acht Prozent betrŠgt und eingeatmet wird.


Ptaah An oxygen collapse, respectively, an atmospheric collapse, arises as a result of a massive over-impregnation of the atmosphere by the molecule CO2,  which enters the atmosphere, as well as the oceans and other bodies of water, as well as the soil of the Earth, and radically alters the climate. An oxygen and atmospheric collapse would be evoked by a massive excess of CO2, which means a bad fate for the entire Earth humanity. It would evoke a threatening catastrophe consisting of the destruction of life itself. This is caused by the incessantly growing overpopulation, through which constantly more monstrous amounts of CO2 are produced and, with that, not only the air is impregnated, but actually everything up to the highest heights of the mountains and the deepest depths of the oceans is impregnated. The molecule already exists in dangerous amounts everywhere on the entire Earth and unfolds its dangerousness which does not only express itself in the destructive manner, being climate change, with all the natural catastrophes which more and more take the upper hand, which always demand more and more human lives and cause destruction which cannot again be repaired in a practical amount of time. And actually, all of that is founded singly and alone in the overpopulation of the Earth humans, who senselessly multiply like noxious vermin and thereby also produce more damaging material of all kinds, and CO2, and thereby impregnate the atmosphere and reduce the oxygen content - this, along with all other destructive machinations like the logging and clearing of the rainforests - the green lungs of the Earth - and, bound to that, the creation of infertile desert areas. Naturally the Earth has always contained the molecule CO2, but the CO2 content has drastically risen through the irrational pushing ahead of the overpopulation which constantly burns more fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum and gas, principally through the internal combustion engines of road and marine vehicles, work machinery, and aircraft engines, as well as through nonsensical kinds of motor sports. In addition to that is still the enormous overproduction of animals, which are bred as means of nourishment for the humans and which exhale, and release from the colon, horrendous amounts of methane and other gasses. But also, due to the thawing of the permafrost, enormous amounts of all kinds of dangerous gasses are released which enter the air. Further, it is also the Earth human himself who puts CO2 in the air through his exhalation, and indeed already in dangerous amounts, as a result of the monstrous overpopulation. Every year, in this way, the Earth human is to blame that millions of tonnes of dangerous materials are produced, along with other poisons, and are blown into the air, and that increases as the incessantly growing overpopulation increases. And actually today Earth humanity stands on the brink of the serious threat that everything is leading to a collapse, as was the case with Akart. And if a stop, in a rational way, is not finally ordered to the overpopulation then it all increases more and more, and faster, whereby, finally, nothing more can be saved. If, therefore, the CO2 content continues rising unabated, then the catastrophe is no longer avoidable.  And a rapid reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of CO2  also rapidly decrease. But if that is given no heed then the oxygen content and the atmosphere of the Earth would be so overburdened by CO2 that a collapse would unavoidably result. And if the concentration of the molecules climbs in this manner then the respiration of all relevant life forms on the Earth would be so impaired that it would no longer be possible for them to take up sufficient oxygen.  When inhaled, the CO2 concentration already becomes deadly for Earth humans, and for the other actual oxygen-breathers, when it only amounts to eight percent.




Billy Das wird natŸrlich nicht publik gemacht von den Wissenschaftlern und von den Regierenden,

ganz im Gegenteil werden von ihnen nutzlose Klimakonferenzen abgehalten und noch unsinnigere BeschlŸsse gefasst, wie z.B. dass innerhalb einer bestimmten Frist von Jahren der CO2-Ausstoss um so und so viele Prozente vermindert werden soll. Wahrlich ein všllig unsinniges Getue und Gehabe, denn auch dann, wenn das Beschlossene erreicht werden sollte, ist das Ganze nicht einmal ein Tropfen auf einen heissen Stein. Dies darum, weil in der Zwischenzeit vom Beschluss bis zur Verwirklichung desselben schon wieder Hunderte Millionen mehr Menschen die Erde bevšlkern und noch mehr Dreck und CO2 produzieren als das Mass dessen, was beschlossen wurde. Also ist das Ganze der Klimakonferenzen kontraproduktiv und schwachsinnig, denn die einzig richtige Lšsung wŠre die von †berbevšlkerungsabbaukonferenzen,

bei denen weltweit wirksame BeschlŸsse zur radikalen †berbevšlkerungsdezimierung beschlossen und durchgesetzt wŸrden, und zwar durch eine weltweit geregelte Geburtenkontrolle. Diese mŸsste dabei derart sein, dass sehr viel mehr všllig natŸrliche TodesfŠlle in Erscheinung treten, als dass Geburten stattfinden.


Das wŠre die wirkliche und humane Lšsung, die auf einfache Art und Weise durchgefŸhrt werden kšnnte

und auch gewŠhrleisten wŸrde, dass sich alle durch die Menschen der Erde hervorgerufenen †bel und

Katastrophen vermindern und dass das Schlimmste doch noch verhindert werden kann.


Billy  That will naturally not be made public by the scientists and by the governments; quite the contrary. They will hold useless climate conferences and make decisions which are even more senseless, as, for example, that within a certain period of years the CO2 output is to be reduced by such and such a percent. Truly, this is completely nonsensical fussing and posturing because, even if that which is decided were to be achieved, the entire thing is not even a drop on a hot stone. This is because, already in the time between the resolution and its realisation, hundreds of millions more human beings will populate the Earth and produce still more filth and CO2 than the quantity that was decided upon. Therefore, the entire climate conference is counter-productive and idiotic because the only correct solution would be one from conferences concerned with the reduction of the overpopulation, at which resolutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regulated control of births. This would thereby have to be such that many more completely natural cases of death come about than the number of births.

That would be the real and humane solution, which could be carried out in a simple manner and would also guarantee that all evils and catastrophes evoked by the human beings of the Earth can be reduced and that the worst could still be prevented.




Ptaah Das lehrst du die Erdenmenschen schon seit deiner Jugendzeit, indem du an die Verantwortlichen

der Erde und an alle Medien deine aufklŠrenden Schreiben verschickt hast. Leider haben jedoch alle

deine BemŸhungen bis heute keine wertvollen FrŸchte getragen. Gegenteilig bist du nur angegriffen und verleumdet worden bis auf den heutigen Tag, wŠhrend seit geraumer Zeit andere mit Rang und Namen hochgejubelt werden, obwohl sie einfach nur das weitertragen, was du schon seit Jahrzehnten lehrst, wovor du warnst und das sich nun durch den Klimawandel erschreckend bewahrheitet. Dies entspricht einer SchŠndlichkeit ohnegleichen, denn es wŠre nur des Rechtens, wenn deine Voraussagen dabei genannt wŸrden.


Ptaah You have already taught that to the Earth human beings since your youth, in that you sent your explanatory writings to those in positions of responsibility on the Earth and to all the media. Unfortunately, however, up to today none of your efforts have borne valuable fruit. On the contrary; you have now been attacked and reviled up to the current time, while, since time immemorial, others with rank and name are built up as stars although they simply only reveal that which you have taught for decades, about which you have warned and which now is being frighteningly borne out, as a result of climate change. This corresponds to an incomparable disgrace, because it would only have been fair if your predictions had thereby been mentioned.




Billy Du solltest dich deswegen nicht aufregen, denn bezŸglich Rang und Namen, so gehšre ich eben nicht dazu. Es muss aber auch gesagt werden, dass wenn diese Leute mit Rang und Namen hochgejubelt werden, wie du sagst, es doch gut ist, dass sie etwas tun, auch wenn ihre Weisheit nicht auf ihrem eigenen Wissen gewachsen ist. Aber leider sind diese Rang- und Namenleute mit ihrem Tun schon zu spŠt, denn der Klimawandel kann nicht mehr aufgehalten werden. Etwas wŠre wohl noch zu retten resp. kšnnte das Schlimmste noch verhŸtet werden, wenn die Menschheit endlich gescheiter und die †berbevšlkerung stoppen wŸrde, die ja erstlich und letztlich der wahre Grund dafŸr ist, dass klimamŠssig und auch anderweitig alles aus dem Ruder lŠuft.


Billy You should not agitate yourself on account of that, because I do not belong to the world of rank and name. But it must be said that when these people with rank and name are built up as stars, as you say, it is actually good that they do something, even if their wisdom has not grown from their own knowledge. But unfortunately these rank and name people are too late with their deeds, because climate change can no longer be halted. There would probably still be something to save, respectively, the worst could still be prevented, if humanity finally became more sensible and stopped the overpopulation, which is indeed firstly and lastly the true reason why everything is going off course in regards to the climate and also in other ways.




Ptaah Wenn ich all der Warnungen und Voraussagen bedenke, die du geschrieben und weltweit verbreitet hast, die jedoch keinerlei Erfolg und die Erdenmenschen nicht zu einem Wandel zur Vernunft brachten, so besteht nicht viel bis gar keine Hoffnung, dass das Richtige getan und ein weltweiter regulierender Geburtenstopp angeordnet wird. É


Ptaah When I consider all the warnings and predictions which you have written and spread worldwide, which, however, brought no success at all and did not bring the Earth human beings to a change towards what is reasonable, there is not much hope, or none at all, that the correct thing will be done, and a worldwide regulated birth stoppage will be arranged. É




Dear friends,


Regarding the probability of the collapse of our planetÕs atmosphere due to it being overburdened by carbon dioxide, as described by Ptaah in contact 481, SB51:


James Lovelock, who was largely responsible for coming up with the Gaia Hypothesis Ð which demonstrates scientifically that the Earth is a living meta-organism, which regulates itself Ð advances the idea that our planet can stably exist in more than one or two steady phases of homeostasis. ThatÕs just a scientific term for the sort of thing that a thermostat does. It regulates its own state of being, except, of course, a living planetÕs feedback loops are infinitely more complex. Anyway, Lovelock points out that we have already observed two steady-state phases, namely the Ice Ages and the Interglacial Periods, one of which we are enjoying now. But other steady states are theoretically possible, including ones very hostile to complex life in general and human life in particular.


Like WAY too hot, for instance. (There is actually FAR MORE biota during Ice Ages!)


Ptaah uses the expression Sauerstoffkollapses resp. AtmosphŠrenkollapses (oxygen collapse, respectively, atmosphere collapse).


The operative word is COLLAPSE.


Climatologists have recently discovered, to their horror, that Ð consistent with the findings of the branch of mathematics called Catastrophe Theory Ð these phase-shifts happen really fast. And when I say ÒfastÓ, I mean, like from one season to the next. Like the Ice Age, and all the glaciations and ice caps, which accompany it, literally are the result of a hard winter which never really lets up. You go out to shovel out your driveway, and eventually you have to give up because you are ultimately going to have your house buried under a Greenland-style ice cap. Frozen mammoths have reportedly been excavated with fodder still in their mouths. Food for thought.


So PtaahÕs 8% CO2 figure should not be misunderstood in comparison to the current .035% or the historic .025%. I view it as his wise/loving warning of where our insane overpopulation could lead. As IÕve said before, if we are going to breed like flies, we have to expect to die like flies.


I havenÕt had time Ð since IÕm pretty busy translating just now Ð to do my homework on how this all ties into what is in contact 481, but I do think that Gaia will burn us humans off like we burn off the germs, which cause a fever if she is overburdened by our filth.


Creation is all about the immutable law of CAUSE and EFFECT.






Posted: January 28, 2010

Michael Horn