Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012


The following is a translation of Billy Eduard Albert Meier's article appearing in FIGU’s Special Bulletin, number 53, June 2010. First, there is the English only translation, folowwed by the original German alternating with English translation. 


Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

On the 21st of December, 2012, the end of the world and the end of time is supposed to come, and, with that, the apocalypse itself.

This is supposed to happen according to esoterics, panic-mongers and end-of-the-world prophets of all shades, just as they already "prophesied" the end of the world and the end of time with the turn of the century and turn of the millennium from the 20th to the 21st century, that is to say, from the 2nd to the 3rd millennium.

Already at that time, as already occurred more than a good dozen times before, over long centuries and even over two millennia, the fulfilment of the "prophecy" was, for them - wetting themselves with cowardly angst - a complete flop, and so will it also be this time; whereby essentially everything has already been said.

However, in order to adequately deal with the matter, and to explain everything somewhat, something more should still be said about it, because some further explanations can do no harm. Instead, they can only bring a useful understanding, for rational human beings, in regard to the false prophecy and the creation of angst and panic.

The alleged imminent end of the world and end of all time, which has been announced, by the creators of angst and panic, for a very long time, for the 21st of December, 2012, and which is often in daily conversation, is so nonsensical that even stupid chickens would have to laugh about it, were they given the possibility of having knowledge and understanding about it.

On one hand the entire nonsense of the alleged end of the world is based on the unambiguous errors and confusions of the esoterics, panic-mongers and end-of-the-world nutcases of all kinds, who want to interpret and understand something in an ancient Mayan calendar about which, however, they have no inkling.

They just simply read an absolutely brain-tearing nonsense into the whole thing which, in truth, is, to them, like a book with seven seals.

They also seek out and collect their entire worked-out dim-wittedness from all kinds of old and new, as well as extremely doubtful, prophecies, as well as from the enormous, worldwide, natural catastrophes, the occurrences of which are ever worse and more numerous.

Along with that, all the criminal and war-related machinations and general world events also play an important roll, as, for example, also the worldwide financial crisis, race hatred, hatred of those of different faiths, the death penalty and rampant overpopulation.

No limits are set for the creation of angst and panic, nor for the arias about an end of the world, and, from that, a picture of the end of the world is made: an apotheosis as a punishment-god’s final scenario.

Brilliantly, therefore like a flash of lightning, the dim-witted panic-mongering about the alleged end of the world has struck the apocalypse-believers, and therefore angst, panic and terror have, in a concealed way, already implanted themselves in them and, naturally, increased more and more as the alleged fateful date, the 21st of December, 2012, approaches.

The machinations of the religions and sects, and their prophetic false teachings, are also referred to in this context, as is also "dear" God who, in His alleged "holy scriptures", basically angrily screams for revenge and punishment as well as for war and hate against people of other faiths, and mentions true love and goodness only peripherally, or not at all.

When the apocalypse mood is stirred up, then, immediately, the heavenly host of angels, as well as God personally, will be called in, through whom all good human beings are supposed to be taken away by UFOs into the heavenly realm.

Often the angst and panic is so stirred up by sect chieftains that it is not seldom that entire groups of deluded believers deliver themselves from life by committing suicide in order to reach a better world or God’s promised realm.

And with the entire nonsense about God and angels, as well as the end-of-the-world nonsense, the basis of reality is pulled out from under the feet of the believers who have succumbed to angst and panic.

As a result of that they are helplessly at the mercy of the entire dim-wittedness and are no longer in a position to think clearly, consequently they no longer know which way to turn.

Therefore the entire matter has evil consequences because, from the resulting angst and terror, not only suicides are committed but also numerous human beings succumb to pathological thoughts and feelings, which trigger destructive psychic states.

Along with that, in many, aberrations of the consciousness also arise, from which they succumb to the delusion that they hear God’s voice and commands in such a way that human beings are supposed to be massacred and killed - in practise, carried out by the avenging hand of God in the form of a human being as a divine tool.

The creation of angst and panic in every form, in regard to an alleged end of the world, is a much favoured method, especially for the sect chieftains of all kinds, in order to bind those who have succumbed to them in their belief, and to exploit them financially and very often also sexually, as well as in regard to physical work.

The creation of angst and panic using vague false claims, false prophecies and erroneous predictions in regard to catastrophes, God’s punishment and apocalypses is, however, also pushed along by esoterics as well as by malicious charlatans who, taking pleasure in people’s misery, drive the human beings into angst, panic and terror in order to amuse themselves over it.

But then there are also the know-it-alls and mystics who presume to claim that they can "visualise" coming events and catastrophes, and so forth, through visions, or that they have deciphered long-established, encrypted prophecies and so forth, and can put an exact date on everything for the past, present and future.

This is all, naturally, contrary to their better knowledge, which is that their claims are, and remain, only claims, and have never been fulfilled and also are not being fulfilled, consequently also a real truth never lies behind any of it, but only fantasy, hollow words and lack of responsibility.

These kinds of false claims are essentially nothing other than malicious and irresponsible lies, deceit and the misleading of people, because thereby financial profits are also made.

They are also a priori not without danger, because even suicide and murder as well as destruction also emerge from them, if those who are tormented by angst and panic spin out and go mad.

The fact is that no interest group exists which would take action against the creation of angst and panic by the end-of-the-world prophets and conspiracy theorists, and so forth, of every kind, in order that much human disaster, which emerges from the dim-wittedness, could be avoided.

Also the governments allow the entire nonsense, whereby especially sect twerps have free rein for their howlingly dim-witted machinations, as do all other traders in the soul who court trouble and chase their uncountable believers into angst, panic and terror.

Therefore the end-of-the-world theorists can work on unhindered and "prophetically" announce chaos upon chaos, whereby the Earth is supposed to disappear from the universe just as is, naturally, the entirety of humanity and absolutely all life.

And exactly this howling dim-wittedness is being "prophesised" again for the year 2012 because, once more, it did not function with the year 2000, being the turn of the century and millennium.

The entire nonsense of the alleged threatening end of the world is based on an ancient, astronomical Mayan calendar in which it is supposed to be quite clearly recorded that the end of the world and end of time will occur on the date of December 21st, 2012.

Of this dim-witted interpretation of the Mayan calendar it can be said, with a clear conscience, that the irresponsible and paranoid originators of the nonsense are certainly blissfully full of happy apocalyptical anticipation, as is generally the case with that type of lunatic.

That they are often themselves in a state of angst and panic, and even believe their own idiotically invented nonsense, proves itself, in that they believe that they could save themselves from the galloping dim-wittedness which they announced, being the end of the world, in that they simply leave their homeland and move elsewhere – paradoxical but true.

The 21st of December, 2012, is – how long will it be after that before the next end-of-the-world panic-mongering? –  this time the absolute global, end-times conspiracy.

If Internet searches are made regarding this, one finds unequalled nonsense. Therefore, to be assailed by one swindle after another is unavoidable; by one scream of angst after another, and in absolute panic.

Were the Internet sites precisely sifted through, then one would find the most varied possibilities and causes cited as the grounds for the prophesied destruction of the world and of time; possibilities and causes which cause the rational human being’s hair to stand on end.

Uniformly, however, all cite the 21st of December, 2012, which is supposed to be described in the Mayan calendar as the date of the current worldly and universal downfall.

The entire thing is thereby not only declared as prophecy, rather even as a fixed prediction, and with that, as something unalterable, which naturally corresponds to absolute mischief in the one form just as it does in the other.

To say about that, naturally, is that the year 2012 brings a peak in the Sun’s activity whereby various unpleasant things can happen on the Earth.

This, for example, relates to a still greater melting of the glacial and polar ice than is now already the case, just as it relates to disturbances in electronic systems and with satellites, as well as increased and greater natural catastrophes, maybe along with other possible, but rarely occurring, things.

Fundamentally then, these occurrences of natural catastrophes correspond, however, only to the continuation of the current natural events, the degeneration of which is largely the fault of the human being.

But that has nothing to do with the Mayan prophecies and predictions, as are allegedly supposed to come forth from the Mayan calendar - "calculated", stupidly and in a way that is foreign to the truth, by means of mystical number games.

Also, the entire stupidity, dim-wittedness and nonsense does not become any more true with the further irresponsible stirring-up and invoking of panic-mongering, because what cannot fulfil itself will also not fulfil itself.

The fact of the entire matter really is based in that the Maya, up to the current time, serve as a long-past, mythical and mysterious people which still today conceals many things under the veil of mystery.

Already when the Spanish conquistadors, more precisely, conquerors, marched through the rainforests on their conquering and robbing expeditions, spreading murder and death on the Yucatan Peninsula, they came upon things that, for them, seemed very strange, eerie and weird.

They invaded old cities, long overgrown by jungle, and, what’s more, uninhabited, and in which masterfully constructed and finely decorated palaces stood, and in which there were great plazas.

Often things, stones, vases and even books, and so forth, were also found which were inscribed with exotic and inexplicable signs: painted, engraved or carved – signs which could not be deciphered and could not be understood.

These were all things of the one-time Mayan high culture, which, as a consequence of natural catastrophes, and almost suddenly, had already long since come to an end before the Spanish conquerors from Europe sailed to South America, murdered masses of Indian natives and snatched up valuable gold treasures and everything that fell into their hands.

Only in the last century was the puzzle of the Mayan text able to be solved.

It was in the 1980s.

Epigraphists (experts in archaeological texts) were able get to the bottom of the ancient secret of the Mayan text and come to understand it.

It turned out that the Maya were knowledgeable astronomers, consequently they developed a comprehensive calendar which, right up to the current time, has its validity and correctness.

Exactly this calendar, however, is shamefully abused by apocalypse fanatics, by esoterics, sects, creators of angst and panic, as well as from other end-times invokers, for their malicious, false prophecies and predictions.

Fundamentally, what there is to say about that is that also science plays a very inglorious role in the whole matter.

Actually, this was namely abused for the whole end-of-the-world dim-wittedness, and it is all the same whether it was done knowingly or unknowingly.

Naturally there are scientifically proven facts in regard to earlier peoples and times, therefore there is also the fact that, for example, the Aztecs occupied themselves with astronomical and creational things from which it emerges that the Aztecs believed that they lived in the 5th cycle of Creation.

This cycle was to do with a cosmological view which erroneously and arbitrarily was simply attributed to the Maya, and indeed this happened at a time when the Mayan text had not yet been deciphered and no scientist had yet come to understand what the hieroglyphs had to express.

The fact is also that the Maya only knew one single Creation, a fact which also emerges in the discovered texts which, in the entirety of their explanations, only concentrate on one single Creation, consequently no piece of text is known in which different Creations are named.

The Mayan belief is clearly and distinctly expressed in regard to the age of the universe which, calculated from today in the year 2010, is supposed to have originated 5,124 years ago and indeed exactly on the 13th of August according to the current Christian reckoning of time.

Naturally this idea is just as nonsensical as is the Mayan belief that the present world will last 33 times the duration of a mythical b'ak'tun, which, in each case, corresponds to a time of 400 years and, with that, an entire time of 13,200 years, while the Mayan calendar, however, reaches only up to the 21st of December, after which it then renews itself again.

According to the Mayan idea, the present universe has existed since the 11th of August, 5123, calculated backwards from the current time. Consequently, according to the Mayan belief, a further 8,076 years would have to follow before the 33 times 400 years would fulfil itself, whereby, in regard to this fulfilment, it is in no way established what will really exist then.

Naturally this calculation is also not consistent with the reality of the age of the Earth and of the universe, because how could the astronomical knowledge at that time have been able to determine the age of the the Earth and the universe without current technology and astrophysics?

All that, however, at least shows with certainty that all of the crack-brained end-of-the-world theories in regard to the alleged statements of the Mayan calendar – and thereby in regard to the 21st of December, 2012 – are dim-witted humbug.

It is exactly with these stupid, idiotic calculations, however, that the esoteric nonsense starts, with its mad, confused and mystical number games, which have no factual basis whatsoever.

According to this mad number-calculation nonsense, namely the 13th b'ak'tun, that is, the thirteenth 400-year cycle, is supposed to end exactly on the 21st of December, 2012, and with that, also the existence of the world and of time.

And this boundless nonsense was knocked together in relation to the allegedly evil, unlucky number, 13, which triggers angst with many human beings because they are delusional, or, in common parlance, superstitious.

And in regard to this delusion, from which results the end-times conspiracy - the Mayan apocalypse scenario, dreamed up by mad and irrational ones - there is still something important to say which is of interest.

The scientists of all sovereign countries have, namely, gained enormous knowledge in regard to ancient peoples, their cultures, religions, ethics and customs, as well as their astronomical knowledge, which is likewise abused by the spun-out creators of angst and panic, and by apocalypse-prophets, just as has occurred in the case of the Aztecs’ Creation cycle.

Completely misunderstood things regarding the Mayan culture, such as the astronomical calculations, also serve for the end-of-the-world rubbish, whereby the scientists are not without blame for that because, as was said, they wrongly attributed things about the Aztecs to the Maya.

Together with the mad number-mysticism, especially as it is pushed along in Europe by esoterics and those with mystical tendencies, the whole thing was concocted into the end-times conspiracy of December 21st, 2012.

Now, the truth in regard to the Mayan calendar is that this ends in the year 2012, but then extends beyond the end, and newly begins and continues on, as also happens with every calendar of the new time, because when an annual calendar, and so forth, has run its course and has ended, then a new one becomes valid exactly as is the case with the Mayan calendar, as explained.

Therefore, when the 13th b'ak'tun - that is to say, the thirteenth 400-year cycle - ends, with the year 2012, then the entire course of the calendar proceeds further with 20 further b'ak'tun, whereby these are supposed to be determined for the Creation, whatever that is supposed to mean, however they have nothing to do with an end of the world.

If an end of the world and of time is to be foisted upon the Maya in regard to their 33 b'ak'tun, respectively, the 33 x 400 years of existence of the world and time, then, calculated from 2012, this end could only occur 8,076 years in the future.

Neither the Mayan calendar, nor any other Mayan texts, whether painted, drawn, engraved on vases or hewn in stone, contain any sort of prophecies or predictions for a catastrophe or an end of the world in the year 2012.

This fact is apparent throughout all Mayan explanations and indeed without exception in all Mayan spheres.

The apocalyptical prophecies and predictions attributed to the Maya correspond to nothing more and nothing less than just the crack-pot, angst-fuelled and panic-fuelled fantasies of all kinds of brain-amputees.

That is the truth in regard to the Mayan calendar and the end of the world on the 21st of December, 2012, which is allegedly astronomically-prophetically recorded in it.

Lastly, what remains to be said is that it is a fact that the Maya conceded a big place to shamanism from which a soothsayer codex resulted.

In this codex a great flood is reported which had brought, or can bring, an "end of the world".

Obviously this has to do with the same great flood which was already known to the Sumerians and other cultures, but which also found expression in the Bible as the flood, which was sent as a result of sin, respectively, as the deluge.

The soothsayer-codex is one of the four still-preserved Mayan books and leads back to the time when the Spanish conquistadors had not yet found any Mayan cities where they murdered and robbed everywhere they wanted to take possession.

Der Wahrsager-Codex wurde jedoch mit europäisch-christlichem Gedankengut vermischt, jedoch wie und wann, das ist nicht geklärt.

The soothsayer codex was, however, mixed with the product of European-Christian thinking, however the how and when is not resolved.

The book insert shows a heaven, out of which a "heavenly crocodile" hangs, which spews out enormous masses of water.

This soothsayer codex was a work of the shamans, which, among other things, also includes calculations which, for example, are associated with the coinciding of the annual start of the rainy season, as cited in the Mayan calendar, on the 1st of June, of the so-called day "5 EB".

For that, a period of time of around 1,400 years is calculated, whereby the entire thing always regularly repeats according to this fixed time.


Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrüti

16 November 2009, 1:03 AM


Apokalypse am 21. Dezember 2012

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

Am 21. Dezember 2012 soll das Ende der Welt und der Zeit kommen und damit der Weltuntergang schlechthin.

On the 21st of December, 2012, the end of the world and the end of time is supposed to come, and, with that, the apocalypse itself.

Dies soll geschehen gemäss Esoterikern, Panikmachern und Weltuntergangspropheten aller Schattierungen, so wie sie schon beim Jahrhundert- und Jahrtausendwechsel vom 20. zum 21. Jahrhundert resp. vom 2. zum 3. Jahrtausend das Ende der Welt und der Zeit ‹prophezeit› haben.

This is supposed to happen according to esoterics, panic-mongers and end-of-the-world prophets of all shades, just as they already "prophesied" the end of the world and the end of time with the turn of the century and turn of the millennium from the 20th to the 21st century, that is to say, from the 2nd to the 3rd millennium.

Schon damals, wie schon mehr als ein gutes Dutzend Mal zuvor über lange Jahrhunderte und gar über zwei Jahrtausende hinweg, ist ihnen die Erfüllung der ‹Prophezeiung› in ihre durch feige Angst genässten Hosen gegangen, und so wird es auch diesmal sein, womit eigentlich schon alles gesagt wäre.

Already at that time, as already occurred more than a good dozen times before, over long centuries and even over two millennia, the fulfilment of the "prophecy" was, for them - wetting themselves with cowardly angst - a complete flop, and so will it also be this time; whereby essentially everything has already been said.

Um der Sache jedoch Genüge zu tun und alles einigermassen zu erklären, soll noch etwas mehr gesagt sein dazu, denn einige weitere Ausführungen können nicht schaden, sondern für vernünftige Menschen nur ein nutzvolles Verstehen bringen in bezug auf die falsche Prophezeiung und die Angst- und Panikmache.

However, in order to adequately deal with the matter, and to explain everything somewhat, something more should still be said about it, because some further explanations can do no harm. Instead, they can only bring a useful understanding, for rational human beings, in regard to the false prophecy and the creation of angst and panic.


Das angeblich bevorstehende Weltende und das Ende aller Zeit, wie dieses von den Angst- und Panikmachern für den 21. Dezember 2012 seit geraumer Zeit angekündigt wird und vielfach im täglichen Gerede ist, ist derartig unsinnig, dass selbst dumme Hühner darüber lachen müssten, wenn ihnen die Möglichkeit des Wissens und Verstehens darum gegeben wäre.

The alleged imminent end of the world and end of all time, which has been announced, by the creators of angst and panic, for a very long time, for the 21st of December, 2012, and which is often in daily conversation, is so nonsensical that even stupid chickens would have to laugh about it, were they given the possibility of having knowledge and understanding about it.

Einerseits beruht der ganze Unsinn vom angeblichen Weltende auf eindeutigen Irrungen und Wirrungen der Esoteriker, Panikmacher und Weltuntergangsspinner aller Art, die in einem uralten Kalender der Maya etwas herauslesen und verstehen wollen, wovon sie jedoch keine Ahnung haben.

On one hand the entire nonsense of the alleged end of the world is based on the unambiguous errors and confusions of the esoterics, panic-mongers and end-of-the-world nutcases of all kinds, who want to interpret and understand something in an ancient Mayan calendar about which, however, they have no inkling.

Schlichtwegs interpretieren sie einfach einen absolut hirnrissigen Unsinn in das Ganze hinein, das ihnen in Wahrheit gleich einem Buch mit sieben Siegeln ist.

They just simply read an absolutely brain-tearing nonsense into the whole thing which, in truth, is, to them, like a book with seven seals.

Ihren ganzen zusammengereimten Schwachsinn suchen sie sich auch aus allerlei alten und neuen sowie äusserst zweifelhaften Prophezeiungen zusammen, wie auch aus den gewaltigen weltweiten Naturkatastrophen, die immer schlimmer und zahlreicher in Erscheinung treten.

They also seek out and collect their entire worked-out dim-wittedness from all kinds of old and new, as well as extremely doubtful, prophecies, as well as from the enormous, worldwide, natural catastrophes, the occurrences of which are ever worse and more numerous.

Nebst dem spielen dabei auch all die kriminellen und kriegerischen Machenschaften und die allgemeinen Weltgeschehen eine wichtige Rolle, wie z.B. auch die weltweite Finanzkrise, der Rassenhass, der Hass auf Andersgläubige, die Todesstrafe und die grassierende Überbevölkerung.

Along with that, all the criminal and war-related machinations and general world events also play an important roll, as, for example, also the worldwide financial crisis, race hatred, hatred of those of different faiths, the death penalty and rampant overpopulation.

Der Angst- und Panikmache und den Weltuntergangsarien sind keine Grenzen gesetzt, und es wird daraus ein Untergangsbild der Erde gemacht, eine Apotheose als Schluss-Szenario einer Strafe Gottes.

No limits are set for the creation of angst and panic, nor for the arias about an end of the world, and, from that, a picture of the end of the world is made: an apotheosis as a punishment-god’s final scenario.

Fulminant, also wie ein Blitz, hat die schwachsinnige Panikmache des angeblichen Weltendes bei den Weltuntergangsgläubigen eingeschlagen, und so haben sich in ihnen untergründig bereits Angst, Panik und Schrecken eingenistet, die sich natürlich immer mehr steigern, je näher das angeblich verhängnisvolle Datum 21. Dezember 2012 kommt.

Brilliantly, therefore like a flash of lightning, the dim-witted panic-mongering about the alleged end of the world has struck the apocalypse-believers, and therefore angst, panic and terror have, in a concealed way, already implanted themselves in them and, naturally, increased more and more as the alleged fateful date, the 21st of December, 2012, approaches.


Auch die Machenschaften der Religionen und Sekten und deren prophetische Irrlehren werden dazu herangezogen, wie auch der ‹liebe› Gott, der in seinen angeblich ‹Heiligen Schriften› grundlegend böse nach Rache und Strafe sowie nach Krieg und Hass gegen Andersgläubige schreit und die wahre Liebe und Güte nur am Rande oder überhaupt nicht erwähnt.

The machinations of the religions and sects, and their prophetic false teachings, are also referred to in this context, as is also "dear" God who, in His alleged "holy scriptures", basically angrily screams for revenge and punishment as well as for war and hate against people of other faiths, and mentions true love and goodness only peripherally, or not at all.

Wird Weltuntergangsstimmung geschürt, dann werden sofort die himmlischen Heerscharen der Engel sowie Gott persönlich herbeigezogen, durch die alle guten Menschen mit UFOs in das himmlische Reich abgeholt werden sollen.

When the apocalypse mood is stirred up, then, immediately, the heavenly host of angels, as well as God personally, will be called in, through whom all good human beings are supposed to be taken away by UFOs into the heavenly realm.

Oft wird durch die Sektenhäuptlinge die Angst und Panik derart geschürt, dass nicht selten ganze wahngläubige Gruppen sich durch Selbstmord aus dem Leben befördern, um in eine bessere Welt oder ins verheissene Reich Gottes zu gelangen.

Often the angst and panic is so stirred up by sect chieftains that it is not seldom that entire groups of deluded believers deliver themselves from life by committing suicide in order to reach a better world or God’s promised realm.

Und beim ganzen Gott- und Engel- sowie Weltuntergangsunsinn wird den von Angst und Panik befallenen Gläubigen der Boden der Wirklichkeit unter den Füssen weggezogen.

And with the entire nonsense about God and angels, as well as the end-of-the-world nonsense, the basis of reality is pulled out from under the feet of the believers who have succumbed to angst and panic.

Demgemäss sind sie dem ganzen Schwachsinn hilflos ausgeliefert und nicht mehr in der Lage, klar zu denken, folglich sie auch nicht mehr ein noch aus wissen.

As a result of that they are helplessly at the mercy of the entire dim-wittedness and are no longer in a position to think clearly, consequently they no longer know which way to turn.

Das Ganze zeigt also böse Folgen, denn aus den daraus resultierenden Ängsten und Schrecken werden nicht nur Suizide begangen, sondern es verfallen zahlreiche Menschen auch krankhaften Gedanken und Gefühlen, durch die zerstörerische psychische Zustände ausgelöst werden.

Therefore the entire matter has evil consequences because, from the resulting angst and terror, not only suicides are committed but also numerous human beings succumb to pathological thoughts and feelings which trigger destructive psychic states.

Nebst dem treten bei manchen auch Bewusstseinsverirrungen in Erscheinung, aus denen heraus sie dem Wahn verfallen, Gottes Stimme und Befehle in der Weise zu hören, dass Menschen massakriert und umgebracht werden sollen, praktisch ausgeführt durch die rächende Hand Gottes in Form eines Menschen als göttliches Werkzeug.

Along with that, in many, aberrations of the consciousness also arise, from which they succumb to the delusion that they hear God’s voice and commands in such a way that human beings are supposed to be massacred and killed - in practise, carried out by the avenging hand of God in the form of a human being as a divine tool.


Angst- und Panikmache jeder Form in bezug auf einen angeblichen Weltuntergang ist besonders für Sektenhäuptlinge aller Art eine sehr beliebte Methode, um die ihnen gläubig Verfallenen an sich zu binden und sie finanziell und sehr oft auch sexuell sowie hinsichtlich physischer Arbeit auszubeuten.

The creation of angst and panic in every form, in regard to an alleged end of the world, is a much favoured method, especially for the sect chieftains of all kinds, in order to bind those who have succumbed to them in their belief, and to exploit them financially and very often also sexually, as well as in regard to physical work.

Angst- und Panikmache mit diffusen falschen Behauptungen, falschen Prophetien und irren Voraussagen in bezug auf Katastrophen, Gottesstrafen und Weltuntergänge wird aber auch durch Esoteriker betrieben, wie aber auch durch bösartige Scharlatane, die schadenfreudig die Menschen in Angst, Panik und Schrecken treiben, um sich darüber zu amüsieren.

The creation of angst and panic using vague false claims, false prophecies and erroneous predictions in regard to catastrophes, God’s punishment and apocalypses is, however, also pushed along by esoterics as well as by malicious charlatans who, taking pleasure in people’s misery, drive the human beings into angst, panic and terror in order to amuse themselves over it.

Dann gibt es aber auch noch die Besserwisser und Mystiker, die sich erdreisten zu behaupten, dass sie durch Visionen kommende Geschehen und Katastrophen usw. ‹visionieren› könnten oder dass sie altherkömmliche verschlüsselte Prophetien usw. entschlüsselt hätten und alles für die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft genau datieren könnten.

But then there are also the know-it-alls and mystics who presume to claim that they can "visualise" coming events and catastrophes, and so forth, through visions, or that they have deciphered long-established, encrypted prophecies and so forth, and can put an exact date on everything for the past, present and future.

Dies natürlich alles entgegen ihrem besseren Wissen, dass ihre Behauptungen nur solche sind und bleiben, sich nie erfüllt haben und sich auch nicht erfüllen, folglich auch nie eine wirkliche Wahrheit hinter allem steckt, sondern nur Phantasie, Verantwortungslosigkeit und Schall und Rauch.

This is all, naturally, contrary to their better knowledge, which is that their claims are, and remain, only claims, and have never been fulfilled and also are not being fulfilled, consequently also a real truth never lies behind any of it, but only fantasy, hollow words and lack of responsibility.

Solcherlei falsche Behauptungen sind eigentlich nichts anderes als bösartige und verantwortungslose Lügen, Irreführungen und Betrug, weil daraus auch finanzielle Profite geschlagen werden.

These kinds of false claims are essentially nothing other than malicious and irresponsible lies, deceit and the misleading of people, because thereby financial profits are also made.

Auch sind sie a priori nicht ungefährlich, weil daraus eben auch Selbstmorde und Morde sowie Zerstörungen hervorgehen, wenn die Angst- und Panikgepeinigten durchdrehen und verrückt spielen.

They are also a priori not without danger, because even suicide and murder as well as destruction also emerge from them, if those who are tormented by angst and panic spin out and go mad.


Tatsächlich ist es so, dass es keine Interessengruppe gibt, die gegen die Angst- und Panikmache durch die Weltuntergangspropheten und Verschwörungstheoretiker usw. jeder Art vorgehen würde, damit viel menschliches Unheil vermieden werden könnte, das aus dem Schwachsinn hervorgeht.

The fact is that no interest group exists which would take action against the creation of angst and panic by the end-of-the-world prophets and conspiracy theorists, and so forth, of every kind, in order that much human disaster, which emerges from the dim-wittedness, could be avoided.

Auch die Regierungen lassen den ganzen Unsinn zu, wodurch besonders Sektenheinis für ihre brüllend schwachsinnigen Machenschaften freie Bahn haben, wie auch alle sonstigen Seelenhändler, die Tod und Teufel an die Wand malen und unzählige ihnen Gläubige in Angst, Panik und Schrecken jagen.

Also the governments allow the entire nonsense, whereby especially sect twerps have free rein for their howlingly dim-witted machinations, as do all other traders in the soul who court trouble and chase their uncountable believers into angst, panic and terror.

Also können die Weltuntergangstheoretiker ungehindert weiterwerkeln und ‹prophetisch› Chaos über Chaos verkünden, wodurch die Erde aus dem Universum ebenso verschwinden soll wie natürlich auch die ganze Menschheit und alles Leben überhaupt.

Therefore the end-of-the-world theorists can work on unhindered and "prophetically" announce chaos upon chaos, whereby the Earth is supposed to disappear from the universe just as is, naturally, the entirety of humanity and absolutely all life.

Und genau dieser brüllende Schwachsinn wird wieder, weil er ein andermal bei der Jahrhundert- und Jahrtausendwende 2000 nicht funktioniert hat, für das Jahr 2012 ‹prophezeit›.

And exactly this howling dim-wittedness is being "prophesised" again for the year 2012 because, once more, it did not function with the year 2000, being the turn of the century and millennium.

Der ganze Unsinn des angeblich drohenden Weltuntergangs basiert dabei auf einem uralten astronomischen Kalender der Maya, in dem ganz klar aufgezeichnet sein soll, dass das Ende der Welt und der Zeit mit dem Datum vom 21. Dezember 2012 erfolge.

The entire nonsense of the alleged threatening end of the world is based on an ancient, astronomical Mayan calendar in which it is supposed to be quite clearly recorded that the end of the world and end of time will occur on the date of December 21st, 2012.

Bei dieser schwachsinnigen Auslegung des Maya-Kalenders kann mit ruhigem Gewissen davon gesprochen werden, dass die verantwortungslosen und paranoiden Urheber des Unsinns mit Sicherheit selig vor apokalyptischer Vorfreude sind, wie das bei derartigen Irren allgemein der Fall ist.

Of this dim-witted interpretation of the Mayan calendar it can be said, with a clear conscience, that the irresponsible and paranoid originators of the nonsense are certainly blissfully full of happy apocalyptical anticipation, as is generally the case with that type of lunatic.

Dass sie vielfach selbst in Angst und Panik sind und gar den eigenen idiotisch erfundenen Unsinn glauben, beweist sich dadurch, dass sie glauben, sie könnten sich vor dem von ihnen angesagten galoppierenden Schwachsinn Weltuntergang retten, indem sie einfach ihr Heimatland verlassen und anderswo hinziehen – paradox aber wahr.

That they are often themselves in a state of angst and panic, and even believe their own idiotically invented nonsense, proves itself, in that they believe that they could save themselves from the galloping dim-wittedness which they announced, being the end of the world, in that they simply leave their homeland and move elsewhere – paradoxical but true.


Der 21. Dezember 2012 ist – wie lange dauert es danach wohl bis zur nächsten Weltuntergangspanikmache? – für diesmal die absolute globale Endzeitbeschwörung.

The 21st of December, 2012, is – how long will it be after that before the next end-of-the-world panic-mongering? –  this time the absolute global, end-times conspiracy.

Wird im Internet nach diesbezüglichen Einträgen gesucht, finden sich Unsinnigkeiten sondergleichen, so es unvermeidlich ist, von einem Schwindel anfall in den nächsten zu fallen, von einem Angstschrei in den nächsten und in absolute Panik.

If Internet searches are made regarding this, one finds unequalled nonsense. Therefore, to be assailed by one swindle after another is unavoidable; by one scream of angst after another, and in absolute panic.

Werden die Internetseiten genau durchforstet, dann werden als Grund des prophezeiten Untergangs der Welt und der Zeit unterschiedlichste Möglichkeiten und Ursachen aufgeführt, durch die sich dem vernünftigen Menschen die Nackenhaare sträuben.

Were the Internet sites precisely sifted through, then one would find the most varied possibilities and causes cited as the grounds for the prophesied destruction of the world and of time; possibilities and causes which cause the rational human being’s hair to stand on end.

Einheitlich aber berufen sich alle auf den 21. Dezember 2012, der im Maya-Kalender als Datum des gegenwärtigen weltlichen und universellen Untergangs beschrieben sein soll.

Uniformly, however, all cite the 21st of December, 2012, which is supposed to be described in the Mayan calendar as the date of the current worldly and universal downfall.

Das Ganze wird dabei nicht nur als Prophetie deklariert, sondern gar als eine fixe Voraussage und damit als etwas Unabänderliches, was natürlich in der einen wie in der andern Form einem absoluten Unfug entspricht.

The entire thing is thereby not only declared as prophecy, rather even as a fixed prediction, and with that, as something unalterable, which naturally corresponds to absolute mischief in the one form just as it does in the other.

Natürlich ist dabei zu sagen, dass das Jahr 2012 einen Höhepunkt der Sonnentätigkeit bringt, wodurch sich verschiedene unerfreuliche Dinge auf der Erde ergeben können.

To say about that, naturally, is that the year 2012 brings a peak in the Sun’s activity whereby various unpleasant things can happen on the Earth.

Dies z.B. in bezug auf eine noch grössere Eisschmelze an den Gletschern und Polen, als dies jetzt schon der Fall ist, wie aber auch hinsichtlich Störungen in den elektronischen Systemen und bei den Satelliten sowie vermehrter und stärkerer Naturkatastrophen, nebst vielleicht anderen möglichen aber kaum eintreffenden Dingen.

This, for example, relates to a still greater melting of the glacial and polar ice than is now already the case, just as it relates to disturbances in electronic systems and with satellites, as well as increased and greater natural catastrophes, maybe along with other possible, but rarely occurring, things.

Grundsätzlich entsprechen diese Vorkommnisse der Naturkatastrophen dann jedoch nur der Fortsetzung der jetzigen Naturgeschehen, an deren Ausartung der Mensch grossenteils die Schuld trägt.

Fundamentally then, these occurrences of natural catastrophes correspond, however, only to the continuation of the current natural events, the degeneration of which is largely the fault of the human being.

Das aber hat nichts mit Prophezeiungen und Voraussagen der Maya zu tun, wie diese angeblich aus dem Maya-Kalender hervorgehen sollen, blödsinnig und wahrheitsfremd ‹errechnet› mit mystischen Zahlenspielen.

But that has nothing to do with the Mayan prophecies and predictions, as are allegedly supposed to come forth from the Mayan calendar - "calculated", stupidly and in a way that is foreign to the truth, by means of mystical number games.

Der ganze Blödsinn, Schwachsinn und Unsinn wird dabei auch nicht wahrer, indem die Angst- und Panikmache verantwortungslos weiter geschürt und herangebetet wird, denn was sich nicht erfüllen kann, wird sich auch nicht erfüllen.

Also, the entire stupidity, dim-wittedness and nonsense does not become any more true with the further irresponsible stirring-up and invoking of panic-mongering, because what cannot fulfil itself will also not fulfil itself.

Was beim Ganzen wirkliche Tatsache ist, das beruht darin, dass sich die Maya bis zur heutigen Zeit als ein längst vergangenes mythisches und rätselhaftes Volk darbieten, das heute noch viele Dinge unter dem Schleier des Geheimnisvollen verbirgt.

The fact of the entire matter really is based in that the Maya, up to the current time, serve as a long-past, mythical and mysterious people which still today conceals many things under the veil of mystery.

Schon als die spanischen Conquistadores, resp. Eroberer, auf ihren Eroberungs- und Raubzügen Mord und Tod verbreitend auf der Halbinsel Yucatan durch die Regenwälder zogen, stiessen sie auf für sie sehr seltsame, gespenstische und unheimlich anmutende Dinge.

Already when the Spanish conquistadors, more precisely, conquerors, marched through the rainforests on their conquering and robbing expeditions, spreading murder and death on the Yucatan Peninsula, they came upon things that, for them, seemed very strange, eerie and weird.

Sie fielen in alte und vom Dschungel längst überwucherte und zudem menschenlose Städte ein, in denen meisterhaft erstellte und feinstverzierte Paläste standen und grosse Plätze waren.

They invaded old cities, long overgrown by jungle, and, what’s more, uninhabited, and in which masterfully constructed and finely decorated palaces stood, and in which there were great plazas.

Vielfach fanden sich auch Dinge, Steine, Vasen und gar Bücher usw., die mit fremdartigen und unerklärlichen Zeichen beschriftet waren, gemalt, eingeritzt oder eingehauen. Zeichen, die nicht entziffert und nicht verstanden werden konnten.

Often things, stones, vases and even books, and so forth, were also found which were inscribed with exotic and inexplicable signs: painted, engraved or carved – signs which could not be deciphered and could not be understood.

Es waren alles Dinge der einstigen Maya-Hochkultur, die infolge Natur katastrophen und beinahe plötzlich schon lange untergegangen war, ehe die spanischen Eroberer von Europa her nach Südamerika überschifften, massenweise indianische Einheimische ermordeten und wertvolle Goldschätze und alles das zusammenraubten, was ihnen in die Hände fiel.

These were all things of the one-time Mayan high culture, which, as a consequence of natural catastrophes, and almost suddenly, had already long since come to an end before the Spanish conquerors from Europe sailed to South America, murdered masses of Indian natives and snatched up valuable gold treasures and everything that fell into their hands.


Erst im letzten Jahrhundert konnte das Rätsel der Mayaschrift gelöst werden.

Only in the last century was the puzzle of the Mayan text able to be solved.

Es war in den 1980er Jahren.

It was in the 1980s.

Epigrafiker (Kundige archäologischer Schriften) konnten dem uralten Geheimnis der Mayaschrift auf den Grund gehen und die Schrift verstehen lernen.

Epigraphists (experts in archaeological texts) were able get to the bottom of the ancient secret of the Mayan text and come to understand it.

Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Maya wissensstarke Astronomen waren, demgemäss sie ein umfangreiches Kalenderwerk entwickelten, das bis in die heutige Zeit hinein seine Gültigkeit und Richtigkeit hat.

It turned out that the Maya were knowledgeable astronomers, consequently they developed a comprehensive calendar which, right up to the current time, has its validity and correctness.

Genau dieses Kalenderwerk wird jedoch von Weltenuntergangsfanatikern, von Esoterikern, Sekten, Angst- und Panikmachern sowie von sonstigen Endzeitbeschwörern für ihre bösartigen falschen Prophezeiungen und Voraussagen schändlich missbraucht.

Exactly this calendar, however, is shamefully abused by apocalypse fanatics, by esoterics, sects, creators of angst and panic, as well as from other end-times invokers, for their malicious, false prophecies and predictions.

Grundlegend ist dabei zu sagen, dass auch die Wissenschaft beim Ganzen eine sehr unrühmliche Rolle spielt.

Fundamentally, what there is to say about that is that also science plays a very inglorious role in the whole matter.

Tatsächlich wurde diese nämlich für den ganzen Weltenendeschwachsinn missbraucht, und zwar egal, ob wissentlich oder unwissentlich.

Actually, this was namely abused for the whole end-of-the-world dim-wittedness, and it is all the same whether it was done knowingly or unknowingly.

Natürlich sind wissenschaftlich bewiesene Fakten gegeben in bezug auf frühere Völker und Zeiten, so auch die Tatsache, dass z.B. die Azteken sich mit astronomischen und schöpferischen Dingen beschäftigten, was daraus hervorgeht, dass die Azteken im 5. Schöpfungszyklus zu leben glaubten.

Naturally there are scientifically proven facts in regard to earlier peoples and times, therefore there is also the fact that, for example, the Aztecs occupied themselves with astronomical and creational things from which it emerges that the Aztecs believed that they lived in the 5th cycle of Creation.

Bei diesem Zyklus handelte es sich um eine kosmologische Sicht, die irrig und willkürlich einfach auf die Maya übertragen wurde, und zwar geschah dies zu einer Zeit, als die Mayaschrift noch nicht entziffert war und noch kein Wissenschaftler verstand, was die Hieroglyphen auszusagen hatten.

This cycle was to do with with a cosmological view which erroneously and arbitrarily was simply attributed to the Maya, and indeed this happened at a time when the Mayan text had not yet been deciphered and no scientist had yet come to understand what the hieroglyphs had to express.

Tatsache ist auch, dass die Maya nur eine einzige Schöpfung kannten, was auch aus den aufgefundenen Schriftwerken hervorgeht, die sich in ihren Darlegungen gesamthaft nur auf eine einzige konzentrieren, folglich kein Schriftstück bekannt ist, in dem verschiedene Schöpfungen genannt würden.

The fact is also that the Maya only knew one single Creation, a fact which also emerges in the discovered texts which, in the entirety of their explanations, only concentrate on one single Creation, consequently no piece of text is known in which different Creations are named.

Klar und deutlich kommt auch der Glaube der Maya in bezug auf das Alter des Universums zum Ausdruck, das von heute im Jahr 2010 gerechnet, vor 5124 Jahren entstanden sein soll, und zwar genau am 13. August gemäss der heutigen christlichen Zeitrechnung.

The Mayan belief is clearly and distinctly expressed in regard to the age of the universe which, calculated from today in the year 2010, is supposed to have originated 5,124 years ago and indeed exactly on the 13th of August according to the current Christian reckoning of time.

Natürlich ist diese Vorstellung ebenso unsinnig wie der Mayaglaube, dass die gegenwärtige Welt 33mal ein mythisches Bak’tun dauere, was jeweils einer Zeit von 400 Jahren entspricht und somit einer Gesamtzeit von 13 200 Jahren, während der Maya-Kalender jedoch nur bis zum 21. Dezember reicht, wonach er sich dann wieder erneuert.

Naturally this idea is just as nonsensical as is the Mayan belief that the present world will last 33 times the duration of a mythical b'ak'tun, which, in each case, corresponds to a time of 400 years and, with that, an entire time of 13,200 years, while the Mayan calendar, however, reaches only up to the 21st of December, after which it then renews itself again.

Das gegenwärtige Universum existiert gemäss der Maya-Vorstellung seit dem 11. August 5123, zurückgerechnet ab heutiger Zeit, folgedem müssten nach Mayaglauben noch weitere 8076 Jahre folgen, ehe die 33 x 400 Jahre erfüllt wären, wobei in bezug auf diese Erfüllung in keiner Art und Weise festgesetzt ist, was dann einmal wirklich sein wird.

According to the Mayan idea, the present universe has existed since the 11th of August, 5123, calculated backwards from the current time. Consequently, according to the Mayan belief, a further 8,076 years would have to follow before the 33 times 400 years would fulfil itself, whereby, in regard to this fulfilment, it is in no way established what will really exist then.

Natürlich ist auch diese Berechnung nicht mit der Wirklichkeit des Alters der Erde und des Universums vereinbar, denn wie hätten auch die damaligen Kenntnisse der Astronomie ohne die heutige Technik und Astrophysik das Erde- und Universumalter bestimmen können!

Naturally this calculation is also not consistent with the reality of the age of the Earth and of the universe, because how could the astronomical knowledge at that time have been able to determine the age of the the Earth and the universe without current technology and astrophysics?

Das Ganze weist aber zumindest mit Bestimmtheit darauf hin, dass all die knallblöden Weltuntergangstheorien in bezug auf die angeblichen Aussagen des Mayakalenders – und damit hinsichtlich des 21. Dezembers 2012 – schwachsinniger Humbug sind.

All that, however, at least shows with certainty that all of the crack-brained end-of-the-world theories in regard to the alleged statements of the Mayan calendar – and thereby in regard to the 21st of December, 2012 – are dim-witted humbug.

Genau mit diesen dumm-dämlichen Berechnungen setzt aber der esoterische Blödsinn mit seinen irren, wirren und mystischen Zahlenspielereien ein, die weder Hand noch Fuss haben.

It is exactly with these stupid, idiotic calculations, however, that the esoteric nonsense starts, with its mad, confused and mystical number games which have no factual basis whatsoever.

Diesen irren Zahlenberechnungs-Unsinnigkeiten gemäss soll nämlich der 13. Bak’tun resp. der dreizehnte 400-Jahre-Zyklus genau am 21. Dezember 2012 enden, und damit auch die Existenz der Welt und der Zeit.

According to this mad number-calculation nonsense, namely the 13th b'ak'tun, that is, the thirteenth 400-year cycle, is supposed to end exactly on the 21st of December, 2012, and with that, also the existence of the world and of time.

Und dieser grenzenlose Blödsinn wurde zusammengebastelt bezüglich der angeblich bösen Unglückszahl 13, die bei vielen Menschen Ängste auslöst, weil sie wahngläubig resp. im Volksmund abergläubisch sind.

And this boundless nonsense was knocked together in relation to the allegedly evil, unlucky number, 13, which triggers angst with many human beings because they are delusional, or, in common parlance, superstitious.

Und hinsichtlich dieses Wahnglaubens, aus dem die durch Verrückte und Unvernünftige erphantasierte Endzeitbeschwörung, das Maya-Weltuntergangs-Szenario, resultiert, ist noch etwas Wichtiges zu sagen, das von Interesse ist.

And in regard to this delusion, from which results the end-times conspiracy - the Mayan apocalypse scenario, dreamed up by mad and irrational ones - there is still something important to say which is of interest.

Die Wissenschaftler aller Herren Länder haben nämlich in bezug auf alte Völker, deren Kulturen, Religionen, Sitten und Gebräuche sowie deren Astronomiewissen enorme Erkenntnisse gewonnen, die von den durchgedrehten Angst- und Panikmachern und Weltuntergangspropheten ebenfalls missbraucht werden, wie eben im Fall des Schöpfungszyklus der Azteken.

The scientists of all sovereign countries have, namely, gained enormous knowledge in regard to ancient peoples, their cultures, religions, ethics and customs, as well as their astronomical knowledge, which is likewise abused by the spun-out creators of angst and panic, and by apocalypse-prophets, just as has occurred in the case of the Aztecs’ Creation cycle.

Auch völlig Unverstandenes bezüglich der Mayakultur, wie die astronomischen Berechnungen, dienen für den Weltuntergangsquatsch, wobei die Wissenschaftler nicht unschuldig daran sind, weil sie, wie gesagt, Dinge der Azteken den Maya unterschoben.

Completely misunderstood things regarding the Mayan culture, such as the astronomical calculations, also serve for the end-of-the-world rubbish, whereby the scientists are not without blame for that because, as was said, they wrongly attributed things about the Aztecs to the Maya.

Zusammen mit der irren Zahlenmystik, besonders wie sie in Europa von Esoterikern und mystisch Angehauchten betrieben wird, wurde das Ganze zur Endzeitbeschwörung des 21. Dezembers 2012 zusammengebraut.

Together with the mad number-mysticism, especially as it is pushed along in Europe by esoterics and those with mystical tendencies, the whole thing was concocted into the end-times conspiracy of December 21st, 2012.

Nun, die Wahrheit in bezug auf den Mayakalender ist die, dass dieser im Jahr 2012 endet, dann jedoch über das Ende hinausgeht und neuerlich beginnt und weitergeht, wie das auch mit jedem Kalender der Neuzeit geschieht, denn ist ein Jahreskalender usw. abgelaufen und beendet, dann kommt ein neuer zur Geltung, genau wie es, wie erklärt, beim Mayakalender der Fall ist.

Now, the truth in regard to the Mayan calendar is that this ends in the year 2012, but then extends beyond the end, and newly begins and continues on, as also happens with every calendar of the new time, because when an annual calendar, and so forth, has run its course and has ended, then a new one becomes valid exactly as is the case with the Mayan calendar, as explained.

Endet also mit dem Jahr 2012 der 13. Bak’tun resp. der dreizehnte 400-Jahre-Zyklus, dann geht der ganze Kalenderlauf weiter mit 20 weiteren Bak’tun, wobei diese für die Schöpfung bestimmt sein sollen, was das auch immer heissen mag, jedoch nichts mit einem Weltuntergang zu tun hat.

Therefore, when the 13th b'ak'tun - that is to say, the thirteenth 400-year cycle - ends, with the year 2012, then the entire course of the calendar proceeds further with 20 further b'ak'tun, whereby these are supposed to be determined for the Creation, whatever that is supposed to mean, however they have nothing to do with an end of the world.

Wenn den Maya ein Ende der Welt und der Zeit in die Schuhe geschoben werden will in bezug auf ihre 33 Bak’tun resp. die 33 x 400 Jahre des Bestehens der Welt und der Zeit, dann könnte dieses Ende, ab 2012 gerechnet, erst 8076 Jahre in der Zukunft der Fall sein.

If an end of the world and of time is to be foisted upon the Maya in regard to their 33 b'ak'tun, respectively, the 33 x 400 years of existence of the world and time, then, calculated from 2012, this end could only occur 8,076 years in the future.

Weder der Mayakalender noch sonst irgendwelche Mayaschriften, ob gemalt, gezeichnet, auf Vasen geritzt oder in Stein gehauen, enthalten irgendwelche Prophezeiungen oder Voraussagen für eine Katastrophe oder einen Weltuntergang im Jahr 2012.

Neither the Mayan calendar, nor any other Mayan texts, whether painted, drawn, engraved on vases or hewn in stone, contain any sort of prophecies or predictions for a catastrophe or an end of the world in the year 2012.

Diese Tatsache zieht sich durch alle Mayadarstellungen hindurch, und zwar restlos in allen Mayagebieten.

This fact is apparent throughout all Mayan explanations and indeed without exception in all Mayan spheres.

Die den Maya angedichteten apokalyptischen Prophezeiungen und Voraussagen entsprechen nicht mehr und nicht weniger als nur hirnverbrannten Angst und Panikphantasien allerlei Gehirnamputierter.

The apocalyptical prophecies and predictions attributed to the Maya correspond to nothing more and nothing less than just the crack-pot, angst-fuelled and panic-fuelled fantasies of all kinds of brain-amputees.

Das ist die Wahrheit in bezug auf den Mayakalender und den angeblich darin astronomisch-prophetisch aufgezeichneten Weltuntergang am 21. Dezember 2012.

That is the truth in regard to the Mayan calendar and the end of the world on the 21st of December, 2012, which is allegedly astronomically-prophetically recorded in it.


Was letztlich noch zu sagen ist, das ist die Tatsache, dass die Maya dem Schamanentum einen grossen Platz einräumten, woraus ein Wahrsager-Codex resultierte.

Lastly, what remains to be said is that it is a fact that the Maya conceded a big place to shamanism from which a soothsayer codex resulted.

In diesem Codex wird von einer grossen Flut berichtet, die einen ‹Weltuntergang› gebracht hat oder bringen kann.

In this codex a great flood is reported which had brought, or can bring, an "end of the world".

Offenbar handelt es sich dabei um die gleiche grosse Flut, die schon den Sumerern und anderen Kulturen bekannt war, die aber auch in der Bibel als Sündenflut resp. Sintflut ihren Niederschlag gefunden hat.

Obviously this has to do with the same great flood which was already known to the Sumerians and other cultures, but which also found expression in the Bible as the flood which was sent as a result of sin, respectively, as the deluge.

Der Wahrsager-Codex ist eines der vier erhalten gebliebenen Mayabücher und führt auf die Zeit zurück, als noch keine spanischen Conquistadores die Mayastätten fanden und überall alles mordeten und raubten, wessen sie habhaft wurden.

The soothsayer-codex is one of the four still-preserved Mayan books and leads back to the time when the Spanish conquistadors had not yet found any Mayan cities where they murdered and robbed everywhere they wanted to take possession.

Der Wahrsager-Codex wurde jedoch mit europäisch-christlichem Gedankengut vermischt, jedoch wie und wann, das ist nicht geklärt.

The soothsayer codex was, however, mixed with with the product of European-Christian thinking, however the how and when is not resolved.

Das Buchfaltblatt zeigt einen Himmel, aus dem heraus ein ‹Himmelskrokodil› hängt, das gewaltige Wassermassen ausspeit.

The book insert shows a heaven, out of which a "heavenly crocodile" hangs, which spews out enormous masses of water.

Dieser Wahrsager-Codex war ein Werk der Schamanen, das unter anderem auch Berechnungen enthält, die z.B. im Zusammenhang stehen mit dem im Maya kalender aufgeführten Zusammentreffen des Beginns der Regenzeit am 1. Juni des sogenannten Tages ‹5 EB›.

This soothsayer codex was a work of the shamans, which, among other things, also includes calculations which, for example, are associated with the coinciding of the annual start of the rainy season, as cited in the Mayan calendar, on the 1st of June, of the so-called day "5 EB".

Dafür ist ein Zeitraum von rund 1400 Jahren berechnet, wobei sich das Ganze regelmässig gemäss dieser festgelegten Zeit immer wieder wiederholt.

For that, a period of time of around 1,400 years is calculated, whereby the entire thing always regularly repeats according to this fixed time.


Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrüti

16 November 2009, 1:03 AM


Translated by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine.

Posted: June 14, 2010

Michael Horn